Grade IX English Lang UT July 2022

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NAME: DATE:18.07.2022
The time given at the head of the paper is the time allotted for writing the answers.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
Attempt all questions.

Question 1 [10]

a) Your school is organising trips to Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai. Write a letter to your father stating
which trip you would like to go on and why.

Question 2 [5+5]

a) You are Head Boy/Girl of your school. You have been asked to inform student of Class IX and X
about an Inter-School Debate Competetion. Draft a notice for the student’s notice board with all
necessary details.
b) Write an email inviting the Principal of the neighboring school requesting him/her to be the chief
guest for the Inter-School Debate Competition.

Question 3

a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: [4]

1. He congratulated me __________ my success.

2. Truth always prevails _________ the long run.
3. He refused to put __________ with his interference any more.
4. She is a diligent student, worthy _________ praise.
5. I was __________ the impression that the meeting had been cancelled.
6. The mouse crept stealthily _________ the cheese.
7. Reema insists __________ wearing that dress.
8. Do you take his word _________ mine?

b) Change the voice of the verb as directed: [8]

1. I will never forget this experience. (to passive voice)

2. Mother made a cake yesterday. (to passive voice)
3. The girl was teased by the boy. (to active voice)
4. The deer was being chased by the tiger. (to active voice)
5. The police have caught the thief. (to passive voice)
6. Was her duty done by her? (to active voice)
7. She has learned her lessons. (to passive voice)
8. A novel has been written by her. (to active voice)
c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using ‘and’ ‘but’ or ‘so’: [8]

1. I met Rita on Monday, I havent met her after that.

2. He is not a painter. He is not a singer.
3. He is very old. He goes about his work enthusiastically.
4. He worked hard. He failed to qualify in the entrance exams.
5. Rafiq will have to confess. Shafiq will have to do so or else.
6. There was a traffic jam. We managed to reach the venue on time.
7. I am writing down his phone number. I may forget it.
8. I finished the household chores I went to the concert.


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