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Music and Arts 9


Mariah Francine L. Artificio as Everleigh

Khylex Harriet A. Caparanga as audience 5

Ferline A. Tabora as Charlotte

Oscar M. Villanvueva as Lucas

Arkin D. Casela as Noah


Janica A. Vasquez as as the Host

Jay Gabriel L. Bausin as Robert

Richmond Justine M. Ladera as John

John Paul Alterado as Sebastian

Reinselle L. Moaje as Zoey

Althea B. Lazo as Mia

Eimmarie Cathrina A. Gatuteo as Amelia

Kiankarlo Ishmael S. Javier as the audience 1

John Christian B. Gacis as the audience 2

Alexandra Mae A. Rio as audience 3

Kochi D. Minguillan as audience 4

Chris N. Toribio as the audience 8

Jin Ezekiel G. Raton as the audience 9

James Brian Guape as the audience 7

Sohfia T. Marinas as audience 6

Adam Krist S. Sequitin did not cooperate.

Cristine Joi Darantinao don’t seen or answer my message.

Art Exhibit


Mozart-Piano Sonata No. 16 in C Major (0:00-4:55)

(Everleigh) Francine: Guys, we need to start preparing our paintings and speech. We have still time to
prepare for the arrival of the audience. Noah, Lucas hand me the paintings. Mia, Charlotte, Emma, Zoey,
and Amelia. Prepare the chairs and lights for the painting. Let’s do our best!

Everyone (Artist except Everleigh): YES! LET’S DO THIS!

(Host) Janica: Everyone, please pay attention to me. I have something important to say. The audience
are on their way, we still have time to prepare. Hurry up, everyone!

(Host) Janica: Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. I’m Janica the host of this afternoon. The
paintings that we are going to show you shows different type of painting in different eras of Renaissance
period. We may present you the painting of Adam and Eve. Everyone is free to open up their thoughts,
opinions, and point of view. Feel free to ask the artists.

(Audience 1) Kiankarlo: Wow, it looks so mesmerizing!

(Audience 2) Christian: Yes, it does. But, why did you picked the topic Renaissance and picked the story
about Adam and Eve?

(Lucas) Oscar: We picked the period Renaissance, since it has the relatable and easiest period than the
Baroque period. It shows rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art about the Bible and

(Audience 7) James: Then, what’s the meaning of the painting?

(Everleigh) Francine: Our painting represents the doing of this generation and going back to the past. As
stated in the Bible, God created Adam and Eve to care for His creation, populate the earth, and have a
relationship with Him. But, they created a sin, and that sin is called disobedience against God. They are a
lot of trees in the Garden of Eden, but they picked the tree that God prohibited and God punished Adam
and Eve by expelling them from the Garden of Eden and promising them a hard life away from paradise.
This is Adam and Eve's story, and it teaches us that when individuals bow to their temptations and do
evil, they must bear the consequences of their actions. And people, don’t have the strength to fully
control and discipline themselves. That’s why we share this awareness for human’s sake and goodness.
And, this is the first sin against God.

(Audience 3) Alexandra: It just looks like a painting of a man and a woman with a tree and an apple.
What’s is the purpose of the painting? I’m curious what the painting holds. Can you explain it to us?

(Noah) Arkin: Yes, I can, Ma’am. The purpose of our painting is to show the world that we should have
self-control and self-discipline. A lot of people is against God, as the reason for that is they think God is
controlling and don’t have any freedom to say their opinions and feelings. Since the beginning, God
already know what’s going to happen next.

(Audience 5) Khylex: How is that possible? How God can know that it’s going to happen? Please explain
this to everyone.

(Charlotte) Ferline: Because, God created them. God created three angels, but Lucifer wanted to be like
God. And then, one of them fell like lightning like Jesus Christ said. The meaning of Adam symbolizes the
"spirit of Adam", Eve symbolizes "His self", the Tree of Knowledge symbolizes "the material world", and
the serpent symbolizes "attachment to the material world". The fall of Adam thus represents the way
humanity became conscious of good and evil. That’s how it happened.

(Audience 4) Kochi: What does the “attachment to the material world” means?

(Mia) Althea: Attachment to the material world means being attach to this sinful world, trusting this
world and loving it can because you pain. Satan was once an angel in heaven, but look what happened.
He ended up being in hell, suffering with sinful people who choose badly than good.

(Host) Janica: Thank you for asking, everyone. Does any of you want to ask one more question before we
proceed to the other painting?

(Audience 8) Chris: What is the most important lesson in the painting about Adam and Eve?

(Robert) Jay: The most important lesson in the painting about Adam and Eve are obeying God, having
some self-control and self-discipline and lastly, God wants to protect from evilness. Things happen faster
than a lightning, yet we are still here in this world. Living our best and trying to survive this cruel world.
Even though, it might be a challenging, but it will be always worth it and precious when you realize it.
And that’s all I have to say. Thank you.

*audience clapping*

(Host) Janica: Next, our painting is about a famous painter in renaissance period who painted the Mona
Lisa, and The Last Supper. He contributed a lot of paintings in renaissance period. Let us present the face
of Leonardo Da Vinci.
(Audience 6) Sohfia: Why did you paint Leonardo Da Vinci? And what are the contributions of Leonardo
Da Vinci that you’re talking about?

(John) Richmond: We picked Leonardo’s Da Vinci, because he is a famous painter in his days. And
Leonardo da Vinci's designs, painting, cartography, geology, and studies made him famous. Leonardo's
ideas eventually aided in the development of items such as the tank, parachute, helicopter, and a variety
of other items. He was a gifted artist as well. The majority of his photographs and paintings may be seen
in galleries and museums. And, that is all his contribution and it is still famous these days.

(Audience 4) Kochi: What is Leonardo’s status in his days?

(Amelia) Eimmarie: Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active
as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor and architect. While many try to slot
people's talents into science or the arts, Leonardo da Vinci believed that the two deeply influenced each

(Host) Janica: Last question, please. So that, you can see the last painting.

(Audience 1) Kiankarlo: The host said earlier that Leonardo Da Vinci painted the famous “Mona Lisa”
painting. How many days did it take him to finish it?

(Sebastian) John Paul: It was four years, but it was never finished. According to a recent study, Leonardo
da Vinci may have been unable to complete the Mona Lisa due to severe damage to his arm sustained
during a fainting episode. Despite the fact that the Renaissance artist sketched with his left hand, it's
thought he painted with his right, and that an accident compelled him to abandon several of his works.

(Host) Janica: The last painting of the day. He was the man who died without knowing that his painting
the “Starry Night” become famous these days. The artist may present, Vincent Van Gogh.

Beethoven-Symphony No. 9 in D Minor ‘Choral’ (0:00-4:08)

(Audience 4) Kochi: What’s so special about Vincent Van Gogh?

(Zoey) Reinselle: Van Gogh's drawings are unique and special in that they may be appreciated without
the use of color to convey characters, light, and scenery. The artist used pencil, black chalk, red chalk,
blue chalk, reed pen, and charcoal to create his drawings, though he frequently blended materials. And,
fun fact that he painted about 900 paintings in 10 years. How amazing is that?

(Audience 5) Khylex: Can you tell us more information about Vincent Van Gogh? I’m really curious about
his background status.

(Noah) Arkin: Vincent Van Gogh was a Post-Impressionist painter from the Netherlands who became
one of the most well-known and important characters in Western art history after his death. He made
over 2,100 artworks over the course of a decade, including around 860 oil paintings, the majority of
which came from the last two years of his life.

(Audience 9) Jin: Why did he choose to paint? Can you answer my question?

(Zoey) Reinselle: Da Vinci's studies allowed him to create images of people that were highly realistic and
very dynamic. The emotions expressed by Leonardo are much more naturalistic than previous artists.
Leonardo inspired many painters to adopt a more naturalistic approach. It helps him to express his own
feelings. And every artist knows that.

(Everleigh) Francine: A fun fact! His paintings was not appreciated in his era. His work was too shockingly
different from what was considered art at the era, and he went unnoticed until just before his death.
However, I'd be happy with just one of his little paintings. He was born in a wrong era, for my opinion.
We are all thankful for everyone who open up their questions, thoughts, point of view, opinions, and
who showed interest to our painting. We are all got to end this exhibit. Thank you for the people who
appreciated us in any way. We may end this exhibit with a quote.

Everyone (Artist): Painting is just another way of keeping a diary. Every canvas is a journey all its own.
You need to paint your future and your dreams to make your dreams come true. Thank you for showing
interest to us. May your life be beautiful like the painting of “Starry Night”.

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