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Good day. This is Rodrigo Juaban Jr.

This is my video presentation performing AT 1

Descriptive statistics using excel
This data is from the world bank group
and we are using the data of local currency unit to international $
under purchasing power parity conversion factor, GDP

Mean =AVERAGE(B3:B179)
Median =MEDIAN(B3:B179)
Mode =MODE(B3:B179)
Kurtosis =KURT(B3:B179)
Skewness =KURT(B3:B179)
Range =MAX(B3:B179)-MIN(B3:B179)
Standard Deviation =STDEV.S(B3:B179)
Variance =VAR.S(B3:B179)
Q1 =QUARTILE(B3:B179,1)
Q2 =QUARTILE(B3:B179,2)
Q3 =QUARTILE(B3:B179,3)
Percentile 10 =PERCENTILE.INC(B3:B179,0.1)
Percentile 90 =PERCENTILE.INC(B3:B179,0.9)
Percentile rank of 32.10 =PERCENTRANK.INC(B3:B179,32.1)
Percentile rank of 209.04 =PERCENTRANK.INC(B3:B179,209.04)

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