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Evaluate which ethical theory best represent the quote, “duties, responsibilities, are the heart of
Duty Ethics
2. Evaluate the ethical theory best represent the quote, “the greatest good for the greatest
number of people
3. Which of the following manifest ethical egoism?
I save the janitor who is my father rather than the president
4. Evaluate which ethical theory best represent the quote, “religion is the first foundation of
5. In a situation where, a person will not eat meat because our scripture expressed that it is sin, is
a representation of
6. Is the normative ethical theory which holds that the morality of an action should be based on
whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the
consequence of the action?
Deontological Ethics
7. In a situation where, a mother helps his child out of love, is a representation of:
Virtue Ethics
8. It is the belief that a person should act from a motive of self –interest.
Personal Ethical Egoism
9. Which of the following manifest consequentialism?
I do good based on the outcome
10. Which of the following manifest ethical egoism?
I will accept high school graduate cousin in the job rather than those with master’s degree

11. Is the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to act in their own self-interest?
Psychological Egoism
12. Which among the choices manifest ethical subjectivism?
Your opinion of cheating is wrong but in my opinion it is practically right.
13. The success of doctrine of subjectivism is historically attributed to?
14. It is an ethical theory that believes morality is based on the natural phenomena and organization
of the world
Natural law theory
15. It is the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics shared by groups of people.
16. Goodness is not a one time act but a cultivation. What kind of ethics is manifested?
Virtue ethics
17. It is an acts that depends only on consequences (as opposed to the circumstances or the
intrinsic nature of the act or anything that happens before the act).
18. It is the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to act in their own moral judgment.
Ethical egoism
19. Evaluate which ethical theory best represent in this quote, “opinions are just right because it is
just an opinion”.
Ethical subjectivsm
20. It is the spiritual realm beyond human existence that is thought to control the natural world
21. Is the doctrine that “our own mental activity is the only questionable fact of our experience”…..
22. Which among the following example is supernaturalism?
Believing in the existence of spirit
23. We are what we repeatedly do is a principle of what kind of ethics?
Ethical egoism
24. A position which holds the moral agents ought to help others?
Ethical altruism
25. It is the normative ethical system that is primarily concerned with consequences that influences
the greater good of many.
26. It refers to the well founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to
do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.
27. In a situation where, your friends buy t-shirt because they like it, is a representation of:
Ethical egoism
28. Which of the following manifests duty ethics?
I do good for goodness sake
29. Deontological ethics is a normative ethics sometimes referred to by thinkers as:
Rule-based ethics
30. Evaluate which ethical theory best represent the quote, “What I think are what I say and what I
say are what I do and what I do are who I am”.
Virtue ethics
31. In a situation where, eating and chewing your food noisily is a respect to the cook and to the
food, is a representation of:
Cultural relativism
32. Evaluate which ethical theory best represent in this quote, “my need are my first priority”.
Ethical subjectivism
33. Which among the choices manifest ethical subjectivism?
Extra judicial killing is fine in my opinion
34. What is the best reason why God is part of the discussion in philosophy of morality?
Because there are rational explanations of God’s existence
35. Which among the choices manifest divine command theory?
Believe everything that said in the bible
36. It is the doctrine that “our own mental activity is the only unquestionable fact of our
37. It suggests that actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules.
Deontological ethics
38. In a situation where, I teach because it is my duty as a teacher, is a representation of:
Duty ethics
39. Which of the following manifest duty ethics?
I need to do it because it is the reasonable thing to do
40. It is an ethical theory that believes that morality is based on the “word of God”.
Divine commandment theory
41. Which of the following manifest consequentialism?
I obey the law because of its benefits
42. A philosopher states that virtues function more as means to safeguard human relations,
particularly authentic friendship, without which ones quest for happiness is frustrated.
43. It is a meta –ethical belief of a person that any utterances of good or bad can be an expression
of his/her personal perspective or attitude of the phenomena.
Ethical subjectivism
44. It is the idea that a person’s beliefs, values, and practices should be understood based on the
person’s culture and not be judged against the criteria of standard of what is good/bad.
Cultural relativism
45. An ethics which refers to a collection of normative ethical philosophies that place an emphasis
on being rather than doing.
Virtue ethics
46. It looks at the virtue or moral character of a person carrying out an action, rather than at ethical
duties and rules, or the consequences of particular actions.
Virtue ethics
47. Women in some Bible passages are considered part of men’s properties. How do we set it in the
lens of cultural relativism?
Look at it as gradual progression of understanding
48. It refers to the set of standard that enables people to live cooperatively in group.
49. Evaluate which ethical theory best represent the quote, “when in Rome do what romans do”
Cultural relativsm
50. In a situation where, a person writes an article expressing my opinions in support to the decision
of the president, is a representation of:
51. . Is a class of normative, teleological ethical theories that holds that the consequences of one's
conduct are the ultimate bases for any judgment about the rightness or wrongness of the
52. . Mamad as a Filipino Muslim has four wives. How do we assess Mamad in terms of cultural
It is alright for Mamad to have four wives.
53. It is the exchange of cultural features that results from long-term exposure between cultures:
54. A different tradition practiced by groups set with in larger culture which is frequently regionally
based is called:
55. . In a situation where, your friend gives flowers to the person he loves because of objective to be
with her, is a representation of:

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