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the french people (french ; francais) are an ethnic
group and nation primarily located in western europe
that share a common french culture, history, and
languge, identified with the country of france.

a country is landlocked if it has no access to any

oceans or seas. france is not landlocked because it
has access to mediterranean and atlantic ocean.
The symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower is a feat
of ingenuity as much as it is a famous
landmark. This structure of 8,000 metallic
parts was designed by Gustave Eiffel as a
temporary exhibit for the World Fair of 1889.
The Eiffel Tower's gracefulness has earned it
the nickname of "Iron Lady." Visitors are
impressed by the tower's delicate airiness
despite its monumental size and the
breathtaking panoramas at each of the three
Provence invites visitors to escape into a dreamy
bucolic landscape of olive groves, sun-drenched
rolling hills, and deep purple lavender fields, with
little villages nestled in the valleys and perched on
rocky outcrops. The vibrant scenery has enchanted
many famous artists, including Cézanne, Matisse,
Chagall, and Picasso. The rustic natural beauty,
country charm, and laid-back atmosphere of
Provence allows the region's art de vivre (art of
living) to flourish. Sultry weather encourages
leisurely strolls along cobblestone streets and
afternoons spent on sunny terraces of outdoor

The Chartres Cathedral is renowned for its marvelous stained-glass windows, most
dating to the 12th and 13th centuries. Covering 2,500 square meters, the brilliant stained-
glass windows allow colorful light to filter into the vast nave, creating an ethereal effect.
The intricately detailed windows reveal the incredible craftsmanship in depicting biblical
The most fashionable stretch of coastline
in France, the Côte d'Azur extends from
Saint-Tropez to Menton near the border
with Italy. Côte d'Azur translates to "Coast
of Blue," a fitting name to describe the
Mediterranean's mesmerizing cerulean

To English speakers, this glamorous

seaside destination is known as the French
Riviera, words that have a ring of sun-
drenched decadence.
In a stately palace that was once a
royal residence, the Louvre Museum
ranks among the top European
collections of fine arts. Many of
Western Civilization's most famous
works are found here, including the
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, the
Wedding Feast at Cana by Veronese,
and the 1st-century-BC Venus de Milo
France is well-known around the world
for Paris and its landmarks, including
the Eiffel Tower and the Notre-Dame
church. French people are extremely
passionate about their culture and art,
which are on display in numerous
museums like the Louvre. French food
is popular all over the world, from bread
and macaroons to wine and champagne.
Although they are renowned for having impeccable
manners, French citizens are notorious for being stylishly
late. They enjoy good eating, dressing up for special
occasions, and having cerebral conversations, but they
never bicker over money.
French people are reserved and have different social
norms for those who are part of their social circle versus
those who are not. Despite their innate politeness, the
French only truly let their true self shine when they are
around their closest friends and relatives.
French people tend not to visit unannounced or uninvited.
To do so is considered rude. When invited to a dinner, it is
common for guests to ask their hosts if they are required to
bring something on the day. Guests may also bring a bottle
of wine or dessert.
According to historian Eric Hobsbawm, "the French
Most French people speak the French language has been essential to the concept of 'France',"
language as their mother tongue, but although in 1789, 50 percent of the French people did
certain languages like Norman, Occitan not speak it at all, and only 12 to 13 percent spoke it
languages, Corsican, Euskara, French fairly well; even in oïl languages zones, it was not
usually used except in cities, and even there not always
Flemish and Breton remain spoken in in the outlying districts.
certain regions (see Language policy in The French motto “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity”
France). There have also been periods of reflects the values of French society. Equality and unity
history when a majority of French people are important to the French. The French also value
style and sophistication, and they take pride in the
had other first languages (local languages beauty and artistry of their country. Family is also
such as Occitan, Catalan, Alsatian, West highly valued in French culture.
Flemish, Lorraine Franconian, Gallo,
Picard or Ch'timi and Arpitan). Today,
many immigrants speak another tongue
at home.
One way that non-verbal communication
is the same in France and in America is the
“thumbs up” sign. This means “okay” in
France and in America. The “zero” symbol
in America can also stand as the” okay
sign in France. Furthermore, the French
also have wordless signals to

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