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Today, the computer is indispensable, and its presence has become very important and necessary in

our daily life, and it has become easier for us to do many operations and activities. Computer helps
me in my daily activity by using it for listening to music and watching movies. It makes my life
easier because it is functioned and has a lot of things that it can do. Computers have a great
contribution in the education field. Due to pandemic Computer also helps me to attend in our
online classes and do online activities. It also helps me to gather information, compute, and store
data. Sometimes I use it to save some pictures and videos from my mobile phone and some SD card.
In today’s generation, we are all surrounded with technologies, we can start some online business,
do work from home, earn money by just watching short videos and read articles, and more.
Computer helps me to practice my skills in typing. Sometimes when I am using my computer I
always challenge myself to type faster, I can see my improvement. I can’t say that I am already a
professional in fast typing but, I can say that I am doing better, typing faster than before. My
Computer helps me communicate, and have some time with friends and meet new people via online.
Whenever I’m bored, I am using my Adobe Photoshop to edit some pictures, turn some pictures
into a vector, and sometimes I am trying other things using Adobe to improve my skills. I can see
that it improves my skills at editing. It takes me hours to edit some pictures and videos. It helps me
to explore more activities, like finding some interesting games online, ask some questions, read
some news articles, etc. that can kill time. Having a computer makes my daily life more easier by
taking notes, answering assignments, and reading online books. It also helps me in preparing
projects by using MS office. As an aspiring I.T programmer, having my own computer can help me
to run a code and program an html, java, javascript. It helps me to learn more about coding and
programming. I am also making my computer as my rant buddy whenever I’m having a bad day, I
am using my computer’s camera to record myself while ranting to, somehow it makes me feel better
and I highly recommend it to those people that scared to get some help, to those people that scared
to speak up for themselves. It helps me to monitor my schedules and assignments. It can help me do
some applications in work online. It can help me make accounts or ID’s. The computer has been
able to invade the lives of individuals in a large way, and it is used in all areas of their lives, and
based on this great position that it has enjoyed, the manufacturers have been interested in
producing many shapes and types for it in line with the user's need, including the mobile device,
office devices, and others.

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