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1. What does it mean to read critically?

Reading critically means to boost one’s reading ability into another lever of
enhancement in certain processes, models, questions, and theories with regards to the
subject you’re reading. By reading critically, we accentuate our ability to redefine and
reflect on everything in an enhanced clarity and comprehension. Prior reading skills are
well observed and apply in critical reading. Our mindset affects our critical reading in
terms of mood and emotions such as the feeling of elation and depression, albeit, it
even gives us more potent of unusual discoveries that would add up to our experience,
vocabulary, and memory. The pith of critical reading starts from within a reader’s
perspective. If he/she doesn’t acquire much of an interest in a subject they’re reading,
most times time will all go to waste if he/she keeps on reading in a roundabout manner
with no idea that comes in their mind. Critical reading acquires a process of logical,
holistic, and analytical thinking regardless of lacking motivation or interest in a given

2. Why did Goshgarian say that critical

reading is an active process of discovery?
Critical reading is an active process of discovery for the reason that we
gain countless of ideas and knowledge that anyone could have, even to those topics
that are quite enticing to read. It unlocks paths of whether our curiosity will barge on to
“nothing to see” barricades or lead to opportunities to learn more and explore about
various new discoveries of Science, Literature, Mathematics, Contemporary Issues, and
History. A massive eye-opening world of speculation is something we keep on chasing
endlessly beyond our very knowledge. So by critical reading, the world full of
discoveries is unveiled on to the surface of what we called “Acquired knowledge”, that is
somewhat extremely fragile to be forgotten. “Critical reading is an active process of
discovery” — Gary Goshgarian. If not so, then how can lawyers win their filed lawsuits
or even teachers give their feedback towards the skills and behaviors of their students
without accurate critical reading of their main subject of attention.

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