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Module in Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person
(Grade 12)
First Quarter – Week 5



Department of Education • Schools Division of Tabuk City

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Purok 2, Bulanao Norte, Tabuk City

Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum
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This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division particularly the

Learning Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of Education,
Schools Division of Tabuk City which is in response to the implementation of the K
to 12 Curriculum.
This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education- CID,
Schools Division of Tabuk City. It aims to improve students’ performance
specifically in English.

Date of Development : August 2020

Resource Location : Tabuk City National High School

Northern Tabuk District I
Schools Division of Tabuk City

Learning Area : Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human


Grade Level : 12

Learning Resource Type : Module

Language : English

Quarter/Week : Quarter 1/Week 5

Learning Competency/Code : Realize that “all actions have consequences.”

/ PPT11/12-IIa-5.1
:Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices.
:Realize that: Choices have consequences and
some things are given up while others are
obtained in making choices.
:Show situations that demonstrate freedom of
choice and the consequences of their choices.


The developer wishes to express his gratitude to those who helped in the
development of this learning material. The fulfillment of this learning material would
not be possible without these people who gave their support, helping hand and



Teacher II


Curriculum Head Project Development Officer II

Librarian II


Principal IV Education Program Supervisor

Public Schools District Supervisor, NTD-1



Officer In-Charge
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent


Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Chief Education Supervisor, CID

Education Program Supervisor, LRMDS


Copyright Notice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i

Preface -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii
Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii
Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv
Title Page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Learning Objectives ----------------------------------------------------------------------5
Pretest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Lesson Proper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Review ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Activity 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Discussion of Activity 1 -------------------------------------------------------13
Enrichment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Activity 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Assessment 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------14
Activity 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------15
Assessment 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------16
Activity 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Assessment 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------17
Generalization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
Application -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
Post-assessment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
Additional Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
Answer Key ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
Reference Sheet- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------27

Module in Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person
(Grade 12)
First Quarter – Week 5



Department of Education • Schools Division of Tabuk City

Freedom rests from our realization that we exist and from here we create the
meaning of our life. Metaphorically, freedom is whatever floats your boat, if it
doesn't sink mine. It is the right to do as you wish, so long as it does not harm
others' ability to exercise their right to do as they wish. It has to have certain self-
preserving restrictions - this is essentially the ironic restriction that must be in place
for everyone in a society to be equally free.

The module will start with a pre-assessment which will adjudge your prior
knowledge on the topic. Series of activities and discussions will encourage you to
explore and understand more about the topic. Through this module, the objectives
below are desired.

Learning Objectives:
PPT11/12-IIa-5.1 Realize that “all actions have consequences.”
PPT11/12-IIa-5.2 Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices.
PPT11/12-IIb-5.3 Realize that: Choices have consequences and some things
are given up while others are obtained in making choices.
PPT11/12-IIc-5.4 Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the
consequences of their choices.

General Directions: Read carefully and analyze each of the items. Choose the
letter that suits your answer. Write your answer before each number.

1. This is defined as an intrinsic and essential property of the person.

a. physical freedom
b. psychological freedom
c. freedom
d. moral freedom

2. Which types of freedom refers to the absence of any physical restraint?
a. physical freedom
b. psychological freedom
c. freedom
d. moral freedom

3. This is the kind of freedom that a person is free to act or not to act.
a. physical freedom
b. psychological freedom
c. freedom
d. moral freedom

4. Which statement is correct about how is freedom an expression of our humanity?

a. Parents do the final say when it comes to marrying decisions for their
b. The President of the Philippines makes personal decisions on behalf of
c. Government interferes on the choices of the people in their career.
d. Human beings has the right to embrace his/her own opinions and to
express them spontaneously without any interference.

5. Which of the following is NOT a kind of freedom?

a. physical freedom
b. psychological freedom
c. freedom of expression
d. moral freedom

6. If you’re going to deal with the freedom of mobility where he or she wants to go.
What kind of freedom is your focus?
a. moral freedom c. psychological freedom
b. freedom of speech d. physical freedom

7. In studying freedom of the human person, there are two elements of freedom
that we need to know. Which of the choices is the certain elements of freedom?
a. moral; psychology c. freedom; physical
b. voluntariness; responsibility d. responsibility; freedom

8. Marco was walking down the street when he suddenly saw an old man crossing
the busy road. An old man was about to cross and did not realize that there were
motorcycles and jeepneys passing along the road. If you were Marco, what will you
do to help the old man in that situation? Why?
a. I will not interfere at all because that is his life.
b. I will decide to take action, run across the road and grabbed the old man.
c. I will just ignore the old man and see what will happen next.
d. I will not help the old man, I will continue to walk instead.

9. What would happen if we did not use our freedom responsibly?

a. We become successful on the choices we made.
b. There will always peace and unity.

c. We will suffer from the consequences of our actions.
d. None of the above

10. Rita was very angry when she heard that her friend Mika was spreading mean
gossip about her in school. Following days after such incident, Rita found out that
Mika has been pretending to be rich when in fact her family is now poor. If you
were Rita, how would you handle the situation?
a. I will contact all our friends and tell them about what I found out.
b. I will confront Mika and tell that we are no longer friends.
c. I will create mean and false stories about her too.
d. I will talk to her in a nice way, ask why she did that and listen to her

11. What do you call the intrinsic and essential property of a person?
A. Dignity B. Freedom C. Voluntariness D. Responsibility
12. If Moral freedom refers to using in a manner that upholds human dignity and
goodness, what about Psychological freedom?
A. It is a freedom of choice.
B. It refers to the absence of any physical restraint.
C. It talks about freedom of mobility.
D. It’s all about human dignity.

FOR NUMBER 13-15. Evaluate the following and determine whether they are:
If freedom is rooted in the human person’s self-determination and the exercise of
intellect and free will, then,
13. Freedom reflects the exercise of intelligence.
14. Freedom is a manifestation of a will-free from external force.
15. Refers to the ability of the person to act out of his or her own free will and

Fill in the circles with words that you associate with freedom. Create a concept
web based on the one shown below.


1. What do you think makes us free?


2. How do we know that we are free?


FREEDOM is an intrinsic and essential property of the person. This means that the
human person by nature is a free being and that it is in his or her nature to seek
- An important indication of human freedom is the ability to make choices
and perform actions. Our freedom to act sets us apart from other beings.

Let’s compare how animals and human persons behave to get a better
understanding of freedom.
We see some animals behave like human beings because they seem to perform
actions in response to commands.

Example: A well-trained dog can perform certain tasks on command such as “stay”
or “fetch” because it has been trained and conditioned to perform them. The same
cannot be said about human beings, you cannot just approach a stranger, toss
him/her a ball, and say “Fetch!”. A person will not respond automatically to the
command “fetch!” because he/she is not conditioned to obey like a dog.

You expect your dog to always respond in the same way to your commands. With
us humans, our inherent freedom makes us very dynamic creatures and our
actions do not necessarily follow a set pattern.
Example: Your mother may ask you to do the laundry one day and you will follow
her instruction. The following week, however, you may decide not to do the laundry
when told because you feel lazy. The week after, you may decide to do the laundry
without being told. These actions indicate that you are exercising your freedom.

Freedom is also understood as the power to be what you want to be and ability to
decide and create yourself. Though we have certain inherent traits such as physical
attributes and temperament, many of the characteristics that define our personality
are often a product of our choices. Our talents, for instance, are developed to their
fullest only if we choose to dedicate time and effort to improve them. Our
preferences and views are other aspects of our personality that we freely adopt.
You may have also imagined yourself as a successful professional in the future.
Your nature as a human person gives you the ability to imagine that future. Your
freedom, meanwhile, gives you the ability to strive to achieve that goal.

Freedom is rooted in the human person’s self-determination and the exercise

of intellect and free will. It means that a person’s every action is freely determined
and these actions define him or her. We can choose to be a good person and to
act in a good way. A good act makes a person better while its opposite has a
negative impact on him/her as a person. This is the nature of Self-determination:
that a person’s actions determine what kind of person he/she becomes.

Look at the situation below. Marco, a grade 12 student, is carrying a heavy load
of books along the hallway when he suddenly loses his balance and drops all the

Source: Introduction tp the Philosohy of the Human Person Textbook

Imagine that you are one of his classmates who witnessed this. Which among the
situations below pictured will be your most truthful reaction? Why?



A. You may choose not to help Samuel and just watch or ignore him while he
picks up his books;

Source: Introduction tp the Philosohy of the Human Person Textbook

B. You may also choose to help him pick up his books;

Source: Introduction tp the Philosohy of the Human Person Textbook

C. You may laugh at him and refuse to help.

Source: Introduction tp the Philosohy of the Human Person Textbook

Freedom gives us the choice to undertake one of these possible actions. It also
enables us to come up with new choices. Freedom requires a degree of control
from the person who exercises it. A person becomes more free when he or she
exercises control over himself/herself. On the other hand, a person becomes less
free when he/she is no longer in control of himself/herself and is instead controlled
by other forces.

Example: Persons suffering from addiction to certain substances

People who are denied their freedom by other individuals, groups, and institutions
are dehumanized. For instance, Slavery (this is a dehumanizing act because a
person is forced to work for life without the possibility of ever leaving a life of
bondage.) Another example is, a person who is imprisoned because he/she is
denied his/her freedom and is confined to prison life. And that same person
(verdict) also dehumanize his/her victim (person whom he/she wronged.)


1. PHYSICAL FREEDOM – It refers to the absence of any physical

restraint. The person has the freedom of mobility to go where he or she
wants to go. Your freedom allows you to move from one place to another
and to go wherever you want to go.
2. PSYCHOLOGICAL FREEDOM – It is also called freedom of choice.
The person is free to act or not to act. This is innate and cannot be denied
a person because no outside forces or influences can compel a person
to take action against his/her free will.
3. MORAL FREEDOM – It refers to using freedom in a manner that
upholds human dignity and goodness. Freedom is not an object that a
person may use in whatever way he or she pleases. A person becomes
more free if he/she uses freedom well, but becomes less free when
he/she uses it in a bad way.


1. Voluntariness – It refers to the ability of a person to act out his or her

own free will and self-determination. This means that person may decide to
act or not to act, and these decisions are made out of his/her own free will.
It also means that a person may act even if he or she is not required or
called to take action.

Let’s analyze this scenario and figure out how voluntariness was expressed
in the situation.

Mang Lito was walking down the street when he suddenly saw a boy crossing the busy
road. The boy was chasing after a ball that had bounced off into the road. The boy
had his eyes on his ball and did not realize that there was oncoming traffic on the road.
At the same time, a taxi was passing along the road. The taxi was about to hit the boy
when Mang Lito decided to take action, ran across the road, ang grabbed the boy to

Now, reflect on your own experiences or actions. Have you ever made a voluntary
action to address a bad situation? If yes, did you choose to act or not? Why?


2. Responsibility – It refers to the person being accountable for his/her actions

and their consequences.

Example: Going back to the situation presented earlier, If Mang Lito was able to
rescue the boy from being hit by the car, he could take responsibility for his heroic
action. The people who saw his act may regard him as a hero and express
admiration for him. On the other hand, If Mang Lito was unable to save the boy in
time, the taxi driver could be held responsible for hitting the boy. Mang Lito could
even hold himself responsible for failing to save the boy.

Without this two elements, human freedom is diminished, and the person makes
imperfect actions and unwise decisions which may have negative effects on the
self and others.

We can therefore start to examine our actions, habits, and behavior by asking
ourselves the following questions:

What should I do?

Why should I do it?

What will happen if I do it?

How will my actions or behavior affect my self, others, and my surroundings?

Will my actions or behavior be considered correct, proper, beneficial, and moral?

Another reality that we have to face as we exercise our freedom is the fact that
freedom is experienced through the act of making choices. Having the ability
to choose and enact a course of action does not automatically mean that we should
take action every time. When we make choice to do a particular action, we can
never go back and redo our actions and make another choice.

Real life is not a movie where we can stop and rewind events and get a “second
take” on the situation. Therefore, it is very important that when confronted with
choices, we exercise caution and prudence and reflect on our possible courses of
action. Self-reflection is vital in the proper exercise of human freedom. As free and
rational beings, we must recognize the importance of exercising freedom
responsibly. This requires us to reflect on our actions, consider their effects, and
make the proper choices regarding the most beneficial decisions or actions.

Activity 1

Read and analyze the picture below, figure out what is happening and
discuss what would be the best course of action in this situation. You may
put your answers on the spaces provided below.

Source: Introduction tp the Philosohy of the Human Person Textbook


Assessment 1

A. Identify the following. Write your answers on the blank provided.

__________________ 1. It refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds

human dignity and goodness.

__________________ 2. The other term of Psychological Freedom.

__________________ 3. This refers about performing an actions that considers

right and wise.

__________________ 4. It refers to the absence of any physical restraint.

__________________ 5. This considers as vital in the proper exercise of human


__________________ 6. This is the second element of human freedom that refers

to the person being accountable for his/her actions and their consequences.

__________________ 7. This is the ability of a person to act out his/her own free
will and self-determination.

__________________ 8. It is an intrinsic and essential property of the person.

__________________ 9. It is not an object that a person may use in whatever way

he/she pleases.

__________________ 10. It is experienced through the act of making choices.

SET B. Put a check beside the number of the statement which shows
responsible use of freedom.

_______ 1. Instead of spending her excess allowance on a new pair of shoes, Rica
decides to open a bank account and start saving up for her future.

_______ 2. Despites the threats made on his life, the witness decided to come
forward and divulge important information regarding the crime he witnessed.

_______ 3. A woman used the Internet to humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading

lewd photos of him on Facebook.

_______ 4. Despite knowing that many of his clients were poor and desperate, a
moneylender continues to impose very high interest rates on loans.

_______ 5. A businessman did not accept a high-paying position in an overseas

firm and instead decided to start his own business and spend more time with his

Activity 2

Read the situational problem below. Give your recommendations on how the
persons involved can exercise freedom more responsibly. Write legibly and
be as concise as possible.

1. Eileen was asked by her mother to go to Jollibee Bulanao to buy

foods/snacks for them. The cashier unknowingly gave a change of 1000
instead of 100-peso bill to Eileen. When she saw the change, she quickly
took it, placed it in her bag and go home.
You will be graded according to the following Rubrics:
Category 5 4 3 1
Focus Clear and Some of the Ideas are not Writings are
complete ideas are not clear difficult to
answers; related to the understand.
Got the main topic.

Content Used Used some Most of the Not use
important details and details and details or
details and information information used ideas to
information about the are not support the
topic understandable topic
Organization Used Some of the The ideas are not Not use
appropriate transitions coherent transition
transition used are not words
Conventions No errors in Few, if any, Many mistakes in Difficult to
spelling and errors in grammar/spelling read and
grammar. grammar. understand
Neat and Neat and
legible legible

Assessment 2

Read and analyze the question.

1. What is the most significant decision that you have made in your life so far?
Describe how this affected you.


Activity 3

Write your answers on the blank provided to the following questions:

1. Reflect on your past experiences and identify a moment when you believed
you “had no choice” regarding your actions or decisions, or you made a choice
that you eventually regretted.


You will be graded according to the following Rubrics:

Category 5 4 3 1
Focus Clear and Some of the Ideas are not Writings are
complete ideas are not clear difficult to
answers; related to the understand.
Got the main topic.
Content Used Used some Most of the Not use
important details and details and details or
details and information information used ideas to
information about the are not support the
topic understandable topic
Organization Used Some of the The ideas are not Not use
appropriate transitions coherent transition
transition used are not words
Conventions No errors in Few, if any, Many mistakes in Difficult to
spelling and errors in grammar/spelling read and
grammar. grammar. understand
Neat and Neat and
legible legible

Assessment 3

1. In what way can you change or improve your behavior so that you will be
better able to uphold human freedom?


Summarize your ideas on freedom by completing the table.

I am free because… As a free person, I must…


Category 5 4 3 1
Focus Clear and Some of the Ideas are not Writings are
complete ideas are not clear difficult to
answers; related to the understand.
Got the main topic.
Content Used Used some Most of the Not use
important details and details and details or
details and information information used ideas to
information about the are not support the
topic understandable topic

Organization Used Some of the The ideas are not Not use
appropriate transitions coherent transition
transition used are not words
Conventions No errors in Few, if any, Many mistakes in Difficult to
spelling and errors in grammar/spelling read and
grammar. grammar. understand
Neat and Neat and
legible legible

Reflect on a problem or dilemma you are currently facing. Create a graphic

organizer outlining the possible choices you can make and their corresponding

You will be graded according to the following Rubrics:

Criteria 5 4 3 1
Organization Well Organized. Somewhat Poorly
organized. Structure organized, organized. A
Order and allows structure clear sense
structure of reader to allows of direction
information is move reader to is not
compelling through move evident.
and flows content through Flow is
smoothly. without some of the frequently
confusion. content interrupted.
Flows without
smoothly. confusion.
Flow is

Content Thorough and Complete Shows some Shows
insightful understandi understandi incomplete
understandin ng of ng of content understandi
g of content content. ng of
Creativity/Ide Enthusiastica Shows some Shows Enhanceme
as lly uses use of minimal nt of
materials and materials effort for materials
ideas for and ideas for enhanceme and ideas
enhancement enhanceme nt of are not seen
nt materials in the
and ideas output.

General Directions: Read carefully and analyze each of the items. Choose the
letter that suits your answer. Write your answer before each number.

1. This is defined as an intrinsic and essential property of the person.

a. physical freedom
b. psychological freedom
c. freedom
d. moral freedom

2. Which types of freedom refers to the absence of any physical restraint?

a. physical freedom
b. psychological freedom
c. freedom
d. moral freedom

3. This is the kind of freedom that a person is free to act or not to act.
a. physical freedom
b. psychological freedom
c. freedom
d. moral freedom

4. Which statement is correct about how is freedom an expression of our humanity?

a. Parents do the final say when it comes to marrying decisions for their

b. The President of the Philippines makes personal decisions on behalf of
c. Government interferes on the choices of the people in their career.
d. Human beings has the right to embrace his/her own opinions and to
express them spontaneously without any interference.

5. Which of the following is NOT kinds of freedom?

a. physical freedom
b. psychological freedom
c. freedom of expression
d. moral freedom

6. If you’re going to deal with the freedom of mobility where he or she wants to go.
What kind of freedom is your focus?
a. moral freedom c. psychological freedom
b. freedom of speech d. physical freedom

7. In studying freedom of the human person, there are two elements of freedom
that we need to know. Which of the choices is the certain elements of freedom?
a. moral;psychology c. freedom;physical
b. voluntariness;responsibility d. responsibility;freedom

8. Marco was walking down a street when he suddenly saw an old man crossing
the busy road. An old man was about to cross and did not realize that there were
motorcycles and jeepneys passing along the road. If you were Marco, what will you
do to help the old man in that situation? Why?
a. I will not interfere at all because that is his life.
b. I will decide to take action, run across the road and grabbed the old man.
c. I will just ignore the old man and see what will happen next.
d. I will not help the old man, I will continue to walk instead.

9. What would happen if we did not use our freedom responsibly?

a. We become successful on the choices we made.
b. There will always peace and unity.
c. We will suffer from the consequences of our actions.
d. None of the above

10. Rita was very angry when she heard that her friend Mika was spreading mean
gossip about her in school. Following days after such incident, Rita found out that
Mika has been pretending to be rich when in fact her family is now poor. If you
were Rita, how would you handle the situation?
a. I will contact all our friends and tell them about what I found out.
b. I will confront Mika and tell that we are no longer friends.
c. I will create mean and false stories about her too.
d. I will talk to her in a nice way, ask why she did that and listen to her

11. What do you call the intrinsic and essential property of a person?
A. Dignity B. Freedom C. Voluntariness D. Responsibility

12. If Moral freedom refers to using in a manner that upholds human dignity and
goodness, what about Psychological freedom?
A. It is a freedom of choice.
B. It refers to the absence of any physical restraint.
C. It talks about freedom of mobility.
D. It’s all about human dignity.

FOR NUMBER 13-15. Evaluate the following and determine whether they are:
If freedom is rooted in the human person’s self-determination and the exercise of
intellect and free will, then,
13. Freedom reflects the exercise of intelligence.
14. Freedom is a manifestation of a will free from external force.
15. Refers to the ability of the person to act out of his or her own free will and

Draw something that symbolizes freedom to you.

You will be graded according to the following Rubrics:
Category 5 4 3 1

Skill/Craftmanshi Beautiful Showed Showed Poor
p/ and average below craftmanshi
Consistency patiently craftmanship/S
average p/
done kill/ craftmanshi Skill/
Consistencyp/ Consistenc
Skill/ y
Creativity/Origina Complet Completed with Completed Incomplete
lity ed and good effort with
Unique; minimal
beyond effort
what was


Pre Test
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. A

*Answers may be varied based on answer of the students

Voluntariness 7.
Responsibility 6.
Epicureanism Self-Reflection
Deductive Physical
Reasoning Freedom
External Psychological
questions Freedom
Freedom of
Freedom 10. 2.
9. Moral
Freedom 1.
Assessment 1
*Answers may be varied based on the answers given by the students
Activity 1






Activity 2

*Answers may be varied based on answer of the students

Assessment 2

*Answers may be varied based on views given by students

Activity 3

*Answers may be varied based on reflections of the students

Assessment 3

*Answers may be varied based on answers of the student

*Answers may be varied based on answers of the student


1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. A

Retrieved from
ABELLA, R., Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Department of
Education Bureau of Learning Resources.

For inquiries or feedback, please write of call:
Department of Education-Schools Division of CAR
(Office Address, Wangal, LTB)
Email Address:


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