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Table of Contents

1) Can you explain your development process?....................................................................................10

2) What are different documents you prepare?....................................................................................10
3) Who does the unit test?....................................................................................................................10
4) Who prepares the TS? and who prepares the FS?............................................................................10
5) What is the effort estimation?..........................................................................................................10
6) What is Transport request?...............................................................................................................10
7) What is landscape?...........................................................................................................................10
8) What is architecture?........................................................................................................................10
9) What is namespace, SAP and customer?..........................................................................................10
10) What is a package and who creates it?........................................................................................10
11) What is requirement Freezing?.....................................................................................................10
12) What is agile model?.....................................................................................................................10
13) What is UAT and who deos it?......................................................................................................10
14) Is SAP database independent?......................................................................................................10
15) is ABAP case sensitive or space sensitive?.....................................................................................10
16) What is naming convention?.........................................................................................................10
17) What is standard guidelines?........................................................................................................10
18) What is code review and who does that? Have you ever done that?...........................................10
19) What is the name of local package?.............................................................................................10
20) What is Delivery class and it’s types ?...........................................................................................10
21) What is Data Class and it’s types ?...............................................................................................10
22) What is a primary key and how many maximum fields are allowed in a primary key of a table ?
23) What is size category significance ?And if table is filled,means table contains no........................10
24) What is the purpose of the buffering and various types ?............................................................10
25) What is the difference between data element and domain ?.......................................................11
26) What is top-down and bottom-up approaches of table creation ?...............................................11
27) What is foreign key relationship ?How you create a foreign key relationship ?Is foreign key
relationship only exists on primary key fields ?.........................................................................................11
28) What is client dependent and client independent tables ?...........................................................11
29) What is the difference between primary and secondary indexes? How to create them? How
many primary keys can be created?..........................................................................................................11
30) What is table maintenance generator? Purpose and how to create it?........................................11
31) How to make fields not editable in the TMG? What are the event's used for creating and update
in TMG?.....................................................................................................................................................11
32) What is the difference between ‘Standard recording routine’ and ‘no or user recording routine’?
33) What are the various option when you select the radio-button ‘Data type’ in the SE11
34) In how many ways you can define the data type in the Data element?........................................11
35) What is field label in the data element and it’s purpose?.............................................................11
36) In domain, what are the different ways in which you can define Value Range?...........................11
37) How you can allowed lower case characters and ‘+’/’-‘ sign in a field?.........................................11
38) What is the purpose of the conversion routine in the domain?....................................................11
39) What is the difference between value table and check table?......................................................11
40) What are views and its types?.......................................................................................................11
41) What are different types of search helps?....................................................................................11
42) What are lock objects in data dictionary?.....................................................................................11
43) What is database utility, its purpose and transaction code? What are the various ways in which
we can use database utility to create/modify DB table?...........................................................................12
44) What are the different types available in the report program?....................................................12
45) What are the different events exists in the report program and there purpose?.........................12
46) What is the difference between various selection-screen events?...............................................12
47) What is difference between parameters and select-options? Structure of a select-options?.......12
48) How to create radio-button, check box and push buttons on the selection-screen?....................12
49) What need to be done to display different input fields based upon selected
50) With header line...........................................................................................................................12
51) Types of Internal table and difference between them...............................................................12
52) Difference between do and while loop........................................................................................12
53) Difference between Subroutine and function module..................................................................12
54) What is function module ? What are different types of function module ?..................................12
55) What is subroutine and macro and difference between them ?.................................................12
56) What is include ?...........................................................................................................................12
57) Difference types of Modularization technique.............................................................................12
58) Different types of Reports.............................................................................................................12
59) Which system variable holds current loop counter value in DO and LOOP statement?................12
60) What is the difference between CLEAR, REFRESH and FREE keywords?.......................................12
61) What is the difference between STOP, EXIT and RETURN keywords?...........................................12
62) What is the difference between internal and external session? What is the difference between
SAP and ABAP memory?...........................................................................................................................13
63) What is the difference between classical and interactive report?................................................13
64) What is the default number of the selection-screen?...................................................................13
65) What are different types of the JOINs in sap abap?......................................................................13
66) What is the difference between INNER JOIN and FOR ALL ENTRIES?............................................13
67) What is Data Class in Transparent Table settings?........................................................................13
68) What is the difference between Domain and Data Element?.......................................................13
69) What are different types of views?...............................................................................................13
70) What are the events in the Reports?............................................................................................13
71) In which event of the report we can handle radio buttons?.........................................................13
72) How would you add the logo to ALV report?................................................................................13
73) Is it necessary for Main Window in Smartforms?..........................................................................13
74) What is a Size Category?...............................................................................................................13
75) Can you define a field without a data element?...........................................................................13
76) What is the meaning of a foreign key relationship ?.....................................................................13
77) What is the meaning of SAP R/3?..................................................................................................13
Presentation Layer:..............................................................................................................................14
Application Layer:................................................................................................................................14
Database Layer:....................................................................................................................................14
78) Explain the use of insert and append statement in SAP ABAP?....................................................13
79) Why do we use TYPES statement in ABAP programming?............................................................13
80) What is a subroutine?...................................................................................................................13
81) What is the different between template and a table?..................................................................13
82) What is the use of ABAP data dictionary?.....................................................................................13
83) What is Structure?.........................................................................................................................13
84) Is SAP Case-Sensitive?...................................................................................................................13
85) Is SAP A Database?........................................................................................................................13
86) How many SAP Sessions can you work on at a given time?..........................................................13
87) what do you mean by datasets? is it related to presentation or application server?...................13
88) What are the variables?................................................................................................................14
89) What is the process to create a table in the data dictionary?.......................................................14
90) Explain the types of function modules in SAP ABAP......................................................................14
91) What are Smart forms in SAP ABAP? and transaction code to create one....................................14
92) How to insert a line into ABAP internal tables?.............................................................................14
93) What is a Subroutine?...................................................................................................................14
94) What is the Continue statement used for?...................................................................................14
95) Why Concatenate is used?............................................................................................................14
96) What is the Syntax for Message Box?...........................................................................................14
97) What does sy-ucomm contain/store?...........................................................................................14
98) What is the difference between "move" and "move-corresponding"?.........................................14
99) What is the difference between Workarea and Internal table?....................................................14
100) What is an Internal Table?............................................................................................................14
101) What is the difference between the Global variable and the Local Variable?...............................14
102) What are the keywords in an internal table?................................................................................14
103) What is Debugging?......................................................................................................................14
104) Explain the use of insert and append statement in SAP ABAP?....................................................14
105) Why do we use TYPES statement in ABAP programming?............................................................14
106) What is a subroutine?...................................................................................................................14
107) What is the different between template and a table?..................................................................14
108) What is the use of ABAP data dictionary?.....................................................................................14
109) What is the difference between Workarea and Internal table?....................................................14
110) What is an Internal Table?............................................................................................................14
111) What is the difference between the Global variable and the Local Variable?...............................14
112) What are the keywords in an internal table?................................................................................15
113) What is Debugging?......................................................................................................................15
114) What is the difference between binary search and linear search?...............................................15
115) What is Modularization?...............................................................................................................15
116) What is Structure?.........................................................................................................................15
117) What are smart forms in sap ABAP?.............................................................................................15
118) How to Insert a line into ABAP Internal tables?............................................................................15
119) What is subroutine?......................................................................................................................15
120) What is the continue statement used for?....................................................................................15
121) Why concatenate is used?.............................................................................................................15
122) What is the difference between “Move” and “Move-corresponding”?........................................15
123) What is use of database utility (SE14)?.........................................................................................15
124) Which table store change pointers?..............................................................................................15
125) EDI and IDOC, what is difference?.................................................................................................15
126) Where is SOAP and REST used?.....................................................................................................15
127) What is the difference between REST and OData?.......................................................................15
128) What is the syntax for message box?............................................................................................15
129) In ALV, if you want to disable few toolbar buttons?......................................................................15
130) Adobe form to print country specific data and currency?.............................................................15
131) Adobe form to print original and other copies, link customer vendor etc....................................15
132) How to identify a singleton class?.................................................................................................15
133) What are interfaces in sap ABAP?.................................................................................................15
134) Max size of payload?.....................................................................................................................15
135) How to debug AMDP?...................................................................................................................15
136) Have you worked on ABAP Test class?..........................................................................................15
137) What is IDOC in SAP ABAP?...........................................................................................................15
138) What are BAPI and RFC, difference between them in sap abap ?.................................................15
139) Diff between smart forms and scripts...........................................................................................15
140) Explain Adobe Forms.....................................................................................................................15
141) Why do we use Adobe forms instead of smart forms?.................................................................16
142) Explain the recent Objects u have done in projects......................................................................16
143) What is ALV report?......................................................................................................................16
144) Diff between Type and Like in ABAP.............................................................................................16
145) What are OSS notes?.....................................................................................................................16
146) Explain different types of views in SAP ABAP................................................................................16
147) Explain OOPS concepts?................................................................................................................16
Ans- Object orientation simplifies software design to make it easier to understand, maintain, and
reuse. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) represents a different way of thinking in writing software.
The beauty of OOP lies in its simplicity. The expressiveness of OOP makes it easier to deliver quality
software components on time................................................................................................................17
The object-oriented approach focuses on objects that represent abstract or concrete things of the real
world. These objects are defined by their character and properties that are represented by their internal
structure and their attributes (data)........................................................................................................17
148) What is web Dynpro for ABAP ?....................................................................................................16
149) What is Transport Request in SAP ?..............................................................................................16
150) What is the Tcode to create Table , Data Element , Domain.?......................................................16
151) Which Function are available in SE11 Tcode.?..............................................................................16
Transaction code SE11 is a ABAP dictionary. By using this transaction code, you can create,
change and display table entries and structures.............................................................................17
152) How Many Types of Tables in SAP Abap and what are their name and Difference?.....................16
153) Difference between Data Element and Domain ?.........................................................................16
154) What is Search help and What are their name?............................................................................16
155) What is Lock Object and What are their name?............................................................................16
156) Difference between Table and Structure?.....................................................................................16
157) How do I know which database my sap installation is using?"......................................................16
158) What are the Events in TMG?.......................................................................................................16
159) How many structures we are using in SAP ABAP and their name?...............................................16
160) What is internal table and Work aera?.........................................................................................16
161) What are the Types of Internal Table in SAP?...............................................................................16
162) Give two to Three Example of Internal Table Functionality..........................................................16
163) What are events of Classical Report?............................................................................................16
164) Why we use of At -selection screen output event?.......................................................................17
165) Diffreence between Classical Report and Intreactive Report........................................................17
166) Explain the events of interactive report........................................................................................17
167) What is SY-TABIX and SY-INDEX and why we use it?.....................................................................17
168) Explain How To Debug a Report Or Tcode And What are the use of f5,f6,f7,f8............................17
169) What events are using in Module Pool Report?............................................................................17
170) What is CHAIN and ENDCHAIN in MP Report?..............................................................................17
171) What is the tcode for SMARTFORMS?...........................................................................................17
172) How many Windows are in SMARTFORMS?.................................................................................17
173) Difference between Table and Template in Smartforms?.............................................................17
174) How to debug a Smartforms?........................................................................................................17
175) What is Tcode For Create Logo?....................................................................................................17
176) What is CDS view?.........................................................................................................................17
177) What is the mandatory annotation in CDS View?.........................................................................17
178) How to Create Odata and what is annotation for Odata in CDS view ?.........................................17
179) What is accosication in CDS view ?................................................................................................17
180) What is Table Function in CDS View why we use this Table Function ?........................................17
181) What is Entity Type and Entity Set in Odata ?...............................................................................17
182) What is DPC And MPC in Odata?...................................................................................................17
183) Have you any idea in Odata CURD Operation Please Explain it ?..................................................17
184) Can we use TWO main window in smartform ?............................................................................17
185) Tell me about for all enteries ?......................................................................................................17
186) Pre- requisite of for all enteries?...................................................................................................17
187) What happened if the for all entries base table is not having data?.............................................17
188) What will you do if you found loop inside loop?...........................................................................17
189) Explain parallel cursor technique. What should we consider for parallel cursor ?........................18
190) Tell me about binary search ?.......................................................................................................18
191) Purpose of Sort ?...........................................................................................................................18
192) Did you know about Enhancements? Types of Enhancements?...................................................18
193) Implicit and Explicit Enhancements ?............................................................................................18
194) How will we Implement Enhancements?......................................................................................18
195) Types of Explicit enhancements ?.................................................................................................18
196) Difference between Section and Point ?.......................................................................................18
197) How comfortable you are with debugging. How to stop the debugger at particular value ?........18
198) Can we insert one main window in one page and another main window in second page............18
199) What is the Tcode For SAP Script..................................................................................................18
200) What is an AMDP Class..................................................................................................................18
201) What is the transaction code to check the missing authorizations for AMDP execution?............18
202) Can we create/edit AMDP in SAP GUI using transaction SE24?....................................................18
203) How many types of AMDP methods exists?..................................................................................18
204) Does AMDPs support automatic client handling?.........................................................................18
205) How many types of ABAP HANA CDS views are there?.................................................................18
206) What is Cardinality in CDS view ?..................................................................................................18
207) Name at least 2 CDS session variables?.........................................................................................18
208) What is the difference between SKIP and RESERVE?....................................................................18
209) What is the difference between SKIP and NEW-LINE?..................................................................18
210) What is hotspot?...........................................................................................................................18
211) What does HIDE statement do?....................................................................................................18
212) What are the events in classical reports?......................................................................................18
213) How many detail lists can be created in interactive reporting?................................................19
214) What is the name of the system variable that holds the contents of the selected line in
interactive reporting?...............................................................................................................................19
215) What do you mean by BDC?..........................................................................................................19
216) How data is stored in cluster table?..............................................................................................19
217) What is SAP memory?...................................................................................................................19
218) What is Abap memory?.................................................................................................................19
219) What is the usage of GET CURSOR and SET CURSOR?...................................................................19
220) What is SAP ALV report?...............................................................................................................19
221) What Are The Uses Of Alv Reports?..............................................................................................19
222) What Is Field Catalog In Sap Alv?..................................................................................................19
223) What Is The Difference Between Client Dependent And Independent Tables?............................19
224) What is function module?.............................................................................................................19
225) What is bapi difference between bapi and function module?......................................................19
226) Which function module can be used to transfer the data using bdc programming?....................19
227) How can you make the Smart forms to choose a printer name by default?.................................19
228) Where can I provide the input parameters to the smart form?....................................................19
229) How can I insert symbol in Smartphone?......................................................................................19
230) How can I define page protect in smart forms?............................................................................19
231) How to convert a smart form output to PDF output?...................................................................19
232) How can you see the smart form print preview output as list output?.........................................19
233) How do you achieve barcode painting in smart form?..................................................................20
234) How do you add a watermark or a background image for smart forms?......................................20
235) How will you print on both sides of a smart form?.......................................................................20
236) How can you provide a background colour to the table?..............................................................20
237) Can you have a smartphone without a main window?.................................................................20
238) What is a copies window?.............................................................................................................20
239) How can you display the total number of pages in smart form?...................................................20
240) how to call a subject in SAP script?...............................................................................................20
241) what are the various text formatting option in smart form?.........................................................20
242) where can i define my own global type for the smart forms?.......................................................20
243) What is a Table attribute?.............................................................................................................20
244) What is the significance of Delivery Class?....................................................................................20
245) What is the max. no. Of structures that can be included in a table or structure...........................20
246) What are two methods of modifying SAP standard tables?..........................................................20
247) What is the difference between a Substructure and an Append Structure?.................................20
248) To how many tables can an append structure be assigned...........................................................20
249) Can we include customizing include or an append structure with Pooled or Cluster tables?.......20
250) What are the two ways for restricting the value range for a domain?..........................................20
251) What is a Match Code?.................................................................................................................20
252) Can you delete a domain, which is being used by data elements?...............................................20
253) What are conversion routines.......................................................................................................20
254) What is the function of a data element?.......................................................................................20
255) Can a domain, assigned to a data element be changed?..............................................................21
256) Can you define a field without a data element?...........................................................................21
257) What is the difference between a structure and a table?.............................................................21
258) What are the basic functions of Database utility?.........................................................................21
259) INTERNAL TABLE & WORK AREA...................................................................................................21
260) What is an internal table?.............................................................................................................21
261) Different types of internal table....................................................................................................21
262) What is the difference between COLLECT and APPEND statements.............................................21
263) How do you delete duplicate records from internal table?...........................................................21
264) How do you find number of records present in internal table?....................................................21
265) What is the difference between REFRESH and FREE statements?................................................21
266) What are the different control break statements available inside a loop?...................................21
267) What is the purpose of AT FIRST and AT LAST?.............................................................................21
268) What is the purpose of SUM statement?......................................................................................21
269) Can we use ON CHANGE OF between SELECT and ENDSELECT?...................................................21
270) What are the different methods of BDC?......................................................................................21
271) What is the t-code to display batch input sessions?.....................................................................21
272) What is the t-code for transaction recorder?................................................................................21
273) What is the syntax for Call Transaction?.......................................................................................21
274) What are the differences between session method and call transaction method?......................21
275) What is the ABAP program name to process the batch input session automatically?..................21
276) What is transport merge and checks you do before releasign transport......................................21
277) T-code to move the transport.......................................................................................................21
278) What is Modification and enhanacement? What si recomended and why?.................................21
279) What is implicit and explicit enhancement?.................................................................................22
280) What is user-exit, customer exit and Badi?...................................................................................22
281) Transaction code to create sales order?.......................................................................................22
282) T-code to create a T-Code.............................................................................................................22
283) How to debug an update function module...................................................................................22
284) What is the use of parallel cursor..................................................................................................22
285) What is the use of parallel processing...........................................................................................22
286) What is RFC, is it pass by value mandatory? Why RFC is important..............................................22
287) What is the use of SOAMANAGER?...............................................................................................22
1) Can you explain your development process?
Ans:- a) Understanding the Business requirement

b) Get the functional specification from Functional consultant

c) Creation of technical specification (pseudo code)

D) Start the development

e) Unit test / Functional unit test

f) Transport the program from Development to Quality

g) Functional testing & User Acceptance testing (UAT)

H) Moved to Production

2) What are different documents you prepare?

Ans – FS by functional and TS, Unit test (UT) by developer

3) Who does the unit test?

Ans - Unit Testing is typically performed by the developer. 

4) Who prepares the TS? and who prepares the FS?

Ans- (Developer or Technical consultant , FS- Functional Consultant)

5) What is the effort estimation?

Ans - Effort estimation is the process of forecasting how much effort is required to develop or maintain a software


Analysis 5

Technical Specification 8

Develop 20

Unit Test 4

Code Review 3
Total 40 5 Workign Days

6) What is Transport request?

Ans - An SAP Transport is a package which is used to transfer data from one SAP Client / installation to another.
This change can be from a small change to major change. It can be considered as an “update”, with the only
difference being that SAP transports are made by the SAP users themselves.
7) What is landscape?
Ans - SAP system landscape is defined as an arrangement of SAP servers. Ideally, in a Sap environment, a three-
system landscape exists. A system landscape consists of Development Server (Dev), Quality Assurance server (QAS)
and Production Server (PROD) .

8) What is architecture?
Ans- It is R/3 architecture.

9) What is namespace, SAP and customer?

Ans – A to X for SAP standards and Y & Z is for Custom.

10) What is a package and who creates it?

Ans - An ABAP package is a transportable ABAP repository object that groups development objects of an ABAP
system. It is similar to Container or Folder where we can save our object. It is created by SAP Basis team.

11) What is requirement Freezing?

Ans – Requirement Freezing is that further changes in the development process cannot be done after the
development of project.
12) What is agile model?
Ans- "Agile process model" refers to a software development approach based on iterative development. Agile
methods break tasks into smaller iterations, or parts do not directly involve long term planning. The project scope
and requirements are laid down at the beginning of the development process so that user can get the each stage
benefits in the progress of Project.

Each iteration is considered as a short time "frame" in the Agile process model, which typically lasts from one to
four weeks. The division of the entire project into smaller parts helps to minimize the project risk and to reduce
the overall project delivery time requirements. Each iteration involves a team working through a full software
development life cycle including planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, and testing before a working
product is demonstrated to the client.

Phases of Agile Model:

1. Requirements gathering

2. Design the requirements

3. Construction/ iteration

4. Testing/ Quality assurance

5. Deployment

6. Feedback

13) What is UAT and who deos it?

Ans - User acceptance testing (UAT), also called application testing or end-user testing, is a phase of software
development in which the software is tested in the real world by its intended audience.

1. How many presentation servers we can have and how many application server?

Ans - Multiple presentation server as many as you need , one application server maximum two (very few casws)
14) Is SAP database independent?
Ans -SAP DB is an open-source, platform-independent, SQL-based database system provided by SAP for

15) is ABAP case sensitive or space sensitive?

Ans - ABAP is Space sensitive.

16) What is naming convention?

Ans- I'm looking for naming conventions in ABAP programmes. Is there any official document where described
how I have to name i.e. local variables, local structures, local field symbols, ranges, parameters.

17) What is standard guidelines?

Ans - a. how to recognize a blank space in a given program,

b. how to recognize a comment, (start with “)

c. how to check whether a keyword is used or not,

d. use of chain operator

e . Use of proper events in program.

18) What is code review and who does that? Have you ever done that?
Ans - Change-based peer code reviews increase code quality by finding defects earlier and preventing them from
polluting the main code line. They also enable continuous integration by registering automated checks as
reviewers. These modern capabilities have been on the wish list of ABAP developers for some time.

Yes I have done only two times.

19) What is the name of local package?

Ans - $tmp

20) What is Delivery class and it’s types ?

Ans -
> controls the transport of table data in installations, upgrades, or client copies, and in transports between
customer systems.
> applied in extended table maintenance (transaction code SM30).
> There are 7 types of Delivery classes.

Delivery class A:
Application table for master data and transaction data.

Delivery class C
Customer table for data entered only by the customer.

Delivery class L
Table used as a repository for temporary data. SAP delivers tables in the delivery class L as
empty tables.

Delivery class G
Customer table where SAP can add data but not modify or delete it.

Delivery class E
System table in which customers can make entries.

Delivery class S
System table delivered by SAP with predefined data as part of the system, such
as ABAPDOCU_TREE containing the read-only tree of the ABAP keyword documentation.

Delivery class W
System table for system administration data, such as TFDIR as a directory of all function
modules. A system table in the delivery class W is usually delivered with prefilled entries by
SAP and can be affected by customer modifications.

21) What is Data Class and it’s types ?

A Data Class represents a physical area in Data Base where all the Data of the table assigned to
this Data Class are stored.
There are 5 types of Data Classes
a. APPL0 (Master Data)
b. APPL1( Transaction Data)
c. APPL2 (Organizational Data)
d. USR &USR1 (User Data)
22) What is a primary key and how many maximum fields are
allowed in a primary key of a table ?

A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies the rows in a table by one or more columns. The
primary key field cannot have a NULL value or duplicate values.
There are 16 primary key fields allowed in a table.

23) What is size category significance ?And if table is filled,means

table contains no

You use the size category to define the expected space required for the table in the database.

24) What is the purpose of the buffering and various types ?

Table Buffering in SAP ABAP is a concept in ABAP Tables to enhance performance (10 to 100 times)
and reduce time of processing (accessing) the table.
There are 3 types of Buffering …
a. Full Buffering. (all record at a time )
b. Generic Buffering (customizing or small part of the record )
c. Single-record Buffering (Single record)

25) What is the difference between data element and domain ?

Domain specifies the technical attributes of a data element. It’s data type, length, possible values,
and appearances on the screen. Each data element has an underlying domain . A single domain can be the
basis for several data elements . Domains are the objects in the ABAP Dictionary .

Data element describes the semantic attributes or business function of a table field. Its technical
attributes are based on the domain and it’s business function is described by it’s field labels and

26) What is top-down and bottom-up approaches of table creation ?

a. In top-to-bottom approach in which we directly give table name and create then after double clicking on data
element we create data element and in data element double clicking on domain name we create the domain . This
approach is easy and very time saving.

b. Bottom-to-top.: in this way first you have to create domain in SE11 and then assign that domain to data element
and then create a table and give the created data element for a particular field. This is a bit time consuming but very
good way to learn.
27) What is foreign key relationship ?How you create a foreign key
relationship ?Is foreign key relationship only exists on primary key
fields ?

Foreign keys are used to establish the relationship between the different tables present in the ABAP Dictionary.

The table that contains the foreign key is called a foreign key table and another table that contains valid fields,
known as the value table.

It connects two tables by assigning the foreign key field of one table to the primary key field of another table.

a. To create foreign key relationship we have to go to SE11 Tcode. Create a database table as check table.

b. we need to create another database table, let's say it "ZEMPLOYEES" that contains three main fields, which are,

c. Once both the tables are created successfully, we can now create the foreign key relationships between the tables,
follow the given steps:

d. First,open the second table, i.e., "ZEMPLOYEE."

e. Select the EMPID field from the table.

f. Now click on the foreign keys button given on the screen.

g. New windows will pop-up, where provide the Check table name, which is containing the master data. 

28) What is client dependent and client independent tables ?

Client dependent data means the data which user creates in one client is limited to that client only
and it is not accessible in other clients.
Client Independent data means the data which user creates in one client that is available in that as
well as in other clients. Client Dependent Table.
29) What is the difference between primary and secondary indexes?
How to create them? How many primary keys can be created?

Ans:- 1-Primary index:

A primary index is an index on a set of fields that includes the unique primary key for the field and is
guaranteed not to contain duplicates. Also Called a Clustered index. eg. Employee ID can be Example of

Secondary index:

A Secondary index is an index that is not a primary index and may have duplicates. eg. Employee name
can be example of it. Because Employee name can have similar values.

The primary index contains the key fields of the table. The primary index is automatically created in the
database when the table is activated. If a large table is frequently accessed such that it is not possible to
apply primary index sorting, you should create secondary indexes for the table.

The indexes on a table have a three-character index ID. '0' is reserved for the primary index. Customers
can create their own indexes on SAP tables; their IDs must begin with Y or Z.

30) What is table maintenance generator? Purpose and how to create


Ans:- 1.Table Maintenance Generator is a tool used to customize the tables created by end users and can
be changed as required, such as making an entry to that table, deleting an entry etc.
In other words, table maintenance generator is a user interface tool which is used to change the entry of
the table or delete an entry from the table or create an entry for the table.

2. .

31) How to make fields not editable in the TMG? What are the event's
used for creating and update in TMG?

Ans:- Then you will get the below events:

01 Before saving the data in the database
02 After saving the data in the database
03 Before deleting the data displayed
04 After deleting the data displayed
05 Creating a new entry
06 After completely performing the function 'Get original'
07 Before correcting the contents of a selected field
08 After correcting the contents of a selected field
09 After getting the original of an entry
10 After creating the header entries for the change task (E071)
11 After changing a key entry for the change task (E071K)
12 After changing the key entries for the change task (E071K)
13 Exit editing (exit main function module)
14 After lock/unlock in the main function module
15 Before retrieving deleted entries
16 After retrieving deleted entries
17 Do not use. Before print: Event 26
18 After checking whether the data has changed
19 After initializing global variables, field symbols, etc.
20 After input in date subscreen (time-dep. tab./views)
21 Fill hidden fields
22 Go to long text maintenance for other languages
23 Before calling address maintenance screen
24 After restricting an entry (time-dep. tab./views)
25 Individual authorization checks
26 Before creating a list
27 After creation or copying a GUID (not a key field)
28 After entering a date restriction for time-dep. views
AA Instead of the standard data read routine
AB Instead of the standard database change routine
AC Instead of the standard 'Get original' routine
AD Instead of the standard RO field read routine
AE Instead of standard positioning coding
AF Instead of reading texts in other languages
AG Instead of 'Get original' for texts in other languages
AH Instead of DB change for texts in other languages
ST GUI menu main program name
AI Internal use only

32) What is the difference between ‘Standard recording routine’ and

‘no or user recording routine’?

Ans:- 1.standard recording routine" ==> will create transport request, when you maintain the table entries

2."No, or user, recording routine" ==> won't create transport request (or you can add your own logic.

33) What are the various option when you select the radio-button
‘Data type’ in the SE11 transaction?.

Ans:- 1.Search for data element,2.Search for structure,3.Search for database tables,4.Search for table
types,5.Search for view, 6.Search by class/Interface.

34) In how many ways you can define the data type in the Data
Ans:-1.Elementary Type(Domain) .2.Predefined Type, 3.Reference Type.

35) What is field label in the data element and it’s purpose?

Ans:- 1.Field Label is a tab in the Data Element level.

2.When u create a data element, there is a tab for Field Label, where u can specify the Long text, Medium
text, Short text for that data element.
3.This text can then be used at many places like Headers of ALV etc.

36) In domain, what are the different ways in which you can define
Value Range?
Ans:- There are three options to choose from when creating value ranges.

1.The first is ‘Single Values’ – This is where you actually enter a list of individual valid values that a user
can enter.

2.The next is ‘Intervals’ – If you have many values but they are all related or in a sequence you can enter
the lower limit and the upper limit for each range. For example, a lower limit of 1, an upper limit of 9,
and that saves you entering 9 individual single values. This ensures a user can only enter a value that falls
within the ranges that you specify.

3.The last option you have is ‘Value table’ – When you have a large number of possible entries it is quite
common to use a Value Table instead of a value range or list of single values. With a value table, you
specify a complete valid value table entry list. But please note that if you use this option you must also
introduce Foreign Keys to your table to ensure the user’s entries are tested against the values stored in the
value table that you create.

37) How you can allowed lower case characters and ‘+’/’-‘ sign in a

Ans:- You can find these setting in new domain creation page in se11 while creating a data element in a

38) What is the purpose of the conversion routine in the domain?

Ans:- 1.Conversion routine as part of the output properties of domains(REF SAP DOC).

39) What is the difference between value table and check table?

Ans:- 1.check table is validation at field level.

2.value table is validation at domain level.
3.Value table is defined at the domain level and is used to provide F4 help for all the fields which refer to
that domain.
4.Also while defining a check table SAP proposes the value table as check table by default.

40) What are views and its types?

Ans:- There are four types of view like 1.Data base view ,2.Projection View, 3.Helps View, 4.Maintance

41) What are different types of search helps?

Ans:- There are two types of search help like 1.Elementary search help ,2.Collective search help.

42) What are lock objects in data dictionary?

Ans:- There are three types of lock objects like 1.Read lock,2.Write lock,3.Enhanced lock….................
Also REF to this Blog(

43) What is database utility, its purpose and transaction code? What
are the various ways in which we can use database utility to
create/modify DB table?

Ans:- 1.The database utility is the interface between the ABAP Dictionary and the relational database
underlying the SAP system. The database utility allows you to edit (create, delete and adjust to changes to
their definition in the ABAP Dictionary) database objects derived from objects of the ABAP Dictionary.

2.T-code(SE80) Also REF to this


44) What are the different types available in the report program?

Ans:- There are 3 types report program like..1.Classical Report, 2.ALV Report,3.Interactive Report.

45) What are the different events exists in the report program and there

Ans:- There are many no of Event are there like Load of Program, Initialization, At-Selection-Screen
Output ,At-Selection Screen, Start Of Selection, End of Selection, Top-Of-Page, End-Of-Page. (Events
are the function that are triggered based on the result of a condition).
46) What is the difference between various selection-screen events?

Ans:- There are many Selection-Screen Events are like 1.AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON RADIO

47) What is difference between parameters and select-options?

Structure of a select-options?

Ans:- 1.In Parameter you can one perticular value but in select-options you can used no of value at time.
2. (OPT,SIGN,HIGH and Low fields)

48) How to create radio-button, check box and push buttons on the

Ans:- To Create radio-button in AT SELECTION -SCREEN ON RADIO BUTTON Group Event, for
Check box, push button create in AT SELECTION -SCREEN Event.

49) What need to be done to display different input fields based upon
selected radio-button/checkbox?

Ans:- Checkboxes — for yes or no type of choices or multiple options

Radio buttons — for choose-one-option type of questions
Select lists — for single or multiple choice selection dropdowns.

80 System variable.

SY-DATUM  – System Date

SY-INDEX –  Number Of Loop passes

SY-LANGU- SAP Log on Language Key
SY-LISEL – Selected Line For Interactive List
SY-MANDT – Client Number For SAP Log On
SY-SUBRC – Return Value after specific ABAP Statement

SY-TABIX  –  Current line of Internal Table

SY-REPID – Report Name in ABAP

SY-SYSID – SAP system ID

SY-TITLE  – Title of ABAP Program

SY-UCOMM -Interact : Command field Function entry / Function code

SY-ULINE  – Underline

SY-UNAME – Session : SAP user from Log On

SY-UZEIT  – System Time

50) With header line

With Header line or the work area is used as interface . We can’t access data from an internal table or
send data to an internal table without header line.

If we define internal table with header line, then we don’t require to create explicit work area.

51) Types of Internal table and difference between them

A. Standard Tables.
- Access by liner table index or key

- Response time proportional to table size.

B. Sorted Tables.
- Filled in sorted order

-Access by linear index or sort key.

- Response time logarithmically proportional to table size.

C. Hashed Tables.
- Direct access by table key.

- Constant , fast response time.

52) Difference between do and while loop

-Do is postchecked expression. i.e The statement inside do executes atleast one time even if
failure in condition.
- While is prechecked expression. The statmenes inside while executes only when the condition

53) Difference between Subroutine and function module

Main difference is subroutine is used internally in a program while FM is used externally in a program. It
means subroutine is written within a program and can't be used outside the program. FM can be written
outside the program and can be used within a program.

54) What is function module ? What are different types of function

module ?
Function modules are sub-programs that contain a set of reusable statements with importing and
exporting parameters. 

Function Modules are created with the Function Builder (transaction SE37).

There are 3 types of function modules.

Regular Function Module

Remote-Enabled Function Module

Update Function Module

55) What is subroutine and macro and difference between them ?

Macro Subroutine

Macro can be called only in the program it is defined. Subroutine can be called from other programs also.

Macro can have maximum 9 parameters. Can have any number of parameters.

Macro can be called only after its definition. This is not true for Subroutine.

A macro is defined inside: Subroutine is defined inside:

…. …..
Macro is used when same thing is to be done in a
Subroutine is used for modularization.
program a number of times.

56) What is include ?

Include programs are global repository objects used to modularize the source code. They allow you to use the
same source code in different programs. Include programs also allow you to manage complex programs in an
orderly way.

57) Difference types of Modularization technique.

A. Macros.
B. Include Files.
C. Subroutines.
D. Function Modules.
E. Methods & Classes.

58) Different types of Reports.

There are 3 types of Reports.
A. Classical Report
B. Interactive Report
C. ALV Report

59) Which system variable holds current loop counter value in DO and
LOOP statement?
The variable sy-index is used for the iterative operations. This variable holds the current iteration
number in a WHILE or DO loop.

60) What is the difference between CLEAR, REFRESH and FREE


Clear internal table - (if with header line) just clears the workarea.

refresh internal table - deletes internal table contents. If with header line doesn't clear workarea.

free internal table - frees memory allocated to the internal table.

61) What is the difference between STOP, EXIT and RETURN

STOP is a statement which is used to stop processing an event block, ex: If I have two events START-OF-
SELECTION and END-OF-SELECTION in my program, If I use STOP keyword in START-OF-
SELECTION, the keyword will exits start-of-selection and goes to END-OF-SELECTION.

CONTINUE is a statement, which is used to skip execution of a record inside loop.. endloop, do..endo,
while..endwhile etc. 

RETURN is a statement which is used to stop processing of current block immediately.
EXIT: The EXIT command will stop the LOOP passings, exit from the SUBROUTINES..etc.

The behavior of EXIT keyword is depends on where you use it.

 If you use EXIT keyword inside IF .. ENDIF., it will comes out of the program.
 If you use EXIT inside LOOP .. ENDLOOP., it will come out of loop.
 If you use EXIT inside FORM .. ENDFORM., it will comes out of form (subroutine)

62) What is the difference between internal and external session? What
is the difference between SAP and ABAP memory?
Data stored in SAP memory is there till you logoff. Internal Session is a session with in the External
session there can be many internal sessions in an External Session, You can use ABAP memory to share
data between Internal session.

Within a main session, when ever you start an application program, it opens up an
internal sessions with in the main session. The internal session has a memory area that
contains the ABAP program and its associated data.  So when ever you want to  pass
data between two internal sessions, then you can use ABAP Memory (i.e import,

When comes to SAP memory (also known as global memory), if the data has to be
passed b/w two main sessions, we can use SAP Memory(SPA/GPA Parameters). 
SAP Memory can also be used to pass data b/w internal sessions.
63) What is the difference between classical and interactive report?

Classical Report is used to display just the table data. It consist only single list. Interactive reports are
reports where users can interact more means if we cliack on some field it will display one more list. In
ALV reports SAP has provided some function modules to display output

64) What is the default number of the selection-screen?

The dynpro number itself is 1000

65) What are different types of the JOINs in sap abap?

There are 5 types of joins is there.

1. Inner Join.

2. Outer Join.->(i) Left Outer Join, (ii) Right Outer Join, (iii) Full Outer Join.

3. Equi Join.

4. Cross Join.

5. Self Join.

66) What is the difference between INNER JOIN and FOR ALL

INNER JOINs only look at the intersection of the results that meet the WHERE clause. FOR ALL ENTRIES
eliminates duplicates from the results

67) What is Data Class in Transparent Table settings?

Transparent tables are one-to-one relation table that exists with the same data and fields structure in
both ABAP dictionary and database. When one transparent table is created in the ABAP dictionary then
exactly the same table structure will be created in the database.

68) What is the difference between Domain and Data Element?

The domain is used for the technical definition of a table field such as field type and length, and the data
element is used for the semantic definition (short description). A data element describes the meaning of
a domain in a certain business context

69) What are different types of views?

Different Type of View in ABAP

Projection View - Just retrieves some fields from a single table.

Help View - This is used for search help.

Database View - This is inner join view of one or more tables.

Maintenance View - Helps in creating maintaining data of the application object

70) What are the events in the Reports?


At Selection-screen.





71) In which event of the report we can handle radio buttons?

72) How would you add the logo to ALV report?

73) Is it necessary for Main Window in Smartforms?

We can create a smartform without a main window. In smartform we can directly loop by right clicking
on table, which gives a loop window and also we can create a window and a table line outside the main

74) What is a Size Category?

You use the size category to define the expected space required for the table in the database. You can
choose a size category from 0 to 4 for your table. A certain fixed memory size in the database, which
depends on the database system used, is assigned to each category.

75) Can you define a field without a data element?

Yes , it possible first you have to select predefined component in table. In this condition no need to
defined data element , directly you can defined domain for field

76) What is the meaning of a foreign key relationship ?

A foreign key is the one that is used to link two tables together via the primary key. It means the
columns of one table points to the primary key attribute of the other table.

77) What is the meaning of SAP R/3?

SAP R/3 is a 3 tier architecture consisting of 3 layers

1. Presentation
2. Application
3. Database

In simple words, it’s a client server architecture.

 R signifies Real-time system

 3 represents – 3-tier architecture.
Presentation Layer:
The Presentation Layer contains the software components that make up the
SAPgui (graphical user interface). This layer is the interface between the R/3
System and its users. The R/3 System uses the SAPgui to provide an intuitive
graphical user interface for entering and displaying data.

The presentation layer sends the user’s input to the application server, and
receives data for display from it. While a SAPgui component is running, it remains
linked to a user’s terminal session in the R/3 System.

Application Layer:
The Application Layer consists of one or more application servers and a message
server. Each application server contains a set of services used to run the R/3
System. Theoretically, you only need one application server to run an R/3 System.
In practice, the services are distributed across more than one application server.
The message server is responsible for communication between the application
servers. It passes requests from one application server to another within the
system. It also contains information about application server groups and the
current load balancing within them. It uses this information to assign an
appropriate server when a user logs onto the system.

Database Layer:
The Database Layer consists of a central database system containing all of the
data in the R/3 System. The database system has two components – the database
management system (DBMS), and the database itself. SAP has manufactured its
own database named Hana but is compatible with all major databases such as
Oracle.All R/3 data is stored in the database. For example, the database contains
the control and customizing data that determine how your R/3 System runs. It also
contains the program code for your applications. Applications consist of program
code, screen definitions, menus, function modules, and various other components.
These are stored in a special section of the database called the R/3 Repository, and
are accordingly called repository objects. R/3 repository, objects are used in ABAP
78) Explain the use of insert and append statement in SAP ABAP?
ANS. Insert is a keyword which is used to insert a record at specific position of an internal table
from work area.

Append keyword is used to add a record at bottom of internal table from work area.

79) Why do we use TYPES statement in ABAP programming?

ANS. TYPES is a statement which is used to define user defined structure of internal table and work

Syntax is: - Types: Begin of table name,

Table fields name,

End of table.

80) What is a subroutine?

ANS. Subroutines are procedures that can be define in any program and call from another program
used for modularization. Subroutines normally contains section of code or algorithm. Subroutines can
be defined using FORM and ENDFORM statements.

81) What is the different between template and a table?

ANS. Template is static, it has fixed number of rows and columns. Once the number of rows and
columns are fixed in template, we can’t add extra data. Table is dynamic, it has dynamic number of
rows and columns which can be increased or decreased according to the requirement of the data.

82) What is the use of ABAP data dictionary?

ANS. It is used to store the data definitions, create and maintain user defined types, tables, views,
locks etc. T-code of data dictionary is se11.

83) What is Structure?

ANS. Structure is a user defined datatype and it is reusable component that contain fields and hold
single record at run time.

84) Is SAP Case-Sensitive?


85) Is SAP A Database?

ANS. No. SAP is an ERP solution based upon the R/3 architecture, which comprise of presentation,
application and database layer.

86) How many SAP Sessions can you work on at a given time?
ANS. 6 sessions.
87) what do you mean by datasets? is it related to presentation or
application server?

88) What are the variables?

ANS. The data object that stores values according to allotted memory space are called Variables.
ABAP variables are declared using DATA keyword. These are created every time during program
execution and destroyed after every execution.

89) What is the process to create a table in the data dictionary?

ANS. There are 2 approaches named as ‘Top down Approach’ and ‘Bottom up Approach’.

Top down approach – Create Table  Create Data Elements  Create Domains

Bottom up approach – Create Domains  Create Data Elements  Create Table

90) Explain the types of function modules in SAP ABAP

ANS. There are 3 types of function modules available in SAP ABAP, named as normal (this can be
called within the system), remote enabled (this can be called within the system as well as from another
system) and update (this will get called whenever the COMMIT statement gets trigger during a run-time

91) What are Smart forms in SAP ABAP? and transaction code to
create one
ANS. Smart forms is a GUI tool that used to create and maintain forms for sending across and mass
printing. We can create, change and display a smart form using Transaction SMARTFORMS. To style the
smart form, we can use Transaction SMARTSTYLES.


Smart forms are printing forms used to print invoice and purchase order forms.

92) How to insert a line into ABAP internal tables?

ANS. Append is used for standard internal table while Insert is used for sorted and hashed internal

93) What is a Subroutine?

ANS. Subroutines are procedures that can be define in any program and call from another program
used for modularization. Subroutines normally contains section of code or algorithm. Subroutines can
be defined using FORM and ENDFORM statements.

94) What is the Continue statement used for?

ANS. Continue statement is a break statement, which is generally used inside looping statements
such as ‘DO’, ‘WHILE’ or ‘‘LOOP’ on internal table’ to break the execution based upon a condition and
start executing the next iteration.
95) Why Concatenate is used?
ANS. Concatenate statement is used to combine/merge multiple variables values into a single

96) What is the Syntax for Message Box?

ANS. MESSAGE statement is used to raise a message and generally a box will get displayed for
message of type information ‘I’. The general syntax of raising a message is

MESSAGE ID <message class/id name> TYPE <message type> NUMBER <message number>
WITH <message place holders>. There are maximum 4 place holders allowed.

Syntax with system variable is as

MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-

97) What does sy-ucomm contain/store?

ANS. SY-UCOMM is a system variable which stores the current user action code. For example, it
generally stores ‘ONLI’ when a user press execute button on any report program selection screen.

98) What is the difference between "move" and "move-

Ans- Move is used to transfer the data between the same structure where as move corresponding
transfers the data between two structure having some common fields.

99) What is the difference between Workarea and Internal table?

Ans- Working area is the header data can store max 1 row of record where as internal table stores
any number of records.

100) What is an Internal Table?

Ans- Internal table is collection of one or more records associated with a type declaration structure.
It stores the data line by line in the memory.

101) What is the difference between the Global variable and the Local
Ans- A global variable is available that is accessible globally. A data dictionary type group is an
example of global variable.
A local variable declares and used in the same program.

102) What are the keywords in an internal table?

Ans- Append and insert.

103) What is Debugging?

Ans- The ABAP debugger is a tool of the ABAP with which you can stop running the program and
then execute them line by line or section by section.
You can display the related source test and contains of the data objects in detail at the same time.
104) Explain the use of insert and append statement in SAP ABAP?
Ans- Append add the record at the end of the internal table.
Insert add the records at its required position. 9Before and after the existing record )

105) Why do we use TYPES statement in ABAP programming?

Ans- In ABAP programming we define own data types using the statement. Types allows you to
construct new data types.

106) What is a subroutine?

Ans- Subroutine is a group of statement of reusable dictionary object which can be defined once and
can be used any number of times. Subroutine is created as a part of a particular program.

107) What is the different between template and a table?

Template is a static, it has fixed number of rows and columns once you fixed the number of rows and
columns in templates you can’t add extra data.
Table is dynamic the number of column and row can be increased or decreased according to the

108) What is the use of ABAP data dictionary?

Ans- You can use the ABAP data dictionary to create and manage data definitions (Metadata).
ABAP dictionary permits a central description of all data used in the system without redundancies.

109) What is the difference between Workarea and Internal table?

Ans- Working area is the header data can store max 1 row of record where as internal table stores
any number of records.

110) What is an Internal Table?

Ans- Internal table provides a means of taking data from a fixed structure and storing it in working
memory in ABAP. The data is stored line by line in memory each line has the same structure.

111) What is the difference between the Global variable and the Local
Ans- A global variable is available that is accessible globally. A data dictionary type group is an
example of global variable.
A local variable declares and used in the same program.

112) What are the keywords in an internal table?

Ans- Append and insert.

113) What is Debugging?

Ans- The ABAP debugger is a tool of the ABAP with which you can stop running the program and
then execute them line by line or section by section.
You can display the related source test and contains of the data objects in detail at the same time.
114) What is the difference between binary search and linear search?
Ans- Binary search is start searching from middle record to either in upward or downward direction
depending on the search value.
Linear search start searching from first record.

115) What is Modularization?

Ans- Modularization is a process of breaking the program onto smaller blocks. Blocks is set of
statements which is defined once and can be used any number of times.

116) What is Structure?

Ans- A structure is user defined data type or data objects that are saved in sequence in the memory.

117) What are smart forms in sap ABAP?

SAP smart forms provide a graphical user interface that helps you create and maintain the layout and
the form logic of the form.

118) How to Insert a line into ABAP Internal tables?

Ans: To insert a line into an index table, use the statement: INSERT <line> INTO < itab>
[INDEX <idx>]. <line> is either a work area that is convertible to the line type, or the expression
INITIAL LINE. If you use <wa>, the system adds a new line to the internal table <itab> and fills it
with the contents of the work area.

119) What is subroutine?

Ans: A subroutine is a reusable section of code. It is a modularization unit within the program
where a function is encapsulated in the form of source code

120) What is the continue statement used for?

Ans: CONTINUE statement is used in a statement block of the loop to terminate a single
loop pass immediately and unconditionally. As soon as the CONTINUE statement is
executed, the execution of the remaining statements in the current processing block is stopped
and the next loop pass is processed.

121) Why concatenate is used?

Ans: Concatenate in ABAP is used to join two different strings together. It can be used to
join any two string, number, special character or all together. In this article we will learn about
the keyword CONCATENATE and its implementation in an example program.

122) What is the difference between “Move” and “Move-

Ans: MOVE : This statement is used to move the contents of one field or structure to
another field or structure..
The statement MOVE-CORRESPONDING is used to assign components with the same name
in structured data objects to each other.

123) What is use of database utility (SE14)?

Ans: The database utility allows you to edit (create, delete and adjust to changes to their
definition in the ABAP Dictionary) database objects derived from objects of the ABAP

124) Which table store change pointers?

Ans: BDCP2

125) EDI and IDOC, what is difference?

Ans: EDI is nothing but Electronic data interchange. SAP will support EDI through
Intermediate documents (IDOCS). EDI (Electronic Document interchange) - EDI is the
electronic exchange of business documents between the computer systems of business
partners, using a standard format over a communication network.

126) Where is SOAP and REST used?

Ans: A general rule of thumb when you're deciding between SOAP and REST for building your
API: if you want standardization and enhanced security, use SOAP. If you want flexibility
and efficiency, use REST.

127) What is the difference between REST and OData?

Ans: REST stands for RE presentational State Transfer which is a resource based architectural
style. Resource based means that data and functionalities are considered as resources. OData
is a web based protocol that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful
web services.

128) What is the syntax for message box?


129) In ALV, if you want to disable few toolbar buttons?

Ans: CALL METHOD< ref .var to CL_GUI_ALV_GRID> ->set toolbar interactive. This method
will allow you to change the as per your requirement, you can exclude the function
button in toolbar and call this method.

130) Adobe form to print country specific data and currency?

Ans: Sir will explain….

131) Adobe form to print original and other copies, link customer
vendor etc.
Ans: Sir will explain….
132) How to identify a singleton class?
Ans: We can distinguish a singleton class from the usual classes with respect to the process of
instantiating the object of the class.

133) What are interfaces in sap ABAP?

Ans: Interfaces are independent structures that enable the class-specific public points of
contact to be enhanced by implementing them in classes. Different classes that implement
the same interface can all be addressed in the same way.

134) Max size of payload?

Ans: The record length is about 120 characters. the extracted count – 41000 records.

135) How to debug AMDP?

Ans: Step-by-step Guide: Debug an ABAP Managed DB procedure Go to the SAP HANA
Development perspective and open the ABAP Managed database procedure (AMDP) catalogue
object you would like to debug:

Set the breakpoint:

136) Have you worked on ABAP Test class?

Ans: yes

137) What is IDOC in SAP ABAP?

Ans: IDoc (intermediate document) is a standard data structure used in SAP applications to
transfer data to and from SAP system applications and external systems.

138) What are BAPI and RFC, difference between them in sap abap ?

Ans- The difference between RFC and BAPI is business objects. which can be accessed
outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA. in
BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC is a direct system call.

139) Diff between smart forms and scripts.

Ans- SAP Scripts are client dependent whereas Smartforms are client-independent. SAP
Scripts require a driver program to display the output whereas in smartforms the form routines
can be written so that it is standalone. The function module is generated for Smartforms when
we are activating it.
140) Explain Adobe Forms.
Ans- Adobe Forms reads the associated master and transaction data from the SAP system. The
application then displays the data in the desired and predefined form, for example, as a print
form. It is also possible to enter data in forms. SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe is the successor
to SAPscript and SmartForms.

141) Why do we use Adobe forms instead of smart forms?

SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe offer you the following business advantages:

1. Interactive functions automate the creation of data for SAP systems

2. Full integration into the SAP development environments for Java and ABAP

3. User-friendly tools reduce the time and costs associated with creating form layouts.

4. The usage of the PDF format means that forms retain their appearance regardless of the
environment they are used in.


SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe offer the following basic functions:

1. Create form templates for the layout that include logos or pictures

2. Generate documents by merging form templates and current system data

3. Edit forms online or offline

4. Forms can be filled in advance automatically with specific data from SAP applications and then
sent to the correct recipients using secure methods

5. Automatic consistency checks for forms

6. Activate enhanced functions such as comments

7. Digital signatures and form certification

8. Send completed forms to the SAP application with automatic updates of the business data

There are not any disadvantages in adobe forms as such except the value help is not present but
that could be done after a little coding.

142) Explain the recent Objects u have done in projects.

143) What is ALV report?
Ans- ALV stands for ABAP List Viewer. ALV gives us a standard List format and user interface to
all our ABAP reports. ALV is created by a set of standard function modules provided by SAP.

144) Diff between Type and Like in ABAP.

Ans- Type is a keyword used to refer to a data type whereas Like is a keyword used to copy the existing
properties of already existing data object. The ABAP type concept distinguishes between data types and
data objects. or globally in the ABAP Dictionary. declared prototypical with the statement DATA.

145) What are OSS notes?

Ans- OSS Notes is an online SAP service and the portal that provides updates on patches in different
modules of SAP and up-to-date information on SAP notes. SAP notes are correction instructions for the
bugs or issues found in standard SAP programs.

146) Explain different types of views in SAP ABAP.

Ans- Different Type of View in ABAP

 Projection View - Just retrieves some fields from a single table.

 Help View - This is used for search help.
 Database View - This is inner join view of one or more tables.
 Maintenance View - Helps in creating maintaining data of the application object. The data can be
distributed among several tables.

1) Projection View
A projection view is used to hide certain fields from in a given table. The main purpose of Projection
views is gaining access to pooled, cluster as well as transparent tables. There are no selection conditions
in a projection view. The definition of the structure type lies in the view fields that may be referenced to
using TYPE in ABAP. The access to projection view is through an Open SQL, not Native SQL. The Open
SQL statement to accesses a projection view is manipulated to the platform-specific SQL statement
within the database for results. The values of the Access setting may be read-only or read, change,
delete, and insert.

2) Help View
A help view is used to search helps. The search help can select database tables, database views, and
special help views. However, in the case of database tables, the search help is restricted to one table and
in database views, it is restricted to the inner joins. A help view cannot be defined in the database. The
referencing to the structure type is defined using a help view with TYPE. One cannot access help view
with an Open SQL.
The join conditions are applied in a help view with the help of existing foreign keys. This means only the
tables joined with foreign keys can be grouped using help view. The first table in the help view is known
as the primary table while the others are known as secondary tables.

3) Database View
A database view is a general view used for one or more basis tables. Multiple basis tables are joined with
an inner join with the creation of a matching SQL view once the view is activated. It is possible to access
a database view using both Open SQL and Native SQL. The main components of a database view are-

 Basis Tables
 View Fields
 Join Conditions
 Maintenance Status
 SAP Buffering

4) Maintenance View
A maintenance view performs writes on various tables with the help of extended table maintenance. One
maintenance view may change the contents of several related database tables unfailingly. It is not
explained on the database but the structure type is defined using TYPE on ABAP. One cannot access
maintenance using Open SQL. The SE54 transactions are used in the creation of maintenance dialogues
for maintenance views to edit all the maintenance views tables together. The main components of this
view include-

 Primary Table and Secondary Tables

 Time-Dependent Key
 Maintenance Status
 Maintenance Characteristics of View Fields
 Delivery Class

Thus, every view has its own purpose. Data belonging to an application object spread across many
tables are combined using database views. A maintenance view displays and modifies data within an
application object. Projection view masks unnecessary fields and helps view helps to search helps. One
can use the views to suit their needs and get desirable results.

147) Explain OOPS concepts?

Ans- Object orientation simplifies software design to make it easier to understand,

maintain, and reuse. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) represents a different way of
thinking in writing software. The beauty of OOP lies in its simplicity. The expressiveness
of OOP makes it easier to deliver quality software components on time.

 The object-oriented approach focuses on objects that represent abstract or concrete

things of the real world. These objects are defined by their character and properties that
are represented by their internal structure and their attributes (data).
The key features of object orientation are −

 Effective programming structure.

 Real-world entities can be modeled very well.
 Stress on data security and access.
 Minimizes code redundancy.
 Data abstraction and encapsulation.

148) What is web Dynpro for ABAP ?

Web Dynpro for ABAP or Web Dynpro for ABAP (WD4A, WDA) is the SAP standard UI technology for

developing Web applications in the ABAP environment. It consists of a runtime environment and a graphical

development environment with special Web Dynpro tools that are integrated into the ABAP development

environment (SE80).

Web Dynpro offers the following advantages for application developers:

 Declarative and graphical tools minimize the implementation effort

 Support of a structured design process

 Strict separation between layout and business data

 Reuse and better maintainability through use of components

 Layout and navigation are easily changed using Web Dynpro tools

 Support of stateful applications because when paging is used, the data required again is kept, which

means the whole application can be accessed at any time.

Note that stateless applications are not possible.

 Data binding enables automatic data transport

 Automatic input checks

 Support of accessible user interfaces

 Full integration into established ABAP development environment

149) What is Transport Request in SAP ?

A transport request collects development objects and categories for export to your local computer or to an SAP

transport system.

When you create a development object (ABAP repository object) in a non-temporary ABAP package, you must

always assign the object to a transport request.

Changes to development objects from non-temporary packages are organized in tasks and take place in

transport requests. A transport request records all changes to development objects. The assignment of a

package to a transport layer ensures that the package is connected to the Change and Transport System,

thereby defining the integration and consolidation system for its development objects.

150) What is the Tcode to create Table , Data Element , Domain.?


151) Which Function are available in SE11 Tcode.?

Transaction code SE11 is a ABAP dictionary. By using this transaction code, you can create,
change and display table entries and structures.

152) How Many Types of Tables in SAP Abap and what are their name
and Difference?
In the ABAP dictionary, we can create three types of tables: Transparent Tables. Pooled Tables. Cluster
153) Difference between Data Element and Domain ?

The domain is used for the technical definition of a table field such as field type and length, and the data
element is used for the semantic definition (short description). A data element describes the meaning of
a domain in a certain business context.

154) What is Search help and What are their name?

Search Help, another repository object of ABAP Dictionary, is used to display all the possible values for a
field in the form of a list. This list is also known as a hit list.

There are two type of search helps available.

1. Elementary Search helps.

2. Collective Search helps.

155) What is Lock Object and What are their name?

Lock Object is a feature offered by ABAP Dictionary that is used to synchronize access to the same data
by more than one program. Data records are accessed with the help of specific programs. Lock objects
are used in SAP to avoid the inconsistency when data is inserted into or changed in the database.

Function Modules used for Lock Objects


Syntax: ENQUEUE <lock_object_name>

This function module sets the lock for the object. We use it to insert the object into a queue


Syntax: DEQUEUE <lock_object_name>

This function module releases the lock for the object. We use it to remove the object from a queue

156) Difference between Table and Structure?

A table is a table that has been created in the database. A structure is just a list of fields defined under a
name. Structures are useful for painting screen fields, and for manipulating data that has a consistent
format defined by a discrete number of fields.

157) How do I know which database my sap installation is using?"

Go to System -> Status.

You'll find the Back end which is used.

158) What are the Events in TMG?

Ans- There are 39 events for Table Maintenance Generator

Those are :

01 Before saving the data in the database

02 After saving the data in the database

03 Before deleting the data displayed

04 After deleting the data displayed

05 Creating a new entry

06 After completely performing the function 'Get original'

07 Before correcting the contents of a selected field

08 After correcting the contents of a selected field

09 After getting the original of an entry

10 After creating the header entries for the change task (E071)

11 After changing a key entry for the change task (E071K)

12 After changing the key entries for the change task (E071K)

13 Exit editing (exit main function module)

14 After lock/unlock in the main function module

15 Before retrieving deleted entries

16 After retrieving deleted entries

17 Do not use. Before print: Event 26

18 After checking whether the data has changed

19 After initializing global variables, field symbols, etc.

20 After input in date subscreen (time-dep. tab./views)

21 Fill hidden fields

22 Go to long text maintenance for other languages

23 Before calling address maintenance screen

24 After restricting an entry (time-dep. tab./views)

25 Individual authorization checks

26 Before creating a list

27 After creation or copying a GUID (not a key field)

28 After entering a date restriction for time-dep. views

AA Instead of the standard data read routine

AB Instead of the standard database change routine

AC Instead of the standard 'Get original' routine

AD Instead of the standard RO field read routine

AE Instead of standard positioning coding

AF Instead of reading texts in other languages

AG Instead of 'Get original' for texts in other languages

AH Instead of DB change for texts in other languages

ST GUI menu main program name

AI Internal use only

159) How many structures we are using in SAP ABAP and their name?
There are 3-types of structures in SAP, i.e.

1. Flat Structure

2. Nested Structure

3. Deep Structure

160) What is internal table and Work aera?

Internal tables − Internal tables are a means of storing data in the fixed format in working memory of
ABAP. The data is stored line by line. So it is necessary for the data to be in a fixed format. Generally,
they are used to store data in database tables to be used in ABAP programs.

Work-Areas − Work area is basically variables used to store a single row of data. It is similar to structure
apart from the fact that it can only be used at program level whereas structure can be used at data
dictionary level as well.

161) What are the Types of Internal Table in SAP?

There are three types of internal table. Those are - Standard Tables, Sorted Tables, and Hashed Tables.

162) Give two to Three Example of Internal Table Functionality.

Some Internal Table Functionalities are:

Populating Internal Tables

Copying Internal Tables

Read Internal Tables

Deleting Internal Tables

163) What are events of Classical Report?
Classical Report Events are:



At Selection-Screen output

At Selection-Screen on field

At Selection-Screen on value request

At Selection-Screen on help request

At Selection-Screen





164) Why we use of At -selection screen output event?

By using this event we can manipulate dynamic selection-screen changes.

This event triggers at the screen event Process Before Output(PBO) of the selection screen.

165) Diffreence between Classical Report and Intreactive Report.

Classical Report is used to display just the table data. It consist only single list. Interactive reports are
reports where users can interact more means if we cliack on some field it will display one more list. In
ALV reports SAP has provided some function modules to display output.

166) Explain the events of interactive report












167) What is SY-TABIX and SY-INDEX and why we use it?

Sy-tabix is used to find the current line in the internal table; it’s a current line index. Whereas sy-index is
used to find the number of current pass in the loop statement.

168) Explain How To Debug a Report Or Tcode And What are the use
of f5,f6,f7,f8.
There are four different ways in which you can go through the source code of a program you want to

Single step (f5): Use this option to execute the program statement by statement. This allows you to
branch to other program units.

Execute (f6): Use this option to process a program line by line. All of the statements on the current line
are processed in a single step. This allows you to process the whole program.

Return (f7): The Debugger returns to the point at which control is passed back to the main program. Use
this option to return from other program units.

Continue (f8):Use this option to process the program up to the next breakpoint. If there are no more
breakpoints in the program, the system exits debugging mode and executes the rest of the program

169) What events are using in Module Pool Report?

In Module Pool Programming, there are four different kinds of events –
1. PBO – Process Before Output: Whenever the program is executed using a tcode, the initial and
default values are fetched and displayed on the screen. PBO event facilitates that display.

2. PAI – Process After Input: When a user passes any data/input on the screen, this event is triggered so
that follow-up action can be taken.

3. POV – Process On Value Request: When a user wants to get plausible value/ranges for a component
that can be used on the screen, he presses F4 which triggers this event.

4. POH – Process On Help Request: When a user wants to get technical details for a component, he
presses F1 which triggers this event.

170) What is CHAIN and ENDCHAIN in MP Report?

CHAIN ....ENDCHAIN used to validate the fields in Module pool programming.

to validate the fields..


field validations...




171) What is the tcode for SMARTFORMS?


172) How many Windows are in SMARTFORMS?

There are four types of windows in Smartform:

1. Main window

2. Secondary window

3. Copies window

4. Final window
Main Window

It is used for the continues output such as table output.

Secondary Window

It is used for output with a fixed length.

Final Window

It is a kind of special secondary window used for details which are needed to be processed only at the
end of processing form.

Copies Window

It is also a kind of special secondary window which is used for making pages as copy or original.

173) Difference between Table and Template in Smartforms?

Template is static, it has fixed number of rows and column once you fixed the number of row and
column in templates you can't add extra data.

Table is dynamic the number of column and row can be increased of decreased according to the
requirement of data.

174) How to debug a Smartforms?

To debug a Smartform in quality or testing system, go to tcode SMARTFORMS. Enter the name of the
Smartform if you know or find the name of the Smartform name from NACE and display the Smartform.

Find the statement in the Smartform where you want to place the break-point.

Go to menu Environment –> Function Module Name to get the name of the function module for the

Copy the function module name in the popup.

Go to tcode SE37 (Function Builder).

Enter the name of the function module and go to Menu Goto –> Main Program.

In the Main Program click on FIND to search the statement where you want to place the break-point.

Enter the text of the line where you want to place the break-point in the FIND popup.

Place the break-point on the desired line.

Now run the driver program, the control stops at the break-point and you can analyze the smartform.

175) What is Tcode For Create Logo?

se78 to upload a logo


Use the tcode SMW0 to upload the company logo to SAP system.

176) What is CDS view?

A CDS view is defined for existing database tables and views, or for other CDS views in ABAP Dictionary,
using the ABAP CDS statement DEFINE VIEW. A CDS view serves to define the structure of an SQL view
and represents a projection onto one or several Dictionary tables or Dictionary views.

177) What is the mandatory annotation in CDS View?

The mandatory annotation for CDS view is sqlViewName , this will create a SE11 view for the
corresponding CDS view which helps in transporting the object.
178) How to Create Odata and what is annotation for Odata in CDS
view ?
Ans - Go to transaction code SEGW and expand folder service Implementation . Now
expand the method drop down and select method for GetEntitySet for Header data
and right click and select redefine. Write below code in method. Save and activate
all related objects for classes

179) What is accosication in CDS view ?

Ans - Association is used to link a view (or table) to the source view (or table) in CDS View.

180) What is Table Function in CDS View why we use this Table
Function ?
Ans - A CDS table function is defined using the ABAP CDS statement DEFINE TABLE FUNCTION and

can be used as the data source in Open SQL read statements.

181) What is Entity Type and Entity Set in Odata ?

Ans - The entity type properties must adhere to the data types allowed and provided by the OData

protocol or be of a complex type. An entity type must have a unique identifier that allows the entities

belonging to this entity type to be used within an OData context.

182) What is DPC And MPC in Odata?

Ans - MPC - This is used to define model. you can use the method Define to create entity, properties etc

using code based implementation. you rarely use MPC extension class. DPC - used to code your

CRUDQ methods as well as function import methods. you write all your logic in redefined methods of

DPC extension class.

183) Have you any idea in Odata CURD Operation Please Explain it ?
Ans - The Open Data Protocol (OData) includes standard CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete)

operations that map to the HTTP methods POST, GET, PUT/MERGE, and DELETE.

184) Can we use TWO main window in smartform ?

Ans - No Smartforms does not allow two main windows.
185) Tell me about for all enteries ?
Ans - In a SELECT statement with FOR ALL ENTRIES, the addition ORDER BY can only be used with

the addition PRIMARY KEY and can only be used to access a single table or view.

186) Pre- requisite of for all enteries?

Ans - If <itab> is empty, the addition FOR ALL ENTRIES is disregarded, and all entries are read. The

internal table <itab> must have a structured line type, and each field that occurs in the condition

<cond> must be compatible with the column of the database with which it is compared.

187) What happened if the for all entries base table is not having data?
Ans - If the internal table used with FOR ALL ENTRIES IN is empty/initial, the whole WHERE CLAUSE is

ignored - all data are fetched from database.

That means even id you have other conditions in the WHERE CLAUSE, they are ignored as well.

188) What will you do if you found loop inside loop?

Ans - i comment the nested loop and put on change of event.

189) Explain parallel cursor technique. What should we consider for

parallel cursor ?
Ans - When there are nested loops, you would need to use the WHERE clause to find the matching

entries from the inner LOOP. The typical WHERE clause would scan entire table to find the

matching key. The cost of finding the one key would remain same for each row in the outer LOOP.

190) Tell me about binary search ?

Ans - Binary search divides the list in two equal parts .

191) Purpose of Sort ?

Ans - The priority of the sort is based on the order in which the key fields are specified in the table

192) Did you know about Enhancements? Types of Enhancements?
Ans - enhancement in SAP is adding or modifying the logic of SAP standard program without modifying it,

enhancement consist of customer exit , Business transaction event (BTE) and Business add-ins


193) Implicit and Explicit Enhancements ?

Ans -

Implicit Enhancement.
SAP provided the space to enhance your programs in form and endform. When you click on enhance
button if there are double inverted comma in between form and endform then you can create your
implementation over there.

Explicit enhancement.
Here you can explicitly enhance your standard code. There is concept called enhancement
option(Enhancement point and enhancement section). Anywhere in program you can create your
enhancement option and provide enhancement spot(group of enhancement option) to that enhancement

194) How will we Implement Enhancements?

Ans -

Select the package and expand it.

Expand the Enhancements node.
Expand the Enhancement Implementations node.
Select the desired enhancement implementation.
In the context menu, choose Delete.

195) Types of Explicit enhancements ?

Ans - user-exits, business add-ins or by modifying the standard code of the SAP objects.
196) Difference between Section and Point ?
Ans -

Enhancement Point -

If you have written code using enhancement point your custom code will be executed along with the standard

Enhancement Section -

If you have written code using enhancement section, only your custom code will be executed replacing standard
code. standard code will not be executed.

197) How comfortable you are with debugging. How to stop the
debugger at particular value ?
Ans - I am average at debugging. In the debug mode click on watchpoint button.

198) Can we insert one main window in one page and another main
window in second page.
A. Yes we can

199) What is the Tcode For SAP Script.

A. SE71

200) What is an AMDP Class.

A. An AMDP class is a global class in the class library that contains one or more of the

Following interfaces.

201) What is the transaction code to check the missing authorizations

for AMDP execution?
A. ST01

202) Can we create/edit AMDP in SAP GUI using transaction SE24?

A. No we can’t
203) How many types of AMDP methods exists?
A. Two types : AMDP Procedures and AMDP Functions

204) Does AMDPs support automatic client handling?

A. AMDP doesn’t support automatic client handling.

205) How many types of ABAP HANA CDS views are there?
A. There are two types of views: ABAP CDS views and HANA CDS views. 

206) What is Cardinality in CDS view ?

A. Cardinality is the relationship between the source and associated CDS View .

207) Name at least 2 CDS session variables?

A. session.client , session.system_date

208) What is the difference between SKIP and RESERVE?

A. SKIP provides empty space between lines, while RESERVE executes a page break on
the current page if the number of lines between current line and the page footer is less than
the number specified in RESERVE statement.

209) What is the difference between SKIP and NEW-LINE?

A. SKIP: This statement positions the list cursor relative to the current line. The new line is
determined by the value of n. n expects a data object of type i.
NEW-LINE : This statement sets the list cursor at the first position of the next line after
the current line, if the current position of the list cursor was produced by a previous output

210) What is hotspot?

A. Hotspot: A hotspot is a physical location where people can access the Internet, typically
using Wi-Fi, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) with a router connected to an Internet
service provider.

211) What does HIDE statement do?

A. HIDE statement is used to hide the content of the current output line into a temporary
memory called hide area for further processing.
212) What are the events in classical reports?

At Selection-Screen output
At Selection-Screen on field
At Selection-Screen on value request
At Selection-Screen on help request
At Selection-Screen

213) How many detail lists can be created in interactive reporting?

A. 21 lists

214) What is the name of the system variable that holds the contents of
the selected line in interactive reporting?

215) What do you mean by BDC?

A. A business development company (BDC) is a type of closed-end fund that makes investments in
developing and financially distressed firms. Many BDCs are publicly traded and are open to retail
investors. BDCs offer investors high dividend yields and some capital appreciation potential.

216) How data is stored in cluster table?

A. Cluster tables contain continuous text, for example, documentation. Several cluster tables can be
combined to form a table cluster. Several logical lines of different tables are combined to form a
physical record in this table type. This permits object-by-object storage or object-by-object access.

217) What is SAP memory?

A. SAP memory is a memory area to which all main sessions within a SAP GUI have
access. You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a
session, or to pass data from one session to another.
218) What is Abap memory?
A. ABAP memory is the temporary memory storage used by ABAP programs and objects
that are using the same internal session - or same memory area - for all activities.
Compared to SAP memory, which is considered a global memory, ABAP memory is a local

219) What is the usage of GET CURSOR and SET CURSOR?

A. These two commands are used while creating interactive lists , as the name SET
CURSOR suggests , it is used to set the cursor on a line or a feild in a line and the
command SET CURSOR is used to get the feild name on which the cursor is placed.

220) What is SAP ALV report?

A. ALV stands for ABAP List Viewer. ALV gives us a standard List format and user
interface to all our ABAP reports. ALV is created by a set of standard function modules
provided by SAP.

221) What Are The Uses Of Alv Reports?

A. Sap provides a set of ALV (ABAP LIST VIEWER) function modules, which can be put into
use to embellish the output of a report. This set of ALV functions is used to enhance the
readability and functionality of any report output.

222) What Is Field Catalog In Sap Alv?

A. The field cataog is a table of type LVC_T_FCAT that contains information on the fields to
be displayed. For example, the ALV uses this table to identify the type of a field. You can
use fields of this catalog to determine the number format and column properties of the list to
be output.

223) What Is The Difference Between Client Dependent And

Independent Tables?
A. There are two types of objects in SAP, client dependent and client independent. Objects
used in several clients are called client independent while objects used in a specific client is
called client dependent. To identify if a table is client dependent, one can use tcodes SE11
or SE12.

224) What is function module?

Ans. Function modules are ABAP routines that encapsulate program code and provide an
interface for data exchange.
225) What is bapi difference between bapi and function module?
Ans. bapi is a remote function module and it will store in bor (business object repository). bapi
from non-sap system. function module is only with in the system.

226) Which function module can be used to transfer the data using bdc

227) How can you make the Smart forms to choose a printer name by
Ans. In the call function of the Smart form Function Module, set the output options parameter to
set the printer’s name.
The output options is of the type SSFCOMPOP which contains the field TDDEST. Set the
TDDEST field to your default printer name.

228) Where can I provide the input parameters to the smart form?
Ans. Global Settings->Form Interface.

229) How can I insert symbol in Smartphone?

Ans. Go to Insert > Symbol > More Symbols. Go to Special Characters. Double-click the
character that you want to insert. Select Close.

230) How can I define page protect in smart forms?

Ans. Folder control is the key for page protection in smart forms.

231) How to convert a smart form output to PDF output?


232) How can you see the smart form print preview output as list
Ans. Type SLIS in the command prompt and hit enter.

233) How do you achieve barcode painting in smart form?

Ans. Step 1: Define the bar code with transaction se73. Go to se73 transaction and
define the format of the bar code.
Step 2: Create smart style. Go to transaction somatoforms and create smart style.
Step 3: Create smart form. Create the smart form and assign the smart style.
234) How do you add a watermark or a background image for smart

1. Ans. Go to the properties of 'PAGE', tab 'Background Picture'. Add the graphic
image name here. Make sure to select "Print preview and print" output mode.
2. And add a window in front of a background picture, the image will behave as a

235) How will you print on both sides of a smart form?

Ans. At the Page level in smart forms, you can find something called as Print Mode. Set
the Print mode to duplex to print on both sides of the smart form.

236) How can you provide a background colour to the table?


237) Can you have a smartphone without a main window?

Ans. Yes, we can create a smart form without a main window.

238) What is a copies window?

Ans. You use the copies window to define an output area for print output, whose
contents you want to appear either only on the copy or only on the original.

239) How can you display the total number of pages in smart form?

240) how to call a subject in SAP script?

241) what are the various text formatting option in smart form?

242) where can i define my own global type for the smart forms?
Ans. The input parameters for the smartform can be defined in Global Settings->Form
Interface. The Associated Type must be defined in the ABAP Dictionary.

243) What is a Table attribute?

Ans- A database or tabular file containing information about a set of geographic features, usually
arranged so that each row represents a feature and each column represents one feature attribute. In
raster datasets, each row of an attribute table corresponds to a certain zone of cells having the same

244) What is the significance of Delivery Class?

Ans- The delivery class of a database table controls the transport of table data in installations, upgrades,
or client copies, and in transports between customer systems. It is also applied in extended table
maintenance (transaction code SM30).

245) What is the max. no. Of structures that can be included in a table
or structure.
Ans- Nine

246) What are two methods of modifying SAP standard tables?

Ans- Modifying standard SAP tables is not recommended by SAP. Still we can modify by the below 2

a- We can modify the tables by extended/add new fields to the table >>Go to table in SE11 >>>click
on change button, in that screen >>Click APPEND STRUCTURE.
b- The second method is customizing includes. We can add includes in structure.

247) What is the difference between a Substructure and an Append

Ans- Substructure: # In case of a substructure, the reference originates in the table itself, in the form of a
statement include

# Here we use includes

Append Structure: #  In case of an append structure, the table itself remains unchanged and the
reference originates in the append structure.

#Here we use append structure in the screen

248) To how many tables can an append structure be assigned.

Ans- Can be assigned to only One table
249) Can we include customizing include or an append structure with
Pooled or Cluster tables?
Ans- We cannot include customizing include or an append structure with Pooled or Cluster tables.

250) What are the two ways for restricting the value range for a
Ans- – By specifying fixed values.
– By stipulating a value table.

251) What is a Match Code?

Ans- A matchcode is a means of finding data records stored in the system. The matchcode is defined in
the ABAP Dictionary in two steps:

-You first define the relevant tables and fields for the search in a matchcode object.

-A matchcode object describes the set of all possible search paths for a search string.

252) Can you delete a domain, which is being used by data elements?
Ans- No, we can not delete if it is being used by any data element. You can only delete a domain if it is
no longer being used by a data element.

253) What are conversion routines

Ans- A conversion routine (also known as a conversion exit) uses a self-written implementation to
override standard conversions (where values are passed from an ABAP data object to a dynpro field or
from a dynpro field to an ABAP data object and in the formatting of data using the statements WRITE and

- Conversion routines are used to convert from external display format to internal storage format and vice-

254) What is the function of a data element?

Ans-Purpose: data element specifies the type of data a column contains, which in turn determines the
transforms that can be applied in a Transformer stage. The use of data elements is optional. You do not
have to assign a data element to a column, but it enables you to apply stricter data typing in the design of
server jobs.

Function: A data element is a focus of a DQ check (annotation is represented by “[[ data element ]]” for
parsing); a function is the qualitative or quantitative evaluation over the data element (annotation is
represented by “{{ function }}” for parsing). Each DQ check is essentially a function of a data element

255) Can a domain, assigned to a data element be changed?

Ans- No, domain assigned to a data element can not be changed. When changing an existing Data
Element in transaction SE11 you are not able to change the assigned domain.

256) Can you define a field without a data element?

Ans- Yes, we can create dictionary tables without referring to data elements. This is done by clicking on
"Built in type" button during table creation.
257) What is the difference between a structure and a table?

Table Structure
Structure can not store data physically, it
Tables will store data physically and permanently. can hold data at run time only.
Tables have primary key’s. Structure’s does not have any primary key.
Table have technical settings (data class, size category, etc), Structure’s does not have any technical
maintenance attributes (Display maintenance restrictions). attributes and maintenance attributes.
Structures does not have primary and
Table have primary and secondary indexes. secondary indexes.

258) What are the basic functions of Database utility?

Ans- The database utility is the interface between the ABAP Dictionary and the relational database
underlying the SAP system. The database utility allows you to edit (create, delete and adjust to changes
to their definition in the ABAP Dictionary) database objects derived from objects of the ABAP Dictionary.


Ans- Internal table is a temporary two dimensional memory structure similar to database table.  We can
store multiple records in the internal table and also using record pointers we can do the activities such as
reading, appending, deleting, modifying etc.

Whereas work area is a variable declared with the TYPE of an internal table or a database table.  It can
store only one record at a time.  It is like a structure declaration in C.  You can refer individual columns in
the work area with the names.

260) What is an internal table?

Ans- Internal tables provide a means of taking data from a fixed structure and storing it in working
memory in ABAP. The data is stored line by line in memory, and each line has the same structure. In
ABAP, internal tables fulfill the function of arrays.

261) Different types of internal table.

Ans- There are 3 ABAP Internal Table Types:

 Standard Tables. Access by linear table index or key. Response time proportional to table size.
 Sorted Tables. Filled in sorted order. Access by linear index or sort key. Response time
logarithmically proportional to table size.
 Hashed Tables.
262) What is the difference between COLLECT and APPEND
Ans- APPEND: This keyword will append the current contents of the table header or the structure to the
end of the table as a new record.. This will not affect the any existing record of the table.

COLLECT : This keyword is used for summation purposes.. when you collect a record to an internal
table, it will find that is the table already have any record with the same key values? If yes, then it will add
all the numeric values of the new record to the existing record without changing the non numeric values..

263) How do you delete duplicate records from internal table?

Ans- To delete all duplicate entries from a sorted internal table (e.g. just after SORT), you can use the

264) How do you find number of records present in internal table?

Ans- You can use the LINES function to get the number of rows in an internal table. Use the following
syntax to call the function:

DESCRIBE TABLE <Internal Table Name> LINES <Variable Name> Once the function is executed the
variable will hold the number of rows in the internal table

265) What is the difference between REFRESH and FREE statements?

Ans- REFRESH statement sets the internal table to its initial size by deleting all the rows of the internal
table. This frees up the allocated memory for the internal table.

A FREE statement is used to delete entire rows and free all the memory(used when the internal table
is no longer needed).

266) What are the different control break statements available inside a
Ans- The following control break statements are available with in LOOP and ENDLOOP.

-The code between AT NEW and ENDAT is executed only during the first loop pass. So it is used
to write the headers or some other initialization processing.

-The code between AT LAST and ENDAT is executed only during the last loop pass.

267) What is the purpose of AT FIRST and AT LAST?

Ans- AT FIRST triggers at the first loop iteration whereas AT LAST triggers at the last loop iteration. We
can't mention any particular field here as we can do in AT NEW or AT END OF. The main purpose of this
control break is to write some header or footer information.

268) What is the purpose of SUM statement?

Ans- The SUM function adds values. You can add individual values, cell references or ranges or a mix of
all three
269) Can we use ON CHANGE OF between SELECT and
Ans- Yes, we can use.

-It doesnt allow to write at new or at end of between select and endselect.

- But it allows ON change of between select endselect.

ON CHANGE OF is unsuitable for recognizing control levels in loops of this type because it always
creates a global auxiliary field which is used to check for changes. This global auxiliary field is only
changed in the relevant ON CHANGE OF statement. It is not reset when the processing enters loops or
subroutines, so unwanted effects can occur if the loop or subroutine is executed again. Also, since it is
set to its initial value when created (like any other field), any ON CHANGE OF processing will be
executed after the first test, unless the contents of the field concerned happen to be identical to the initial

270) What are the different methods of BDC?


271) What is the t-code to display batch input sessions?

Ans-  Tcode- /nsm3

272) What is the t-code for transaction recorder?


273) What is the syntax for Call Transaction?

Ans- BDC Call transaction <tcode>





274) What are the differences between session method and call
transaction method?

275) What is the ABAP program name to process the batch input
session automatically?
The ABAP program RSBDCSUB must be scheduled as a periodic job in the SAP background processing
system. RSBDCSUB checks for and starts any batch input sessions that have not yet been run. It
schedules such sessions for immediate execution in the background processing system.

276) What is transport merge and checks you do before releasign

from SE01-->Create -->Transport of Copies.

THen add objects from other requests

277) T-code to move the transport


278) What is Modification and enhanacement? What si recomended and

Enhancement in SAP is adding or modifying the logic of SAP standard program without modifying it,
enhancement consist of customer exit , Business transaction event (BTE) and Business add-ins (BADI).
And if the enhancement is not enough , we can do modification . Modification in SAP
is adding or modifying the logic of standard program by modifying SAP standard object. Actually the
modifications to sap standard object is not recommended, but there are several modification that is
allowed by SAP . one of them is user exit . And if the modification to sap standard object is not enough
and there is no standard program to fulfill customers need, we can develop new z program or we usually
say customer development .

279) What is implicit and explicit enhancement?

Implicit enhancements are predefined enhancements provided by SAP in the source code. They are
stored in Enhancement Spots. They can be implemented by going in the ABAP editor, get into the
Enhancement Mode by clicking the spiral button, then, right click into the enhancement point you plan to
implement and select Enhancement Implementation->Create. You will be asked a name and a
description and after this you can simply add your code.

And on the other hand the explicit enhancements can be implemented by the customers or partners.
They are predefined at the beginning and end of includes, FM's etc. You can see what are available by
going into editor and go to edit -> Enhancement Operations -> Show Implicit

280) What is user-exit, customer exit and Badi?

USER-EXITS : User-Exits where primarily made for SD module. They are implemented by SAP as sub-
routines. So in standard SAP code you will find the statement PERFORM USEREXIT_XXX… for
example in include program MV45AF0B_BELEG_SICHERN on line 652 you will find the statement
PERFORM USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE.. but the corresponding FORM defined in
include program MV45AFZZ is empty. so as per your clients requirements you will have to add code to
this FORM However since you are adding code into an SAP standard include program this will be
considered as a modification not an enhancement.

CUSTOMER-EXITS: These exits are delivered by SAP as Function module calls. So in standard SAP
code you will find statements like CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '003' … for example in Include
LCATSF0Y on line 21 you will find the statement CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '003' However the
corresponding Function Module EXIT_SAPLCATS_003 has an include ZXCATU03 which does not exist.
Hence based on your client requirements you will need to add code into this include to enhance the
behavior of the standard SAP program. Notice that since here you are not actually changing any of SAP
standard code hence this is not considered a modification and you will not have any issues during future

BADI: Business Add-Ins are an Object Oriented way of implementing SAP enhancements. The limitation
of a custom exit is that it can only have a single include implementation in it. However a BADI can have
several implementations ( implemented as Classes as opposed to Include Programs as in the case of
Customer Exit) and you can select which implementation should be called based on a Filter value. BADI's
are specific to the module and the relevant BADI can be found through the IMG configuration node of that
module. Technically SAP Standard code uses the class CL_EXITHANDLER to identify and call the
relevant BADI class."

281) Transaction code to create sales order?


282) T-code to create a T-Code


283) How to debug an update function module

SAP Technical: How to debug a update function module (

284) What is the use of parallel cursor

Traditionally in abap, the consultant use where clause in nested loop, this is very common but there is big
issue with performance when using where clause in nested loop with table, EKKO, VBAK, BKPF etc.

The problem with this method is for each record in the first internal table, when system checking
for the matching record in second table, it search all the records starting from index 1 to the last record.
To overcome the performance issue , there is a method called parallel cursor, in this method
before the loop in second table, first we read the index of the matching record in second table , and then
loop get starts from the that index only and exist , when record not match. In this method for each record
of first table system check and perform logic only for the match records of second table"

285) What is the use of parallel processing

Parallel processing is implemented in ABAP reports and programs, not in the background processing
system itself. That means that jobs are only processed in parallel if the report that runs in a job step is
programmed for parallel processing. Such reports can also process in parallel if they are started

286) What is RFC, is it pass by value mandatory? Why RFC is

RFC is a mechanism that allows business applications to communicate and exchange information (in pre-
defined formats) with other systems. RFC stands for ‘Remote Function Call’

RFC consists of two interfaces:

A calling interface for ABAP Programs

A calling interface for Non-SAP programs.

287) What is the use of SOAMANAGER?

Functionality to set up configuration to support business processes with Web services. This functionality
is intended for business administrators who manage business processes across systems in a system

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