Unitary Method Worksheet2

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SN Kansagra School

Unitary Method Worksheet

Date: Name: Roll No.:

Sub. : Math Standard: 8th Teacher’s Sign 2015-16 Time:
 Solve the following word problems:-
1) A work can be completed by 45 men in 90 days. If only 30 men are available, how
many days will it take to complete the same work? [135]
2) The hostel of a college students having 320 students has a stock for 80 days. If 20
students leave the hostel after 20 days, for how many more days will the food
last [64]
3) 1 gas cylinder is used to cook food for a family of 8 people for 30 days. If 4 guests
join the family, how long will the cylinder last. [20]
4) On a library shelf, 150 books each of thickness 3cm can be stacked. If books each
of thickness 2cm are to be stacked in the same shelf, how many such books can be
stacked. [275]
5) A school buys 40 white boards at RS 650 each. If each white board were to cost
Rs 150 less, how many boards in total could have been bought by the school with
the same amount of money. [52]
6) 36 men can do a piece of work in 11 days, how many additional men are required
to finish the work in 6 days? [30]
7) A fort has provisions for 540 men for 160 days. After 10 days they are joined by
60 men. How long will the food last at the same rate. [135]
8) If 8 men or 12 boys can do a piece of work in 16 days, in how many days will 20
men and 6 boys finish the same work. [5 ]
9) 1500 men in a fort has a provision for 48 days, if 500 men join them , how long
will the provision now last. [36]
10) If 8 men or 10 boys earn Rs 6964, what will 28 men and 15 boys earn?[34820]
11) A garrison of 2835 men has provision for 62 days, after 24 days 840 men left the
place, how long will the provision last. [15]
12) A labourer get Rs 630 in30 days. What will he get for the period from August 23
to September 2? [231]
13) If the wages of 20 labourers for 10 days are Rs 3600, then find the wages of
30 labourers for 6 days. [Rs 3240]
14) If a family of 9 people can live on Rs 12000 for 8 months, how many can live for
16 months on Rs 64000at the same rate? [24]
15) If 8 men can build a wall 80 m long in 24 days, how many metres of wall will
36 men build in 30 days. [450]
16) If 6 persons spend Rs 1500 in 20 weeks, how long will Rs 1050 last 7 persons at
the same rate? [12]
17) A piece of work is completed by 32 men in 20 days of 7 hours each, how many
men would be required to do it in 8 days of 10 hours each? [60]
18) How much will 42 men earn in 30 days at the rate of Rs 736 for 69 men for 35
days. [Rs 384]
19) If 49 men can empty a reservoir in 65 days by pumping 8 hours a day. In how
many days of 5 hours each will 196 men do the same work. [26]
20) If 4 men can earn Rs 9 in 12 days, what should be the wages of 6 men for
10 days. [11.25]
21) If 42 horses need 1200 kg grass in 12 days, how many days are required for 60
horses to finish 1440 kg of grass? [10 ]
22) Working for 8 hours daily, 40 people can dig the foundation of a building in
21days. Working for 10 hours if the work is to be finished in 14 days, how many
people are needed to do the same work. [48]
23) If 6 workers earn Rs 10,800 in 20 days, how much will 20 men earn in
8 days? [14,400]
24) Working 5 hours daily, Shaheed can embroider 3 sarees in 21 days. How many
days will it take for him to embroider 6 sarees working 7 hours daily? [30]
25) 10 men working for 5 hours a day for 6 days mow an area of 5 acres. If there are
8 men working 4 hours a day to mow 4 acres of land, how many days it will take?
[7 ]

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