5Bs Implementation Monitoring Tool v2.0

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Name of Division Lead for the 5Bs Program Contact Details

No. of schools Implementing the 5Bs Modalities of Implementation (please check)

 Home-based
 Community-based
 School-based
 Combination: _____________________
No. of learners participating
Elementary: Junior High School Senior High School
Kindergarten ________ Grade 7 ____________ Grade 11 ____________
Grade 1 ____________ Grade 8 ____________ Grade 12 ____________
Grade 2 ____________ Grade 9 ____________
Grade 3 ____________ Grade 10 ___________
Grade 4 ____________
Grade 5 ____________
Grade 6 ____________
Disaggregation of learners
Gender IP/Ethnicity Muslim
Total no. _________ Total no. _________ Total no. _________
Boys _______________ Boys ____________ Boys ____________
Girls _______________ Girls ____________ Girls ____________

Program Components Implemented

 Reach Every Child Campaign

 Assessment
 Teaching Learning Materials Development and/or Provision
 Capacity Development for Teachers, Schoolheads, Parents and Community Members
 Stakeholder Engagement
 Policies and Standards


Name of School Lead for the 5Bs Program Contact Details

Name of the 5Bs Program (if Modalities of Implementation (please check)

 Home-based
 Community-based
 School-based
 Combination: _____________________
No. of learners participating
Total Participating Learners
Grade Gender IPs Muslims Non-Muslims
Level Enrolees Tota
M F M F Total M F Total M F Total
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Program Components Implemented

 Reach Every Child Campaign

 Assessment
 Teaching Learning Materials Development and/or Provision
 Capacity Development for Teachers, Schoolheads, Parents and Community Members
 Stakeholder Engagement
 Policies and Standards

School Level Implementation Guide Questions

1. Have you implemented the 5Bs (Bawat Bata sa Bangsamoro, Bumabasa at Bumibilang? If
yes, what are the initial milestones being achieved in the implementation of the 5Bs
program? (launching, orientation, refresher etc.).

2. a. What tools are being used to assess the learning levels of learners for this school year?

b. What competencies or skills are being measured?

3. a. What teaching learning materials are being used in your school for the 5Bs program?

b. What competencies and skills do these teaching learning materials target?

c. In what languages are these teaching learning materials?

4. a. What support are provided for teachers and education personnel to implement the 5Bs
program? and in what form (teacher training, in-service, LAC sessions, etc.)?

5. a. Who are conducting the 5Bs Program?

b. What arrangements are being observed?

6. How are other stakeholders(parents, community members, LGUs, TEIs, and other
stakeholders) involved in the implementation of the program?

7. In general, what went well? What are the challenges? What are your recommendations to
further improve the program?

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