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Table of Contents
1. Stakeholder Identification ................................................................................................................ 1

2. Stakeholder Mapping ....................................................................................................................... 3

3. Communication Plan ........................................................................................................................ 5

4. RASCI Chart .................................................................................................................................... 7

List of Figures
Figure 1: Stakeholder matrix................................................................................................................................... 4

List of Tables
Table 1:Stakeholder identification........................................................................................................................... 1
Table 2: Communication plan ................................................................................................................................. 5
Table 3: Project team members ............................................................................................................................... 7
Table 4: RASCI Chart .............................................................................................................................................. 8

1. Stakeholder Identification
Importance of stakeholder identification

A stakeholder is: “individuals and organizations who are actively involved in the project, or whose
interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or successful project
completion” (Project Management Institute (PMI, 2000). Stakeholder identification is important not
only for determining who a project’s stakeholders are but also for determining the best way or ways
to manage their expectations. Every stakeholder, regardless of his level, wants or expects something
from the project or its outcome.
Table 1:Stakeholder identification
No Stakeholder Objectives Their Im- Inter- Assess- Potential Strategies for
pact est ment of Gaining Support or Reduc-
Impact ing Obstacles
1 The Investor Profit Invest High High • Manage Closely
money • Keep them updated
and make about the perfor-
agree- mance regularly
ments • Arrange Succes par-
ties with important
construction fin-

2 Project Through High High • Manage closely

contractor continua- the meet- • Arrange success par-
tion and ing and ties with important
salary. project construction fin-
Gathering manage- ishes
knowledge ment • Motivate them by
about en- plan increasing allow-
vironmen- ances and salary
3 Landowner (Ministry of Minimum Monitor- High High • Manage closely and
wildlife and forest) impact ing and keep them aware
on fauna reporting about actual scenar-
and flora to the ios

4 Equipment and service Payment Project High High • Manage closely

material suppliers (amount manage- • Give Update about
and fre- ment progress
quency) plan
their brand
5 Ministry of Environ- Impact on EIA Low High • Manage closely
mental - CEA the envi- • Keep them informed
ronment about actual situa-
tions going along
with environmental
regulations and

6 Ministry of tourism and Support Me- Me- • Manage closely
lands and assis- dium dium • Take their concerns
tance for
the devel-
opment of
the pro-
ject, assur-
ing the
safe and
of foreign
and local
tourists to
the coun-
7 National water supply Provide Low High • Manage them
and drainage board clean and closely
ble water
8 Ceylon Electricity provide a Low High • Manage their
Board (CEB) reliable closely
supply and
9 Emergency Services Low High • Manage their
• Take their concerns
10 Social & Environmental Monitor- through Low Me- • Manage their
NGOs ing the the dium closely
project NGOs • Take their concerns
and evalu-
ating im-
pact and
inform to
and pub-
11 Local and Government Handling through Low High Manage their closely
Authorities the legal the meet- Give update about pro-
aspects of ings gress
the pro- Take their concerns
12 Region Communities Represent- Public Low High • Take their concerns
ing the vi- consult-
sion of rel- ing meet-
evant reli- ings
13 Media Broadcast Public Low Me- Keep informed about the
the unbi- consult- dium current situation and get
ased news ing meet- them updated

14 Potential Investors profit High Low • Keep inform about
current situation get
them updated
15 Local and Regional profit High Low • Keep inform about
Businessmen current situation get
them updated
16 Yala Safari Staff Project High Low • Take their concern
tion and
17 Local and foreign tour- Assure the High Low • Take their concern
ists safe and
tourists in
18 Environmental and so- Impact on Low Me- • Take their concern
cial organizations Environ- dium • Keep informed
ment and about the current sit-
social uation and get them
19 General public Low Low • Keep inform about
current situation get
them updated

2. Stakeholder Mapping
Stakeholder management is the process of maintaining good relationships with the people who have
the most impact on the project. The size and complex of the project. Stakeholder mapping is one of
the ways that we can identify key stakeholders and how much priority is given to them.

High Interest – High power stakeholder: - Manage closely

High Interest – Low power stakeholder: - Informe them about the project
Low Interest – High Power stakeholder: - Keep them satisfied with the project
Low Interest –Low Power Stakeholder: - Minimum effect on project, but we must monitor them

Ministry of Environmental (CEA) The Investor
Ministry of Tourism and Lands Employees of construction company,
contractor, and subcontractor
High Power

Local and Government Authorities Landowner (Ministry of wildlife and for-

National Water Supply and Drainage Board Equipment and service suppliers
Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) Service staff of hotel
Emergency Services
Social & Environmental NGOs
Public Transportation Region Communities
Low Power

General public Media

Potential Investors
Local and Regional Businessmen
Yala Safari Staff
Local and foreign tourism
Low Interest High Interest
Figure 1: Stakeholder matrix

3. Communication Plan
Table 2: Communication plan
No Stake- Communi- Method/Mode Fre- Goal Owner Audience
cation Con- quency
holder tent
1 The Inves- Kickoff Meeting Once Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
tor Meeting project, Reviewing ager Project Spon-
project goals and ob- sors
jective Project team
2 Project Meeting Weekly Reviewing weekly Project Man- Project team
Engineers, Team progress update and ager
primary meeting any issues to be ad-
contractor, dressed
and sub-

3 Land- Project Meeting Monthly Reviewing the project Project Man- Project team
owner Status Re- status and discussing ager Landowner
(Ministry port issues and delays.
of wildlife
and for-
4 Equip- Reporting EOR At spe- Reporting on special Consultant En- Project Man-
ment and special site cial Ob- observations on site gineer ager, CM
service observa- serva- practices which are
material tions tion/is- non-conforming to
suppliers sue designs, contract, and
method statements
5 Ministry Project Meeting Once in Discussing any design Project Man- Architect (ECL)
of Envi- Design re- two change requests, de- ager team
ronmental view weeks sign related con- Design Engi-
- CEA meeting flict/issues. neer -project
6 Ministry Kickoff Meeting Once Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
of tourism Meeting project, Reviewing ager Project sponsor
and lands project goals and ob- Key stakehold-
jective ers
7 National Kickoff Meeting Once Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
water sup- Meeting project, Reviewing ager Project sponsor
ply and project goals and ob- Key stakehold-
drainage jective ers
8 Ceylon Kickoff Meeting Once Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
Electricity Meeting project, Reviewing ager Project sponsor
Board project goals and ob- Key stakehold-
(CEB) jective ers
9 Emer- Kickoff Meeting Once Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
gency Ser- Meeting project, Reviewing ager Project sponsor
vices project goals and ob- Key stakehold-
jective ers
10 Social & Post-Mor- Meeting Once-At Reviewing project Project Man- Project team
Environ- tem Meet- the end performance, Dis- ager
mental ing of the cussing succeeded
NGOs project and failed meth-
ods/tasks and reasons
for future learnings
11 Local and Task Pro- Daily Pro- Daily Reviewing daily pro- Project Man- Project team
Govern- gress up- gress Re- gress on tasks as- ager
ment Au- dates port signed

12 Region Post-Mor- Meeting Once-At Reviewing project Project Man- Project team
Commu- tem Meet- the end performance, Dis- ager
nities ing of the cussing succeeded
project and failed meth-
ods/tasks and reasons
for future learnings
13 Media Reports DRR On the Reviewing the doc- Consultant Project Man-
on re- receipt uments submitted Engineer ager, CM
viewing of docu- by contractor, such
docu- ments as method state-
ments ment and material
submittals along
with comments.
14 Potential Kickoff Meeting Once Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
Investors Meeting project, Reviewing ager Project spon-
project goals and sor
objective Key stake-
15 Local and Post-Mor- Meeting Once-At Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
Regional tem the end project, Reviewing ager Project spon-
Business- Meeting of the project goals and sor
men project objective Key stake-
16 Yala Sa- Post-Mor- Meeting Once-At Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
fary Staff tem the end project, Reviewing ager
Meeting of the project goals and
project objective

17 Local and Post-Mor- Meeting Once-At Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
foreign tem the end project, Reviewing ager Project spon-
tourists Meeting of the project goals and sor
project objective Key stake-
18 Environ- Post-Mor- Meeting once Reviewing the doc- Project Man- Project team
mental tem uments submitted ager
and social Meeting by contractor, such
organiza- as method state-
tions ment and material
submittals along
with comments.

19 General Post-Mor- Meeting Once-At Introduction to the Project Man- Project team
public tem the end project, Reviewing ager Project spon-
Meeting of the project goals and sor
project objective Key stake-

4. RASCI Chart
➢ Responsible: Individuals RESPONSIBLE to perform the task. R’s can be shared across a task.
➢ Accountable: The individual who is ultimately ACCOUNTABLE has the power of veto. Only
one "A” can be assigned to a task
➢ Supportive: The individuals who could provide SUPPORTIVE role (or provide some resources).
➢ Consulted: The individual's to be CONSULTED prior to a final decision or action being taken.
➢ Informed: The individuals who need to be INFORMED after a decision or action is taken

Table 3: Project team members

Job Role Names of the personals

Client Jetwing (PVT)Ltd.
Project Director Dr. Wimal Jayawardana
Finance Director Mr. Thusitha
Client Engineer Eng. Ms. Sudarshi
Consultant-Engineer Mr. Prasad
Planning Engineer ("Yala Addara”) Eng.Mr.Rajika
Architect Mr. Thwaragan
Structural Engineer Mr.Sandun
Services Engineer Mr.Sarath
Quantity Surveyor Mr. Tharindu
Senior TO Mr.Malaka
Project Manager Eng. Mr. Yasir
QA/QC Engineer Eng. Mr. Sachith
Contract Administrator Mr. Dinesh
Construction Manager Mr. Kasun
Project finance Manager Mr. Varun
Site Engineer Mr. Rasika
Engineer-Reinforcement Eng. Mahesh
Engineer-Formwork Eng. Kevin
Engineer-Concreting Eng. Anjana
MEP Engineer Mr. Pratheep
Supervisor -Reinforcement Mr. Chiran
Supervisor- Formwork Mr.Sasith
Supervisor-Concreting Mr.Kaveesha
Surveyor Mr.Lakshan
Assistant Surveyor Mr.Dilshan
Safety Officer Mr. Nalin

Table 4: RASCI Chart

NO Activity Responsibility Accountability Supportive Consultancy Informed

1 Feasibility studies Sudarshi Wimal Jaya- Rajika Prasad Jetwing

wardana (PVT)Ltd
2 Planning of sched- Sudarshi Wimal Jaya- Rajika Prasad Jetwing
ule & resource wardana (PVT)Ltd,
3 Planning of Thusitha Sudarshi Tharindu Wimal Jaya- Jetwing
budget wardan (PVT)Ltd,Pra-
a sad, Yasir
4 Planning of risk, Nalin Kasun Rasika Prasad Yasir
change & configu-
5 Land acquisitions Sudarshi Jetwing Wimal Jay- Prasad Dinesh
& site clearance (PVT)Ltd awardana,
6 Establishment of Nalin Kasun Rasika, Prasad Yasir
safety railings & Malaka
other safety ar-
7 Construction of Chiran Mahesh Rajika, lak- Prasad Yasir
administration and shan
restaurant build-
8 Construction of in- Sasith Kevin Rajika, Prasad Yasir
dividual cabanas Lakshan

9 Construction of Kaveesha Anjana Rajika, lak- Prasad Yasir

amenities (swim- shan
ming pool & bar)
10 Construction of Chiran Mahesh Rajika Prasad Yasir
11 Installation of Ser- Sasith, Sarath Kevin Rajika, Prasad Yasir
vices Pratheep
12 Construction in- Kaveesha Anjana Rajika, lak- Prasad Yasir
ters pathways shan
13 Installation of fur- Chiran Mahesh Rajika, Prasad Yasir
nishings Malaka
14 Quality Assurance Sachith Rasika Thwaragan, Prasad Yasir
and Defect Recti- Rajika
15 Confirmation of Wimal Jaya- Sudarshi Rasika, Prasad Jetwing
Acceptance wardana Tharindu, (PVT)Ltd,
Thwaragan, Yasir
16 Analysis of Les- Sachith Yasir Kasun Prasad Jetwing
sons Learnt in the (PVT)Ltd
17 Celebration and Sachith Yasir Kasun Prasad Jetwing
the formal closing (PVT)Ltd
of the Project

Project Management Institute (Ed.). (2000). A guide to the project management body of knowledge
(PMBOK guide) (2000 ed). Project Management Institute.

Lecture Slides

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