Statistics and Probability Act. Worksheets

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Statistics and Probability

Grade 11(ABM)
Name: _______________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________

Activity Worksheet 1

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

● Illustrates a random variable (discrete and continuous)
● Distinguishes between a discrete and a continuous random variable.

Instructions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter of the
correct answer.

1. ‘Let 𝑌 be a random variable that denotes the number of boys in a flag ceremony.’ shows what kind of
random variable?

a. discrete b. continuous c. infinite d. uncountable

2. ‘Sophie bought 2.12 kg of pork, 3.6 kg of chicken, and 5.12 kg of beef. Let 𝑍 be the total weight of two
kinds of meat she bought.’ shows what kind of random variable?

a. discrete b. continuous c. finite d. countable

3. Picking a card from a deck of cards is example of?

a. Sample Space b. Random Variable c. Outcome d. Random Experiment

4. S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} in rolling a die is an example of?

a. Sample Space b. Random Variable c. Outcome d. Random Experiment

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

● Finds the possible values of a random variable.
● Illustrates a probability distribution for a discrete random variable and its properties.
● Computes probabilities corresponding to a given random variable.

Instructions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter of the
correct answer. Be sure to SOLVE the items from 5 to 15 and SHOW your SOLUTION.

5-15. Consider the random experiment of rolling a pair of tetrahedron dice (whose number of dots are
1 to 4). If 𝑋 denotes the sum of the numbers in the two dice,
5-7. what are the possible values of 𝑋?

a. X = {0, 1} b. X = {3, 5, 7} c. X = {2, 4, 6, 8} d. X = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,


8-11. What is the probability distribution for the random variable 𝑋?






12-15. What is (𝑋 > 4)?

a. 1/8 b. 3/16 c. 5/8 d. 5/16

Name: _______________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________

Activity Worksheet 2

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

● Illustrates the mean and variance of a discrete random variable.
● Calculates the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable.
● Interprets the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable.
● Solves problems involving mean and variance of probability distributions.

Instructions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter of the
correct answer. Be sure to SOLVE the items from 1 to 15 and SHOW your SOLUTION.

1-15. A train contains girls and boys. If three persons are taken from the train one after the other and
the random variable 𝐺 represents the number of girls,

1-3. What is the probability distribution?

a. b. c. d.


4-6. What is the mean of the probability distribution?

a. 0.5 b. 1 c. 1.5 d. 2

7-9. What is the variance of the probability distribution?

a. 0.75 b. 1.25 c. 1.75 d. 2.25


10-12. What is the standard deviation of the probability distribution?

a. 0.27 b. 0.47 c. 0.67 d. 0.87


13-15. In two-three sentences, interpret the mean and the variance of the given probability
Name: _______________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________
Activity Worksheet 3
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
● Illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics.
● Identifies regions under the normal curve corresponding to different standard normal values.
● Converts a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice versa.
● Computes probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal table.
Instructions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter of the
correct answer. Be sure to SOLVE the items from 1 to 10 and SHOW your SOLUTION.
1-10. 𝑋 is a normally distributed variable with a mean of 12 and a standard deviation of 2,

1-3. What is the normal curve of the data?

a. b.

c. d.


4-6. What is the 𝑍 value that corresponds to the score 𝑋 = 16?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

7-10. What is (𝑋 ≤ 16)?

a. 0.50000 b. 0.84134 c. 0.97725 d. 0.99865

Name: _______________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________

Activity Worksheet 4

Most Essential Learning Competency:

● Illustrates random sampling.
● Distinguishes between parameter and statistic.

Instructions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Ms. Cruz wants to know the average weekly allowance of the grade 10 students. She randomly asked
50 students how much their weekly allowance is. She found out that the average weekly allowance of
these 50 students is ₱375. Identify the parameter
a. The average weekly allowance of the grade 10 students
b. The average weekly allowance of these 50 students is ₱375
c. The average weekly allowance of the students
d. The average weekly allowance of the students is ₱375

2. Ms. Cruz wants to know the average weekly allowance of the grade 10 students. She randomly asked
50 students how much their weekly allowance is. She found out that the average weekly allowance of
these 50 students is ₱375. Identify the statistic.
a. The average weekly allowance of the grade 10 students
b. The average weekly allowance of these 50 students is ₱375
c. The average weekly allowance of the students
d. The average weekly allowance of the students is ₱375

3. The Marketing Department of a certain university is doing a satisfaction survey. To do this, the staff
takes an alphabetized list of student names and picks a random starting point. Then every 15th
student is given a survey form. Determine what random sampling technique is employed.
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. 1-In-𝑘 Systematic Random Sampling.

4. The school canteen is doing a survey on the food preferences of the students. They printed 100
survey forms and they randomly select 10 students from each grade level from grade 1 to grade 10.
What type of random sampling is used?
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. 1-In-k Systematic Random Sampling.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

● Identifies sampling distributions of statistics (sample mean).
● Finds the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.
● Defines the sampling distribution of the sample mean for a normal population when the variance
is: (a) known; (b) unknown
Instructions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle
only the letter of the correct answer. Be sure to SOLVE the items from 5 to 15 and

5-15. The following table gives the monthly sales (in millions) of big franchising
companies. Suppose that random samples of size 4 are taken from this population of six
franchising companies,
5-7. What is the sampling distribution of the sample means?
a. b.

c. d.


8-11. What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?
a. 14 b. 16 c. 18 d. 20

12-15. What is the variance of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?
a. 11.67 b. 11.97 c. 12.67 d. 12.97
Name: Jhee Anne C. Ravelo
Grade/Section: Grade 11 St. Daniel- ABM

Activity Worksheet 1

Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter
of the correct answer.

1. a.
2. b.
3. d.
4. a.

Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter
of the correct answer. Be sure to SOLVE the items from 5 to 15 and SHOW your

Consider the random experiment of rolling a pair of tetrahedron dice (whose number of dots
are 1 to 4). If X denotes the sum of the numbers in the two dice,
5-7. What are the possible values of X?

The possible outcome of a rolled pair of tetrahedron dice are:

11=2 21=3 31=4 41=5

12=3 22=4 32=5 42=6
13=4 23=5 33=6 43=7
14=5 24=6 34=7 44=8

X ={2,3,4,5,6,7,8}

Answer: d.

8-11. What is the probability distribution for the random variable X?

X ={2,3,4,5,6,7,8}

X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

P(X) 1/16 2/16 3/16 4/16 3/16 2/16 1/16

P(X=2) = 1/16
P(X=3) = 2/16
P(X=4) = 3/16
P(X=5) = 4/16
P(X=6) = 3/16
P(X=7) = 2/16
P(X=8) = 1/16

Answer: a.

12-15. What is (X >4)?

P(X >4) = P(X=5)+P(X=6)+P(X=7)+P(X=8)

P(X >4) = 4/16+3/16+2/16+1/16
P(X >4) = 10/16 or ⅝

Therefore, the probability that the random variable X

is more than 4 is 10/16 or ⅝.

Answer: c.
Name: Jhee Anne C. Ravelo
Grade/Section: Grade 11 St. Daniel- ABM

Activity Worksheet 2

Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter of the
correct answer. Be sure to SOLVE the items from 1 to 15 and SHOW your SOLUTION.

1-15. A train contains girls and boys. If three persons are taken from the train one after the
other and the random variable G represents the number of girls,

1-3. What is the probability distribution?

The possible outcomes:





The number of girls in each outcome:

BBB = 0 GBB = 1

BBG = 1 GBG = 2

BGB = 1 GGB = 2

BGG = 2 GGG = 3

The possible values of random variable G which represents the number of girls are 0,
1, 2, and 3.
X = {0, 1, 2, 3}
Thus the probability distribution of the random G variable would be:

G P(G)

0 1/8

1 3/8

2 3/8

3 1/8
4-6. What is the mean of the probability distribution?

G P(G) G.P(G)

0 1/8 0

1 3/8 3/8

2 3/8 6/8

3 1/8 3/8
TOTAL: 12/8 or 1.5

Thus, E(X) = Σ(X ⋅ P(X)) = 1.5. The mean or the expected value of the probability
distribution is 1.5.

7-9. What is the variance of the probability distribution?


G P(G) G2 G2. P(G)

0 1/8 0 0

1 3/8 1 3/8

2 3/8 4 12/8

3 1/8 9 9/8
Total: 24/8 or 3
2 2
σ = ∑[M2∙ P(M)] − μ
σ2 = 3 – 1.52
σ2 = 3 – 2.25
σ2 = 0.75

Thus, σ2 = 0.75. The variance of the probability distribution is 0.75.


10-12. What is the standard deviation of the probability distribution?

σ = √∑[M2 ∙ P(M)] − μ2
σ = √0.75
σ = 0.87
Thus, σ = 0.87. The standard deviation of the probability distribution is 0.87
Answer: d. 0.87
13-15. In two-three sentences, interpret the mean and the variance of the given probability
The possible values of random variable G which represents the number of girls are 0,
1, 2, and 3. X = {0, 1, 2, 3}. On average, the number of girls that are taken out of the train is
1.5. The variance of the probability of the distribution is 0.75. And since the value of the
variance is lower, the data points are closer to the mean.
Name: Jhee Anne C. Ravelo
Grade and Section: Grade 11 St. Daniel- ABM

Activity Worksheet 3

Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only the letter of
the correct answer. Be sure to SOLVE the items from 1 to 10 and SHOW your SOLUTION.

1-10. 𝑋 is a normally distributed variable with a mean of 12 and a standard deviation of 2,

1-3. What is the normal curve of the data?


μ = 12

μ-𝛔= 12-2= 10
μ-2𝛔= 12-(2)2= 8
μ-3𝛔= 12-(3)2= 6

μ+𝛔= 12+2= 14
μ+2𝛔= 12+(2)2= 16
μ+3𝛔= 12+(3)2= 18


4-6. What is the Z value that corresponds to the score X= 16?


μ = 12 𝛔 = 2 X= 16

Z = X-μ /𝛔
Z = 16-12/2
Z = 4/2

Thus, the raw score X = 16 corresponds to a Z value of Z = 2.


7-10. What is P(X ≤ 16)?


Z = X-μ /𝛔
Z = 16-12/2
Z = 4/2

P(Z ≤ k) = F(k)
P(Z ≤ 2) = 0.97725 or 97.72%
Name: Jhee Anne C. Ravelo
Grade and Section: Grade 11 St. Daniel- ABM

Activity Worksheet 4

Instructions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only
the letter of the correct answer.

1. Ms. Cruz wants to know the average weekly allowance of the grade 10 students. She
randomly asked 50 students how much their weekly allowance is. She found out that the
average weekly allowance of these 50 students is. Identify the parameter
a. The average weekly allowance of the grade 10 students
b. The average weekly allowance of these 50 students is
c. The average weekly allowance of the students
d. The average weekly allowance of the students is

2. Ms. Cruz wants to know the average weekly allowance of the grade 10 students. She
randomly asked 50 students how much their weekly allowance is. She found out that the
average weekly allowance of these 50 students is ₱375. Identify the statistic.
a. The average weekly allowance of the grade 10 students
b. The average weekly allowance of these 50 students is ₱375
c. The average weekly allowance of the students
d. The average weekly allowance of the students is ₱375

3. The Marketing Department of a certain university is doing a satisfaction survey. To do this,

the staff takes an alphabetized list of student names and picks a random starting point. Then
every 15th student is given a survey form. Determine what random sampling technique is
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. 1-In- k Systematic Random Sampling.

4. The school canteen is doing a survey on the food preferences of the students. They
printed 100 survey forms and they randomly select 10 students from each grade level from
grade 1 to grade 10. What type of random sampling is used?
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. 1-In-k Systematic Random Sampling.
Instructions: Multiple Choice. Read and understand carefully the test items. Encircle only
the letter of the correct answer. Be sure to SOLVE the items from 5 to 15 and SHOW your

5-15. The following table gives the monthly sales (in millions) of big franchising
companies. Suppose that random samples of size 4 are taken from this population
of six franchising companies.

5-7. What is the sampling distribution of the sample means?

C(N, n) =N!/(N − n)!n!
C(6,4) =6x5x4x3x2x1/(6 - 4)!4!
C(6,4) =720/2!4!
C(6,4) =720/2x1x4x3x2x1
C(6,4) =720/28
C(6,4) = 15


sample Sample mean

8,12,16,20 14

8,16, 20,24 17

8,20,24,28 20

12,16, 20, 24 18

12, 20, 24, 28 21

16,20,24,28 22

16, 24, 28, 8 19

20, 28, 8, 12 17

24, 28,8,12 18

24,8,12,16 15

8,28,12,16 16

28,12,16,20 19

8,12,20,24 16

12,16,24,28 20

20,28,16,8 18
Sample Mean Probability

14 1/15

15 1/15

16 2/15

17 2/15

18 3/15

19 2/15

20 2/15

21 1/15

22 1/15

Answer: c.

8-11. What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Mean Probability X̅. P(X̅)

14 1/15 0.93

15 1/15 1

16 2/15 2.13

17 2/15 2.26

18 3/15 3.6

19 2/15 2.5

20 2/15 2.6

21 1/15 1.4

22 1/15 1.46
TOTAL: 17.88 or 18
Thus, μX̅ = Σ[X̅ ⋅ P(X̅)] =18. The mean of the probability distribution is 18

12-15. What is the variance of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Company Sales x2

X 8 64

Y 12 144

Z 16 256

S 20 400

T 24 576

U 28 784

Total: 108 2,224

𝝈2 = ∑ X2 - (X)2/N
𝝈 = 2,224 -1082/6

𝝈 = 2,224 -11,664/6
𝝈 = 2,224 -1,944
𝝈2 =280
𝝈 =46.66

𝝈X̅2 = 𝝈2 /n
𝝈X̅2 = 46.66/4
𝝈X̅2 = 11.67

Answer: a.

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