Five Natural Truths

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San Roque, Trixie Mae Kyla P.

10 – St. John Paul II

We are Historical Beings

- We are historical beings, meaning we are constantly growing in many different aspects. We
encounter things, we are continuously facing problems in which could affect our faith in God,
but we, also, are rising up from our every fall. Change is constant, they say, and this change is
very important for us. Why? Simply because the clock is moving, and so our lives. We change for
the better, we change to correct our past mistakes, we change to develop ourselves and to
become fully-grown beings, with His grace.

We are Embodied Spirits

- We have bodies because God gave them in order for us to feel the experience living in this
world. We feel pain and pressure, we feel happiness and sadness, and we feel confidence and
fear, but those things are not just it. We are not mere bodies with spirits, we are embodied
spirits. Jesus Christ gave us these gifts like intellect to show His love for us. We just don’t use
these gifts in order to totally feel the material things in the world, we have to use these in order
to live our live centered by Him. By that we can thank Him for giving us such precious things in
life, because we are embodied spirits loved by God.

We are Conscious Beings

- We are conscious beings because we are aware what is happening in our surroundings and life.
God gave us intellect in order to understand things, right? But that’s not just it, He gave us this
gift because He wanted us to know what freedom is. God let us to discover the world. He let us
encounter not only good, but also, evil things. We are very lucky, for us, humans, are the only
living things that God gave intellect and full awareness to their surroundings. Are we going to
use this gift for evil? Or are we going to nurture this and use this for the glory of God?

We are Relational Beings

- “No man is an island.” This quotation has been a very cliché one, but it is very true. God gave
Adam a companion, because He didn’t want him to feel lonely, that’s why he gave Eve. Yes,
there is a possibility that we can survive in this world alone, but, are we going to feel true
happiness? No, that’s why there are friends and family around us to give us joy and make us feel
that God never left us, in fact, he uses instruments like our families in order for us to feel His
We are unique, though fundamentally equal

- We are all equal, for we are humans. We are all loved by God, so He gave us His only Son.
However, we have our own versions, we have diversities. One can have talents without the
others possessing, but it doesn’t mean that we are going to brag about it, and make others feel
insecure. Our uniqueness is also a gift. Even though we have our own uniqueness, we should
learn how to respect others with different perspective and aspects, just like how God accepted
the whole us, even with our flaws.

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