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Uses of measurement
◦ With metric scale architects can create a mental picture which is
accurate and vivid.

◦ It is important to know the relationship between sizes of human limbs

and what space a person requires in various postures and movements;
sizes of objects for everyday use to determine the dimension of
containers and furniture; spaces between furniture in home and
workplace and position of furniture to optimize the space and provide
comfort to the user while performing a task.

◦ Other dimension can be derived from knowing the minimum space

Concepts on measurement
◦ The only true scale is that of human beings.

◦ The amount of space we need between ourselves and strangers to feel at

ease in varies from culture to culture.

◦ Subjective preferences can be a good guide but unreliable since personal,

cultural and universal layers of response can be mixed-up.

◦ Space affects how users need to speak, move or focus the eyes. It is therefore
has bodily effects which regardless of our expectations and preferences
influence social relationships.

◦ Regarding materials, favored sizes and dimensions allow better coordination

between manufactured components, design and construction operations
derived from the basic 100mm/4 inch module.
◦ Scale clues – relative size of something
◦ It allows us to assess the size of a room/element by comparison
within the sizes of known elements to make judgment about the
room’s dimension

◦ Exterior- trees, cars, street furniture, humans

◦ Interior – storey heights, masonry courses, doors, windows,
Normal scale – relaxed fashion,
without any self-concious
manipulation of scale clues . The
size of the object is precisely as
percieved and anticipated by the
observer, it is easily read together
with the other components and
contributes to visual intensity

Intimate scale – reducing the size of

familiar components to induce a relaxed
atmosphere of cozy domesticity , ex.
Reduced ceiling height, cove lighting, low
window heads
Heroic scale – diminishes the ego of the
user, used to make the user of the
object relate to its smallness, used to
enhance the scale of something which
has relatively modest dimensions

Shock scale – used to startle and

excite the observer, exaggeratedly
expanded or reduced to create an
amusing scale with their environment
- study of human

- the study of how a
workplace and the
equipment used
can best be
designed for
comfort, efficiency,
safety, and
proportion – the correct or desirable relationship of size, quantity or degree
between two or more things or parts of something
Space communicates
The study of human distances

The study of how human beings use their space to communicate

‘Hall sets forth a theory about how people react to others at

various distances from their own bodies, indicating thereby a sense
of territoriality, similar to that shown by animals or birds and
develops notation for this purpose.” (Blyth 1976; p 117)
◦ Sociology, Psychology. the study of the spatial requirements of
humans and animals and the effects of population density on
behavior, communication, and social interaction.
◦ Linguistics. the study of the symbolic and communicative role in a
culture of spatial arrangements and variations in distance, as in
how far apart individuals engaged in conversation stand
depending on the degree of intimacy between them.
◦ Distance
◦ Spaces
◦ Modes of behavior and

1 2
personal intimate social public

Human distance and the senses Human distances in space

intimat person socia publi

e al l c
1 2 3 4
Distance + actual arrangement in space = proxemics

The way we arrange ourselves in space has much to do with

relationships, whether short or long term, It reflects the roles we play
in those relationships.

Communication patterns

categories of space
Fixed Feature Space
◦ This space is formed by walls and territorial buildings. For
example Houses, Buildings, Cities, Classrooms etc. The use of
the classroom space could either make the students
comfortable or uncomfortable, feel motivated or demotivated.
categories of space
Semi fixed space
◦ This category of space is more important in interpersonal
communication. In this, the objects are already fixed, and the position
of the objects and the space resulted provide details on the nature
of the interaction as well as the status of the participants.
Semi-fixed spaces categories
1. Sociofugal Space: It keeps the people away from the process of
communication. It transmits connotative meanings such as large,
cold, impersonal and so on.
2. Sociopetal Space: It brings the people together and stimulates
involvement in the process of communication
Collaborating role
Consorting role
Conversational role
Co-existing role
Confrontational role
I need my space……..but lets keep in touch.
What ?????!!!!!!!
Furniture layout and proxemics

Police Assistant Architect’s room

interrogatio lecturer’s room
n room
Office layout A

Which is a better layout considering

the “front of the house, back of the
house” technique?

Office layout A

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