Activity No. 1 - Estravo, Leegerald U.

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Estravo, Leegerald U.

September 16, 2022

BSECE III - GG Mr. Dentor Nanong
Activity 1: Identifying Primary and Secondary Sources

Directions: Determine whether the following are primary or secondary sources. Circle the letter
indicating whether the item is a "P" primary source or "S" secondary source. For each one, explain
your reasoning in complete sentences.
1. The story of your grandfather tells you about his experience during World War II.
Why: Because the story came directly from my grandfather’s experience which is a form of oral

2. A letter written by Alberto Dela Cruz to his mother about the latest developments in
the Revolutionary War.
Why: Because the letter written by Alberto Dela Cruz is a form of personal letter.

3. The Diary of Anne Frank - the published diary of a teenage girl who experiences the
Holocaust first hand.
Why: Because the contents of the diary are the first hand experiences of the author herself.

4. Your Sociology textbook or an encyclopedia.

Why: Because an encyclopedia is a form of reference books.

5. Your high school diplomas.

Why: Because the diploma is a form of original and official documentation.

6. A photograph of you and your friends at your 8th birthday party.

Why: Because a photograph is under the list of primary sources and the contents of the photograph
are the exact representation of what happened for a moment during my 8th birthday party.
7. The information from the museum tour guide who shows you around the exhibit and
share facts with you.
Why: Because the information from the museum tour guide came directly from the museum which is
where you can find official documents, works of arts, artifacts, and other form of primary sources.

8. A mummy from Cordillera.

Why: Because a mommy is a form of artifact.

9. Give at least 5 more examples of a primary source.

● Examples of primary sources are autobiographies, memoir, photographs, works of arts,
literature, drawings, speeches, oral histories, original documents like a birth certificate,
government documents like reports, bills, and proclamations, and artifacts like tools, weapons,
pottery, and clothing.

10. Give at least 5 more examples of a secondary source.

● Examples of secondary sources are bibliographies, reference books like dictionaries and
encyclopedias, articles from a newspaper or magazine, literature reviews, like book and movie
reviews, history books, works of criticism and interpretations, and commentaries.

11. List down five (5) example of sources which can either be primary or secondary
depending on the context and use.
● Examples of sources which can either be primary or secondary are interviews when it is about
criticizing something or someone, internet communications on email when its contents are
about your interpretation of an event that recently happened, speeches when its contents are
from references and/or history books, drawings of your interpretation of what happened in the
past, and personal letters commenting on what happened on the news last night.

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