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Cedifrcate No.
Certificat€ lssued Date
Account Reference
Unique Doc. Reference
23-Nov-2020 1 1:35 AM
su Bt N.BRBRSH I Mp 1 71 73020 521 412425
Purchased by BIPIN JHA
Description of Document Article 5 Agreement or memorandum of an Agreement
Property Description Not Applicable
Consideration Price (Rs.) O (Zero\
First Party Not Applicable
Second Party BIPIN JHA
Stamp Duty Paid By BIPIN JHA
Stamp Duty Paid (Rs.) 1,000(One Thousand only)
Reg. fee (Rs.) 0 (Zero)
LLR&PFee(Rs.) 0 (Zero)
Miscellaneous Fee (Rs.) 0 (Zero)
Discore SC (Rs.) 0 (Zero)
TotalAmount (Rs.) 1,000 (One Thousand only)

THISINDENTUREoFLEASEmadethisl.tDayofNovember,2o2oBETWEENSri.Bri| *
Patna-800013 (Bihar) hereinaftet'
Bihari singh, Haroia House, 68-A, Patliputra colony,
repugnant to the context or meaning
called the 'Lesser' [which expression shall unless
and assigns) of the oN E PART'
there of include their heirs, executors, administrators

M/s Figtree Hoters through its

partner s{o r.at1r,^al Mohan fha residenr of
*r.lll,, ,na.,
3SFSB 1/3, HIG Ftats, Bhootnath Road, Kankarbagh,
ca]lecl the,Lessee,[which expression shall
Patna-800020 [Bihar) hereinafte'r
unless repugnant to the Context or mcanitrg NI

WHEREAS the Lesser is the Lawful

Colony, Patna-800013 (Bihar)'
0wncr of the t'laroia llotrse' 68-A' l'}atliputra s
rent the complete Ground Floor and lrront
D WHERIIAS the Lessee is keen to take on
of (Three) Bed Rooms' 4 (Four) Toilets' one
\ron of the First Floor premises consisting 3
2 (two) Kitchen' 1 (one) Garage'
Hall, 1 [one) Dining room, 2 [two) Verandah'

'xm ardroomonthegroundfloorand3(three)Toiletsonthefirstfloorwithfixtures
as annexed herewith for operation of leisure
guesthouse ror a period of 36

Do not write or type below this line

Statutory Alert:
1 The aulhentrclly of this Stamp cedificate should be veri{ied at'M shcilestamp com'or usine e-Stamo Mobile
ADo of Sloc( Holclrn.
Any d,screpancy in the details on llis Certi[rcate and as avarlabte on the websrie / Mobile Ap[ rerOerirl ,nvitiO
2 The onus of checking lhe legitimacy is on the users of the certificate.
3 ln case of any discrepancy please infornt the Competent Authonty.
(Thirry six) months starting from L't November, 2020
to 31,t october,2023 and parties
have agreed to reduce the terms agreed upon to writing
and appearing herein below:_

1' That in consideration of the rent and lessee's covenant hereinafter

reserved and
contained the lesser doth hereby demise unto the Lessee the
Crouncl Floor and
part of First Floor of 68-4, patliputra colony, patna 800013
togerher with
fixtures and fittings as per Iist annexed hereto for the terms
of 36 (Thirty Six)
months commencing from 1'r November, 2020 but renewable
as hereinalter
stated YIELDING AND pAytNG rhere a monrhly renr of
a) Rs. 90,000/- (Rupees Ninety Thousands Only) per monrh for the period
November'2 0 2 0 to O ctober, 2O2l;
Rs,1,00,000/- [Rupees One Lakh 0nry) per month for rhe period of
November'202 1 to October,2023.
It is further agreed that the total amount as stated above is payable in
on or before the 15,r' (Fifteenth) day of each month and every succeeding
by Cash/Cheque/Demand Draft.

2. On the expiration of the current terms of lease the Lesser shall renew
the lease
for a further period as per mutual consent.

3. A Sum of Rs, 1,80,000/- (Rs. one Lakh Eighty Thousands only) and Rs.20,000/-
for electricity bill will be payable by Lessee in advance which will be hold
Security Deposit' This amount will be refundable at the time of surrender
vacant p.emises after deducting arrears and adjusting the loss and damages
of the
caused by the lessee ifany.

4. AND The Lessee thereby covenants with the lesser as foilows:-.

i) During the terms of the present Lease to pay a monthly rent as stated above
which shall be paid in advance on or belore the 15rh
IFifteenth) day of each
month and every succeeding month by cash/cheque/Demand Draft.

ii) During the terms of lease to pay all charges for Electricity consumed as
shown by separate meter installed therein.

iii) To use the demised premises for the purpose of Guest House only in the
name and style of "FIGTREE HOTELS",
ivl At all times during the terms of the lease to keep and maintain the demised
premises in a proper condition including colour washing subject to
reasonable wear and tear caused because of the said premises being put to

v) Not to make or permit to be made any alteration or addition in or to

construction or the arrangements (internal and/or external) of the demised
premises without the previous consent of the Lesser which consent shall not
be unreasonably withheld and all such alteration or additions shall on the
same being made become the property of the Lesser and the Lessee shall not
have any right to remove the same at any time thereafter,

vi) Not without the previous consent of the Lesser which consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld to make permit to be made any fitting and fixtures in
or to the demised premised the fittings and fixtures so made shall be
considered and always remain the property of the Lessee who shall be
entitled to remove the same at any time during the subsistence of the
tenancy provided the Lessee shall do so with the minimum of injury or
damage to the demised premises and that the Lessee shall at its own
expense restore and repair the injury or damage so caused and leave the

demised premises in good and tenantable repaired and condition.

vii) To permit the Lesser, their servants, agents, engineers authorized by them to
enter upon the demised premises at all reasonable times in the rlay after
giving 24 (twenty four) hours previous notice lor the purpose of viewing
and inspecting the condition of the demised premises and to eff'ect such
repairs as may be necessary and which the Lesser may choose to do at his
own cost,

viii) Not to assign, transfer, sub-let or part with the possession of the demised
premises or any part thereof at any time during the continuance of the saicl
terms of lease or any renewal without the previous written consent of the
Lesser which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

ix) At the expiration or sooner determination of the said term or its renewal
thereof to peaceably and quietly yield up the demised premises and the
Lesser's fixtures and fittings therein Iexcept the Lessee's fixtures and
fittings) and all additions thereto in good tenantable repair and condition,
reasonable wear and tear excepted, and t0 put the Lesser rn vacant
possession thereof.

x) The Lessee hereby agrees and undertakes that he will not keep or store any
dangerous and hazardous articles and any illegal and prohibited materials in
the premises.

xi) Further, the Lessee shall not involve in any anti-social activities and create
any nuisance for the owner and neighboring houses.

xii) The Lessee shall not allow to be carried out any kind of activities which is
illegal, unethical and immoral. In case of trace of any such activities at any
point during the currency period of Lease the Lesser will have right to ask
the Lessee to vacate the premises immediately at a short notice of one week
and Lessee will be fully responsible for this.

xiii) The Lessee shall submit an affidavit that no liquor will be used ancl srored in
the premise and in case it is found the Lessee will be solely responsible for
such activities. The lessee shall deploy adequate security at thc. gate of'
premises to regulate and screen the persons coming and going to ensure the
safety of life and property.

5. The Lesser hereby covenant with the Lessee as follows:-

(a) To pay and discharge all existing and future property and land taxes and any other
levies now or hereafter during the team of this lease or any renewal thereof imposed or
assessed thereof on the demised premises whether payable by the land lord or the tenant.
(b) At all times during the subsistence of the tenancy to carry out upon the premises
any major repairs, renovation that may be found necessary at his own cost so as to ensure
that the said premises are always kept in a good efficient working order,

(c) That the Lessee paying rent herein above reserved and observing and performing
several covenants conditions and agreements herein contained and on the Lessee's part to
be observed and performed shall and may peaceably anri quietly hold and enjoy the
demised premises during the said term without any interruption or disturbance from or by
the Lesser or any person claiming through under or in trust for them or otherwise

(d) The Lesser shall return the said security deposit subjecr to the condirion thar rhere

are no damages to the portion that has been let out or for any other arrears that may be due

either by way of electricity 0r rent or any other items simultaneously at the time of
srrrrender of the premises.

6. PR0VIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed and cleclared and those presents are upon
the express conditions that:-

(a) Ii the rent hereby reserved or any part there of shall remain in arrears and unpaid
for a period of one month after becoming payable (whether the same shall lrave bec.n
fbrmally demanded or not) if any covenant on the Lessee's part therein contained shall not
be performed or observed, then and in any of the said cases, it shall be lawful for the l,esser
at any time thereafter to re-enter upon the demised premises or any part thereof in the
name of the whole and thereupon this demise shall absolutely deterrnine but without
prejudice to the right of action of the Lesser in respect of any antecedent breach of the
Lessee's covenants herein contained,

tb) There rvill be a locl<ing period of two months during which the demise'rj premise
shall not be vacated by the Lessee and in case ofpremises being vacated during the locking
period. Rent up to the end of thc, locking period shall be payable by the Lessee.

(c) The Lessee and Lesser both shall be at liberty to terminate this lease or any renewal
thereof giving two months notice in writing stating therein ciesire to clo so and on the expiry
of such notice, the lessee shall vacate the premises,



Lessee Lesser


1. Ketan Anand, 1-D, Narayan Villa,

^ I O
Road No-o, East Patel Nagar,
Patna-800023 (Bihar) *'
*."..Jrrrll ttr€l iJcrp! {}trurf i}ltu{l,ici
lbo baa
L?& lr rr

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.- '.rointrr5 rraaAs, rt)aol , aqrl' f fprrl, arr{ aEtI-tF
iloer N,;tarres Act 53 ol 1g51, ,esrotn$ d. ,JadA, Maea r
,.$. Aramqrnj..t. .Pp.o, afl rsrppy Cerrrty rnat ;lB;4€-
Y-- .iE

fhrorrrrrng ... t r .V'9d.-. \npert


tbat ra,o €rc(:,irenr ,.Sr niililvlieiri iOr-nfilieO r

I- Hck4<
B.\<\I..;z2- -:.-. Advoc.l
luttrenrrcareo rr.u. ,y C:.) _Qk-- _ _
Itcl .J>r S 'z-:r"lr*; 2-g )--o ,.
f rana tI0! rr €ltic*er aaar d'..I ,,,..t(rltrrr.

raratrll|D ;r4w)-D

"The contents of this certificate and authenticated world-wide

collection center address displayed at free of cost."

"Any alteration to this certificate renders it invalid. Use of an altered

certificate without all the security features could constitute a criminal offence."

"This document contains security features like coloured background with

Lacey Ceometric Flexible patterns and Subtle Logo images, Complex
ornamental design borders, Anti - copy text, the appearance of micro printing,
artificial watermarks and other Overt and Covert features."
G\ R.-a
\-q. -ra *,i' 1
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