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THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Học kỳ 1 Năm học: 2021-2022

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(Đề có 06 trang) (SV KHÔNG sử dụng tài liệu)

Họ tên sinh viên: ................................................ Số báo danh: .....................................................

Mã số sinh viên: ................................................. Phòng thi: .........................................................
Ngày sinh: .......................................................... Ngày thi: ...........................................................

Chữ ký giám khảo 1: .......................................... Chữ ký giám thị 1: ........................................

Chữ ký giám khảo 2: .......................................... Chữ ký giám thị 2: ........................................

Điểm chính thức
Điểm chấm lần 1: ............................................... Bằng số Bằng chữ

Điểm chấm lần 2: ...............................................

1. Astronauts familiarize themselves with the exact ........ they will take once they leave a spacecraft.
a. route b. access c. journey d. flight
2. Another ........ challege that cosmonauts are trained to deal with is the lack of gravity.
a. fearless b. extreme c. potential d. huge
3. A(n) ........ one million people, mostly farmers, worked to build the first section of the canal.
a. examined b. estimated c. collected d. confirmed
4. Whether you look at a single country over a span of time, or a group of countries at a(n)
........... point in history, the result is the same.
a. overall b. specific c. familiar d. separate
5. The US ........ to defeat the insurgency indicates that they no longer care about popular opinion
among broad sectors of society.
a. mystery b. mission c. strategy d. advice
6. Their testimony is not based ........ on any objection to War.
a. primarily b. properly c. eventually d. completely
7. It also secured the .......... triumph of constitutional independence.
a. doubtful b. appropriate c. eventual d. magical
8. He himself, fighting with the utmost ........, rushed into the ranks of the enemy and met his death.
a. bravery b. strategy c. effort d. technique
9. My sister's ........ earned her the nickname of Sassy as a child.
a. method b. attitude c. background d. disease
10. After a week of knowing him, she already had to ........ hard to resist leaning into him whenever
he was around.
a. concentrate b. memorize c. investigate d. identify
11. One was of medium height and slender, an older man with ........ eyes who could solve the
problem easily.
a. gentle b. fearless c. sharp d. determined
12. There were too many emotions for her to ........ them, but one of them – or all of them? – caused
the tears.
a. identify b. discover c. confirm d. approach
13. Within four years he had paid off all his remaining debts without selling any of his wife's .........
a. treasure b. currency c. property d. construction
14. The order of the days in the ........ is never interrupted by any intercalation that may be necessary
for adjusting the months or years.
a. system b. environment c. cycle d. route
15. We can all contribute to helping maintain genetic ........ locally.
a. diversity b. disease c. evidence d. estimate
16. This disease is generally caused by ........ and is favoured by a lack of alcohol, acid and tannin.
a. challenge b. infection c. climate d. environment
17. All these people and horses seemed driven forward by some ........ power.
a. entire b. invisible c. appropriate d. certain
18. Beneath these hills the surface of the island falls lower, and several hills in the form of
amphitheatres ........ their bases as far as the sea.
a. extend b. achieve c. approach d. bury
19. Under a government too weak to ........ order, the great landowner formed his estate into a little
territory which could defend itself.
a. accomplish b. allow c. preserve d. apply
20. Flowing into the Pacific Ocean on the east coast there are some fine rivers, but the ........ have
short and rapid courses.
a. appearance b. connection c. majority d. background
21. He opposed the theatres, and for a time refused to ........ their advertisements.
a. publish b. collect c. confirm d. employ
22. Perhaps he was right; but even in that case he should surely have accepted the offer so as
to ........ their insincerity.
a. examine b. expose c. extend d. fail
23. Beyond the pond was a ........ green line of brush and trees, bordering the creek.
a. familiar b. vivid c. gentle d. magical
24. The ........ embossed book is made with roman letters, both small letters and capitals.
a. ordinary b. popular c. rare d. specific
25. To further ........ ethnic Albanians, Serbs reportedly looted and burned their homes and shops
throughout the town.
a. survive b. terrorize c. target d. restore
26. Do palace revolutions--in which sometimes only two or three people take part-- ........ the will of
the people to a new ruler?
a. transfer b. shine c. seek d. reveal
27. Watch yourself; you're public and he might very well ........ you or your people.
a. search (for) b. recognize c. target d. protect
28. The next step was informing Mr. Cooms of our willingness to ........ with his offer.
a. proceed b. prove c. preserve d. ignore
29. When you ........ retirement, you will need to know who will step into their shoes.
a. move (into) b. receive c. approach d. predict
30. There wasn't time to ........ him before the wedding – not that she would have the slightest idea
how to do that anyway.
a. prove b. investigate c. recognize d. hide
The American space agency NASA began in 1958. It put a man on the surface of the moon in 1969.
Advances in technology in the 1970s allowed spacecraft to travel long distances, searching for and
discovering new places in our solar system. NASA’s space shuttle program, begun in 1981, has been
a huge success.
In the early days of NASA, space was a man’s world, but on the 18th of June, 1983, Sally Ride was
the first American woman in space.
Ride was part of a group of six women to be the first female astronaut in space. Sally soon got the job.
She went into space on the space shuttle Challenger.
Sally Ride was the first American woman, but she was not the first woman in space. The Soviet Union
sent Valentina Tereshkova into space back in 1963. While Tereshkova was in space for three days,
Ride spent six days in space.
Back on Earth, Ride gave talks across the United States. She had a powerful message. She spoke about
the mission and why it was important for women everywhere. Many people traveled to listen to her
and women and young girls especially identified with her story.
Ride went into space one more time, in 1984. And after her, there were other women astronauts, and
other female firsts. Mae Jemison was a doctor of medicine. She became the first AfricanAmerican
woman in space with the space shuttle Endeavor in 1992. Then, in 1995, Eileen Collins became the
first female shuttle pilot with the space shuttle Discovery. Collins flew two more times, in 1999 and
So, as a result of Sally Ride, and many more female astronauts after her, young women, as well as
many young men, now dream of becoming astronauts, and a journey into space.
Task 1
Fill in each blank with one of the names to match each person with the correct information.

Eileen Collins Sally Ride Mae Jemison Valentina Tereshkova

1. ______ was the first woman in space.

2. ______ was in space for six days.

3. ______ was the first African American woman in space.

4. ______ was the first American woman in space.

5. _____ was the first female shuttle pilot.

6. _____ flew into space in 1985, 1999, and 2005.

7. _____ was a doctor of medicine.

Task 2 Write 1-7 to put the events (a–g) in the correct order.
a. ____ The space shuttle program begins.
b. ____ Eileen Collins goes into space for the first time.
c. ____ Valentina Tereshkova goes into space.
d. ____Sally Ride goes into space for the first time.
e. ____Mae Jemison goes into space.
f. ____NASA begins.
g. ____The first man lands on the moon.
Engineering a Better Burger
A. Humans have traditionally been omnivores, with a diet of both meat and vegetables. But lately it
seems we've become a society of meat eaters. According to the United Nation's Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAa), global demand for meat has increased over 500 percent in the
past 50 years. Two things explain this: the Earth's population is rising rapidly, and people with
higher incomes tend to consume more meat. With the population expected to reach nine billion
people around 2050, and with developing countries getting richer, this trend won't stop any time
B. If meat production rises to match demand, the consequences could be devastating for the planet.
Thirty percent of Earth's entire land surface-a massive 70 percent of all land available for
agricultural use-is used for raising livestock. And more land is required each year as farmers
struggle to meet the rising demand, which comes at the cost of rain forests and other valuableland.
Reports by FAa show that meat production is responsible for 70 percent of the Amazon
deforestation in South America. Large factory farms are also big consumers of energy and cause
a lot of pollution. It's clear that our hunger for meat, and the way we produce it, is not sustainable
in the long run.
C. Fortunately, food scientists have been anticipating this need for change. They are working on some
interesting alternatives to current methods of meat production. A group of Dutch scientists are
engineering meats that can be grown in laboratories. This involves using cells taken from cows to
grow "muscle" that can be mixed with other things to make beef. They say that this process could
reduce the amount of energy and land needed to raise cattle by about 40 percent. Other scientists
from the United States and China are working to create "meaty" flavors from mushrooms, which
could be used to flavor foods. They feel people can detect chemical flavors, and that natural flavors
are better for the body.
D. For now, lab-grown meat is not a threat to traditional farming. Although scientists say that their
beef could be ready for testing (and eating) soon, large-scale manufacturing won't be possible for
another ten years. It's far too expensive to develop in large quantities-the Dutch team will spend
over $200,000 making enough meat for one burger-and not everyone will be keen on the idea of
eating lab-grown meat. While the general public isn't quite ready to accept "fake" meat, the day
will come when we may not have a choice.
Task 3 Match each paragraph A-D with one of the sentences 1-6 as its main idea.
Write 0 if the sentence is not the main idea of any paragraph.
1. Scientifically engineered meat won’t be available for some time to come, but it’ll be some day.
2. Stem cells can be used to create beef in a laboratory.
3. People are eating more meat.
4. Methane and carbon dioxide are greenhouse gasses.
5. Raising animals for meat has changed the world for the worse.
6. Scientists are coming up with new ways to produce meat

Task 4 Decide if each of the following sentences is true (T) or false (F).
1. Most of Earth's usable land goes to livestock farming.
2. People with more money usually eat less meat.
3. Some scientists are trying to make mushrooms taste like meat.
4. Lab-grown meat costs more than normal meat.
5. Lab-grown meat will be sold in supermarkets very soon.

Task 5 Complete the following summary with words or phrases from the passage.
Global demand for meat has risen by (1)......... in the last 50 years, partly because the population has
grown, and also because people are generally getting (2).......... . This rising demand has a huge effect
on the environment. Livestock farms already occupy (3) ......... of all agricultural land, and (4) .........
are being destroyed to create even more land for this purpose. Raising large numbers of livestock also
consumes a lot of (5) ......... and causes a lot of (6) ......... _ But science may have a solution. Some
scientists are trying to make meat in a (7) ......... by taking (8) ......... from cows to grow (9) ..........
However, it will take at least ten years to produce meat in large quantities, because it is (10) ......... to
manufacture. Other scientists are creating "meaty" flavors from mushroom ; they believe these natural
flavors taste better and are healthier. In the end, though, a lot depends on whether the public can accept
these meat alternatives.

The End

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