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Programa 6: Certificaciones Profesionales de Facebook - Marketing en redes sociales

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Descripcion del curso Institución
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This course lays the foundation of social media marketing. You’ll learn
what social media marketing entails, including the history and the
different social media channels that exist. You’ll learn how to select a
social media channel that fits your needs, set goals and success metrics,
and determine who your target audience is.\n\nBy the end of this course,
you will be able to: \n• Understand the landscape of traditional, digital,
and social media marketing\n• Understand how to become certified as a
Digital Marketing Associate \n• Understand the major social media
platforms, how they function, and what role they play in marketing\n•
to Social
Create SMART goals and identify KPIs\n• Define your target audience Inglés SI Facebook Principiante
and their customer journey\n• Choose the right social media platforms
and learn how to create social media policies\n\nWhatever level of
knowledge you start with, this course will help you build a solid
foundation for social media marketing and gain applicable skills that will
allow you to make your social media marketing efforts more successful
and noticeable.\n\nLearners don't need marketing experience, but should
have basic internet navigation skills and be eager to participate and
connect in social media. Learners must have a Facebook account and
an Instagram account helps.

This course equips you with critical content creation and management skills. You’ll learn
how to create effective social media posts and how to create a strong brand to help you
build a social media presence. You’ll also learn how to establish an ongoing process to
manage your content. This includes setting up a content calendar, managing and
moderating your posts, analyzing data for insights and iteration, and how to increase post
effectiveness. You will end the course with real-world application of your skills through a
content management project.\n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to: \n• Establish
and manage a social media presence \n• Create a Facebook business page and an
Social Instagram account for business\n• Understand how and why to create content for social
media \n• Create a brand, tone, and voice for a social media presence\n• Manage a
Media content calendar for your social media presence\n• Evaluate the performance of your
Inglés SI Facebook Principiante
Management content on social media and to iterate and optimize the performance\n• Create a content
calendar for your social media presence\n• Manage social media content using real world
data\n\nThis course is intended for people who want to learn how to create and manage a
business presence on social media, including creating content, interacting and engaging
with customers on social media and evaluating the results of different posts. \n\nLearners
don't need marketing experience, but they have basic internet navigation skills and are
eager to participate and connect in social media. Having a Facebook or Instagram account
helps and ideally learners already completed course 1 (Introduction to Social Media
Marketing) in this program.

This course takes a deep dive into paid advertising on social media. Learn how to start
advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram by developing effective ads. Learn
how to work with design teams by capturing the essence of your ad campaign in a creative
brief, and understand how privacy policies may affect your ads. Complete the course with a
project where you will produce a creative brief with assets you would deliver to a design
team for your ad campaign. You’ll also create your first social media ad. \n\nBy the end of
this course you will be able to:\n• Determine why and when to invest in paid advertising on
social media \n• Understand the anatomy of a social media ad and how they differ from
Fundamental organic posts\n• Evaluate on which platforms to run social media ad campaigns and what
s of Social makes an ad effective\n• Craft compelling and effective visuals and copy for social media
ads\n• Learn how to collaborate effectively with others through creative briefs\n• Build
Inglés SI Facebook Intermedio
foundational understanding for data, data-based advertising and privacy protection\n• Build
an ad directly from your Facebook Business Page and your Instagram Business Account\n•
Use Instagram Stories Ads effectively to connect with customers\n• Write a creative brief
and create a social media ad\n\nThis course is intended for people who want to learn how
to create and manage ads on social media. Learners don't need marketing experience, but
they have basic internet navigation skills and are eager to participate and connect in social
media. Having a Facebook or Instagram account helps and ideally learners have already
completed course 1 (Introduction to Social Media Marketing) and 2 (Social Media
Management) in this program.

This course will establish you as an expert in Facebook Ads Manager. Learn how to
structure campaigns in Ads Manager by selecting ad objectives, target audience, budget,
and placement that fit your unique goals. Learn to create and manage ads across
Facebook and Instagram and evaluate and optimize the results of your Ads Manager
campaigns. You will end the course by creating an actual ad campaign in Facebook Ads
Manager to expand not only your knowledge, but your social media marketing portfolio. At
the end of this course, you’ll take the Facebook Digital Marketing Associate Certification
exam.\n \nBy the end of this course, you will be able to:\n• Structure campaigns in
Advertising Facebook Ads Manager\n• Identify the major components and elements of an ad in
with Facebook Ads Manager\n• Build an ad that aligns with your marketing objectives and target Inglés SI Facebook Intermedio
Facebook it to your intended audience\n• Set a budget, placement, and schedule for your ads in
Facebook Ads Manager\n• Edit and troubleshoot your ads in Facebook Ads Manager\n•
Take the exam for Facebook's Digital Marketing Associate Certification\n \nThis course is
intended for people who want to learn how to use Facebook Ads Manager to create,
manage and optimize campaigns on Facebook and Instagram and receive the Facebook
Digital Marketing Associate Certification. Learners don't need marketing experience, but
they have basic internet navigation skills and are eager to participate and connect in social
media. \n\nLearners must have a Facebook account and an Instagram account helps.
Ideally, learners have already completed the four previous courses in this program.
This course provides you with the skills to optimize your social media marketing efforts.
Learn to evaluate and interpret the results of your advertising campaigns. Learn how to
assess advertising effectiveness through lift studies and optimize your campaigns with split
testing. Understand how advertising effectiveness is measured across platforms and
devices, learn how to evaluate the ROI of your marketing, and master how to communicate
your social media marketing results to others in the company. \n\nBy the end of this
course, you will be able to:\n• Analyze dashboards and evaluate ROI from your social
and media marketing efforts\n• Understand different techniques used to optimize marketing
Optimize campaigns, such as attribution and marketing mix models\n• Implement an A/B test to
Social optimize your campaign\n• Present and communicate the results of your campaign to a Inglés NO Facebook Principiante
Media team\n\nThis course is for people who want to learn how to analyze their campaign
marketing results, optimize their campaigns, and effectively communicate findings to their
Marketing teams. Learners don't need marketing experience but should have basic internet
Campaigns navigation skills and be eager to participate and connect on social media. Having a
Facebook or Instagram account helps, and ideally, learners have already completed the
four previous courses in this program.\n\nThis course will be followed by the Facebook
Social Media Marketing Capstone course, the final course of this certification, in which
learners will take the Digital Marketing Associate Certification Exam and complete a
Capstone project to receive their Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate.

In this capstone course, you will practice creating a presentation on the marketing
campaign you’ve been developing throughout the program with a project where you will
gain hands-on experience with communicating results and formulating recommendations
based on the results of a social marketing campaign. In addition, you will sign up for and
take the Facebook Digital Marketing Associate Certification Exam and receive your Digital
Facebook Marketing Associate Certification from Facebook. After successfully completing your
Social project and passing the Facebook exam, you will receive your Coursera certificate of
Media completion for the Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate Program. Inglés NO Facebook Principiante
Marketing \n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to:\n• Present and communicate the results
of a campaign to a team\n• Complete the Digital Marketing Associate Certification
Capstone Exam\n\nThis course is for people who have completed all 5 previous courses of the
Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate and are ready to take their
Digital Marketing Associate Certification Exam and complete a Capstone project to receive
their Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate. \nIn order to take the
exam, learners must have access to a Mac or PC with a webcam.

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