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1, Brand equity

Definition:Brand equity refers to a value premium that a company generates from

a product with a recognizable name when compared to a generic equivalent.
Companies can create brand equity for their products by making them memorable,
easily recognizable, and superior in quality and reliability. Mass marketing
campaigns also help to create brand equity.

Brand equity has three basic components: consumer perception, negative or

positive effects, and the resulting value. Foremost, consumer perception, which
includes both knowledge and experience with a brand and its products, builds
brand equity. The perception that a consumer segment holds about a brand directly
results in either positive or negative effects. If the brand equity is positive, the
organization, its products, and its financials can benefit. If the brand equity is
negative, the opposite is true. Brand equity has a direct impact on sales volume
and a company's profitability because consumers gravitate toward products and
services with great reputations.

2, SEO affects brand equity in marketing mobile

Mobile Marketing is understood as the use of images, content or clips transmitted

through mobile devices for marketing purposes. With this method, product
information is brought to customers most directly, conveying the most complete
content. Not only that, with the development of many smartphones, phones are
used as a means of direct interaction with customers.

SEO helps optimize websites to increase server-friendliness when users perform

searches, thereby improving rankings as well as optimizing customer experience.
In addition, SEO also improves the quality of content that businesses want
customers to access as well as navigate customers' perception of the business.

From the characteristics of mobile marketing and SEO, we can analyze the impact
of SEO on brand value through mobile marketing activities:

- Mobile search

SEO helps businesses improve their position when users search for related
information. The higher the website position, the higher the reliability because
users trust the search results on search engines, especially Google. When
businesses have the trust of consumers, the ability of customers to choose your
products is high. In addition, customers' perception of the business or brand also
becomes better. Websites in the top positions will be seen by thousands of people
every time they search for related content, thereby increasing the awareness of the
business. It can be seen that SEO helps increase the recognition and reputation of
businesses on mobile search, thereby increasing the value of business brands.

- Mobile web

SEO helps to optimize the website in terms of images, structure and content so
that it is compatible with users' devices thereby enhancing their experience.
Making your website user-friendly and device-compatible will ensure your
website's visibility and better appearance in search results. In addition, SEO
content also plays an extremely important role in improving consumer
understanding and awareness about a brand or business. A website with well-
crafted content will hit the right focus and can attract viewers, keep them on the
web longer, thereby increasing their understanding of the brand. When the content
provides useful information and brings value to customers, the product value as
well as the brand value will be increased in the hearts of consumers. And when
customers perceive that product or brand is of high value to them, they will be
more willing to stick with the brand for a long time. Adding value in the hearts of
customers is also an effective way to increase their likelihood of buying next time.
However, this is a way that requires long-term planning because a brand cannot be
built in a short time.

Example: Currently, the demand for online shopping on e-commerce sites of

consumers is extremely large. The device that consumers use is mainly the phone,
and the e-commerce exchanges they also build their own e-commerce site to
integrate with the phone most. SEO is applied a lot in these e-commerce
platforms. As used to improve the position when customers search for products by
SEO in shoppe. Customers often tend to choose the brands that appear first for
reference and shopping. Therefore, the position appearing in the e-commerce
platforms is extremely important. In addition, each time a customer searches for a
related product, a customer will see the logo as well as the name of the brand from
which the brand will become more familiar to consumers. In addition, building
content and images also greatly affects consumers' purchasing decisions. Using
SEO constant to optimize the content provided to customers is an effective way.
Content not only attracts shoppers but also shows the prestige and professionalism
of the company so that customers will trust to buy more. It can be seen that if SEO
is applied to business activities, sellers can both increase profits and enhance their
brand value.

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