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Earthquake, also called

earthquake, is the
sudden and temporary
shaking of the earth's
crust produced by the
release of accumulated
energy in the form of
seismic waves; This is
what in Mexico caused
terror to the citizens,
disasters in it in 1985.
Many people lost a
home, many sorrows
due to the death of
relatives or close friends, but above all, for the support of all citizens, help
of firefighters and rescue teams made it possible that despite all this
disaster all those who suffered it, came out ahead and in the current time
we can say that it was only a terrible memory.

At 7:19 a.m. on September 19, 1985, the capital of the country was shaken by an
earthquake of magnitude 8.1.

The movement devastated the

downtown area, causing severe
damage to hundreds of buildings and
killing thousands of people.

The exact number of victims left by that

earthquake is not known: the
government said there were 3,692. The
Mexican Red Cross indicates that the
figure exceeded 10,000.

Neither is the number of people affected by the disaster, between victims and those
who suffered psychological consequences.

The 1985 earthquake occurred off the coast of Michoacán, in the Pacific Ocean.

Its shock wave took two minutes to reach the center of the country.

The inhabitants of Mexico City realized when the floor began to move.

Many of those who lost their lives in the earthquake were still asleep or did not have
time to get out of their houses before they collapsed. In the first hours after the
earthquake, the authorities remained virtually paralyzed.

Thus, in the first hours, the help was

provided by thousands of volunteers who,
in many cases, with only their hands,
rescued the people trapped under the

From among these improvised rescuers

emerged organizations that specialized in
this kind of disaster and are known

The most famous is the group Topos, which even now often help in seismic disasters in
various countries.
This traumatic experience also forced the creation of a National Civil Protection System
to prevent the safety of citizens and
reduce damage from natural
disasters, not only from earthquakes
but also from hurricanes, floods, land
clearing, softening of the land or
overflow of rivers that impact Mexico
every year. In addition to the seismic
alert system, programs were
established to create a culture of
prevention in schools and work
centers and to rehearse, through
drills, the actions in the event of an

On the other hand, On September

19, 2017, at 1:14 p.m., an
earthquake of 7.1 magnitude
occurred, whose epicenter was 12
kilometers from Axochiapan,
Morelos, on the border between
Morelos and Puebla and 120
kilometers from Mexico City. That
day the country was hit by
earthquakes that left hundreds dead
and thousands of families who still
do not have a roof over their heads,
since the earthquake caused the collapse of several buildings and houses.
And since the 2017 earthquake, reports of poorly constructed buildings that collapsed or
suffered irreparable damage have been frequent. On the other hand, subsequent
investigations revealed innumerable irregularities that caused damage to real estate,
the death of dozens of people, and the diversion of resources destined to assist victims
towards political campaigns.
Economic losses
The economic losses due to the 1985 earthquake reached 4,103.5 million dollars (mdd),
which at current prices would mean 9,268.5 million dollars, according to estimates by
the Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL).
In 1985, the country was going through an economic recession marked by austerity
measures in public spending that were supposed to reduce the fiscal deficit and
inflation. The market structure was very different from the current one, given that there
was a significant price control, a greater participation of the government in the economic
activity of the country and in general it was more concentrated in the center of the


The radiation waves propagated in a southeasterly direction, causing "directional effects

towards Mexico City", which caused the elastic waves to triple their intensity. Due to the
characteristics of the ground, the waves had an effect of harmonic movement and

We can say that this earthquake was one of the most unfortunate for our country, which
is Mexico.
For the people of the capital, the 1985 earthquake not only involved family, economic
and cultural losses, but also lessons in terms of safety, housing and prevention. The
way people lived together, met or went to work changed radically. Physically, Mexico
City has a very palpable before and after that triggered a 360-degree turn. The
emblematic buildings of that time changed remarkably and even ceased to exist.

But thanks to all the effort and support that was presented, they were able to continue
after this great natural disaster, but unfortunately years later, who would say that the
same thing would happen again, but with the same support and the same strength as
citizens they remained united and again they were able to get out of that unfortunate



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