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Jean Piaget Sean Plage, the pioneéring Swiss philosopher and psychologist, became famous fer his theories / on chid Gevelopment. A chia prodigy, ha became interested in the sclenife study of rature at Sn early age. He developed a spacial fascination for biology, having some cf his work published Before grauating fom high school. When, aged 10, his cbservatons led to questions tht could be answered only by access to the univer ibrar, Piaget wrote and publshed some notes on S~ the sighting of an alin sparrow Inthe hope that this would persuade the lbrerian to top treating him ike a chi, it worked, Piaget was launched on a path that la to his doctrate In zoology anc Halong cometion tat the way to understane anything Is to know how it eval. Piaget went on to spend much of his professional fe listening to and watching chlaren, and poring Ge raports of reszareners who were coy tre same. He found, to put it succinctly, that eleren. (2 ort thnk Ike adults. After thousands of Interactions with young people often barely old enough to {alt Paget began fo suspect that benind thir cute and seemingly logical uterances were thought processes that hac thee vm kind of ordar and their own spacial ogi. Abert Enston the renowned rystcist deemed tis a elscovery'so simple thet only a genius could have tneught of Piaget's insight opened a new window Into the inner workings of the mind. Several new fields of AS Ecionco, among them developmental peyenolagy ang cogatve theory came to being as result of Fi reseereh, although not an educational reformer, he championed a way of thinking about chien that provided the foundation for today’s education reform movements. One might sa that iaget was {he fest to take children’s thinking ealously. Others who shared tis respect for eildren may have {Bught harder for immediate change in schools, but Plage’ lrvluence on eduction remains deeper 2 ‘andmore pervasive, Piaget has been revered by generations of teachers inspired by the Ble thet chicren arent empty ‘essels fo be filed with knowedge, as tracibonel academic thinking had i 2ut active bullders of rowiedge ite sclenate who are constant creating and testing ther own theories of the wor ‘And wile he may not bs a famous as Sigmund Freud, Piaget's contribution tb psychology may be 2S fongor lasting, As computers ar the Intemet ove chien greater autonomy to expore ever lager ‘gta world, the ideas he pioneered becarne evermore relevant In the 19408, working in Afed Binet's chile-psychology lab in Paris, Piaget noticed that chien Of the same age, regardless of thir background or gerd, made comparable erers on true-flse ittligence tests: Back in Switzerland, te Young scientist began watching chilren play, scrupuously 30 Fearing ther words and actions ae ther minds raced to find reasons for why things are the way ‘hey are Piaget recognised that a five-year-old’ belts, while not correct by any adutcitrion, are no incanest ether They ae entry sents ang caPerent within the framework ofthe chic ‘way Stknowing!. In Paget's lew, clasiying them as ‘vue! or false’ misses tne point and shows a lack ‘Sf respest forthe cil. What Plaget wae after was a theory thal coud find coterence and Ingenulty SS inthe chil’ stiication, and evidence of a Kind of explanatory principle tat stands young chien in very good stead wines they don't know enough er don't have enough skllto handle te kn ef ‘explanation that grown-ups preter. “The core of Piaget's work is his beef that looking carefully at how chidren acquire knowledge Sheds ight on how adults tink and understand the world. Whothor ths hes, In fac, lad to deeper 0 Understanding remains, ke everything about Plage, contentious. n recent ysors, Plaget has bean \igorousl chellaged by the curont emphasis on viewing knowledge as an Irvinc property ofthe bin, Ingersnus experiments hava demonstrated that newbom boants areay have some ofthe Krowiedge that Paget beboved chigren constructed. But for thosa of us who stl see Plaget asthe ‘Slant fe fill of cognitive theory, the clsperty between wht th baby brings and wat the acuthas <> {B99 immense that the naw dlacoveree donot sgniicarty reduce te gap, ony Increase the mystery 1. Multiple choice ircle the corect answer, A, 8, CorD. Only ane answer Is correct. (22 poWTs) 1 Inthe rst paragrap,the writer suggest hat a ach Pia ‘A was patctaryeageto tach cher about ais B_ was concent his rsarch would hap other ele (© as aready corn out te crear ha wld Yl D_ was detemined that rothng shoud hed back hs progress 2 In quoting Ehnetin, tho wears ‘A. questioning the sinc of Plage ess, supporting the concusion tht Plaget reached, (© suggeating that Ploget research methods ware unprecedented, recommending alsa complicated approach than Piaget ‘9 Inthe thi paragraph, the wir puts forward the ew that |A. Plage work wih chicken was ficult to putt a racial uae 1B. Plage thar about chien wer las evlstonary han thought {© Faget lac the bas for our curent understanding of how cieren's minds wor, 1D. Piaget was actualy commited to radial change inthe edvetion syst, "4 The phrase empty vessels (paragraph 4 testo 'A_ why children should be encouraged to study mare indapendenty 1 what ralional academic theory sad about children and learn. {© how teachers can increas cider’ meta to ean. 1 thekind ofknowecge that chen need to aque, ‘5 The witersays Piaget was unin o categorise cron eas as tu o oko because ‘Aho reafsed that the reasoning bohind a cit statment was more impecat BB heknow that this could have lng-term affect ona chile ° hofotthat cron ae easy intusncsd by what adits have tld thm, {8 What does the witer conclude about newer theories that have appeared? They completly undermine Plaga’ eas. B They pul greater omphasison scene evidence, © They ae aninterestngadeton tthe body of knowledne. 1D. They re based on awed esearch, > 2. Synonyms Give a synonym or 0 senonymous expression for each ofthese words/expresslons taken from the text All your answers must fit the context in which the words/expressons are used inthe article (20 pos) 1. to persuade (6) 2 teevohe (8) 3 barey (0) A tosuspect (12) 5. constantly (24) 6 tonatice (2 7. at (32) 8. infact (40) 9, todemonstate (43) 10, dsparty (5), 3. Antonyms ive an antonym or an antonymous expression for each ofthese words taken from the text. Al your answers must fit the context in which the words/expressins ae used inthe artic (ePownrs) 1. towork (7) 2. cate (12) 3, renowned (13) 4. traditional (23) 5. relevant 27) 6. tomiss (34) 7, deep (40) 8. agiant (as) ll 4, Find the correct word or expression Find words or exoressons in the text to match he following definition. Al these words/expressons con be found between lines 15 and 4§ ond are in chronological order. Singular forms ard infintves have been sed forthe definitions throughout (0 POINTS) 4. tofightorspeakin support of 2. to feel reat respect or admiration for 3. sththathelps to achieve thor make it sucessful 4 payingno attention ro 5. the ability to solve problems in new and dever ways 6. themost important or central part of sth 1. togain sth by your wm efforts orb leamingt 8 controversial ely to cause disagreement 8. happening or fashionable now 410, the process of learning sth that was not known before 5. Translations “Translate these words/expressons into German, glving the meaning they have in he text (20 POWs) a. access (5) 2. conviction (8) 3. seemingly (12) a 4. foundation (18) 5. comparable (29) oe 6. sensible (33) 7. alack of (4/5) —— 8 jusieaton (36) 9, to shed ight on sth (40) 10. vigorously (42) ee Part 2 Use of English (110 points) 1. Multiple Choice ire the correct answer A,B, Cor D. Only ane answer is correct. (22 PownTs) 4. What kind of word do you want to leave behind for YOU wnermnnnen? A anrectors descendants predecessors D siblings 2. {don’t know what we are going to FFU lose this job. A lveon B getby © she away D. growon 3. Calle 35 00M 25 YU wns YOUF test results A will gt 8 willhave got c get D_ willbe getting 4 How many fats at 0 far? — Five, ‘A. do you look have you looked © areyoulooking 1D have you been looking 5. Did you remember Chery to bring her CD player tomorrow night? A toask Basking © toashing D ask 6. Ith 1 onsen thereto see Gabriel's face when you told him! ‘A canbe B would be would have been 1D could have been 7. Thetop is your colour, but ate you Sure it nen YOU? I looks abit big A fits 8 matches sults D goes 3 ven vane Fora night wont ish 1 although B so cir D_ when 8. She couldn help nnn when she sat A tolaugh 8 laughing © laugh D_ tolaughing 10. _tvegot good chance of getting the job okay in the rterview. A unless 8 whether © only 1D provided a 2 Fr 14 15. 16, v. 38, 19. 20. 2 2 Perhaps Bran isin is room. Hew. A mightstilbesleeping 8 would stile sleeping might stil sleep D_ would stlsleep ‘When we landed, ‘onthe plane for 18 hours A weare B we've been Cc wewere we'd been ‘The man could have been sent to prison ithe judge wn his tery, A wouldn'thave believed 8 wasn't believing © nadn't believed 1D. would’ believe After ishing her course, Rachel went on vw a welFknown lawyer. A tobecome B becoming © to becoming 1D become om afraid Fn alittle short ones Money this month, so | can't lend you any. A of Bin © for D with ‘know you don' like saving money, but suppose you . -yourjob. What then? A willose 3 lost © arelosing 2 would lose |don’t want anyone to know about our plan. You ~ anyone. ‘A needn't tell B don’t have totell mustrt tll Dad totell My relationship with isaac is 0n@ of nnnnnsnn Fespec A mutual B relative compatible integral In Britain, most shops close at 6 pm, nn ‘evening, too. vIn other countries they often open in the A despite B whereas nevertheless 1D moreover 1 50 much about Jan’s present. She loved it! ‘A mustr'thave worried 8 needn’thave worried. couldn'thave worrled —-D__didn’thaveto “are you stl taking your exams"? ~"Yes, but by ths time next Week... ry last one 1 Fm fiishing 8 rilfinish CC Flfhave finished D_Fihave been finishing Someone's been in here, weaves? ‘A havethey 8 donttthey © aren't they havent they 2. Open Cloze Put one appropriate word into the gaps ofthis text. (20Po1nTs) Pacifying” Rio's Favelas (The Observer, 13/09/15) (On the moming of 10 November 2011, the people of Rio de Janeiro woke up to some fascinating fo 0%9ge (I) --nw--nw Played over and over on all major television networks. Edt0rS (2) cleared the decks to concentrate (3). fone story only. (4) on after midnight, three competing police forces had assembled arcund a black Toyota Corolla, After anitial scuffle and alt of accusatory shouting, they eventually al '5) none thelt weapons at the cars locked boot. Illuminating the scene was a searchlight mounted on 2 police helicopter tothe delight of the surrounding camera crews (6) the headquarters of Braai's largest news channels, Globo and Record The hysteria gre (7) anasvnene Federal alice officers pulleda lanky, dazed and csoriented maninto the carpark of Ra's Naval Club bythe side of Lagoa, the lagoon atthe heart ofthe South Zone (8) most of the city’s swankiest residential areas (9). was a moment that José Mariano Beltrame, secretary of security in Rio State, could realy enjoy (10) -- lng far away n Berlin, where he was discussing the policing of mega-sporting events. He could boast, not (1). His fores were clearing the city's favelas of drugs and guns. The country could loo (12). to ‘the Olympes in 2016. ‘The man in the car-boot was known (23) nvm the country as Nem of Rocinha, after the favela the fist time, that his paciying of R's lawless slums was working. in the South Zone where he was born and ralzed. Nem was pubic enemy NO 1; (14) wns SK years he had been the undisputed boss ofthe drugs trade in Rocinha, (25) x... police lai is responsible for 0% of all cocaine consumed in Ro. ‘Afavela,once decided on for pacification, would be prepared for an invasion of (16 menu tained special fores. The aim was less to alt the drugs trade But (17) nmmnw t0 get rid of the heavy ‘weaponty that ha (18) sons USed By the gangs (18) the early1990s. Then a more community-trendly police force and enhanced social services, (20) wun ascreches, health care centres and schools, would be established. ‘With this method the authorities hope to create a more peaceful background tothe summer Olympics In 2016 “pacing mang peace 3. Word Formation Fil the gaps in the sentences with one appropriate word whichis elated tothe werd inthe margin beside the sentence. (20P0WNTs) 1. My fat consists ofa very ving room and a Pace Aatehen, 2. Tal drivers are often very people. TAK 3. Iwoulda't accept him as a business partner because he i completely eww 4. Your ideas are interesting but you must the SIMPLE language, Nobody can understand i 5, Weneed tocall an {orepair the heater. eLecTRIC 6, She chose light-coloured furniture to, the room. eriGiT 7. Thenew laser eatment can extract teeth PAIN 8. Local residents are angry because aceldentshave NUMBER aleeady happened there before. ‘9, Eventhough he’s already 21 he iestill rather MATURE 10.1 do not know what to do now that my friends are gone. l probably de cf ORE 41 Freedom from should be a human right Poor 12, Local elections en often seem butinfactthey SIGNIFY Send an important signal othe government. 13. Please contact reception regarding the storing of in AWE the hotel safe, 1. Are those flowers real or are they 2 ant 415, Too many farilies in this country stil sue fom financial HARD 16, Being the hardest natural substance, ¢lamond is practically DesTROY 17, You should make alist of things you are about. ANKIETY before planning your trip. 18. atthe of his powers Alfred Hitchcock was HGH producing a hit movie every year in Hollywood. 19.1he ‘ofthe Rublk’s Cube peaked in the early 1980; POPULAR. 20, Local planners admit they. the number oftoursts ESTIMATE ‘that would come for the festival a0 4, Tenses and Verb Forms Complete the text with an appropriate tense / form ofthe verbs in brackets. Both active and passive forms are posible (24 PowTs) Fiona Maye, judge atthe Family Law Court, was ready forthe next case. She inclined her head towards Mr Berner, attorney forthe Edith Cavell General Hospital, Wandsworth, He was smoothly bald stout, but with small feet (sie ive? for which he (1), (mock) behind his back. But he had a decent, rich enor which they (2) (lasyhear) when he (3) (cing) for areting law lord last year. “a, (be) bret, My Lady,” he said. The situation is pressing indeed. | (8 (represent) the hospital which (6)__(seek) the cour’ permission to give blood transfusions to the boy, whose name is Adam Henry and who a. (be) eightecn in less than three months. He (8) (experience) sharp stomach pains on 14 March when he (9) (put on) his football boots to play for his school, During the following three days these pains (20) (become) unbearable “Thank you, Mi Berner, (2). (cead) the papers", Flon interrupted him just a tiny bit impatiently, “Very well, My Lady suffice it to say then that (12). {accept by all parties that Adam (13) (suffer) from leukemia for quite along time already. Iti the hospita’s determined wish therefore to treat him inthe usual manner with four diferent drugs.” (14, {shutle) hi papers, Berner went on quicy to outline the conventional course of treatment and Fiona (15). {not intervene) again. He explained that i (16) (be) usual to transfuse during this treatment. In this case, however, the hospital (27) (prevent) from (28) (do}s0. The parents and Adam who were Jehova's Witnesses (19) {not want) this, but (20) (accept) anything else on offer “nd what (2). (offer) to them?" Fiona asked. hy Lay, only Ue eukenniaspecie drugs (22), (administer so far. They (23)_____tnot consider sufficient, however. Therefore | (4) {call my rst witness, a consultant haematologist with sufficient knowledge of the matter to clarify all ‘relevant queries." n 5. Transformation Rewrite the following sentences using the word in bold without changing the mecning in any way. (24 POWTs) 1. Iidn’thave the money so didn’t buy anew sut. wouo 1 anewsut 2. James started learning French five years ago. Has. James five yeas. 3. *il cal ofthe football match f you don’t behave,” the teacher sald. ‘THREATENED ‘The teacher the children’s haviour improved. 4, Allthat trouble | went to wasn't necessary inthe end NEEDN'T ' all that trouble, 5, ve been inthis company for almost three years. wi By the end of the month in this company for three years 6. The deaths of ever fity people were caused bythe ston. RESULTED Thestorm. kil. 7. ttisthought that the two injured men were repairing overhead cables. Have ‘The two injured men ‘overhead cable. 8. Doyou ever regret not going to university? wish Do you ever touniversty? '9, Although Sue looked for the book fora long time, she could’t find it SPENT sue without sucess, 10, if you don’t get outright now, I'l ask the police to arrest you. HAVE If you don’ get out right now, by the police. 11, Fd rather you dda't sit atthe back of the room, please. ir Vd prefer atthe front ofthe room, 12, Joe doesnt like it when people treat him lke a child RESENTS lke a chi Joe.

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