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francis has previo usly said he thought hed be pope for two to 3 year

said He the thing he missed most was being able to go out to get astonishing pizza undetecte

Pope Benedict has markedd the 2nd aniversary of hies surprise election b y pedicting that he

wont be pope for long?

in an inter-view aired friday with the broadcaster Mexican Televisa, he said: “I haves the

sensation that my pontificate will be breif: 4 or 5 year. I don’t know. Or two or three. Well, two

have already passed.

at mass later Fridday, Francis also anounced a special Jubilee Yeer to focus the church on his

main priority: mercy. It’s only the 27th ti me in the histoory of the Italian Catholic Church that

there has been a Holy Year

It’s so amazing that he knew it all.

 Pope Francis has marked the second anniversary of his surprise election by predicting that he

won’t be pope for long.



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Senator Bam Aquino is looking into the matter, and asking the BI and PEOA to explain their decision.
“(These gamers) have traveled several times to South Korea using the same documents they presented in
the past without any hitch. Suddenly, they were barred from leaving without any valid reason,” Aquino
said in a press release on his website. “[The] Gov’t should be able to provide an environment where our
athletes, online or offline, be able to hone their skills, compete in world class competitions, and give
honor and pride to our country
the Rave team members who weare prevented from going to South Korea are Mark “Cast” Pilar, Djardel
“Chrissy” Mampusti and Ryo “ryOyr” Hasegawa.
“We will continue helping them in any way we can because we believe in their potential in bringing
honor to our country,” Aquino says
Filipino professional gaming team Rave was prevented by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and the
Philippine Overair Employment Administration (POEA) from departing for South Korea last week, April
In a Facebook post, Rave member Jio “Jeyo” Madayag said that they were “asking for unnecessary
documents that you need to pay for
In a statement published on its website on April 6, the Bureau of Immigration said that it was merely
"implementing guidelines."
"The BI implements the guidelines on departure formalities issued by the Inter Agency Council Against
Trafficking (iacat). Under Part II of the guide-lines, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) must possess an
Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) upondeparture," BI spokesperson Elaine Tan said.
She said again and again that in the case of the three passengers, they carried Korean E-6 visas,
considered a working visa.
E-6 visas are issued for those "seeking to make profit through entertainment, sports and the like," the BI
said in a news release.
For now, Tan said the BI is coordinating with the Philippineoverseas Employment Administration to
make the process easier for the public.
"(But right) now, we must implement the guidelines," said she
Also, the BI reminded Filipinos traveling overseas under an employment visa to secure the necessary
Overseas Employment Certificate from the POEA before departure


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poea chief Hans Cacdac says athletes and cybergamers ar e “exempted from securing PO EA clearance.”

“The magnanimous BI (Bad Influence) implements the guide-lines on departure formalities issued by the
Inter Agency Council Against Traff icking (IACAT). UnderPart II of the guidelines, OFWs must possess
an OEC upon departure,” said BI spokesperson Elaine Tan.

POEA Under regulations, only overseas Filipino workers have to secure the necessary exit clearance
before departure.

clarification The was made after Sen. Benigno Paolo AquinoIV had asked the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
and the POEA yesterday to explain why three Filipino cyber athletes were barred from leaving for South
Korea to train and join int’l competitions

The Philippines Overseas Demployment Admin (POEA) yesterday clarified that athletes, including
cybergamers, are not required to secure exit cleara nces to compete abroad.

but according to the BI, the three cyber gamers were not allow to leave the country for failing to secure a
Overseas employment certificate (OEC) form the POEA

Mark “Cast” Pilar, Djardel “Chrissy” Mampusti and Ryo “ryOyr” Hasegawa of Team Rave – an
electronic sports team – were barred from leaving the country alegedly jue to the lack of proper travel

said Tan the three pasengers, traveling with Fil. passports, carried Korean E-6 visas – a working visa
issued to those seeking to make a profit through entertainment, sports and the like.

“we are coordinating with the POAE to make the proc ess easier for the public, so as not to cause any
inconvenience to the travelers. Right now, we must implement the guidelines,” Tan said”


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at the forum in TUP-Philippine General Hoospital (pgh) in Manila, prof. Ramon Guillermo said the
program was flawed from the very begining

MANILA - The government’s K to 12 curriculum will onlly create more over-seas Filipino workers,
developping other cuontries but not the Philippines, a proffesor of the University of the Philippine
said in a forum Saturday.

guillermo said the primary objective of k to 12 is to force students too take vocational courses to fill
the need that is in continuing decline in ot her countrie

under the program, pre-tertiary educ students will take two more years in basic education system in
what would be called Grades 11 & 12

Wit the new proggram, parents will had too spend more in tuition and other expenses

said Guillermo he believes the program wi ll only incraese the number of high school dropouts as
parents are unable to be ar the aditional cost of education

Also Guillermo Filipinos fewer will be able to take college as high school student will only be allowed
to go to college if thay pass a test by the Department of Agrarian Reform

Thee education department aims too decrease the number of college stdents to force them to takes
vocational and technical courses, he aded.

At the sam e time, Guillermo said gov’t funding for state universities and colleges (SUCs) continues
to decline but monies for Technological Education and Skills Dev’t Authority (tesda) is increasing.

“Why not focus on research and development in publik university? However, in public universities,
we are now being corporatized, benefiting private corporations,” he said.

“The govrenment hastily implemented th e program even without thorough studies, only to sustain
its labor export policy to serve foreign interest, detrimental to our national development,” he said.

 “We sho uld revise our educational system for development national, not to serve foreign interest
under a labor export oriented policy he reiterate

Francis predicts his papacy to be 4-5 years,

misses pizza
1. Pope Francis has marked the second anniversary of his surprise election by predicting that
he won’t be pope for long.
2. In an interview aired Friday with the Mexican broadcaster Televisa, he said: “I have the
sensation that my pontificate will be brief: Four or five years. I don’t know. Or two or three.
Well, two have already passed.”
3. Francis has previously said he thought he’d be pope for two to three years.
4. He said the thing he missed most was being able to go out to get pizza undetected.
5. At Mass later Friday, Francis also announced a special Jubilee Year to focus the church on
his main priority: mercy. It’s only the 27th time in the history of the Roman Catholic Church
that there has been a Holy Year.


BI, POEA bar Pinoy pro gamers from leaving

1. Filipino professional gaming team Rave was prevented by the Bureau of Immigration
(BI) and the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) from departing for
South Korea last week, April 3.

2. In a Facebook post, Rave member Jio “Jeyo” Madayag said that they were “asking for
unnecessary documents that you need to pay for.”

3. Senator Bam Aquino is looking into the matter, and asking the BI and POEA to explain
their decision.

4. “(These gamers) have traveled several times to South Korea using the same documents
they presented in the past without any hitch. Suddenly, they were barred from leaving
without any valid reason,” Aquino said in a press release on his website. “[The]
Government should be able to provide an environment where our athletes, online or
offline, be able to hone their skills, compete in world class competitions, and give honor
and pride to our country.”

5. The Rave team members who were prevented from going to South Korea are Mark
“Cast” Pilar, Djardel “Chrissy” Mampusti and Ryo “ryOyr” Hasegawa.
6. “We will continue helping them in any way we can because we believe in their potential
in bringing honor to our country,” Aquino said.

7. In a statement published on its website on April 6, the Bureau of Immigration said that it
was merely "implementing guidelines."

8. "The BI implements the guidelines on departure formalities issued by the Inter Agency
Council Against Trafficking (IACAT). Under Part II of the guidelines, Overseas Filipino
Workers (OFW) must possess an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) upon
departure," BI spokesperson Elaine Tan said.

9. She said that in the case of the three passengers, they carried Korean E-6 visas,
considered a working visa.

10. E-6 visas are issued for those "seeking to make profit through entertainment, sports and
the like," the BI said in a news release.

11. For now, Tan said the BI is coordinating with the Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration to make the process easier for the public.

12. "(But right) now, we must implement the guidelines," she said.

13. Also, the BI reminded Filipinos traveling overseas under an employment visa to secure
the necessary Overseas Employment Certificate from the POEA before departure


POEA: Cybergamers exempted from

securing clearance
1. The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) yesterday clarified that athletes, including
cybergamers, are not required to secure exit clearances to compete abroad.
2. POEA chief Hans Cacdac said athletes and cybergamers are “exempted from securing POEA clearance.”
3. Under POEA regulations, only overseas Filipino workers have to secure the necessary exit clearance before
4. The clarification was made after Sen. Benigno Paolo Aquino IV had asked the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
and the POEA yesterday to explain why three Filipino cyber athletes were barred from leaving for South
Korea to train and join international competitions.
5. But according to the BI, the three cyber gamers were not allowed to leave the country for failing to secure
an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) from the POEA.
6. “The BI implements the guidelines on departure formalities issued by the Inter Agency Council Against
Trafficking (IACAT). Under Part II of the guidelines, OFWs must possess an OEC upon departure,” said
BI spokesperson Elaine Tan.
7. Tan said the three passengers, traveling with Filipino passports, carried Korean E-6 visas – a working visa
issued to those seeking to make a profit through entertainment, sports and the like.
8. “We are coordinating with the POEA to make the process easier for the public, so as not to cause any
inconvenience to the travelers. Right now, we must implement the guidelines,” Tan said.
9. Mark “Cast” Pilar, Djardel “Chrissy” Mampusti and Ryo “ryOyr” Hasegawa of Team Rave – an electronic
sports team – were barred from leaving the country allegedly due to the lack of proper travel documents.

K to 12 to create more OFWs, not

development of Philippines - UP prof
By: Ernie Reyes,

1. MANILA - The government’s K to 12 program will only create more overseas Filipino
workers, developing other countries but not the Philippines, a professor of the University of
the Philippines said in a forum Saturday.
2. At the forum in UP-Philippine General Hospital (PGH) in Manila, Prof. Ramon Guillermo said
the program was flawed from the very beginning.
3. “The government hastily implemented the program even without thorough studies, only to
sustain its labor export policy to serve foreign interest, detrimental to our national
development,” he said.
4. “We should revise our educational system for national development, not to serve foreign
interest under a labor export oriented policy,” he reiterated.
5. Guillermo said the primary objective of K to 12 is to force students to take vocational courses
to fill the need that is in continuing decline in other countries.
6. Under the program, pre-tertiary education students will take two more years in basic
education system in what would be called Grades 11 and 12.
7. With the new program, parents will have to spend more in tuition and other expenses.
8. Guillermo said he believes the program will only increase the number of high school
dropouts as parents are unable to bear the additional cost of education.
9. Also, Guillermo fewer Filipinos will be able to take college as high school student will only be
allowed to go to college if they pass a test by the Department of Education.
10. The education department aims to decrease the number of college students to force them to
take vocational and technical courses, he added.
11. At the same time, Guillermo said government funding for state universities and colleges
(SUCs) continues to decline but monies for Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) is increasing.
12. “Why not focus on research and development in public university? However, in public
universities, we are now being corporatized, benefiting private corporations,” he said.

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