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(A) He's looking for a writing utensil.
(B) He's taking notes on a clipboard.
(C) He's repairing some equipment.
(D) He's adjusting a machine's dial.

(A) Both of the men are leaving the construction site.
(B) One of the men is rolling up a document.
(C) Both of the men are putting on hard hats.
(D) One of the men is reaching out his arm.

(A) One of the women is passing out papers.
(B) The people are gathered around a computer.
(C) One of the men is purchasing a laptop.
(D) The people are setting up a meeting room.

(A) Some vegetables are being harvested.
(B) A woman is adding food to a bag.
(C) Some produce is sorted by type.
(D) A shopper is returning some items.

(A) The women are shaking hands.
(B) The men are greeting each other.
(C) The women are seated at the table.
(D) The men are opening some windows.

(A) A sofa has been placed against the wall.
(8) A rug has been spread in the corner.
(C) Some cushions are scattered on the floor.
(D) Some curtains have been pulled closed.

When will the contest winners be announced?
(A) Probably sometime after January twelfth.
(B) Congratulations - you deserved it!
(C) The contract was announced yesterday.

How far is it to the regional airport?
(A) At seven o'clock this evening.
(B) A non-stop flight to Dallas.
(C) Approximately five miles.

Which meeting space should I use for the interview?
(A) For the manager position.
(B) Whichever one is free.
(C) I think it went better than expected.

Can I renew my license over the phone, or do I have to come in?
(A) It can only be done in person.
(B) Yes, it's a new company policy.
(C) What's your home phone number?

Who labeled the folders in the file cabinet?
(A) I think it's still locked.
(B) Patients' confidential medical records.
(C) One of the part-time interns.

Where will I have a layover during my trip?
(A) Somewhere on the West Coast, I think.
(B) About an hour and a half.
(C) A ticket in the first-class section.

How about purchasing another sofa for the employee lounge?
(A) Taking short breaks every hour.
(B) Sure, the staff would appreciate that.
(C) At the furniture store across the street.

Why was Ms. Dennison's application rejected?
(A) A computer technician job.
(B) She wasn't qualified enough.
(C) OK, I'll let her know.

Which charity will the company donate to this year?
(A) No, it's every six months.
(B) Your donation is tax deductible.
(C) The local food bank.

This website takes a long time to load.
(A) The loan was finally approved.
(B) It's a new e-mail address.
(C) There must be a problem.

Have you hiked both trails at Crystal Lake?
(A) I hike on the weekends.
(B) Actually, there are three.
(C) Swimming and fishing.

Could you pick something up at the pharmacy for me?
(A) No, it's not that far to go.
(B) We picked the best option.
(C) Yes, but not until this afternoon

Isn't the recruitment drive still going on?
(A) We filled the necessary positions.
(B) No, he doesn't have a driver's license.
(C) A professional recruitment agency

You don't need any more office supplies, do you?
(A) It was a surprise for everyone.
(B) I have more than enough.
(C) My office is on the second floor

Does the furniture come assembled, or do we need to put it together?
(A) I'm not sure what color it is.
(B) Chairs in the lobby will be gathered.
(C) It'll be ready for use immediately.

I haven't been reimbursed for my business expenses.
(A) No, I wasn't able to afford it.
(B) Should I call accounting?
(C) A round-trip ticket to Tokyo.

When will the receptionist's replacement start?
(A) Probably at the corporate headquarters.
(B) That's the perfect place for it.
(C) She's already begun training.

I'd like a deadline extension for the newsletter article.
(A) The business expanded operations.
(B) It's sent to clients every month.
(C) How far behind are you at the moment?

Would you mind turning up the heat in the building?
(A) I'll send a copy to the building owner.
(B) The temperature is already at the maximum.
(C) Take a right at this intersection.

Didn't Mr. Jacobs review the statistics in the report?
(A) How many figures do you need?
(B) Did you find an error?
(C) That's an interesting viewpoint.

Are all of these light fixtures on sale?
(A) Only a few brands in particular.
(B) To brighten up the room.
(C) The branches that you visited.

Why was the itinerary changed at the last minute?
(A) A flight was canceled unexpectedly.
(B) He was able to assist you last month.
(C) Is the trip for business or pleasure?

Who has time to update the employee handbook?
(A) Today at 4 P.M. at the latest.
(B) There are some changes to the dress code.
(C) Rachel doesn't have any urgent projects.

Can I purchase souvenirs from the concert during intermission?
(A) Yes, and also following the show.
(B) A T-shirt and a poster for them.
(C) This is a ticket for February.

Interpreters will be available at the conference, right?
(A) For the most common languages only.
(B) Chinese food, I think.
(C) They've selected a venue.

M: Hi, my name is Peter Miller, arrived from Boston this morning, but my bag was lost
in transit. I'm calling to find out if you've found it yet.
W: Let's see. Yes, Mr. Miller. Fortunately, we have tracked it down, and it'll arrive
sometime this afternoon. We can just deliver it to your hotel. Which one did you check
M: I'm at the Dovetail Inn.
W: OK. The courier will be there around 3 p.m. Don't forget to have your passport ready
to prove your identity when you sign for it. And we're very sorry for the inconvenience.

What is the purpose of the man's call?
(A) To inquire about a transportation service
(B) To change a flight from Boston
(C) To complain about a damaged bag
(D) To follow up on a missing item

What does the woman ask about?
(A) Where the man is staying
(B) When the man will arrive
(C) What form the man completed
(D) Who originally helped the man

What does the woman remind the man to do?
(A) Read a sign carefully
(B) Provide a tracking number
(C) Call the woman this afternoon
(D) Prepare a form of identification

W: Hello. This is Yolanda Mendez calling from Room 506. I wanted to do some
sightseeing today, so I'm wondering how to get to the Modern Art Museum on foot.
M: Well, the museum is fairly close to our hotel, about half an hour's walk. You just
follow Eden Street north. However, it's really cold and windy outside, so I don't
recommend walking.
W: Oh, I see. Is there a bus or subway that goes there?
M: Because it's such a short trip, you should just call a cab to take you. The fare will be
less than five dollars.

What is the purpose of the woman's call?
(A) To make a complaint
(B) To get some directions
(C) To inquire about a bill
(D) To book a hotel room

What does the man tell the woman about?
(A) Inclement weather conditions
(B) An entrance fee
(C) A closing time
(D) New company policies

What does the man suggest doing?
(A) Walking to a site
(B) Taking the subway
(C) Riding a bus
(D) Using a taxi

W: Hi, this is Mindy Ross. 3pm supposed to get my hair cut at two, but I have a last-
minute meeting with a client. Could I move it to later this week?
M: Let's see... Sandra is full for the rest of the week. But Thomas can do it on Thursday
at three o'clock.
W: Sorry, but I'd really like Sandra to do it. I'm flying to Hong Kong on Saturday.
Couldn't she fit me in?
M: Hmm. I’ll ask her to add one more appointment after her shift ends on Friday. She
might be willing to do that.
W: Oh, I’d really appreciate that. I

What is the purpose of the woman's call?
(A) To change an appointment
(B) To apply for a job opening
(C) To inquire about business hours
(D) To request a complimentary service

Why does the woman say she does not want to come on Thursday?
(A) She has to attend a business meeting.
(B) She prefers a haircut from a certain employee.
(C) She plans to take a flight that day.
(D) She lives too far from the business.

What does the man offer to do?
(A) Call the woman if a customer cancels
(B) Ask a coworker to work overtime
(C) Print a copy of a document
(D) Give directions to another branch

W: Excuse me. This is my first time working out here, and I noticed that some of the
treadmills and stationary bikes have red stickers on them. Is that something I need to pay
attention to?
M: Yes. That's our system for reserving equipment in advance. Members can call to book
a machine during a certain time.
W: Oh, I see. That's a good idea for people who don't have time to wait round.
M: Exactly. A lot of our members asked for that feature when they filled out the
questionnaire we gave them last month. We hope the change will make things more
convenient for everyone.

Where is the conversation most likely taking place?
(A) At a sporting goods store
(B) At an office
(C) At a fitness facility
(D) At a factory

According to the man, what does a red sticker on an item mean?
(A) It is currently on sale.
(B) It has been booked.
(C) It is not working.
(D) It is for advanced users.

What did the business do last month?
(A) Received an award
(B) Hired more workers
(C) Moved to a better location
(D) Conducted a survey

W-Br: Our head chef's last day will be on June sixth, and his replacement, Guido Mazzi,
will officially start on June seventh, though he's already completed the new menu.
W-Am: All right. We're holding a special event on his first day to publicize the change so
people can try the new dishes.
M-Cn: We've run into some trouble. We were supposed to have some fresh Atlantic
salmon delivered yesterday, but it's still not here.
W-Br: Really? I guess Chef Mazzi will have to come up with something else for the
debut event we advertised.
M-Cn: In that case, how about I call the printer and ask them to halt our menu project
until we're sure?

What are the speakers discussing?
(A) A customer complaint
(B) A grand opening
(C) A staff change
(D) A restaurant inspection

What problem does the man mention?
(A) A dish is not selling well.
(B) A shipment has not arrived.
(C) An employee is inexperienced.
(D) An advertisement contained an error.

What does the man offer to do?
(A) Proofread a menu
(B) Contact a print shop
(C) Call Chef Mazzi
(D) Create a new design

W-Am: Thanks for letting me stop by, Mr. Friedman. I’m Chandra Badal, your real
estate agent.
M-Au: It's nice to meet you. This is the first time I've sold a house, so I'm not very
familiar with the process.
W-Am: That's why I'm here to walk you through every step of the way. Now, before we
put the property on the market, you should invest in some cosmetic changes like painting
to give the place a fresh look. This will help to maximize the return on your investment.
M-Au: I've set aside three thousand dollars for those kinds of improvements. I’m worried
about going over that amount, though, because I don't want to empty my savings.

Who most likely is the man?
(A) A construction worker
(B) A real estate agent
(C) An interior designer
(D) A homeowner

Why does the woman want to make some changes?
(A) To retain employees
(B) To follow a regulation
(C) To save time
(D) To increase profits

What is the man concerned about?
(A) Opening an account
(B) Upsetting a customer
(C) Exceeding a budget
(D) Missing a deadline
M-Cn: Thanks again, Elizabeth, for helping me with the planning for the upcoming
Technology Career Expo.
W-Am: I'm happy to help, and we've made a lot of progress. I've already paid the rental
fee at the Oakdale Center. The building has several entrances, so I've asked their staff to
post signs to direct people to our event.
M-Cn: Perfect. And I've ordered the refreshments from the caterer. We'll have coffee
and cookies for about two thousand people.
W-Am: That should be enough. Since we'll be setting up the refreshments in the hall, I'd
better call to find out how big the tables are so we know how many we need. I can take
care of that now.

What kind of event are the speakers planning?
(A) An academic lecture
(B) A technology course
(C) A product launch
(D) A job fair

What have Oakdale Center employees been asked to do?
(A) Confirm a booking date
(B) Decorate a venue
(C) Put up some signs
(D) Keep one entrance locked

What does the woman say she will check?
(A) The expected number of attendees
(B) The ingredients in some refreshments
(C) The cost of renting a facility
(D) The size of some tables

M-Cn: Excuse me. I need to buy a new router for my Wi-Fi connection in my studio
apartment. I see you have a large selection here, but to me, they all look the same.
W-Br: I understand. The choices can seem overwhelming. How many devices would be
using the router at a time?
M-Cn: Usually just two - my laptop and my smartphone.
W-Br: Then since you don't need it to cover a large area, I'd recommend the Conway-HX.
It is just a basic model, but it will do what you need it to do. It's our store's best-seller.
M-Cn OK, I’II give that one a try. Thanks!

What does the man mean when he says, "they all look the same"?
(A) He needs help making a decision.
(B) He is disappointed with the store's options.
(C) He wants his devices to be the same color.
(D) He thinks the brand does not matter.

What does the woman ask the man about?
(A) The budget he has prepared for a purchase
(B) The brands of his laptop and smartphone
(C) The size of the area he wants to cover
(D) The number of machines that will be used

What does the woman suggest about the Conway-HX?
(A) It is not enough for the man's needs.
(B) It is larger than the other models.
(C) It is currently offered at a discount.
(D) It is the most popular item.

M-Au: Welcome back, Christina. We missed you last week. I hope you've fully recovered
from that case of the flu you had.
W-Br: Thanks. I'm feeling much better now. A few days of rest was just what I needed.
M-Au: I'm glad to hear that. Now, while you were gone, Ms. Milton assigned groups for
the presentations at Kenner International.
W-Br: Oh, no! That's this Friday, isn't it? I'm going to be so far behind. I haven't even
started any of the preparations.
M-Au: You don't have to do the work alone. Arthur Hammond is on your team.
W-Br: That's a relief. He's been working here the longest, so he'll know what to do.

Why was the woman absent last week?
(A) She visited another branch.
(B) She had an illness.
(C) She went on a business trip.
(D) She was taking a vacation.

Why does the man say, "Arthur Hammond is on your team"?
(A) To thank the woman for training a coworker
(B) To correct an error in a document sent to the woman
(C) To explain that he cannot answer the woman's questions
(D) To reassure the woman about an assignment

What does the woman suggest about Mr. Hammond?
(A) He has a lot of experience.
(B) He used to work at Kenner International.
(C) He is behind schedule.
(D) He prefers to work alone.
M-Au: When I was unloading the ingredients shipment, I noticed that the walk-in
refrigerator is not as cold as it should be. We can't store food in there if it keeps rising
above forty degrees.
M-Cn: Is it having problems again? We were penalized on our health inspections because
of that. Right, Stephanie?
W-Am: Yes. And we don't have enough money to replace it, so we'd better get a
technician to look at it. I can call someone.
M-Cn: I know a maintenance company that has reasonable rates. Stephanie, I'll forward
you their phone number and e-mail address.
M-Au: Thanks to you two, I think we can get this resolved before it causes a problem.

What problem are the speakers discussing?
(A) The restaurant lacks storage space.
(B) A delivery contained the wrong items.
(C) Some lighting in the kitchen is not working.
(D) The temperature of an area is too high.

What does the woman think the business should do?
(A) Take out a small loan
(B) Purchase some new equipment
(C) Hire a repairperson
(D) Undergo another inspection

What will be sent to the woman?
(A) A shipping address
(B) A pricing estimate
(C) Some contact details
(D) An application form

M-Au: Good news, Sally. We'll finally be getting some self-checkout machines - you
know, the ones that let customers scan and check out their own groceries. They'll be
installed next week.
W-Br: Great. I’ll post an update on our webpage about that if you'd like.
M-Au: Sure. And speaking of that - there's some more news. One of the popular snack
products we carry is going to be discontinued soon - the Healthy Plus mixed nuts. You
know, the one packaged in the convenient can.
W-Br: Oh, no. Really?
M-Au: Yes, I’’ head over to the aisle they're in now, and then move them to the special
"Buy Now Before It's Gone" display in front of the store.

According to the man, what will happen at the store next week?
(A) A clearance sale will take place.
(B) An orientation session will be given.
(C) Some new equipment will be installed.
(D) Some safety inspectors will visit.

What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Create a large sign
(B) Update a website
(C) Work an additional shift
(D) Check on inventory levels

Look at the graphic. Which aisle will the man most likely go to?
(A) Aisle 1
(B) Aisle 2
(C) Aisle 3
(D) Aisle 4

M-Cn: Good afternoon. My friend and I just opened a bakery. When I found out about
your food festival in an Internet search, I knew it would be good exposure for us. I'd like
to reserve a spot.
W-Br: Wonderful! If you want to be the first thing people see when they enter the
festival, you should reserve one of our Premium spots.
M-Cn: Well ... to keep costs down, I think we'd rather be by the soccer field.
W-Br: All right. And you should know that trucks are not allowed to drive here, so you'll
have to park near the main entrance and take your goods to your spot in a cart.

How did the man find out about the event?
(A) By seeing a poster
(B) By searching online
(C) By reading a newspaper
(D) By talking to a friend

Look at the graphic. In which section does the man want to reserve a space?
(A) Premium
(B) Standard
(C) Saver
(D) Superior

What does the woman tell the man about?
(A) A restriction on vehicles
(B) A parking fee
(C) A registration process
(D) A food regulation
M-Au: Hi, Ms. Kimball. I'm calling from Rainbow Printing. I just noticed we've made a
mistake with your order. I'm very sorry about that.
W-Am: We need those materials as soon as possible. Will there be a delay?
M-Au: Only for one item. We only printed fifty calendars because someone misread the
form. We'll send everything that's finished today.
W-Am: We were planning to give those out as gifts to our clients. How long will it take
to get the rest of them?
M-Au: We'll start working on them today so we can send them to you by Thursday
morning. And because of this problem, I'll include a voucher for twenty-five percent off
with your package.

What is the purpose of the man's call?
(A) To apologize for an error
(B) To request a payment
(C) To confirm a mailing address
(0) To promote a service

Look at the graphic. Which quantity is now incorrect?
(A) 15
(B) 25
(C) 150
(D) 350

What does the man say he will do?
(A) Give the woman store credit
(B) Send a discount coupon
(C) Report a problem to his manager
(D) Waive a delivery fee

W-Am: Good morning. I’ve gathered the sales team together for an important
announcement about our line of solar panels. I’m thrilled to announce that we have
surpassed our goal of selling one thousand units. Great job, everyone! The company
would like to give each of you a special gift. You can choose between a luggage set and
a watch. please e-mail me by Friday to let me know which one you want. Thank you for
your hard work. Keep it up!

Who most likely are the listeners?
(A) Sales team members
(B) Product developers
(C) Company stockholders
(D) Solar panel technicians

What is the speaker pleased about?
(A) A contract was approved.
(B) A goal was exceeded.
(C) A product won an award.
(D) A deadline was met.

Why should the listeners e-mail the speaker?
(A) To confirm some figures
(B) To schedule a business trip
(C) To sign up for a group
(D) To express a preference

M-Cn: Valley Solutions has the experienced landscapers you need to keep your yard
looking its best. We're more than just a maintenance service. We can totally transform
your property with the strategic planting of flowers, bushes, and trees. Our designs have
been featured in Outdoors Magazine as well as the hit TV show Home with Us, presented
by Spencer Shaw. Call us at 555-0141 to book a free consultation to get you started. And
don't forget to visit our website,, to look through our gallery of
photos posted by satisfied customers.

What is being advertised?
(A) An interior design studio
(B) A landscaping business
(C) A transportation company
(D) A flower shop

Who most likely is Spencer Shaw?
(A) An interior designer
(B) A maintenance worker
(C) A magazine journalist
(D) A television host

According to the speaker, what can listeners do on the website?
(A) View an updated price list
(B) Read customer comments
(C) Register for a free consultation
(D) Browse pictures of past projects

W-Br: Next, I'd like to update you on our library's annual Used Book Sale. Normally we
hold this sale in August, but we've decided to move it to June this year because a lot of
people read books over the summer break. We will have one library employee present
during each shift of the five-day sale, and the rest of the workers will be volunteers. We
still need a few more volunteers, so please ask your friends and family if they would like
to help out. As donated books come in, they'll be stored in my office temporarily. As you
know, the Willow Room has flood damage that needs to be fixed. Any questions?

According to the speaker, what is different about the sale this year?
(A) It will be advertised in the newspaper.
(B) It will include donations from the public.
(C) It will last for more days than before.
(D) It will be held earlier in the year.

What are the listeners asked to do?
(A) Help set up an area
(B) Sign up for a shift
(C) Recruit some volunteers
(D) Make a financial donation

What does the speaker mention about the Willow Room?
(A) It is in need of some repairs.
(B) It will be used to store extra books.
(C) It is the largest room in the library.
(D) it will be the site of the next meeting.

M-Au: Hi, Ms. Hong. This is Jack from Pyramid. I'm calling to follow up on your
accounting firm's company retreat at the Rhoden Luxury Resort. You've hired us to
transport your employees between your office and the resort on April fifth and seventh.
You said you'll have ninety-four people total, so that's two buses. But ... um …_ I still
need to know when you want to leave your office. I'll be gone this afternoon, but I'd still
like to hear from you today. You can call and talk to my assistant, James. He'll take a
message and pass it on to me. Thanks!

What kind of business is Pyramid?
(A) A transportation company
(B) A vacation resort
(C) An accounting firm
(D) A catering service

What information does the speaker ask for?
(A) The departure time
(B) The billing address
(C) The number of people
(D) The event date

What does the speaker want the listener to do?
(A) Provide some feedback about a service
(B) Send some information by e-mail
(C) Call him at his office tomorrow
(D) Leave a message with his coworker

W-Br: Welcome to today's tour of the Purnex Ltd. manufacturing complex, which
includes our production, testing, and distribution facilities. The highlight of our tour will
be a visit to our state-of-the-art factory, where you'll see actual workers baking the
delicious cakes and pies we're famous for. Today's tour will last a full three hours. We'll
see every part of the complex, and... the buildings are spread over a large area. There are
places to sit along the way if anyone gets tired. Now, to accommodate a slight change in
our manufacturing schedule, we've adjusted our tour route. We'll begin our tour where
we usually end it - at the gift shop. Please follow me.

What kind of products does Purnex Ltd. make?
(A) Beauty products
(B) Art supplies
(C) Baked goods
(D) Work uniforms

Why most likely does the speaker say, "the buildings are spread over a large area"?
(A) To highlight a company's business expansion
(B) To warn that a tour has a lot of walking
(C) To give a reason for starting a tour late
(D) To apologize for the large size of a tour group

What will the listeners most likely see next?
(A) A gift shop
(B) A production area
(C) A museum exhibit
(D) A research laboratory

M-Cn: We're back on Science Seekers with our guest, Dr. Sanjay Batta of Toronto
University. Dr. Batta has just finished creating an allergy medication that does not
produce side effects in users. An article about his work was published last month in the
National Medical Journal. In June, Dr. Batta will travel to Rio de Janeiro to accept the
prestigious Cardoso Prize at an event there. If you would like to ask Dr. Batta a question
about his work, call us on our hotline. Our contact numbers are listed on our home page.

What has Sanjay Batta recently done?
(A) Founded a university
(B) Developed a medicine
(C) Moved to another city
(D) Published a book

According to the speaker, what will happen in Rio de Janeiro in June?
(A) An academic lecture will be given.
(B) A medical clinic will be opened.
(C) An award will be presented.
(D) A fundraiser will be hosted.

What are listeners encouraged to do?
(A) Enter a prize drawing
(B) Call the radio station
(C) E-mail their questions
(D) Attend an event

W-Am: Next up, I'd like to inform you all that our elevators will undergo a safety
inspection later today. This will be performed by city employees, and it is part of the
regulations for buildings of our size. Unfortunately, you'll have to use the stairs during
the inspection, which is likely to happen while everyone is coming and going at
lunchtime. We were hoping it would be later, but we don't set the schedule. We'll post
signs explaining the procedure near the elevators and stairways in case want to know
more. Thank you for cooperation in this matter.

What does the speaker tell listeners about?
(A) A training workshop
(B) An equipment installation
(C) A safety check
(D) A health examination

What does the speaker suggest when she says, "we don't set the schedule"?
(A) Employees can take some time off.
(B) She thinks a plan is inconvenient.
(C) Employees can work anytime.
(D) She does not mind changing a deadline.

According to the speaker, how can listeners get more information?
(A) By calling the speaker
(B) By visiting a website
(C) By attending another meeting
(D) By reading some signs

M-Cn: It's time once again for us to take inventory of the merchandise in our store. Next
week, we'll have a team of people working on this after the store closes. We usually
budget five days for this, but last year everyone cooperated well. It took three days. I
hope we can have a similar result again. Those who help with the inventory work will
receive one-and-a-half times their usual hourly wage. If you'd like to add your name to
the sign-up list, come to my office anytime today or tomorrow. Thanks.

What will some listeners do next week?
(A) Learn how to close the store
(B) Unpack some new merchandise
(C) Give demonstrations to customers
(D) Make a list of the store's goods

What does the speaker imply when he says, "It took three days"?
(A) He was disappointed with a delayed shipment.
(B) He thinks a deadline for an assignment should be extended.
(C) He was impressed with how quickly a project was done.
(D) He wants to schedule another meeting later.

Why should listeners visit the speaker's office?
(A) To report missing items
(B) To make a suggestion
(C) To sign up for a task
(D) To check their hourly wage

W-Br: Good morning, and welcome to the factory tour here at Seneca Manufacturing.
Today you'll have the opportunity to see how we make our wooden cabinets, tables,
dressers, and more. We'll start out with a brief safety review before you tour the
production floor. That will be followed by a live demonstration, the longest part of the
tour. Then we'll wrap things up by answering your questions. This is a large facility, and
we don't want anyone to get lost, so remember to remain with the group at all times. It
everyone is ready, let's get started.

What kind of goods does the speaker's company produce?
(A) Furniture
(B) Clothing
(C) Electronics
(D) Food

Look at the graphic. Whose activity will be longer than all the other parts?
(A) Takeshi's
(B) Gloria's
(C) Ji-Hee's
(D) William's

What does the speaker remind listeners to do?
(A) Select a group
(B) Avoid taking photos
(C) Stay together
(D) Carry an ID card

M-Au: On behalf of the Redfield Gallery, I'd like to thank you all for attending this
fundraising event. Our goal is to continue making our extensive art collection available to
the public, and your generosity helps us do that. Tonight, we raised just enough to make
the necessary upgrades to our website. We'll start that project in January, and we hope it
will attract more visitors. To wrap up this evening's proceedings, you'll hear a speech
from one of our artists, Randy Edelman. But first, I'd like to introduce him and give you
some background information.

Where most likely does the speaker work?
(A) At a museum
(B) At a music venue
(C) At a hospital
(D) At a government office

Look at the graphic. About how much money was collected during the fundraiser?
(A) $15,000
(B) $25,000
(C) $30,000
(D) $60,000

What will the listeners do next?
(A) Watch a performance
(B) View some images
(C) Hear an introduction
(D) Review a document

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