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Biopsychology Reviewer

Which of the following is true about Joe is a neuron. Joe’s voltage-gated

Biopsychology? potassium channels just snapped open. What
is the most likely event to happen next?
 It is the study of psychological
processes  Potassium rushes from the inside of
 It is missing link between pharmacology Joe to the outside
and psychology
At resting cell membrane potential:
 It is the scientific study of all overt
activities of the organism  Potassium ions want to enter the cell
 It is the biological approach to the based on electrostatic pressure
study of psychology
At resting cell membrane potential:
This is the study of the structures of the
nervous system.  Sodium ions wants to enter the cell
based on diffusion pressure
 Neuroanatomy  chloride ions want to enter the cell
based on diffusion pressure
This is the study of Nervous system  potassium ions want to leave the cell
disorders based on diffusion pressure
 All of the above are correct
 Neuropathology
The research that characterize biological
The study of chemical bases of neural approach has this subject that may be
activity. cheaper and may have lower maintenance.
 Neurochemistry A. Human subjects
B. Non-human subjects
The study of interactions between Nervous
C. Experimental and Non-experimental
system and the endocrine system.
 Both a and b
 Neuroendocrinology
The theory where a copulating male who
Neurophysiology is the study of the becomes incapable of continuing to copulate
_____________. with one sex partner can often recommence
copulating with new sex partner.
 Functions and activities of the nervous
system  Coolidge effect

Which of the following is/are part of the Division of Biopsychology that studies neural
central nervous system? mechanisms of behavior through direct
manipulation and recording of brain in
 Autonomic nervous system controlled experiments ex.
 Somatic nervous system Surgical/electrical method
 BOTH a and c are correct
 The retina  Physiological Psychology
Biopsychology Reviewer
The study of psychological effects of brain If a stimulus shifts the potential inside a
damage in human patients. neuron from the resting potential to a more
negative potential, the result is
 Neuropsychology
 Hyperpolarization
The study on comparing behavior of
different species to understand genetics, If a stimulus shifts the potential inside a
evolution and adaptiveness of behavior. neuron from the resting potential to a
potential slightly closer to zero, the result is
 Comparative Psychology known as

Jimmy G’s condition is connected to  Depolarization

A membrane produces an action potential
 Alcoholism and vices whenever the potential across it reaches

The study focuses on manipulation of  The threshold

neural activity and behavior through drugs
According to the all or none law,
 Psychopharmacology
 The size of the action potential does
The youngest division of biopsychology. not depend on the strength pf the
 Cognitive Psychology stimulus that initiated it.

The difference in voltage between the During the entire course of events from the
inside and the outside of a neuron that start of an action potential, the net
typically exists is called the movement of ions is

 Resting potential  Sodium in , potassium out

What is meant by the term "concentration The refractory period of a neuron is a period
gradient"? of time when

 Potassium ions are more concentrated  A usually adequate stimulus cannot

inside the cell and sodium ions are produce an action potential
more concentrated outside Which feature of a neuron limits the number
of action potentials it can produce per
The sodium potassium pump pumps sodium
ions Out of the cell and potassium ions into
the cell.  Refractory period

 Out of the cell , into the cell Most action potentials begin

The sodium potassium pump makes  At the axon hillock

possible which of the following features of a
neuron? The function of a myelin sheath is to

 Resting potential  Increase the speed of transmission

along an axon
Biopsychology Reviewer
What are the nodes of Ranvier? The tree meninges is known as dura mater,
pia mater and Arachnoid membrane.
 Interrupts in the myelin sheath
 Arachnoid membrane
Saltatory conduction refers to
Ringing of the ears is also called
 Transmission of action potential along
a myelinated axon  Tinnutus

The peripheral nervous system is located Which of the following is not a core
outside the ____ symptom of autism?

 Skull and Spine  Preoccupation with a single subject or

Neural development is :  Reduced capacity for social interaction
 Reduced ability to interpret emotions
 A process that never stops; the and intentions
nervous system is plastic  Identifiable similarity on facial
features across all individual with
The case of Genie is an example of
similar disorder
 The effect of severe deprivation on
development Autism as a neurodevelopmental disorder
is considered as spectrum, which means,
There are three layers of embryonic cells
namely, Ectoderm, Mesoderm and  Heterogeneous where level of damage
Endoderm. and dysfunction varies

 Endoderm Which of the following brain structures is

NOT directly involved in autism disorder?
The neural plate develops into the neural
groove and then fuses to form the  Cerebellum
__________.  Amygdala
 Frontal Cortex
 Neural tube  Hypothalamus
There are two types of Neural death known Individuals with this type of disorder are
as intellectually handicapped individuals who
display specific cognitive or artistic
 Necrosis and Apoptosis
Early visual deprivation causes
 Autistic Savant
 Fewer synapses
Unlike usual symptoms of autism,
The growth of new neuron is called, individuals with William's syndrome are,

 Neurogenesis  Sociable and emphatic

Biopsychology Reviewer
Usually, individuals with William's Syndrome
have heart disorders associated with
mutation in a gene on chromosome

 7

They have ________ appearance - short,

small upturned noses, oval ears, broad

 elfin
Biopsychology Reviewer
This is the gastrointestinal process of The _________ the servings, the more we
breaking down food and absorbing its tend to eat.
constituents into the body.
 Larger
 Digestion
_________ Influences affect the amount we
Energy is delivered in the body in three forms: eat aside from satiety.
lipids, amino acids and __________.
 Social
 Glucose
The following are gut peptides that decrease
The phase during which the meal meets the meal size except for one, which is _______.
body’s immediate energy needs is called
the _____ phase.  Somatostatin
 Cholecystokinin
 Absorptive  Bombesin
 Amino acid
This is the conversion of protein to
glucose. This food disorder is also called self –
 Gluconeogenesis
 Anorexia
_______________is the assumption that
hunger is typically triggered by a decline in Glands that release chemicals into ducts
the body’s energy reserves below their set that carry them to targets mostly on the
point. surface of the body are called _________.

 Set – point theories  Exocrine glands

In __________ systems, feedback changes The type of Glands that releases hormones
in one direction elicit compensatory directly into the circulatory system is called
effects in the opposite direction. __________.

 Negative feedback  Endocrine glands

Pre – meal hunger and _______________of The pituitary gland is made up of these
hunger are the factors that influence what two glands.
we eat.
 Anterior and Posterior
 Classical Conditioning
Cells formed from the combination of a
Snacks served before a meal increase sperm cell and an ovum are reformed as a
hunger rather than reduce it. This is called _________.
the ________effect.
 Zygote
 Appetizer
Biopsychology Reviewer
This is the sex hormone that prepares the The effect of the high amount of anabolic
uterus and breast for pregnancy. steroids in women may cause _______.

 Progesterone  Amenorrhea

This is a fat-soluble hormone that can enter _______ is divided into three categories
cells and bind to the receptors of the known as heterosexual, homosexual, and
cytoplasm and nucleus. bisexual.

 Steroid  Sexual orientation

The master gland. Individuals with this type of illness have

normal male androgen levels but have no
 Pituitary response on them.

The type of hormone that is responsible for  Androgenic insensitivity syndrome

controlling urination/antidiuretic.
The true name of the Canadian man born
 Vasopressin male but reassigned female and raised as
a girl following medical advice and
These two are the primordial gonads.
intervention after his penis was severely
 Cortex and Medulla injured during a botched circumcision in
If no H - Y is present , this reproductive
duct will develop.  David Reimer

 Mullerian A natural state where awareness of

environmental stimuli is reduced. One
Differentiation of ducts develops on what says humans cannot do without it.
prenatal month?
 Sleep
 3 The modern alternative to Freud’s theory
of dreaming is _______ theory.
Removal of testes is specifically called
 Activation – Synthesis
 Orchidectomy The effects of sleep deprivation are often
difficult to study because they are often
Estradiol is the chemical result of the
caused by _______.
aromatization of ___________.
 Stress
 Testosterone
Convincing evidence that REM-sleep
During puberty, ___________ is achieved.
deprivation does not produce severe
 Fertility memory problems comes from the study of
patients taking certain _______

 Antidepressant
Biopsychology Reviewer
_______ means lasting about one day. The type of Hemp plant that is usually
available in the Philippines.
 Circadian
 Sativa
Free-running rhythms are those that occur
in environments devoid of _______. The following are drugs that increase the
induction of sleep except for _______.
 Zeitgebers
 Valium
Encephalitis lethargica is also called  Librium
sleeping sickness, which is caused by a
 Sativex
parasite transmitted by ______.
 Benzodiazepine
 Tsetse fly
A disorder characterized by excessive
_____ is described as the phase of alcohol sleep or sleepiness.
withdrawal syndrome characterized by
 Hypersomnia
hallucinations, delusions, disorientation,
agitation, confusion, and hyperthermia. The theory that the subjective experience
of emotion is trigJames – Langegered by
 Delirium Tremens
ANS responses is called _______ theory.
This is the scarring of the liver caused by
 James – Lange
chronic alcohol consumption.
Polygraphy is more known as
 Liver Cirrhosis ______________.
The offspring of mothers who consume  Lie – detector Test
substantial quantities of alcohol during
pregnancy may develop _____. __________________is a rare behavioral
impairment characterized by inappropriate
 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome sexual behaviors and mouthing of objects.
Other signs and symptoms include a
_____ are drugs whose primary effect
diminished ability to visually recognize
produces a general increase in neural and
objects, loss of normal fear and anger
behavioral activity.
responses, memory loss, distractibility,
 Stimulants seizures, and dementia.

 Kluver – Bucy Syndrome

___________are those who continue to use
a drug despite its adverse effects on Types of disease that involves mind and body
health and social life. that may worsen due to psychological factors
such as stress are called __________.
 Addicts
 Psychosomatic Disorders
“Shabu’’ or poor man’s cocaine is a variant
of ______________.

 Methamphetamine

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