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The text below for answer the question number 1-5


SEA games are the sport competition between countries in south East Asia. The event is held every
other year.

SEA games are carried cut in line with founding of ASEAN. ASEAN has aims to promote solidarity
among the nation in south East Asia. There for, all ASEAN members automatically participate in the
event. They are represented by their best athletes. They complete to get the most medals.
The medals for the firs winner is gold, silver for the second and the third winner gets the bronze medal.

At first the game were participated by Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. Those country three
countries were called Malayan Peninsula. Then, since 1997, the event was participated by all AESAN

1. How often the SEA games take place? (How often : berapa kali )

2. The aim of SEA games is….(aim : tujuan )

3. The main idea of the third paragraph is...... (Main idea : ide pokok )

4. They are represented by ..(part 2)

The word “they” in the sentence refers to ….( Refers to : ditujukan kepada )

5. What's the meaning of the word "competition" ?

6. " Good job " is expression of....

7. " Get well soon" is expression of.....

9. What tenses we use for procedure text ?

10. What's the meaning of the word "then" ?

Essay :

11. What is the definition of procedure text ?

12. Mention the part of procedure text ? (Part : bagian )

13. Write the ingredients to make a mango juice ! (Ingredients : bahan )

14. What we usually do after wash the mango ? (Usually: biasanya), (do : lakukan)

15. The last step of make the mango juice is....(last step: langkah akhir)

Good luck ☺️

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