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Clinical setting offers the

students the opportunity to

have learned in the classroom.
2. in the nursing
laboratory are

3. of
refined and honed in clinical
4.Students are aided by the clinical
instructor on how to

5. which is the
ability to interact meaningfully ,
properly comfortably and effectively
with culturally diverse patient will be
6. Learn the ,
which behaviors and values are
acceptable or unacceptable , and where
responsibility and accountability for
one’s actions is demanded and

1.One clinical instructor is in in charge of 8-12 students

in a clinical area based on the requirements set by CHED
as follows:
The ratio of student to clientele depends upon the
objectives and the capacity of the student . The ratio of
student to clientele is :
LEVEL 1st Sem 2nd Sem
II 1:1 1:2
III 1:2-3 1:3-4
IV 1:5 1:6
The prescribed faculty student ratio is:

LEVEL 1st Sem 2nd Sem

II 1:8 1:8
III 1:10-12 1:10-12
IV 1:12-15 1:12-15
2.Students are retained in the nursing skills
laboratory room until they are proficient in the skills
required by a certain nursing procedure

3.A clinical nursing course to be conducted in the

classroom area before students are sent to the
clinical area

1. Choosing clinical and community agency sites

2. Staff who can serve as a good role models for students
and partners of clinical instructors who are aware of their
role as members of a teaching hospital or facility
3. Accessibility and safety of the site
4. Drawing up a contract between school and the agency
Final Preparations for Clinical Instruction

1.Student Orientation
Includes an overview of the ff:
v basic policies and procedures
v physical set up and facilities
v the administrative staff done through a (guided tour
and group orientation conference with the Chief Nurse)
Group orientation activity should include the ff:
vspecific objectives
v course requirements
v accepted student behavior and decorum and other
expectations .
1. Description of learners

2. Focus of Clinical Experience

3. Setting
4. Briefing or Orientation
v learning objectives
v requirements
v specific activities
v nature of evaluation, and
v grading system)
5. Schedule of Activities ( weekly)

TIME 1 2 3
7:00- 8:00 Received endorsement Preparation of meds /drug recitation
8:00- 9:00 Conduct pre-conference
9:00-10:00 Ward orientation and ward NPI/Bedside care
set up
10:00-10:15 BREAK BREAK
10:15-12:00 NPI /Bedside care Bedside Care /Health Teaching
12:00-12:30 LUNCH BREAK (30 MINUTES )
12:30-2:00 CONTINUE NPI

2:00- Endorsement/evaluation of NCP Continuation of NPI Group

3:00 discussion/sharings
reaction paper
6. Activities


1. Familiarize oneself a. Attend the a. Attend the Question and answer/
on the physical set up , orientation session orientation session open forum
SOPs, and conducted by the conducted by the
organizational set up Nursing Service Nursing Service
Officer Officer
b. Conduct b. participate in the
preconference with pre conference
2. Implement student Assign 3 clients per a. Make pre visit of Direct Observation
assignment student the client and gather
the necesrary data
from the pt’s chart
Ward orientation is given to the students in the form of a
short assignment where he/she will be
vassigned to a patient to do initial assessment
v familiarization of routine activities
v used of the bedside records, and
v getting to know the staff members
Final Preparations for Clinical Instruction

2. Student Assessment - in terms of the ff:

v what they know,
vtheir strengths and limitations,
v barriers to learning
v positive influences, and
v perception of the teaching-learning situation
3. Daily Activities
a. Making the students assignments
- one student is assigned to one or more
patients , limited to only ceratin aspects of care or it may
be total care
student is assigned to one or more clients along with
another student or staff member
ADVANTAGE - Decreased anxiety for the student nurse ,
fosters truly suppportive realtionship and the staff member
serve as the role model
-student is assigned as helper in
hospital setting who works in a supportive capacity with
several other students in their individual assignments with
-a preceptor is a “tutor”, and in nursing this is
a formal arrangement that pairs a student ( novice) and a
staff member ( experienced nurse) who serve as a mentor .

b. Posting these assignments in a predetermined location

c. Helping students to learn

Teacher activities include:

PRECONFERENCE -working with the student during
preparation of the clinical experience ; one format includes
a combined use of the ff:
contains information obtained by the
student regarding client treatment and diagnosis
- focuses on individuyalized patient
care based on the nursing diagnosis
Basic Information that is needed in relation to the client are :

a. Definition of diagnosis and its related pathophysiology

b. Past or planned surgical procedure
c. Treatments require and identifying related nursing
d. Describing medication (action,desired effects,dosage
range,side effects, major implications)
e. Describing each diagnostic test ( normal values,what is
being tested,existing variations, and related nursing
responsibilities )
PRACTICE SESSIONS -working with the
students at the time of actual patient care ; the
teacher must be able to
Working with the student during follow-up
activities which include:
A.Postcare conferences--provides an ideal time
to point out application of theory to practice
group problem solving and evaluating nursing
care; one or two students will share their
experiences with the members
B.Log and Diaries- students use the reflection
process to think about their experiences and
communicate with their instructors

C.Nursing Care Plans

D.Nursing or walking rounds -before entering the
patient’s room the assigned student already informs
the group about the patient and his diagnosis . The
student interacts with the patient and the others
observe ;
E.SHIFT REPORT-student nurse listens or maybe asked to
give an account of what happened during the shift.

Evaluation of student learning and performance in the

clinical setting -teacher give feedbacks and suggestions
about their performance

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