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Solutions for SM1002206

Chapter – 1 9 (p + 3) = 63  p + e = 7 --- (3)

(Simple Equations) subtracting (1) from (2),
p  e = 1 -- (4)
Concept Review Questions Adding (3) and (4),
2p = 6  p = 3. Choice (B)
Solutions for questions 1 to 30:

1. Let the number be x 11. Let the costs of each pen and each eraser be `p and `e
3x   24 3p + 3e = 17
3p + 4e = 18
x=9 Ans: (9)
Adding both equations,
2. Let the number be x. 7 (p + e) = 35
1 1 1 1
4 +    x x The cost of 1 pen and 1 eraser is `5 Ans: (5)
2 3 6 12
x x
4+  12. 10m + 9a = 104 ---------------- (1)
36 12 27m + 25a = 285 ---------------- (2)
 x = 72 Choice (C) Solving (1)  3 and (2)
30m + 27a = 312
3. Let the two numbers be x and y. 27m + 25a = 285
x + y = 18 ------------- (1) ----------------------------
xy=4 ------------- (2)
 3m + 2a = `27 Choice (C)
On Solving (1) and (2)
x = 11 and y = 7 Choice (A)
13. Let the costs of each chocolate, each milk shake and each
4. 3x + 6y = 12  x + 2y = 4 cake be `ch `m and `c respectively.
4x + 8y = 16  x + 2y = 4 2ch + 3m + 4c = 190
As both equations are identical, they have infinite solutions. 4ch + 8c = 320
Choice (D) The coefficients of ch and c are proportional, we can
determine m, but not ch or c.
5. 3x + 9y = 21  6x + 18y = 42 2ch + 4c = 160
6x + 18y = 45  3m = 190  (2ch + 4c) = 30
No value of x and y can satisfy both equations.  m = 10. Choice (A)
Choice (A)
14. Two digit number = TU
6. Two equations a1x + b1y = c1 and a2x + b2y = c2 will have a
unique solution New number = TU4 = 100T + 10U + 4 Choice (B)
a b
If 1  1 . As the given equations satisfy this condition, 15. Let the two digit number be xy
a2 b2
Given 2x + 11y = 10x + y
they have a unique solution. Choice (B)
 8x = 10y  x = y  x : y = 5 : 4
7. 8x + y  10 = 0 ------------- (1) 4
4x + 2y  13 = 0 ------------- (2) As 54 is the only number where the above condition is
Solving (1)  2 and (2) satisfied, with the given ratio, the number must be
54 uniquely. Ans: (54)
16x + 2y  20 = 0
4x + 2y  13 = 0
16. The difference between any two digit number and the
  + number formed by reversing its digits is equal to 9 times the
----------------------- difference of its digits
12x = 7
 the required difference = 9 (3) = 27 Choice (B)
7 16
x= and y = Choice (D)
12 3 17. Let the number be abc with a > b
Difference of abc and cba = abc  cba
8. 3x + 9y + 12z = 18 = 100a + 10b + c  (100c + 10b + a) = 99 (a  c)
 x + 3y + 4z = 6 ---------------- (1)  99 (a  c) = 198
and 2x + 3y + 4z = 8 ---------------- (2) ac=2 Ans: (2)
Solving (1) & (2)
2x  x = 8  6  x = 2 Choice (A) 18. The difference between a three digit number and the
number formed by reversing its digits is always divisible by
9. Let the costs of a puff and a samosa be `p and `s is 99 but is not always divisible by any greater number.
respectively Therefore,
5p + 2s = 48 . . . . . (1) 99 is the greatest such number. Ans: (99)
p = 2s . . . . . (2)
(1), (2)  5 (2s) + 2s = 48  s = 4 x
p=8 19. Let the fraction be
The cost of a puff is `8. Ans: (8)
x=y5 ---------------- (1)
10. Let the costs of each pen and each eraser be `p and `e and 4x = y + 1 ---------------- (2)
respectively Solving (1) and (2)
4p + 5e = 32 --- (1) x = 2, y = 7
5p + 4e = 31 --- (2) 2
Adding (1) and (2),  the fraction is Choice (C)
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2 Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.

Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002261/1

x Exercise – 1(a)
20. Let the fraction be
Solutions for questions 1 to 21:
xy+2=0 ---------------- (1) 1. 7(x + 2) + 3(y  2) = 8 ------- (1)
x 3 3(x  2) + 7(y + 2) = 8 ------- (2)
also, 
y 1 4 From (1)
7x + 3y = 8  (14  6)
 4x  3y  3 = 0 ---------------- (2)
7x + 3y = 0 ------- (3)
Solving equations (1) & (2)
From (2)
x = 9 and y = 11
3x + 7y = 0 ------- (4)
 the fraction is 9/11. Choice (D)
From (3), (4)
21. Let the three consecutive numbers be 2x, 2(x + 1), 2(x + 2) x = 0, y = 0 Choice (C)
1 1 2x + 3y  6z = 18
then  3 (x + 1) =  2(x + 2) 2. ------- (1)
3 4 4
2y  x  4z  12 ------- (2)
x=2 3
 the three numbers are 4, 6, 8 Choice (A)
(1)     ( 2) gives
22. Let the number of 50 np coins with Nalini be x. 3
Number of ₹1 coins with her will be (30  x) 2
4 y  (18)    12
Amount = x  50 + (30  x) 100 = 2000 3
 x + 60  2x = 40  x = 20  4y = 12 + 12
 number of ₹1 coins with her is (30  20) = 10 Ans: (10)  4y = 24  y = 6 Ans: (6)
23. Let Sekhar have x number of ₹500 notes with him, then the 3. x + 2y + 3z = 14 ------- (1)
number of ₹100 notes with him is (22  x). 2x + 3y + z = 11 ------- (2)
 x  500 + (22  x)100 = 7000 3x + y + 2z = 11 ------- (3)
 x = 12 Ans: (12) (1) + (2) + (3) gives
24. Let the amount with Amar be ₹a 6(x + y + z) = 36  x + y + z = 6 Choice (A)
Total amount with the others = ₹(150  a)
4. 3x + y  3z = 11
a  150  a
 3(x  z) + y = 11 ------- (1)
4 2(x  z) + 5y = 29 ------- (2)
 a = 30 Choice (C) Let x  z = a
 3a + y = 11 ------- (3)
25. Let the amounts P, Q and R be `p, `q and `r respectively.
2a + 5y = 29 ------- (4)
p + q + r = 1250
(3)  5  (4)
p  q  r  1250  p 
3 3
13a = 26
7 7 a=2
 7p = 3750  3p  p = 375 Choice (D) y=5
26. Let Sreedhar‟s age be s years
y+xz=5+2=7 Choice (A)
s + 20 = 6(s  20)
 5s = 140  s = 28 Choice (C) 5. (a) In order that the equations may be consistent the
27. Let the present ages of Ramesh and Suresh be r years and co-efficients of the corresponding terms shall be
S years respectively proportional.
32 5 4
r = 3s   
r + 2 = 2 (s + 2) 96 15 2p
 r = 2s + 2 = 3s p=6 Choice (B)
s = 2r = 6
 Ramesh‟s present age is 6 years. Choice (D) (b) As the system has a solution, the coefficients are not
28. Let the present ages of Ashok and Bala be a years and b 3 k 3
years respectively 
k 6
a  4 = 4 (b  4)
 k(k + 3) ≠ 18
 a = 4b  12 . . . . . (1)
If k (k  3) = 3(6) or ( 6) ( 3)
a + 3 = 3 (b + 3)
i.e., if k = 3 or  6, the system does not have a unique
 a = 3b + 6 . . . . . (2)
(1), (2)  4b  12 = 3b + 6
 Any value other than k = 3 and k = 6 will result in a
 b = 18 and a = 60 unique solution. Choice (D)
Ashok‟s present age is 60 years. Choice (C)
6. Let T be ab, where a and b are the units and the tens digits.
29. m = 20 years Given, b ≠ 0.
After x years, Mrudhula's age is 20 + x. T > 2(ba) (given)
The twins will be of ages x each.
ab > 2(ba)  10a + b > 2(10b + a)
Total = 20 + x + x + x = 50
 x = 10 Ans: (10) 8a > 19b  a > .
The least value of b is 1.
30. Let the man‟s age 27 years ago be x.
His wife‟s present age is 2x. If b = 1, a > . So, a can take any value from 3 to 9
His present age is x + 27 (7 values).
Their total present age is 3x + 27 = 90
x = 21 If b = 2, a > . So, a can take any value from 5 to 9
Wife‟s age is 42 years and man's age is 48 years. (5 values).
Choice (A)

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002261/2
12. Let the number of 100 gm weights be x and number of
If b = 3, a > . So, a can take any value from 8 to 500 gm weights be y.
9 (2 values). 100x + 500y = 8000, as per data.
If b = 4 or 5, a cannot take any value. x + 5y = 80  (1)
 b ≤ 3. the 2nd relation is x + y = 20  (2)
Number of values of T = 7 + 5 + 2 = 14. Choice (C) Subtracting, 4y = 60, y = 15, x = 5
Answer = 500 gm Choice (D)
7. Let the fraction be .
y 13. If cost of a pencil is `5 then the only feasible values for cost
of a pen and cost of a ruler are 6 and 4 respectively.
6y = 8x – 2
 Cost of 10 rulers = 40
 3y = 4x – 1 ------- (1)
10x = 10y – 20  Number of pencils he purchased with `40 is
x–y=–2 40
------- (2) = 8 Ans: (8)
(1) + 3  (2) gives, 5
4x – 3x – 1 – 6 = 0
x=7 14. Let the initial amount = A
Substituting in (1), Cost of 1 apple = (A/10)
y = 27/3 = 9 Cost of 1 orange = (A/15)
y 9 Cost of 1 watermelon = (A/2)
Answer =  Choice (D) As all three types of fruits are bought, the minimum shall be
x 7
As oranges are to be maximum, others are one each.
8. Let the speeds of John and Peter be x and y respectively Amount spent = 6A (as per data).
(in kilometres per hour) Hence, the number of oranges
 x = y + 10 - (1) = [6A – {(A/10) + (A/2)}] / (A/15)
x + 15 = 2y - (2) = [6A – (6A/10)] / (A/15) = (54A/10) / (A/15) = 81
y = 25 Choice (B)
x = 35
 John‟s speed is 35 km/hr Ans: (35) 15. Let the present ages of the man and the son be m years
and s years respectively.
9. Let the number of girls in class A and class B be x and y m  10 = 2 (s  10) + 35
respectively m = 2s + 25
x=y+7 (i) let us say after x years the father will be twice his son‟s
x–y=7 - (1) age.
x + 4 = 2y m + x = 2 (s + x)
x – 2y = – 4 - (2) 2s + 25 + x = 2s + 2x
Solving (1) and (2), we get 25 = x Choice (C)
y = 11, x = 18
Number of boys in A = 35 – 18 = 17 (ii)Let us say after x years the father will be thrice his
Number of boys in B = 35 – 11 = 24 Choice (D) son‟s age
2s + 25 + x = 3 (s + x)
10. Let the number of marbles with Nitya and Satya be n and 25 = s + 2x
s respectively. We have only 1 equation but 2 unknowns. So x cannot be
n+1=s1 found. Choice (D)
ns+2=0 ---------------- (1)
s + 1 = 2(n  1) 16. Data is tabulated below
 2n  s  3 = 0 ---------------- (2) Bhangar Karthin
Solving (1) & (2) Runs x + 10 y
i.e. 2n  2s + 4 = 0 Balls y + 5 x
2n  s  3 = 0 x + y + 10 = 50
------------------------- x + y = 40 (1)
 s = 7, n = 5 Choice (B) y + 5 = x  15
x  y = 20  (2)
11. Let the initial amount with Gopi, Murthy and Hari in rupees  x   40  20   30
be x, y and z respectively.  2 
x Runs scored by Bhangar = 30 + 10 = 40 Ans: (40)
Gopi gives to Murthy
x x y 10
They now have , + y and z 17. Karthik‟s run rate =   0.33 Choice (D)
2 2 x 30
Murthy gives half of his amount to Hari
They now have 18. A + B + C + D = 90000 ---------------- (1)
x x y x y A + C + D = 4B ---------------- (2)
;  ;  z
2 4 2 4 2 also, B + D = 4/5 (A + C) ---------------- (3)
Hari gives half his amount to Gopi. From (1) & (2)
Gopi now has  x  x  y  x  z  and this is equal to x. 4B + B = 9000
 2 8 4 4 2   B = `1800
x x y z From (2) and (3)
 x    B + D = 4/5 (4B  D)
2 8 4 2
5B + 5D = 16B  4D
3x y z
  
8 4 2  11B = 9D
 3x = 2y + 4z = 2 x 45 = 90, as (y + 2z) is given equal to 45. 11
 x = 30 Ans: (30) D=  1800 = `2200 Choice (C)

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002261/3
19. Let the times for which P, Q, R worked on the project be p, 26. In addition to the data in Q-25, y  z = 1
q, r respectively (all in hours) y=1+z=1+1=2
2 2 22  4 x=yz=1
p= q , q = r ∴ p =  r  r  Number is 121. Ans: (121)
3 5 3  5  15
p : q : r = 4 : 6 : 15 Note: If (z – y) is taken as 1, then x = 1, which is
3 inadmissible.
R worked for of the total number of hours that all the
Solutions for questions 27 and 28:
three worked. Choice
(B) Let the actual weight of food grains be w.
20. Let the costs of an apple, a banana and an orange be `a, Case :
`b and `c respectively. If it is kept in the pan of weight 0.5 kg
4a + 6b + 8c = p Total weight (including that of food grains) = w + 0.5
5a + 8b + 11c = q On the other side of the balance let an indicated weight "xy" be
8a + 16b + 20c = r kept, w + 0.5 = 10x + y + 0.75  (1)
Going back from the options, only Choice (D) satisfy the Case :
given equation. Choice (D) If food grains are kept in the other pan of the balance
w + 0.75 = 10y + x + 9.5 + 0.5  (2)
21. Let the correct number be 10x + y (2)  (1) gives
10y + x  (10x + y) = 10x + y  4 0.25 = 9(y  x) + 9.25
8y – 19x = 4 9(x  y) = 9
 19x – 8y = 4 ------- (1) x  y = 1  (3)
3(x + y) = 10x + y  10
7x  2y = 10 ------- (2) 27. w = 10x + y + 0.25
Solving (1) and (2), we get So, the actual weight w = 10x + y + 0.25
x = 4, y = 9 So, in the actual weight after the decimal part 0.25 must
Number = 49, Product of the digits = 36 Choice (C) appear, and in the integral part, the ten‟s digit should be
more than between the unit‟s digit. Both these conditions
Solutions for questions 22 and 23: are satisfied for (A), not for choices (B) and (C).
Choice (D)
Let the number of toys sold by the shopkeeper be „ab‟. Let the
selling price of each toy be ` „cd‟. Let his initial stock be s. 28. In the indicated weight, ten‟s digit is 1 more than the units
Actual stock left = s  „ab‟. digit and this is satisfied by Choice (A) only. Choice (A)
Stock as shown on record = s  „ba‟ 29. Present time = P(say)
s  ba = s  ab + 81 P + t min = 12 p.m. ……….(1)
Given that, P – 44 min = 9 a.m. + 7t min .……….(2)
10a + b  (10b + a) = 81 P = 12 p.m. – t min
ab=9 = 9 a.m + (7t + 44) min
 a = 9 and b = 0  3 hr – 44min = 8t min
 180 min – 44 min = 8t min
22. ab = 90 Choice (C)
 17 = t  P = 11 : 43 a.m. Ans: (11, 43)
882 882 30. If the marks for each correct, each wrong and each
23. Mistaken sale price =   98 = `98
' ba' 09 unanswered question were 4, –1, 0 respectively he would
Actual sale price = `89 Choice (A) have got 25 marks. But he actually got 5, 0, 1 marks
respectively. i.e., for each question, he actually 5 of 1 mark
Solutions for questions 24 to 30: more. These were 35 questions. His actual score = 25 + 35
= 60. Ans: (60)
24. Let the children be C10, C9, ……, C1 in decreasing order of
their ages. Exercise – 1(b)
Let each child have `x at the beginning. The following table Solutions for questions 1 to 16:
gives the amounts with each of them at the end of each
transaction. x x x
1. (a) x   5
1  (x – 9), (x + 1) (x + 1) ………… (x + 1) 2 3 4
2  (x – 9), (x – 7) (x + 2), (x + 2) ……. (x + 2) x x x
3  (x – 9), (x – 7), (x – 5), (x + 3), (x + 3),………(x+3)  x    5
2 3 4
4  (x – 9), (x – 8), (x – 5), (x – 3), (x + 4), (x + 4) ……..
(x + 4) x(12  6  4  3)
 5
At the end, the total sum with children who have given 12
some money 12 x 5 60
= (x  9) + (x  7) + (x  5) + (x  3) = 4x  24  x  Choice (A)
19 19
The total sum with those children who have not given any
money = 6 – (x + 4) = 6x + 24 (b) 99x + 101y = 400 ------- (1)
6x + 24 = 2(4x  24) 99y + 101x = 400 ------- (2)
 2x = 72 x = 36 Choice (A) (1) + (2) gives
200(x + y) = 800
25. Let the hundreds, tens and units digits be x, y, z x+y=4 ------- (3)
respectively. (1)  (2) gives
(100x + 10y + z) is the 3-digit number = 11(10x + z) 2(y  x) = 0
= (100x + z) + (10x + 10z) y=x ------- (4)
y = x + z From (3) and (4)
Given y  x = 1z = 1 2x = 4, x = 2 and y = 2 Choice (D)
Note: If (x – y) is taken as 1, z = – 1, which is inadmissible. 6 7
Ans: (1) (c)  7 ------- (1)
( 2 x  y ) (3 y  x )

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002261/4
4 14 9. Let the number be x.
 6 ------- (2)
( 2 x  y ) (3 y  x ) 9 2
x  x  4235  x = 990 Ans: (990)
From (2) 2 9
2 7 10. Let the number of coins with Ashok and Balu be a and b
 3 ------- (3)
( 2 x  y ) (3 y  x )
Given that, a  20 = 3(b + 20)  a = 3b + 80
(1)  (2) gives
and a  30 = 2(b + 30)  a = 2b + 90
4 2b + 90 = 3b + 80  b = 10 Choice (B)
( 2x  y )
 2x y = 1 ------- (4) 11. Number of sequence copies made = 7500  1500 = 6000.
Similarly Cost of making these copies (in `) = 7080  1500 = 5580.
(3) x 3  (1) gives 5580
14 y  0.93 Ans: (0.93)
2 6000
3y  x
 3y  x = 7 ------- (5) 12. Let the cost of each pen, each eraser and each sharpener
(4) + 2  (5) gives be `p, `e and `s respectively.
5y = 15  y = 3 and x = 2 Choice (A) 4p  5c  6s = 47 ….. (1)
6p  7c  9s = 69 …… (2)
2. Let the two parts be x grams and y grams By 3  (1)  2  (2), we get e = 3  47  2  69 = 3
x + y = 1000 Choice (A)
x  y  ( x  y)
4 13. Let the cost of each pen, each eraser and each sharpener
x – y = 800 be `p, `e, `s respectively.
 x = 900 5p + 8e + 118 = 54 ------------ (1)
y = 100 Choice (C) 3p + 5e + 7s = 34 ------------ (2)
By multiplying (1) by 2 and subtracting thrice (2), we get
p+e+s=6 Ans: (6)
A B
3.  A B
3 14. Cost of 1 pen = x
3A  3B = A + B Cost of 1 pencil = y
2A  4B = 0 Cost of 1 eraser = z
A  2B = 0 ------- (1) 2x + 5y + 7z = 37 - (1)
B + 40 = 2A + 10 7x + 2y + z = 49 - (2)
2A  B = 30 ------- (2) Multiplying equation (2) by 7 and subtracting equation (1)
 4A  2B = 60 gives the required value.
3A = 60  49x + 14y + 7z = 343
 A = 20 and B = 10 Choice (C) 2x + 5y + 7z = 37
4. Let the number of `20 notes with Alok be x. Number of `5 47x + 9y = 306
notes with him = 30  x. Given that, ------------------------------
20x + 5(30  x) = 300 Choice (D)
 x = 10 Choice (B)
15. Let the cost of each pen, each eraser and each sharpener
5. Let the number be ab. It‟s reverse is ba. be `p, `e and `s respectively.
2p + e + 3s = 23 …….(1)
ab + ba = 99
6p + 3e + s = 45…….(2)
i.e., 10a + b + 10b + a = 99
14p + 7e + 21s = 161…(3)
But (1), (3) are equivalent.
(a, b) can be (1, 8), (2, 7), (3, 6) ,……..(9, 0)
 We effectively have only 2 equations (1) and (2) or (2)
 ab has 9 possibilities. Ans: (9)
and (3).
In order to find the cost of each pen, the ratio of the
6. Let the hundreds, tens and units digits be x, y, z coefficients of erasers and sharpeners must be the same.
respectively. As this is not the case, Choice (D) follows.
The number is 100x + 10y + z Choice (D)
x+y+z=8 - (1)
y = 3(x + z) - (2) 16. Let the cost of each brown pen be b paise, cost of each
From the third condition, we get x = z white pen = (b + 70) paise. Suppose Anand bought B brown
y = 6x and 2x + y = 8 pens. He must have bought (30  B) white pens.
x = 1 Total cost = bB + (30  B) (b + 70)
y=6 30b  70B + 2100 = 3200
Number = 161 Choice (A)
3b  110
B= . Among the given choices, B has a feasible
7. Given that P, Q and R are successive even natural 7
numbers in ascending order. As we need Q, we express P value only when b = 60. Choice (D)
and R in terms of Q.
P = Q  2 and R = Q + 2 Solutions for questions 17 to 19:
 5 (Q + 2) = 7(Q  2) + 8  Q = 8 Ans: (8)
Let the number of pens, erasers and sharpeners that Rakesh
8. Let the number of baskets made by Meena and Reena in purchased be p, e and s respectively.
one hour be m, r respectively. p + e + s = 38
3m = 2r + 1 ------------- (1) p<e<s
5m = 4r  1 ------------- (2)  (p, e, s) can be only (11, 12, 15) or (11, 13, 14).
Solving (1) and (2)
m = 3 and r = 4 Choice (C) 17. In either of the above combinations p = 11
Choice (A)
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18. (p, e, s) = (11, 13, 14) results in the minimum expenditure. Given that, 8A  7x = 0  x = A
Minimum expenditure = `117. Choice (C)
19. Expenditure = 2p + 3e + 4s. As x = A + 20, A = A + 20  A = 140 Choice (D)
This will be minimum, if e and s have their minimum values, 7
in which case p has its maximum value 26. Let the present ages of Ram and Shyam be r years and
 minimum expenditure occurs when e = s = 11 and s years respectively.
p = 16 r  6 = 4(s  6)  r = 4s  18
Minimum expenditure = `109. Choice (B) And r + 6 = 3(s + 6)  r = 3s + 12
 4s  18 = 3s + 12  s = 30, r = 102
Solutions for questions 20 to 40:  their present combined age is 132 years. It has to increase by
18 years to become 150 years. This will happen if the age
20. Let the shares of A, B and C be A, B and C respectively. of each increases by 9 years. Choice (B)
then, A + B + C = 5600 ------------- (1)
B + C = 3A ------------- (2) 1 1
A + C = 9/5 B ------------- (3) 27. Let the two numbers be and
x y
Solving (1) & (2)
4A = 5600  A = `1400 1 1
 4  (1)
Solving (1) & (3) x y
14 B 1 1
 5600 and x  y = 2xy   2  (2)
5 y x
 B = `2000 2 1
Share of C (1) + (2) gives 6  y
y 3
= 5600  1400  2000 = `2200 Choice (C)
(1)  (2) gives
21. In each city, Aswin spends `2 more than half of what he has 2
2  x = 1
when he entered the city i.e., he is left with `2 less than half x
of at the beginning. Therefore, when he entered each city Product of the reciprocals = (x) (y) = (1) (1/3) = (1/3)
he has double of 2 more than what he had when he left the Choice (C)
When he entered the third city he has 2(150  2) or 304 28. Let the larger number be a.
When he entered the second city he has 2 (304  2) or 612 Smaller number = 250  a
When he entered the first city he has 2(612  2) or 1228 a2  (250  a)2 = 12500
Ans: (1228) (a + 250  a) (a  (250  a)) = 12500
 2a  250 = 50
22. Let the fraction be
.  a = 150 Choice (C)
Given that 29. Let the number of marbles with Dinesh, Eswar, Ganesh and
N1 2 Harish be d, e, g and h respectively.
  2D – 3N = 1  (1) and Given that d + e + g + h = 20  (1)
D 1 3
1 1
N2 3 d = (e + g + h) = (120  d)
  5N – 3D = 4  (2) 2 2
D2 5 d = 40
Applying, 3  (1) + 2 (2), we get
similarly, e = 120  e   e = 30 and
(9N) + (10N) = N = (3  1) + (2  4) = 11
Put N = 11 3
Substituting in (1), 2D = 1 + 33 = 34  D = 17 g = 120  g  g = 24
N  4 11  4 15 5 4
Required fraction =   
D  4 17  4 21 7 h = 120  (d + e + g) = 120  (30  40  24) = 26
Choice (C) Ans: (26)

23. As the system has infinite solutions, the coefficients are 30. Let the number N be „abc‟.
proportional Let the sum of the remaining numbers be R.
k R + cba = R + abc + 11(a + b + c)
3 3  99(c  a) = 11(a + b + c)
i.e., 
k 2k  8c  10a = b ……(1)
k  5
k  4   0 As b  0 and c  a , c > a
3  4
k = 0 or 12. If k = 0, the second equation becomes  8 (Difference of a and c)
inconsistent = 8(c  a) = 6 + 2a
 k = 12 Ans: (12) 8c  10a = 6 …..(2)
From (1) and (2), b = 6 Choice (B)
24. Let the number be „ab‟.
31. Let the number be „abcd‟
4(a + b) = 10a + b  18  b + 6 = 2a
Given that,
Also, 10a + b  18 = 10b + a  9  a  b = 1
b + c = 2d  (1)
 b + 6 = 2(b + 1)
b + 6a = 2(c + d)  (2)
b = 4 and a = 5
d + 5a = 2b  (3)
 Product of digits = 20 Choice (B)
Let us that the equations (1), (2) and (3) as the linear
equations in a, b and c and express the values of a, b and c
25. Suppose Alok started with `A. He gave `x to his friend in
in terms of b.
each round. The amounts with him at the end of the first,
second and third rounds are (in `) c
By (2)  (1), we get 3c = 6a  a =
2A  x, 4A  3x and 8A  7x respectively. 2
By substituting c = 2a in (1), it becomes
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2d  2a = b  (4) 38. There are two possibilities
Subtracting (4) from 2  (3), we get . 21 attempts __ all correct.
b . 25 attempts __ 22 correct.
12a = 3b  a = Hence, the question cannot be answered even after using
both the statements. Choice (D)
As c = 2a, c =
2 39. From statement , we have man‟s age = wife‟s age + 2 years
b 3b 3b But to know whether man‟s age = wife‟s age + son‟s age,
By substituting a = in (4), we get 2d = d= we should know the ages of at least two of them.
4 2 4
a:b:c:d=1:4:2:3  Statement  alone is not sufficient.
From statement , we have
 „abcd‟ can be 1423 or 2846. Ans: (2)
son‟s present age = 12 years
32. Let the number of questions correctly answered by Ajay be x. wife‟s present age = 42 years
But to know whether man‟s age = wife‟s age + son‟s age or
Number of questions wrongly answered by him = 200  x.
not, we should know the relationship between the ages of
1 5
His mark = 2x  (200  x) = x  100 = 360 the man and wife or man and the son.
2 2  Statement  alone is not sufficient.
 x = 184 Using both the statements we have
Upon interchanging of the marks, his marks would be man‟s age = 42 + 2 = 44 years
= 184(1/2)  16(2) = 60 Choice (B)  Clearly man‟s age < wife‟s age + son‟s age. Choice (C)

33. Only the first two children have been mentioned individually. 40. As statements  and  individually do not relate to Uno and
Let the number of chocolates with the first child, the second Zen, they are not sufficient.
child and all the others be a, b, c respectively. If the first Using both, we have Palio = 4/5 (Alto);
child attempted to double the number of chocolates with Alto = Zen  2
each of the others, he would fall short by two chocolates. 4
Also Alto gives 45  = 60 km
a2=bc 3
Also, a  3 = b  18  Zen = 62 km
c = 23 Ans: (23)  Zen gives more mileage. Choice (C)
34. The difference of Ashok‟s age and his son‟s age is always Chapter – 2
24 years. As x years ago, Ashok was 48, his son was 24. (Ratio – Proportion – Variation)
Also 5x years ago Ashok was 36, his son was 12.  The
difference of these two times is 4x = 12 or x = 3. Concept Review Questions
 Ashok‟s present age is 48  3
His son‟s present age is 24  3 Solutions for questions 1 to 30:
The sum is 78. Choice (C)
1. Given a  b
35. Before doubling, the amounts with Bhavan, Chetan and 8
80 3b 3b 2
Dinesh, each of them must have had = `40.  
2 Choice (A)
4a 9  3
 Amar must have then had `80  `120 i.e. `200. Similarly 4 b 
we can work out the amounts with each of them before the 8 
other doubled the amounts. The results are summarized below.
2. Given 2.4p = 0.08q
Amar Bhavan Chetan Dinesh 2.4
q p = 30p
Finally 80 80 80 80 0.08
Before Amar q  p 31p 31
200 40 40 40   Choice (C)
doubles q  p 29p 29
Before Bhavan
100 180 20 20 3. Let a = 2x b = 3x
Before Chetan 3a + 4b = 3 (2x) + 4 (3x) = 18x
50 90 170 10 4a + 5b = 4 (2x) + 5 (3x) = 23x
Before Dinesh 3a  4b 18
25 45 85 165  Choice (B)
doubles 4a  5b 23

Choice (D) 4. a:b=2:3=4:6

Solutions for questions 36 to 40: a:b:c=4:6:9 Choice (A)

x 3y 5
36. Statement :  =1 5. p : q = 5 : 6 p = q
2 4 6
Statement  is sufficient. 4 4
Statement : 9y + 6x = 12, we can see that this is q:r= q= r
7 7
equivalent to 3y + 2x = 4.
 The value of 2x + 3y; value can be found, so statement   p  5  4 r   10 r
is sufficient. Choice (B) 67  21
10r 4
37. From statement , if the cost of 12 shirts is doubled, it will  p : q: r  : r :r = 10 : 12 : 21 Choice (A)
21 7
be the same as 72 pants  cost of 12 shirts is the same as
the cost of 36 pants. So, only statement  is sufficient and a b c d 2 6 14 1 4
the difference is zero. Choice 6. x x x  x x x  Choice (D)
(A) b c d e 3 7 25 2 25

7. Let P = 5x q = 4x
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5x = a + b --- (1) 17. Let the numbers of students in A, B and C be 3x, 7x and 8x
4x = a  b--- (2) respectively.
From (1) and (2), If 10 students leave C and join B, C and B would have
2a = 9x and 2b = x 8x  10 students and 7x + 10 students respectively.
 a : b = 2a : 2b = 9 : 1 Choice (B) 7x + 10 = 80
x = 10
8. Number of sweets received by Sita =
35  20 Total number of students = 18x = 180
18. Let the incomes of A and B be ₹4x and ₹3x
Ans: (180)
Ans: (20) Their savings be ₹5y, ₹6y
Their expenditures are (4x – 5y) and ₹3x – 6y
9. Let the numbers be 2x and 5x.  4x – 5y = ¾ (4x)  x = 5y
2x  4 4  the expenditure of A = 4x – 5y = 4(5y) – 5y = 15y
  the expenditure of B = 3x – 6y = 3(5y) – 6y = 9y
5x  4 9
 the ratio of the expenditure of A and B is
18x + 36 = 20x + 16
= 15y : 9y = 5 : 3 Choice (B)
x = 10
2x = 20 and 5x = 50
s1 e s s  e1 e1
 The numbers are 20 and 50 Choice (D) 19. If  1 then 1  1 
s2 e2 s2 s 2  e2 e 2
10. A : B : C = 7 : 5 : 4 e1  s1 3 e 4
In the given problem, = and 1 
let A‟s age = 7k B‟s age = 5k e2  s2 4 e2 5
c‟s age = 4k = 32  k = 8
s1 3
= 7k + 5k + 4k = 16 x 8 = 128 years Ans: (128)   .
s2 4
11. Let the ages of the four members be 9k, 8k, 3k and s1 13
Only Choice (C), i.e.  satisfies this condition.
2k years respectively. s 2 20
9k  8k  3k  2k Choice (C)
Average age = = 22
k=4 20. Let the present ages of the husband and the wife be
 The age of the eldest family member 5x years and 4x years respectively.
= 9 x 4 = 36 Choice (A) (i) Ratio of their ages 20 years ago
12. Let the number of marbles with A and B be 10x and 11x 5x  20 5x  5  5 5
=   (some positive quantity)
4x  5
4x  20 4
Total number of marbles = 21x
 the total number of marbles must be divisible by 21. Only  the ratio must exceed
. Only choice (D) satisfies
Choice (D) violates this condition. Choice (D) 4
this condition Choice (D)
13. Let the ratio of the number of boys and girls in the class be
a : b. Number of boys and girls will be ak and bk. (ii) Ratio of their ages 20 years hence
Given ak + bk = 70 5x  20 5x  5  5 5
=  
. 4x  20 4x  5 4
Since k is an integer a + b must be a factor of 70; from the  the ratio must be less than
The sum of the ratio in options (A), (B), (C) are factors of Only Choice (B) satisfies this condition. Choice (B)
70. But the sum of ratio 9 : 2 is not a factor of 70.
 9 : 2 is not a possible ratio. Choice (D) 21. Let the four numbers be x , 2x, 3x, 4x
The sum of squares = 480
14. Let the number of gents in the party be g.  x² + (2x)² + (3x)² + (4x)² = 480  30x² = 480
 x² = 16
Number of ladies in the party = g x=4
4  The numbers are 4, 8, 12, 16 Choice (C)
Number of ladies in the party if 8 ladies join the party
3 5
= g  8  g  g = 16 qr p r p  q
Ans: (16) 22. Given that   k
4 4 p q r
q + r = pk, p + r = qk and p + q = rk
15. Let the present ages of the mother and son be m and q + r + p + r + p + q = k(p + q + r)
s years respectively (p + q + r) (2  k) = 0
m:s=4:1 ∵ p + q + r  0,
 m = 4k, s = k
after twelve years 2k=0
k=2 Choice (D)
4k  12 2

k  12 1 23. x  y²  x = k x y²
k=6 4 = k x 122
 the present ages of the mother and son are 24 and k = 4/122
6 years respectively. Choice (C) When y = 18,
x = ky²  x = 4/12² x 18 x 18 = 9 Choice (B)
16. Let the number of chocolates A and B be 3k, 4k
3k  4 5 24. Area x (Diagonal)
 A x D2
4k  4 9
 A had 3k = 24 chocolates initially. Ans: (24)  A = KD2
A1 A2 32 72
   
D21 D22 82 D22

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 D2 = 12 units. Ans: (12) Choice (B)

S1 D 3. Let a, b and c be the weights of the Bimal, Basu and Bali

25.  1 respectively.
S2 D2 a/b = 2/3 = 8/12; c/b = 3/4 = 9/12; a : b : c = 8 : 12 : 9
S1 = 10400, D1 = 26 and D2 = 24 Given the sum of the weights (8 + 12 + 9 = 29 parts) is 203 kg
S1D2 i.e. one part is 7 kg. So Basu‟s weight i.e. 12 parts is
S2   9600 Ans: (9600)
D1 12 x 7 = 84 kg Ans: (84)
26. As the distance to be covered is constant, S1 T1 = S2 T2 4. Number of boys = 7x
S1 = 50, T1 = 6 and S2 = 100 Number of girls = 3x
S1T1 7x 2
T2  3 Choice (B) 
S2 3x  15 3
21x = 6x + 30
27. P = k (Q + R) where k is a proportionality constant. 15x = 30 , x = 2
P1 = k (Q1 + R1)  Number of girls = 6 Choice (D)
P2 = K (Q1  1 + R1  1) = k (Q1 + R1  2) = P1  2k
As k is unknown, the change in P cannot be found. 5. 3x  4y + 2z = 0 ---()
Choice (D) 4x  2y  z = 0 -----()
From (II)
28. From the given information, A varies directly with the z = 4x  2y
product of B and C. Substituting z = 4x – 2y in I, we get
A1 BC 3x  4y + 8x  4y = 0
  1 1 11x = 8y
A2 B 2C 2
Again, z = 4x  2y
A1 = 6000, B1 = 20, C2 = 30, B2 = 40 and C2 = 60
multiply by 4 on both sides we get
A 1B 2C 2
A2   24000 Ans: (24000) 4z = 16x  8y; substituting 8y = 11x
B1C1 4z = 16x  11x = 5x
5 11
29. A  B x : z : y = x : x : x = 8 : 10 : 11 Choice (A)
4 8
A  1/C
 A  B/C
px 1 3p  q
A1C1 A 2C2
6.  ;x= Choice (B)
  q x 3 4
B1 B2
7. (a) Two numbers are in the ratio 4 : 7
20  30 A 2  42
  Let the numbers be 4k and 7k
65 84 Let the number added to each be L.
 A2 = 24 Choice (A) Given that, (4k + L) + (7k + L) = 75
 11k + 2L = 75 --------- (1)
30. From the given information, X varies inversely with the 4k  L 8
It is also given that, 
product of Y and Z. 7k  L 17

X1 Y Z
 2 2
 12k + 9L = 0 ----------- (2)
X2 Y1 Z1 9 L 3
k=  L
X1 = 30, Y1 = 8, Z1 = 7, 12 4
Y2 = 16 and Z2 = 21 Substituting the value of k in (1) we get L = –12
X1Y1Z1 Alternate method:
X2  5 Ans: (5)
Y2 Z 2 Ratio of the resulting numbers = 8 : 17
Sum of the resulting numbers = 75
Exercise – 2(a) Hence, the numbers obtained after addition are
(8/25) x 75 = 24 and (17/25) x 75 = 51
Solutions for questions 1 to 13: i.e., 4k + L = 24 and 7k + L = 51
On subtraction,
1. a/b = 3/7 7k  4k = 51  24  3k = 27, k = 9 and L = 12
a 12 Ans: (–12)
b4   5  5 47
4a  5b
    7 =
2a  2b a 6 20 (b) Let the initial scores of Asha and Bhanu in the
2   2 2 examination be 13x and 16x respectively. Let the
b 7
increase in the scores of each after revaluation be k.
Alternate method: Let the new scores of Asha and Bhanu be 52y and 61y
Substituting the values of a and b as 3k and 7k respectively respectively.
4a  5b 13x + k = 52y and 16x + k = 61y.
in ,
2a  2b Equating the value of k in both the equations, we get
k = 52y – 13x = 61y – 16x
12k  35k 47k 47
we get   Choice (A)  x = 3y
6k  14k 20k 20
Ratio of Asha‟s scores before and after revaluation
= 13x : 52y
2. a : b = 2 : 3 = (2  4) : (3  4) = 8 : 12 = x : 4y = 3 : 4.
b : c = 4 : 3 = (4  3) : (3  3) = 12 : 9 Choice (B)
 9  9  27 
c : d = 2 : 3 =  2  :  3    9 :   8. Let the amounts initially with Mohan and Sohan be 8x and
 2   2   2  5x respectively. Let us say Mohan spends y each day.
8x  y(9) 10
27   x = 3y
a : b : c : d = 8 : 12 : 9 : = 16 : 24 : 18 : 27 5x  y / 69 11

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Let us say Mohan and Sohan have amounts which are in 14. Quantity of diesel purchased = x lts.
the ratio 18 : 35 after t more days.  Cost per liter of diesel = 510/x
510  3
8 x  t.y 18 8(3 y )  t.y 18 Cost per liter of kerosene = = 306/x
 i.e.  x5
5 x  t.y / 6 35 5(3 y )  t.y / 6 35
t = 15 Since equal volumes are purchased, amount spent on
The ratio of the amounts with them would be 18 : 35 after 306
kerosene =  x  ` 306 Choice (B)
6 more days. Ans: (6) x
9. Let the present age of Kishore be x years, 15. Amount spent on kerosene = x
Vipin's present age is 2(x – 1) years Amount spent on petrol = 5x
Given the ratio of the sum of their present ages to the  Cost involved = 6x ---------- (1)
difference of their present ages, is 19 : 5 Ratio of prices per liter of Petrol, diesel and kerosene is
3x  2 19 15 : 5 : 3
i.e. = x=7
x2 5 When equal volumes of all are purchased, the amounts are
sum of present ages = (k + v) = 19 years Ans: (19) also in the ratio 15 : 5 : 3.
Amount spent on diesel, in this case = 510
10. Ratio of prices = 5 : 8 : 13 Total amount spent = (23  510)5 = 23  102----- (2)
Ratio of number of balls = 5 : 4 : 3 From (1) and (2), 6x = 2346
Ratio of amounts spent = (5  5) : (8  4) : (13  3) x = 391
= 25 : 32 : 39  Amount spent on petrol = 391  5 = ₹1955
Total number of parts of the ratio=25 + 32 + 39 = 96 Choice (C)
Total amount spent, as per data = ₹768 Solutions for questions 16 to 30:
Value of each part of the amounts' ratio=768/96 = 8
Amount spent on costliest variety ac c e ae
16.   k
= Value of 39 parts = 39  8 bd d f bf
Number of costliest variety balls Paul purchased is Using the relationship each ratio
= (39  8)/13 = 24 Choice (D) sum of numerators
sum of deno min ators
( a  c )  ( c  e )  (a  e ) 2(a  c  e) a  c  e
k= = 
Brother 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (b  d)  (d  f )  (b  f ) 2(b  d  f ) b  d f

ac ac e (a  c  e )  (a  c ) e
Amount Now  k = = =k
with the x 2x + 2 3x + 3 4x + 4 ... ... ... ... 9x + 9 b d b d f (b  d  f )  (b  d) f
brother c e ac e
Similarly  k
d f b d f

9x  9 a  c  e )  (c  e ) a
 10, x = 9; k= = and lastly,
x (b  d  f )  ( d  f ) b
5 brother gets (5x + 5) = 45 + 5 = 50 Choice (D) ( a  c  e )  (a  e ) c
k= = , hence all the choices (A), (B) and
12. Let p. q, r and s represent the apples received by Karan, (b  d  f )  (b  f ) d
Kiran, Kumar and Khanna. (C) are true. Choice (D)
Given q : (p + s) = 1 : 2,
15 12
 q : (p + s) : (q + p + s) = 1 : 2 : (1 + 2) = 1 : 2 : 3 ------ (1) 17. In the two cases, the greatest parts are N and N . Their
r : (p + q + s) = 2 : 5-------- (2) 42 42
s = 2 + q ------- (3) 3N
difference = =6 N = 84 Ans: (84)
and p : r = 1 : 2 or r : p = 2 : 1 ------- (4) 42
From (2)  3 and (1)  5, we have
r : (p + q + s) : (p + s) : q = 6 : 15 : 10 : 5 18. Let the two numbers be “a” and “b”.
Combining this with (4)  3, we have ab = 9
r : p : (p + q + s) : (p + s) : q = 6 : 3 : 15 : 10 : 5
Squaring on both sides
 r : p : q : (p + q + s) : (p + s) = 6 : 3 : 5 : 15 : 10
ab = 81 ––––– (1)
 r : p : q : (p  q  s  p  q) : (p + q + s) : (p + s) b2 = 243a --- (2)
multiplying both the sides with b, we get
= 6 : 3 : 5 : (15  3  5 ) : 15 : 10
b3 = 243  81
 r : p : q : s : (p + q + s) : (p + s) = 6 : 3 : 5 : 7 : 15 : 10 b = (35  34)1/3 = 33 = 27  a = 3
From (3), s  q = 2 and this is satisfied by the number of The larger of the two numbers = 27 Choice (A)
parts of s and q in the above ratio.
 The number of parts in the above ratio are the actual 19. Let P = ab and Q = cd Ps = a + b and Qs = c + d
values. 10a  b 10c  d

 p = 3, q = 5, r = 6, s = 7; i.e., p + q + r + s = 21 ab cd
Choice (A) (10a+b) (c+d) = (10c+d) (a + b)
10ac + bc + 10ad + bd = 10ac + ad + 10bc + bd
13. David received 9 of the number of toffees distributed by ad = bc ……(1)
17 Let a = 1, b = 0, c = 2 d = 0
th This would correspond to the minimum value of PsQs,
Alok. Amitha received 1 of the number of toffees which is 3.
Choice (D)
distributed by David.
1  9 
 T   18  T = 544 Ans: (544) d1

d2 48 d2
16  17  20. ;   d2 = 147 Choice (D)
t12 t 2 2 16 49
Solutions for questions 14 and 15:
21. Let the sum of money be ₹x

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The sum is sufficient to pay A‟s wages fro 55 days and B‟s When x = 4,
wages for 66 days.
x x 2 9
Daily wage of A = and daily wage of B = A=4+ = = 4.5 Ans: (4.5)
55 66 4 2
Number of days that the sum is sufficient to pay the wages
26. The quantity of the balance of food after the transfer is such
of both workers =  30 Ans: (30) that
x x (900  300) = 600 soldiers, consumed at the rate of

55 66 3 kg/day/soldier, for 25 days ------- (1)
If the soldiers were not transferred, 900 soldiers would have
22. V  r2h;  V = k.r2h; V1/( r12h1) consumed it at the rate of 2.5kg/day/soldier, the same food.
---------- (2)
= V2 / ( r22h2 ) = k
The data can be tabulated as:
Hence, 66/(9  7) = 308/(6r²);  r = 7 Choice (C)
Soldiers Consumption rate Number of days
23. Let K, M and S be the kinetic energy, mass and speed of a
600 3.0 25
body respectively.
900 2.5 How many?
K  S² (when M is kept constant)
Number of soldiers and the number of days for which food
and K  M (when S is kept constant) lasts are inversely proportional. The number of soldiers
 K  MS²  K = CMS² increased; hence, number of days decreases. Hence
where C is the constant of proportionality. multiplication factor is (600/900).
Given that when M = 2 kg, S = 10 m/s, K = 100 joules Consumption rate and number of days are also inversely
 100 = C x 2 x 10²  C = 1/2  K = 1/2 MS² proportional. Hence, multiplication factor is 3.0/2.5
When M = 20 kg and S = 1 m/s Applying the above rates of variation, the number of days
K = 1/2 x 20 x 1² = 10 = 25 x (600/900) x (3.0/2.5) = 20 days
 A body of mass 20 kg moving with a speed of 1 m/s has The initial stock was to last for 30 days.
a kinetic energy of 10 joules. Choice (C)  Soldiers were transferred after 30  20 = 10 days
Ans: (10)
24. Let the fixed income and the royalty that he gets be
denoted by F and R respectively.
Total income (T) = F + kB (R  B). 27. v = 40 – k 3 n , where v is the speed when n wagons are
46000 = F + 2000k attached.
66000 = F + 3000k If n = 27, v = 34
Solving these, k = 20. F = 6000 34 = 40 – k 3 27
Total income on setting 6000 books = F + 6000k
F  6000k 6000  6000(20) 34 = 40 – k(3)  k = 2  v = 40 – 2 3
Income per book =  = 21.
6000 6000 Minimum speed required = 30
Ans: (21)  30 = 40 – 2 3
25. A  (B + C)  A = k1 (B + C) 5= n 3

B  x  B = k2 x n = 125
1 k So, a maximum of 125 wagons can be attached.
C C= 3 Choice (B)
x x
 k3  28. Let the initial weight of the stone (before breaking) be 6 w.
 A = k1 k 2 x   Weights of the broken stones are w, 2w and 3w
 x  respectively.
As A = 3, when x = 1, Initial value of the stone (in ₹) = 10, 872

3 = k1 k 2  k 3  ---- () 10,872  36 w2
10,872 = 36 w2 k
As per data, A = 3, when x = 2 Total value of the pieces of the stone
= (12 + 22 + 32) w2 k = 14 w2 k
 k3  Loss in the value = 22 w2 k
 3 = k1 2k 2   ----- ()
 2 10872
= 22  = 22  302 = 6644
() – () gives
Choice (C)
 k3 
= 0  k1   k 2   0
k1 k 3
 k1 k2 + 29. distance = d weight = w
2  2 
Given d  (1/w)
 k1 = 0 dw = k (constant)
k Let weights of 3 pieces be x, 3x, 2x
or k2 = 3 are the possible cases
2 k k k 11 k
 Sum of distances =    = 22
k1 cannot be 0 (as A can‟t be 0). x 3 x 2x 6 x
k3 k = 12x
Hence k2 =
2 Weight of unbroken stone is
From () w = 6x = k/2 as d. w = k
3k1 k 3 d x k/2 = k d=2m Ans: (2)
2 30. Fixed charge = x, unit rate = y, x and y are in Rupees.
k1 k3 = 2.  k1 k2 = 3 2 = 1. 5/4(x + 100y) = x + 200y
5x + 500y = 4x + 800y -------- (1)
Hence A = k1k2 x + k1k 3 = x + x + 50y = 700 ----------------(2) (data)
x x y = 2, x = 600 Choice (A)
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Exercise – 2(b) 3  42 19
=  Choice (D)
3( 4)  6 18
Solutions for questions 1 to 20:

1. Let a + b  c = 5x 8. Let the fraction be x/y

b + c  a = 6x x3 1
  2x – y = 11  (1)
a + c  b = 7x y5 2
(a + b  c) + (b + c  a) = 11x x2
 1 ; x – y = –2  (2)
 2b = 11x y
(a + b  c) + (a + c  b) = 12x Subtracting (2) from (1), we get x = 13; y = 15
 2a = 12x  Fraction = 13/15 Choice (C)
(b + c  a) + (a + c  b) = 13x 9. Let the numbers of sweets received by Ram, Shyam and
2c = 13x Tarun be r, s and t.
 a : b : c = 2a : 2b : 2c = 12 : 11 : 13 Choice (B) r 5 s 2 4
 and  
s 4 t 3 6
20p 2  40pq
2. Given,  20  20p2  60pq  80q2 = 0 r:s:t=5:4:6t=
(60) = 24 Ans: (24)
pq  4q2 15

 p2  3pq  4q2 = 0 10. Let the 3 parts be x, y, z.

 (p  4q) (p + q) = 0  x + y + z = 66 --------- ()
p z=x+y Substituting z in () 2x + 2y = 66
  4 or  1  x + y = 33 --------- ()
Given y = 2x – 3 Substituting y in (),
 Choice (C) is possible. Choice (C) we get 3x – 3 = 33 x = 36/3 = 12
 y = 21 and z = 33
3. Let the scores of Ajay be a and v respectively. Ratio of x, y and z is = 12 : 21 : 33 = 4 : 7 : 11
a + 2v = 310 ……(1) Choice (D)
v + 2a = 290 ……(2)
Solving (1) and (2) 11. Number of weighing stones of 500 gms = 5000/500 = 10
a = 90 and v = 110  Number of 100 gm weights = (3/5)  10 = 6
 a : v = 9 : 11 Choice (A) Choice (A)

4. Let the first and second parts be a and b. 12. Let the number of boys in the class be x.
3a 25 a 25 Number of girls in the class = 2x.
Given,   
2b 4 b 6 Number of day scholars who are boys and girls travel to
25 school by bus = 1  1 x   1 x .
a= (93) = 75 Ans: (75)  
4  3  12
Number of girls who are day scholars and travel to school
5. Let the number of students in three classes A, B and C be by bus = 1  2 2y   2 x

23 
3x, 7x and 8x respectively.  3
7 x  10 8 1 2
Given,   x = 10 x x
8 x  10 7 Required part = 12 3 1 Choice (C)
Total = 18x = 180 Ans: (180) 3x 4

6. The data is tabulated below. 13. Let the number of coins with Amar, Bhavan and Chetan be
A, B and C respectively.
White Black Green Total
3 4 The data is tabulated below
3 5 A B C AB AC BC 2(ABC)
3 5 4 12
9 12 20 41
 A = 6  4 = 2, B = 6  5 = 1 and C = 6  3 = 3
The total number of white and green balls is a multiple of B:C=1:3 Choice (D)
29. Among the choices, only 58 is a multiple of 29.
Choice (C) 14. Let the price of tea last year be ₹5x per kg. Let the price of
coffee last year be ₹7y per kg.
7. We will find it convenient to change the notation slightly. 6
5x 8 7y  48
Let A : B = 3 : 4 and c : d = 2 : 3 5 7
Let A = 3x  B = 4x
Let c = 2y  d = 3y 5x =
7y   y = 3 x  6x =  3 x   48
21 4 4 
A 3 c 2  B 3 d2  x = 4  5x = 20 Ans: (20)
To find E =
AB d  A Bcd
2 2 2
15. Rohan was supposed to get th of the total amount.
As each term has 3 upper case letters and 2 lower case, 9
E is homogeneous and we can evaluate it. 1 1 1
But the actual ratio of division was : :  6: 4:3 .
2 3 4
3 3 (2 2 )  4 3 (32) x3 y2 6
E=  he got th of the total amount.
3( 4 )( 3 )  3 ( 4)( 2)( 3) x 3 y 2
2 2 2

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2 6
As  0.2 and > 0.4, Rohan gained. He gained by English b x 7y
9 13
6 2 Given 15y = 60
   117  ` 28 Choice (C)
3 9 y = 4 8y = 32 min 7y = 28 min
(a ) ( 2 x ) 8
 [a/b = 16/28 = 4/7]
16. Let the quantities of milk be 3xml, 4x ml, 5x ml and 6x ml (b ) ( x ) 7
and 7x ml.
 Ratio of the number of English questions to the number
Let the capacity of each vessel be 100 ml.
of Maths = b/a = 7/4 Choice
Total capacity = 500 ml
3x + 4x + 5x + 6x + 7x =
500  x = 12
100 22. Total number of questions is 22.
 3x = 36, 4x = 48, 5x = 60, 6x = 72, 7x = 84 Number of English questions = (7  22)/11 = 14
The last 3 vessels contain at least 50% milk. Ans: (3) Time taken for English questions
17. Let the monthly income of Ashok be ₹3x. Let the expenditure of = (60  7)/15 = 28 minutes
Ashok be ₹4y. Number of questions that can be answered in 18 minutes
Monthly income of Bala = ₹4x = 18/(28/14) = 9 Choice (D)
Expenditure of Bala = ₹5y Solutions for questions 23 to 40:
Savings of Ashok and Bala are ₹(3x  4y) and ₹(4x  5y)
respectively. 23. (a) When two ratios like
m p
and are equal, each of them
1 n q
3x  4y y 3
Ratio = = 3 4 which is less than . Only mp
4x  5y 4 4x  5y 4 is equal to , provided n  q.
Choice (B) violates this condition. Choice (B) 2 2 2 2

 k = (a  c )  b  c  a  b  Choice (C)
18. Data can be tabulated as follows: (a  c )  b  c 
Manoj Shiva
1. Income Ratio 3 : 4 p  q qr p r
(b) As  
2. Savings Ratio 2 : 3 r p q
3. Spending p  q qr p r
(Expenditure) - - Each of them equals = =2
r p q
Manoj's expenditure is 2/3rds of his income. Let Manoj's If p + q + r ≠ 0, then k = 2
monthly income be ₹36. (an arbitrary number is chosen in pq
If p + q =  r, then 1
such a way that no fractions are encountered in the r
calculation)  k = 1
Hence, Manoj's expenditure is 36 x (2/3) = 24 ---- (1) Sum of all the possible values of k is 1. Choice (A)
Hence, Manoj's savings is 36  24 = 12
Ratio of savings of Manoj and Shiva = 2 : 3 24. 2x 2  4 x  3 2x 2  3 x  5

Hence, Shiva's savings = 3 x (12/2) = 18 ------- (2) 4x  3 3x  5
Income Ratio = 3 : 4 By componendo and dividendo
As Manoj's income = ₹36, Shiva's shall be
( 2x 2  4 x  3 )  ( 4 x  3) ( 2 x 2  3 x  5 )  (3 x  5 )
4 x (36/3) = ₹48------------- (3) 
4x  3 3x  5
Shiva's expenditure = Income – Savings
= 48  18 = 30 --------- (4) 2 2
 2x  2x  x = 0 or 4x  3 = 3x  5
From (1) and (4); Ratio of expenditures of Manoj and Shiva 4x  3 3x  5
is 24 : 30 = 4 : 5 Choice (B)  x =  2 or 0 Choice (D)
19. Let the numbers satisfying the condition be denoted by xyz. 25. (10a + b) (10c + d) = (10b + a) (10d + c)
z = x + y, z  y = y  x z = 2y  x = x + y 100ac + 10bc + 10ad + bd
y = 2x = 100bd + 10ad + 10bc + ac
z = 3x ac = bd
x:y:z=1:2:3 a d a b
 (x, y, z) can be (1, 2, 3), (2, 4, 6) or (3, 6, 9)  or  Choice (A)
b c d c
Choice (C)
26. Let the lengths of the larger and the smaller parts be x units
20. Let the present ages of the mother, her husband and her and y units respectively.
daughter be x years, y years and z years respectively. xy y x y
x + z = 60 6  1 6  0
y x y x
The mother would attain her husband‟s age after y  x
years. x x
x  x 
yyx    6 0   3   2   0
 2 y y y  y 
zy x     
x = 2z x x
As  3  0,  2 Choice (A)
From (1), z = 20 Ans: (20) y y

Solutions for questions 21 and 22: 27. Let the numbers be a and b
a : 9 = 9 : b  ab …….(1)
21. a : b = b : 6561  b2 = 6561a …….(2)
Solving (1) and (2)
Number of Time per a = 1 and b = 81 Ans: (81)
Total time
questions question
Mathematics a 2x 8y 28. Let Ahmed‟s age = x, Ahmed‟s brother‟s age = a
Let Mohammed‟s age = y, Mohammed‟s brother‟s age = b

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xy ab Given, 30x = 25y 
x/y = a/b;  (using compoendo and dividendo) .
xy ab
Ratio of the numbers of diesel cars and diesel bikes
xy xy 1 ab manufactured by the company last year = 15x : 5y = 3x : y
  as per data  =2
ab ab 2 x y = 3( ):y=5:2 Choice (C)
Choice (A)
29. x = k (y2 + 4) Large plot Smaller plot Combined
39 = k(13)  k = 3 Area M 8x 29y – 8x 29y
 60 = 3(y2 + 4) Area B 9x 33y – 9x 33y
y2 = 20 – 4 = 16, y =  4 (but, from the condition y > 0
29y  8 x 13  x = 2y.
 y = 4) Ans: (4) 
33y  9 x 15
30. Let the three-digit numbers satisfying the given conditions Ratio of the area under maize cultivation in the larger plot
be denoted by abc and that under barley cultivation in the smaller plot
ac 8x 16y 16
b= ……(1) = = = Choice (B)
2 33y  9 x 33y  18y 15
ab bc 36. Let cost of supply = s

a b b c Price per unit = p
s = k1 + k2 p + k3 p2
10a  b 10b  c Given, s = 9, when p = 1

ab bc  9 = k1 + k2 + k3 ----(I)
(10a + b) (b + c) = (10b + c) (a + b) s = 24, when p = 2
10ab + b2 + 10ac + bc = 10ab + ac + 10b2 + bc  24 = k1 + 2k2 + 4k3 ---(II)
ac = b2 s = 47 when p = 3
2  47 = k1 + 3k2 + 9k3 ----(III)
 ac  (II) – (I) gives 15 = k2 + 3k3 ----(IV)
From (1), ac   
 2  (III) – (II) gives
(a  c)2 = 0 23 = k2 + 5k3 ---(V)
(IV) – (V) gives
8 = 2k3
From (1), b = c
k3 = 4
 k2 = 15  12 = 3
 Nine numbers satisfy these conditions. Choice (C)
 k1 = 9  4  3 = 2.
31. Let the required distance be x m. Hence, when p = 4
D = kt2 where k is a constant. s = k1 + 4k2 + 16k3 = 2 + 12 + 64 = 78 Choice (D)
D 500
k=  5 Q
t2 10 2 37. P  , other factors being constant where Q and V are
x = Distance the body falls in 9 seconds, Distance the body mass and volume of the gas.
falls in 8 seconds = 5(92)  5(82) = 85 m Ans: (85) Let the volumes of three chambers be V1, V2, V3
32. Let Q = A + B y  C(3 y ) V1 V2 V3
Where A, B and C are constants. Let pressures in 3 chambers be P1, P2 and P3
60 = A + B + C  B + C = 60  A P1V1 = P2 V2 = P3 V3 ----(1)
230 A [Since PV = KQ and as Q is same for all chambers, KQ is
230 = A + 8B + 4C  2B + C = constant]
V1 : V2 : V3 = 1 : 2 : 3
729  A So, P1 = 2P2 = 3P3
729 = A  27B  9C  3B  C = 6 6 6
9 , P1 P2 : P3 = : :
1 2 3
2B + C  (B + C) = 3B + C  (2B + C) P1 : P2 : P3 = 6 : 3 : 2 Choice (C)
230  A 660  A 230  A
  60  A  
4 9 4 38. H  K T  20 where K is a constant.

Among the choices given, only Choice (C) satisfies the H 16

K=  4
equation above. Ans: (30) T  20 36  20

P1V1 P V
 2 2 ;
20 = 4 T  20 T = 45 Choice (B)
T1 T2
xy (3 x ) ( 2 y ) 39. Let the number of members be x.
 , T2 = 600 K T=F+V
100 T2
(110)(50) = F + 50K ….(1)
 T2 – T1 = 500 K Ans: (500) (80) (80) = F + 80K ….(2)
In (1) and (2) K is a constant.
34. Let the numbers of petrol, diesel and electric cars
Solving (1) and (2)
manufactured by the company last year be 11x,15x and 4x F = 4000 and K = 30
respectively. 130x = 4000 + 30x
Let the numbers of petrol, diesel and electric bikes x = 40 Ans: (40)
manufactured by the company last year be 17y, 5y and 3y
respectively. 40. Constant part Variable rate Units Total
Total numbers of cars and bikes manufactured by the x (Patna) y 100 x+100y = 500
company last year were 30x and 25y respectively.

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5x  900y 40 x 2000
5/3x (Bangalore) y 300 = 1100 1.  50 =  80 x= = 25
3 100 100 80
Solving the above two equation, we get y = 2; x = 300 Choice (B)
 5  = 5/3  300 = ₹500
  x
3 200
2.  100 = 250% Ans: (250)
Required difference = 500  300 = 200 Choice (A) 80

Solutions for questions 41 to 45: 3. Let the number be x.

32% of x = 256
41. Let 1 Rupee coins, be x; 50 paise coins be y and 25 paise
coins be z.  x = 256
From statement , x + y + z = 20. 100
From statement , x = 6 and y : z = 6 : 1.  x = 800 Choice (B)
Combining statements  and , we get x = 6, y = 12, z = 2.
Choice (C) 4. 60% of x = 60 + 60% of 60
= 60 + (60) = 60 + 36 = 96. Choice (C)
42. Let the number of technical staff be 3x and non-technical 100
staff be 10x.
From statement ,
80 40 5. 1013/5% = % = 508/500 = 127/125 Choice (D)
Total number of graduates = (3x) + (10x) 5
100 100
6. Let the number be x.
= 2.4x + 4x = 6.4x
 60   70 
6.4x     x  = 1680
Percentage of graduates =  100 = 64%  100   100 
So statement  alone is sufficient.  x = 1680  x = 4000. Ans (4000)
From statement , 100
32 x
The required ratio =  100% 7. 40% of y = 75 + 20% of 1500
65 x
40 20
So statement  alone is also sufficient. Choice (B) y = 75 + (1500)
100 100
43. Let x be the number of boys and y be the number of girls 0.4 y = 375  y = 937.5. Choice (C)
x 5
From statement , =  4x = 5y A
y 4 A A
8. A% of  % of A = A  A   B A 
x4 B B
From statement , =1x=y+4 100  B  100
A2 A2 A2
Combining both the statements, we get the value of y which =  
is the number of girls. Choice (C) 100B 100B 50 B
= C  A  =
44. From statement , we don‟t know what percentage of boys C% of
B 100  B  100B
and what percentage of girls are intelligent, so we can‟t
answer the question.
Given, A  AC
50B 100B
From statement ,
20% of boys and 20% of girls are adults so (100 – 20)% A2
= 80% of students are not intelligent, whatever be the ratio
of boys and girls. Choice (A) C = 50B A =2A Ans: (2)

45. From statement , we have x = kg (assuming total as
8 a ab
1 kg) 9. a% of b = (b) =
100 100
kg i.e.,  3  1 kg 
Also B = b ab
16 2 8  b% of a = (a) =
100 100
As we do not know about others, we cannot find who 1
received least from this statement alone. 331/3% of (a + b) = 33 / 3 a  b 
From statement , we have 100
3 1 1
A = kg; Y = kg = (a + b)
8 8 3
Again statement  alone is not sufficient, as we do not ab ab 1
+ = (a + b)
know about others. 100 100 3
Using both, we know about four persons out of five. We can
2ab 1
find how much Z received and hence, also the one who = (a + b)
received the largest part. Choice (C) 100 3
6 a b
Chapter – 3 100 ab
(Percentages – Profit & Loss – Partnerships) 6 1 1
= 
100 a b
Concept Review Questions
6% =  1  1  %. Choice (A)
Solutions for questions 1 to 50: a b

10. Let the value of the property be `x

The value of the part that Ganesh owns (in `)
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1 Ravi ' s new salary 4x
83 (100%)  (100%)  25%.
= 3 x= 5x Total family income 16x
100 6 Choice (D)
Three fourths of this part is worth ` 3  5 x 
46  21. As the salaries of the two persons are equal and since the
percentage increase in the salary for one person equals the
i.e., ` x percentage decrease in the salary for the other, the
8 increase in the salary and the decrease in the salary must
5 be equal.
x = 5, x = 8 Ans: (8)
8  the total salary of the 2 persons does not change.
Choice (C)
11. Let the total marks be x
80% of x = 720 22. If any quantity becomes n times.
720100 We say it increased by (n  1) 100%.
x= = 900 marks As the population quadrupled, it increases by
(4  1) 100% = 300%. Choice (C)
90 900
90% of x = = 810 marks
100 23. Let Bala‟s marks be 100.
Alternate method:
If 80% of x = 720 Arun‟s mark = 100 
100  120
90% of x = 90/80 x 720 = 810 Choice (C) 100
12. Let the maximum mark in the test be M.
35 Required % =
100  16 2 %. Choice (B)
Pass mark = M 120 3
100 24. Let the original price be `x
The student failed by 15 marks. Decrease in the price = `02x
 Pass mark R = 230 + 15 = 245 Price after the decrease = `08x
M = 245  M = 700 Choice (A) 0  2x
100 % increase = 100  25%
0  8x
1 Alternate method:
25  17
13. Reduction in the tax (in `) = 2 (9200)
Any quantity which decreases by x% must be increased by
= 690 Ans: (690) % to become its original value
100  x
14. Let the number of votes polled be x. 100x
As x = 20,  25 Choice (A)
70 100  x
Number of votes secured by Ashok = x = 0.7x
He won by a majority of 0.4x votes. 25. Let the original price be `x
0.4x = 168  x = 420 Choice (B) Increase in the price = `02x
Price after the increase = `1·2x
15. Let the original price be ` x 0  2x
Increase = ` 03x % decrease = 100  16 2 %
1  2x 3
x + 03x = 260 x = 200 Ans: (200)
Alternate method:
16. Profit = `300. Any quantity which increases by x% must be decreased by
Profit percentage =
100%  50% Choice (A) 100x
% to become its original value
600 100  x

17. Ratio of profits of P and Q = Ratio of the investments of 100x 2

As x = 20,  16 % Choice (C)
P and Q = 1: 2 100  x 3
Q‟s profit = (9600) ` 6400 Ans: (6400)
3 5 2
26. Ratio = :
6 3
18. Let the original price be `x. Let the first number be 5x,
30 Second number is 4x
x x  63  x = 90 Choice (C)
100 5x  4x
% less =  100
19. Let the marks of Mohan and Sohan be m and s
= 20% Choice (A)
m = s  1 25  = s. 27. Let the price of fan B initially be `x
 100  4 Price of fan A initially = `2x
m = minimum mark required to pass i.e. pass mark = 35.
5 Increase in the price of A =
2x ` 0  2x
s = 35 100
s = 28. Ans: (28)
Decrease in the price of B 
x  ` 0  2x
20. Let Ravi‟s salary after the increment be 4x
 Before the increment it was 3x and the total family income As the increase equals the decrease, the sum of the prices
was 15x. After Ravi‟s increment, the family income is 16x. does not change.
Required percentage =  required percentage change = 0% Ans: (0)

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28. Suppose there is a group of quantities. If all are increased / 0  1x
decreased by the same percentage, their sum will Profit percentage = 100  11 1 % Choice (C)
0  9x 9
increase/decrease by the same percentage. Otherwise we
can say that the change in the sum is greater than the least
percentage and less than the greatest percentage.  1
 100  33 
The salaries of some of the employees are increased by a  100  20   3 
37. Selling price = 50 
different percentage compared to that of the others.  100   100 
 We cannot determine on the percentage change in the  
 
total salary. We can say it has to be between 10% and 20%.
 6  4 
Choice = 50      ` 80 Ans: (80)
(D)  5  3 

29. Let the initial price of the article be `100 38. Let the cost price of the item be `x
Decrease in the price = `20 Profit = `02x
Price after the decrease = `80 x + 02x = 60  x = 50
Increase in the price = `16 To gain 30% profit must be `03x
Price after the increase = `96  selling price must be `13x = `65 Choice (B)
 the price effectively decreases by 4% Choice (C)
39. Let the cost price of each in be `x
30. Let the initial price of the article be `100 Profit made on selling 5 m = cost price of 2 m = `2x
Increase in the price = `10 Cost price of 5 m = `5x
Price after the increase = `110
Decrease in the price = `11 Profit percentage = (100)%  40% Choice (C)
Price after the decrease = `9 5
 the price effectively decreases by 1%
60  50
Note: It can be seen that in problems 1 and 2 the final
results are the same although the order of operations vary
40. Required percentage = 100%  20%
 in problems on successive percentages the operations Choice (C)
can be performed in any order as the result does not 41. Profits of the company, dealer and shopkeeper are `10,
depend on the order of the operations. Choice `15 and `25 respectively.
(C)  The shopkeeper got the highest profit Choice (C)
31. Let the number be x.
42. Total cost price (80) (12·50) = `1000
20 Total profit = (80) (450) = `360
Decrease in it = x = 0.2x
100 Total selling price = `1360
Its new value = 0.8x Total selling price of 20 articles = `360
20 Selling price of each of the remaining articles
Increase in the new value = (0.8x) = 0.16x
100 1360  360 2
Final value of the number = 0.96x which is  x = ` 16 Choice (B)
60 3
 The number decreased.
x  0.96 x 43. Let the M.P. be `100
It decreased by (100)% i.e., 4% 30
x First discount (in `) = (100) = 30
Choice (C) 100
Price after this discount = `70
32. Let the first, second and the third numbers be f, s and 10
100 respectively. Second discount (in `) = (70) = 7.
f = 100 1  40   60 Price after this discount = `63
 100  Total discount = `37
Equivalent single discount percentage = 37%
s = 100 1 50   50 Ans: (37)
 100 
44. Let his C.P. = `100
Required percentage = 60 (100)% = 120%. Choice (D)

33. The salary Raja‟s as a percentage of his family‟s total His M.P (in `) = 100  1 25  = 125
100 
income increased by 10 percentage points. Choice
(C) 30
His discount (in `) = (125) = 37.50
34. Profit = `36 = 6% of CP 100
His S.P. = `87.50

 CP = 36  CP = `600 Ans: (600) His loss = `12.50
His loss percentage = (100) %
35. Suppose 2 articles have the same cost price and one is sold at 100
x% profit and the other is sold at y% loss. The overall profit/loss = 12.5% Choice (D)
percentage is given by (difference of x and y)% 45. Let his C.P. = `100
As x = 20 and y = 10, overall M.P (in `) = 100  1 40  = 140
Profit/loss percentage = 5% profit Choice (D)  100 

36. Let the selling price be `x 12

profit in (`) = (100) = 12
Cost price = `09x 100
Profit = `01x S.P. = `112
discount = `28.
discount (  Discount = M.P – S.P)
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28 Total cost in 2001 = `130
= (100) % = 20% Ans: (20)
140 20
Manufacturing cost in 2002 = 100 + (100)  ` 120
46. Let the marked price be `x.
Selling price = `400 33
Transportation cost in 2002 = 3 (120)  ` 40
100  11 100
9 x = 400  x = 450 Ans: (450) Total cost in 2002 = `160
160 130
47. Ratio of profits of Ajay and Vijay = 9 : 12 = 3 : 4 Required percent = (100) 18.75%
Ajay‟s share =
3500  ` 1500 Choice (A)
Ans: (18.75)
6. Let the male population and the female population in
48. Ratio of profits of Ramesh and Suresh 2001 be x and y respectively.
= (9000) (10) : (6000) (12) = 5 : 4 25 3x
Male population in 2002 = x  x
Suresh‟s share = 4500 ` 2000
4 100 4
Choice (D)
9 20 6y
Female population in 2002 = y  y
100 5
49. Annual income of Ashok =
12000  `720
100 6y 4
Ans: (720)
5  9 4
 x = 2y
50. Market value = `105 3x 4 5
100  44
12600 4 9
Number of shares purchased =  120 2
105 Males form 66 % of the population in 2001.
Annual income of Ajay = (5) (120) = `600 Choice (A)
Exercise – 3(a) Choice (B)
7. Let the length and the breadth be ℓ and b respectively. ℓ  b.
Solutions for questions 1 to 35:
If ℓ = b, percentage increase in the perimeter is 15%.
Also if ℓ > b, percentage increase is more than 15%.
1. Per capita income =
 Percentage increase can be 16%.
Let the initial total income and total population be I and P Choice (D)
After increase, I became 1.6 I and P became 1.2 P. 100
8. Total food grain production in 2001=  1000 = 4000
Hence, the new per capita income would be 25
 100  4 
. Hence, the per capita income increased by 33.33% Production of rice in 2002 =    1000 = 960t
Choice (C)  100 
Rice production as a percentage of food grain production, in
2. Let the present ages of Ramu and Somu be R and S 2002 = 25 + 5 = 30%.
respectively. Total food grain production in 2004
⇒ S = 2R 100
After x years, =  960 = 3200. Ans: (3200)
R+x= ( )
9. From the given information, the percentage of employees
R+x= ( ) who took retirement through the scheme
 R = 3x 9120
= x 100 = 20%.
Required percentage = %= % 45600
Choice (B) Now by taking 100 as the base, we can calculate the
answer easily.
3. Let the total runs scored by Aswin‟s team be T. Out of 100 employees, 40 applied for VRS.
Ashwin‟s score = 0.4T But PSU allowed only 85% of 40 i.e. 34 employees to take VRS.
34% – 20% = 14%
Ajith‟s score = 140 = ( ) i.e., 14% of the total employees did not take retirement,
 T = 450. Choice (B) although their applications are not rejected. Choice (B)

4. Let the initial cost of house hold items be x 10. Number of students in the school = 2,000
100  20 Number of students in higher secondary = 40% of 2,000 = 800.
Present cost = x = 1.2x. Number of girls in higher secondary = 28% of 800 = 224
Number of girls who passed = 112.
Let the initial salary of family be y. Overall percentage of students who passed in higher
100  10 secondary = 40% of 800 = 320.
Present salary of family = y = 11y
100 Number of boys who passed = 320  112 = 208.
Initially 02y = x Choice (A)
 12x = 024y
Percentage of present salary being spent on household 11. Let the number of votes Q gets be x
0  24 y 240 9 Number of votes P gets = 2.2x
items = 100 = = 21 %. Choice (D) Number of votes R gets = 2.2x  3,50,000
1  1y 11 11
x  2.2x  3,50,000 = ( x  2.2x  2.2x  3,50,000)
5. Let the manufacturing cost in 2001 be `100 100
Transportation cost in 2001 = `30 x = 2,50,000
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Number of votes polled = 5.4x  3,50,000 = 10,00,000  x  x  P 100
Choice (B)  1  1 
 100   100  P
12. Let the incomes of A, B, C in the month considered be a, b,

  x  x 
 P 100 1  1   2304
Amount spent by A, B, C are
62 .5
c  100   100 
100 100 100
respectively  P 100 
75 80 62.5  P 100   2304

a: b: c = 42 : 64 : 55  p 
100 100 100
 P2  2504P + 10000 = 0
75 80 62.5 (P  2500) (P  4) = 0
Let a  42k , b  64k , c  55k P must be greater than 2304 since each up down cycle
100 100 100
a = 56k, b = 80k, c = 88l reduces the price effectively.
Total Income = a + b + c = 644000  P = 2500
224k = 644000
1 1 
Note: P 100 1  x 
 1
x 

Income of A = a = 56k =
(224k) =
(644000)  100   100 
= 161000 Ans: (16100)
P 1001 x 
 1
x  
 100 1
x  x 
 1 100 
13. Total number of matches currently played = 60  100   100   100  
Number of matches lost =  60 = 45. = P  100  (some number which is less than 100) = Some
100 number which is more than P  200
The Indian cricket team loses the next 12 matches  2304 > P  200
 Total number of matches lost = 45 + 12 = 57. 2504 > P
Only Choice (D) satisfies this condition. Choice (D)
For a success rate of 50% the minimum matches to be 18. Number of goats with Sunil at the end of 2002
played = 57 
   x  y 
= 114.
100  50 = 4 12 1  1 
 100   100 
(Since the 57 matches should be equal to 50% of total
matches played. Hence 100% - total matches). Number of goats with Sunil at the end of 2003
Choice (D)
  
= 4 12 1
x 
 1
y 

14. Let the salary in 2003 be x.
 100   100 
The tax paid by him in 2003 is 02x

Salary in 2004 = x1  93  75  = 19375x

 x  y 
1  1 
 100 
 100   100 
This salary > 10000
Given tax difference = 500 
y 2 
(19375x  10000) 02 + 1000  02x = 500 If x = y, this equals 412 1 which is less than
(19375) (02)x  1000  02x = 500.  100 
01875x = 1500 (4) (12). But he had more than (4) (12).
x = 8000.  x > y.
Salary in 2004 = 19375x = `15500. Choice (A) 2 2
 x   y 
, 4121
15. Let the number of sharpeners that Anil bought be x
If x =
100  y  1 100 
 100   
Total expenditure = 2.5s (25) + s(x)
In the conditional case, total expenditure = 2.5s(x) + s(25)  100   100  y 
= 412  
   42
This is 9
% less than the actual total expenditure  100  y   100 
11 100 y
x> must hold true. Choice (A)
100  y
 1 
 9 
2.5x + s(25) = [2.5s(25) + xs] 1  11  19. 082CP + 990 = 115CP
 100 
  990 = 033CP
  CP = `3000
s = 20 Ans: (20) To make a profit of 10% he should sell at
3000  11 = `3300. Ans: (3300)
16. Ratio of market shares of Margo, Palmolive, Dove and the
new soap in 2001 = 0.9(40) : 0.9(30) : 0.9(30) : 10 880
= 36 : 27 : 27 : 10 20. Cost price of the first shirt = = `800
1 1
Market share of Margo in 2002 = (90)  32.4% 880
100 Cost price of the second shirt = = `1100
Choice (B) 08
Overall cost price `1900
17. Let the original price of that jewel be ` P. Overall selling price = 880  2 = `1760
 x  x  Loss =  100 = 736%. Choice (D)
P1  1   P 100 1900
 100  100 
21. Let the initial cost be `100.

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It went up by 40% i.e., new cost price = `140 1
Initial Selling Price = `120. Total money made = (50x) = 25x
(as the profit is 20%)
(since one TV is given free with each one bought by
Present Selling Price = 140(12) = `168 customer.)
Percentage increase in selling price Given total cost = 10,000  50 = 500000
168  120 Loss = 15(x) = 15x
=  100 Selling price + loss = cost price  25x + 15x = 500000
40x = 500000
48 x = 12500
= = 40% Ans: (40) Selling price of each television = `12500. Choice (C)
1 2

22. Let the Marked price = `x 28. Let the cost price for Balu be C
Price at which Balu sold the article
100  40
Discounted price =  x = 06x.  5  5  25 C
100 = C   =
The dealer reduces the price further by 20%  4  6  24
100  20 C
 Selling price =  06x Profit made by Balu = .
100 24
= 048x
100 1 25
Given 048x = 9600  x = 20000. Choice (C) Profit percentage = %= 4 % = % Ans: (25)
24 6 6
23. Let the total cost price of the shopkeeper be c
Total profit made by the shopkeeper 29. Venus Serena
Months 3 3
18  2  27.5  3  30  8  5  1  Investment 50,000 50,000
=  c   c   c   25 c   Months 9 9
100  9  100  5  100  45  6  100 
Investment 40,000 50,000
Total profit 5
Overall profit % = .100%  25 % Venus‟s profit percentage
Total cos t price 6
(3)( 5)  (9)( 4)
Choice (B) =  100
[(3)( 5)  (3)( 5)  (9) (4)  (9) (5)]

24. Let the marked price of each bag be ₹100. 15  36 51 5100

Discount on each bag = ₹44 =  100 =  100 = %
30  36  45 111 111
Selling price of each bag = ₹56
Cost price of each bag = 1700 35
= % = 45 % Choice (D)
37 37
Profit made on each bag = ₹16
Total profit made = x = (16)(80) = ₹1280
If she wants to make the same profit by selling only 50 30. Investment Ratio of Mehta, Mehra, and Mihir = 1 : 2 : 3
Ratio of time periods of Mehta, Mehra and Mihir
bags, profit made on each bag = ₹25.60 = 12 : 8 : 4 = 3 : 2 : 1
Selling price of each bag = 40 + 25.60 = ₹65.60 Profit would be distributed in the ratio of
Discount on each bag = 100 – 65.60 = ₹34.40 (Amount Invested  Time)
34.40% discount must be given on each bag. Here the ratio = 3 : 4 : 3
Choice (C) 3  600000
Mehta gets = 180000. Ans: (180000)
25. Let the initial cost price be `x.
Initial SP = x + 25 31. Let Goyal‟s salary be C and the total profit be P.
Now, the cost price is reduced by `25
New CP = (x – 25) C = 02 (p  C) C = .
Selling price is reduced by 25%. 6
3 5p
New SP = (x + 25)  . Hence is shared in the ratio of their capitals
4 6
Profit = 25% i.e. 20,000 : 30,000 or 2 : 3 and Goyal‟s share will be
5 3 2 5p p
(x  25)  = (x + 25)   
4 4 5 6 3
5x  125 = 3x + 75 p p
 = 4800  p = `9600. Choice (C)
2x = 200  x = 100. Ans: (100) 6 3

26. Let the correct weight be 100 kg p

Let its cost be `100. 32. Let the profit be p. Hence half the profit i.e., will be
S.P = `120
Weight usually weighed = 80 kg p p p
shared equally i.e., , and remaining will be shared in
Present weight is 20% more = 96 kg 4 4 2
Selling Price = `120 the ratio 24 : 36 or 2 : 3
Cost of 96kg = `96 3 p 3p
Gayathri will get  
120  96 24 5 2 10
Profit percentage =  100 =  100 = 25%.
96 96 3p p 11p
Total earnings of Gayathri =   –––– (1)
Choice (B) 10 4 20
Had the entire profit been shared in the ratio of their
27. Let the selling price of one television be x. capitals,

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3 12
Gayathri would have got p= p –––––– (2) 5. Let the cost price of the laptop be 100x.
5 20 Selling Price (15% profit) = 115x
12p 11p If the selling price was 10% lower i.e., 1035x,
Given – = 2500 [from (1) and (2)]
20 20 Profit was `1050  3.5x = 1050  x = 300
p = `50000. Choice (D) Cost price of the laptop = 100x = 30,000. Choice (C)

1395 6. Let Mr. Singh‟s initial income per hour be `100

33. Number of shares bought = = 15 Present income per hour = `120
Let the number of hours per month be 100, initially
He sells `1000 worth stock i.e., 10 units of stock at 95 Present number of hours = 80
i.e., gain of 2  10 = `20. Earlier monthly income = 100  100 = 10000
Remaining 5 shares are sold at 80, i.e., loss of 5  13 Present monthly income = 120  80 = 9600
= `65. Net Loss of `45, in the sale and purchase transaction. Percentage decrease in his income
Choice (D)
=  100 = 4%.
34. Dividend = `3600 10000
3600 Alternate method:
Total number of shares = = 600
6 Mr. Singh‟s income (I) is the product of his hourly rate (R)
(since it is a 6% stock) and the number of hours he works (n).
Premium of 5%  cost of stock = 100 + 5 = 105 i.e., I = rn
Total amount invested by Ismail = 105  600 6R
= `63000. Ans: (63000) R increases by 20% to and
35. Let the total investment be 110  90  x. 4n
n decreases by 20% to .
1st case 5
110  90 110x 6R 4n
Number of 4% stock at 90 = x = 55x The income changes to = x
2  90 2 5 5
110  90 90 24
Number of 8% stock at 110 = x x = 45x = I , i.e., it decreases by 4%. Choice (C)
2  110 2 25
Total returns = (55x  4) + (45x  8) = 580x 7. Let the cost price of P‟s article P be `x
2nd case
Selling price of P‟s article P = `  X  20 X   `1.2X
110  90  100 
Number of 8% stock at 110 =  x = 90x
110 This is also the cost price of Q‟s article
Total returns = 90x  8 = 720x Selling price of Q‟s article Q = `2x 1  25  = `1.5X
Given 720x – 580x = 3500  x = 25  100 
His investment = 110 x 90 x 25 = 247500. Choice (B) 1.5x -1.2x = 90  x = 300 Choice (C)

Exercise – 3(b) 8. Let the cost price of the article = 100x

Marked price = 135x
Solutions for questions 1 to 16: For profit to be 20%, selling Price = 120x
Let B‟s salary be x. 135x  120x
1. Percentage of discount =  100
100  20
A‟s salary =  x = 08x 100 1
100 =  11 %. Choice (A)
9 9
C‟s salary = 10000 and it is also 25% more than B‟s salary
100  25 9. Let the marked price be ` x.
  x = 10000.
100 Let the cost price be `100
x = `8000. Profit = `20
Selling Price = `120
A‟s salary = 08x = `6400 Choice (D)
Discount = `0.2x
2. Let the numbers of students in school B = x Given, x  0.2x = 120  x = 150
Number of students in school A = 13x  The marked price is 50% above the cost price.
Given 1. 3 x – x = 03x = 120 Ans: (50)
 x = 400
Total number of students in both the schools 30
10. Number of girls = (1000)  300
= (1 + 13)x = (23) x400 = 920. Ans: (920) 100

3. Let the initial price be `100 Number of boys = 1000  300 = 700
Number of UGs = 1000  600 = 400
 2  4  2  Let the number of female UGs be f. Number of male
Final price = 100  (100)   100  (100)  UGs = 400  f  400  f  f = 120
 100  100  100   f = 140
= `106.08 140
 Percentage increase = 6.08% Choice (B) Required percent = (100)  20% Choice (A)
4. Let the pass mark be x. Rahul‟s mark = x  x 150 11. It can be seen that it depreciates by (18  1.5(n  1)) in the
nth year.
x = 120
 In the seventh year it depreciates by 9%.
165  120  required amount = 9% (4,00,000) = 36,000
Required percent = (100)  37.5% Ans: (36000)
Ans: (37.5)
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12. Present salary of Mrs. Rai = 20000 The total income of the family in 2001
This is a gain of 25% from last month‟s earnings. = 30 + 42 + 9 + 24 = 105
 Last month‟s salary of Mrs. Rai. After 20% increase, total income of the family
100 105  120
=  20.000 = 16000 = = 126
125 100
Mr. Rai‟s salary has come down to `20000. This represents Increase = 21 = Increase in salary of A.
a 3333% drop. 21
Required percentage increase =  100 = 70%.
100 30
Mr. Rai‟s salary last month =  20000
66  66 Choice (C)
= 30000
Total income of Mr. Rai and Mrs. Rai last month Solutions for questions 19 and 20:
= 30000 + 16000 = 46000. Choice (C)
19. Let the number of questions attempted by Ram be x. Let
13. Let the monthly income of Ram be `100 initially. the pass mark be p.
Initial expenditure of Ram = `70.
Ram‟s mark = 2  70 x  
Initial Saving of Ram = `30 x  1.1x
 100  100
Final monthly income of Ram = `126
Final expenditure of Ram = `84  60 
Final savings of Ram = `42 Shyam‟s mark = 2   (100  x)  40 100  x 
Percentage increase his savings = 40% Choice (A)  100  100
 1.1x = p + 40 ……(1)
14. Let its original area be x sq cm.  0.8(100  x) = p + 25 ….(2)
40 Solving (1) and (2), x = 50 and p = 15 Choice (A)
Area after the first cut = x  x  0.6x
20. Percentage secured by Ram
50 (1.1) (50) 1.1(50)
Area after the second cut = 0.6x  x (0.6x )  0.3x = (100)%  (100)%  34.375%
100 80(2) 80(2)

Given, 0.6x  0.3x = 30  x = 100 Ans: (100) Choice (D)

15. Let the breadth be 100 units initially. Let the length be Solutions for questions 21 to 45:
100 units initially.
New breadth 21. The price of a computer four years ago was `50000. Now, it
is `32805
 20  30  20  i.e., it has decreased by a factor of
= 100  (100)   100  100 (100)  32805
 100  100    0  65610
130 If each year the price decreases by a factor of r, in
= (80) = 104 units 4 years it decreases by a factor of r4.
i.e., r4 = 065610
Area r = 09
New length =
New Breadth i.e., Each year the price decreases from p to 09p or
decreases by 10%. Choice (C)
10000 2
=  96 units 22. Let the total cost be `100. Costs of P, Q and R are `10,
104 13 `20 and `20 respectively
Let costs of others is 100  (10 + 20 + 20) = `50
100  96
100100% 11 Increase in each of the costs of P, Q and R is 2
 Required percent = 13 3 % Increase in the total cost is `15
100 13
Increase in the cost of the others = 15  3 (2) = `9
Choice (D)
Percentage increase in the cost of the others =  100
16. Let the minimum number of matches be x. Let us say, of
these x matches y matches were won. Number of matches = 18%. Ans: (18)
80 23. Let the cost of 100 radios be `100.
won after the coach took over = (60)  48 .
100 Cost of 65 radios = `65
48  y Selling price of 65 radios = `100
Given, (100)  60  48  y = 0.6(60 + x) 100  65
60  x Profit percentage =  100
 x would be minimum when y = 0. 35 11
In this case, x = 20 Ans: (20) = 100 = 53 %. Choice (A)
65 13
Solutions for questions 17 and 18: 24. Let his cost price be `x per watch
Given, x  60  x = 600
17. Let the total salary of the family be `100. 100
In the year 2001 the family saved 100  30 = 70
In the year 2002, the total salary of the family  Profit = [( 600 ) (600 )] = `36000 Ans: (36000)
= 30 + 42 + 9 + 24 = 105 100
To save 70, they have to spend 105  70 = 35 25. Suppose Rakesh purchased 2x chocolates.
35 He bought x chocolates at 15 paise each and x chocolates
Required percentage of spending =  100 at 20 paise each.
105 Total cost price = 15x  20x = 35x paise
= 3333%. Choice (C) Selling price of each chocolate = 20 paise
Total selling price = (20)(2x) = 40 x paise
18. Let the initial total income in 2001 be 100. Profit = 5x paise

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5x = 1000  x = 200  2x = 400 Choice (D) 31. Let the cost price to Feroze be `100
Feroze marks up the price to `130
26. Number of articles sold = 20% of 50 = 10 He sells it at 20% discount; at `104
Cost of 5 articles = `1200 Sohail marks up the price to 20% more than `100, equal to
Cost of 1 article = `240 `120
Cost of 10 articles = `2400 The least sale price = 104
Selling price of 10 articles = 2400 + 1200 = `3600 To sell it at `104, percentage discount to be offered
Selling price of 1article = `360
Number of articles remaining = 40. 16 40 1
=  100 =  13 %. Choice (D)
Total value of the remaining articles at selling price 120 3 3
= 40  360 = 14400. Ans: (14400)
27. Let the cost of a car be 100x. 32. Let the cost price of Girish be `100.
After a discount of 100000, the profit = 15% Marked price of Girish = `160
 Selling price of the car = 115x, and Let the maximum number of discounts be n.
Marked price of the car = 115x + 100000 160(0.9)n  100 ……(1)
Given that the M.P of the car is 25% more than the C.P of Maximum value of n satisfying (1) is 4. Ans: (4)
the car  125x = 115x + 100000
 10x = 100000, x = 10000 33. If there is a lower limit on the discount, there is a
Marked price of the car = 115x + 100000 = 1250000. corresponding upper limit on the profit. If there is an upper
Choice (D) limit on the discount, there is a corresponding lower limit on
the profit. Neither statement (A) nor (B) is of this type.
28. For Samuel
Consider Choice (C).
Let‟s assume the marked price of each VCD is `100
If cost price (c) = 300, marked price (M) = 400. Profit
For Simon
percentage = discount percentage, Profit (p) : Discount (D)
Cost price of each VCD = 075  100 = 75 = 3: 4.
Cost price of 100 VCDs = 7500
As P D = 100, P = (3/7) (100) and D = (4/7) (100),
Now, undiscounted price of 25VCDs = price marked by
i.e., profit percentage (p)
Samuel for 25 VCDs = 2500
So, profit on 100 VCDs = 2500 (3 / 7)(100) 2
= (100%) = 14
2500 (300) 7
Percentage of profit =  100 = 3333%. Choice (D)
7500 = discount percentage (d).
29. Let the cost of 10000 hard disks be `10000 6
If P  D, (in particular if p = d), P = 42 ,
After a discount of 10%, cost = `9000 7
20% of the hard disks are damaged.
 Number of hard disks to be sold = 8000 while D = 57 , i.e., D can be greater than P.
Selling price = 20% more than the price at which he bought 7
Total sales = `(8000  12  09) = `8640  Choice (C) is false. Consider Choice (D). If p  d
(in particular if p = d),
9000  8640 360
Loss percentage = 100 =  100 = 4%. 2
p = d = 14 % ,
9000 9000 7
Alternate method:
6 1
Ratio of CP of undamaged disks and damaged disks P = 42 and D = 57 ,
7 7
= 80% : 20% = 4 : 1
Undamaged disks are sold at a price which is 20% more i.e., D  P. If p < d, D is definitely greater than P. This is
than the CP; true. Choice (D)
 profit percentage on these = (+)20%
Damaged disks are to be taken as unsaleable; 34. Let the investments of P and Q be `p and `q respectively.
 loss percentage on these = (–)100% Salary of Q = `10000
Overall percentage of profit/loss p p
= [4  (+20) + 1(-100)]/(4 + 1) = (–20/5) = –4 (50000)  ( 40000)  8000
pq pq
 4% loss Choice (D)
Note: 4
1. Information about number of disks is redundant. Profit share of p = (40000) = `32000 Ans: (32000)
2. The statement about the discount (10%) received at
the time of purchase, is also redundant. 35. Let the investments of A, B, C and D be `3x, `4x, `5x and
`6x respectively. Let the salary of B be `S.
30. Let his profit / loss percentage be 3x%. 4x  S 9
His discount percentage = 2x% Given 
5x  S 10
 3x   2x   S = 5x
His selling price = 2001   300 1 
 100   100  Total amount of profit = 18x + 2S
= 28x = 84000  x = 3000
If he made a profit, 2001  3x  = 3001 2x  B‟s salary is 5x i.e., 15000 Ans: (15000)
 100   100 
   
36. Let the number of registered voters be T
3 90
Number of voters who voted = T
Profit percentage = 25 100

 3x   2x  90  90  81
If he made a loss 2001   300 1  Number of votes that were valid =  T  T
 100   100  100  100  100
200  6x = 300  6x which is not possible.
65  81 
 He made 25% profit. Choice (B) Number of votes that P got =  T
100  100 

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65  35  81  60
Number of votes that P won by =  T i.e. (100)
100  100  = 100  3 litres .
0.3 
81   81 
T  = 0.3  T  = 9720  T = 40000  7 litres is required for driving the balance 40 km.
 100   100 
Ans: (40000) 40
20 
Required percent = 7  100%  71 3 %
37. The data is tabulated below. All the amounts are in 20 7
thousands of rupees. Choice (A)
Month Satish Sanjay Sunil 41. Let the whole sale price index on 1 April be points. As per data,
1st 20 20 20  x  x 
p  p1  1   = 160
2nd 21 22 20  100  100 
3rd 22 22 23  x 2   x2 
4th p  p1  = 160 p  = 160 …… (1)
23 24 23  10000   10000 
   
5th 24 24 23 The second equation:
6th 25 26 26  x 2   x 2  x 2 
p1   p1  1 = 1344
7th 26 26 26  10,000   10,000  10,000 
    
8th 27 28 26
 x 2  x 2
9th 28 28 29 p1   = 1344 ……… (2)
 10000  10000
10th 29 30 29  

11th  x 2 
30 30 29 from (1), 1601  = 1344
 10000 
12th 31 32 32 
 the ratio of their profit shares is 1 = 084 x = 40%
 20  31   22  30 
 12: 2  (5)  20  32: 20  20  32  3(3)(26) from (1), p = 1000. Choice (C)
 2   2  42. Let the initial values of the length and the breadth be l and b
= 51(6) : 52(6) : 72  9(26) = 153 : 156 : 153 respectively.
We see that Sanjay gets the greatest share. Intial perimeter = 2(l + b)
Choice (B) New perimeter = 2(1.1l + 1.2b)
2(1.1l  1.2b)  2(l  b)
% increase in perimeter = = 100%
38. Number of stocks at 5% premium for `19950 2(l  b)
= 190 10l  20b 10b
=  10 
105 lb lb
Dividend per year = 190  4 = `760 (4% stock) l≤b
Value of stock purchased at 5% discount for `19950 l + b ≥ 20
= 19950/95 = 210 1 b
Dividend income from it = 6  210 = `1260 
2 lb
Total dividend = 1260 + 760 = 2020.
2020 10 + ≤ 15
Effective yield percentage =  100 = 506%. lb
19950  2 % increase in perimeter ≤ 15%. Choice (B)
Choice (C)
43. Let the cost prices for Ajay and Dinesh be `a and `d
39. Let the income in Dec 2014 be I and in Feb 2015 be J. respectively.
Amount spent on utility bills Cost price of Balu = `1.560.
 Ajay‟s article‟s value increases by `0.56a.
2  75  I Cost price of David = `0.8d.
– in Dec 2014 =   I=
15  100  10 Selling price of David = `0.56d
0.56a + 0.56d = 28000
7  72  21 J a + d = 50000 Choice (A)
– in Feb 2015 =  J=
48  100  200 44. Let the labelled weight of dal be 100 gm
Let the labelled price of dal of 100 gm be `100
2 Amount of dal in the packet = 80 gm
The second amount is 16 % more than the first
3 Price paid by the customer = `90 (because of 10%
I 7 21J 9J Quantity to be received for `90 = 90 gm.
  = I= Dal to be added = 90  80 = 10 gm
10  6  200M 10
I is 10% less than J. Ans: (10) Percentage of dal to be added =  100 = 125%.
40. Let the total distance be 100 km. Let the total fuel be Ans: (12.5)
10 litres. As 10% of the fuel was used to cover 20% of his
total journey driving conditions, a litre is required for driving 45. Ratio of the profit shares of Gopal, Hari and Karthik
every 20 km (under given driving conditions). = (8000) (I12) : (12000) (x) : (16000) (x)
 Total fuel required for conditions which were different = 96 : 12x : 16x
= Fuel required for the 60% of the journey 16x > 96 > 12x
 x > 6 and x < 8
As x is an integer, x = 7

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 Required ratio = 24 : 21 : 28 Choice (B) Hence either statement alone is sufficient. Choice (B)
Solutions for questions 46 to 55: 55. Reduced price = 120 – d
46. Each statement is not sufficient. 25
From statement , d = 120  = 30
Combining statements  and , 100
25 30
S.P = 20 +  20 = 25. Required percentage =  100%
100 120  30
M.P  30.  Discount  5. So statement  alone is sufficient.
Hence, the discount percentage 
 100 = 16 %
2 From statement ,
30 3 d = (1/3) (120 – d)  4d = 120  d = 30
 Discount percentage may or may not be less than 16% 30
Required percentage =  100%
Choice (D) 120  30
So statement  alone is also sufficient. Choice (B)
47. From statement , profit = S.P – C.P so
C.P = 10 [S.P – C.P]  C.P = 10(165 – C.P)
Chapter – 4
so we can find the cost price of the cycle
(Simple Interest and Compound Interest)
From statement , profit =  160 = `16
100 Concept Review Questions
So the cost price of the cycle = 160 – 16 = `144
 Statement  alone is sufficient. Choice (B) Solutions for questions 1 to 25:
48. Cost price of the article is not known so we can‟t find the 1. Interest earned on a sum of `P invested for T years at R%
profit percentage, so statement  alone is not sufficient PTR
From statement , p.a. under simple interest = ` .
18 Selling Price = 21 Cost Price
21  18 (5000) (2) (10)
Profit percentage =  100 . Interest earned =
18 100
Statement  alone is sufficient. Choice (A) = `1000 Choice (A)
49. Combining statements  and , the percentage of income
2. The interest on a sum remains the same each year under
25 65
saved is   100. Choice (C) simple interest.
100 100  Total interest = 3(1000) = `3000 Ans (3000)
50. Combining statements  and , 3. Let the sum be `x then,
(7  12) = 12  (x)  x = 7
x 65
(as they share equal profits) = 306  x = `1,020 Choice (D)
 B joined after 12 – 7 = 5 months. Choice (C) 100

51. Combining statements  and , we can say that they did not 4. Let the sum be `x
invest equal capitals because inspite of B getting x  11 6
25% remuneration, they got equal profits. Choice (C) S.I. = 25410 =
2  100
52. From statement ,  x = `77,000 Choice (C)
Let the population be x, and the female literacy rate be a%.
Males = 0.6x so females = 0.4x 5. Let the time period in years be x then,
0.6x  25 0.4x  a 25 15000  5  x
+ = x, solving, we can get the 4000 =
100 100 100 100
value of a.
This can also be obtained by Alligation the rule of from x= years
statement , 3
x 16
Female literacy =  100% = 25% Number of months =  12 = 64 Ans: (64)
4x 3
So statement  alone is also sufficient. Choice (B)
6. Let the sum be `x.
53. Either of the statements alone is not sufficient as earning x  37  6 x  33  6
and the rate of commission is given in different statements. then,  = 54
100 100
Combining statements  and ,
let the sales values be `x x  46
7.5 2.5  = 54  x = `225 Choice (A)
1500 =  (x) + [x – 9000]  . 100
100 100
Solving we can get the value of x. Choice (C) 7. Let the rate of interest be R% p.a.
Interest for 2 years = `600
54. Let the selling price of item Y be `a
then the selling price of item X be `0.9a (3000) (2) (R)
600 = R = 10.
From statement , 100
Let the number of units of item Y sold be k The rate of interest is 10%. Choice (B)
Then the number of units of item X sold be 1.2k
Revenue from item Y = ak
24000 18  5
Revenue from X = 0.9a  1.2k = 1.08ak 8. Simple Interest = = `21,600
Required ratio = ak : 1.08 = 25 : 27 100
From statement , Amount = Principal + Simple Interest
6000 3 = 24000 + 21600 = `45,600 Ans: (45600)
Ratio of the revenues is 
8000 4
9. Let the sum be `100.
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Sixteen times of sum = `1,600  4 3 
Interest = `1,500 P 1  R   1  R   = 2662

 
100   
100  30  x   100 

1500 =
100 2
 R  R
 x = 50 i.e. 50 years. Choice (D) P 1  
100  100
= 2420 --(1)

10. If a sum takes T years to become N times at simple interest 3
at R% p.a., RT = 100 (N – 1)  R  R
P 1   100 = 2662 --(2)
100 (1.84  1)  100 
Rate of interest = = 12% p.a.
7 Dividing (2) by (1),
Choice (C) R
1+ = 1.1  R = 10
11. Let the sum be `x.
Then Amount = `10x. Alternate method:
Interest = `9x. (100) The interest on a sum for the kth year under
Let the time period be r years and rate of interest be r%. compound interest, interest being compounded annually is
x r r 1 R
 9x =  r = 30% Choice (C) (Interest for the (k – 1) th year)
100 100

12. Let the total amount invested be ` 2x 2420  1  R  = 2662
 100 
Amount invested in each scheme = ` x
x115  x120 = 0.35 x  R = 10 Ans: (10)
Total S.I (in `) =
100 100 18. Let the sum be `100
0.35x = 1400 Amount after eight years = `400
x = 4000 Amount after sixteen years = `1,600
2x = 8000 Ans: (8000) i.e., it takes 8 + 8 = 16 years for the sum to become sixteen
times of itself.
13. Let its present value be `P.
100 400 1600
P 1  6 (10)  = 2400
 100 
P = 1500 Choice (D) 8 8
14. Let the rate of interest be R% p.a. 8 + 8 = 16 years Choice (D)
Amount at the end of 2 years = `630 19. Let the sum be `x.
 2  Then, the amount after three years = `2.197  x
3630 = 3000 1  R  
 
 100   3
   100  r 
 2.197  x = x  

2  100 
 R 
(1.1)2 = 1  
100 
  100  r 
 (1.3)3 =  

R  100 
1.1 = 1 +
100 100  r
 1.3 =
10 = R Choice (A) 100
15. Interest earned on a sum of ` P invested for T years at R%  130 = 100 + r
p.a. under compound interest  r = 30% Ans: (30)
 T 
= `P1  R   1 20. If a sum takes T years to become N times under compound
 
100   interest, interest being compounded annually at R% p.a.
 
   R 
Interest earned = 5000 1  10   1 = `1050
 1   N
 
 100    100 
 
 R = (N1/T  1)100
Ans: (1050)
 1 
16. Let the sum be `P and the rate of interest be R% p.a.  Rate of interest =  1  33.1  3  1 100 = 10% p.a.
 100  
 R 
2  
P 1   = 6000 -- (1)
100 
Choice (C)

3 20
 R  21. Rate of interest = % = 10% per half year.
P 1   = 7200 -- (2)
100 

  2
Dividing (2) by (1), Interest = 200 1  10   1 = `42 Ans: (42)
  100  
R  
1+ = 1.2
R = 20 Choice (B) 22. In all the cases, the rate of interest per year is the same.
If this is the case, then the interest will increase with the
17. Let the sum be `P. number of times compounding is done per year.
Let the rate of interest be R% p.a.  Choice (A) will result in the maximum interest.
 3 2  Choice (A)
P 1  R   1  R   = 2420
 100   100  
     23. The effective rate of interest per annum is that rate of
interest, which will fetch the same rate of interest if the

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interest was calculated annually. Hence it will be the same 5
 r 
for each year. Given, P1   = 199065.6 –––––– (1)
Choice (A)  100 
24. Rate of interest = 10% per quarter. A sum of `P under  r 
compound interest when invested at R% p.a. would become P1   = 138240 –––––– (2)
 100 
 R 
`P 1   2
 r 
 100   (1)  (2) gives 1.44 = 1  
A sum of `100 would become  100 
P = 138240/(1.2) = `80000 Choice (B)
 10 
1001   146.41
 100  4. Amount that `10000 becomes under compound interest
10 20 30
 This is the effective rate of interest is 46.41% p.a. =1000(1+ )(1  )(1  )  17160
Choice (D) 100 100 100
amount that `10000 becomes under simple interest
25. Let the sum be `P.   20 
Let the rate of interest be R% p.a. = (10000) 1 3  = 16000
  100 
 x 1   x  interest realized is `1160 less
1 = P 1  R   1 – 1 
R 
  1
Choice (D)

 
100    100  
    5. The compound interest for the (n + 1)th year is the same as
the amount for one year on a principal equal to the nth year
 R   R  1
= P 1   1   1996.5 = 1885[(1 + (r/100)];
 100   100 
 r = 10%  r = 10% p.a. Choice (C)

PR  R 
x 6. When compounded annually, the interest accrued for the nth
= 1   year is r% more than the interest accrued for the
100  100  (n – 1)th year, where r is the annual rate of interest.
I5 = 1  r  I4
 100 
y  
PR  R 
Similarly 2 = 1  
100  100 
 1464.1= 1  r  (1331)  1 = 1.1 r= 10%
 100  100

As 1 > 2, x > y Choice (A)
Exercise – 4(a) Interest accrued for the first two years when `12000 is
invested in the same scheme
Solutions for questions 1 to 25:  10  
= 1200 1    1 = 12000[(1.1)2 –1]
Pnr  100  
1. Given P  = 18600
100 = 12000  0.21 = 2520 Choice (C)
 nr  = 18600 n = 5, r = 11
P1  
 100  7. In 3 years `10000 amounts to 100001  3  20  under
 
 100 
P= 18600 = 12000
5  11 simple interest and is `16000
1 In the next 2 years, under compound interest `16000
 20 
Alternate method: amounts to 16000 1   = `23040 Choice (D)
 100 
A = P (1 + nr%),  18600 = P(1 + 55%) = 1.55  P
 18600  100 = 155P,  P = 12000 Ans: (12000) 8. Let the amount that `8000 becomes after 4 years be x. Then
(x + 14440) (1.1)2 = 30,250
2. For Simple Interest P1  nr  = 10080 Or x + 14440 = 30250/1.21
 100    x + 14440 = 25000; 10560 = x
n = 2, r = 10 Now, let the rate of simple interest for the first 4 years be r%
P = 10080/1.2 = 8400 Then 8000(1 + 4r/100) = 10,560; 320r = 2560, r = 8
n = 2, r = 10, P = 8400 Ans: (8)
 10 
A = 84001   = 10164 9. Let P1 be the sum invested in scheme A; and P2 be the sum
 100  invested in scheme B.
 CI = 10164  8400 = `1764 P1 + P2 = 34000 –––––– (1)
P1 (1 + 20/100)2 = 9 x P2(1 + 60/100)2
Alternate method: P1 x (1.2)2 = 9 x P2 x (1.6)2
A = P(1 + nr%)  10080  P(1 + 20%);  3 1.6 
P1 = P2    ; P1 = P2  16
10080  1.2 
Under CI, A = P(1 + R%)n = (1.1)2 = 10,164
1.2 P1 16
 –––––– (2)
Hence, CI = 10,164 – P = 10,164 – 8400 = 1764. P2 1
Choice (B) From (1) and (2), P2 = `2000 Ans: (2000)
3. Under Compound interest policy, amount
10. Let the first, second and third sums be `f, `s and `t
 r  respectively.
= P1  
 100 
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2 3 The value that 4 crores would amount to in 24 years at the
 5   5   5 
f 1    s1    t1    A (say)  1 
 100   100   10   R   
same rate = 4c 1    4c 2 6  = 64c
A A A 20 400 8000  100 
f :s:t  : : = : :  
21 441 9261 21 441 9261  
20 400 8000 Ans: (64)
= 8820 : 8400 : 8000 = 441 : 420 : 400 Choice (D) 2
 r 
16. CI – SI = 30 = P   . Also, Pr/100 = 600
11. Suhaas borrows at 28% compound interest and pays back  100 
in 1 year (let him borrow P1)  600  r/100 = 30
 28  r = 5%
P11   = 38400  P  5/100 = 600
 100  P = `12000 Choice (B)
P1 (1.28) = 38400 P1 = 30000
Let Bhanu borrow P2 17. The difference between the compound and simple interest
Given P1 + P2 = 54000; P2 = 24000 for 3 years is given by
 r 3  r  
24000 1  4  r  = 38400 P   3 
 100   100   100  

4r/100 = 1.6 – 1= 0.6  r = 15% Choice (C)
 20  3  20   = 3200
P    3  
12. Puneet borrows `32000 at 10% simple interest  100   100  

32000 10  3 P  16/125 = 3200
Simple interest for 3 years = = `9600
100 P = `25000
Compound interest for 3 years Alternate method:
= 32000 (1.2)3 – 32000 = `23296
Puneet would have gained (23296 – 9600) = `13696 Under CI, amount for 3 years = (1.2)3 P = 1.728P
Under SI, amount for 3 years = (1 + 3  .2)P = 1.6P
32000 10 2
Simple interest for 2 years = = `6400 Difference in amounts = Difference in interests.
100 Hence, 1.728P – 1.6P = 3200;  0.128P = 3200.
Compound interest for 2 years  P = (3200/0.128) = 25000. Choice (D)
= 32000(1.2)2 – 32000 = `14080
Puneet would have gained (14080 – 6400) = `7680 18. He borrows `2500000
Puneet would have gained an extra amount of At the end of the first year it becomes
13696 – 7680 = `6016 2500000  (1 + 12/100)1 = `2800000
Alternate method: He repays `500000 –––––– (1)
`2300000 is the principal for the 2nd year.
Profit in the case of 3 years = P(1.2)3 – P(1 + 3  0.1) This becomes 230000 (1 + 12/100)1= `2576000
= 1.728P – 1.3P = 0.428P Which is repaid by the person, at the end of 2nd year.
Profit in the case of 2 years = P(1.2)² – P(1 + 2  0.1) In the first year, (on his earnings side), he earns 20% on
= 1.44P – 1.2P = 0.24P `2500000 = `500000.
Difference in the two profits = 0.428P – 0.24P Out of this, (1) is repaid. Investment remains as `250000.
= 0.188P = 0.188  32000 = 6016. Choice (C) This earns 20% during the second year. So, it becomes
`3000000. Out of this `2576000 is repaid. So, he makes,
13. If compounding is done annually r = 20%, n = 2, 3000000 – 2576000
Let P = 100, A = 100(1.2)2 = 144 = `424000 Choice (A)
If compounding is done half-yearly
r = 10%, n = 4, A = 146.41 Difference = 2.41 19. Loan amount = `24000
If P = 100 then, difference = 2.41 Simple Interest = 12% per annum
If difference is 1084.5, P =
100 = `45000 24000 12
After 1 year, interest = = 2880
2.41 100
Ans: (45000) 19200 12
Interest for the second year = = 2304
14. Sum = P, C.I = r%, n = 10 years 100
 nr  (Since 20% of the principal has been repaid)
 
Given, Pe  100   a .P 14400 12
Interest for the third year = = 1728
10 x
100 9600 12
Interest for the fourth year = = 1152
Given e = a2 hence er/10 = e2  r = 20 Choice (B) 100
Total interest = 2880 + 2304 + 1728 + 1152 = 8064
15. Let the rate be R % p.a. Alternate method:
 R  Repayment at the end of every year = 20% of the principal
2.4c 1   = 19.2c
 100  = 20% of 24000 = `4800
18 Hence, interest accrued every year decreases by 12% of
 R  `4800.
 1   =8
 100  decrease in interest per year = 12% of 4800 = `576
1 Interest for the first year = 12% of 24000 = `2880
R Hence, interest accrued in 4 years
 1  26 = 2880 + (2880 – 576) + (2880 – 2  576) + (2880 – 3  576)
= 4  2880 – 576 (1 + 2 + 3)
= 11,520 – 3456 = 8064 Ans: (8064)

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20. Let the annual instalment be `x. 4000 12 4000 12
Let (FV)i denote the value of the ith instalment at the end of = =
(1  0.71) 0.29
the fifth year.
Sum of future values of all the instalments = `1450 4000 12 4000  12
( x )(8)( 4)  ≃ = 160000. As the actual
(FV)1 = x  0.29 0.3
100 denominator is slightly less than 0.3 the actual answer
( x) (8) (3) should be slightly more than `160000.
(FV)2 = x  Actual answer is `165000 as per the options.
Choice (B)
( x) (8) (2)
(FV)3 = x 
100 25. The value of the first instalment (at the time the sum was
( x)(8)(1) 1200
(FV)4 = x  borrowed) = = 1000.
100 1 .2
(FV)5 = x The value of the second instalment (at the time the sum
, 5x + (8) (4 + 3 + 2 + 1) = 1450 was borrowed) = 1152 = 800.
100 1.2 2
 5x + 0.8x = 1450
The value of the third instalment (at the time the sum was
 x = 250
5.8 borrowed) = 2592 = 1500.
1.2 3
Alternate method: Sum borrowed = Total value (at the time the sum was
1 borrowed) = `3300 Ans: (3300)
Each instalment must be less than `( th of 1450)
5 Exercise – 4(b)
= `(290). From among the choices given, only Choice (C)
satisfies the condition. Choice (C) Solutions for questions 1 to 6:

21. Present worth (in `) of `20000 due after 3 years at CI of 1. Let the principal be P.
10% p.a. Let „I‟ be the interest for one year
20, 000
≃20,000  (0.9)3 = 14580 Choice (C) P + 3I = 2832 –––––– (1)
3 P + 5I = 3120 –––––– (2)
 10 
1  Subtracting (1) from (2), I = 144 and P = `2400
 100  Choice (A)

22. Principal = `100000 2. Let the sum be `P

At the end of first year it amounts to
100000(1 + 8/100)1 = 108000 Extra interest = P  10  (2) = 4000
 100 
 
Out of this he repays `10000
So, amount due at the end of 1st year P = 20000 Ans: (20000)
= 108000 – 10000 = `98000. 3. Let the rate of interest be R% p.a.
At the end of the second year this amounts to
98000 [1 + 8/100]1 = 105840. Extra interest = (10000)  R  (2) = 4000
 
 100 
Out of this he repays `10000
At the beginning of the third-year amount due from him R = 20 Choice (C)
= 105840 – 10000 = `95840 Choice (D)
4. Let the sum be `P.
23. Let the sum be `P. Let the rate of interest be R% p.a.

CI (2nd year) = P1 
5   5  (P)  R  (10) = 2P – P = P
  P1   (  A2 – A1)  
 100   100   100 
R = 10
3 2
 5   5  Let us say it will take T years for it to become 5 times itself.
CI (3rd year) = P1    P1  
 100   100  (P)  R  (T) = 4P T = 40 Choice (B)
 
Difference = P(1.05)3 – 2(1.05)2 – (P(1.05) =  100 
3 2
 21   21   21  5. Let the sum be `P. let the rate of interest be R% p.a
42 P   2   P   42  P = 16000
 20   20   20 
(P)  R  (4) = P
Ans: (16000)  
 100 
24. Cost of the car = `525000
Cash payment = `125000 (P)  R  (5) = 12500
 
 100 
Principal of loan to be discharged in instalments
= `400000
P = 12500 = 10000
Pr 5
Each instalment X = 100
  100  n
1001     Required interest = P  R  (3) = `7500 Choice (B)
  100  r    
 100 
 
400000  12 6. Let the present value be `x
  100  3  17280
1001     x=  10800 Ans: (10800)
  112    20 
1  3 
  
 100 

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Choice (C)
Solutions for questions 7 and 8:
14. Let the rate of interest be r%
Let the sum that Rohan lent to P be `x then, r% of interest of nth year
Sum he lent to Q = `(100000 – x). = Difference of interest for nth and (n + 1)th year.
 r% of 1256 = (1413  1256)
2  10 x  20 (100000  x ) = 32000
 100 100  r
  1256 = 157  r = 12.5% Choice (D)
x = 40000 100
Let the effective rate at which Rohan lent the entire sum be R% p.a.
15. Let the present value be `x.
(100000)  R  (2) = 32000
 
 100  87880
x= = 40000 Ans: (40000)
R = 16 30 3
(1  )
7. `40000 Ans 40000
8. 16% Choice (C)  8 
16. Let the time period be n years 1875 1    2187
Solutions for questions 9 to 40:  100 
n n 2
9. Let us say he lends `P  108  2187  27  729  27 
Let us say the least number of years it takes the sum to  100   1875  25   625   25   n = 2
fetch an interest at least equal to itself be N. The rate of      
interest for the ith year = 2i % p.a. Choice (B)
 2   4   6   2N 
P          ....   P 17. Interest for the third year
 100   100   100   100  2 2
 r   r   21   5 
N(N + 1)  100 = P1      12000    = `661.5
If N = 9, N (N + 1) < 100  100   100   20   100 
If N = 10, N (N + 1) > 100
N = 10 Choice (B) Alternate method:

10. Let P1 = `x Interest for the first year = 5/100 x 12000 = `600
P2 = `4x. Interest for the second year = 600 + 5/100 x 600= 630
P3 = `5x Interest for the third year = 630 + 5/100 x 630
P4 = `2x = `661.5 Choice (B)

Simple interests on P1, P2, P3 and P4 are (x)  10  (1) 18. Let the sum be `P and the total interest for the second and
 
 100  third years be `X.
(4x)  20 (5),(5 x )( 2 )(4) and (2x) ( )(10)i.e Interest for the first year = P  20  = 0.2 P
  100  
 100  100
 100 
`01x, `4x, `0.4x and `1.2x respectively Interest for the second year = (Amount at the end of two
4x – 0.1x = 7800 x = 2000 years) - (Amount at the end of one year)
The total simple interest = 5.7x = `11400 Ans: (11400) = P [(1.2)2 – 1.2] = 1.2 P (0.2)
Interest for the third year = P[(1.2)3 – (1.2)2] = 1.2 P (0.24)
11. Let the sum that Ajay borrowed from Balu be `X. The sum 0.2 P = 4000  P = 20000
he borrowed from Chetan = `2x X = 0.528 P  `10560 Ans: (10560)
Let the sum he added b `y
He earned (3x + y) 18  x 10   2x 20  19. Let the sum be P and the rate be r%
 100   100 
100    
0.04x + 0.18y = 4400  r 
3x = 60000  x = 20000  y = 20000 Choice (D) P1    1200 –––––– (1)
 100 
12. Let the sum be `P.  2r  2
P1    1323 –––––– (2)
100 
Let the rate of interest be R% p.a.

R 3
P (1 + ) = 266200  (1) 2
100  2r 
1  
P (1 +
R 4
) = 292820  (2)  100  1323
Dividing (2) by (1), 
100 2 1200
 r 
R 1  
Dividing (2) by (1), (1 + ) = 1.1  100 
 R = 10 Choice (B) 2
 100  2r  441 5
   r=5 % Choice (C)
13. Let the sum be ` P.  100  r  400 19
Let the rate of interest be R% p.a.
R 2 R
P [(1+ ) – (1 + )] = 14400  (1) 20. Sum = P; C.I = r%; In 3 years, amount = 27P
100 100 3 3
 r   r 
R 3
) – (1+
R 2
) ] = 17280  (2) P1    27P  1    27
100 100  100   100 
R 2 R   1  3 r = 200.
P(1  ) 100
100  100 
Dividing (2) by (1),  1.2  R = 20 Compounding half yearly, the amount will be
R  R 
P(1  )
100  100 

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6 2
 100  28. PR2/10000 = 112.5; P x 15  112.5
P1   = P x 26 = 64P 10000
 100  P = `5000 Choice (B)
Additional Amount received = 64P – 27P = 37P
Choice (B) 29. Difference between the simple interest and the compound
interest, interest being compounded annually, on a sum of
21. Excess interest = 10000 `P at R% p.a for 2 years
 20 
3   10   20   30    R 
1    1  1   1   1    1 = P   . As P = 8000,
 100   
  100   100   100    100 
 
= `120. Ans: (120) 2
 R 
and P   = 320, it follows that R = 20 Ans: (20)
22. Let the sum be `P  100 
20 20
P(1 + )2 – P (1 + ) = 400
2(100) 100 30. Let the sum be `P.
P = 40000 Choice (B) Let the rate of interest be R% p.a

0.4P = (P)  R  (2)

23. As the rate of interest is increasing by 20 percentage points  
 100 
annually, the rate of interest per half year increases by
20 = R
10 percentage points.
x 20 2
Interest of (1 + )P  P(1  )  x = 44 Choice (D)
Half Interest for the 100 100
Principal the end of Amount
year half year
half year
31. In case of simple interest SI, P = I, given data.
1 40000 2000 2000 42000
5 Pr
2 42000 6300 8300 48300 P= or r = 20%
3 48300 12075 20375 60375
Now, if the sum is lent at CI at 20% p.a, let it double in n years

 The required interest will be `20375. Choice (C)  20 

2P = P 1  2 =  
24. Value of `72000 at the end of the first year = `86400. Since  100  5
`x was repaid at the end of the first year, in order to clear n lies between 3 and 4. After four complete years, the sum
the loan at the end of the second year, the amount to be becomes for the first time, more than twice itself.
repaid must be  n = 4; Ans: (4)
(86400 – x) + (86400 – x) 32. Let the sum be `100.
1.2 (86400 – x) = 57600 Hence the interest is `100
100  25  R
x = 38400 Ans: (38400)  100 =
25. Let the values of each instalment that he should have paid 3 100
and that he actually paid be `x and `y respectively.  R = 12% p.a
 New rate of interest is 24% p.a.
 20 
320320  Let after n years, the sum becomes twice of itself.
 100  n
x= = 209664  24 
 100 
 200 = 100 1    2 = (1.24)n
1     100 
 120 
Instead of 1.24, if 1.25 is taken up for n = 2,
R.H.S = 1.5625
 20 
320320  For n = 3, R.H.S = (1.5625) (1.25) i.e., 1.95
 100  Even for 1.25, it doubles in fourth year, hence for 1.24 also,
y= = 152064
 100 
3 it doubles in fourth year.
1     In 4th year, it doubles. Choice (A)
 120 
x – y = 57600 Choice (D) 33. Let the value of the machine two years ago `x
26. Let the sum Ashok borrowed from the bank lending at  90 
then, x    24300
10% p.a. be `x  100 
Sum he borrowed from the other bank = `(84000 – x)
 x = `30,000 Ans: (30000)
10 20
x (84000 –x) = 13200
100 100 34. Let the sum be `P.
x = 36000
Pe(5)  20  = 60000
difference = 84000 – 2x = 12000 Ans: (12000)  
 100 

27. Let the sum that Anil gave Bala be P. P = 22075  22000 (to the nearest thousand) Ans: (22000)
75 3
Bala ℓent P i.e. P at 10% p.a CI for 3 years n
100 4 (nr / 100 )  r 
35. Given P e  P1   = 952000
3  100 
3  10 
P 1   = 3993  P = 4000 Ans: (4000)
4  100  Given r = 100 e = 2.71 n = 3

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P= 952000 = 80,000 Choice (C) 43. Statement  is not sufficient
2.713  23 From statement ,
Let the sums be a, b and c, then
36. `20000 deposited at the beginning of the first year a100  2  5 b100  3  5 c 100  4  5
= = =k
becomes, in 2 years, an amount equal to 100 100 100
20000 x (1.05)2 = `22050 11a 23b 6c
(i.e., at the beginning of the third year)   k
10 20 5
`20000 deposited at the beginning of the second year a : b : c = 276 : 264 : 253 Choice (A)
becomes in 1 year (20000)  (1.05) = `21000
Amount at the beginning of the third year
= 22050 + 21000 = `43050 44. From statement ,
Now `10000 is withdrawn 3
There is `33050 in the account on which 5% interest for  R 
125 = 100 1   so we can find the rate of interest (R).
one more year is earned.  100 
Final amount = 33050 x 1.05 = `34702.5 Choice (D)
From statement ,
37. If a sum is doubled in the same time at simple interest as
well as compound interest, the rate of interest under simple 3 3
 R   R 
interest is more than rate under compound interest. 1.5x = x 1    1.5 = 1  100 
Choice (A)  100   

38. Let the sum be `2P. So we can find the rate of interest.
`P lent at simple interest fetches `0.2 P as interest each So each statement alone is sufficient. Choice (B)
year. `P lent at compound interest fetches `0.24 P as
interest in the second year and `0.3456 P as interest in the
45. Either of the statements alone is not sufficient as the rate of
fourth year
interest and the simple interest earned in 5 years is given in
0.24 P - 0.2P = 400
different statements.
P = 10000
Combining statements  and ,
Required difference = 0.3456P – 0.2P = `1456
Choice (C) p(5)(6)
= 600 so we can get the value of p.
39. The smaller and the larger parts are Ra.1000 and `3000 Compound Interest = {p [1 + 6 /100]5 – p} Choice (C)
`1000, in 2 years, under simple interest amounts to
10 (2) Chapter – 5
(1000) 1 +  = `1200
100 (Time and Distance)
`3000 in 2 years, under simple interest amounts to Concept Review Questions
30 (2)
(3000) 1 +  = `4800
100 Solutions for questions 1 to 50:
`4000, in 2 years under simple interest amounts to
20 1. (a) 36 km/hr  5/18 = 10 m/s Choice (A)
(4000) (1 + (2) = `5600
100 (b) 12.6  5/18 = 3.5 m/s Choice (A)
The interest realized is `400 less. Choice (C) (c) 216/35  5/18 = 2 m/s Choice (C)
40. The amount that `1000 becomes under compound interest 2. s = 2.5 m/s  18/5 = 9 km/hr
2 t = 4 hours
 10  d = 9  4 = 36 km.
= (1000) 1   = `1210 Ans: (36)
 100 
The amount that `3000 becomes under compound interest 3. 6 m/s  18/5 = 108/5 km/hr
2 d = s  t  108/ 5  15/4 = 81 km Choice (A)
 30 
= (3000) (1 + 1   = `5070
 100  4. Time 
The amount that `4000 becomes under compound interest speed
2 1 1 1
 20   Ratio of the times = : : =4:3:2
= (4000) (1 + 1   = `5760 3 4 6
 100  Choice (A)
The interest realized is `520 less Choice (D)
5. Total distance = (Average speed) x (time)
Solutions for questions 41 to 45: 2  35  45
=  16 = 630 km. Ans: (630)
41. Statements  and , give the same information.
 The question cannot be answered as the principal is not 6. As speed and time are inversely proportional, if speed
given. Choice (D) decreases to 5/6th, time taken will be increasing to 6/5th of
original time.
42. From statement , = 36,000 
– t = 10  t = 50 minutes. Choice (A)
100 5
So, statement  alone is not sufficient.
p(8)R 7. As the speed is increased to 1.25 times the original, time
From statement , = p.
100 taken will be decreased by 4/5 times of actual.
 R = 12.5%. 4t
t– = 6  t = 30 minutes. Ans: (30)
Statement  alone is sufficient. Choice (A) 5

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002261/32
8. Time taken by them to meet = 19. Let the speeds of Ram and Shyam be 5x kmph and 4x kmph
Re lative speed
respectively. Suppose Ram overtakes Shyam after t hours.
= = 3 hours 12 12
50  40 t= 
5x  4x x
 The meeting time is 12 : 00 p.m Choice (B)
 Ram will overtake Shyam after traveling 5x t = 60 km.
Ans: (60)
9. Distance that X would have traveled by 10 : 00 a.m.= 30 k.m.
Distance between the cars at 10 : 00 a.m. = 150 k.m.
20. Let PQ = d km.
 150 
Meeting time =   hours after 10:00 a.m. i.e. 1:00 d
 Speed of A = km/min
 30  20  20
p.m. d
Speed of B = km/min
Choice (C) 30
Time they would take to meet each other = d
10. Let the speeds of P and Q is 3x kmph and 4x kmph
d d
respectively. Distance that P would have traveled by 
20 30
10 : 00 a.m. = 9x km. They would meet after another
= 12min Ans: (12)
= 9 hours i.e. at 7 : 00 p.m. Choice (A)
4x  3x
21. The train has to travel a distance of 800 m to cross the
electric pole. Hence, the time it takes to cross the pole
Total dis tan ce 800
11. Average speed =
Total time = 5 = 72 seconds. Choice (D)
XY = (4) (90) or 360 km. Ans: (360) 40 ×

(2.5) ( 40)  (2.5)(60) 40  60

12. Average speed =  22. Speed of the train =
length of the train

5 2 time taken to cross the pole 25
= 50 kmph. Choice (B)
= 20 m/sec = 72 kmph Choice (B)
Note: Whenever a person covers a journey in 2 parts such
that he covers each part for the same time, his average 23. The distance to be travelled by the train to cross a platform
speed for the journey will be the average of the speeds at of length 750 m is 750  650 i.e., 1400 m. At 72 km/hr. or
which he travelled each part. 1400
20 m/s. the train takes i.e. 70 seconds to cross the
(3) ( 40)  (5) (60) platform. Choice (C)
13. Average speed = = 52.5 kmph.
Choice (A) 400  300
24. Time taken = = 70 seconds Ans: (70)
14. Let x km be the distance between Hyderabad and Tirupathi. (36)  
xx 8
Average speed =
x x
 25. Lt = 300 m; Lb = 120 m
60 90
2 (60) (90) t = 3m = 180 seconds.
= = 72 kmph Ans: (72) s = 1500/180 = 25/3 m–1
60  90
s = 25/3  18/5 m–1 = 30 km/hr Ans: (30)
4 26. Given speed of the train is 72 kmph
15. His average speed = th of the usual average speed.
5 5
F = 72  = 20 m/s.
Choice (A) 18
The time taken to cross the person is 12 sec.
16. Average speed of Alok =
(usual average speed of Alok)  The length of train = speed time
4 L = (12) (20) = 240 m. Choice (B)
 His time taken  27. l1 = 250m
Average speed
s1 = 90km/hr = 25ms–1
 His time taken would be
th of the usual time. l2 = 200m, S2 = 36km/hr = 10ms–1
5 But Sp = 25 – 10 = 15 ms–1
Choice (B) D = l1 + l2 = 450m
T = 450/15 = 30 seconds Choice (C)
17. d1 = x km.
28. Relative to the boy the speed of the train is 99  9 i.e., 108 km/hr.
S1 = 60km/hr
T1= d/s = x/60 Hence, the time it takes to cross him = = 25.
D2 = 3x, S2 = 90km/hr 108 
T2 = x/30 = x/60 8
Total time = x/30 + x/60 = x/20 Ans: (25)
Total distance = 3 x + 1x = 4x
 Average speed = 4x/ x/20 = 80 km/hr Choice (D) 29. Required distance = Sum of the lengths of the trains
= 1000 m. Choice (B)
18. Let the time for which the car has to travel to reach Y at the
1000 4
scheduled time be t hours. 30. Ratio of the speeds of A and B = 
XY = 60 (t + 2) = 80 (t – 2)  t = 14 1000  250 3
60 (14  2) 480 Choice (B)
Required average speed =  kmph.
14 7 31. When Eswar finishes the race, Girish would have run
Choice (D) 200 – (10 + 10) = 180 m.
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200 10 600 600
 Ratio of Eswar‟s and Girish‟s speeds =  42. Time = LCM ( , ) = LCM (40, 60) = 120 seconds.
180 9 15 10
Choice (C) Ans: (120)

1000 5 43. Number of rounds completed by Ram in one hour

32. Ratio of the speeds of X and Y =
1000  200

4 =
2 (3600) = 120
 Y‟s speed = (10) = 8 m/sec. Choice (D) Number of rounds completed by Shyam in one hour
4 (3600) = 240
33. Ganesh beats Harish by 10m or 2 seconds. 60
 Harish must have taken 2 seconds to run the final 10 m.  Shyam would have completed 120 more rounds than
10 Ram. Choice
 Harish‟s speed = = 5 m/sec Choice (A) (C)
44. The relative speed does not change when the two
Ganesh ' s speed 100
34.  exchange their speeds.  Both will reach the starting point
Harish ' s speed 90 simultaneously. Choice (C)
10 5
Ganesh‟s speed = (5) = 5 m / s Choice (C) 45. Angle covered by the hour hand from 12 : 00 p.m. to 2 : 30 p.m.
9 9
= (Angle covered by from 12 : 00 p.m. to 2 : 00 pm) +
35. Akbar gives Birbal a start of 2 s and Birbal covers 10 m in (Angle covered by it from 2 : 00 p.m. to 2 : 30 p.m.)
these 2 s. = 2 (30°) + 30 (1/2) = 75.
 Birbal‟s speed is5 m/sec. Angle covered by the minute hand from 12 : 00 p.m. to 2 : 30 p.m.
= (Angle covered by it from 12 : 00 p.m. to 2 : 00 p.m.) +
 He takes 18 seconds, more to cover the 90 m.
(Angle covered by it from 2 : 00 p.m. to 2 : 30 p.m.)
 Akbar covered 100 m in 18 seconds.
= 2 (0°) + 30 (6°) = 180°
100 5  The angle between the hands would be 105° at 2 : 30 p.m.
His speed = m/sec= 5 m/sec Choice (B)
18 9 Ans: (105°)

36. Let the time taken by R to run the race is t seconds. 46. The hands of a clock will be at an angle of  where  is any
Time taken by Q to run the race = (t + 30) seconds. angle satisfying 0° < ° < 180° for a total of 44 times in a
Time taken by P to run the race = (t + 50) seconds. day. Ans: (44)
 P beats R by 50 seconds. Ans: (50)
47. The hands of a clock will be at an angle of 0° for 22 times in
37. Let the speeds of A, B and C be a m/sec, b m/sec and a day and at an angle of 180° for 22 times in a day.
c m/sec respectively. Choice (C)
a 100 10
  48. Every 12 hours the hands of a clock coincide 11 times.
b 100  10 9
b 100 5  The hands of a clock coincide once every hours or
  11
c 100  20 4
a  a   b  25 65 minutes. Choice (C)
   11
c  b   c  18
25  18 12 5
 A beats C by (100) = 28 m. Choice (B) 49. The hands of a clock coincide every hours i.e. 65
25 11 11
38. Speed of Anand‟s boat downstream = 8 kmph. min. We know that hands of a clock coincide at
40 5
Time taken = = 5 hours Ans: (5) 12 : 00. So, they also coincide at 12 : 00  1 : 05
8 11
39. Let AB = d km. = 1 : 05 . Choice (A)
Let the speed of his boat in still water be x kmph. Let the
speed of the river be y kmph. 50. Since the hands of a clock take more time to coincide than
d 5
x+y= --(1) the normal 65 minutes the clock is losing time.
6 11
d Choice (A)
x – y = --(2)
Exercise – 5(a)
7d d
Solving (1) and (2), x = and y =
24 24 Solutions for questions 1 to 15:
x:y=7:1 Choice (A)
1. Let the usual time taken by the man to reach his office be t.
600 600 600 The speed is 3/4ths the normal speed.
40. Time = LCM ( , , ) = LCM (60, 40, 30)
10 15 20 Hence, time is 4/3rd. (4/3t) – t = 1/3 t = 20
= 120 seconds Choice (A) t = 60 minutes
Had the person walked at 4/3 of his usual speed, time taken
600 600 by him = 3t/4 = 3/4 (60) = 45 minutes Ans: (45)
41. (i) Time = = = 60 seconds.
Re lative speed 10 2. Let the usual time taken by the boy be t.
Choice (A) Distance between his home and school
600 600 = 5(t – 4/60)
(ii) Time = = = 30 seconds
Re lative speed 20 = 4(t + 2/60)  (1)
Solving (1) we have t = 28/60 hr.
Choice (B)
Time taken by the boy to go to school if he walks at

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6 km/hr = 5(28/60 – 4/60)/6 = 1/3 hr = 20 min.  (60 + 12) /(60 – 20) = (x)/12, where x is the required
Choice (B) time.
From the above, x = 36 sec. Ans: (36)
S T 8. Time taken by Train U to exit the tunnel
= Length of the tunnel  length of the train U
Speed of B
200  150

When M meets „N‟ for the 2nd time, sum of the total 25
distances travelled by M and N = 7 + (7 + 7) = 21 m. Train U exits the tunnel after 350/25 = 14 sec.
(M covered from S to T, 7 m; In 14 sec, front end of train T‟s engine travels
N covered from T to S, 7 m; = 14 x 15 = 210 mts
and they together covered ST 7 m.) That means the front end of engine is 10 mts out of the
The time of travel from the start to the time of second tunnel.
meeting is the same for both. Hence, distance = time x  The length of the train T still in the tunnel
(sum of the speeds). = 100 – 10 = 90 m Choice (C)

Time taken = 21 = 3 sec.

9. Let the point at which the ends cross each other be x mts
(3  4 ) from the point of entry of the slower train.
Total distance travelled by „M‟ alone = 3  3 = 9 m.  The time elapsed before the ends meet for the two trains
Choice (C)
will be equal to 100  x  200  x  150
4. Let the person cover x m in the 1st second. In the 15 25
2nd second, he covers x/4 m. Hence in 2 seconds, he  500 + 5x = 1050 – 3x
covers x + x/4 = 5x/4 m 8x = 550
In the 3rd second, he covers 1/4(5x/4) m x = 68.75 mts
Hence in 3 seconds, he covers 5x/4 + 5x/16
= 25x/16 = (5/4)2x m Alternate method:
Thus after 5 seconds, the person would have covered Distance between the rear ends of the two trains, at the
(5/4)5 – 1x = 625x/256 m instant of entry = 100 + 200 + 250 = 450 metres.
625x/256 = 15.625 Time taken for the two ends to meet
x = 15.625/625 x 256 = 6.4 m Ans: (6.4) = (distance)/(relative speed)
= 450/(15 + 25) = 11.25 seconds.
5. Distance travelled by the stone in the last two seconds Distance covered by the slower train
before it reaches the ground be x. = 11.25 x 15 = 168.75 metres.
5t2 = 180 The required distance = 168.75 – (length of slower train)
t2 = 36  t = +6 = 168.75 – 100 = 68.75 metres. Choice (D)
x = 5(6)2 – 5(6 – 2)2 = 5(6)2 – 5(4)2
= 5(62 – 42) = 5(20) = 100 m Choice (C) 10. Distance covered by P, t hours after starting from X = at.
When Q overtakes P, he would have covered
6. Let the length of the train be „l‟ m, and the speed of the train (a + b) (t – p) = at – ap + bt – bp; and this equals at
 t = pa  b ------- (1)
be „v‟ m/sec
 430    550    v  ℓ= 170 b
30 36 Let R start q hours after Q started.
and v = 430  170  20 mps
Distance covered by R when he overtakes P would be
30 (a + 2b) (t – p – q) = at  (2)
Substituting the values of t from (1) and simplifying we get
v = 20  18
 72 kmph
5 q = pa Choice (D)
Alternate method: a  2b

Difference of the lengths of bridges = 550  430 11.

= 120 m SM SN
Difference of the time taken to cross the bridge K
= 36  30 = 6 seconds 50 km
Speed of the train = 120/6 = 20 mps
= (20 x 18)/5 = 72 kmph Choice (B) In the above diagram, we have SM and SN as the speed of
M and N and K is the meeting pointing of M and N.
7. Let the length of the train travelling at 60 kmph be L. As distance = (Relative speed) (time),
(SM + SN)5 = 50.
L SP + SQ = 10 -------- (1)
  20  L = 400 m After M and N meet, they move towards their destinations
60  12   5  which they reach at the same time; i.e., the times of travel
 18  are equal.
Time taken by the train to cross another cyclist travelling in 5SM 5SN
the same direction as the train, at 20 kmph Hence 
SN  1 SM  1
= = 36 sec
SM2 – SM = SN2 + SN --------- (2)
60  20   5 
 Substituting (1) in (2) and solving we have
 18  SM = 5.5 kmph
Alternate method:
Alternate method:
The distance covered in both the cases is equal to the
length of the train. If 't' is the time taken to meet, and t1, t2 are the durations
Hence, ratio of relative speeds = inverse ratio of the times taken after the meeting to reach the respective destinations

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then, t = t1 t 2 . But it is given t1 = t2. 1
4 3
Hence t = or t = t1 = t2 -------- (1) We have 
t 12 t 2
But it is given t = 5
 8 = t  t  1   (3t - 8) (t + 3) = 0
 t = t1 = t2 = 5 hours.  3
M travelled for 5 hours at x kmph and for another 5 hours at
(x  1) kmph. t=
 t  0. Q reached his destination
 5x + 5(x  1) = 50  x = 5.5 kmph Ans: (5.5) 3
at  2p.m  8 hours i.e. at  4 : 40 p.m Choice (B)
12. Distance ran by the thief in 10 minutes = 1km  3 
Distance moved by the jeep in 10 minutes = 15km
Distance between the jeep and the thief when the jeep Solutions for question 16:
found a gap in the median = 2.5 km
Additional time in which the jeep would overtake the thief Let us say Anil turned back after t hr. He would have covered 50t
= 2  5  5 hours = 50 minutes km then. Chetan would have covered 10t km.  The two would
96 6 40t 2t
be 40t km apart. They would meet in more hr .i.e., hr.
 Total time = 60 minutes. Choice (D) 10  50 3
13. Let the speeds of Anand and Bala be x kmph and y kmph In this time, Chetan would have covered km while Anil would
respectively 3
Distance traveled by them when they met are 6x km and 100t 2t
have covered km. Also Bala would have covered km.
6y km respectively. 3 3
When Anil picks up Chetan he would be 40t km behind Bala.
6y 6y Also the ratio of the speeds of Anil and Bala is 5 : 1. Anil
 5
x y (with Chetan) would catch up with Bala, when he covers 5x and
Bala covers x
y x 5 3 2  5x – x = 40t.
    The bike and Bala would have covered distances of 50t km and
x y 6 2 3
10t km respectively
y 3 20 200t
Comparing both sides,  XY = 10t + t  50t  km  40km
x 2 3 3
Total time = 6 y  6 x  6  3  2   13 hours . 5
 
x y 2 3
Choice (C) 16. (i) Time after which Anil turned back = hours = 36
14. Let XY be d km minutes Choice (C)
Let the points of their first and second meetings be denoted
by A and B respectively. 40
(ii) Bala‟s average speed =  25km / hr
XA : AY = 30 : d  30 2
t tt
Ratio of the distances covered by man starting from X and
Choice (D)
man starting from X when they meet for the second time
= XY + YB : YX + XB
Note: The distance covered by Chetan until he was picked
= d + 20 : d + d  20 up by Anil is the same as that covered by Bala from the
point he was dropped.
d  20 30
 Solutions for questions 17 to 35:
2d  20 d  30
d = 70. Ans: (70) 17. Since Peter and Paul start at A and have the ratio of their
15. speeds as 1 : 2, first time when they meet say at S, the
X Y distances covered by them respectively were in the ratio
P 1 : 2 i.e., Peter would have covered 200 m and Paul would
10  have covered 400 m
12   Peter
14  
14+t 
14+t+ P S

At the point S, the ratio of speeds will now become 2 : 1

Let the speeds of P and Q be p kmph and q knph So, Peter will cover 400 m and reach A and Paul will cover
respectively. 200 m and reach A. So, the 2nd meeting point will be at A,
Time taken by P and Q to reach their meeting point are the 3rd meeting point will be at S and the 4th meeting point
4 hours and 2 hours respectively. Let M be the meeting will be at A and so on.
point. So, by the time they meet for the 8th time i.e., at A, Peter
XM = 4P and YM = 2q would have covered 4 rounds.
Let the time taken by Q to cover MX be t hours Now, both are at A.
1 When Peter covers 1/4th round, (i.e., 150 m),
P takes t + hours to cover MY. Paul will cover 1/2 round, (i.e., 300 m)
Distance between them is either 450 m or 150 m.
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 The shortest distance between them = 150 m
Ans: (150)

18. Let the speeds of the faster and the slower runners be The angle of rotation of minute hand
x kmph and y kmph respectively. Time to meet for the first = 6 degrees/minute.
time is: The angle of rotation of hour hand
3 hrs, and this is given as 1 hour. = (1/2) degree/minute.
If the duration of the test is 't' minutes, then the sum of the
angles of rotation of the two hands is 6t + t/2 = 13t/2
degrees ----------- (1)
Hence [3/(x – y)] = 1 ----------- (1) The test started between 2 and 3 o‟ clock, when the hour
Time taken, by the faster and the slower runners hand was pointing at S (in the diagram) and the minute
respectively, for one lap are 3 and 3 hrs. As the difference hand was pointing at E (in the diagram).
x y The test ended between 5 and 6 o‟ clock, and the position
of the above times is given as 2 minutes, of the two hands got interchanged.
This implies that the duration of the test is less than
3 3 1 ---------- (2) 3 hours; (because 3 hours would have been completed if
  the minute hand came to the point E.)
x y 30
During the test period, the minute hand completes
From (1), we get y = x – 3 which, when substituted in (2) 2 rounds of the dial, and falls short of the angle SCE for the
and solved for y, we get y = 15 kmph. 3rd round; but the hour hand rotates through the angle SCE.
Hence, sum of the angles of rotation of both the hands
Alternate method: = angle of rotation for 3 rounds of the dial
= 360 x 3 = 1080 degrees. ---------- (2)
The faster runner overtakes the slower runner once in From (1) and (2),
every hour. This implies that the number of rounds (or laps) 13t 2 x 1080
of the track made by the faster in 1 hour is more than the  1080; t  min utes
2 13
rounds made by of the slower by 1. Let the slower
complete n rounds in 1 how; then the faster completes (n + = 2 x 1080 hours  2 10 hours.
1) rounds in 1 hour. 13 x 60 13
Time taken by the faster to complete 1 round is less than
that of the slower by 2 minutes, i.e., (1/30)th hour. Alternate method:
Let the time at start be p minutes past 2 and the time at the
 1 1  1 ; end be q minutes past 5.
n n  1 30  At the start, angle made by minutes hand = 6p;
hours hand = 60 + p/2.
 1 1 At the end of the test, the angles are:

n(n  1) 30; minute hand = 6q
hour hand = 150 + q/2
 n2 + n – 30 = 0; (n + 6) (n – 5) = 0
Since the positions interchange
Ignoring the negative value, n = 5.
6p = 150 + q/2  (1)
Track length is 3 km; hence for 5 rounds, the distance
covered is 15 km; and the speed is 15 kmph. 60 + p/2 = 6q  (2)
Choice (C) 6p  q  90   
 2 
19. Since Pramod runs at half the speed of Prakash, they meet
once for every round Pramod makes or for every 2 round
p  q  90
Prakash makes. 2

p  q  180  1
 If they meet 11 times, Pramod makes 11 round and 13
Prakash makes 22 round i.e., Prakash covers 11 times the We know that the duration from 2 : p to 5 : q is
circumference more than Pramod, i.e., 11(22/7) (7) (2)m 3 hours + (q  p) minutes = 180 + (q – p) minutes
= 484 m Ans: (484) Substituting from (1)
20. Let the speeds of P and Q be p km/hr and q km/hr = 180 – 180/13 = 180 x 12/13 minutes
respectively. = (180 x 12)/(13 x 60) hours
Same direction: Initial position of P was behind that of Q.
When P catches up with Q for the second time, the = 36/13 hours = 2 10 hours Choice (B)
difference of the distance covered by them would be (XY + 13
track length) i.e. 8 km.
22. Starting from 12 noon, angle moved by the hour hand
8 40 = (4 x 30) + (30 x ½) = 135
 . . . . . (1) (when the two meet, p would have
pq 60 Angle covered by minute hand
= (4 x 360) + (30 x 6)
covered a greater distance  p > q)
= [(4 x 0) + 180] = effectively 180.
6  2 12 Angle between the hands of the clock at 4:30 p.m.
Opposite direction  . . . . . (2)
pq 60 = 180 – 135 = 45° Choice (D)

Solving (1) and (2) p = 16 and q = 4 Choice (A) 23. The first clock will show the correct time when it gains
24 hours. It gains 4 minutes every hour.
21. 1
12 To gain 24 hours, 24 x = 360 hours, are required.
1 4 / 60 
The second clock will show the correct time when it loses
10 2 24 hours. It loses 6 minutes per 1 hour
S To lose 24 hours, it requires,
9 C 3 1
24 x = 240 hours.
6 / 60 
8 4
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7 5
6 E
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If both of them have to be correct, then LCM of (360 and From (1) and (2)
240 i.e. 720) hours or 30 days exactly are required.
So, at 8:00 a.m. on 31st January both the clocks will show t L  80 = 500
the correct time. Choice tL 375
(D) Solving, we have tL = 240 sec.
Time taken by M to run the race = 240 + 40
= 280 sec Choice (C)
24. The hands of the correct clock coincide every 65 5 minutes.
The first clock loses 80 – (655/11) 28. During the time Rahim covers 600 metres, Saleem covers
= 160/11 min per 80 min 300 m, as Rahim‟s speed is double that of Saleem. During
the time Rahim covers the balance 400 metres, Saleem
The second clock gains 65 5 – 65 covers 400 m, as their speeds are equal. Saleem had a
11 head start of 200 m and he covers (300 + 400) = 700 m.
= (5/11) min per 65 min Hence, when Rahim is at finishing point, Saleem is at 200 + 700
In 24hours, the first clock loses = 900 m metres. Saleem takes 20 seconds to cover the
[24 x 60 x 160/11] x 1/80 balance
The second clock gains in 24 hours 100 m. Saleem‟s speed = 5 m/s. Choice (B)
[24 x 60 x 5/11] x 1/65
Time difference = 24 x 60 x 2  24 x 60 29. First condition gives 4(b – s) = b + s  ()
11 11x 13 where, b = speed of the boat in still water (kmph) and s
24 x 60  1  24 x 60 x 27 = 271.89 minutes
= speed of stream (in kmph)
 2    Second condition gives 10/b = 2  b = 5  ()
11  13  11 x 13
From (), ()
 272 minutes Choice (A)
4(5 – s) = 5 + s  s = 3
 Speed of the stream = 3 kmph Ans: (3)
25. City P must be to the west of city Q. Let the local time
difference between the cities be t hrs.
30. Let the speed of the stream be y, then the speed of the boat
in still water will be y + 8
Method 1
The speed of A each way is the same Upstream speed = y + 8  y = 8 kmph.
Hence, upstream time = (96/2)/8 = 6 hours
∴ The travel time each way must be same Time for downstream = 9  6 = 3 hours. Choice (A)
Travel time from P to Q = (4 – t) hrs
Travel time from Q to P = (2 + t) hrs 31. Let the number of steps on either escalator be S
4–t=2+t Let the speed of the person be x steps / sec and that of
t = 1 and 4 – t = 2 + t = 3 either escalator be y steps / sec
PQ = 800(3) = 2400 3
S = 90 (x – y) = 18 (x + y) x= y
Method 2 2
Total distance traveled=2PQ = 800(4 – t) +800 (2 + t) S = 45y
= 800(6) PQ = 2400 Ans: (2400) Time taken to go up / down (in seconds) using either
S 45y( 2)
26. escalator, if it is switched off =  = 30
 x 3y
H S
M Ans: (30)

Let H be the home, S be the school and M be the point 32. In 11 minutes, 4½ tonnes of water is admitted by the leak.
where Anwar and his wife meet. In 1 minute, the leak admits = 9/2 x 1/11
As Anwar travels always at the same speed of 30 kmph, = 9/22 tonnes of water.
ratio of HS to HM shall be same as the ratio of times of In 1 minute, the pumps can throw out 1/5 tonnes
travel. The net inflow of water per minute = (9/22) – (1/5)
 (HS/HM) = [(6PM – 4PM)/2]/[(5.45 PM – 4.0 PM)/2] = 23/110 tonnes
 (HS/HM) = (2 hrs/2)/(1 hr 45 min/2) = 1/(7/8) = 8/7 Time taken to accumulate 184 tonnes of water
 (HM + MS)/HM = [1 + MS/HM] = 1 + (1/7) 184/(23/110) = 880 minutes
 (MS/HM) = 1/7 Average rate of sailing so that the boat may just reach the
As HM and MS are covered by Anwar and the wife during shore as she begins to sink = 154/880
the same time interval, (MS/HM) shall be equal to the ratio = 10.5 kmph Choice (A)
of their speeds. 33. If the car was stationary, the gunfire would have been heard
 (1/7) = (speed of the wife)/speed of Anwar at an interval of 24 seconds. But because it is moving
= (speed of wife)/30 towards the source of the sound, sound of the second
 speed of the wife = (30/7) kmph. Choice (A) gunfire was heard after an interval of 22 seconds only. The
distance sound would have travelled in 2 seconds is the
27. Let the time taken by L to run 500 m be tL. distance travelled by the car in 22 seconds.
Time taken by M to run 500 m = tL + 40  330 x 2 = V x 22 where V is the speed of the car
If M and N run a 500 m race, time taken by N = tL + 40 + 40  V = 30 m/sec Ans: (30)
= tL + 80
Since L beats N by 125 m, and as they run for the same 34.
time; ratio of speeds of L and N will be 300 km

= 500 -------- (1)

500  125 A C B

L and N, individually cover the distances of 500 m in Let the car develop an engine problem at point C. So, it
tL seconds and (tL + 80) seconds respectively. covers CB at 3/4th of its original speed. New time taken
= 4/3rd of the original time taken to cover CB.
Hence, ratio of their speeds = tL  80 ---------- (2)

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100 + 400 (DA + AC) = 500 m and this lead has to be
4  1
Given  1 t  ( t )  80, covered at a speed of (33 – 24)
3  3 = 9 kmph i.e., relative speed.
where, t is the original time taken to cover CB.
t = 240 minutes.----------- (1)  Time = 500 = 200 sec
When the problem develops 50 km further on, (i.e., at point D) 9x

50 km But, if the time is required from the start of the cat‟s run,
1 minute has to be added. i.e. 200 + 60 = 260 seconds.
Choice (C)
5. When Raja finishes the race, Rakesh would have run
Let t, be the time taken to travel the distance DB, if the car 200  (20 + 20) = 160m
had moved with normal speed. 200 5
 Ratio of the speeds of Raja and Rakesh = 
1 160 4
t1  (80  20)  60
As Raja beats Rakesh by 20m and also beats him by
 t1 = 180 minutes. (As the car reached 20 minutes 4 seconds, Rakesh must have taken 4 seconds to run the
sooner) --------- (2) last 20 m.
From (1) and (2)
Time taken to cover 50 km = (240 180)  speed of Rakesh =  5m / sec
= 60 min = 1 hr 4
Speed of the train = 50 kmph. 5
 speed of Raja = (5)  6  25m / sec . Ans 6.25
 240 
AC = 300    50 = 300  200 = 100 km Choice (A)
 60  6. (a) Let the length and the speed of the train be Lm and
S m /sec respectively
Given, L  200  30  L + 200 = 30S ––––– (1)
35. Let the length of a round be R km. Let the speed at which
Hari walked be s km/hr S
3s + 5  R   9R L  300
Given,  40  L + 300 = 40S ––––– (2)
S S
Subtracting (1) from (2), 100 = 10s  10 = S
4s+10  R   14R From (1) or (2), L = 100m. Ans: (100)

Solving these, s = 5  and R  5  Choice (A) (b) Let the length and the speed of the train be Lm and
3  6  S m/sec respectively.
L = 60s
Exercise – 5(b)
L + 3600 = 240 (S  (54)  5 
 
 18 
Solutions for questions 1 to 50:
60S + 3600 = 240 (S  (15)
1. Let the original time taken be „t‟. Since, his speed increases 60S + 3600 = 240S + 3600
to 3 times his original speed, new speed = (3) (original or 60S + 3600 = 240S  3600
speed)  New time S = 0 or 20
As S = 0 is not possible, S = 20
 Speed of the train = 144 kmph. Choice (B)
= original time
7. Let the length and the speed of the train be Lm and Sm/sec
Given, t  t = 40;  2t  40  t = 60 sec. respectively
3 3   5 
Choice (D) L  120  S  18    - - - - - (1) and
  18  
84 4
2. Time after which they meet =  hours  
36  27 3   5 
L = 90 S  9    ----- (2)
The first person will cover 36 x 4/3 = 48 km in this time.   18  
So, they will meet 48 km from P. Choice (D) Solving (1) and (2), we have
3. Let the speeds of the faster car and the slower car be S = 125
x kmph and y kmph respectively.  L = 900 Choice (D)
Given,  1  x + y =80 ––––– (1) and 8. Let the times taken for traveling to the town by train and by
xy car be x hours and y hours respectively
Given, x + y = 16 and 2y = 16  4 = 12
 4  x  y = 20 ––––– (2) y=6
 x = 10
Solving (1) and (2), x = 50 Ans: (50)  2x = 20
 He would lose 4 hours. Ans: (4)
9. By formula
D 100 A C vu
p  q = distance
The cat runs away from an initial point A for 1 minute at a v u
speed of 24 kmph.
 AC = 24 x 60 x 5/18 = 400 m   v x 8  24  16
 
Now, the dog is separated from the cat by a distance of  v  8  60

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 8v 2 x yz . Choice (C)
x  16
v 8 5
 v = 5v – 40  40 = 4v  v = 10 kmph 15. Let the time taken by Gopi to reach K after meeting Ram,
2 tG
Alternate method: be tG. Then, we have 
d d = difference of times of travel 3 t G2  7

s1 s 2 Squaring both sides and solving for tG we get tG = 4 hours.
Distance between K and L = Distance covered from the
16 16 15  9 24 2 meeting point to L by Ram + the Distance covered from the
   
8 s2 60 60 5 meeting point to K by Gopi = 2(42 – 7) + 3(4) = 30 km
Choice (C)
Solving, s = 10 kmph Choice (A)
10. Let the total distance covered be 100d km 16. Anand and Ajay would meet for the first time during their
onward journeys. They would meet for the second time
50d 30d 20d during their return journeys. Time taken by Anand to travel
  = 9.8  d = 1.8
15 18 45
from M to N = 8 seconds.
and 100d = 180 Ans: (180) 3
11. Distance travelled by Ajay in this time = 8 (5)  40 m.
P Q 3 3
 He would be 40 16
8  m from N when Anand
A 3 3
reached N.
 Distance between them would then be 8  16  8 m.
When „B‟ starts from city P towards city Q, the distance 3 3
which „A‟ would already have covered = 543 = 162 km. Anand would cross Ajay in another
At 9 a.m., train B is separated from train „A‟ by a distance of 8
162 km. 3 1
Train B overtakes train A after a time of  sec onds.
Re lativespeed 3
162 162
 hrs = 9 hrs.
(72  54) 18  Ajay would have travelled a distance of
In 9 hrs, the distance travelled by B = 72  9 40 1
= 648 km.  (5)  15 m when he crossed Anand for the second
3 3
Distance from city Q, when they meet time. Choice (C)
= (1440  648) = 792 km Choice (B)
17. Let the speeds of Anand and Ashok before the meeting be
12. By 10:00 a.m, A would have traveled 120 km. At 10:00 a.m, x kmph and y kmph respectively
distance between A and B = 145 km. In another hour A and
10  x + y = 10 ––––– (1)
B would have traveled 60 km and 40 km repeating both 1
cars would have together traveled 100 km xy
 At 11:00 a.m, distance between A and B = 45 km. In the Distances travelled by Anand and Ashok before meeting
next half an hour, A would travel 30 km while B would be are x km and y km respectively. As they reached their
stationary. By 11:30 a.m, A would have traveled 210 km. destinations simultaneously,
Now it would stop for 20 minutes. At 11:30 a.m, B would y x  y2 + 2y = x2 – 2x

resume its journey and would be 15 km from S. It would x2 y2
reach S in another 22.5 minutes. 2=xy ––––– (2)
 Time of meeting = 11:52:30 a.m. Choice (C) Solving (1) and (2), x = 6. Ans: (6)

13. 18. Let his forward and return speeds be x kmph and y kmph
P 60 km x km
Average speed = 2 xy
Suppose the trains met at S. Let RS = x km xy

PS RS SQ Given, 2xy  x  y
  1 xy 2
90 60 120
 (x + y)2  4xy = 0
60  x x  (x  y)2 = 0

90 60 x=y
120 = x
 2 xy  x
 RS  2  SQ  1
60 120  Forward speed = Average speed =  100 kmph
SQ = 120 km 12
PQ = PR + RS + SQ = 300 km. Ans: (300)
Choice (A)
14. Let the speeds of the cars leaving P and Q be p kmph and
q kmph respectively. 19. From the given data, which is about the speeds of travel
px = qy ––––– (1) and the average speed, in terms of a variable x, the
pz = qx ––––– (2) average speed can be determined. As no information about
Dividing (1) by (2), the total time is available, distance cannot be calculated.
The same can be seen from the calculations shown below.
x y
 Let the total distance AB be d.
z x

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(d  80)m.
 d  1  2d  d   d  1  2d  
 3  4  3   3 4  3    Ratio of speeds of Sohan and Rohan
 
Total time =       
= d  40  d d
x 2x 3x 
d d  104 d  80
d 1 1 1 d 7   (d  40) (d  80) = d (d  104)
      
x  3 12 6  x  12   d = 200. Ans: (200)

d 25. B covers 25 m in 5 s
Average speed for the entire journey =  Speed of B = 5 m/s
d 7 
  Hence time taken by B = 500/5 = 100 s
x  12  Time taken by A = (100 – 5) = 95 s
= 12x/7 = x + 2, 5x/7 = 2, x = 14/5 kmph
Total distance the person covers cannot be determined as Speed of A = 500/95 = 100/19 = 5 5 m / sec
total travel time is unknown. Choice (D) 19
Choice (B)
20. AB = BC 26. Let the time taken by Ram to run the race be t seconds.
(i) Average speed = 246 = 48 kmph Choice (C) Time taken by Shyam to run the race = (t + 60) seconds.
46 Time taken by Tarun to run the race
= (t + 90) seconds. Ratio of speeds of Ram and Tarun
(ii) Using similar method as shown in (i), average speed of
Rahul from C to A = 48 kmph i.e., same as that from A 1000
to C. 1000 t
 Average speed of Rahul for his journey 1000  250 1000
= 48kmph. Choice (C) t  90
4 t  90

(iii) Time taken for his journey = total distan ce 3 t
Average speed t = 270. Choice (B)
= 0  484  0  4 hours . Choice (C)
27. Let Karna‟s speed = k
Kiran‟s speed = b
21. Kumar‟s speed = r
(8:00 a.m.) 100/k = 80/b ------- (1)
A (100/b) + 7.5 = 100/r ---------- (2)
x (9:00 a.m.) Given that k = 2r
(100/b) + 7.5 = 160/b
y  7.5 = 60/b
150 km b = 8 m/s Ans: (8)
28. Distance travelled by Habib/Distance travelled by Akram
= 500/440
B Let the length of the pace of Habib be x and that of Akram
be y.
The distances covered by C and D are x and y respectively.
Ratio of speeds = ratio of distances covered in equal
Since C starts early compared to D, he covers more distance
intervals of time = (5x/4y)
by noon compared to D. Hence x > y. If speed of each car is s.
x = 4s and y = 3s  5x/4y = 500/440
x2 + y2 = (150)2 (by Pythagoras theorem) x/y = 10/11 Choice (A)
Taking x = 4s, y = 3s and solving for s we have, 29. Initial speed of Donald = b kmph
s = 30 kmph. Ans: (30) Initial speed of Allen= a kmph
22. Let the time he would take to reach Q be x minutes Total time taken by Allen= d  d where x is the speed for
Speed of his car in the xth minute 2a 2x
= 51 + x  1 = (50 + x) km/hr the 2nd half of the distance.

PQ 
51  52  ......(50  x) Total time taken by Donald = d .
60 b
(d/2a) + (d/2x) = (d/b);
 1 50  1  50  2  ............50  x   3775
 ,  x 
1 1 1 ab 
60 60  
 50x + 1 + 2 +………..x = 3775 2a 2x b  2a  b 
Alternate method:
 x  50  x  1   3775
 
 2 
Distance = d km; speed of Donald = b kmph.
 x (101 + x) = 7550 i.e., (50) (101 + 50) Here, total time taken by Donald
Comparing both sides, x = 50. Choice (D) = (d/b) hours -----(1)
Time taken by Allen = Time taken by Donald
23. Since R has given S a start of 2 hours and arrives at the
(given data) = (d/b) hours ------- (2)
destination 12 minutes after S, he takes 1 hr 48 min (9/5 hrs) Time taken by Allen for the first half
less than S to reach the meeting point compared to S. If the = (d/2)/a = (d/2a) -------- (3)
speed of R is x, we have, 36  36  9 Hence the time taken by Allen for the second half
x  18 x 5 = (d/b)  (d/2a) (from (2) and (3)
Solving this equation, we have x = 30 kmph Choice (C) = d(2a  b)/2ab --------- (4)
Speed of Allen while covering the second half
24. Let the length of the race be dm = (d/2)/[d(2a  b)/2ab]
When Mohan finished the race, Sohan would have run
d x 2ab
(d  40)m and Rohan would have run (d  104)m. =  (ab) /(2a  b) kmph. Choice (D)
2d (2a  b)
When Sohan finished the race, Rohan would have run
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So, they meet for the first time 88 seconds after the start.
30. The distance is covered in the same time by both of them Ans: (88)
and since Donald travels at a constant speed of b, Allen‟s
average speed will be equal to Donald‟s speed = b km/hr. 37. As P‟s speed increases by the same amount as that by
Choice (D) which Q‟s speed decreases, their relative speed remains
31. Let the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the  Time taken by them to meet for the third time = 3 (Time
river be x kmph and y kmph respectively. Let the time taken taken by them to meet for the first time)
for the downstream journey be t hours. Time taken for the = 3 48000   3600 sec . Choice (A)
upstream journey = (9  t) hours.  10  30 
 
(x + y) t = 24
(x  y) (9  t) = 24 38. Time taken by them to meet for the first time
In still water,
= 1800 = 100 seconds
6  12
 x  24  6 Distances covered by Ram and Shyam in this time are 600
95 m and 1200 m respectively. After the first meeting, their
(6 + y) t = 24 ––––– (1) speeds would be exchanged. This would not affect time
(6  y) (9  t) = 24 ––––– (2) interval between consecutive meetings.
Solving (1) and (2), y = 2. Ans: (2)  In the next 100 seconds, Ram would have travelled 1200 m
and would have reached his starting point and would meet
32. Let the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the Shyam there. In this manner Ram completed a round. In
river be x kmph and y kmph respectively. this manner he would have completed 3 rounds. When he

Given x  y = 6
2 2
would have completed another 1 rounds, Shyam would
x 4
Let the round trip journey be covered between two points have completed 12  1   1 a round.
d km apart. Total time for the journey   6 4 2

= d

d = 2dx  Distance between them = 18001  1  1   450m .
hours  
xy xy x2  y2  2 4
Ans: (450)
2d x2  y2 39. Correct time Clock time
Average speed =  .=6 Choice (B)
2dx x 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6 : 20
x2  y2 (8 hrs) (8 1/3 hrs)
? 10 : 30
33. If two or more runners have their speeds as a multiple of (x) (12½ hrs)
the speed of a runner N the time taken by these runners to
meet for the first time at the starting point for the first time is Applying the rule of proportions to the durations,
the time taken by the N to complete one round. 1
As the speeds of Harish and Suresh and Multiples of the 8
8 3  25 / 3
speed of Girish, required time = Time taken by Girish to 
complete 1 round = 1 minute. Ans: (1) x 1 25 / 2
34. l = 1120 m  x = 12
a = 10 m/s, b = 8 m/s, c = 7 m/s  The correct time is 10:00 a.m. + 12 hours = 10:00 p.m.
Choice (B)
(i) Required answer
 l l   1120 1120  40. Let the time at which he began the test be 3 : p p.m. Let the
 LCM  ,   LCM  10  8 , 8  7  time at which he ended the test be 4 : q p.m.
ab bc  
= LCM (560, 1120) = 1120 s Angle made by the minute hand at 3 : p p.m = 6p°. Angle
made by the hour hand with the 12:00p.m position of hands

(ii) Required answer  p
is  90  
l l l  2
 LCM  , , 
a b c Angle made by the minute hand at 4 : q p.m = 6q°. Angle
made by the hour hand at 4 : q p.m with the 12:00 p.m
 1120 1120 1120 
 LCM  , ,  
 10 8 7   q
position of hands is 120   .
= LCM (112, 140, 160) = 1120 s Choice (D)  2 
35. Radius = 35 m. As the hands interchanged their positions,
 Circumference = 2 x 22/7 x 35 = 220 m 
Time taken for them to meet for the first time at the starting  q
6p  120   –––– (1)
point is LCM [220/20, 220/11]  2 
= LCM [11, 20] = 220sec
To meet for the third time at the staring point from the start,  p
 90    6q ––––– (2)
they need 220 x 3 = 660 sec = 11 minutes  2
Choice (A)
subtracting (1), from (2),
36. Akbar completes 1 revolution in 40/5 = 8 sec pq
6 (q  p) = 30 +
Circumference/Akbar‟s speed = Circumference/11 2
Circumference = 88 m
Time taken to meet for the first time is qp 
 88 88   88 88 
LCM of  ,  i.e., LCM of  ,  Duration for which he took the test = 4 : q p.m  3 : p p.m
 22  11 11  7   11 4 
i.e., LCM of {8, 22} = 88

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qp 1 12 Q was 24 minutes ahead of P. Hence, the distance
= 1 hr   1  hours .
60 13 13 between A and X = . Ans : (40)

Alternate method: 45. Let the distance it traveled without any problem be d km.
Distance it traveled at the reduced speed = (600  d)km.
Starting position between Ending position between Let its usual speed by S kmph
3-00 and 4-00 4-00 and 5-00
Given, d  600  d  600  1 ––––– (1)
s 4 s
() () s
 d  150  450  d  600  1 ––––– (2)
S 4 s 2
x° x° Subtracting (1) from (2),
 150  150s  1
s 4s 2
 S = 75
Let the angle between the hands of the clock be x° in the
Substituting S in (1) or (2),
position () taken from the minutes hand to the hour hand in
d = 300. Choice (D)
the anti-clockwise direction.
By the time the hour hand covers angle of x° to come to the
46. Let the speed of his son be x kmph.
position , the minutes hand will cover (360° – x).
As Ashwin returned home 20 minutes early, he saved a
 The time taken by the hour hand to cover x° is equal to travel of 10 minutes to school from the meeting point and
the time taken by the minute hand to cover (360° – x°). the return journey of 10 minutes. Distance he saved
The speeds of hour hand and minute hand are 0.5° per minute travelling each way = Distance travelled by his son by walk.
and 6° per minute respectively. His son would have walked for 50 minutes.
 x  360  x  x = 360  50 
( x ) 
 10 
  55  
0.5 6 13  60   60 
 The duration of the test is 360 minutes x = 11 kmph Ans: (11)
13  0.5
47. (i) Distances run by Bhavan and Charan when Amar
= 12 hours. Choice (B) finishes the race are (d  x)m and (d  y)m respectively.
 Ratio of speeds of Bhavan and Charan = d  x:d  y
41. Let the speed of the flight be b, speed of the wind be w and  When Bhavan finishes the race, Charan would have
the distance between A and B be d. run d  y d m
Given that ………(1) dx

 Bhavan would beat Charan by  d  d  y (d)  m

……….(2)  
 

= y  x  d m Choice (B)
( )
 dx
( )
(ii) When Amar finishes the race, Bhavan would have run
(d  x)m. When Bhavan finishes the race, Charan
  . Choice (C) would have run (d  y) m. Ratio of speeds of Amar and
Chetan = (Ratio of speeds of Amar and Bhavan) (Ratio
42. Let the distance between A and B be 3d km. of speeds of Bhavan and Chetan)

Time taken for him to travel from A to B = = d d = d d

dx dy d2  x  y d  xy
Time taken for him to travel from B to A = ( )
 xy 
d   x  y  
 d = 20
 d 
The total distance travelled = 6d = 120 km. Choice (C)
 When Amar finishes the race, Chetan would have
43. Let the speeds of A and B be a and b respectively.
run d   x  y  xy m Choice
Time taken by A to travel 100 km = hours  d 
 
Time taken by B to travel 100 km = hours 48. As Ajay gives Bala a start of atleast 20m, Bala has to run a
maximum distance of 80m. As he is beaten by Bala by
atmost 20m, Ajay would have run a minimum of 80m when
Bala finishes the race. As the speeds of both are distinct,
A travelled half the distance in hours = hours. B Bala must have run less than Ajay when Ajay finished the race.
travelled 60 km in hrs.  Ajay is faster than Bala. Choice (D)

……(2) 49.

Solving (1) and (2), a = 25 km/hr and b = 20 km/hr. Hence, C
the ratio a : b = 5 : 4 Choice (D) T
 T
C  
44. P travels the last 10 km at a speed of 25 km/hr. Time taken C C
by him to travel the last 10 km = 24 minutes.
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From statement , 12 = 4(x  y)
 is sufficient.
Let the speed of the train be V m/s From statement , 12 = 3 (x + y)
Then 360  12 ; V = 50 m/s 4=x+y
V  20 For x  y
Similarly let the speed of the cyclist be V1m/s x2
360  is not sufficient Choice (A)
50  V1
54. A drove for 5 hours and B drove for 4½ hours.
V1 = 10 m/s
Let P be the point where the train begins to overtake the car From statement , dA + 50 = dB and dA + dB = 500
Q be the point where the train completely overtake the car  dA = 225 and dB = 275.
R be the point where the car is, when the train begins to  We can find the average speed of B.
overtake the cyclist dA d
S be the point where the train begins to overtake the cyclist. From statement , 5  B
In 48 min, when it is just about to overtake the cyclist, it will 5 4.5
cover (48) (60 (50) m, i.e. QS = 48(60) (50)m i.e. QR 2dB dA
  5
= 48(60) (20)m 9 5
And the car will cover (48) (60) (20) m
At this instant the distance between the car and the cyclist 10dB  9dA
RS is 360 + (48) (60) (50 – 20)   5  10dB  9dA  225
= 360 + (48) (60) (30)
This distance has to be covered with a relative speed of We know dA + dB = 500
(20 – 10) = 10 m/s So we can find dA and dB and then the average speed.
 It can be answered using either statement alone.
Time required = 360  ( 48) (60) (30)
10 Choice (B)
= 36 s + 144 min = 2 hr 24 min 36 s
As the time required is the time after the train overtook the 55. From statement , speed of the river current = 2 m/s
cyclist, it is 9 seconds less; i.e., 2 hr.24 min 27 s. From statement , speed of the boat relative to the speed
Choice (D) of the river is 1 m/s.
Using both the statements,
50. Ratio of the speeds of Rohan and Sohan = 1000 : V – 2 = 1 where V is the speed of the boat in still water.
1000  200 = 5 : 4  V = 3. Choice (C)
Let the speeds of Rohan and Sohan be
5x m/ minute and 4x m/ minute respectively. 56. Statement  alone is not sufficient as time taken for the trip
1000 1 is not known.
 111 From statement  alone, distance travelled in the trip = st
5 x  4x 9
where s is the average speed and t is the time taken for the trip.
Given (1.25s)t – st = 100  0.25 st = 100
Required time = 1000  1000 seconds. Ans: (1000)  st can be found
5x  4x Hence  alone is sufficient. Choice (A)

Solutions for questions 51 to 60: 57. Let the usual time be t hours.
51. From statement , Distance between his home and office = a  t  a 
 60 
speed of the train is  
200 = b  t  b 
= 20 m/s  60 
10  
From statement , we do not know the length of the (a  b) t = a  b
2 2

platform, so we can‟t find the speed of the train. 60

So statement  alone is not sufficient. Choice (A) ab
52. Let the length of the race be L m. 60
 is sufficient.
From , as we cannot find a + b, it is not sufficient.
C D Choice (A)
58. Let the length of A be 3z m. Length of B = 2z m. Let the
In the above figure, A and B denote the starting points of
speeds of A and B be a m/sec and b m/sec respectively.
Ram and Shyam respectively. D denotes the finishing points of
Let the lengths of P1 and P2 be p m and q m respectively.
both. C denotes the position of Ram when Shyam finished.
When Shyam covered BD, Ram would have covered AC. 3z  p
BD = BC + CD = BC + y =x
AC = AB + BC = x + BC
If Ram had not been faster than Shyam, AC  BD must 2z  q
have been true. b
 x  y must be true. From statement , a = b
From statement , if x = y, Ram was not faster than Shyam. 
x 3z  p

If x > y, Ram was faster than Shyam. y 2z  q
. alone is not sufficient. Nothing is known about p and q.
. alone is sufficient. Choice (A)  The question cannot be answered.  is not sufficient.
53. Let the speed of Mohan‟s boat in still water and the speed From statement , p = q
of the stream be x kmph and y kmph respectively.
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 x  3z  q  b   1 man can do
th of the job in a day.
y  
2z  q  a  100
Choice (B)
Nothing is known about a and b.
The question cannot be answered.
2. 6 men can eat 6 apples in 1 day.
 is not sufficient.
 They can eat 36 apples in 6 days. Ans: (36)
Using both statements, we get a = b and p = q
x 3z  p 3 2q x 3 3. Per min grass cut = 1/T
  =  . 1 < 
y 2z  q 2 2z  q y 2 In 30 minutes = 30/T part will be cut. Choice (A)
We cannot answer the question.
4. X men  120 days
Both statements even when taken together are not
sufficient. Choice X + 10 men  100 days
(D) X (120) = (X + 10) 100
6X = 5X + 50  X = 50 Ans: (50)
59. Let the lengths of A and B be p m and q m respectively. Let
the speeds of A and B be a m / sec and b m / sec 5.
respectively. Men Work Days
10 1 15
b= X 5 10
p  500 1 men  1/150 (one day‟s work)
= 50 –––––– (1) 10 days work = 10/150 = 1/15
i.e. 15 men for one work
Length of B = 2 p m
men needed = 15  5 = 75 Ans: (75)
Required time = 2p  q  2p  q
b a
6. Job = (15) (9) = 135 man days = (135) (C) = women days.
From statement , q and a are unknown. Time taken by 15 women to complete the job = or
 required time cannot be found. 15
 is not sufficient. 27 days Choice (C)
From statement , q = 1000
M1 D1 H1 M2 D 2 H2
7.  --(1)
2p  q  p  500  W1 W2
 4  
a  a 
2 M1 = M2 = 1
W1 = W 2
From (1), this can be found.  is sufficient. Choice (A) D1 = 4, H1 = 10 and H2 = 8
Substituting these values in (1), D2 = 5. Ans: (5)
60. Let the speeds of A, B and C be a m/sec, b m/sec and M1 D1 H1 M2 D 2 H2
c m/sec respectively. 8.  --(1)
W1 W2
a 1000
 M1 = D1 = H1 = 3
b 1000  x
W1 = W 2
b 1000 M2 = 9 and H2 = 1
 Substituting these values in (1), D2 = 3 Choice (C)
c 1000  y
140 7
a  a  b  10002 9. X‟s rate = (Y‟s rate) = (Y‟s rate)
      100 5
c  b   c  10002 1000 ( x  y )  xy
 Required ratio = 7 : 5 Choice (A)
a 1000
 10. Let the job be 1 unit.
c  xy 
1000   x  y   Let the times taken by X and Y to complete it be 5x hours
 1000  and 6x hours respectively.
Parts of the job completed by X and Y in a hour are
 xy  5x
A beats C by  x  y   m
 1000  1
units and units respectively.
In each statement, x = 200
200 y 1 1
When 200 + y  > 400 Required ratio = : =6:5 Choice (A)
1000 5x 6x
y > 250
Using statement , we cannot say that y > 250. A is not 11. Let the job be 1 unit.
sufficient. As y  200,  is sufficient. Choice (A) Let the times taken by A, B and C the complete it be
Chapter – 6 3x hours, 4x hours and 6x hours respectively.
Parts of the job completed by A, B and (in a hour are
(Time and Work)
1 1 1
units, units and units respectively.
Concept Review Questions 3x 4x 6x

Solutions for questions 1 to 35: 1 1 1

Required ratio = : : =4:3:2 Choice (B)
3x 4 x 6x
1. 10 men can do th of the job in a day. 12. Part of the job completed by A and B in a day

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1 1 1 Work done by Anand in 1 day = 1/8
=   Work done by Chandra in 1 day = 1/16
60 15 12
 They will complete the job in 12 days. Ans: (12) Work done by Bhanu in 1 day  1   1  1   1
4  8 16  16
13. Part of the job completed by Y in a day Bhanu takes 16 days. Choice (A)
1 1 1
=   22. Parts of the job, which can be completed, by P and Q, Q
30 60 60 1 1 1
and R and R and P in a day are th, th and th
 Y will complete the job in 60 days. Choice (D) 12 20 15
14. Per day 1 1 1
 2 P‟s, 2 Q‟s and 2 R‟s can complete + +
Adam = 1/25 12 20 15
Adam + Chris = 8/75
= th of the job in a day.
8 1 1 5
 Chris   
75 25 15 1
 P, Q and R can complete th of the job in a day.
 Chris takes 15 days. Choice (D) 10
 They can complete the job in 10 days. Choice (A)
15. Time taken A = A
Time taken B = B 23. P and Q take less time to complete the job compared to Q
A = 4B and R.  R is slower than P. We should new compare R
B = 60 days  A = 15 days and Q (not P and Q).
 In one day P and Q take less time to complete the job compared to P
A does 1/15 of work and R.  R is slower than Q.
B does 1/60 of work  R is the slowest of the 3 workers. Choice (C)
1 1 1
Together in 1 day    24. 60 days  Somu Time taken
15 60 12 40 days  Ramu
So, they take 12 days. Choice (B) Total amount = `450
1 1
Ratio of shares of Somu and Ramu = :  2: 3
16. One day's work 60 40
A = 1/x 2
B = 1/3x Somu's share =  450 = `180 Ans: (180)
1 1 1
   x = 8 days 25. Work done by Gautham in 1 hour = 1/4
x 3x 6
Work done by Karan in 1 hour = 1/12
 3x = 24 days 1 1 1
 B takes 24 days. Choice (D) Work done by both (in 2 hours)   
4 12 3
 total work is done in 3  2 = 6 hours. Ans: (6)
17. Part of the job completed by P and Q in a day = th.
48 26. One day's work
Part of the job completed by the faster person in a day X = 1/12
Y = 1/18
= 5  1   5 1 1 5
8  48  384
  X+Y=   (in 1 time period)
12 18 36
384 Work in 7 time periods = 7  5/36 = 35/36
 The faster person will complete the job in Remaining work = 1/36
= 76.8 days. Ans: (76.8) 1 36
Time taken by X to finish it = 1 3
1 12
1  total time = 7  2 + 1/3
18. The part of the job which P can complete in a day = .
60 
The part of it which Q can complete in a day 7 time periods = 141/3 hours Choice (B)

1 27. Part of the job completed in the first 2 days

= 1  25   1  = . 1 1 1

 100   60  80 = + +
12 20 30
 Q can complete it in 80 days. Choice (B) The complete job involves 12 such parts.
 Total time = 2(12) = 24 days. Choice (C)
1 28. The following points, must be noted. Suppose 2 workers
19. P‟s rate = (Combined rate of P, Q and R)
4 take x days to complete a job working together. If they work
1 on alternate days, part of the job they would complete in the
 P must have done th of the job. Choice (A) first 2 days would be (1/x). If x is an integer, they will take
2x days to complete the job irrespective of who starts the
20. Work done by Amar one day = 1/12
job. If x is not an integer, the job would be completed faster
Work done by Bharat in 1 day = 1/24
if the faster of the workers starts the job. Here, the part
Work done by Charu in 1 day = 1/24
1 1 8 1
1 1 1 1 alone in the first two days is    and
Work done by 3 of them in one day     6 10 30 30 8
12 24 24 6
X is the faster worker.
 they take 6 days to finish the work. Choice (B)
 Choice (A) follows. Choice (A)
21. Work done by Anand, Bhanu and Chandra in 1 day = 1/4

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29. Total quantity of rations consumed by 6 members in a day 2. Total work = 30 (12) (50) man hours = 18000 man hours.
120 Amount of work done in 15 days putting 10 hours a day
= (6) (2.5) = 15 kg. Number of days = =8 = 15 (10) (50) = 7500 man hours.
Work remaining = 18000  7500 = 10,500 man hours.
Ans: (8)
Number of men remaining = 40
30. Part of cistern filled by pipe x in 1 minute = 1/6 Number of hours = 10 per day.
Part of cistern filled by pipe y in 1 minute = 1/12
1 1 1 Number of days needed = = 261/4 days.
 part of cistern filled by pipes x and y in 1 minute    40 (10)
6 12 4
 They require 111/4 more days to complete the work.
 Time taken by both pipes = 4 minutes. Choice (B)
Choice (A)
1 1 5
31. Part of the tank filled in a hour by both taps =   3. Let p, q, r denote the work done by P, Q and R respectively
6 9 18 in one day.
18 1
 The tank will be filled in = 3.6 hours by them. p+q= ------------ (1)
5 20
Ans: (3.6) 1
q+r= ------------- (2)
32. Part of the tank filled in a hour by both taps 15
1 1 5 1
=   p+r= -------------- (3)
10 15 6 12
 The tank will be filled in 6 hours by them. In this time X Adding the three equations,
6 3 1 1 1 12 1
can fill  th of the tank. Choice (D) 2(p + q + r) = + + = =
10 5 20 15 12 60 5
33. Part of the tank filled in a hour by both pipes 1
p+q+r= ----------- (4)
1 1 1 10
=   (4)  (2) gives
9 18 18
 The tank will be filled in 18 hours by them. 1 1 1
Choice (C) p=  =
10 15 30
34. Time taken by tap to fill the tank = 3 hours  P can do it in 30 days
Time taken by leak = x hours (4)  (3) gives
Per hour
1 1 1
Tap = 1/3; Leak = 1/x q=  =
1 1 1 10 12 60
Part of the tank filled in 1 hour     Q can do it in 60 days
4 3 X
(4)  (1) gives
1 1 1 1
   
x 3 4 12 1 1 1
r=  =
x = 12 hours. Choice (D) 10 20 20
 R can do it in 20 days. Choice (A)
35. Time taken by pipe A = 30 minutes
Time taken by pipe B = 20 minutes
Time taken by emptying pipe C = 60 minutes 1 th
4. In one day A and B together complete of the work
Per minute 40
A = 1/30, B = 1/20, C = 1/60 8
and in 8 days of the work.
1 1 1 4 1 40
All pipes open at one time     
30 20 60 60 15
 It takes 15 minutes to fill the tank. Ans 15 Work remaining = .
Exercise – 6(a) After C joins them work gets completed in 24 days.
Let C alone do the work in x days.
Solutions for questions 1 to 30:
 1 1
A, B and C can do    work in one day.
1. Time in which A can complete the job =
 6 days .  40 x 
Time in which B can complete the job 32 th
They do of the work in 24 days.
900 40
=  15 days
24 24 32
1200 Hence,   ; 24x + 40(24) = 32x
Time in which C can complete the job  30 days 40 x 40
Part of the job which can be done by A, B and C in a day 8x = 24  40
1 1 1 4  x = 120 days
=   
6 15 30 15 C alone can do the work in 120 days.
15 Alternate method:
 They would take days to complete it.
4 As A and B worked for 32 days on the whole, work done by
32 4
Cost to Anwar =  15  100  60  40  Rs. 750
them = = .
40 5
 4 
Choice (C)  Remaining work i.e. ⅕th of the work is completed by
C in 24 days.

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 C takes 24 x 5 = 120 days to complete the work.  1 1 1 1 
Ans: (120) 2    
 150 2(150) 4(150) 8(150) 
5. Akbar can do the work in 40 days. th
The work is completed 10 days earlier. = 2 15  1 of the work.
8 150 40
i.e. 40  10 = 30 days
Hence, total number of hours = 8(40) = 320.
Akbar worked on it throughout; i.e., for 30 days.
Ans: (320)
Let the number of days Ajay worked be x.
Ajay does (1/60)th of the work in one day.
11. Let the first man do the work in x days. Everyday a new man
30 x 3 x joins. The work done on successive days is tabulated.
    1
40 60 4 60
Day Work Work
 x = 15 days (increasing power) (constant power)
Number of days after which Ajay joins Akbar
= 30  15 = 15 days. Choice (C) 1 1
x x
6. P works for a total of 9 days. Q works for a total of 18 days.
R works for a total of 12 days. Let the times taken by Q and 2 2
2   2
R to complete the job be q days and r days respectively. x x

9 18 12 4 3
  1 3  x  3
27 q r   x
q ≤ 54 8 4
 r ≥ 36 4   4
x x
Only Choice (B) violates this condition. Choice (B)
 16 
 x  5
7. Let the efficiencies of P, Q and R be 3x gadgets/day, 5
4x gadgets/day, 5x gadgets/day.   x
(3x) (6) + (4x) (8) + (5x) (10) = 400 x = 4  The work done in 5 days
Required number of gadgets
= (6x) (6) + (12x) (8) + (5x) (10) = 728 Ans: (728) 1 129
= (1 + 4 + 12 + 32 + 80) = = 1 i.e. x = 129
x x
8. Portion of wall built per day = 1 = 12.5% If each man's efficiency had remained constant, the work
n(n  1) 1
20% of this (i.e. 2.5% of the wall) falls off. done in n days is .
Therefore 10% of the wall is completed every day. 2 x
To determine whether the whole of the 10th day is needed
n(n  1) 1
for work, consider work done in 9 days. When work is completed, =1
In 9 days 90% of the wall is built. On the 10th day, one-tenth 2 x

has to be built. So, he takes =

1 / 10 4
 days  n(n + 1) = 2x = 2(129) = 258
1/ 8 5  n2  256 or n  16
4 We find that 15(15 + 1) < 258 < 16(16 + 1)
So, he takes 9 days to construct the wall.  Work is completed on the 16th day. Ans: (16)
Choice (D)
12. Let the work done by Ram on first day be x,
9. Let the number of days taken by Kapil be x. Second day he does 2x work.
1 Also as A takes 40% less time than Ram, the ratio of time
Work done by Kapil in one day = taken by Saleem and Ram is 0.6 : 1  3 : 5.
 The ratio of efficiencies of Saleem and Reema = 5 : 3.
Work done by Raman in one day = 5x 10 x
x  On first day Saleem did and on second day .
3 3
23 6
Work done by Sunil in one day =   5x 10x 
Total work = (x + 2x) +    = 8x.
3 
x x
Work done by 3 of them together in 30 days.  3
30 2  30 6  30 270 Combined efficiency of Saleem and Ram, when there is no
=    change = x + (5x/3) = (8x/3)
x x x x
Number of days required = Work/efficiency = (8x)/(8x/3) = 3
Work done by Sunil and Raman in 18 days
 Saleem and Ram can together do it in 3 days.
36 108 144
=   Choice (D)
x x x
270 144 13. From the ratio (2 : 3 : 5),
Total work =  =1 2
x x Vivek does of work in 12 days.
 x = 414 10
x 10
 Time taken by Raman = i.e. 207 days.  Vivek does full work in 12  i.e., 60 days.
2 2
Choice (D) From the ratio 1 : 2 : 3, it can be decided that Rameshwar
10. Given that the man can complete the job in 150 hours at does in 30 days. Bhuvan does in 20 days.
maximum efficiency. i.e. at maximum efficiency he can do 8 8 8 8 16  24 4
In 8 days they complete   = 
1 60 30 20 60 5
th of the work per hour.
150 Choice (C)
(He works each 2 hours with the same efficiency)
 In 8 hours he can do : 14. In 20 days, Praveen makes 2000 hats.
= There are 10% defects

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1800 good hats in 20 days,  90 good hats/day  (1)
Shiva makes 2000 hats in 10 days 20. Alok and Sachin were to complete a piece of work in 20 days.
There are 20% defects. They lost (1/3)rd of the pay. It implies that they could not
 1600 non-defective hats;  160 good hats/day  (2) complete one-sixth of the work after working for 20 days.
Sunny in 5 days Alok alone can do it in 40 days
Sunny makes 2000 hats  Sachin alone can do it in x days.
There are 40% defects
 1200 non-defective hats;  240 good hats/day  (C) 20 20 5 20 5 1 1
      
Total number of non-defective hats / day = 90 + 160 + 240 = 490 40 x 6 x 6 2 3
Number of days taken to make 10,000 non-defective hats
10000 20 x = 60 days. Choice (B)
=  20 = 20.4 days. Choice (D)
490 49 21. (i) Part of the job completed in the first two days
1 1 1
15. By 10 : 15 a.m., A would have worked for 15 min and C =  
30 60 20
would have worked by 5 min
Part of the tank filled by 10 : 15 a.m.  1 
job = 20 
 1  1  20 
= 15   – 5   = 25
 
18  36  36  time taken to complete the job = 20 (2)
= 40 days
Remaining part to be filled = Note: The time taken to complete the job would be the
36 same if Ramesh starts the job. Whenever the part of
Time taken to fill the remaining part the job completed by two workers working on alternate
11 days in the first two days
36 1
= = .4 min = where n is an integer, the time taken to complete
1 1 1 n
 
18 26 36 the job = 2n days. Choice (C)
The tank would be full at 10 : 19 : 24 a.m.
Choice (D) 11
(ii) Part of the job completed in the first 2 days =
16. Every minute it goes by 3 cm and in the subsequent minute
it is pulled back by 1 cm. 11
After S cycles of 2 days, part of the job completed = .
So, in a time period of 2 minutes it covers 2 cm. 12
There can be a total of 19 such time periods as when it
reaches the top, it will not be pulled back. 1
This is completed in 10 days. Remaining part =
So, in 19  2 = 38 minutes, it will cover 38 cm. 12
2 On the 11th day, Rakesh would work. He would
Remaining 2 cm will be covered in minutes
3 5
complete the remaining part in th of that day.
[∵ it climbs 3 cm in 1 min] 6
2 5
Hence 38 minutes is the total time taken.  total time = 10 days . Choice (B)
3 6
Choice (C)
22. Men hired (M) days worked (D) work completed (W)
17. Let the work totally take x days from the start.
Niranjan stopped working after y days and Rajesh stopped
working y days before the completion of the work. Vinayak 2
48 60
worked throughout. 5
y xy x 6y  4( x  y)  5x 3
   1 1 48 + x 60
10 15 12 60 5

9x + 2y = 60 M  W (  D constant)
The only possible solution such that x > y, is x = 6, y = 3.
M1 W 48 2 5
x and y are integers. Also x > y. Ans: (6)  1  = x = 2/3  x = 24
M2 W2 48  x 5 3
18. In 20 days Krishna does 1 work. In 6 days he does Ans: (24)
th part of work. 23. Tank is full. Total time to empty it is 60 minutes.
18 3
6 In 18 minutes the part emptied =  of the tank.
 He should get x 720 = `216. 60 10
20 At that point, the pipe, that can fill the tank in 30 minutes, is
6 opened.
Similarly, Rama should get  720 = `144
30 When both are working the tank is filled in
1 1 1
Hence Gopi should get 720  (216 + 144) = `360   i.e., 60 minutes.
30 60 60
360 3
Daily earnings of Gopi = ` = `60 Choice (D)  The tank is filled in x 60 + 18 = 36 minutes.
6 10
19. Ratio of the wages of P, Q, R and total = 3 : 4 : 5 : 12 Choice (C)
This is also the ratio of the work completed by P, Q and R. 24. In one cycle of 6 minutes the part of the tank that is filled
 P completed 1/4 th of the job. Also the job was 2 2 2 10 1
completed in 5 days.  P, working, alone, can complete the =    
15 20 30 60 6
job in 20 days. Choice
(A) In order to decide whether the 6th cycle is needed in full or
in part, consider the situation after 5 cycles.
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1 5 1
5 = th of the tank is filled, in the first five cycles. Adding to both sides of (2),
6 6 a
5  6 = 30 minutes are over. 11 1 1 1 11
   
1 6a a b c 20
Part of tank to be filled = th.
1 3
After next 2 minutes, the part of the tank that is empty 
1 2 1 a 10
=   , as pipe P fills (2/15)th part. 1 11  1 1  3
6 15 30     
b 20  a c  20
1 2
Q can fill this part in 20 x = minutes, 2
30 3  b6 . Choice (C)
 6th cycle is not required in full. 3
2 2
 The tank is filled in 30 + 2 + = 32 minutes. 28. Let the time taken by X and Y to independently fill the tank
3 3
be x minutes and y minutes respectively.
Choice (B)
2 1 2 x
x  y  14 and y   16
3 3 3 3 3
25. Required time = Time taken to fill the bottom th + time
4 Solving these, x = 12 and y = 18
1 Part of the tank filled when X and Y work together in a
taken to fill the top th
4 1 1 5
minute =  
3 12 18 36
The leak will not affect the filling of the bottom th
4 36
 Time taken to fill the tank = min = 7.2 min
3 5
 Time taken to fill the bottom part is (time taken by the
4 Ans: (7.2)
taps to fill the tank). Time taken to fill the top part is th 29. (6m + 8w)10 = (8m + 22w)5
4  (6m + 8w)2 = 8m + 22w
(time taken by the taps to fill the tank along with the leak) 12m + 16w = 8m + 22w
Time taken to fill the bottom part 4m = 6w  2m = 3w
= 3  1648   9 hours  work = (6m + 8w)10

4  16  48  

Part of the tank which can be filled by the taps and the leak  3 
=  6  w  8w  10 = 170 w days
each hour =


1  2 
12 24 24 New work = 170  3 days
1 1
 Time taken to fill the top th  (24)  6 hours 170 3
4 4 34 women will do it in = 15 days. Ans: (15)
 Required time = 15 hours. Ans: (15)

26. Let the number of hours taken by the three pipes 30. The given relation of capacities is as follows:
individually to fill the pool be x, y and z.
( x )( y ) 1 Sum of
then  ( z) Capacity Sum of
Value of Value capacities of
xy 2 of nth capacities
n –1 of n first (n –1)
But y = x + 12  x = y  12 and y = z + 8 tap of first n taps
 z = y  8 ( y  12) ( y )  1 ( y  8) 14 15 x 2x 3x
( y  12 )  y 2
15 16 3x 6x 9x
(y2  12y)2 = (2y  12) (y  8)
16 17 9x 18x 27x
2y2  24y = 2y2  28y + 96;  4y = 96
y = 24  x = 12 and z = 16 Choice (C) 17 18 27x 54x 81x

27. Let the times taken by A, B and C to fill the tank be a hours,  Capacity of the 18th tap = 54x; and this is given 1/2
b hours and c hours respectively. (as the 18th tap alone fills in 2 minutes)
1  ab  1 1 1 1
C4    54 x = ;  2x =  = ; 2x is the capacity of
2  a  b  2 2 27 54
th th
1 1 1 1 the 15 tap alone. Hence, the 15 tap, by itself will fill in
Taking reciprocals both sides,    
2c 9  a b 
54 minutes. Choice (C)

9 1 1 Exercise – 6(b)
  ––––– (1)
2c a b Solutions for questions 1 to 45:
5 1 1
Similarly   ––––– (2)
6a b c 1
1. (a) In one day Rajdeep can do th of the work and
1 1 1 11 15
   1
a b c 20 Pranav can do th of the work.
1 24
Adding to both sides of (1),
c Work done by Pranav in 10 days = 10  1   10
 
11 1 1 1 11 1 1  24  24
     14
2c a b c 20 c 10 Work remaining =

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Number of days taken by Rajdeep to complete the 4. Let x boys be required to work,
14 15 3
remaining work =
 8 Choice (B) then x 1   1  1  1
1 4 8 2 4

th x6
(b) In one day Raj can build 1 of the wall. = 1, x = 2 Choice (C)
18 8
Kiran can build of the wall. 5. Initially let there be x men who take y days.
xy = 56 ----------- (1)
To complete
the work Raj takes 9 days. (x  1) (y + 1) = xy ---------- (2)
2  x  y = 1 ---------- (3)
1 From (1) and (3), as 56 = 8  7,
Remaining work = . x = 8 and y = 7 Ans (8)
In one day both can together complete
6. Let Peter and Pan take 8 and 12 days respectively to do
1 1 48 4
 =  1 unit work. Let the job mentioned in the problem be x units
18 30 18  30 45 of work. So, they take 8x days and 12x days to do x units of
1  45  45 work respectively. Both together can complete x units of
To complete the work, it takes them    (8x)(12x)
2 2 4  8 work in = 4.8x days
days. Given that 4.8x = 36
45 5  x = 7.5
Total number of days =  9 14 days.
8 8  To do x units of work, Pan working alone, takes (12) (7.5)
Choice (B) = 90 days. Choice (D)

(c) Amount of work done by Raman and Rajan in 18 days 7. (a) The total work completed is
1  1  1 1 1
= . 28       4 = 1  z = 40.
2  z   36 45 z 
Amount of work done by Raman and Rajiv in 12 days Ans: (40)
= . (b) Let the time taken by R to complete it be r days
 1 1 1  1 1
Rajiv alone can complete the work in 36 days. 6     12    1  r = 36
12  24 72 r   72 r 
Amount of work done by Rajiv in 12 days = .
36 Required time = (6) (36) = 216 days. Choice (C)
Let Rajan alone complete the work in x days.
12 8. Let the times taken by Anushka, Bhanu and Chawla to
Amount of work done by Rajan in 12 days = . complete the job be a days, b days and c days respectively.
 bc 
12 12 1 a  m 
  6x = 12  36; x = 72 bc
36 x 2 Taking reciprocals both sides
Rajan alone can complete the work in 72 days.
1 1  1 1
Raman and Rajan complete half the work in 18 days.     ––––– (1)
Amount of work done by them together in one day a m  b c 
= (1/36)th. 1 1  1 1
    ––––– (2)
b m  a c 
Amount of work done by Raman in one day Similarly,
1 1 1
=  
36 72 72 1 1  1 1
And     ––––– (3)
 Raman takes 72 days to complete the work alone. c m  a b 
Ans: (72) Adding (1), (2) and (3) and simplifying
 1 1 1  2
2. Rate of work and time taken to do a work are in inverse      1    0
proportion.  a b c  m
Hence, Kaushik is one and a half times more efficient than 1 1 1 2
As    0, 1  0
Ravi implies, Ravi takes one and a half time more time than a b c m
Kaushik, to do the same work.  m = 2. Choice (B)
Kaushik takes 20 days.
Hence Ravi takes 20(1 + 1.5) = 50 days to do the same work.
9. Each jump followed by a slip would have enabled it to cover
In 10 days, amount of work completed by both together
04m. In 198 jumps, it would have covered (04) (198)
10 10 70 7
=    th of the work. Choice (D) = 792m. In the next jump, it would have come out of the
20 50 100 10 well. Choice
3. Number of man-days required to fill 20,000 tyres = 80  84
80 84 10. Let a, b and c denote the work done by Ananath, Anand
Number of man-days required to fill one tyre =
20,000 and Arjun respectively in one hour.
Number of man-days required to fill 30,000 tyres 12a = 15b = 30c
1 1 1
80 84
 30,000. a:b:c= : : =5:4:3
20,000 12 15 30
To complete filling 30,000 tyres in 63 days, number of Let a = 5k, b = 4k, c = 3k
80 841.5 They complete the work in 10 hours, working together.
persons required = = 160. Ans: (160) 1 1
63 5k + 4k + 3k = k=
10 120

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1 1 1 1
a=5 = b=4 = Total number of days
120 24 120 30

1 1  1 1 1  24
= = 161      24
3 7 15 
days. Choice (D)
120 40  35
 Ananath, Anand and Arjun will take 24, 30 and 40 days
respectively. Choice (D) 17. Number of bolts produced by type A in 10 days
11. Let the work done by Pradeep, Abishek and Antony in one 10
= (1500) = 500 Remaining = 1000
day be a, b and c respectively. 30
Then, a = (b + c) ---------- (1) Type B produces 1000 bolts in 10 days.
 3000 bolts are produced in 30 days by type B.
a + c = 2b ------------ (2)
1 Together they can produce (3000 + 1500)
c= ------------- (3) = 4500 bolts in 30 days. Ans: (4500)
From (1), 3a  2b = 2c or 3a  2b =

45 18. In one day, Machine P does 1 of the work.

and from (2), 2b  a =

45 Machine Q does 1 of the work

3 1 1 th
Adding, we get  2a = a= and b = Machine R does 1 of the work
45 30 36 60
So, Pradeep takes 30 days and Abishek takes 36 days. Together in 5 days they complete
5 1 2  3
Choice (A)

  5  1 portion of the work.
12. 2m = 5w and work = 5w  15d = 75 women days 20 30 60 60 2
4m + 5w = 2  (2m) + 5w = 2  (5w) + 5w = 15w 3 3 36 9
In 3 days Q and R complete   
So, an equivalent of 15 women complete a work of 30 60 60 60
75 women days in 5 days. Choice (C) 30 9 21
Remaining = 1   
13. Work 1 man can do in 3 days = Work 4 boys can do in 2 days. 60 60 60
3 man days = 8 boy days  (1) Portion of work done by P =
5 21 36 3
  
Work to be done = (72)(16) boy days 20 60 60 5
Choice (D)
= (72) (16)  3  man days
 8
19. Let the work done by Rohit on the first day be 1 unit
= 72 x 6 mandays. Job = 1 + 2 (2) + 3 (D) + 4 (8) + 5 (16) + 6 (32) = 312 units.
As work is to be completed in 48 days, If the men worked at twice the rate, part of the job
x = (72  6)/48 = 9. Ans: (9) completed in the first 4 days = 1 + 2(3) + 3(9) + 4(27) = 142
units. On the 5th day, 5 (81)
14. All volumes are in cubic metres, = 405 units can be done.
Capacity of the tank = 30  the job will be completed on the 5th day Choice (B)

By 10:30 a.m, volume filled = (2) 1 1   31  6 20. Let us say the job is completed in x days.
2  On the ith day of work, (25 +  1) = 24 + i persons would
Remaining volume to be filled = 24. This will be filled in  (24 + i) m2 would be the work done on the ith day
 24  i  330
more hours i.e., 2.4 hours.
235 i 1

The tank would be full at 12:54 p.m. Choice (D) 24 + 1 + 24 + 2 + ……….24 + x = 330
x x  1
15. Let the rate of work of each man be x units / day. 24x   330
x49  x  1149  11
The number of men who left after 56 days (i.e. 24 + 32) is
N. The total work is 
x (40) (96) = x (40) (24) + x (40 +20) (32) 2 2
+ x (60 – N) (20)  N = 12 Ans: (12) Comparing both sides, x = 11. Ans: (11)

16. Dravid starts the work and completes 1/4th work in 16 days. 21. Let the works done by each worker in group A and each
Balaji joins and together they complete 1/4th work more. worker in a group B in a day be a units and b units
For them to complete 1/4th it takes respectively.
1/ 4 16 Given 3a + 6b = ––––– (1)
 days. 20
1/ 64  (1/ 32) 3
8a + 4b = ––––– (2)
Then Bhangar joins and Dravid, Balaji and Bhangar 10
complete another 1/4th of the work. For them to complete
1 1
1/ 4 16 Solving (1) and (2) we get a  and b 
1/4th it takes  . 90 300
1/ 64  1/ 32  1/ 16 7
Then Jadeja joins and all four of them complete the 72
remaining (1/4)th work.  One worker from each group take 72 days to complete it.
For them to complete 1/4th, it takes Choice (C)
1/ 4 16
 days. 22. Case 1 Anil starts
1/ 64  1/ 32  1/ 16  1/ 8 15
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1 The cost of grass eaten by 20 sheep in 15 days
Anil 2 days
6 8  20 15
= = `160 Ans: (160)
1 15
In a period of 2 days
work is done 27. Money received for one day‟s work = = 300
24 45
In 3 such time periods i.e. 6 days
21 Amount of money received by Gagan =  300
24 4
= 225 per one day.
7 1
i.e. work is done.Remaining work is and it is done by For 10 days, Gagan receives 225  10 = `2,250.
8 8 Choice (B)
6 3
Anil in = .
8 4 28. Ratio of work done by Gokul, Govardhan and Ganesh in
3 equal durations of time
Hence a total of 6 days.
4 1 1 1
= : : respectively i.e., 6 : 3 : 2
By a similar calculation, if Mukesh starts, a total of 7 days 10 20 30
1 3
are required. Difference = days. Choice (B)  Govardhan gets (6600) = `1,800. Choice (A)
4 11

23. Each cycle consists of 5 days, as they take one day off. For 29. Number of days required:
every 4 days of work. Hence work done in one cycle of 5 days 720
by a man = = 12
1 1 1 1  1 1  60
=     0 = 2   
24 36 24 36  24 36  810 1080
by a woman = = 18; and by a child = = 36
45 30
25 5
=  th
72 36 If 1 man, 1 woman and 1 child work together,
36 1 1 1 1
Full cycles required = Integer part of = 7 cycles.   work will be done in 1 day = th
5 12 18 36 6
7 cycles = 7  5 = 35 days  (1)  6 days will be required.
Work remaining to be done on the 36th day Cost = 6  (60 + 45 + 30) = `810. Ans: (810)

= 1 –  7  5  =
th  (2) 30. Let x be the number of men initially engaged.
 36  36 Let d be the number of days for which they worked. Hence,
36th day is the first day of 8th cycle. x men completed half of the work in d days --- (1)
All even numbered cycles are begun by Bharat. Because 2x men joined, total number of working men
Hence, Bharat comes to do work on the 36th day. = x + 2x = 3x.
Bharat‟s rate of work is 1/36th  (3) This new group completes the remaining work 6 days
(2) and (3) imply, Bharat completes the work on the earlier; i.e., 3x men complete half of the work in (d – 6) days
36th day. Choice (B) ------ (2)
As the product of men and number of days is the same in
24. Suppose the man can complete 1 unit 1hr if he works at his both cases, being equal to work done,
maximum efficiency. The job (1) (151) = 151 units. (x) (d) = 3x (d – 6);
 d = 3 (d – 6), 2d = 18 -------- (3)
In the first 8 hours, he would complete But, 2d is the duration required by x men to complete the work.
 1 1 1  15 of the part. In order to complete 150 Choice (A)
21      th
 2 4 8 4
units, he requires 31. Let the rate at which each large pump fills the tank be
40 cycles of 8 hours i.e., 320 hours. In order to complete l litres / hr.
the last unit, he requires another hour. 2
Rate at which each small pump fills the tank = l litres/ hr.
 total time = 321 hours. Choice (D) 3
Rate at which six small pumps and three large pumps fill
25. Let the required cost be `x
10 cows = 20 sheep the tank = 6  2 l   3l = 7l litres / hr.
3 
 10 cows + 40 sheep = 60 sheep
20 cows + 10 sheep = 50 sheep  They will take th the time taken by a single large pump
Let the cost of grass for each sheep be `y/day. 7
(60y) (20) = 900 to fill it. Choice (B)
y 32. Pipe A can fill the tank in 20 hours. Pipe B in 30 hours.
Total time for both A and B together to fill the tank
x = (50y) (18) = 675. Choice (B)
20  (30)
= = 12 hours.
26. The cost of grass for 20 cows and 30 sheep for 30 days 30  20
= `720.
But it took 3 hours more i.e. 15 hours in total.
Given 30 sheep eat double the grass eaten by 20 cows.
Let the number of hours in which the leak can empty the
 Cost of grass eaten by 30 sheep in 30 days tank be x.
=  720 = `480
1 1 1 60
3    x= = 60 hours. Ans: (60)
The cost of grass eaten by 1 sheep in one day x 12 15 54
480 8 33. The time from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. = 8 hours.
=  .
30  30 15

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So, one of the pipes worked for 8 hours and the other pipe 37. Let the rate of filling by a filling pipe be f and the rate at
worked for x hours. which the water gets drained from the hole be e. (both in
8 x units/hr)
  1 --------------- (1)
12 18
x 8
or   1 ----------- (2)
12 18 By solving, we get
We get x = 6 from equation (1)
So, pipe Q was closed for 2 hours.
or 
Hence, the time taken = 140 hours. Choice (B)
 8  20
From Eqn (2), x = 12 1  
 18  3 38. Let the rate of work of A and B be 3 units per day and 2
units per day respectively.
First 10 days: units of work was done by A.
So, pipe P was closed for 8  20   4 hrs Next 6 days: ( ) units of work was done by A
 3  3
and B.
Minimum possible time = 11/3 hours. Total units of work completed = 60, which is given as 50%.
Hence, the total number of units = 120.
Alternate method:
A alone can do the work in = 40 days.
Part of the tank filled, in 1 hour, by the two pipes Choice (B)
1 1 5
=   th part. 39. Let the rate per day of the machines A and B be a and b
12 18 36
36 Total work = 20(a + b)
Hence, time required to fill = = 7.2 hour.
5 After 10 days, the remaining work = 10(a + b)
Actual time taken to fill = 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 a.m. This was done by them in 15 days with A‟s efficiency being
= 8 hours. 0.25a per day
Extra time taken 8 – 7.2 = 0.8 hours 10(a + b) = 15(0.25a + b)
Extra time was needed because one pipe was closed for

some time.
Hence, part filled by 2 pipes in 0.8 hours = Part not filled Let a = 4x and b be 5x. Hence, total work = 20(5x + 4x)
due to closure of one tap = 180x
5 1 After 10 days, the remaining work = 90x. This was done by
i.e. Part not filled = 0.8   th part.
36 9 B in
Minimum time of closure is to be found out; Total number of days taken = 10 + 18 = 28 days.
 The faster pipe was closed. Choice (C)
Rate of filling of the faster pipe = 1/12th / hour.
Hence duration of closure = (1/9)/(1/12) = (12/9) 40. Let A take x days to complete the work.
= (4/3) hours. Choice (D) So, B would take x + 4 days to complete the same work.
Let A‟s rate of work be a units per day and B‟s rate be b
3 units per day. A worked till 12th day implies A had worked for
34. To fill th part, the filling pipe takes 3 hours. x –2 days and B had worked for 3 days.
Total work = a(x) = b(x + 4) = a(x – 2) + 3b
3  ax = ax – 2a + 3b 2a = 3b
To empty th part, the emptying pipe takes

2 hours.
 When both are operated simultaneously, they will empty Let a = 3k, b = 2k
3 1 1 1 a(x) = b(x + 4)
th part of the full tank in    x = 8.
4 2 3 6
 A can complete the work in 8 days. Hence, the work
i.e., 6 hours. Choice (D)
started on the 7th day of the month. p = 7. Choice (A)

35. The taps can fill the tank in

1236  9 hours 41. Work done on
12  36 1
5 1 1st day  Sonia 
But it this time only th are full. The balance th will be 20
6 6
1 1
filled in 9  1 / 6  or 1.8 hours. Ans: (1.8) 2nd day  Sonia and Priyanka  +
5/6 20 30

1 1 1
36. If the pipe alone is operated, the tank would take 3rd day  Sonia, Priyanka and Anjali  + +
20 30 30
= 40 hours to get filled. Because of the leak, it took 3 3 35 1
5 So in a period of 3 days   
20 30 60 4
80 hours longer, i.e. 120 hours.
So, 4 such time periods or 12 days are required to complete
i.e., = 3 tanks were filled or 2 tanks extra were filled. the work. Choice (A)
This is because of the leakage. 42. (i) The man would work at 1 unit/day. Men joining on the
So, 2 tanks or 400 litres were leaked in 120 hours. 2nd day, 3rd day and 4th day would work at 2 units/
400 day, 3 units/day and 4 units/day respectively.
So, rate of leaking = = 3.33 litres/hour. Job = (1) + (1 + 2) + (1 + 2 + 3) + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)
= 20 units.
Choice (C)

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20 1 43 2
Required time =  20 days. Choice (A)  a = 8 hours
1 a 72
(ii) Work done on the first day = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 units Time taken to fill the tank as per the schedule of filling is
work done on the second day = 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 units (2  8) – (9/2) = (23/2) hours.
work done on the third day = 3 + 4 = 7 units work done Hence, x worked for 23/2 hours; y worked for [(23/2) – t]
on the fourth day = 4 units. hours and z worked for [(23/2) – 2t] hours.
Job = 10 + 9 + 7 + 4 = 30 units. Hence, the equation of work is :
Last man who leaves completes (D) (D) = 16 units.
 23 1   23   1   23   1 
 He will receive
8  2  18    2  t    +  2  2t   36  = 1
th of the total wages.      24     
Choice (C) 23  1 1 1   t 2t 
    –     1
2  18 24 36   24 36 
43. The data provides three different combinations of working,
  23  1   7t  1, 
to do the work completely. 23 7t
 1
(a) Combination 1 : –  2 8  72 16 72
All three people working for (x + 6) days.  t = 4.5 hours. Choice (D)
 1 1 1 
Hence, (x + 6)     = 1;  x + 6 = 10,
 20 30 60  Solutions for questions 46 to 55:
 x = 4  (1) 46. From statement ,
(b) Combination 2 : – 3 3 15
1 boy = man  5 boys =  5 men = men
All three people for x days, and two people for (y + 6) days. 4 4 4
 x   1 1  10 men take 6 hours to do the work. So 5 boys, which is
Hence x    ( y  6)   
 10  15 10  6
 30 60  equal to men, can take days to do the work.
= 1; Substituting x = 4, the equation becomes (y + 6) 4 15 / 4
Statement  alone is sufficient.
 3  4 6
  = 1 – = , y = 6  (2)
 60  10 10 From statement ,
(c) Combination 3: – 10 men can complete the work in 6 hours. So, 5 men can
All three for x days, two people for y days and one complete the work in 12 hours.
person for z days (say). The amount of work done by 5 boys in one hour
1 1 1
 1  
Hence, x   + y  3   z = 1
10 12 60
 10   20  60
So 5 boys can do the work in 60 hours.
Substituting x = 4, y = 12, and simplifying, Statement  alone is also sufficient. Choice (B)
z = 18  (C)
Total number of days required under combination 3, is 47. Either of the statements alone is not sufficient as
x + y + z = 4 + 6 + 18 = 28 days.
information about  and  is given in different statements.
Alternate method: Combining statements  and , the time taken to fill the tank
is = 6 hrs Choice (C)
Prakash, Pranay and Pramod together complete
1/ 2  1/ 3 
 1 1 1 
    of work per day or, 1 th of the work per
 20 30 60  10 48. From statement , work done by the pipes together, in the
first 2 minutes = 1/6.
day. Together, the three take (x + 6) days to complete.
x + 6 = 10,  Work done in one minute = 1/12
So the time taken to fill the tank when they are opened
 x = 4  (1)
alternately = 12 minutes.
The work remaining after the departure of Prakash can be
completed by Pranay and Pramod in (y + 6) days. So statement  alone is sufficient.
From statement , we do not know the time taken by the
 (y + 6)  1  1  = (1 –
) other pipe to fill the tank. So we can‟t answer the question.
 30 60  10 Choice (A)
 (y + 6) 3/60 = [1 – (4/10)],  y = 6  (2) Ans: (28)
49. From statement , it is not known what part of the total work
44. Let the rate of filling of the first tap be x litres/hr is completed, so we can‟t answer the question.
Let the rate of filling of the nth tap be denoted by tn From statement , B and C did 8/23 of the work.
t2 = x  A did 1 – 8/23 = 15/23 of the work.
t3 = 2x  He gets 15/23 of 529.
t4 = 4x = 22x  Statement  alone is sufficient. Choice (A)
t5 = 8x = 23x
 tn = 2n  2x 50. From statement , the question cannot be answered as
t 6 23 x 1 there is no information about volume of water emptied.
 
t 9 26 x 8 From statement , as there is no information about tank, we
cannot answer the question.
 time taken by the ninth tap = 80   10 min utes
Combining both the statements, as the tub holds 12m3 of
8 water, we can say that the tank has a capacity of 12m3 and
Ans: (10) was emptied in 30 minutes. Choice (C)

45. To fill the tank, x takes 18 hours, y takes 24 hours and z 51. Let the times taken by each person of P and each person of
takes 36 hours. If opened simultaneously, together they can Q to complete the job be p days and q days respectively.
1 1 1 1 Using statement ,
fill the tank in a hours, here   
a 18 24 36
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 1  1 1 5  Sohan is more efficient than Mohan. More information is
2   + 3     required about the relation between the efficiencies of
p  q  12 12 Sohan / Mohan and Rohan.
5  is not sufficient.
 1 1 1 5 Using statement , Rohan and Sohan take less time to
2      complete the job when compared to Mohan and Sohan.
 p q  q 12  Rohan is more efficient than Mohan. More information is
required about the relation between the efficiencies of
1 1 5 1 Rohan / Mohan and Sohan.
 = 
p q 24 2q  is not sufficient
Using both statements, Mohan is the least efficient. Both
5 statements are required to answer the question.
1 1
  < Choice (C)
p q 24
24 55. Let the times taken by A, B and C to fill the tank be a
Time taken > days. minutes, b minutes and c minutes respectively.
1 1 1 1
 is not sufficient.    ------------ (1)
a b c 6
Using statement , Using statement ,
1 1 1 1
   ------------ (2)
 1  1  35 a b c 2
3    2   
 
p  
q 68 (2) – (1)  1    1   1  1 .
c  c  2 6
c can be found.
 1 1  1 35 1 1 35 1
3         Required time can then be found.
 p q  q 68 p q 192 3q  is sufficient.
Using statement ,
1 1 35 1 1 1 1
     ------------ (3)
p q 192 b c a 6
From (1) and (C),
1 1 1 1 1 1
 Time taken <
days i.e., less than 6 days.     
a b c b c a
  is sufficient 1 1
Choice (A) 
a c
52. Whenever the time taken by two men to complete a job a is unknown
when they work together is an integral number of days, the  c cannot be found
time taken by them to complete it if they work on alternate  Required time cannot be found.
days would be twice of that. In the given problem, from  is not sufficient. Choice (A)
statement , time taken by both to complete the job is an
integral number of days. Chapter – 7
 Required time = 2 (20) (Averages, Mixtures and Alligations)
= 40 days,  is sufficient
Concept Review Questions
Using , the time taken when they work together Solutions for questions 1 to 35:

30  60 1. Total of the numbers = 513

=  20 513
30  60 Average = = 57 Ans: (57)
 Required time = 2 (20) = 40 days. 9
  is sufficient. Choice (B)
2. Average = 22
17  36  x
53. Given, 

1  = 22  x = 23 Choice (D)
t t a t b 3

( t  b)  ( t  a ) 1 3. As each number is doubled, the average will also be

 = doubled.
( t  a) ( t  b) t
 The new average = 2x Choice (B)
 t [(t + b) + (t + a)] = (t + a) (t + b)
4. A 50% decrease in each number result in each number
2 t2 + (a + b) t = t2 + (a + b) t + ab being halved. As each number is halved, the average will
also be halved.
t= ab b
 The new average = Choice (C)
Using statement , ab is unknown. 2
 t cannot be found
21  22  23  ....  30
 is not sufficient. 5. Average = = 25.5
 is sufficient. Choice (A) 10
first  last 21  30
or average =  = 25.5 Ans: (25.5)
54. Using statement , Rohan and Sohan take less time to 2 2
complete the job when compared to Rohan and Mohan.
6. The two digit numbers divisible by 10 are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80 and 90.
Sum of the two digit numbers divisible by 10
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= 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 = 450
450 4 (6000)  4 (8000)  4 (13000)
required average =  50 Choice (B) =
9 12

7. There are 25 odd numbers less than 50 6000  8000  13000

= = `9000
Average = 1 49 = 25 Choice (D) 3
2 Ans: (9000)
8. The last multiple of 12 less than 100 is (12) 19. Let the numbers of male employees and female employees
Average of all the multiples of 12 be m and f respectively.
12 1  2  3  ....  8 180 m  170 f
= Average height of the employees =
8 m  f
(8 ) (9 ) m
12 180  170
 2  54 Choice (B)
= f . As m/f is unknown, the average height
8 m
9. Total of the ages of 15 students = (15) (15) = 225 years
Total of the ages of 16 students = 225 + 15 = 240 years cannot be found. Choice (D)
240 20. There are 60 girls in the class.
New average age of the class = = 15 years.
16 Total marks of the boys = (30) (75) = 2250.
Ans: (15) Total mark of the girls = (60) (90) = 5400.
Total marks of the class = 7650.
10. Total of the ages of 20 students = (20) (20) = 400 years. 7650
Total of the ages of 19 students = 400 – 20 = 380 years. Average marks of the class in the test = = 85
380 Ans: (85)
New average age of the class = = 20 years.
Choice (A) 21. There are at least 30 boys in the class.  There are more
boys than girls in the class.
11. After 5 years, the age of each family member will be If the average weight of the entire class is w, 30  w  40
5 years more. and there are more boys than girls w is closer to 40 than 30
 The average age of the family will also be 5 years more i.e. w  35.
i.e. 30 years. Choice (C) Only Choice (D) satisfies this condition. Choice (D)

12. As the present ages of all the friends is at least thirty five 22. Let the number of girls in the class be g.
years, all of them are born before thirty years.
Present average = 65 150 3
Number of boys in the class = g  g.
Let their be x friends then sum of their present ages = 64x 100 2
Sum of the their ages before thirty years = 65x – 30  x
Average age thirty years ago = 35x / x = 35 Total of the ages of the boys = 10  3 g . = 15 g years.
Choice (A)  2 

Total of the ages of the girls = 8g years.

13. Average monthly income of Amar, Bhavan and Chetan in
Total of the ages of the students = 23 g years.
that month
Average age of the class
4000  4500  6500
= `5000 Choice (A) 23 g = 9.2 years.
3 = Ans: (9.2)
g g
14. Total marks in 6 tests = (6) (65) = 390
Total marks in the first 5 tests = (5) (60) = 300 23. As the ratio of heights of boys and girls is 4 : 3, let their
Mark in the sixth test = 390 – 300 = 90. Ans: (90) actual heights be 4k and 3k respectively.
The average height of the boys and girls =
15. Let the age of teacher be t years then, 20  15 + t = 18  21
4k  50  3k  30
t = 78 years Choice (C) = 3.625k.
50  30
16. Let there be n students in the group then,
Hence the exact average cannot be found. Choice (D)
n  16 + 66 = (n + 1) 17  n = 49
Ans: (49) 24. Let the numbers of boys and girls in the class be b and g
respectively. Let the average weights of the boys and the
17. Let the number of girls be g. girls be B and G respectively.
Number of boys = 8 – g
Bb  Gg B G

Method 1: b g 2
5 (13 – g) + 3g = 55 5 = g
2Bb + 2Gg
Method 2: = Bb + Bg + Gb + Gg
Average number of chocolates received by each child B (b – g) + G (g – b) = 0
55 (B – G) (b – g) = 0
13 B = G or b = g or both. Choice (C)
5 25. Quantity of milk in 20 litres = (0.6) (20) = 12 litres.
g 13 5
  Upon addition of 5 litres of pure milk, the new solution of
13  g 55 8
3 25 litres would contain 17 litres as milk.
g=5 Choice (D)  Percentage of milk = (100) = 68% Ans: (68)
18. Average salary per month

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26. Method 2:
80 108
x  x
96 y 8 3

15 5 5
12 16 x0
Ratio = 3 : 4 Choice (C) y=9 Choice (A)
27. As we don‟t know the percentage of profit at which he sold  90  9 
the rice, we cannot find the average cost price. (Whenever 34. Ratio of milk and present mixture =   
we use alligation rule, all the prices should be in either cost  90  100
terms or sales terms). Hence required ratio is cannot be  Ratio of milk and water = 81 : 19 Choice (C)
determined. Choice (D)
28. Cost price of 5 kg. = (5) (15) = `75 35. Quantity of milk in the present mixture = (90)
Cost price of 10 kg. = (10) (12) = `120 100
Cost price of the mixture = 72.9 litres. Ans: (72.9)
75  120
= = `13/kg. Exercise – 7(a)
Solutions for questions 1 to 30:
Profit = (13) = ` 2.60/kg
100 1. Average of the first 20 multiples of 50
Selling price of the mixture = `15.60/kg. Ans: (15.60)
50(1  2  ...20)  21 
= = 50   = 525 Choice (C)
29. Pure water has no milk i.e., has 0% milk 20  2 
0% 84% 2. Let the 11 distinct positive integers be represented by a, b,
c, . . . . . . k.
48% a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k = 21 (11)
= 231 ------- (1)
36% 48% a + b + c + d + e + f = 23 (6) = 138 ------- (2)
f + g + h + i + j + k = 22(6) = 132 -------- (3)
=3:4 Choice (D) Adding equations (2) and (3) and subtracting equation (1),
we get, f = 39. Ans: (39)
30. Quantity of milk in A = (20) =15 litres. 3. Temperatures on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were 28,
30, 32. (all values in degrees celsius).
60 Temperature on Tuesday was 1 degree less than that on
Quantity of milk in B = x litres.
100 Wednesday.
60 66 Hence, temperature on Wednesday was 32 + 1 = 33
15 + x= (20 + x) Using the same logic, the temperatures on Thursday, Friday
100 100
and Saturday were : 34, 35, 36 respectively.
15 + 0.6x = 13.2 + 0.66x  x = 30 Ans: (30) Average of first four days = (28 + 30 + 32 + 33)/4
= 123/4 = 30.75 -------- (1)
31. Let the quantity of water to be added be x litres. Average of the last three days
Quantity of water in the vessel = 20% of 30 = 6 litres. = (34 + 35 + 36)/3 = 35 ---------- (2)
6 x 80% 4 Required difference = 35 – 30.75 = 4.25 Choice (B)
 
30  x 100% 5
30 + 5x = 120 + 4x  x = 90 Choice (C) 4. Let the present average age of ten advisors as well as their
average 3 years ago, be A. Also let the age of the younger
32. Let the quantities of the solutions be 2x litres and 3x litres. man be Y and that of the director replaced by him be D.
Quantity of sulphuric acid in the first solution 10A  30  D  Y
 A , as the present average is same as
10 10
= (2x) = 0.2x litres. the earlier average.
Hence D – Y = 30 years Choice (D)
Quantity of sulphuric acid in the second solution
5. Four statements are given in the data. They can be
20 represented as the 4 equation given below. BCD represents
= (3x) = 0.6x litres.
100 the total weight of B, C, D.
Concentration of sulphuric acid in the final mixture A + BCD = 240
A + BCD + E = 285
0.2x  0.6x (100)
=  16% Choice (A) BCD + E + F = 305
2x  3 x E = 45, and F = 50.
BCD = 210
33. Let the cost price of the milk be `x/litres. Hence A = 30
Let the quantity of water to be added to the milk be y litres. Weight of A = Total weight of A, BCD, E – Total weight
Selling price of the mixture = ` x/litre. BCD, E = 30 kg. Ans: (30)
x (100) 5
Cost price of the mixture =  Rs. x/litre.
100  60 8 6. an = y + k …….. (1) bn = x + k …….. (2), where k is
Cost of water = `0/litre the sum of the (x – 1) numbers which are other than y and x.
Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1)
Method 1: 1 ab
n(a – b) = y – x   Choice (B)
5 n yx
 15x + 0 = x (15 + y) 9 = y

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36N  (20)(30) 36N  (5)(40) Let the number of students in the classes  and  be a and
7.   N = 10 Choice (A) b respectively.
N  20 N5
Aa  Bb A  B

8. Let the number of students in X, Y and Z be x, y and z ab 2
respectively. 2Aa + 2Bb = Aa + Bb + Ab + Ba
x 81  76 5 (a – b) (A – B) = 0
Applying the rule of alligation,  
y 76  70 6 As a  b, A = B ------------ (1)
and 2 A + B = 60 ------------ (2)
y 90  86 4
and   x : y : z = 10 : 12 : 15 solving (1) and (2), we get A = B = 20. Ans: (20)
z 86  81 5 14. Let a = 10 p + q and b = 10 r + s
Let x = 10a, y = 12a and z = 15a Let the sum of all the numbers excluding a and b be x. Let
Average marks of X, Y and Z the average of the numbers be A.
70(10a)  81(12a)  90(15a) 3020 25 x + 10 p + q + 10 q + p = 10 A ------------ (1)
= =  81  82
10a  12a  15a 37 37 x + 10 r + s + 10s + r = 10 (A + 2.2) ------------ (2)
Ans: (82) Subtracting (1) from (2),
11 [(r + s) – (p + q)] = 22
9. Let the number of students in the three classes be nA, nB  (r + s) – (p + q) = 2 Choice (B)
and nC and the total scores of students in the three classes
15. As each student missed a different number, the sum of the
be TA, TB and TC
TA + TB = 71(nA + nB) all the numbers added by the students = (N – 1) (sum of the
TB + TC = 76 (nB + nC) (N  1)N(N  1)
first N natural numbers) =
TC + TA = 79 (nC + nA) 2
--------------------------------- The number of numbers added by the students in total
2TA + 2TB + 2TC = 150nA + 147 nB + 155nC = (N - 1) (N)
 TA + TB + TC = 75 nA + 73.5nB + 77.5nC (N  1)N(N  1)
 Average = = 21  N = 41 Choice (C)
TA  TB  TC 2(N  1)(N)
Hence p 
n A  nB  nC
73.5n A  nB  n C  1.5n A  4nC 16. Alloy A Alloy B
  Copper 4x 5y
n A  nB  n C n A  nB  n C
Zinc 9x 6y
 p > 73.5 -------- (1) ------- ------
p can also be written as, Total wt. 13x 11y
TA  TB  TC ------- ------
n A  nB  nC As the quantity to be drawn from the Alloys A and B to form
77.5(n A  nB  nc ) 2.5n A  4.nB
another alloy C must be a multiple of 13 and 11, let us
=  choose the quantity drawn as LCM of 13 and 11; which is
n A  nB  nc n A  nB  nC
143. Hence 13x = 11y = 143  x = 11 and y = 13.
 p < 77.5 -------- (2) Amount of copper in Alloy C = 4x + 5y
Hence 73.5 < p < 77.5 Choice (D) = 4(11) + 5(13) = 109 kg.
10. Let the total number of matches that Sachin Tendulkar Amount of zinc in alloy C = 9x + 6y
played be x. = 9(11) + 6(13) = 99 + 78 = 177 kg.
Hence the ratio of copper and zinc = 109 : 177
2100 2201
1 Choice (C)
x 1 x
Among the choices, choices (A) and (C) satisfy the equation 17. Cost price of a mixture of two varieties of wheat
above. Choice (D) 100
= x 28 = `20
100  40
11. Average of all the four classes = (32 x 83 + 58 x 76 + 82 x
Let the cost price of the first and the second varieties of
85 + 48 x 90) x 1/220 = 83.4 (approximately)
wheat be `y per kg and `(y + 3) per kg respectively.
Alternate method: Let the quantities be 3x kg and 4x kg respectively.
Let us assume average mark of all the four classes is 83. y3x   y  34x 
Cost price of the mixture =
Average deviation of all the four classes combined is: 3x  4x
x 83  83  x 76  83  x 85  83  7xy  12x
32 58 82 12
 = y  20
220 220 220 7x 7
x 90  83 = 0.4 (approximately)
48 Cost price of the first variety of wheat
220 12 128
= 20   Rs. / kg
Hence, correct average = 83 + .4 = 83.4 Choice (D) 7 7
12. Total of all numbers = 16n Alternate method:
Once 5/8th of the numbers are doubled and 3/8th of the A mixture of two varieties of wheat is sold at `28 per kg, at
numbers are increased by a factor of 10/3, total of all a profit of 40%.
Hence, the cost price of the mixture = (28)/(1.4) = `20
numbers = 5n 2A   3n  10B   16n, where A and B are the
8  3 
Let x and (x + 3) be the prices in rupees of the first and the
second varieties respectively.
averages of values of the numbers which are respectively The quantities are mixed in the ratio 3 : 4 (given)
doubled and increased by a factor of 10/3. New average = By alligation equation,
5n 5n p p ( x  3)  20
A B  16n q1
 =
4 4  2 ;
. q2 p  p1 4 20  x
3 x  17
As A and B are not known, the new average cannot be   ;  x = 128/7 Choice (A)
determined. Hence the percentage increase in the average 4 20  x
cannot be determined. Choice (D)
18. Cost price of each litre of diluted milk
13. Let the average of classes  and  be A kg and B kg.
4  Rs. 16
100  25 5

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By the principle of allegation,
Amount of water used for mixing 3 4 7
24. In the first, second and third mixtures, th, th and th of
Amount of milkused for mixing 5 5 10
16 4 the contents respectively is alcohol. Let x ml of each of these
4 be drawn and mixed. The resulting mixture of 3x ml will have
= 5  5  1
16 16 4 3 4 7  21
0  5 x  5 x  10 x  ml of alcohol i.e. 10 x ml of alcohol  It
5 5  
Hence 0.25 litres of water will be mixed with each litre of milk. will have 70% alcohol. Choice (B)
Choice (A) 25. Let us say we have x kgs of fresh dates and y kg of dry
19. Initial quantity of milk in the vessel = 0.2 (10) = 2 ml dates formed from them.
Initial quantity of water in the vessel = 0.8 (10) = 8 ml Amount of dry pulp = 10x/100 = 72y/100
After x ml of milk was added, the ratio of milk and water y =10x/72 = 5x/36
would become 4 : 1  when x = 36 kg, y = 5 kg Ans: (5)
x = 4 (8) – 2 = 30
After y ml of water was added, ratio of milk and water would 26. Quantity of milk present in the solution now
again become 1 : 4. 4
y = 4 (4(8)) – 8 = 120  700  70 
=   x700
 x + y = 150 Ans: (150)  700 
20. Let the number of Group A employees be m. The number of  9 
Group B employees = m – 10    x 700 = 459.2 litres Choice (B)
Applying the alligation rule,  10 
m  10 4800  4000
  0.8  m = 50 27. Let the amount of alcohol initially present be x litres. After
m 4000  3000 two successive dilutions,
Choice (B) 2 2
x6 9 3
    
21. Total cost of the coffee powder bought by Raju = (40) (240)
 x  9  16  5 
+ (160) (360) = 31200
x = 15 litres Ans: (15)
4 1
Total selling price = (100) + (100) (270) = 34200
5 5 28. Applying the alligation equation, Quantity of milk/quantity of
16  0
Overall profit = 3000 water =  8 :1 Choice (A)
18  16
3000 8
Overall profit % = (100) = 9 %
31200 13 29. The original mixture had 90 litres of milk and 10 litres of
Choice (A) 9
water It had th of milk
22. Let the required proportion be x : y : z After the first withdrawal of 10 litres, 9 litres of milk and
10x  12y  18z 1 litre of water is lost. The resulting mixture would have
 14
xyz 81 litres of milk. On then adding water the vessel would
Going by the options, we have only Choice (D) satisfying 81
have th of its contents as milk
the above equation. 100
Alternate method: 2
We want the milk concentration to be at most 66 %
Prices of 3 varieties of sugar are `10, `12 and `18 per kg. 2
Let them be mixed in the ratio x : y : z (i.e less than or equal to 66 %), the milk quantity to be at
Hence, price of the mixture is 3
(10x + 12y + 18z)/(x + y + z) 2
most 66 litres. After the second replacement the vessel
But this value is given on `14. 3
Hence, (10x + 12y + 18z)/(x + y + z) = 14 729
 10x + 12y + 18z = 14x + 14y + 14z would have th of its contents as milk. After the third
 4x + 2y – 4z = 0;
 2x + y – 2z = 0 6561
replacement, the vessel would have th of its contents
This equation has infinite solution sets. Hence, from among 10000
the given options, the one which satisfies the equation will 2
be the solution. as milk i.e. 65.61 litres of milk (which is less than 66 litres)
Option (D), i.e., 3 : 4 : 5 satisfies the equation.
The least number of times the procedure has to be carried
Choice (D)
out is 3. Ans: (3)
23. The data can be tabulated as : 30. Let the initial volumes of milk in P and Q be p and q
Alcohol Water Concentration After the first transfer, P would have 0.2p and Q would
Mixture 1 1 part 2 parts 1/3 have 0.8p + q. After the second transfer, P would have
Mixture 2 4 parts 1 part 4/5 0.2p + 0.6(0.8p + q) and Q would have 0.4(0.8p + q)
0.2p  0.60.8p  q 23 p 5
Mixture 1 part 1 part 1/2    Choice (D)
0.40.8p  q 12 q 2
If q1 and q2 are the quantities of mixture 1 and mixture
2 that are mixed, then by alligation equation, Exercise – 7(b)

( 4 / 5)  (1/ 2)

3 / 10  9
q2 (1/ 2)  1/ 3 1/ 6 5 Solutions for question 1 to 19:
It is given that, q1 + q2 = 28; 1. Let A‟s, B‟s, C‟s, and D‟s weights be a kg, b kg, c kg and
9 d kg respectively.
Hence q1 = x 28  18 litres Ans: (18)
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bc d 9a  72
a= = 3a = b + c + d ------------ (1) The average number of goals = = a + 8 = 16
3 9
ac d The average number of goals in the second and eighth
b= = 3b = a + c + d ------------ (2)
3 2a  16
matches = = a + 8 = 16 Choice (C)
Adding (1) and (2), 2
3 (a + b) = a + b + 2 (c + d)
a+b=c+d 8. As the tens digits of the 9 numbers are different, the tens
digits must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The units digits of
cd ab
= 30  = 30. Choice (B) the numbers must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Their
2 2 36
2. By using the alligation equation, average = =4 Ans: (4)
Number of clerks 10000  8000 2 9. (i) Total score of 36 students = 36 x 60 = 2160.
= 
Number of managers 8000  3000 5 If the two highest scores are excluded, total scores of
Number of clerks = 50;  Number of managers = 125 the remaining 34 students = 34 x 58 = 1972.
Difference in the number of clerks and managers Highest score of the class = 2160 – 1972 – 90
= 125 – 50 = 75 Ans: (75) = 188 – 90 = 98 Choice (A)
(ii) Total score = 2240
3. Average value per coin = 775 paise/100 coins 7.75 paise/coin. Total score, excluding the top and the least scores
By the application of the alligation equation. = (69) (30) = 2070
The number of 5 paise coins and the number of 10 paise Let the top and the least scores be t and l respectively.
10  7.75 2.25 9 t + l = 2240 – 2070 = 170 ------------ (1)
coins =   t – l = 70 ------------ (2)
7.75  5 2.75 11
Solving (1) and (2), T = 120 Ans: (120)
Hence the number of 5 paise coins
= (9/20) x (100) = 45 Choice (D) 10. Let the fifth number be x. Then, from the given data, second
Note: The problem can also be solved using simultaneous number = 7x
equation. 7x  3
first number =
4. Let the time in which the part which was covered at the
7x  3
lower speed be x hours. The time in which the other part was fourth number = 2
250 3
covered = (5 – x) hours. Raju‟s average speed = = 50 7x  3 7x  3  7x  3 
5  7x     2   x  5 x 16.2  81
kmph 3 9  3 
Applying the alligation rule, Solving, we get x = 6 Choice (D)
x 80  50 3
  x=3 11. Let the average of the ages of the 11 men be A years. Let
5  x 50  30 2 the ages of the oldest and the youngest be x years and
The distance he covered at the higher speed y years respectively.
= 80 (5 – x) = 160 km Ans: (160) If any one person leaves the group the maximum and
minimum possible average age of the remaining occur if the
5. When different distances are travelled at different speeds, person aged y years and the person aged x years,
then the average speed, s, is respectively, leave
s1t1  s 2 t 2 11 A – y = (10) (11) = 110 ------------ (1)
s= where s1, s2 are the speeds and t1, t2 are 11 A – x = (10) (12) = 120 ------------ (2)
s1  s 2
Adding (1) and (2),
the times of travel with respective speeds.
22A – (x + y ) = 230
t1 s s
Hence,  2 xy 5
t2 s  s1  11 A = 11 Choice (D)
2 11
In the given problem, s1 = 45 kmph (scooter),
s2 = 70 kmph (car) 12. Let the correct average of the 10 positive integers be
s = (250/5) = 50 kmph (average speed). A and the number whose digits are interchanged be (ab)10
t1 70  50 20 4 10A = (ab)10 + ……….
Hence,   
t2 50  45 5 1 10(A – 1.8) = (ba)10 + …….
Total time of travel = 5 hours.
18 = (ab)10 – (ba)10 = 10a + b – (10b + a)
Hence, t1, time of travel by scooter = of 5 = 4 hours.
5 = 9a – 9b = 9(a – b) Difference of the two digits a and
Distance covered by scooter = 4 x 45 = 180 km. b = 18/9 = 2 Choice (B)
Choice (B) 13. The age of the person who is replaced is ab. Let the sum of
the ages of the remaining persons be x
6. Y‟s age is 32 – 4 = 28 ab + x = 60A and ba + x = 60(0.8A)
Let the average age of 11 people be A (ab + x) – (ba + x) = 60 (A – 0.8A) (  ab – ba = 9)
11A = 32 + 28 + k …… eqn. (1), where k is the sum of the  9(a-b) = 12A
remaining ages.
 A = a  b
11(A – 1) = a + b + k……eqn. (2),
where a and b are the ages of the two people replacing 4
x and y. Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1), A has its maximum value when a – b has its maximum
11 = 60 – (a + b)  a + b = 49 and the average age of the value, which is 9 Maximum (A) is 6.75. But all the ages
people replacing x and y = 49/2 = 24.5 years are two digit numbers and A cannot be 6.75, i.e the data is
Choice (D) consistent.
Choice (D)
7. Let the number of goals in the first match be a. The number 14. Let the number of matches totally played be N
of goals in successive matches are a, a + 2, 1200 1200  20 1200 1220
a + 4, a + 6, a + 8, a + 10, a + 12, a + 14, and a + 16  
N 1 N N 1 N

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1200N = 1220 (N – 1) = 1220 N – 1220 Hence N = 61 = 600  (5) If C gives `50 to D,
Alternate method: C – 50 = 2(D + 50)  C = 2D + 150  (6)
Solving equation (5) and (6)
In the last match, the score is 20; this can be treated as the
D = `150 and C = `450 Choice (D)
average score for the group of matches, whose number is 1.
The weighted average of this group and the group of
Solutions for questions 22 to 45:
matches played earlier is also 20. i.e., there is no change in
average; i.e., the average of the other group is 20. Hence,
22. Let the total marks of P and Q, P and R and Q and R be a,
number of matches of that group = 1200/20 = 60. Hence,
b and c respectively. Let the number of students in P, Q and
total number of matches = 60 + 1 = 61. Ans:
R be p, q and r respectively.
a = 60 (p + q)
15. Let us say N members met for lunch b = 64 (q + r)
2160 2160 c = 72 (p + r)
  81 a + b + c = 132 p + 124 q + 136 r
N6 N
abc 66p  62q  68r
Substituting the choices in place of N in the equation above, x= 
2(p  q  r ) pqr
we see that only Choice (A) satisfies it. Choice (A)
62(p  q  r ) 68(p  q  r )
16. Let the number of chocolates he ate on Monday = a pqr (p  q  r )
The number of chocolates he ate on subsequent days are 62 < x < 68
(from Tuesday to Friday) Tuesday are a + 2, a + 10, a, a + 4  Only 62.5 is the only possible value Choice (C)
3  a  a  2  a  10   4 a  a  4   4 = a 23. Let the number of students in P be 2x
 3   2  Let the average marks of P be 5y
Choice (B) Numbers of students in Q, R and S are 3x, 6x and
4x respectively.
17. Let the numbers be a, b, c, a2 b2 c2, a3b3c3, …..a9b9c9 Average marks of Q, R and S are 4y, 3y and 2y
1 respectively.
Average of the results = (a1b1c1 – c1b1a1 + a2b2c2 - c2b2a2 Total marks of P, Q, R and S are 10xy, 12 xy, 18 xy and
8 xy respectively. Greatest weighted average
+ a3b3c3 – c3b3a3 + …….. a9b9c9 – c9b9a9)
 10 xy  12xy  18 xy 10 xy  12xy  8 xy 
= [99 (a1 – c1 + a2 – c2 + a3 – c3 +…a9 – c9]  , ,
= maximum  2x  3 x  6 x 2x  3 x  4 x 
9  12xy  18 xy  8 xy 10 xy  18 xy  8 xy 
for i = 1 to 9 ai  ci  , 
As the average of the results is 0, it follows that ai = ci.  3x  6x  4x 2x  6 x  4 x 
As the units digits of the numbers are distinct, the units 7 1 12 7
digits must be from 1 to 9. The greatest and the least Max (3 y,3 y,2 y, 3y ) = 3 y
11 3 13 11
hundreds digits are 9 and 1 respectively.
7 (52)(11)
Their average = 5 Choice (B)  3 y = 52  y =
11 40
18. Let the present ages of the father, his only son and his wife 38
be f years, s years and m years respectively. least weighted average = y = 41.8 Ans: (41.8)
f s 5 sm
  
2 4  2  24. (i) Let the smaller part lent be ` x. The larger part lent
 4 (f - m) = s + m = ` (8000 – x)
 f – m = 10 and m - s = 30 960
The effective rate of interest = (100)% = 12%
 s + m = 40 and m – s = 30  s = 5 Ans: (5) 8000
Applying the alligation rule,
19. As the average weight of A decreased after the student left,
8000  x 20  12 4
his weight must be more than the average weight of A. As the  
average weight of B decreased after the student joined, his x 12  10 1
weight must be less than the average weight of B. x = 1600.  The difference of the parts = 8000 – 2x
His weight must be between 40 kg and 60 kg = 4800 Choice (A)
Choice (B)
(ii) Let the part lent at 10% be `x and that lent at 12% be
Solutions for questions 20 and 21: (1800 – x).
x 12  10.5 3
 
20. Let a, b, c and d represent the amounts with A, B, C and D 1800  x 10.5  10 1
respectively. Hence x = 3/4 (1800) = 1350 and y = 1/4 (1800) = 450
If a is increased by 100%, the new value is 2a. Interest earned by the business man from the part lent
When b is increased by 200%, the new value is 3b.
Hence, net increase in total value is (2a – a) + (3b – b) at 10% = 1350 x 1 x 10 = `135 Choice (A)
= a + 2b 100
This increase leads to an increase in the average, equal to
(a + 2b)/4. 25. (i) Once a litre of milk is added, we have the total quantity
Given this increase = `62.50 of the solution = 7litres.
Hence, (a + 2b)/4 = 62.50 70
 a + 2b = 250 ---------- (1) Concentration of water = 100 x100 = 60%
When the percentage increases are interchanged, then the 7
amounts with A and B will be 3a and 2b respectively. Choice (D)
Average of 3a and 2b is given equal to 275.
(ii) Quantity of milk in 350 ml = 10/100 x 350 = 35 ml
Hence, (3a + 2b)/2 = 275;
Once water is added, milk forms 7% of the solution.
 3a + 2b = 550 -------- (2)
Hence the total solution = 100/7 x 35 = 500 ml
Subtracting (1) from (2), 2a = 300; a = 150 Choice (A)
Hence the amount of water added = (500 – 350) ml
21. From the previous solution, a = 150 and b = 50. = 150 ml Choice (D)
C + D = 800 – (A + B) = 800 – (150 + 50)
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002261/62
26. Let the quantities of milk and water that are mixed be
C1  v  x   C 2
m litres and n litres respectively  v 
Cost of water = `0 / litres
Applying allegation, C1, C2 are the initial and the final concentrations
w 20  18 1 respectively; v is the total volume, x is the volume replaced.
  Choice (D)
m 18  0
Hence, 9%  v  9   6%;  v = 27
Choice (A)
 v 
27. Selling price of the mixture = `5 / litre
Cost prices of the mixture = = ` 4/ litre 33. Let the average bill per head for the girls for lunch be x.
100  25 Hence, the average bill per head for the boys would be
Let the quantity of water mixed be x litres x + 7.
x 54 1 Total bill = 40x + 30(x + 7)
Applying alligation,   The average bill per head for the boys for dinner = x + 5
1 40 4
x = 0.25 Ans: (0.25)  Total bill for the boys = 30(x + 5)
28. Let x litres and y litres be the respective quantities to be Let the average bill per head for the girls be x + k.
drawn from A and B to form the mixture  Total bill for the dinner = 30(x + 5) + 40(x + k)
Total average bill per head was the same, i.e., total bill
x  y  x  y  
4 3 3 x 27
 Choice (A) amount was the same.
9 4 5 y 28  40x + 30(x + 7) = 30(x + 5) + 40(x + k)
 k = 1.5 Ans: (1.5)
29. The ratio in which A and B are mixed = 2 : 3
Let the quantities of A and B mixed be 2x kg and 3x kg 34. Let the average marks of the class be x.
respectively. Total marks of the 30 students = 30x.
Cost of the mixture formed
20(2x)  30(3x) Conditional case:
=  `26 per kg New average = x + 3
5x Total marks of the 33 students = 33(x + 3)
(i) Cost of the mixture formed by interchanging the
20(3x )  30(2x) Average marks of the 3 students who joined =
quantities of A and B =  `24 per kg Sum of the marks of the 3 students who joined = 4x
Choice (C)  30x + 4x = 33(x + 3)
x = 99.
39  26
(ii) profit percentage = (100)% = 50% The average marks of the class is 99. Choice (C)
Choice (C) 35. Let the total number of matches played by Smith be x + 40.
The average runs of the first 20 and last 20 matches are
30. Let the quantities of A, B and C used for mixing be a kg, 80 and 90 respectively.
b kg and c kg respectively. Let the average runs of the remaining x matches be y.
Cost price of the mixture = 15(100) = `9 / kg Average runs scored in all the matches (A)
2 ( ) ( )
100  66
Total cost price of the mixture = 6a + 9b + 12 c = 9 When the first 20 matches are not considered, average runs
(a + b + c)  a = c ( )
As b = 50 and a + b + c = 100, a = 25 and b = 25. of the remaining matches = A + 2 =
 The quantity of variety A is 25 kg. Ans: (25) ( )
31. Let the cost of P, Q, R be `p, q, r. per kg (p = 200, given) When the last 20 matches are not considered, average runs
( )
20 of the remaining matches = A – 2 =
r r  288.  r = 240
100 ( )
Let x kg of P and 2x kg of Q be mixed to form R. Let the A=
cost of Q be `q/kg ( ) ( )
x200  2xq 
 240  q = 260
x = 30
Let a kg of the first variety and b kg of the second variety be Hence, total number of matches played by Smith = 70
mixed to form Q. Ans : (70)
280 a  180 b a 4
  260  a = 4b i.e., 
ab b 1 36. Let the cost prices of A and B be ₹a and ₹b per kg
Choice (C) respectively.
When mixed in the ratio 4 : 5, the average cost price per kg is
32. Let the capacity of the vessel be x ml. …… (1)
Amount of milk originally in the vessel = 9x/100 ml
Amount of milk in the vessel after replacement by water When mixed in the ratio 5 : 4, the average cost price per kg
= 6x/100 ml. is …… (2)
Amount of milk in the 9 litres withdrawn
= 9(9)/100 = 81/100 ml (1) ÷ (2) 
Hence 9x/100 – 6x/100 = 81/100;
 3x/100 = 81/100 Applying componendo and dividendo rule,
 x = 27litres ( )
Alternate method:
a + b = 25(b – a)
In the case of replacement, the relation between the initial 24b = 26a
and the final concentration is :
Choice (B)

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002261/63
37. Let y% be the concentration of milk in solution C. (0.9)n+2  0.75 ------------ (1)
( ) ( ) least value of n satisfying (1) is 1 Ans: (1)
…… (1)
( ) ( ) Solutions for questions 41 to 45:
= 12.5
41. From statement , 18 students are 15 years old.
y = 15. Substituting y = 5 in (1)
5(15) = 3(10) + 2(x) From statement , the average age of four of the students
2x = 45 is less than 15 years. These four could be two from the
x = 22.5 Choice (C) initial group of 18 students and two from the remaining two
students, or three from the initial group of 18 students and
38. Concentration of alcohol in the 1st mixture = 3/(3 + 4) = 3/7 one from the remaining two students. Even by combining
Concentration of alcohol in the 2nd mixture both, we can‟t say whether the ages of both the students,
= (65)/65 + 79) = (65/144) (the 19th and the 20th student) are less than 15 years or only
Concentration of alcohol in the combined mixture one of their age is less than 15 years.
= 4/(4 + 5) = 4/9 Hence, the question can‟t be answered. Choice (D)
If q1 and q2 are the quantities of mixture 1 and mixture 42. Statement  alone is sufficient as tin by weight is
2 that are combined, then, by the equation of alligation,
65 / 144  4 / 9  1/ 144  63  7   2 3 
 1       60 kg
q2 4 / 9  3 / 7 1 / 63 144 16   5 16  
Choice (A) Statement  alone gives by volume. So, it is not sufficient.
Choice (A)
39. Let x kg be the quantity of T1 in the mixture.
Cost of the mixture of T1, T2 and T3 43. Either of the statement alone is not sufficient as the
56( x )  64(2x)  80( 4x) information about six numbers is not given in one
= = ` 72 per kg statement.
Using both the statements,
Let y kg of T1 be added to this mixture. The cost of the final We can say that three numbers are more than 30.
(72)( 4)  56y  80( 4 y ) Choice (C)
mixture =
4  5y
87.60(100) 44. Using both statements  and , we can say that x is more
This also equals  73 4
100  20 concentrated. (concentration of x is = 57.14% and then
288  376y 4
  73  =y Choice (D) 6
4  5y 11 concentration of y is < 50%) Choice (C)
40. Let the capacity of the vessel be x litres.
(i) quantity of milk in the vessel finally 45. Either of the statements alone is not sufficient as the total
score of boys and girls is given in statement  and total
2 score of girls is given in statement .
= x   = x – 17.1 Using both the statements,
 x  Let the average score of the boys be k
x2 – 18 x + 81 = x2 – 17.1x x = 90 Ans: (90) kx + 86y = 85(x + y)  kx = 85x – y
y = x(85 – k)
(ii) let the number of further replacements be n. As x and y are positive, k must be less than 85.
n 2 So the average score of the boys is less than 85 but we
x9 75 x
   can‟t say whether it is more than 83 or not. Choice (D)
 x  100
x = 90

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002261/64

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