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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
P. Herrera St., Batangas city

Module 1
Quarter 1 - Week 1

Most Essential Learning Competency:

-Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics,
governance and government.

Written and Prepared by:

Mrs. Vilma Macalipay-Medrano
“The secret to getting ahead is to getting started”
- anonymous

Before you start the module I want to you to relax and enjoy because every
single lesson in this module will take you closer to your dreams. Take it easy and have
fun while learning and for you to do that read the simple instructions below to blissfully
achieve the target objectives of this kit.

1. Read carefully all the contents and instruction given in every page of this
2. Do not hesitate to ask your parent /guardian for help or assistance
if necessary.
3. Use your notebook in summarizing or writing vital information or
concepts about the lesson while pad paper will be used in answering
4. Analyze and answer the Post-test intelligently and apply what you have
gained from the lesson/s.
5. Be HONEST and Enjoy while learning.
6. Above all, always ask GOD for Knowledge and Wisdom. HE LOVES YOU!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons
in the module.
 Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings and skills
did you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This aims to help
you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
 Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons.
 Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
 Post- test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module.

You will get familiar with politics, governance and other key concepts of
political science.
Specifically, this module will help you to:

 Explain the connection between the phenomenon( politics) and the method of
inquiry( Political science)
 Differentiate governance and politics
 Elaborate the value of politics

I know you are more than excited to

know more about the government and
its system, but first you need to answer
the pre-test. You can do it!

Write P (Philippine) if the statement is correct and G (Government) if it is
false. Write your answer on your notebook.

____1. Polis means place or state shared by a certain group of people.

____2. Aristotle defined political science as the study of people.
____3. Only government officials have the right to study politics.
____4. Governance deals with the power in society in general
____5. Niccolo Machiavelli is the father of Political science.
____6. Political theory deals with the different perspective and ideas regarding politics
and governance of different political philosophers.
____7. Comparative politics is not about comparing various political system but
comparing different countries.
____8. International relations focus on the products offered by international people
____9. Aristotle is considered as the father of Political Science.
___10. Law is basically any written statement that limits or guides the behaviour of a
certain group.
Warming Up!

Learners will make a comparison chart between politics then and now. ( based from the experienced of
their parents and their current experience) use your note book in answering this activity.

Current politics Politics Then

 
 
 

Brief Introduction

When somebody ask you about the meaning of politics or governance, what
would you say? Actually when we say politics (from Greek: Πολιτικά, politiká, 'affairs of the
cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms
of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. It also
deals with the power in society in general while governance specifically deals with the
power in government and how this institution exerts power for the benefit of the society.
On the other hand, Late political scientist David Easton once defined politics as “the
authoritative allocation of values.” More precisely, politics (in a representative
democracy) is the system where one group or another gets to determine how society
will operate and can compel adherence to their set of preferred values through laws.
The meaning of this word might personally vary depending upon ones perspective and
sometimes experiences too. But do you think, through the given definition you can
already easily understand and determine the kind of government we have? Definitely
not because Politics and governance itself is a wide-range topic that needs deeper
understanding for you to really comprehend and appreciate. That is the reason why we
need to study Philippine politics and governance.

In this lesson, you will learn about the significance of Philippine politics and
Governance as a subject and its importance in different facets of our society and in
understanding the burning issues and complications surrounding it. Thus, it is essential
that you contextualize and brand your own definition of each item or word.
Lesson 1 Politics, Governance,
and other key Concepts

“Man by nature is a Political animal.”


Political science is a classical discipline that deals with the study of political
phenomena. Its goal is to deepen human understanding of the forms and nature of
political action and to develop theoretical tools for interpreting politically meaningful
phenomena. When we say discipline it deals with the traditional fields of public national
life, such as democracy, parliaments, politicians, elections and the government.

Additionally, Political science deals with the study of power in society, politics, and
government. The active oddity of human society and the transformations in situations of
different states have resulted in different views, theories, and definition on the concepts
of politics and governance.

In a democratic country like Philippines, having a basic understanding on political

science can be empowering for every citizen. There are a lot of theories in political
science, but we will be just focusing this study on the Philippine concept and context.

Write what You Know!

Write words or phrases that comes into your mind whenever you hear “ Man, by
Nature is a Political animal”. ( Write your answer on your notebook)
Your idea Matters!

Write five words or phrases that best describe politics and political Science. Write your answer on
your notebook.


Political Science


Way back 4th and 5th century it was the Greeks who articulated the word politics on the
ground that it was inseparable from the life in the Polis which means a place or state
shared by a certain group of people. This concept of politics may be as old as the first
organization created by man. According to Aristotle and Plato, humans are not self-
sufficing so they find the need to come together as a community. From this union comes
the need for politics and governance to maintain order within a society.

Thomas Hobbes, Jean –Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke were the social contract
theorist during 17th and 18th century who stressed Europe about the hypothetical state
of nature that was empty of any kind of government. This state of nature is frequently
forceful and unruly; for that reason, people enter themselves into a Social Contract or
any written or unwritten binding agreement among the people that bids for the creation
of a government and the consequent use of politics for the achievement of peace and
order. ( Baradat 1997)
Niccolo Machiavelli is widely accepted as the father of modern political science because
of his discussion on maintaining power I his book entitled The Prince And Discourses.
Over and above, both Plato ( father of idealism) and Aristotle ( father of political
science) according to Curtis 1981, they had already provided broad discussion on the
central concepts in politics such as concept justice :

 what and who is morally and politically right

 Source of authority ( Power)
 The right types of constitutions and government ( different types of government
and state)
 Political structures ( different ideologies in a state)
 Right and virtuous leadership ( who should lead in a certain political system)

Key fields in Politics

 Power relations in society
 Forms of government
 Political behaviour
 Political culture
 Civil society’s role in government.

Therefore, Political science is the academic discipline that deals with key issues
and concepts in politics. Politics deals with the power in society in general, while
governance specifically deals with power in government and how this institution
exerts power for the benefit of the society.

Different fields of interest in the discussion of politics and governance in Political


Political Theory deals with the different perspective and ideas regarding politics
and governance of different political philosophers from the ancient times like
Aristotle to Niccolo Machiavelli, to the industrial revolution through Karl Marx, and
contemporary political philosophers like Hannah Arendt. He is widely considered
one of the most important political thinkers of the 20th century.

Political Methodology is more concerned upon the application of political

concepts into research and policy making almost similar to the applied nature of
public administration (Roskin et al.2007).
Comparative politics is about comparing various political systems and different
constitutions among different countries through time. It also covers the study
of political experience within more than one nation-state for the purpose of making
systematic comparisons This type of study is not new for it was made by Aristotle
and Plato during the golden age of ancient Greece in their influential works,
Aristotle’s Politics and Plato’s The Republic, when they compared various form of
governments. ( Roskin et al.2007)

International Relations bear resemblance to comparative politics, but instaed

of comparing, it concentrates of establishing and maintaining relations among
countries through time. As the word relation itself, its intention is to maintain
peaceful and diplomatic relations among countries.

Law is another central concept in politics and governance. It is basically any

written statement that limits or guides the behaviour of a certain group. In politics
law is being in the highlight in organizing and stabilizing individual interest to
prevent the overlapping individual needs and promote collective gains in society
( Roskin et al.2007).

It is indeed an essential attribute for every citizen to have knowledge in politics

and government to a community or country where they belong. In Ancient
Greece, anyone who was ignorant of the laws and the political processes of the
polis was considered an idiot ( Curtis 1981) primarily because of the democratic-
structure of the polis where every male was expected to participate in decision-
making and politics. Today’s era it is an advantage to be well equipped and
educated with such laws for it helps in safeguarding and individual against bad
and abusive government practice.

Activity 1.1. Defining Moment (Critical Thinking and skills honing)

Objective: Describe the law being enforced in their locality and manifest how organized
their community is.

1. Observe your community
2. Think of the best feature and characteristics of your community that made them
3. Then draw it creatively.


Criteria Highest possible points

Relevance (relation to the topic) 20 points
Originality (uniqueness) 20 points Creativity
(artistry) 10 points
Overall Slogan Impact (appeal) 10 points
total: 60 Points

Activity 1.2. Defining Moment (Critical Thinking and communication)

I. Describe politics and political science as the essential study of society.
II. Determining understanding through essay.

1. Develop your own comprehensive definition of the term “law, justice, political science
polis, and governance.”
2. Write your definition on a separate sheet of paper.
3. Why do we need to study the basic concepts of political science?
4. Write your what you have learned from this lesson.
5. Use other sources like dictionaries and search engines if these will only serve as
additional references

Criteria Highest possible points

Content (presence of ideas) 20 points
Organization (order) 10points Creativity
Conventions (grammar, spelling) 6 points
Style (choice of words) 4 points
total: 40 Points

1.3 World of Words (WOW) (Communication, Critical Thinking)

Based on the pandemic that we have experiencing now make a reflection paper that
applies or manifest the concepts discussed in this lesson.
1. Use all the words/terms inside the box.
2. Consider other words/terms if needed, to strengthen your reflection.
3. Write your reflection on a separate sheet of paper.

President law covid19 justice Rodrigo Duterte Equality

peace corruption budget 2019 world agreement international relation

criticism abuse love china equality freedom government


Criteria Highest possible points

Content (presence of ideas) 30 points
Organization (order) 15points Creativity
Conventions (grammar, spelling) 10 points
Style (choice of words) 5 points
total: 60 Points


Philippine Politics and Governance (First Edition)

R.A Pawilen, Reidan M. Pawilen
Rex publishing

Online Sources

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