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DIRECTOR: Remember to add more excitement! The premiere is just around the corner...

DIRECTOR: Everybody gets ready, we start in... 3, 2, 1... Action!


Wrapping presents

Actor 1. Little Fabricio: I'll turn on the machine to start wrapping the presents.

(actor 1 and actor 2 start to place the presents on the tray)

(crack - machine sounds)

Actor 2. Mateo: What happened ?(goes to check)

Actor 1. Little Fabricio: The magic lever broke in half!

Actor 3. Omar: What did you do this time? Remember Santa told you to stop playing with

Actor 2. Mateo: (checking the machine) ... Actually..., it wasn't his fault this time...

Actor 3. Omar: No one is going to believe you anyway... -hehehehehe

Actor 2. Mateo: Well..., that tool is only made by one person who is located in Hari's village,
Mr. Dumas!

Actor 1. Little Fabricio: I think this is my fault, isn't it? Who will go with me to look for it?...

DIRECTOR: Cut. This time they were good, I guess, we're done for the day. See you tomorrow
morning at the usual time.

(As he speaks, a fan infiltrates the set as a stylist and interrupts the director)

Fan 1: I can't believe I waited so long for this adaptation. I swear I'm your #1 fan.

Fan 1: I already got a ticket for the premiere, could you please sign the poster for me?

(Fan 1 opens the poster and hands them a pen)

Actor 3. Omar: With pleasure, what is your name?

FAN 1. Stefany: I can't breathe with emotion! It's a dream come true for me...

DIRECTOR: It can't be... Call security! SECURITY!

(all alarmed see a desperate guard enter)

SECURITY GUARD: Excuse me, Director PARK, this young lady told me she was part of the
production, that's why I allowed her to pass.

DIRECTOR: Let's see, your ID

Actor 3. Omar: Hamilton? Just Hamilton? Who's last name is Hamilton? he laughs.

( Matthew takes the fan's ID from Omar )

Actor 2. Mateo: "JOB OR SPECIALTY": Makeup artist for 30 years?

Actor 1. Little Fabricio: AGE: 3 years old?- THEY LAUGH LOUDLY- (Mateo takes the fan's ID from

Security guard: I'm really, really sorry, I'll get her off the set right away!

Security guard: This won't affect my paycheck, will it? -nervous smile- (Santa enters the
recording room)

(Santa enters the recording room with a laugh)


SANTA: Merry Christmas, my little elves! It's a relief that you got a new magic shovel, get to...

(Everyone looks at Santa in confusion)

Fan 1: All gathered... I can't believe it!

Fan 1: Peek me to know that I'm not dreaming!

Actor 3. Omar: With pleasure.

Fan 1: OUCH! Not so literal.

Actor 1. Little Fabricio: Hey director, don't you think Santa is too old for the role? -laughs-

Santa: And you not too disrespectful for the role? Respect me

Actor 2. Mateo: Shut up, can't you see there's a fan watching this show?

Security guard: I'd better take the lady off the set...

(Fan struggles with the guard)

Fan 1: NOOOO!!!

Fan 1: I'm still not talking to Santa... -sad face-...

(The fan is forcibly removed from the set) rip

Santa: Wait, let me at least give him an autograph!

(Santa leaves chasing the guard)

Security guard: Yeah, it's ok, just 5 minutes...

(Guard releases the fan)

(Santa pulls out a pen and signs a photo for her that he)

Santa: All right dear, remember to be a good person and don't do this again.

Santa: And Merry Christmas! -JOJO-

Director: Because I didn't get to record all of this! -hahaha-

(Merry Christmas melody plays)

the END

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