Descent - Call of The Necromancer - S

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Credits c The Call of the Necromancer campaign created by Brutalien and published through the Quest Vault on the Fantasy Flight Games website. Booklet decoration uses certain graphics of Descent universe art and miniatures, painted by Ganondorf Booklet design and layout created by OneOgre. ae _ Escaping Treason ie Pa Ye @ The Postman's Creed SG Call of the ‘Necromancer ae ~ EC Pine. YO) fie Gobliviator in iat Ce. Playing with Fire The Scion Hybrid AG © Soo: The Sword in the St at Ne @ HeroGold QQ yet @ 9 this day, the campaign plays as follows: "4 ‘interlude A (if heroes won most quests) mieselNction or Interlude B (ifheroes lost most). > 5. Interlude C (iFheroes won the Introduction) ites ced Doli eriimia Garvey lowahasntadi- te 3.x2 act I quests ¥ iaeanpligteat 6. Prologue act 2 ‘winner decides) 7. x2 act Il quests (previous quest winner decides) sh pen ea litte Bi ae CR rae INTRODUCTION. “Escaping Treason’ You wskeup ina damp connor sil icy om the shige ple oFrebble. A shrickyvoicecin behead ‘coming from behind che blocked path "Rum hemos! Run ike che dogs yo are will desl wih jobemaiter..” a aboreyoustare creaking. You quickrscan che room andfiadanassoremenc oF wespons ina sti go0d enough flesour purpose. A lone saitease ac the end ofthe comifor seems 0 be the ony wavoue. ‘Asyou make io the rp, the dm lige Fom the Feary roow welcome you song with aumnerous Foorsep ns MONSTERS Goblin Archers, Hementale SETUP Place the Green Rune Token and the Unique Search Tokenasindcaed Noother Search Tokens are placed forthis quest. Places Locked Door (eine) ands Normal Door (ello line) as ndiated on the map. Place the Goblin Archers on che Goblin Camp, a 5 respectinggroup limits Placea Marter Elemental a indicated onthe map. | felna2-hero game, place mision Flemental instead SPECIAL RULES TIMED ESCAPE ‘Thegaesareslowlyclosing! At che beginning each ofthe Overt eaes, ad 1 dokento the (Overlords playarea, ‘THE GUARDIAN’S ROOM special monster with the following characterises: + Has Jour @ foreach her, © Tes oral attacks gue" W 10" 5 Has Aura 1 Each ime ancnemy figure moves inoaspace adjacent to figate with the Auca ability cimimediatchy suites 1 thaccannotbe reduced byarmor. The Avra ablieyinfices no damage when the figure that Piste the thiticrmoves adjacent son enemyfigure fa hero stays next oa monster with Aura and doesnt move ac al he sill suffer 1 persankof cheauea bility” Blast As youstand up you lok behind ou oly fd “This oom nally houres the Marte Flemental. es REACHING THE GUARDIAN'S ROOM “There ae rwo way 10 reach the Guacian’s Room, Either chrough the locked door (dine on mp) oF ‘through the hollow wall depicted bya normal door (GlewliceGnicup) ‘Thelocked doorcanonlybe operated byheroes and catcedybe opened once is Keyhas benched. To Seer eet cere eater ‘the Unique Search Token (no search cards aredra: slallsconcering searching pps normal). That hero akes the token. shichis the keyto the door ‘Onlyehe hero withthe okencan perform open/close scons Forth locked door “The normal door sa cracked wall hat can be simashed bythe heroes or the Master Hemental Heroes can tryto smash the wall fadjacens to it and spending an action co test @. If successful, remove the normal door poraying the wall from the game. "The Master Elemental can smash the wallif adjacent ie and spending rwa consecutive actions. Afterwards, remove the normal door pportayng the wall from the game KEEPING THE GATE OPEN Anyherowlthhis igite on one of he spaces marked witha Xeanspend anactiontoecse®.Wauceessfial, remove I ¢tokenfrom the Ovens playarca. This sctioneanbe done multiple times by multiple heroes. ‘THE OPERATING WHEEL This turnstiles porryed bythe Green Rune Token Goblin Archers adjacent ci iemays pend actiontooperateitand ad I token tothe ‘Oveilond's area. This canbe done once per cach Goblin Archer's sccvaton, REINFORCEMENTS Ache starcofeach Overlords ramhe mayplace 1 hinign Goblin Archeron the Entrance Tle respecting group lini, VICTORY Iallheroes ae onthe Exc tle pth one being tnockedout. ed the folowigaloc Yeugatherroundand ove btm ongh the cloning door Pantin ind wip ng ofthe oe om Jou fceead he retain oferty ard ooking bck youseethe foolishness foo dea bur sl che pono orem fom es. “The heroes win tis quest the Ose verhas7 ¢ tokens ormoreonbis side, read he ollowingaloud: ‘The doors shut close before you can each them, You sretrapped andthe ressons forget forthe state yo sre in are aging inside youre The Overlord wins this quest! REWARDS Winorlose cach lycrteceves IXP, Faure quests wigan boas gold oe XP, or perhaps othersewa, rothewinner of the quest. Note which sie won this quest. Iwill important lurerinehe Intra ques. nunediatcly after the end of this ques, ead this aloud A few weeks eatlier ‘Athyn hasbeen kind oyu. The lca enjoy the ‘company oF adventurers nd ocasional mercenaries Yau our ime aetna he tiki the conn’ pubs and sharngyome sori. withother adventures One peaccta aight finds oust snallpub spending yourlasecone. The eal of he rown x Lond Merick Farrow’ closed wedding yesterday. Rumourhas i that he married an unkown beaut young lds trom the southeastern spite Buc this mariage s nasty strange duc tothe fic ehat Meck Beloved brother Alc thd es onc. Stones ofthe wo men fighting ogerherside by ide tnd thir heroic deeds apinsean inbertebleatack ‘ce ta he tore linge oa Mere foam tuncoshed ye bstrng flee eyes while caning his brother’ dead bods fee sad he buried him alone, conernghis bro’ bodywith his shied chased his own fe manycimes. ‘A hooded figure spp oachesyourpary “Deliver this” esas 25 be ys x bag of god on ables saalipacel andaninrigned eter The leeerreade: "rescne for His Londsbip Mick Fao. Congauations” The mones%s goodand you decide wo defverwhat Jools ikea wedding present Each herons 25 gold coins. OPERATING THE GUARDIAN ‘WHEEL 5B é GUARDIAN'S ROOM 4B : GOBLIN CAMP ENTRANCE Aa —Despiee the eof mpccry behind the hooded nas $01 elesou needed 0 perform yourpaid duty: Asking © here aden villages and pasenger, you walk ‘hrowgh he baren pine ay ons Achy vscach fond Merck Farrow’ residence. A bigmansion with ding arden appar bine you ar yourcach the outskirts ofspeaccflvilag. At fixe ‘everthing seems quiet Bu then nomerous caps oF Iege can be heard Behn he rsting shes and Gomedhingis efakelyceawling eowands you. Your ‘concemssakea dirgevting formas hand merge elas aka are seacls oe. oolmagicrcems robe nthe works her and you need toundo ieboforeentering the mansion. MONSTERS (Cave Spiders, Zombies, Maste Fesh Moulder. SETUP IR Seed onthe Gavenaniste Zombies onthe Hon Yard especingrop iis. eee ais Mocs oncherpue nie. ake? Red and 1 Green Rune tokens, curnthem 0 it cbjective (2) token side aed chufle them. Then, place them andomlyonche Fone Yardrieas Indicated. Repearthe process simlarlyfor2 Ble and 1 White Rune tokcon and place them rndomlyon the Gandensile a indicated TNeltherdhcheroes nor the Overordcanknow the tokens fceup tle IMPORTANT: Ins2-horo playergame, nse 1 less Redland evs Bluctokens inthe process above. Sp leecent cme rsorcd on, she map page. Place locked doors (wedlins on map) indicated lice Seatehrokens dependingon the nunker of heroes. SPECIAL RULES THE LOCKED DOORS Esta asf intheEasccige ofthe I ese The Eaccne seedy acon te South ones BUT ie hie Reve noc pcinn Itc ccortng Bestel (lee) cae oe Se eine acs ‘THE INSCRIPTIONS Eachof the Objective rokens is atwisted rune Inseription.Anyhero can yo undo the, ‘Whileadjscene to (oron) one of them, aherocan spendanaction:o tee cither Knowledge (@™) Willpower (@).isuccessul umathe objeceve token faceup. Ftis not a White or Green Ruse token, place thar token tothe Ovedord itis, the coresponsing doors wlocked. cn “The Overlord can alo inerract withthe rune inscriptions as follows ‘Once righthefor the tarcof the Overlord urn (before drawingacard) the Overlord may discard 1 EVENT cardtolook under 1 of he objective (2) tokens stillon the map OR discal | “MAGIC™ from hand to exchange two objective tokens places OR iscand 2°" TRAP cards from hand to evel one ‘ofthem IFreveled rules a above spplyonthe ‘outcome af the facep side ofthe roken [':3ina2-hero game) vl THE SHAPESHIFTER “The Master Hesh Moulder a Shapesifterand stone, buehis attacks are peetyreal! Heiss special nonseerwich thefollowingexer, acelbuce: 4+ Has Lexa @ per ero. 1+ Has theabilcy ‘AP Transforn:"Exchange the Shapeshifter with anyone ofthe Act Martermonseee, Uni the end of is activation, he gain all et abitbeted eee pone remin his currencones. Attheendof hie sctivation exchange again with he Master Fesh Moulder gure” IMPORTANT: The Overlord cannot choot him ro transform oa sleeadyonboard Use onlyavalableoxtof- the-map monte. IMPORTANT The Shapeshifter san change into are monsters as langas there oough room ro expand, countingfrom the *paceit figure nally stood on. The (Overlord canchoosehow he expands, Sima at the endofies activation, the (Ovedlord canchoose how the Shapeshifeer shenks tis ner se, both Greenand White Rune tokens have been liscovered the Shapeshifertums roapuffofsmoke, Remove him fom the ge. HALLUCINATIONS As longas che Shapeshifieris alive, ache beginning of ‘ich of the Oveddon's curs he tes ato pass atest. ‘The Oselordclls | Black and 1 Whice die. [No cards/skills canbe played onchisrll. Wehe resuldingrumb of Wis equal orlower chan the numberof the rmainingobjetve (2) tokens onthe imapweachherssuffer Id” REINFORCEMENTS Arche end ofeach ofthe Overlord’ tums, he may ple | monster rom I ofhis monster groups (ocepethe Shapeshifter) onthe Entrance tle respecting group limits, [rHlnas-hero game. enforce from FACH group] VICTORY Wallherosstandon he Foyer ule with both doors cored endo moras el ea Followingalowd Yoursh fiscpascche sillemergng undead nd into ‘hemansion’ opendoor. shutting chem bohindyou Allehae is kftoF chs encounterare the mons of or ‘enemies ouside. A dreadf silence lingers inthe ator here ofan conpryhouse “The heroes win this encouneer! UWallheroes are knocked ou oral wisted une inscripcions havebeon evealed athe end ofan (Ovedlors rn read thefollowingaloud: A big Mash blinds oureyesandyou filldown in ‘confsion. You ke bartered othe round fora Row ‘moments, Strngelrenough he monsters lav; possibly considering ou dead Stsyinglow, you stand (pater wile an cl ap ‘mansion che onlretgenproxiniy “he Overland with encounter REWARDS Keep the Rune tokens onthe Ovesons plapares. Theyareimporancfo Encounter, ir: | FIND GREEN RUNE SYMBOL TO UNLOCK (REMOVE IN 2-HERO GAME) FIND WHITE RUNE SYMBOI. TO UNLOCK IOA GARDEN (FIND WHITE) 4A F FRONT YARD 7 (FIND GREEN) ENTRANGS (REMOVE IN 2-HERO GAME) The derliconon che wpperpare of te mamsion der yourochebaremenetoon Ther royoorgest surprsc, Lord Merk Fro wat. Under Argan blank sae youtey weap hse Teatonofipurpresonein hit ecided Rome Aye ate about to cay hin about the madss raging luesidethetmasion. sees wonder ech paren {ourhandh He eiend: bis palm andgrab the pare! rom yourbands, Hest walking bucstops for momencs fw steps way fom yous examines the beloree “Whar doc hetakeme for’ he roe ro bean ro Mawel Then wichasvate movemencotbis hands + tunesmbolisconured midair andehe bo opens up Isl reearingsgsncos sroke “Thank waders. My brocher willbe among the Tring soonenough one sin, now with ldyluck on rsd. Uniornaels oo secmtobavenmontof oun.” Then before youcn tke corer be ulin fireball owand om MONSTERS Lord Merick Farrow, Extins, Zombies, Lopen group. SETUP Place the Escins onthe Storage Room and he Zombies onthe Star, Place the open group on the Laboratory Allimonsrers are placed respecenggroup limi, PRE Meck Pare on the space showncn the mp. Place Search Tokens dependingonthe numberof esees Place the White and Green Rune tokens as findcaed. Place 1wo Locked Doors (redline) andro Normal Doors ellow ines) s indicated SPECIAL RULES Iheroc won the previous encounter theymay Seti [fine een fom the Orel be bfore thestarroFehe encounter, Ifthe Overlord onthe previous encounter. Dissibutewalis of Metick re ncreacedby forthe reminderofeheguest. Regardless ofthe previous outcome, Lord Merick sero has for his encounter the crc ably Shaniing. AGREAT BALL OF FIRE Lord Merck swangs good hitaeallofthe heroes wich his fireball. Arthe sare hs encounter, look athe Oreilond'splayarea forthe tokens kept rom the previous encounter. Eachhero chooses an atte ro text. This asic value is decreased by for cach Blue Rune soken at Ovelon side. Anyhero tha fils receives damage equal totheirchosen atebite's ‘original value, This damage is increased by2forcach ‘Red Rune okenat Ovedonds side, Ifthe herois not reser eet a Teeter Forheroe knocked ovrbytheFishll, the Overlord does NOT draw anycarh "No cards, skills orabilies maybe wsedorerolthis SECRET ROOM [The wocal does ceasing sept wall passes swith which ONLY heres cam inerrace. Theynever open” leave the Anyhero standingon one ofthe small X's specified on themap cin EITHER spendan aecionand.suffer ‘OR tesefor fice (without an action) Awareness @or Serengph (her's choice) the hero spene the action andsufferd ¢ orifhe was succssfulinthe tes, the hero, alongwith anyother figure (hero orsingle-space monster standingon the adjacentXspor ofthe restingher’s side, nove onco che Xspors onthe ctherside ofthe wall [Father gues sand on these spots, cheyexchange places withthe ones passing through. ‘Aero mayo IF Lord Mercks on one ofthe Xxpaces, no hea an taythe ert, Large Monsters are noallowed vocnd erjonce pee activation to e705 OE their actiration on anyof the small Xs spaces ‘Knocked ou heroes donot pass ough che walls, Passing through ce secret walls coun as entering 4 poe: foskey fags in ates ed pea RUNE-LOCKED PORTALS "The lacked doors on the map indicate porta, throvgh which ONLY Lord Merik en pas ifhe holds the corresponding Rune Taken, ‘The portal connected roche Sper Den requires the White Rane sign andthe porilon the Ese le requis the Green Rune sign. Lord Merckcanreceire thee signbyspendingan ction adjacent (oron) to one ofthe ran akens and testing Knowledge (@).Ifsucessful the ‘Overlord places the coerespondingroken on Lord eric’ card From then ote maya chrough the respective pels ifiewere nor there IF nneuccesfulnathinghappens. Lord Merck aytrymulipl nes vo pas the es, ss longas hespends an action “Heroes and monsters cannot go through the portals bbyanymeans. Lin of sight cannot be taced though the portal, REINFORCEMENTS Acthestareofechof the Ovi euns,heemay place | monster from the open monster group onthe Enrranc lend | Zombie onthe Crp respecting gop limi, VICTORY IF Lord Msi row i defied sadthe following The power vorcerertrps and fill obi kes From is hands fll ce conten of the parcel yo had ‘nou onymiautes go. As ou ere abou to seize Menckand question in, 2 hisyred mise surounds yourand solidifies int he Formof «bea woman. "Youll egret meddling wit us." She ug the weakened oan and boek disappeared Famer that lease Behind a mized emellot Blood andres. The heroes winthis quest! If Lord Merck Farrow walks off he map through the Eni, ead che fllowingaloud Running fcr the deranged sorcerer, you rasoutof breathax you watch im pass chvough a blazing green pporaland vanishing witha wicked imgheer When yourcach and ouch he elosed poral. ce only face pouean sce your irored, string blanklywich sweat and blood ricling from ts forehead. “The Overond wis shi quest REWARDS Winorlotescachplayerseesives1XP. Whe heroes won they receive the Foreunals Dice? ie the Overlord won, he receives the "Bones of Woe" reli. Afeercompleci cheques, ead thefllowingaloud: You reunneo Achynn wich mamerous questions roubling ou. Passing cough che marke, ou tele thehooded manisrtingyou. You walk neo che inarower streets and once you turn ona quiet crmer pou read engage hi ‘He ratcs his ads fa pence. “Mlond sends i apologies for your advencuros mission Bat leseyo1 swish ep withdraw from freher ofr, [have some ‘matters chat need 0 be deslewith in llc. Limsomry forall ee scree but do heep alow profile, We don't wane che people of Athyn co panic over news ofan lptsingnccromancen.” 1OB (CRYPT 8B SECRET ROOM. es (2) 3B STORAGE Room PASSES. THROUGH ‘WITH WHITE RUNE 14B LABORATORY PASSES, ; GREEN RUNE | TRAVEL STEP: Rouou plas noun, “Youate corse! beyond the north hills. The goblins there havea new lederand mylord ix concemed the ‘necromancer maytzyco ban wth chem Well have tomschthem fiseandofferstivce. Or food. He kes hat.” Besutiily adored horves wait foryon outside the cavern amndyou can‘ help bue wonder how rich our cenployer really. You make good tine and reach chegoblncaves beyond hei. Before you knowiechough, ou are surrounded by dovens ofees andspeatsandyoucan do mothing but follow the ie citer to eheitea. Yow are pared inside and he door sims shut behind lime wh gry mencion Gilingaround welcomes shove the ground you see huge blob off sceing “Welcome tothe Larof Gres Splig the King oF ‘Asal Goblins You wish speak to me? Tome? Oh, Timsorey- In roo busyplotingnd scheming and. HEY!Doyou lite games? Liooove umes." Heppals fehl Hike a sellaespule sed tows 3 hoge sonbllas the monsters close ions MONSTERS SpligGoblin Archers, monsters Fon 1 Cone Setof Descent 2ndeditiondependingon numberof heroes (seeSetup). Anytclicassigncd ro Spligfor his quest comes in play Imencouncee2. SETUP PPacesereheoten dcpendeganthemmberof hermes. Place the Gren Rane tokens inated Place Spligonthespace indicated. IRE Re ar Gan Arte onthe Grove Rane ‘Token, Plice the remaining Goblin Archers ajacene t6Spligorthe Master Goblin Archer onthe Mound of Snow, respecting group its. Ina +hero game placeall the monsters 2 shownon Wie map cotheirespectiv space. Theyaeall master © monsters. Ina 3-herogame lace onlythe Bargher, Zombie, Shadow Dragon Ercinan Elemenral as shownon the Inap fothelerespectine space. Theysrcall master Ina2-hero game placeonlythe Barghest, Cave Spies, Shadow Dragon Ertinand Merrod as shownon the sap wtheierespectve spaces. Theyareall Placea number of itguc tokens equ he che "heroes onthe Qvetord’splayscs. SPECIAL RULES sriic RO terri omnes Fore ere Tastead hes agting he eros wich catopule eeereee od eee eeteesateree heed ee pss wate ote ener eelieeccea carpal (abl) “Thechoren her teste, Isecesful noth eeeNgiee ele eefiet diene Pe fe etre inck pea ke paces eterna Seaned NOTE! Buskally hero who war stunned insach ie alerts state Oreond tam] ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? Foreachmonstethe heroes il, other than a Goblin Arche, removead token from the Overlords play Everytime aherois knocked out, place a @tokeno the Overlord’ playarea GROWING IMPATIENT Atchebegginingof each ofthe Overlords tars, he places 1 gzokento his plyarc. CAGED CHALLENGES (Onlythe heroes andthe Master Goblin Archer may pperformopen/clore door actions. The other monsters cannot dase, REINFORCEMENTS None. VICTORY anyheto deals least L@ to Spig che encoun ‘ends immediately Read he Fllowingaloude "Ouch! Youdon'p ly fir? Wiha swite movement, unexpected ahi see, the hage goblin jumps from bie seatandscaes unning “The heroes win hit encounter! ithe Oselod ever has 12¢rakens onhis playares, the encounterends immediately. Read the following alouds "BORING! Whuc do sheyod you pophe? Bing them here?” Yoware seized and brought beforethe Goblin King “How do ou like anocher game then?*Splighumps rom hie see and stars rimning. ‘The Ovelond win this encounter! REWARDS Keep Spl and every monster @ tokens (wounds) wept forthe Goblin Archer Almonte te preciclywere hear forthe et encounter exept forthe Goblin Atcha ENTRANCE 7B MOUND OF SNOW SNOWBALL CATAPULT Pee Rigs pecteccgt™ gt so often ansiyespop in © ured. _ MONSTERS ‘Splig, Goblin Archers, monsters from 1 Core Sec of Bee stein dopenting on amber feet. SETUP FEncountce2 of this quest wes the same map 38 the Previous encounter, Place Spligon the spaccinicated. Keep the monttst onthe spaces theywere onattheendof Encouncer | Keep theiewound @Peokens on Removeall Goblin Archers, Place 2 group of Goblin “Archers onthe Stalag Room, respecting group limes, Heroes place thee Fgures onthe Mound of Sawin the spaces marked withan %. Nomonstercan oceupythove spaces. ie docs place von he nesrst empeyspacels Remove all done fromthe game ‘Then place locked door onthe Eat a iniwed. Remove anyrermiing Search okens fom che map and pice new Serchtokems bavedonche numberof heroes Ifthe heroes won the previous encounter, the (Ovedord mayzrade X@rokens fom playateato heal XW ro Splig fehe Overlord won the previous encounter he my Spend Xe tokens ro deal X coanyhero, He maydo this mulplesimes for difereneheres, He camnoe foreeahero tobe knocked outbydoingso chough “This procedure nor considered anateacs a cxcerescucone the gpa foccch dks remiingon hs plas fete aoe proved etn Gnahyonaxpecealcadyccopc eke pattceinca chines a ae er ort res space dig he apes crcl opacs heal alles wounds x normal buchen en is ove bnaleatpace decng ths proce. SPECIAL RULES ‘TURNING THE TABLES Amber adjacent othe Snowball Cataputcan seit torarger Splig The hr spends anactonandSplig Imastmake an Awareness @Prevt. fhe fas, hel Seamed. fe succxts, nochinghap pes Thecatsputconbewsedonlyonce per round LOCKED DOOR "The locked dooron he Fale canbe opencdonlyy Splig Hemusespend anactionwhile adjacent it andtese Willpower (@).Ifsuccessful the door ‘peta act thing happens REINFORCEMENTS ‘Atthecnd of each of the Overors rma in wich Spligieinanyof the rooms 98,28, 128, 4B 058, 3 ‘corresponding o that room monsce from encounter 1s nocanyuhereon the map, che Over mayplace ininanyempeyspace(s) of chatroom. For which monster reinforces in which om check the previous map's monetertokens, aking neo ‘consideration which monsters wore sed in encounter 1 [Fora3 ord-herogameall uch monsters are master rmonstot, Fora 2-hero gam theyare minions. Soe ‘Setup on Encoungcr 1 osce which monsters are sable choices. Ineteadofeinforcingchis way ache end fhiten the Ovetord mayplace al nnion Goblin Archers that ar off che map onthe Mound of Snowe, respecting soup limi. VICTORY IF thcheoes dese pli ec the fllowingaloc "OK OK OKIIfdo whsesourmaseeesoldimeltts desl ehen! Je make saree keeps his par ofthe . bargin and holds a ice banguer of eventing ; promived 2? ‘ ‘Making dele with lottonces goblin? Soman ddocentsound right. “The heroes win hequest LW Spligmoves off dhe map through che exe le ead {he fllowingaloud: “Tim NOT enrercsined! You ve made me ran coo much? Ta hungry now! Tellyoue master hecan keep whatever deal he has for himself! Or maybe.” Your journey back ro Aryan cakes severadys. About 2s marasmus have chen Spligeo digesta hae horsemest TiOnelrd am aaa REWARDS \Winorlos, cach plone 1X Whe heroes win theyalso receive 25 gol per hero fhe Overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP. 9B STALAGMITE Room SNOWBALL CATAPULT TRAVEL STEP: Road, water plains, noartain ACE L= “The Scion Hsbrid™ “Anorhernighe tthe pub fds ou Inchecompanyof ‘heenigmaticman inthe hoadedeape "Tsar youve heard of Dragon Fibres? Atior Beendbthe Dagon War, he surviving once were Iunted down, so move of them deciled seek ot Ikolaed places to ive insofitace, Mymaser has Information aboue a winged one seen near Moune Surewe His aime is Beli somewhae own for che che leadin the pase You hae to ind him and sec if Ie relared to che recent sighting: of Shadow Dragons inche ares. We would’ wae Lond Metick toh he upperhand on eis, cb?" Dee eal cM Surrey se inch datances Mating figure of smansized creature. You approschcarfall aa hear Bethe bellowing: “Where ate che?" Archar verymonieneyou tip oversome ubBle. Belhicuens his head sces you “Again? Whacdoyou want? Leave ws be! Then, by alsng his hands he cases the earch o forma walof Te onyetrpath, ARterwande, he continues to borer aboue madly; obvioalv searching fr someching ‘Maybe ifyou found firs, bebe more willing talk MONSTERS Bein Eemenals, shadow Dingns open gop. SETUP Place Blthicon the space indieazed lace he Flementals onthe Ruin and che open group onthe Stream. ‘Allmonsters are placed respecting group lini. Doaocplace che Shadow Dragons yr- sce reinforcements lace 3 Red Rune rokers on she spaces indicated Place Objective tokens onthe paces inca Place Search tokens dependingon the number of heroes. SPECIAL RULES GEOMANCY ‘The Objective (2) tokens indicate earch hatha sen Aud formedabouklerblochingthe path These whens aceas obstacles (block line of sight and movement) “Anyheroadjaceneroone of hem mayspend an sction ouiyand smash them ycesting or undo the magic lonthem byrsting®. Isuecessful. remove the respective tokcafrom he map. unsuccessful, othinghappens. [Remember Belthichas "RY thas these boulders do otblock hs movement. bathe cannoc en his ‘ovemencon anyof the ‘THE SHADOW BULBS The Red Rane kes are che Shadow Bulbs, noc runes with dark energy lowing within them, (Aspiras adjaccnte (cron) oacof heat cinipend wa actlonand take he bulb withchem, Thacher rakes, the token and places iron their characte sheet. ieee en eee ea Yo his Knocked-ouherooken onthe map. Belchiris aftr he bulbs. Thinking ahead though, hes shotning roenergae thom fadjacent to (oron) onc of hese Bulbs (Red tokens) Belchircanspendan action and test Willpower (3). successful the Overload takes the token and places itn Beth's lieutenant card with the abjeciv(?) sideshowingro denote eas “energized Belthirmay trythe rt mulepletimes duringhis activation slong she spends an ction, Also,hreean spendan action toimmediatelypick up analeadyenengied bb, i Belhtis defeated, he drops onbis space 1 ofthe nerd bulbs hes carrying (fearyingany). Then, placehimon the Ensrance tie IFBelhiris adjacent vo ahetw figure who is carping ball (enengized or ao) he mayatrempe fo steal it, from them, byspendingan action. The Ovedocd chooses eoeithertest Beth's Senge (8) or Fores thacheroto wrthis Awarencts(@)-IfBeleie passes, forthe hero fal, chchero drops the bulb on Beth's space fei unenegied or Belthitakes efits cnergzed, The Shadow Dragons mayo catty Shadow Babs. I adjacencco(oron)anyof them theyeanspendan actono pick them up. Ihe bull i noe energized it Immediarelybecomes energized Fach Shadow Dragon cancaryonly1 bulb Anyfgate cae isonanyot th nga bull canspend an accion to drop oop eraduetitay atthe ba cnergzed (facedown objective side) whenever itis droppedor alls from a defeated hero, cheep that ‘sileshowing -oocea bulbs Ghee remains cnerpized, ENERGY MATTERS Anyfgure who is cirminganymumberofenengred () bulbs suffers 1 wound foreacheneegized bull at cendof their activation, Exception Shadow Dragons ate not hurt byenergied ‘Shadow Bulbs REINFORCEMENTS (Once for his encountet atthe statofan Ovens tra ifthe heroes have Shadow Bas onheit sheets or more ORifat che previous heroes cum any ‘of hem entered che Waterfill tle for che fist pe, the Ovelord places che Shadow Dragons onthe Waerll le, expecting group limits. They mane be placed so that heyare coveringas manywaterspaces as possible Arche end ofeach o the Overton's sums, fe may place | Elemental on the Entrance til respecting _goup limits, VICTORY lithe eros holdall3 Shadow Bubs redche followingslout “Yougus are more persistent than he previous ones ‘Buc how do you buna predator che dak” Belhir jus bighand wich Rap ofa wings Re goes, ‘hromph the wate The heroes win thir encouncer! WBelehirmoves of the map through the Xspaces of the Waterfall while errngall3 Shadow Bulbs read the following aloud Belch olds his wings above his heed shielding inset irom be fling wer: You'd bere cur nd Iease! The dark holds wetker promises under the sunlit: Buc howesnyoumasteryourfearwhen you cantevencascyrovn shadow?” Unsure oF whae follows, you ener che hidden waterfall’ enteance chaving after he drag hybrid “The Overlord wins his ensouncert 1A WATERFALL GS BA STREAM 4A RUINS ENTRANCE 9) takes some tne for oureysight oscek tothe Inckolighc inside rhe ae ees sont SN ccc cnt cc ie gtr cee thrgheh ce The ling wae blocks ‘urthe sound of iden movement coming Fom eke cling, Belhicarcacks you, bueyou manage to avoid is biepsein ie. stead, his eve smashes an orb ‘hae was right neve oyosr an he eave immedi ils wih some more light of che rorches hanging fim the wal. Wicha grant Belchirruns tthe door scons the 00 andseans loving eas his fiends make cheirpresence known under he new lighe MONSTERS ‘eli, Shadow Uragpes. L open roup. SETUP Place the Shadow Dragos onthe Dragon's Late. lace the open group om the Dark Cave Allmonster groups ar placed respecting group Ls. Place lthion the «pace indice Phice3 Blue Rune vokeas wie thee facedown ide (2) ‘onthe spaces indeated on she map. Place Seatch Tokens dependingon he numberof heros. i. SPECIAL RULES NOTE: Overlord cards, which put heroes under his control (ie "Dark Charm") cannot Beesedlialehis encounter for forcing her to move. Other ures of such cards are permitted. ‘THE SHADOW ORS ‘Thelue Runetokens are Shadow Orbe which have the abileyeo “suck igh’, chus leaving the room in compete darkness ‘Theirabjecrve (2) se ndcaes chat each such ordis fansxivs, while thee faceupblucside indicates hey awake ‘The Shadow Orbs are considered obstacles (they block movernencand lin of sight. ‘Anyhero or Belthirmsyteydusingtheircurnto spend action whileadjcent:o one ofthese Orbs andsent Knowledge (>) or Willpower @).lsuecessful, Flip the Orb tokenco ts othersie. W unsuccessful, sothinghap pens. This tes canbe tried mule ‘mes per rounds longas an aston s spent. fheroes won the previous encounter, ever time ‘Beltieeies his testand al, he suffers 3. |_ Ifthe Overlord won the previous encounter, Belhir aways pasesthe tes, KEEPING THE LIGHT THROUGH Ia non-defatedherois on aspace dcent 10.4 closed/apened door when monsterperforms an ‘open/close action or chatdoor, the hero mayspend | ‘dro testis Scrength (8). Isoecess fil the dooe remains as is (losed/open). REINFORCEMENTS acthe beginingofan Oveelont's turn Hcehieis defeared, he places him on the Eneanc te Arche endo each she Overlords rar he may place I monsterfromhis monster goups onthe Enceance ul, expecting group lis VICTORY all orbs ate inactivated and all hero figures lic on che Dark Cave tle read chefollowingalou [elthrhales roa comercoughing "You are strong warriors ou know: Argh. Tells lordship Aether ides. onthe sfphyr mountses. Whe wishes oral co that old geceere can be myguest but don respect ‘into be anywiling Now lave me alone in my sechdedhowe! His lordship? Maybe you shouldask formore che next Oneop ofthat, someching maker ou chink ae [Belebrwse hiding something mors prevonsdesperin Biscave, “The heroes win the quest! actheend ofan Ovens tur lor more ofthe Ieroes (tandingorknocked out) is onaspace chat cent back(cloted doors block rl roan Inactive orb OR the Entrance ul, read he following aloud: Exgalfd i dcinere you sn bse youc oro foto ouder your every breath even the beating of our ear citing Acthe end of the coniden we thinyees Parbode worgnscvome death Thea, ce door opens anda pathoflight ads you ro the exe your life spared by now-buman creture Along wih grade, sow cant help bur wonder whee ‘Belehir was hiding alanis cae of darkne The Overondwin ih quest REWARDS ‘Winorlose cach plyectecies XP Itheheroe wn dele ctve25 gol per her. Ifthe Overt wins be rcrvesLaddionl XP a eee ENTRANCE 2B DRAGON'S LAIR INNACTIVE SHADOW ORB 9B DARK CAVE ACTIVE SHADOW ORB TRAVEL STEP: Road, water forest. RO cic sease” 7 Tnconsincedof the Beng ment of he hooded pe cto cabin in bope of Fading whois —bingbeindl bse: PM icrstterinCmacne necting freshadowing i! ‘omens of the necromancer Merckx plan, oust close behind im bere he loves Arkynn Pollowinghinschrough the plain and over iver Rynnyoucaa'ebe to surcof no havingbeen noriced. Benering che forest neaby Carhrdge you Tose is rll when hie howscprint entcr¢he swampy Onyourmarbackout ofthe forest yourcomescrotea ge Sfp Late f are tink wichsp ier webs allaroundchems only hele faces uncovered, pale znd unconscious. Youcan do oshingelse br help these poorp ople. MONSTERS Cave Spiders. 1 opengroup, SETUP Place the Cave Spiders onthe Wild Bushes and che Eppes pp nthe Suampy Path. Allimonsters ae placed respectinggroup limi, Dlace4Red Rone okens onthe central paces of the Tree Trnkeile marked withan"X"on the map. ‘Theseindicatechespaces covered bythe ee lace Villagercokens (3 in 2-heo gare) onthe enterofthe Tree Trunk le ontop ofthe Red Rune tokens. Place ontop ofeach Villager oken an Objective (2) token. Place Search Take based on he numberof herve. SPECIAL RULES THE TREE TRUNK ‘The Red Renetokens ontop of wbichheilger ken areplcedarthebepaningofthe questi Pegetsctise Those 4epace sc conned ‘obstacles (block line of sight and movemens) forthe ue CAUGHT INA WER ‘Thevilager tokens ar vite capeued bythe monsters, They initially web-ied oth re tnk andhaveloseconseiousnss Daringthe quest, anyspaces the itis are on (aching the nil exe-rrnk’s ones) Block ‘movement bu noc line of sight. Theyarenocempey spaces andothervitimscannorheplaced onthe samespace. ATwebbea” victimhas an objective) token ontop of ATnon-webbed” victims normal village coken ‘withouran abjectne (2) ekenonop aft AnyCave Spider adjaceneco anon webbed victim may spendanaction ocoverie with we, Place an objective) tokenontop oft adjacent toa webbed viet, the master Cave Sper canspendanactioneapicehim/herup, if noc carning, anyat the moment. Place the webbed vitimunder the tmaster Cave Spider figure. While being cried bythe Master Cave Spider, the viv i noe considered aujacentco anyother space. ithe master Cave Spiders defeared while esrying victim, place the webbed victim onthespaceshewss Sefeae The master Cave Spider cannot pick up anon srcbbed viet. The master Cave Spiderssecessallybdact webbed victim fc i carnéngone and moves off the ‘map through the Exe tile Place the villager ren co the Ovelord’s playarea "The mascer CaveSper returns tothe map only Réinforcaerts eta sew one RESCUING THE VICTIMS ‘Anyhersadjacen toa webhed vetin mayependat action eease he victim fom thirties, Remove the objective (2) roken fom the victim's top. Anyhero, who snot aleadyearnynga vicimand ie adjcent toa non-eebhed one, mayspend anaction topic him/her up. Place the victim onthe eros sheet. Aero who's carninga victim mayspend anacton 0 place him/her on anyof the hero's gue adjacent cmpeyspaces UE sherocarnngavictimis knocked out, place the ‘vccums roken none ofthe hee adjacent empty Sea reeset ee eat hero was knocked out on. ‘Aero cannot pick up a webbed victim. ‘Aero successfully rescues anescored victim by ‘movingoft Uke map ehough the Entrance ie, Plce the villager token ose here’ playarea. Aber who leaves the map this waymayretum tothe Fneranceomhis ext atm (withous the vin) by perfoxminga move action (orspending 1 4) toner the Encrancetie REINFORCEMENTS Acthe beginingof ach ofthe Overlous tums, he rmayplace I masterCave Spiderand | minion Cave Spideronche Exit te, respecting group Lint Acthe end ofeach af the Overlord en, he may place | monster fombis open monster group on the spaces marked witha ange" onthe Wild Bushes tl, especting group limits VICTORY lf here ae no more Victim rkens onthe map, read the Following aloud: “The monster reset behind he dense bushes asthe laseof spider eazer sere opening Upon iechor ‘tamination you dscoveran entrance on chatare’s ‘vot bigenough fr humans eo ener. Wondering where chore piers wanted r carry heii 0 yowenterthe ree cave, The results a stalemate, Kep the rescued andthe ablated victims apar forthe second Encounter, IMPORTANT: Allheres discard anyconditons inflicted on them before seating the second WEBBED VICTIM Victims 26A BA WILD TREE TRUNK BUSHES 2IA SWAMPY PATH Be etter ox cme sar some eee i pe tioegn ce Fest nts ofeartos er ee Tink bm agg eng Gg inl pining nck ch Sess wersof Ura recariveiierant ys Dede her het Arrhegroup of pes? rds pel Lady Declare Dlanech nic Deal Mar orhecome esac herr emo Ierettecigh "Sie carps Boo, Wher De ag tec incctorpice ep elt pe beth Seomits DO tebe poncancach et MONSTERS Lady Eliza Farow, Zombies, Cave Spiders. SETUP lace the Cave Spiders on che Stalagmice Cave Place the Zombies onthe Religuary. Allmonsters are placed tespectinggroup iis Place Lady liza Farrow anda Villager cokenon the ‘paces indicated. Inaddition. place numberof Villager tokens equa so thoce in Overardsplayarca oncmpryspaces Adjacent co Eas. Foreach Village token sn betwe’playares the (Oveilord discards 1 card at andom fom bis hand Place 2 Noxmal Doors indicated Place 4 Blue Rune Tokens an White Rune Token onthe spaces indicated, Place Search Tokens based onthe number af heros. SPECIAL RULES AVAMPIRE'S TOUCH ‘Thesis abducted fom the previous encounter ae people previouslybicenby Eliza, Theyhave now ally turned! Fachofchemis avampiremonsterwichthe followings Sei movement 1E 1 Black diedefence ¥.2heath point perber ‘Ateacks [Blue +1 Yellow dic (meee) Phere * Ae Poison, Disease PERSISTENT AILMENT. Forthis encounter the Poison and Disease conditions Infled on heroes due toa monster tack cannot be avoided by heroes skill /abites fet eas ‘Abilis /item/kil ete thatheal them ae sillsiable though If aheros knocked out, do not discard anyDiseste andor Posson cards from sheet Forthe ar abero makes aScand Up action, do not texcforanysuch card on thar hero, nor perform heir Pees Onhis tur, faknockedouthera chooses norco standup and remain knocked out, the Overlord chootes cher Poison or Disease condition. The Iara suffer ths condition, EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED "The Blue Rune tokens repreten prisms hanging inside the cave. The heroes can surn them sothacche caves engulfed in igh. ‘Whileagjccnt to anyof them ahero canspendan ctionto rm the prism tothe rightposition. To mark that tue that token ots objeedie (2) side Aero whore figure stands on ature prism cannot beattacked byrampircs. [fall prisms show thee objective (2) side aero jac co the Lange Mirtor (White Rune token) can spenanaction¢o fiche caveinlight, Hltocs inthe quest (see Veto) Tnaddiciono heroes, lia mayeryo sabotage heie ‘es shes adjacento a ured prims (objective side showing she meyspend an action to tester ‘Willpower (@)agtinseche incoming igh. Msheis saceesefil um the promo is Faceup Bl side, (Other monsters cannotin REINFORCEMENTS Jrieorectee ge Moncey place | monsterfrom FACHT of his monstergroups ‘onthe Entance le, espectinggroup limits [telna-hero game enforce from 1 group only] VICTORY the heroes defeat all vampires (inladingLady Elizasorf they" illaminae” sce Special Res) the ‘Tree Cave, ead che fllowingalouds As the lee vampire cums to daseyow can heer the lingering wail of Lady Elza hrough eh coors of Se "Do noe consider his tobe cheend.."she whispers cvenenllyand then ce whole tee cave stant roung. Byhetineouharceseaped, the te has shed its Iesses and che entrance bas bec covered with shelled roots The heroes winthe quest faethe end ofanyof the Overlord’ turns 2 ormore heros ate bath Diseased and Poisoned ead che followingalowd Aste sickness kicks in sweat stars runningon your ‘orchead snd evenehing nthe room begins 0 turn ia circles. “Dont wor heroes. Your willnortum.. Bushs should esc ous lesson 0¢ co meddle with oar planta” You cimonlrhope wou can be strongenough 0 exch Adhynn and Bnd he ght medicine for this nauseous disease “The Ovedond yi the quest REWARDS ‘Wat geek ior ete ue hesoes win theyrecve 1 additional XP. dhe Overlord wis, he ecives Laddiional XP. 3B ANCIENT LIBRARY 8B 9B RELIQUARY STALAGMITE CAVE © ENTRANCE LARGE MIRROR, be ‘The words of Lond Merick Faro about resurcctng is Brocherseillecho ominous nour ead. The Black Konighcageinschis pople seandng fullrarmediss Ip image indeed Alter another odd nceting with the Irooded ma you arediecred 0 gorouthwer alg the river Rhyon where you mightenconncer che arrows at Silico. As the velo night fl unseral coldness ‘surround ous ou walk clove othe fog covered ‘ver. You sudden gllong hud clovingon Hou Sconenough, ero hocres run pare you withtheie Toots eins Hsing. You rin ora the waytheeame telnet ccc sme di hx Mlckering nthe dseance Alfofasuddeo, a old bearded man with achgreen ‘corcunse and horror struck face rushes comand ou. “Please help me! We have been ambushed bysome Be ag A worm rok mydear Mergart wich Ire. saidsheldear cr Plexe save er! MONSTERS ‘TheFatrows, Zombies, 3 open groups Sie Alc caries che "Shield of Zarek’ Favor ei SETUP Dlace he isrenants anche spaces indcaed, Pace the Zombies on the River Croesingti, Place opengroup oncachof the Frone Yar, Bridge and Waterfall es. Allmonsters are placed respecting group lini, Place Seatehrokens based onthe nimber of heocs. Place? maleand 1 female wilgereokens on he spaces indicated. Place on cop ofeach mal vilager token doen. {41 ina3-hero game: +2 n22 hero gume:see map) SPECIAL RULES GUARDSMEN ‘Themilehumantakens ar guardsmen ambashed and Hedlythe minions. Theyace obstacles and cannot be angered unless untied. Anyasent hero can spend Anaction ro unieane of them. Remove the d token fromthe respecting guard. As longs Margaets alive ris rescued the untied guards join the heres! They reactivated aFerthe laerhero' rn byhim. Fora purposes, theyaccas heres (2 actions pertutn), feacepe shat theycan olyateack, move and ineereae th Margaret, The Overlord docs not draw ands for Killing them. Once unie, a guard has a sae: $4 Movement, .5 Health, @ 1 GreyDieDelerse Melee Atsack I Blucand | Red Dice, :Diere | ‘THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS LadyBliza cannot perform move actions and always ‘reins onthe space she was plceddutingsecup, Arinkingthe blood ofthe young il. She cansell, stackand ase sil Atchestar of the encounterLadyPlzas wounded Place2 plas che aumberof heroes equal on Lady BietWhichiate nite paetarthcstrcorler activation che Overalls be die, Foreach ‘showing, Marge slay suffers chat much damage and Eliza mayrocoverthat much eseh. This coll ‘cannot be affected byanyeards oral Margaretha 6 hesth She cannot be atackod and she cat esgain anybeath by any means, Margaret des, rea this aloud Running her ronge rund kerlips, Fes opens her redjes insti fcrion, “So. invigorating.” She dsappeucs inthe dckozst laying the ees child ic ‘cold andpale. Withno one toprotece anymore te (guardsmen ove cei wileo ight and fe tod thie Surviving master. Remove allillager tokens fromthe game. Remove LadyEliz rom the game Lady Fiza is defeated, ead this aloud: "Canta womanenjoyhermel?" Wits bloodysmile Lady Ela rns 0 the back door and fade ina the dirkecee The heroes can now arempeo rescue Margaret. Any adjacent hero canpicleherup with an action and cary Ieroft ee map through ee En cirminghercin putherdown on anpadhacent space with an action. Ide hero catryinghers defeated, Margaret instantly dis, ile. Thebero i Margaretisretcned off the map throw the Engrance read che Following loud: Lord Myron usher rowards his daughter's bodywieh agonizing yes. "Ob by che light of Kells! Whac did {ur wuch doco bers Acleastahe waive. [chink Hema se Mareen leemmties selec oat ‘hero mayretur through the Entrance tle on hi next turn. aguardsman rescued Marge, he doesnot SWIMMING As anaeton, hero maycheck @ while onan space adjacent othe Bridge tlt swimunder the ‘ride succesful place his Figure on she oher"X° space ajacee ro the Bridge tile or, iF occupied. rothe closest her waterapaee [all water paces are ‘occupied by figures place him rotheclosescempey space toawaterspace ‘As anactionaheroon the righamose"X" space ofthe River Cronin til may islf over che waterfall, Place the hero inanyempry water space along the ede ‘ofthe Warerfillnearestto the River Crossing, Rol Red Power Die; the igre sues damage equalto the W role, FULL MOON MADNESS Lord Merckis performinga ritual obringhs brother backfiom the dead. While Sialic notyet resurrected, he cannot be atracked noe activated, Once peractvtion, Lord Merck can spend anastion rocest @& whileadjacento one of the Cressers IF snceessful ums che cconding Crease coke a ‘objective (2) side. [Furmacce ful nothinghappens. WallCresser havebecn blown allo them show their objective (2) side) SirAli rss, Prom he eat Overlort's tam hemay be aetvated ss normal Lord “Merick is defeated before completing the rita, Sit Alice forced is, For cach Crestet stil burning SirAltichis 2ess health. Once ten Sir Alc as "Decay Arche ginning of BeOverond ren thc monererentre 1 @F- If Lord Merckis defeated aheroadjacenecoablown, ‘off Cresset mayspendan aediontoest @ IF saccessful tm the CressetFaeup and Sir Ale salfees 209. unsuccessful nochnghap pens REINFORCEMENTS None ‘VICTORY heroes defeat Sir Aldi, ea the Flowing aloud The Black Knighe seagers and with pained ‘movement he hrows his equipmentdown, Then, ay Ea Faro op a tS i aE and witha rerible wails forces yor ourkees, ‘huetngyourene disurbed. Merk helps bis brother un eo hersideas she seals che np agin with sblood-cocpingcrest The heroes winthe quest! Sir Alrc moves off the map chrough the ent ead {he fallowingalouds Following his broher Lord Merck arrow stops to lieu fromthe Capt eneince. You'd beter ‘ive up while ehere cme. Families are stronger when tite ou know." And witha quick pelle seal the cope ‘The Overiond wins the quest REWARDS Winorloe.cachplayerreceves EXP, Regardless of che cutcome, if Manger was eso ees teceve 75 pol Wie heroes we theyre SoS Gos rei, lf he Overlord wins, he eceives the “Shield of Zovek’s eis GUARDSMEN MARGARET IN A 2-HERO GAME ADD ONLY 4A GRAVESITE ISA BRIDGE ADD ONLY IN A 2- OR 3-HERO GAME CRESSETS 6A RIVER CROSSING 1A WATERFALL TRAVEL STEP: Road, Water, Mountain, Mountain. Tebay Boon while chat you haven tbeen contacted by ‘he msterious hooded man. Then one uc nigh ehe Innkeeper passes you scaled nore Someone wants 0 Ietyouion the aurshirs of he cy Aso pass the walls and che ls cherng igh des ff souare welcomed by fen, dark gure viding an ht hose “Geectings heroes, You have ben cet Irelpflall this cme. His festuresare Indiscnguisbablebue drawing cloceryon relic het meting black mk covering his fice under the hood “Tamyour._ employer the secrecy necessary! 01 wish ride with me.” ‘Most of che journey spentinsileace with the man speaking rere "Yon have maniged en delay Lond Meri nie plane, gethe bas guineda dengerous rele. Forunatey know where es Beadingro tonight, Weare co infkratean old abbeyand sop hi om whaeever be is ooking forchere Ieee ead ofthe mysteries man you ride higher the Carthmounes on unknown rocky slopes stormy ‘lords bring xdownpout. An old brooding hidden fom naeure boing ies soonaheadafyon. You unmouncandenteraclosed ile, Acold wind Bons a he man walls ahead ofyou deniers the highest building. Inmedaceyaftena {te comes crushing down capping him inside and che Ionsters make themsches known. “Find he switch icky! We mse sop hin” MONSTERS: Baron Zachare, Lord Merick Farrow, Lay lisa ato, Sir Ali Firow, Zombies, Shadow Da Goblin Archer, | opengeoup [Alehovgh liereders, Baron Zachacthis nora ‘monster for this encounter see Special Rules) He acesas the man inthe obsidian mask mentioned] Lfheroes won The Goblinaor, che Goblin Archers willnotbe present. fheroce won “The Scion yb the Shadow Dragons will nore present. Ifheroes won "The Secrets ofthe Swamp", Lady lea Faro willnot be present. fheroes won "The Undeach Pac’ Sit Alc arrow illnorbe present. SETUP PE cabinet space Indested applicable (ee Monsters). Lord Merck is nor placed nil. Puce open proup onthe Por. raider. Place the Shadow Dragons onthe Ruins i applicable sce Monster). Place the Goblin Archers onthe Cabin if applicable sce Monsts). [AM ecastes axe placed ip ectnggyoup lint EThe Undeach Pac” guest was played andthe ‘Overlord won, Sic Alec Fatrow has che Shi of ‘Zoteks Favor tee. heros defeat Sir Ale, the eel sey eae Fe ern he campaga he heroes dont sake ic eicher though) Place Search Tokens depending onthe number of heroes. Eachofthe"I's’on the map dictates the possible postion of the Unique Search roken. Take 2 search ee eee eet cee Teereed ‘Then, andomlyplceallof chem face downon the three spaces indisted. None ofthe players cam know ‘which coe the unique taken SPECIAL RULES CLOSED GATE ‘Thelocked dooris the gate to che ner sanctum of he chapel. Ieremains closed uotlonc of cheheroe finds the pus conto switch ‘The Unique search token presents this switch. IFa Ihero reveals ales perfomingasearch ction the locked doors moved from the game (che path ‘opens filly Tnmediatepice Lord Merck Famew onthe Stic tie, THE MAN IN THE OBSIDIAN MASK Calla ee pects ee ee mask, Heh idenicl sat to those on Zacharehs card, yet forthe purposes ofthis encounterheis treated as one of th heroes with some exceptions, He esvte afte the nd ofthat her en phi ‘When ciated he can perform2 actions He can only ‘move, tracker ate he special ations on his Ibeueenanccard, Albis hills andaracks are drecod towards the Ovetlord’s monsters andliutenans, He isnot restricted to attack-hemay se bothafhis actions toattack, He cannor recover @ by nym NEGOTIATIONS Tf Lord Merck Farrow i adjacent othe man inthe ‘obsidian mask, be may tro negotiate wth hi, ‘Once peractivaton, hemayspend anactionsnd hey bochtest em IFMerick pases the est AND the man, inch obsidian mask ult Merick has won che negotiations (ee Victor). Otherwise nothing lappes REINFORCEMENTS Ache sartof ech ofthe Overlonds cums, hemay pee | Zombie onthe Sear, espectingaroup iis Arche end ofeach ofthe Ovelods tar, he may plice | monster From his open group onthe Enerince tl, especting up lini. VICTORY Lord Merce defeated ofthe masked ean eres the map through the Ex tie, ed th follwing soa Lond Merick comes hue and kneels exhansted. ‘The man nthe obsidian mark spprosches Mm eng x70. Trebroghe hom ar promised?” Lond Merick ands up slowly; is obe comer and there, ‘Unnecessary Besides, know what youseck row bao. Youstand befndled, unaware of whatis gongon while Lond Merc rvetlsa staff under Bis robes “Then we should haves crowd daring our Toyoucturprie, the masked man caver glowing hand ands power force mobilizes cveryinch of ourods Minions switicome and sp ow ofF ar ‘weapons, yeas you are released from che magial bind. Lond Meri hold high hs a tha bles ous ‘heough the walls and ube “The heroes win his encouneet! Ifthe man in the obsidian mackie defeated, rif Lond Merick wis the negations read he following The macked man les on his kes hor “Thncw you'dcome forme," Lord Merck sees ou eadingyodr weapons and sles, "Your fellows bare been guite nuisance Talo know whacyou scck now and in willing com negotiate ifyou ike.” Then witha swifemonement be dessa magiel seal ‘har blaer you andsourespons aay rough che walls nd rubble ‘The Overlord wins this encouncert REWARDS ‘ Ihe in Se 1 Oveond win beecles XP. Innere peeeltc ear le “acop ag Trea a Siactedall The Man in the Obsidian Mask ‘STAIRS POSSIBLE UNIQUE SEARCH TOKEN “ : i TRAVEL STEP: Forest, Road, Water, Movneain, IDE B. “Berramal is « Srmptom" ‘Digs pass bywichour hearing from your shadowy equtatence On. ralnynigh thongh, ou are sited ‘the hooded man bearing anious fe, “Myapologes for noe concscring sooner Is serange ro sayso, bur. Im songyforwhae have put southrough.Plesse you have 10 come with me now.” The mysterygrows ever strongeras ou leave ce bick {gates of Achyon behind you and entce the nearby (rtted area. Two unknown men and ne cing Blackhorse awateon He nade athe men who Immedatciyseize the now-ressting hooded nan. ecings he cal from che seu of his hows. You (ancalyearhis voce as his fice is hidden behind a Bigobrdian mask. Tam your. employer Dont worry abour him. 1 jusesome precautions - 2s welas cis mask [need outo come with me cnighe ix mtterof itm inporeane.” You decide ofl hie through the woods sad iver, up che Carchmouns. Lord Merck has Fonda old rele which ed him ro.asacredplace oF one ofthe Haye deagonlonds [believe be seck so wild he deagonlons servants powers Byresnimating thr. You neara Brodin building hidden from nacur and takea rato the fochllsurounding . The entrance of vcarelies open and long winding sats ead downwards Bis eather, Pt hie “The dine mas voice sounds sulting ee ocan do nohing lc but go afeerthe necromancer MONSTERS Lord Meri Farrow, LadyEliza Farrow, Si Abie sero, Zombies, Shadow Dragons, Goblin Arches, Master HlemeneLopen group (not Elemental). Pita z-hero game use a risdoninsead Ufketigs won “Th Goldinasor, dhe Goblin Archass wall norbe present fheroes won “The Scion Fybri' che Shadow Deagonswillnoebe present Ifheroee won “The Secrets ofthe Swamp’, Lady Fira Farrow willoocbe pesca. [heroes won The Undeach Pac’ Si Alc Farrow willnorbe present. SETUP Hleroes place hee figures onthe spaces indieatedby the" onthe map Place Lewtenants andthe Femental onthe spaces indicted, Plce the open group onthe Inner Cave the Goblin Archers onthe FroreaCave, if applicable (sce ‘Monsters and he Shadow Dragorn onthe Dragons Lai fapplieable (ce Mornte) Keepaflang of Zombies (inion the map. master) near Place I locked and3 normal door indicate Place Sestch Tokens based onthe numb oFheroes. Place | Run token of each colouron the spaces Iindisted IF “The Undeach Pact” quest was played anche ‘Overlord won i, Sir Alec Forowrhas the "Shield oF “Zowek’s For tcc, Wheres defeat Si Al, the ‘Overlord loses the shield forthe remainder ofthe ‘campaign the heroes done sake ie either hovgh). SPECIAL RULES ‘THE ELEMENTAL KEYS Tele mc gars ene Ky Pa eeieerearane eee eller eesti! pitta ane tn) one ofthem Paceltontheheos sheeand remove | Zombiifabl) Fom the map. Thacker fam protection (hrs unaffected bythe condi erection from te Elemenal Guards spect peeeieaas Hlucshild~h Fic, Redshih ~Parch ‘Gresn shickd: ~ A Air, White shield: ~ A Warce ANIMATE DEAD ‘Once per Meck’ activation, hemayspendan ction copa atest. His tbe oc this teat el tothe somber of he maining onthe map pis Lf succsfal places Zombie adacet to Mek andall Zombies onboard recover. Zombies ae placed without rou is, but he imatercanbeplacedonlyafter al minionsateon bond Ache starcofalloFthe Overlord urs, hems rest Merc’ Knowledge (@) foreach Zombiconbourd Water ile the spective Zombie sles 1. THE ELEMENTAL GUARDIAN The Elemental Guastiinhas 1 addtional health per hero and he abies af Pierce? ‘OneveryOverord sun, before activating the lemental Guardian, be nustchoose lof the faceup Elemental Keys and lip ico es objective (2) side (facedown), The Elemental Guardian gains 1 ise special action of the Keyflippedas follows Read Fire, Bl: ab Water, Grssa Esch Whice a Air This fre action canbe used anytime dusingits sctvtion butiteannot use the sme special aeron ‘gun as normal. fa the sear ofthe Ovedons en allcemaining Keys on:ap are facedown, fp chemall totheirfaceup side Everytime a hero defeas the Elemental Guardian, he smaychoose I facedown Keyan rir icaceup ‘THE LOCKED GATE & DOORS ‘Thelocked door canonlybe operated byheroes by passinga test. Theartbutetoesti ual rothe Elemestal Key collectielygahered by the heroes. -Moneter and lewtenanes (except Lord Merck nd the Elemental Guanin) cannoe be activaced dung she Overlord’ tur, unt che respective dooreo thelr room has been opened Forthe fist cime OR ae th ‘ginning of che Overlord’ cur the respective Kevin that room wa already facedown, Ma group has been setiated onc, it activates cry following armas oem {the locked doors opened, ll monsters on board sctivat from the nest Overlords urn and on REINFORCEMENTS Waetheend ofanyof Ovedors erm chereis atleast 1 Elemental Orb onboard (fceup or facedown) and ‘he Elemental Guardian as ben defeated, place hin ‘onthe Lava Room, VICTORY IF Lord Merck defeated read he following sou Lord Merik can shen rious. “Always ‘meddling! De you even know who your matterist You're been ordered round ie sheep dou shall bseneeaslnighterae sch!” The ge ofthe macked ‘man appears beside Lord Mevck. The ler tua his magical staf sou andsouandyourweapon ae blascedawaychrough ce wall of the cave “The herocs win his encounwert Uf shere are everallS zombies on board, rad the Followingsloud: The ieual completes and consonant whispers Ay wi thevwinds "The Shader Lord at chained ah pio shaccred ee this prison ts hehe tha can brig hie tometer Fourare ce elements end fot are the bind, scarhin che comers rosgiare the igs.” Lond Merick awakens from bis ance whea you elie youtcant fel our leg anymore. You uenyourheadeo swatch che masked a's glowing hand dining our strength Before Lond Merck mixer magica stafFehar blasts ouandyour weapons away cvough che walls oF thecave “The Overlord wins this encouncert REWARDS IFheoes win theyre XP If Oveond ing be cies 120 inmcdinahgeetedioncedade Oa th Ine "Eeaplag Train Ockervte eal colnteriede D ELEMENTAL GUARDIAN INNER CAVE 14A SACRED GROUNDS: 7B FROZEN CAVE DRAGON'S LAIR NOTE: Play cis encounter onlyif the hheroes won the Intoductory quest ‘Escaping Treason". Otherwise, play the next one (Interlude D) instead. INTERLUDE C:“On Flusing Grounds" Youressape as been aclscone. The doors behind yplaresealedshueandche monsters willoc bother Gp for while. The fecing oFhavingbeen used fares! deed his you hard ands newfound srecageh For Justice propels sou tog afteryourencmy You beckrick sete collet your mespons fom where Lon! Meric blasted uray. Through che manysilene corridor of che abbeyyou star believe jouarealone by now. Yer, sooncnough the voices of theta mencan be heardin whisper fromthe svinding ball: ‘sideanime. Inced both halves in onderro awaken ‘ios Mylan aced you and Inced wae ou car Comewith me and promise rhe Land of Mise will beyour.” “lneiguing promises. Our inceressanecommon chen Along with che power ofthe elements, ould." ‘Large spiders craw! behind you. You cin do noching Peeeeeeimes rar cae utimathyginetawayyour position “Seilightingch? You now how to choose your subordinates." "Rolesseche Dragon. We necdo fish device and eave this place immediate” MONSTERS Baron Zachareth, Lond Merik Faro. Shadow Dragon", Cave Spiders. [felnaa hero game, eplaceiewitha minionShadow Dragon] SETUP a spre indented lcs the Cave Spider on the Spider Den espeting gouplinis Ble Seaehtokens dependingon she mnberof ere. Phetalocked doors ndcncd Pace Ble objecve ters onthe spaces indicted. DPlacea Red, «Green and 2 White runctokenon Lord Metie’s lieutenant cad. SPECIAL RULES BANE Banels Spider Dragon denored ya master Shadow Dragonin 3/4-hro game orminionna2:hero fine elas che vame sb ofthe respective LSU eat bee,pechers omc: Saas: Weband wf Poon ‘Lond Merick has or gains line of _mayspend an action to enchant che dragon. The ‘Overlord kes one ofthe available coloured objective tokens from Lord Mere’s cand and places iron Tass gue Tes allowed eospend bh is actions ‘achancing him bur Ban cana have maliplecopies ‘ofthe same enchantment ry roment. Before Hane’ acthatio,the Overlord may discard any rmumbee of rokens fom Bane’ gute (fetuen con Lord Mevck’s card), eich ill give him the respective ability for that ound Red: Pisce 2 (forallof his attacks this round) Green: @Hteal3 ‘White: Palit Condition (Ovedlonchooses a ‘each ousome.selfcomtrol ch?” MONSTERS a Dearth Lord Meck Fao Manes Ein en fener goer Eeiminionins 2h gan SETUP lace the Licurenans andthe Masser Ecin on che spaces indicated. Place he open group om the Fick respecting group limi Place earch rokens dependingon the ube of heroes. Placea normal and locked doors indicated Placeall 10 Objectiverokens onthe spaces indicated _ SPECIAL RULES BLOCKED PATH Thistle 10 Objective roe (able) oni cach fiche rested an obstacle ceyblock ine of sighcand morenene).Acokenaf ne canbe ered enh game if Bate destroy itora figs agjaeenetoicspends anactonand passes atest. Thistesecanbe tried makplecimes as longas an sctionis spent. BATTER “ThemascerErsinbas | addsinal health per hero and the abiliyto smash through rable, While adjacent anyoFthe Objective tokens. be mayspend anaction 0 immediatelysmash one of them. Remove the accondingcoken from the game, He may usc this bility ‘mulkipletimes as longas heapends an SHADOWS OF THE NIGHT. ‘While Merck inp, athe end of ach of che beroes atiration the Ovesoed maydiscard 1 ofhis cards inkandorest Merck's © Isuecersil he summons a Shadow ofthat hero, Places lage token onan adjacearempryspaceco that hero and also place one ofthe hero's cokens on it (iedoesn'ecountas entering the space). Shadows are treated as minon monsters (oup ifmany) and have Che sac abies and wetpon Vek theespective her, whose rokentheybea. A Shadow csnonlymove toapaces that are adjacent ta the tespectiv hero Finally it fadesawayimmediatelyfis not adjacento ‘thehero a anygren moment. Remove the token rom the map. Otherwise attacked, edefends wich al Sefence dice che accordinghero has (orcan hve) IF ‘wounded, remove fiom the map, bucthe according hero akes the damage that passed instead, hero swith Shadows knockedout, the Shadow emai board [conlyabilies and shill elated attacks, defence and movemene, excluding her abilities and heroic fests] LOCKED DOOR The dor remains locked slongas Lord Metick sin play IF Lond Merckis defeated, read the fellowing aloud: ‘The hare necromancer clasps his staf. "This. ie othing Yo. re nothing. Myaliance with yout: eh, ‘mareer"willprove morehelpfaland rewarding. You'd berternor sendin ourwayagain. "He stands ip anu stomps the seal the ground. Immediately he dsappeart ina back sake Remove Lond Merck from play Removeall shadows from play. The doors unlocked REINFORCEMENTS Acehestaofeachof the Overlord tums, hemay place 1 monsterfrom hs open group on the Exile ‘while Lord Merckis onboard espectingroup Tis. If Loed Mesckis defeated, reinforce simialybucon the Enerance ie VICTORY Whe man inthe obsidian masks defeated, ead the Followingslowd ‘Through the shadows Lord Merck appear beside chewounded man. The mask hs cracked and chrogh the ale pieces you can sec the nutanng eat lore cutined your cla =r staf rom Meric’s hand and poineierowands 08 Atthaeverymomenta winged Aigure sweeps cough thenoonlight grabs the man with its legs and cows im away: The sf falls othe ground andies ors ‘breaks From inside ita purple black shard is released posting ith mae Beli che dagon pb nds nto With ew you ke eae shandand fs aay “NOOO!” bellows che man. You..,ouwillegrer ‘his Boch men on awayand ou of igh, leaving behind chirp reviouslycherished stl The heroes win the quest he man nth obsidian mask moves of the map through the Ei, ead dhe fllowing loud: The igure of Lord Merck can be seemup che ill sting forbs new master eo reachhim, The wo me stare secach oer and willing Lond Meri gives him the magical oft. The mathed oa eee raises the seat“ Goodbye myseranes. Youare ‘leased fiom duty As eis abou eo sete you wich chestafl a winged creacureappears before the moon andravce a gline letekee the etfs onberhich brooks and rom wihin purple blck shining shard ‘es inche at Rehr, che dragon hybrid snares he shacdandeurs co the sk “CunestAfer bin! Yous rail reschg beenlyae te Regret survivors from certain det, The Overlon!winsthe quest? REWARDS ‘Winoclone cach player seeles 1XP, Ihe heros win they recive the "SeafFof Ligh mi the Overlord wins, he eceives the “Sea Shadows" relic and draws Lexa Overond card atthe begnningof the next quest (Act - Prolog), ENTRANCE TRAVEL STEP: Road, Water, Mountain, Pins | "Nomarreritho ou ask the anewere always the ams Nobodirecopses anyone wearinganobsidan mask, ‘manyotienaho worderwha obsslin's. One dayat Audion’ marke though, you notices merchane from (Cartridge selling obsidian knives among his other wares. Hesesresthara fellow makereeronce sold such masks but cheywere ro fw and gh make s tradeott,Youse out for Carcnidge hoping find foes were aes masher. Bosysallsandloud voice serround ou as you eaec For checader Suddenly; what looks likes Booded child buayps onto you snd for moment yousce gen Fectsnd hands andernesthiee cape holdings basket of food, whilea merchane shouts out. A goin chi Inside thecity? Following ce creture, ou sus throug the winding alles noticed and chen i Firllventere an old ion door wih the mame “Lord Hazcrchat‘onit Inside, Soonsoucomescross stair which aut he citys sewers. tthe conidor’ end youcan hear goblins conversing: aE op je rens and fed che dragon! goera go help themascer? “Wha? Right, Wilde, wild.” A dtagon? In Cuchi? MONSTERS Helse, Gobi Antes, 1open oop {Although mniondcr, Bek wats hero gus forhs encour As rch mo clic maybe eric) SETUP Place the Master Goblin Archer and Belthiconthe spaces indicated. 0 Serup, Place the open grep on the Sewer, espectingaroup limi lace Search tokens based onthe namberof heroes Place Lpormal door, I locked doorand 1 White Rune tokens indisted. ‘The Overlord takes 3 Red and 3 Blue Rone okens andscperatesthemin red/blue couples. He chen Beeretyplaces each couple ashe wishes accondingto BAPeaARPhst cach cbjectine vent adifferent olourthanitsadjacencone on chee faceup side SPECIAL RULES STEALTHY APPROACH Peeidestie He i sland if ier the eres anak him oer Bed reeeeeeciee efoto en creaky lor (sc below) orth Seer dor opened hes sumed di Ordon! immatnlyacres epee eee Relaforcenens) and then the heroes 'cum contin: Rime ace Wesetfaniteors ee eee eeeteeed CREAKY FLOOR Sth Obes) Waders recy Boec spel Whenaberoenters one ofthese simpy” spaces, his turmis pansed and hetums the according roken facoup If che tokens Blu, theyae safe IFtherokenis Red the hero must est @- succes, nothing happens. Inether ate, the Overlord aks che revealed ren andits adjacenc coupe, shuffles and secrelyplaces themat he wishes ontheiraccondng spaces. The heros eum concnves. the hero was unmuecersflin the est, the guandis armed, Remove che Objective sedan blue tokens stheywon'rbenceded anymore After performing actions mentioned shove forthe alarmed guard, the her's turn continues, [rlfabero moves shrough nother her who is currenelyseandingonaspacewithan objective roken, Desimplypasses cough without uring the voken faceup andchecking] TORTURE ROOM “The door 0 this room is locked nd cn onlybe ‘operated (open/clote ations) bya hero whos the ‘Key(White Rune oken) ora Mascer Goblin Archer. Ieruadjccne cute Key naysperalanactionco gab it Placcison hackers shee BELTHIR, IMPRISONED Belchiris inthe Torture Room and heeannorbe activated units doorhas been opened “Treat Belthirasabero gue. Hels acrivted ater the laschez's eurnby him and cannot recoverhealehbyany means. Hemayperform l move actionand l other actiontharcannorbea move (so, peractvaion he Cry Havoc") His attacks and skills are directed to the Overlots [NOTE Belehichas Fl arse when he ends is ‘movement onanempeyspace hei subjee co that space’ abies. Thus, ifendingonacreakyspace he stillhas to check €2 per above and ifnshingina swaterspace hemust spend 2 movemene points covert) twoves the with aornal Mae” ee" REINFORCEMENTS (Once for his Encounter, ifthe guards alarmed, che Overoal immediatly placesall mision Goblin Archers onthe Encance le respecting goup limits Hiomihenoa athe beginning ofeach ofthe Overlord tums he mayplace | Goblin Atcheromthe Enetnce Pej i. VICTORY LW Bclehirmoves off che map through she Est le red the fllowingalouss ‘The “dagon" cus yom hs captors searching for aneaielke trapped bind. Hee soon our of igh, ut Joumure run atéerhimeo make anrsenve of ow he ended op here The heroes win his encouneet Lf Behr is defeated ead che following aloud “Noll won'tbe ripped here gun! am noeyour subjece!"Belreres our bersec and withaswife ‘wir hervhes pase hi cxpeor leaving behind oly his Blood sor you eo follow, ‘The Ovelord wins this encouncert CREAKY SAFE 1B TORTURE ENTRANCE eee. ‘Thecriers you lee behind now dress the file sewer Floors, so chat you mayacleschiveanexesecuredon gporwayback Walking ecper trough che tunnels. Soureaie che seencty changes incosomethiag that resemble anarcide of ne worshipping dragons. ‘Rebs and picrares onthe floor depict diygons as tor inpaseor Fear wars unheard of You finally ‘eacha lange decorsed room atthe farendof which Beldurhes ona throne panting Above him Lond ‘Merck seands onan clerated stage behind rostrum led with scrolls wold wating. “Ab. Youve come to witness the Fcion oF oor experinen. wont be long now.” He continues co read froma parchment in sn unknown eng Belehirstande and forthe Firs time you noice he Iangescaromhischeserecenelyscched. “Tonce wore roproectit.. The Shadow Rune. Now Iie placed cirwide me. Gio fig. Heh as always considered heute. butch.” He gasps aad his fesares alter is ees blink Hery red. Theswond chat come fom hir month ae noth ‘Release me!” Momencry Behe seems to comeback eos seases ‘uc is aot entielyhimsclf anymore. "Thiet. So Thirsty.” (Merck mcs be scope before Belehireuresieo something vgn. MONSTERS Lord Merck Farrow, Beth, open group, INorelicmybe gen to Beli, SETUP Place he leutemanes onthe spaces indicated. Place the open grovp onthe Library espectinggroup Hines. Place Green nila Whie Runetokenon the spaces indicared. lice locke door as indica Place Searctokens based onthe namberaf heres ncofthe"t's isthe uique searchtoken, whichis the Keyrothelocked doo. SPECIAL RULES ALTAR'S DOOR IB tbe ec roor reins licked vt one Cf heeoes a found the unique serch en. rom ‘henon, anyone mayope’clse she door BELTHIR, POSSESSED Belhirhas inside him che Shadow Roe half andi slowlybeingtaken over byGnvorn, ‘While Lond Metick s undefeated AND remains on the Aart, he Overlord mayshooseo spend 1 of Lord Merck's actions to activate Bsr, He may do this once per Lord Mesck'sactinaton. Belshic bbesctvatedbyche Overlord byanyother means, If che Overlord won the previous encounter, when he activates Beth he eects 2 aetons, If cheheroes won the previous encounwer, when the ‘Overlord aetvates Beth he rece faeton. Lond Mesckis defeated, res the following sud, “Whatever you do. it helps. He will become the Sater RCM dl aclfareat est Dragonlond hint Lond Merk sre nnning se ‘yourturmyourartention co Beli He scems ks ‘pained wiehoue Merck's chanting and the fookon is ‘ice softens. More stable now; he walks towards the Library with newfound dterminacion. Seating fomehe same unin which heroes defeated LLocd Merick,Bechirsides with he heros and ansno Inger activated bythe Overlord. “Trenthimes one ofthe hero figures. Hes activated cveryroundafer the lascher's crm byhimand reccies 2actions, He cannot recover health byany meats. The heroes ean no longer are him forateack (buemonsters can now). Atthe end of Beli activation (egress of who activated hin), place | # token o che Overs play Ii Belhitis defeated byither the herocs or the ‘Overlord daring his encounter place him onthe Encsance i BLOOD, TO DRINK OR SPILL adjacent tothe Dragons Blood por, Belhirmay spendanactionco es ®. Munsuccssful Blcie

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