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Job Sheet BI 2012

General purposes
Students will be able to ask about and understand services in a bank and post office.

Specific purposes
After practicing this topic, it is hoped that students are able to:
1. To ask about services and send different types of mail in post office
2. To accept or decline services
3. To ask about exchange rates and commission

1. Speaker Active
2. Laptop/ notebook
3. Labor Bahasa
4. Headset
5. Flat screen TV
6. DVD / CD
7. Projector
8. Screen projector


Learning tip
Listen for the words to help you identify each place. For example, if you hear
‘stamps’, then it must be a post office.

Job Sheet BI 2012

A. Listening: Asking about service

1. Listen to these customers and tick (√) where you think the customer is. (rec 1/27)

In a In a Post
Bank Office


2. Listen again. What does each person wants to do? (rec 1/27)

a. Buy ten first class stamp____________________________

b. Open a _________________________________________
c. Send a ____________________ to ___________________
d. Order a new _____________________________________
e. Check this ______________________________________
f. Send a ____________________ by __________________
g. Send a letter by _____________________ delivery.

3. Listen again. Repeat each sentence.

B. Listening : In a Bank

1. Listen to a bank clerk explain how to open a new account. What document do you
need? Complete the note. (rec 2/28)

Proof of identity : Passport

Proof of address : _______________
Other documents : _______________

Job Sheet BI 2012

2. Listen to the bank clerk and tick the thing you can do with the account. (rec 3/29)
Take out money √ Borrow money Pay in cash/check

Have a credit card Use a cheque book Have a cash card

3. Listen to three short conversation in a bank. What service does each person want? (rec
a. Open a bank account
b. ____________________
c. ____________________

4. Listen again. What does the bank clerk ask each person to do? (rec 4/30)
a. Fill in a form
b. ____________________
c. ____________________

C. Speaking: Using a bank account.

1. You can use this expression to explain what you want. Listen again and write the
customer (a-c) next to the expression that they use. (rec 4/30)

I’d like to ……………... I need to ……………... I want to ………………

2. Speak up. Put the words in order to complete each sentence.

a. 200 pounds / want / pay / account / my / into / I / to

I want to pay 200 pound into my account

Job Sheet BI 2012

b. Withdraw / to / like / 400 pounds / I’d

c. Have to / money / abroad / send / some / I
d. Account / open / like / to / I’d / an

3. Imagine you are in a bank. Use the idea below to make sentences explaining what you

D. Listening: In a post office

1. Listen to four conversations in a post office. What does each customer want to do?
Complete the note. (rec 5/31)

a. Send three post card to ____________ by ______________.

b. Send a ____________ to _____________ by _____________.
c. Send a ____________ to _____________.
d. Send a ____________ to _____________ by _____________.

2. Listen again. How much does each person pay? (rec 5/31)

a. 1.50 pound
b. ________________
c. ________________
d. ________________

Job Sheet BI 2012

E. Speaking: Sending Mail

Speaking strategy. Asking about service.

1. Listen to the conversation again. Tick the expression you hear. (rec 5/31)
a. Can I send this letter by airmail please?
b. How much is it to send this parcel by airmail?
c. Can you weigh this for me, please?
d. How much will it cost to send this by surface mail?
e. How long will it take?

Speak Up!
2. Imagine you are in a post office. Use the ideas below to ask questions.
Example :a
You say : I’d like to send a letter to Oman, please?

3. Now listen to a post office clerk. Use the ideas below to have a conversation. (rec 6/32)
Example :
You hear : how can I help you?
You say : a. I’d like to send this parcel to Japan, Please.

a. Send / parcel / Japan

b. No, not urgent
c. How long / take / surface mail
d. Ok / how much / airmail?
e. How long / take / airmail?
f. Ok / send / airmail.

F. Speaking. Changing Money.

Speaking strategy : Accepting or declining a service.

Job Sheet BI 2012

1. Listen to conversations a-d and notice the expression in bold. (rec 7/33)
a. The commission is 2 %. // That’s fine. Can I change some dollars, please?
b. We charge 3.5 pounds commission.// Hmm, I’ll think about it, thanks.
c. One euro will get you 67 pence. // Yes, that’s ok. Here’s my passport.
d. One US dollar is 109 Japanese Yen. // I think I’ll leave it. Thank you.

2. Which two expressions do you use?

a. To accept a service: That’s fine.
b. To decline a service: __________________

Speak Up!
3. Now listen to the clerk in e-I and use the ideas below to respond.

You hear : (e) today’s exchange rate from dollars to euro is .75
You say : that’s fine. I’d like to change 100 dollars into euros.

e. Accept. 100 dollars into euros.

f. Decline.
g. Accept. 200 pounds into dollars.
h. Decline.
i. Accept. 100 euros into pounds.

Job Sheet BI 2012


General purposes
Students will be able to comprehend and ask for information about travelling and
tourism area.

Specific purposes
After practicing this topic, it is hoped that students are able :
1. To ask for information at a tourist information office
2. To make and respond to suggestions
3. To talk about places you visit on holiday
4. To follow a guided tour

1. Speaker Active
2. Laptop/ notebook
3. Labor Bahasa
4. Headset
5. DVD / CD
6. Projector
7. Screen projector


A. Listening – At a tourist information desk.

1. James is visiting Hong Kong. He is at a tourist information office. Listen and complete
the questions he asks. Then listen and repeat. (rec 7/62)
a. Are there any good market here?

Job Sheet BI 2012

b. What _____________ do you recommend?

c. Where’s the best place to _____________?
d. Are there any ______________ I can visit near here?
e. Is there a ________________ I can go on?
2. Now listen to the assistant in the tourist information office and match each answer (1-
5) with a question (a-e). (rec 8/63)
1. d 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___

B. Listening – Planning your visit

1. Listen to Jim and Denise talk about what to do in New York. Tick the places that they
mention. (rec 9/64)

the Statue of Liberty ___ the Metropolitan Museum of art ___ Central Park ___ the
Guggenheim Museum ___ the Empire State Building ___ Times Square ___
2. Listen again. Which three places do they decide to go on? (rec 9/64)

C. Speaking – Deciding What to do.

Speaking strategy: making and responding to suggestion

Job Sheet BI 2012

3 Listen again to Jim and Denise Conversation. Tick the expression from exercise 2
that you hear. (rec 9/64)

D. Listening – Looking around

1. Bill and Giulia are sightseeing around Sydney Australia. Listen and number the
attraction (1-5) in the order Bill and Giulia mention them. (rec 10/65)

Job Sheet BI 2012

2. Listen again and write the number of correct attraction next to the fact. (rec 10/65)
a. This is where the first white people arrived in Australia in 1788. _1_
b. You can get a great view from here. ___
c. It opened in 1973. ___
d. You can go on guided walking tour. ___
e. It’s one of the biggest in the world. ___

3. Look at these expressions. You can use to react to something you see. Listen again and
tick the expressions you hear. (rec 10/65)

It’s great! It’s wonderful! How amazing! It’s huge!

How beautiful! It’s fantastic!

Job Sheet BI 2012

E. Listening – A guided Tour (rec 11/67)

Job Sheet BI 2012

F. Speaking – Talking about your experience

Speaking Strategy: describing places you know.

1. You can use these expressions to describe a place you are visiting.
The people are very friendly. It’s very quiet. The food is great.
It’s quite expensive. The hotel is a bit disappointing. There’s a lot to see

Job Sheet BI 2012

General purposes
Students will be able to make and respond to request

Specific purposes
After practicing this topic, it is hoped that students are able to:
1. To ask about products and services
2. To place an order for a product
3. To compare products and choose between alternatives

1. Speaker Active
2 Laptop/ notebook
3 Labor Bahasa
4 Headset
5 Flat screen TV
6 DVD / CD
7 Projector
8 Screen projector


A. Listening – Asking about product and services

1. Listen to five people call Hadley Office Supplies. Tick the thing they ask about. (rec
Computers __ Pens __ Envelopes __ Desks __ Notebooks __ Photocopiers __
Chairs __ Printers __ Files __ Printer cardridges __
2. Which things does the company not sell?
3. Now Listen to five people ask about services. Complete the questions they ask. (rec

Job Sheet BI 2012

a. Do you repair computer?

b. Can you give me a ___________?
c. Do you __________ for delivery?
d. Could you send it by __________ delivery, please?
e. When can you __________?
4. Listen to replies to the questions above. Match the reply (1-5) with the questions (a-e).
(rec 14/b/11)
1. _c_ 2. __ 3. __ 4. __ 5. __

B. Speaking – Explaining what you want

Speaking strategy: Making request
1. Underline the expression to make request!
Can you find out the price, please?
Could you call me when the order is ready?
Speak Up!
2. Number each line of this conversation in order (1-6).
___ No, That’s everything. When can you deliver?
___ Yes, we do. We sell all sizes of paper.
___ Yes, we deliver free of charge.
___ I’d like to order three boxes of A3, please.
_1_ Hello. Do you sell A3 paper?
___ Certainly. Three boxes. Anything else?
3. Listen and check. Then listen again. Pause the recording after the customer speaks, and
repeat the customer words. (rec 15/b/12)

Job Sheet BI 2012

4. Imagine you call an office supply company. Use the idea below and make a request.

Example: a
You say: Do you repair photocopiers? Can you come today?

C. Speaking – Discussing Services

Speaking strategy: Responding to request

Job Sheet BI 2012

Speak Up
2 Match the requests (a-e) with the responses (1-5).

3 Listen to each request (a-e) and answer with the correct response (1-5).
(rec 16/b/13)

4 Now listen to request (f-j). Pause after each request and use the idea below to
respond. (rec 16/b/13)

you hear : f could you deliver this next Saturday?
You say : yes, that’s fine. We’ll deliver it before midday.

D. Listening – Placing an order

Nihar is from India. He calls Hadley Office Supplies to place an order. Listen and
complete the form! (rec 17/b/14)

Job Sheet BI 2012

E. Listening – Discussing product

1. Emily wants to buy a printer. She is discussing which to buy with her friend, Tom. Listen
and tick the printer she decides to buy. (rec 18/b/15)

2. Can you remember what they say about each printer? Try to complete the chart, then
listen and check.

3. Listen and tick the expression Emily uses to make her choice.
I think I’ll get ______ I’d rather have _______ I’d prefer to have ______

Job Sheet BI 2012

F. Speaking – Choosing between product.

Speaking strategy: Making comparison

Speak Up!

Job Sheet BI 2012


General purposes
Students will be able to make and receive telephone calls

Specific purposes
After practicing this topic, it is hoped that students are able to:
1. To take and leave messages
2. To spell names and addresses and say telephone numbers
3. To leave voicemail messages

1. Speaker Active
2. Laptop/ notebook
3. Labor Bahasa
4. Headset
5. Flat screen TV
6. DVD / CD
7. Projector
8. Screen projector


A. Listening – Making a call

1. Jennifer Ratby works in Los Angeles. She is calling Denco Computer and wants to speak
to three people. Listen and match the name of each person with the reason for her call
(a-c). (rec 19/b/17)

2. Answer the questions. (rec 19/b/17)

a. Who do you think Paul is? _________________________________.
b. When does David say he’ll send the contract? _________________.
c. Why can’t Jennifer speak to Charles? ________________________.
d. Why can’t she speak to Kevin? _____________________________.
e. What message does she leave for Kevin? _____________________.

Job Sheet BI 2012

B. Speaking – Problem understanding

Speaking strategy: Making sure you understand

Job Sheet BI 2012

3 Imagine you are speaking on the phone. Listen to these five people. Use the
expression in exercise 1 to make sure you understand. (rec 20/2/18)

You hear :a Can you say that I called? My name’s Shuang Liang.
You say : Sorry, How do you spell that?

a. Spell b. didn’t catch that c. repeat d. spell e. more slowly

C. Listening – Taking messages

1. Geena is listening to her voicemail messages in her mobile phone. Listen and match
each messages (a-c) with a reason for the call (1-3). (rec 21/2/21)

Message a 1 prices for a new project

Message b 2 questions about a contract
Message c 3 information about the Shelford project

Job Sheet BI 2012

2. Listen again complete her notes. (rec 21/2/21)

D. Speaking – Leaving messages

Speaking Strategy: Leaving voice messages

Job Sheet BI 2012

Speak Up


Job Sheet BI 2012


General purposes
Students will be able to comprehend and summarize about main news stories

Specific purposes
After practicing this topic, it is hoped that students are able to:
1. To understand and talk about news
2. To describe and discuss films and tv programmes
3. To make predictions about ‘what i will hear’

1. Speaker Active
2. Laptop/ notebook
3. Labor Bahasa
4. Headset
5. Flat screen TV
6. DVD / CD
7. Projector
8. Screen projector


Job Sheet BI 2012

A. Listening – A film review (real listening 3 cd 1)

B. Speaking – Describing film

Speaking strategy: Talking about film

Job Sheet BI 2012

Speak Up

C. Listening – Describing TV programs

D. Listening – Listening to the news

Job Sheet BI 2012

E. Speaking - Talking about the news

Speaking Strategy: Summarizing

Job Sheet BI 2012

F. Listening – Making direction

Job Sheet BI 2012


General purposes
Students will be able to participate in a meeting and invite someone to participate in
a discussion.

Specific purposes
After practicing this topic, it is hoped that students are able to:
1. To make, accept and reject suggestions
2. To clarify your viewpoint and correct misunderstandings
3. To bring a meeting to an end

1. Speaker Active
2. Laptop/ notebook
3. Labor Bahasa
4. Headset
5. Flat screen TV
6. DVD / CD
7. Projector
8. Screen projector


Job Sheet BI 2012

A. Listening – The language of Meeting (real listening 3 cd 2)

B. Listening – Participating in discussion

Job Sheet BI 2012

C. Speaking – Asking for opinion

Speaking strategy: Bringing someone into a discussion

D. Speaking – Responding to suggestion

Speaking strategy: Accepting and rejecting suggestion

Job Sheet BI 2012

E. Speaking – Clarifying what you mean

Speaking strategy: Correcting misunderstanding

F. Listening – Finishing the meeting

Job Sheet BI 2012


General purposes
Students will be able to understand main ideas and the themes of a lecture

Specific purposes
After practicing this topic, it is hoped that students are able to:
1. To take concise notes
2. To listen for signposts and style of delivery
3. To summarize the main points of a talk

1. Speaker Active
2. Laptop/ notebook
3. Labor Bahasa
4. Headset
5. Flat screen TV
6. DVD / CD
7. Projector
8. Screen projector


A. Listening – Understanding the main idea

Job Sheet BI 2012

(real listening 3, cd 2)

B. Listening – Seeing the big picture

Job Sheet BI 2012

C. Listening – Note taking

2 whose notes do you think are better? Why?


Job Sheet BI 2012

D. Speaking – Summarizing a talk

Speaking strategy: Talking about a lecture

Job Sheet BI 2012


General purposes
Students will be able to understand the theme of the song

Specific purposes
After practicing this topic, it is hoped that students are able to:
1. To identify the missing words
2. To understand the lyrics

1. Speaker Active
2. Laptop/ notebook
3. Labor Bahasa
4. Headset
5. Flat screen TV
6. DVD / CD
7. Projector
8. Screen projector


Students are divided into group of 5 and are asked to prepare their own song,
prepare the song’s text with some words are already omitted so the other students
can guess the words while listening to the song. The rules are as follow:
1. The title of the song is not revealed at the beginning.
2. Only one word can be omitted in each line.
3. Total of the words omitted must not exceed 15 words.
4. The song should be played three times only.
5. The other groups have the right to be chosen to answer the missing words


I know you're somewhere out there
_________ far away (somewhere)
I want you back
I want you back

My _________ think I'm crazy (neighbors)

But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars

Light on my room
I sit by ______ (myself)

Talking to the moon, trying to get to you

Job Sheet BI 2012

In hopes you're on the other side _______ to me too (talking)

Oh, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous

The talk of the ____ (town)
They say I've gone mad
Yeah, I've gone mad

But they don't know what I know

'Cause when the sun ____ down (goes)
Someone's talking back
Yeah, they're talking back

At night when the stars

_____ on my room (light)
I sit by myself

Talking to the moon, tryin' to get to you

In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too
Oh, am I a fool who sits _____ talking to the moon (alone)

Do you ever hear me ______? (calling)

‘Cause every night

I’m talking to the moon, ____ trying to get to you (still)
In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too
Oh, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon

I know you’re somewhere out there

Somewhere far away


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