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Examination and Reevalaution of SPT-Based

Liquefaction Triggering Case Histories

Ross W. Boulanger, M.ASCE1; Daniel W. Wilson, M.ASCE2; and I. M. Idriss, Dist.M.ASCE3
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Abstract: A standard penetration test (SPT)-based liquefaction case history database for liquefaction triggering criteria is reexamined
and reevaluated. The updated database incorporates a number of additional case histories, replaces prior estimates of earthquake magnitudes
with current estimates of their moment magnitudes, uses improved estimates of peak ground accelerations when available, and includes a
reexamination of the selection and computation of representative SPT ðN 1 Þ60 values for most case histories. The approach used to select and
compute representative SPT ðN 1 Þ60cs values is illustrated using select case histories. The distribution of the case history data relative to the
Idriss-Boulanger triggering correlation is examined for any bias with respect to various parameters and to identify the conditions that are, and
are not, well covered by available case history data. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000668. © 2012 American Society of Civil
CE Database subject headings: Soil liquefaction; Earthquakes; Cyclic loads; Penetration tests; Case studies.
Author keywords: Liquefaction; Earthquakes; Cyclic loads; Standard penetration test.

Introduction and computation of representative ðN 1 Þ60 values. The approach

used to select and compute representative SPT ðN 1 Þ60cs values is
The stress-based approach for evaluating the potential for lique- illustrated using select case histories. The distribution of the case
faction triggering, initiated by Seed and Idriss (1967), has been history data relative to the triggering correlation is examined for
used widely for the last 45 years (Seed and Idriss 1971; Shibata any bias with respect to various parameters and to identify the
1981; Tokimatsu and Yoshimi 1983; National Research Council conditions that are, and are not, well covered by available case
1985; Seed et al. 1985; Youd et al. 2001; Cetin et al. 2004; Idriss history data.
and Boulanger 2004). The basic framework compares the
earthquake-induced cyclic stress ratios (CSRs) with the cyclic
resistance ratios (CRRs) of the soil, which is usually correlated to Liquefaction Analysis Framework
an insitu parameter such as the standard penetration test (SPT)
blow count, cone penetration test (CPT) penetration resistance, The liquefaction triggering procedure for cohesionless soils by
or shear-wave velocity. Some liquefaction triggering correlations Idriss and Boulanger (2004, 2008) is briefly summarized in this
have been developed based primarily on case histories, both in section. The earthquake-induced CSR, at a given depth, z, within
deterministic and probabilistic forms, whereas others have been the soil profile, is usually expressed as a representative value
primarily based on cyclic laboratory test results for samples (or equivalent uniform value) equal to 65% of the maximum
obtained using frozen sampling techniques. cyclic shear stress ratio, i.e.,
This paper summarizes an updated examination of SPT-based
τ max
liquefaction case histories using the liquefaction triggering pro- CSRM;σ0v ¼ 0:65 ð1Þ
cedure for cohesionless soils by Idriss and Boulanger (2004, σ0v
2008); full details are presented in Idriss and Boulanger (2010).
The updated case history database incorporates a number of where τ max = maximum earthquake-induced shear stress, σ0v =
additional case histories, replaces prior estimates of earthquake vertical effective stress, and the subscripts of CSR indicate that
magnitudes with current estimates of their moment magnitudes, it is computed for a specific earthquake magnitude (moment mag-
uses improved estimates of peak ground accelerations (PGAs) nitude, M w ) and the σ0v at depth z. The value of τ max can be
when available, and includes a reexamination of the selection estimated from dynamic response analyses, but such analyses
must include a sufficient number of input acceleration time series
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of and adequate site characterization details to be reasonably robust.
California, Davis, CA 95616 (corresponding author). E-mail: Alternatively, the representative cyclic shear stress ratio, which has traditionally been taken as 65% of the peak cyclic shear stress
Associate Director, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Dept. of Civil ratio, can be estimated using the expression derived as part of
and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616. the Seed and Idriss (1971) simplified procedure, i.e.,
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616. σv amax
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 21, 2011; approved on CSRM;σ0v ¼ 0:65 r ð2Þ
σ0v g d
November 15, 2011; published online on December 14, 2011. Discussion
period open until January 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and where σv = vertical total stress at depth z, amax ∕g = maximum hori-
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 8, August 1, 2012. zontal acceleration (as a fraction of gravity) at the ground surface,
©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241/2012/8-898–909/$25.00. and r d = shear stress reduction factor that accounts for the dynamic


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

response of the soil profile. The latter approach was used for the Case History Database
updated database.
The soil’s CRR is affected by the duration of shaking (which is The updated case history database, processed using the relation-
expressed through an earthquake magnitude scaling factor [MSF]) ships by Idriss and Boulanger (2008), is listed in both Idriss
and effective overburden stress (which is expressed through a K σ and Boulanger (2010) and an electronic supplement to this paper.
factor). These effects are accounted for in the processing of case The total number of case histories in the updated database is 230, of
histories by adjusting the earthquake-induced CSR to a reference which 115 cases had surface evidence of liquefaction, 112 cases
M w ¼ 7:5 and σ0v ¼ 1 atm (101 kPa), using the following had no surface evidence of liquefaction, and three cases were at
expression: the margin between liquefaction and no liquefaction. Of these
cases, 150 were from Japan, 59 from the United States, and 21 from
σv amax 1 1
CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1atm ¼ 0:65 r ð3Þ other countries, namely Argentina (5), China (11), Guatemala (3),
σ0v g d MSF K σ
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and the Philippines (2). The database encompasses case histories

The soil’s CRR is also affected by the presence of sustained included in the original databases by Seed et al. (1984) and Cetin
static shear stresses, such as those that may exist beneath founda- et al. (2004) and used for developing the Idriss and Boulanger
tions or within slopes. This effect, which is expressed through a K α (2004) correlation, but does not include results from several recent
factor, is generally small for nearly level ground conditions. It was large earthquakes. This update of the original databases provides
not included in the updated case history database by Idriss and background on the Idriss and Boulanger (2004) correlation, pro-
Boulanger (2010), because the case histories are dominated by vides the basis for developing a probabilistic version of that
level or nearly level ground conditions. correlation (Boulanger and Idriss 2012), and facilitates examining
The soil’s CRR is usually correlated to an in situ parameter possible reasons for differences between some of the current lique-
such as the SPT blow count (number of blows per foot), CPT pen- faction triggering correlations that were developed from these
etration resistance, or shear wave velocity. The SPT blow counts are databases (as detailed in Idriss and Boulanger 2010). Case histories
affected by a number of procedural details (rod lengths, hammer from subsequent large earthquakes will be examined in due course.
energy, sampler details, borehole size) and by effective overburden The following sections discuss the selection of earthquake mag-
stress. Thus, the correlation to the CRR is based on corrected nitudes and peak accelerations, selection of representative penetra-
penetration resistance tion resistances, classification of site performance, and distribution
of the data.
ðN 1 Þ ¼ C N C E C R C B C S N m ð4Þ
Earthquake Magnitudes and Peak Accelerations
where C N = overburden correction factor, C E ¼ ERm ∕60%, ERm =
measured value of delivered energy as a percentage of the theoreti- Moment magnitudes (M w ) are used for all earthquakes in the up-
cal free-fall hammer energy, C R = rod correction factor to account dated liquefaction database. The liquefaction databases compiled
for energy ratios being smaller with shorter rod lengths, C B = by Seed et al. (1984), Fear and McRoberts (1995), and Cetin et al.
correction factor for nonstandard borehole diameters, C S = correction (2004) often referenced the earthquake magnitudes that had been
factor for using split spoons with room for liners but with the liners quoted in the original case history reference. These original refer-
absent, and N m is the measured SPT blow count. The maximum ences, however, often used other scales for earthquake magnitude.
reported ERm in the case histories is 78%; hence, the largest value For the updated database, moment magnitudes were obtained from
of CE used in the interpretation of these case histories is 1.3. ERm the next generation attenuation (NGA) project flatfile (Chiou et al.
values exceeding about 85% should raise concerns regarding both 2008) and the USGS Centennial Earthquake Catalog (Engdahl and
the reliability of the measurements and possible problems with
Villasenor 2002). Preference was given to the NGA values if the
the testing procedures. Therefore, it is recommended that the factor
two sources gave different estimates of M w .
C E be limited in practice to a maximum value of 1.4, corresponding
Estimates of horizontal PGAs (or amax ) are listed for each site
to ERm ¼ 84%. The factors C B and CS are set equal to unity if
in Table S1. PGA estimates by the original site investigators or
standard procedures are followed.
from the Seed et al. (1984) database were used in almost all cases.
The correlation of the CRR to ðN 1 Þ60 is affected by the soil’s
USGS ShakeMaps (Worden et al. 2010), when available, were
fines content (FC). For computational convenience, this effect
can be expressed in terms of an equivalent clean-sand ðN 1 Þ60cs , used to check PGA estimates for a number of sites with no nearby
which is obtained using the following expression: recordings. The new ShakeMaps incorporate a weighted-average
approach for combining different types of data (e.g., recordings,
ðN 1 Þ60cs ¼ ðN 1 Þ60 þ ΔðN 1 Þ60 ð5Þ intensities, ground motion prediction equations) to arrive at best
estimates of peak ground motion parameters. With one exception,
The CRR can then be expressed in terms of ðN 1 Þ60cs as follows: the ShakeMaps confirmed that existing estimates of PGA were
reasonable, such that no changes to these estimates were warranted.
CRRM¼7:5;σ0vc ¼1 ¼ f ½ðN 1 Þ60cs  ð6Þ
The ShakeMap for the 1975 Haicheng earthquake, however, indi-
where the adjustment ΔðN 1 Þ60 can be a function of both FC cated that significant changes to PGA estimates were warranted
and ðN 1 Þ60 . for some sites affected by the earthquake. Seed et al. (1984) had
The SPT-based liquefaction triggering procedure by Idriss and estimated values of PGA of 0.10, 0.13, 0.20, and 0.20 for the
Boulanger (2004, 2008) used the above stress-based framework, Shuang Tai Zi River Sluice Gate, Panjin Chemical Fertilizer Plant,
as have many other similar procedures. The development of the Ying Kou Glass Fiber Plant, and Ying Kou Paper Plant, respec-
various functions in the Idriss-Boulanger procedure [i.e., rd , C N , tively, based on a correlation of seismic intensity to PGA. The
C r , K σ , MSF, and ΔðN 1 Þ60 ] are described in more detail in Idriss USGS ShakeMap for this earthquake indicates best estimates of
and Boulanger (2008, 2010). These materials are essential compo- PGA would be at least 0.20, 0.20, 0.30, and 0.30 for these four
nents of the liquefaction triggering relationship presented, but are sites, respectively. The latter values of PGA were used in the update
not repeated herein for the purpose of brevity. of the database.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

Selection and Computation of Representative N 1 60cs this case, ðN 1 Þ60cs ¼ 15:7, was selected as representative, because
Values the critical stratum is well-defined and the borings are located
The selection and computation of representative ðN 1 Þ60cs values relatively close together.
are illustrated by presenting two case histories in some detail; The averaging of ðN 1 Þ60cs values involves a bookkeeping detail
three additional cases are discussed in similar detail in Idriss and when reporting representative values for all the other parameters.
Boulanger (2010). Tabulations of selected critical depth intervals The issue is that computing representative values for ðN 1 Þ60 and
and the associated calculation of representative ðN 1 Þ60cs values ðN 1 Þ60cs using the average values for depth, N m , and FC, does
are also presented in the latter reference. not produce values equal to those obtained by directly averaging
ðN 1 Þ60 and ðN 1 Þ60cs . Alternatively, the representative value of
Wildlife Liquefaction Array N m can be backcalculated based on the average values for depth
Liquefaction occurred at the Wildlife Liquefaction Array in the and FC, along with the averaged values of ðN 1 Þ60 and ðN 1 Þ60cs .
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1981 Westmoreland and 1987 Superstition Hills earthquakes. A For this site, the backcalculated representative N m value is 10.3,
cross section of the site is shown in Fig. 1 (Bennett et al. 1984). which is only 3% less than the average of the directly measured
Results of the CPT, SPT, and laboratory index test were obtained N m of 10.6. This difference can be positive or negative, but is
from Youd and Bennett (1983), Holzer and Youd (2007), and almost always less than a few percent. The advantage of the
Bennett (personal communication, 2010). Liquefaction was trig- latter approach, which was followed in preparing Table S1, is
gered in the silty sand layer between depths of about 2.5 and that the reported values are internally consistent, which has its
6.5 m, as evidenced by the soil ejecta, pore pressure transducer advantage for others who wish to use the database for sensitivity
records, and inclinometer readings. The upper 1 m of this layer analyses.
is predominantly sandy silt and silt with an average FC of about Consider the forward analysis of this site based on this method
78%, whereas the lower portion is predominantly silty sand with for selecting representative ðN 1 Þ60cs values. If there were an
an average FC of about 30%. Twenty-three N m values were ob- earthquake that is just strong enough to produce a computed
tained in six borings that span a distance of about 30 m in the area
FSliq ¼ 1:0 for the representative ðN 1 Þ60cs value of 15.7, then
of liquefaction (boils and modest lateral spreading). Only some of
the FSliq would be less than 1.0 for 12 of the 22 SPT tests in
the FC values come directly from the SPT samples; therefore, FC
the looser strata. Because ground deformations may develop over
for other SPT N m values were estimated based on data for parallel
thinner intervals within the identified strata, this approach for se-
samples or average FC values for the same sample descriptions.
The ðN 1 Þ60cs values ranged from about 10 to 22 (excluding one lecting representative ðN 1 Þ60cs values should result in the liquefac-
value of 28), and had a trend of increasing with depth (tabulated tion correlation (which generally bounds the bulk of the data) being
values and calculations are included in Idriss and Boulanger 2010). conservative for forward applications in practice.
The range of values from different borings illustrate the uncer- In fact, in many instances it may prove most effective to treat
tainty associated with determining a representative value of each blow count separately in forward applications (e.g., for com-
ðN 1 Þ60cs for a case history. The average ðN 1 Þ60cs values for each puting reconsolidation settlements), rather than using an average
of the six borings are 12.7, 14.0, 15.4, 15.7, 17.7, and 18.9. Thus, value. In other instances, such as applications involving earthfill
if only one of these six borings had been drilled, the average dams, it may be more appropriate to average ðN 1 Þ60cs values over
ðN 1 Þ60cs value for this site might have ranged from 12.7 to 18.9. the scale of the potential failure surfaces. In general, the appropri-
Using all six borings, the average and median ðN 1 Þ60cs values ateness of any averaging of ðN 1 Þ60cs values for a specific stratum in
for the entire layer are 15.7 and 14.8, respectively, which are rea- forward analyses or case history interpretations depend on the
sonably close together. Thus, as the number of borings and SPT spatial characteristics of the stratum (e.g., thickness, lateral extent,
data points increases, it becomes easier to evaluate the distribution continuity, spatial variability of properties), the mode of deforma-
of the ðN 1 Þ60cs values and hence select a representative value. For tion (e.g., reconsolidation settlement, lateral spreading, slope

Fig. 1. Profile at the Wildlife Liquefaction Array (Bennett et al. 1984)


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

instability), and the spatial dimensions of the potential deformation This site is one of several examples used by Holzer and
pattern relative to the strata of concern. Bennett (2007) to illustrate how the boundaries of a lateral spread
are often controlled by changes in geologic facies. It also illustrates
Miller and Farris Farms how borings located short distances outside of a ground failure
Liquefaction and ground failure developed along the Pajaro River zone may, or may not, be representative of the soils that have
between the Miller and Farris Farms during the 1989 Loma Prieta liquefied. For this reason, the interpretation of liquefaction case
earthquake. A cross section across the zone of ground failure is histories using borings located outside the observed failure zone
shown in Fig. 2 (Holzer et al. 1994). Exploration data from the site have the potential to be misinterpreted unless the geologic condi-
are described in Bennett and Tinsley (1995) and discussed in tions are fully understood and taken into consideration. This
Holzer et al. (1994) and Holzer and Bennett (2007). They con- also emphasizes the need for investigators to incorporate and in-
cluded that the zone of ground failure was restricted to the areas clude the geologic conditions in the description of the case
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underlain by the younger (Qyf ) floodplain deposit, which fills an histories investigated.
old river channel that was incised into the older (Qof ) floodplain
Classification of Site Performance
deposit. Thus, boring CMF-10 (left side in Fig. 2), with its rela-
tively thick surface deposit of high-plasticity silt, is in an area Site performance during an earthquake is classified as a liquefac-
of no surface evidence of liquefaction, whereas boring CMF-8, tion, no liquefaction, or marginal case; some databases designate
with its relatively thick interval of Qyf , is in an area of observed these cases as yes, no, or no/yes, respectively. The classification
surface evidence of liquefaction. Holzer et al. (1994) reported that of site performance used in the updated database is based on
the liquefied layer (Qyf ) had ðN 1 Þ60 values of 14  7 with an aver- the classification assigned by the original investigator, except for
age FC of 22%, based on a total of 15 blow-count measurements the Seventh Street Wharf site at the Port of Oakland (subsequently
from several borings. The variation in average ðN 1 Þ60 values for the discussed). Cases described as liquefaction were generally accom-
liquefied layer from individual borings is illustrated by considering panied with reports of sand boils and visible ground surface settle-
ments, cracks, or lateral spreading movements. Cases described as
borings CMF-3, CMF-5, and CMF-8, which span a distance of
no liquefaction were either accompanied with reports of no visible
about 550 m within the failure zone parallel to the river; these
surface manifestations (i.e., no sand boils, ground surface settle-
borings had three, one, and three blow counts in the liquefied
ments, cracks, or lateral movements) or can be inferred as having
layer, respectively. Representative ðN 1 Þ60 values of 9.9, 20.9, corresponded to such conditions when not explicitly stated.
and 9.8 with FC of 27%, 13%, and 25% were obtained from these A case is described as marginal if the available information
three borings, respectively. Some of the variability in these average suggests that conditions at the site are likely at, or very near, the
ðN 1 Þ60 values are likely because of the small sample sizes, while boundary of conditions that separate the occurrence of liquefaction
some could be a result of systematic variations in the average from nonliquefaction. Only three cases are classified as marginal in
ðN 1 Þ60 value across the site. These three borings are listed sepa- the database, because it is very difficult to define a marginal case
rately in Table S1 because of the relatively large distances between in most field conditions. Areas of liquefaction and nonliquefaction
any two borings. For the nonliquefied layer (Qof ), a representative in the field are often separated by distinct geologic boundaries
ðN 1 Þ60 value of 20.2 for boring CMF-10 was obtained by averaging (Holzer and Bennett 2007) such that borehole data can be used
the two lower blow counts (12 and 25) with FC ¼ 20%, which to describe liquefaction and no liquefaction cases, but not the mar-
resulted in a representative ðN 1 Þ60cs ¼ 24:6. ginal condition. Thus, explicit information is typically not available

Fig. 2. Profile across the failure zone at the Miller (south side of Pajaro River) and Farris Farms (north side of Pajaro River) during the 1989 Loma
Prieta earthquake (Holzer et al. 1994)


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

for marginal conditions. The three marginal cases in the database
are, therefore, subsequently discussed.
The Seventh Street Wharf site at the Port of Oakland and its
performance in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake are described
in Kayen et al. (1998) and Kayen and Mitchell (1998). Boring
POO7–2 was intentionally located in an area with surface manifes-
tations of liquefaction, whereas boring POO7–3 was in an area with
no such surface manifestations. The two borings, POO7–2 and
POO7–3, were characterized as liquefaction and no liquefaction
sites, respectively, in Kayen et al. (1998). The following additional
information and updated interpretation of the performance of these
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two sites was provided by Kayen (personal communication, 2010).

The two borings, POO7–2 and POO7–3, were located approx-
imately 70–100 m apart. At the location of POO7–3, there were
no sand boils in the immediate 15–20 m. This site was at the back
of the park (now converted to a container yard), at the farthest
distance from the dike. In the zone along the bay margin, perhaps
20-m wide, there were ample fissures and sand boils, deformations
toward the free-face, and a small lateral spread into the bay. The
distance from this zone to POO7–3 was about 20–30 m. Kayen
(personal communication, 2010) indicated that, at this time, he
would classify the location at POO7–3 as a liquefaction site,
because it was too close to the park perimeter deformations to be
classified as a nonliquefaction site based on surface observations
alone. This site was listed as a marginal case in the database pre-
sented herein, because the soil conditions at POO7–3 had similar
stratigraphy but slightly denser conditions than at POO7–2.
Two other sites are listed as marginal cases in the database.
Seed et al. (1984) listed the Rail Road 2 case as a no/yes case
and assigned it a representative N m value that corresponds to the
value Koizumi (1966) considered the critical value that separated
cases of liquefaction from cases of no liquefaction in the Niigata
earthquake. Thus, the N m value assigned to the Rail Road 2 case
was explicitly derived as a point that should fall on the triggering Fig. 3. Distribution of the case history parameters ðN 1 Þ60 ,
curve. The Amatitlan B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4 cases from the 1976 CSRM¼7:5;σ0 ¼1 , M w , and fines content versus depth
Guatemala earthquake are described by Seed et al. (1979). Boring
B-2 was intentionally located in a nonliquefied zone, but very close
to the boundary between the areas of liquefaction and no liquefac-
tion. Seed et al. (1979) listed the boring B-2 case as a no/yes case,
because they concluded that it probably represented the limiting
conditions at which liquefaction would just occur or just not occur
for the ground conditions and ground motions experienced at this
site in the 1976 Guatemala earthquake.

Distribution of Data
The distributions of ðN 1 Þ60 , CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 , M w , and FC from the
database are plotted versus the average depths for the critical zones
in Fig. 3 for liquefaction, marginal, and no liquefaction cases and
the location of the case histories. Fig. 3 indicates that the database is
limited to average critical depths less than 12 m and has very few
data points for M w greater than 7.7 or less than 6.4 or for FC greater
than 40%. They also show that the majority of case histories of
clean sands are from Japan and the majority of case histories with
high FC are from the United States.
The distributions of the data are further illustrated in Fig. 4,
showing amax versus M w (two parameters which enter the calcula-
tion of CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 ) and FC versus ðN 1 Þ60 (two parameters Fig. 4. Distributions of amax versus M w and fines content versus
which enter the calculation of [ðN 1 Þ60cs ]. The plot of FC versus ðN 1 Þ60 . Note that it appears that there are fewer data points in the graph
ðN 1 Þ60 indicates that the data points for FC greater than about of amax versus M w because many of the points plot on top of each other
25% are largely limited to ðN 1 Þ60 values less than about 15.
The cumulative distribution of σ0v for all 230 case histories is shown
in Fig. 5, which indicates that the highest σ0v is about 170 kPa The distributions of C N , C R , K σ , r d , and MSF versus average
and that about 90% of the case histories are with σ0v ≤ depth are presented in Idriss and Boulanger (2010). The C N factors
101 kPa (≈1 atm). are generally between 0.8 and 1.7 (cut-off value), the K σ values are


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

Distribution of Cases Relative to the Liquefaction
Triggering Correlation

The updated case history data, as listed in Table S1, were examined
for evidence of trends or biases relative to the liquefaction trigger-
ing correlation by Idriss and Boulanger (2004, 2008). The full,
updated database is shown with the Idriss-Boulanger triggering
correlation in terms of equivalent CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 versus equivalent
clean sand ðN 1 Þ60cs in Fig. 6.
The uncertainties in the measured or estimated ðN 1 Þ60cs and
CSRM¼7:5;σ0 v¼1 values for each case history should be considered
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when evaluating the preferred position of a liquefaction triggering

correlation relative to the case history data points. Specifically, the
consequence of these measurement (or parameter) uncertainties is
that a reasonably conservative, deterministic liquefaction triggering
curve should not be expected to fully envelop all of the liquefaction
Fig. 5. Cumulative distribution of effective vertical stress, σ0v , for all case histories. Heuristically, a deterministic liquefaction triggering
230 case histories in the updated database curve can be expected to be positioned so that the number of lique-
faction case histories falling below the curve is relatively small
compared with the number of no liquefaction case histories falling
above the curve. More formally, statistical methods can be used
generally between 0.9 and 1.1 (cut-off value), and the r d values are
to address the influence of measurement uncertainties and evaluate
generally greater than 0.8.
the uncertainty in liquefaction triggering correlations. In this re-
The maximum depth for the critical zone is greater than the
average depth for the critical zone; for example, if the critical gard, probabilistic analyses of the case history database (Idriss and
zone for a site extended is between the depths of 6 and 10 m, the Boulanger 2010; Boulanger and Idriss 2012) indicate that the deter-
average depth would be 8 m, while the maximum depth would ministic liquefaction triggering curve by Idriss and Boulanger
be 10 m. There were a significant number of cases for which the (2004, 2008) corresponds to a probability of liquefaction of about
critical zone extended to maximum depths of about 12–13 m, 16% based on model uncertainty alone [i.e., if the ðN 1 Þ60cs and
whereas Fig. 3 indicates that there are relatively few cases for which CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 values are known].
the average depth of the critical zone was close to 12 m. The examination of the updated case history data included
Explicit statements regarding the plasticity of the fines fraction sorting the data into various parameter bins (e.g., soil characteris-
(e.g., a measured value of the plasticity index [PI] or a statement tics, earthquake magnitudes, data sources, and individual earth-
that the fines are nonplastic) are not provided for most case histor- quakes) and comparing the binned data to the Idriss-Boulanger
ies. For example, consider the 25 case history data points for triggering correlation. These comparisons are presented in terms
FC > 35%. These 25 case histories come from only 16 different of ðN 1 Þ60cs , and therefore all the data (clean sands, silty sands,
sites, several of which had been shaken by more than one earth- and nonplastic sandy silts) can be combined in each data bin, as
quake event. No explicit statement regarding the PI or nonplastic appropriate.
nature of the fines fraction was provided for 12 of these sites,
although the visual descriptions and classifications of the soils
(e.g., silty sands [SM], low-plasticity silts [ML]) implied either
nonplastic or low-plasticity fines. For the critical layers at Van
Norman and Juvenile Hall, Cetin et al. (2000) suggest PI values
of 3–10 were representative of the fines fraction. For Unit C1 at
Potrero Canyon (Bennett et al. 1998), the data from the SPT sam-
ples used to represent the liquefiable lenses indicate an average
FC ¼ 64%, classifications as SM or ML, and PI values of 2–3 for
three of the nine samples (PI values not reported for the other sam-
ples); note that the summary in Holzer et al. (1999) suggests an
average PI ¼ 5 for the range of silt and silty sand in the C1 unit.
For the saturated portion of Unit C at Balboa Boulevard (Bennett
et al. 1998), the data from the four SPT samples in the sandy silt
and silty sand portions of this stratum indicated an average
FC ¼ 50%, classifications as SM or ML, and no indication of plas-
ticity; note that the summary in Holzer et al. (1999) suggests an
average PI ¼ 11 for the heterogeneous range of clays to silty sands
in this stratum. While explicit information of fines plasticity is
lacking throughout the case history database, it is believed that
the database presented herein corresponds primarily to soils with Fig. 6. Updated standard penetration test case history database of li-
essentially nonplastic or very low plasticity fines. Accordingly, quefaction in cohesionless soils with various fines contents in terms of
the liquefaction triggering correlation based on these case histories equivalent cyclic stress ratio for M ¼ 7:5 and σ0v ¼ 1 atm (101 kPa)
and equivalent clean sand ðN 1 Þ60cs
should be applicable to cohesionless soils only.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

Variation with Fines Content The data for sands with 5% ≤ FC ≤ 15% are shown in the
plot of CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 versus ðN 1 Þ60cs in Fig. 7(b). There are
The data for clean sands (FC ≤ 5%) are shown in the plot of two liquefaction points that are below the triggering correlation
CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 versus ðN 1 Þ60cs in Fig. 7(a). There are two lique- and two no liquefaction points above it.
faction points that are below the triggering correlation and eight The coastal region site in the 1976 Tangshan earthquake is one
no liquefaction points above it. of the liquefaction points with 5% ≤ FC ≤ 15% that plots below the
The Nakamura Dyke N-4 site in the February 20, 1978 triggering curve. This case had PGA ¼ 0:13g, critical depth ¼
Miyagiken-Oki earthquake is one of the liquefaction points with 4:5 m, σ0v ¼ 54 kPa, ðN 1 Þ60 ¼ 11:7, and FC ¼ 12%. The
FC ≤ 5% that plots below the triggering curve. This case had a representative ðN 1 Þ60cs value of 13.8 is based on the average of
PGA ¼ 0:12g, a critical depth ¼ 2:8 m, σ0v ¼ 30 kPa, ðN 1 Þ60 ¼ four N m values (7, 8, 13, and 10) from a single boring. If only
6:9, and FC ¼ 5%. The representative ðN 1 Þ60cs value of 6.9 is the first two N m values been used, then the resulting data point
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based on the average of four N m values (5, 3, 5, and 6) from a would be ðN 1 Þ60cs ¼ 9:7, which would be positioned just to the left
single boring. (i.e., above) of the triggering curve.
The Takeda Elementary School site in the June 21 aftershock The Miller Farm CMF-5 site in the 1989 Loma Prieta earth-
of the 1983 Nihonkai-Chubu earthquake is the other liquefaction quake is the second liquefaction point with 5% ≤ FC ≤ 15% that
point with FC ≤ 5% that plots below the triggering curve. This plots below the triggering curve. This case corresponds to one
case had an estimated PGA of 0:11g, critical depth ¼ 4:3 m, of several borings within an area of liquefaction parallel to a river.
The data for CMF-5 was PGA ¼ 0:39g, critical depth ¼ 7:0 m,
σ0v ¼ 42 kPa, ðN 1 Þ60 ¼ 13:3, and FC ¼ 0%. The representative
σ0v ¼ 108 kPa, ðN 1 Þ60 ¼ 20:9, and FC ¼ 13%. The representative
ðN 1 Þ60cs value of 13.3 is based on the average of three N m values
ðN 1 Þ60cs value of 23.4 is based on a single N m value from this
(8, 7, and 8) from a single boring provided by the Nakazato Town boring. Two other borings within the failure zone, CMF-3 and
Office to Yasuda and Tohno (1988). Yasuda and Tohno (1988) CMF-8, each had three N m values in the liquefied layer and had
reported that this site liquefied during both the May 26 main representative ðN 1 Þ60cs values of 15.3 and 14.9, respectively. If
shock and the June 21 aftershock (26 days later); they estimated an average ðN 1 Þ60cs value had been adopted for the entire failure
the PGA as being 0:283g and 0:111g during the main shock zone (i.e., averaging the data across these borings), the resulting
and aftershock, respectively, based on recordings at a station data point would plot above the triggering curve. The data for these
6 km away. three borings were, however, plotted separately because they span

Fig. 7. Distribution of case history data with different fines contents


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

a relatively large distance (∼550 m), and thus they may reflect the triggering curve. The bin with σ0v > 1:2 atm (122 kPa) has
spatial variability as well as the effect of small sample sizes. the fewest data points and has only three liquefaction points, all
The data with 15% ≤ FC ≤ 35% are shown in Fig. 7(c). Two of which plot well above the triggering curve. Thus, the case his-
liquefaction data points, corresponding to the same site in two tories do not constrain the triggering curve equally well across
different earthquakes, fall just below the triggering curve and four these stress bins. Nonetheless, the overall distribution of both
no liquefaction points are above it. the liquefaction and no liquefaction data points relative to the trig-
The Wildlife B site in the 1981 M w ¼ 5:9 Westmoreland and gering curve across these stress bins appears reasonably balanced.
1987 M w ¼ 6:5 Superstition Hills earthquakes represents the two
data points with 15% ≤ FC ≤ 35% that plot below the triggering Case Histories at Strong Ground Motion Recording
curve. This site was well characterized with 21 SPT N m values Stations
from six borings. Data from sites at strong ground motion recordings are shown
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The data with FC ≥ 35% are shown in Fig. 7(d). There is in Fig. 9; these sites include the Akita station, Kawagishi-cho,
one liquefaction data point that is just below the triggering curve Kushiro Port, Owi, Port Island, Treasure Island, and the Wildlife
and three no liquefaction points above it. B sites. One liquefaction case (Wildlife B in the 1987 Superstition
The Radio Tower B-1 site in the 1981 Westmoreland earth- Hills earthquake) is slightly below the triggering curve and one no
quake is the one liquefaction case with FC ≥ 35% that plots just liquefaction case (Akita Port station in the 1983 Nihonkai-Chubu
below the triggering curve. This case had PGA ¼ 0:20g, earthquake) is above it.
critical depth ¼ 3:3 m, σ0v ¼ 49 kPa, ðN 1 Þ60 ¼ 2:9, and FC ¼ Sites that have a factor of safety against liquefaction of 1.0 for a
75%. The representative ðN 1 Þ60cs value of 8.4 is based on a single given earthquake loading would be expected to develop liquefac-
N m value from a single boring. tion near the end of strong shaking and to plot very close to the
The full dataset, including all FC, has a total of seven points triggering curve. For example, consider the data points for the
that fall below the triggering curve and 18 nonliquefaction points Treasure Island, Kushiro Port, and Wildlife B cases identified in
that are above it. The three marginal data points fall very close to, Fig. 9. The Treasure Island (Youd and Carter 2005) and Kushiro
or slightly above, the triggering curve. The relative numbers and Port Seismic Station (Iai et al. 1995) are sites where surface mani-
positions of the liquefaction points below the curve and nonlique- festation of liquefaction was not evident, but the characteristics of
faction points above the curve are consistent with the results of the strong ground motion recording at each site showed evidence
the probabilistic analyses of these data (Idriss and Boulanger of significant soil softening or liquefaction during or near the end of
2010; Boulanger and Idriss 2012), which showed that the trigger- strong shaking. The pore-pressure transducer and accelerometer
ing curve corresponds to a probability of liquefaction of about recordings at Wildlife B indicate that liquefaction developed near
16% based on model uncertainty alone [i.e., if the ðN 1 Þ60cs and the end of strong shaking. The fact that the triggering curve passes
CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 values are known]. Therefore, the position of the close to these data points, as shown in Fig. 9, is consistent with the
triggering curve appears to be relatively unbiased with respect observations at these sites; i.e., if the true triggering curve was
to the FC, and to be reasonably conservatively positioned. significantly lower than the data points, then liquefaction would
The case history database, however, includes very few data have been expected to develop early in shaking.
points with FC greater than 25% and ðN 1 Þ60 values greater than The Kawagishi-cho case history from the M w ¼ 7:6 1964
15, as previously shown by the plot of FC versus ðN 1 Þ60 in Fig. 4. Niigata earthquake is a case where liquefaction triggered early
In combination with the distribution of these data points about the in strong shaking and hence the duration of loading required to
triggering curve, as shown in Fig. 7, the case history data do not trigger liquefaction is not well represented by the MSF for
provide definitive constraints on the empirically derived equivalent M w ¼ 7:6. The value of CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 ¼ 0:133 (Table S1) is based
clean sand adjustments at high FC and high ðN 1 Þ60 values. on the recorded amax ¼ 0:162g and the computed values of
In summary, the equivalent clean sand adjustment by Idriss CSRM;σ0v ¼ 0:136, K σ ¼ 1:05, and MSF ¼ 0:97. The number of
and Boulanger (2004, 2008) provides a slightly more conservative equivalent uniform loading cycles to trigger liquefaction at
interpretation of the case history database (Fig. 6), along with more CSRM;σ0v ¼ 0:136 was instead estimated to be four cycles using
conservative guidance on extrapolating this effect to sands with the procedures described in Idriss and Boulanger (2008) and the
high FC and high ðN 1 Þ60 values (Fig. 7) than that provided by acceleration time series in Ishihara and Koga (1981). The
the Seed et al. (1984)/Youd et al. (2001) adjustment. corresponding value of MSF (representing the duration of load-
ing up to the point of liquefaction triggering) would then be
Variation with Effective Overburden Stress
estimated as ð15∕4Þ0:33 ¼ 1:55. The corresponding value of
The distribution of data points for different vertical effective CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 ¼ 0:084 represents the loading required to just
stresses is presented in Figs. 8(a)–8(e), showing the data for cases trigger liquefaction, and as such would be expected to be located
with σ0v binned between σ0v < 0:4, 0.4–0.6, 0.6–0.8, 0.8–1.2, and near or on the liquefaction triggering correlation. The original and
σ0v > 1:2 atm (101 kPa), respectively. There are one, five, zero, the adjusted values of CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 are shown in Fig. 9, showing
one, and zero liquefaction points below the triggering curve in these that this adjustment does in fact move the point to be in better
five bins, respectively, and there are four, six, five, two, and one no agreement with the liquefaction triggering correlation.
liquefaction points above the triggering curve, respectively. The The Port Island case from the M w ¼ 6:9 1995 Kobe earthquake
bins with σ0v between 0.4–0.6 atm (41–61 kPa) and 0.6–0.8 atm is another case where liquefaction was triggered early in strong
(61–81 kPa) have the most data, including the majority of the lique- shaking. The value of CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 ¼ 0:260 (Table S1) is based
faction cases that lie close to and along the liquefaction triggering on the recorded amax ¼ 0:34g and the computed values of
curve. The bin with σ0v < 0:4 atm (41 kPa) has fewer data points, CSRM;σ0v ¼ 0:307, K σ ¼ 1:01, and MSF ¼ 1:17. The number of
but the position of the data points relative to the triggering curve is equivalent uniform loading cycles to trigger liquefaction at
consistent with the data at σ0v between 0.4–0.8 atm (41–81 kPa). CSRM;σ0v ¼ 0:307 was estimated to be three, using the recorded ac-
For the bin with σ0v between 0.8–1.2 atm (81–122 kPa), one celeration time series and the time of liquefaction triggering
liquefaction point is slightly below the triggering curve, identified by Elgamal et al. (1996). The corresponding value of
while the other liquefaction points are at least 10–20% above MSF would then be estimated as ð15∕3Þ0:33 ¼ 1:70, giving an


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

Downloaded from by THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE on 04/16/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 8. Distribution of case history data with different effective overburden stresses

adjusted CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 ¼ 0:179. The original and adjusted values to M w in the ranges of M w < 6:25, 6.25–6.75, 6.75–7.25, 7.25–
of CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 are both shown in Fig. 9, showing that this 7.75, and M w > 7:75, there are two, two, two, one, and zero
adjustment moves this point closer to the liquefaction triggering liquefaction points below the triggering curve and one, two, 10,
correlation. five, and one no liquefaction points above the triggering curve,
respectively. The liquefaction and no liquefaction data points
Variation with Other Parameters show no apparent bias with respect to M w in the first four bins
The distribution of data points for several other parameters and (i.e., M w up to values of 7.75). The few data points for M w >
conditions are examined in Idriss and Boulanger (2010). A short 7:75 are also consistent with the triggering curve, but they are
summary of the findings are as follows. not close enough to the curve to constrain it.
The distribution of data points for different earthquake magni- Data from the United States and Japan were plotted separately
tudes was examined. With the data sorted into five bins according because of the systematic differences in the SPT procedures. There


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

Summary of Reexamination of Case History

An updated examination of SPT-based liquefaction case histories

using the liquefaction triggering procedure for cohesionless soils
by Idriss and Boulanger (2004, 2008) was summarized; full details
of this examination are presented in Idriss and Boulanger (2010).
The updated case history database incorporates a number of
additional case histories, replaces prior estimates of earthquake
magnitudes with current estimates of their moment magnitudes,
uses improved estimates of PGAs when available, and includes
Downloaded from by THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE on 04/16/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

a reexamination of the selection and computation of representative

ðN 1 Þ60 values for most case histories.
Two case histories were reviewed in some detail to illustrate
several issues important to the interpretation of case histories,
including the importance of the geologic understanding of the
site and the methodology used for selecting representative SPT
Fig. 9. Case history data for sites at strong ground motion recording
ðN 1 Þ60cs values from critical strata.
The distributions of the data relative to the Idriss and Boulanger
(2008) triggering curves were shown to be reasonably consistent
across the range of case history conditions (e.g., FC, overburden
stress, earthquake magnitude) and data sources (e.g., U.S. versus
does not appear to be any differences in the distribution of data Japanese case histories, data for sites at strong ground motion
from either country, which suggests that the various correction recording stations, data from the 1995 Kobe earthquake). No
factors of SPT N m values are reasonable. biases in the distributions were identified, suggesting that the
The effects of the SPT procedures became more widely under- functional forms used in the Idriss-Boulanger procedure continue
stood in the 1980s. Accordingly, the data from earthquakes occur- to be reasonable.
ring pre-1986 and post-1986 were plotted separately. Five of the The interpretation of the database was also found to be rela-
seven liquefaction points that fall below the triggering curve are tively insensitive to reasonable variations in the components of
for pre-1986 events, while the other two are from post-1986 events. the analysis framework. Details of these sensitivity studies are
Data from sites affected by the 1995 Kobe earthquake represent presented in Idriss and Boulanger (2010), along with discussions
the largest set of cases involving liquefaction and no liquefaction of of the reasons for differences between different liquefaction trig-
higher blow-count soils under strong shaking (0:35  0:7g). There gering correlations.
were no cases of liquefaction for ðN 1 Þ60cs greater than 25, which The case history data do not, however, cover certain ranges of
provides support for the upward bend of the liquefaction triggering parameters and thus provide little or no empirical constraint on
liquefaction triggering correlations for some ranges of conditions
curve near ðN 1 Þ60cs ≈ 30. None of the Kobe liquefaction cases are
that are of interest to practice. In particular, the case history data are
below the triggering curve and five no liquefaction cases are
lacking for depths greater than about 12 m, for combinations of
above it. high FC and high ðN 1 Þ60 values, and for small and for very large
magnitude earthquakes. For these conditions, the theoretical and
Sensitivity to Various Components of the Framework
experimental basis for the various components of the analysis
Sensitivity of the case history database to select components framework [e.g., C N , K σ , r d , MSF, ΔðN 1 Þ60 ], which guide extrapo-
and aspects of the liquefaction triggering analysis framework lation outside the range of the case history data (e.g., depths greater
was examined in Idriss and Boulanger (2010). The interpreted data than 12 m), become more important. Recent findings regarding
points and their support for the current position of the liquefaction extrapolation of liquefaction triggering correlations to large depths
triggering correlation were not significantly affected by switching (i.e., C N and K σ ) at Perris Dam (Wehling and Rennie 2008) and
Duncan Dam (e.g., Pillai and Byrne 1994) are discussed in Idriss
to the Liao and Whitman (1986) C N relationship, eliminating the
and Boulanger (2010).
upper limit of 1.1 on the K σ relationship, using greater rod exten-
The updated database was used to develop a probabilistic
sion lengths for determining the short-rod correction factors, version of the Idriss-Boulanger liquefaction triggering correlation
switching to the r d relationship by Kishida et al. (2009a, b), or (Idriss and Boulanger 2010; Boulanger and Idriss 2012). The
switching to the equivalent clean sand adjustment ΔðN 1 Þ60 rela- results of those analyses indicate that the deterministic triggering
tionship used in Youd et al. (2001). Switching to the r d relationship correlation presented herein corresponds to a probability of lique-
by Cetin et al. (2004) moved a number of data points downward faction of about 16% based on model uncertainty alone [i.e., if the
such that they would be consistent with a triggering curve that is ðN 1 Þ60cs and CSRM¼7:5;σ0v ¼1 values are known].
about 10% lower than the Idriss-Boulanger triggering curve. The
results of these sensitivity studies indicate that the interpretations of
the case history data and the position of the liquefaction triggering Acknowledgments
correlation are not significantly affected by these aspects of the The material included in this paper is based on the fuller examina-
liquefaction analysis framework. Additional sensitivity analyses, tion of the database and other components of the SPT-based lique-
however, showed that the various components of the liquefaction faction triggering methodology covered in the report by Idriss
triggering analysis become increasingly important when the analy- and Boulanger (2010). The writers are grateful for information
ses involve extrapolation outside the range of conditions repre- and insights provided by numerous colleagues regarding liquefac-
sented in the case history database. tion case histories and analysis procedures over the years. For the


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

aforementioned 2010 report, specific information on certain case “Observed and predicted ground deformation—Miller Farm Lateral
histories was provided by Prof. Kohji Tokimatsu and Drs. Michael Spread, Watsonville, California.” Proc., 5th U.S.-Japan Workshop on
Bennett, Tom Holzer, and Rob Kayen. Prof. Russell Green and Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeas-
Ms. Kathryn Gunberg provided valuable review comments on ures Against Soil Liquefaction, Rep. NCEER-94-0026, National Center
for Earthquake Engineering Research, State Univ. of New York at
portions of the database. Dr. Mike Beaty provided detailed and
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 79–99.
comprehensive suggestions that improved the quality of the study. Holzer, T. L., and Youd, T. L. (2007). “Liquefaction, ground oscillation,
Additional comments and suggestions regarding different compo- and soil deformation at the Wildlife Array, California.” Bull. Seismol.
nents of the report were provided by Drs. Richard Armstrong, Soc. Am., 97(3), 961–976.
David Gillette, Thomas Holzer, Erik Malvick, Yoshi Moriwaki, Iai, S., Morita, T., Kameoka, T., Matsunaga, Y., and Abiko, K. (1995).
and Lelio Mejia, Profs. Jon Bray, Steve Kramer, Bruce Kutter, “Response of a dense sand deposit during 1993 Kushiro-Oki earth-
James Mitchell, and Jon Stewart, and Messrs. Jack Montgomery quake.” Soils Found., 35(1), 115–131.
Downloaded from by THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE on 04/16/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

and Steve Verigin. The comments and suggestions received from Idriss, I. M., and Boulanger, R. W. (2004). “Semi-empirical procedures
these colleagues significantly improved the report. for evaluating liquefaction potential during earthquakes.” Proc., 11th
Int. Conf. on Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Eng., and 3rd Int. Conf. on
Earthquake Geotech. Eng., Vol. 1, D. Doolin, A. Kammerer, T.
Nogami, R. B. Seed, and I. Towhata, eds., Stallion Press, Singapore,
Supplemental Data
Table S1 containing the updated case history database is available Idriss, I. M., and Boulanger, R. W. (2008). “Soil liquefaction during
earthquakes.” Monograph MNO-12, Earthquake Engineering Research
online in the ASCE Library (
Institute, Oakland, CA.
Idriss, I. M., and Boulanger, R. W. (2010). “SPT-based liquefaction
triggering procedures.” Report UCD/CGM-10/02, Dept. of Civil and
References Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California, Davis, CA.
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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2012, 138(8): 898-909

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