(IELTS 3.5 - 4.5) LS-Giáo trình học

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1. Look at the pictures and read the words. Which of these activities do you do every day? Write five
more activities you do every day.

2. In pairs, compare your answers and talk about what time you do each activity.

3. Read the sentences about a boy who is doing a language course in the UK. Choose the best answer,
A, B or C.
0. Ping __ at 7:30 a.m. every morning and has breakfast with his host family.
A gets up B stands up C stays up
Answer: A
1. At 8:30 a.m., he __ the bus to his language school.
A goes B catches C travels

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
2. During the day, Ping studies English and __ to his classmates.
A laughs B chats C tells
3. Everyone speaks English in his class because the students all __ from different countries around
the world.
A arrive B live C come
4. After Ping finishes school at 3:00 p.m., he often __ some sightseeing in the city with his friends.
A does B makes C has
5. In the evening, Ping relaxes with his host family, __ TV or goes online.
A watches B sees C looks

4. Read the sentences in Exercise 3 again and answer the following questions.
1. What activities does Ping do during a day?
2. Can you list all the activities that you do during a day? What time do you do each activity?
_____________’s TIMETABLE





5. In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. Do you do any of the activities in Exercise 3?
2. What do you people like to do in the evening in your country?
3. Can you show your timetable to your friend and tell him/her about a day of yours?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

6. Read some information about a website offering student exchange programmes. Decide if the
sentences are true T or false F.


How long does a term
normally last at school?
It’s less than a year.
What should students
bring with them?
What does “join in with”

1. All students spend at least a year abroad. T F

2. Host families give students pocket money during their stay. T F
3. Students should do housework and be involved with family activities. T F

7. You are going to listen to two friends, Carlos and Jack, talking about a student exchange trip.
Listen and decide which countries Carlos and Jack come from.


8. Listen again. What activity does each member of Jack's family like Jack says he likes
doing? volleyball and
For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each person. basketball, so the answer
Person Activity to this question is “team
sports”. Notice that the
0. Jack _________ A. cooking
answer does not always
1. Jack’s brother _________ B. going to the gym contain the words you
hear, but the meaning is
2. Jack’s sister _________ C. taking care of the garden the same.
3. Jack’s mum _________ D. doing art
Be careful! You hear
4. Jack’s dad _________ E. repairing things something about the
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
gym, but it isn’t the
5. Jack’s grandmother _________ F. reading books correct answer here.
G. shopping
Pay attention to words
H. playing team sports with similar meanings.
What’s a similar word to

9. In pairs or small groups, talk about the student exchange trip in Exercise 8 and ask and answer the
1. Would you like to go to another country to study?
2. If no, why not? If yes, which country would you go to?
3. What do you like doing at home? What do you friends and members of your family do?


10. Read the task. What would you say? Spend two minutes thinking about what you could say and
make some notes. In pairs, compare your ideas.
Describe what you usually do on an average day. 10.1 TIP
You should say: You should write only short words or phrases. If
• what you do. you write full sentences, and then read them out,
• who you do it with. you will lose marks.
• where you do it. 10.2 TIP
Explain what you enjoy most about your day and why. The first three points are factual. Don't worry if
you can't think of anything to say that is true -
you can invent something if you need to.

11. Now, read and do the task.

• Work in pairs.
• Student A: speak for 1-2 minutes about your day.
• Student B: as you listen, write yes or no beside sentences 1-6.
1 The talk is easy to understand. _______
2 The speaker often pauses and hesitates. _______
3 The speaker stays on the topic of the question. _______
4 The talk is too long. _______
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
5 The talk is too short. _______
6 The talk is interesting. _______

12. Swap roles. Student B, you speak for 1-2 minutes about your day and Student A, you listen. Show
your feedback to each other and discuss how you can improve.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Listen to five people talking about doing activities. Complete the sentences with the words
in the box.

always never often sometimes usually

1.She ___________ uses computers.

2.I ___________ play chess.
3.I _____________ go to the gym.
4.She ____________ drives to work.
5.He ___________ reads in bed.

Exercise 2: Listen to five people talking about things they do every day. Complete the sentences with
the verbs in the box.

drives makes moves play reads

1. Every morning he __________ his children to school.

2. When she’s at the office she ____________ her emails immediately.
3. Every day she _____________ computers from the storeroom to the shop.
4. Most evenings she ______________ dinner.
5. Every lunchtime they ______________ basketball.

Exercise 3: Listen to Sanjay talking to a friend, Tom, about his flatmates’ daily routines. Match each
person to the activity.

1. Marc _________ studies in the afternoon.

2. Blas _________ works part time in the evenings.

3. Luke _________ teaches French classes in the morning.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
4. John _________ gets up early.

5. Sam _________ cooks every evening.

Exercise 4: Listen to Mary talking about what her family does every day. Choose the correct answers.
1. Mary gets up at
o 7 o’clock.
o 7:15.
o 7:30.
2. Julia is usually late for college because she always
o does the washing up after breakfast.
o gets up late.
o watches TV after breakfast.
3. Mary’s office is
o at home.
o in a bank.
o in the city centre.
4. On his way home from work, Mary’s husband, Jack, often
o goes shopping.
o goes to the gym.
o plays chess.
5. Jack goes to watch Simon play
o basketball.
o football.
o tennis.
6. Before going to bed Julia usually
o takes out the bins.
o uses her computer.
o watches TV.

Exercise 5: Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.
for often late college I'm
1. _____________________________________________
go sometimes do the you gym to
2. _____________________________________________?
work usually drives he to
3. _____________________________________________
he early always tries to arrive
4. _____________________________________________
in evenings watches TV she the never
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
5. _____________________________________________
always prepare together dinner we
6. _____________________________________________
I the never in study library
7. _____________________________________________
catch bus they sometimes the home
8. _____________________________________________

always in teaches morning the he

9. _____________________________________________

Exercise 6: Match the sentence halves to make sentences describing daily activities. Practise saying the

a shower before breakfast. to work. the house. the washing-up. chess.

the bins. up at 7:30. dinner.

1. I wake
2. My father has
3. My sister goes
4. I play
5. My brother cleans
6. My mother prepares
7. I do
8. My sister takes out

Exercise 7: Complete the plan with the expressions for talking about a family’s daily routine. Use the
expressions in the box.

After dinner, we … After lunch, my mother … Before she goes to bed, my mother …
I have breakfast, then I … I like my routine because … My father gets up at … What I like
about my day is … When my sister gets home after school, she …

My Family’s Daily Routine

In the morning
In the afternoon

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
In the evening

Exercise 8: Describe what people in your family do every day. Look at the ideas below. Spend a few
minutes thinking about what to say. Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

Talk about:
• what they do
• who they do it with
• where they do it
• how often they do it.

• to use the correct verbs forms
• to put adverbs in the correct place in the sentences
• you can invent things if you like!

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Match the digital times with the times in words.

It’s ten to nine. It’s five to five. It’s half past two. It’s ten past nine. It’s
a quarter to seven. It’s a quarter past five. It’s twenty past eight. It’s five
past ten. It’s twenty-five to four. It’s twelve o’clock.

1. 05:15
2. 08:20
3. 06:45
4. 14:30
5. 20:50
6. 09:10
7. 15:35
8. 10:05
9. 12:00
10. 16:55

Exercise 2: Complete the table using the words in the box.

the cleaning the bed lunch the housework a mess dinner some
homework a cake the shopping the laundry

Make Do

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 3: Complete the email. Use the words in the box.

catch finish get up go out have leave live meet walk work

Hi Sam,
I’m having a great time here in France and I’m learning lots of French. My host family are very nice. They
____________in an apartment in an area called Pantin, and they both ____________ as journalists. They
____________very early and ____________ home before me. I ___________ breakfast at about 8 a.m.
and then go to the language school. I usually ____________ there, but if I’m late I ___________ a bus.
Lessons at the school _____________ at 4 p.m. The other students are very nice and I have made lots of
new friends. We _______________ after school in a café or __________ in the evenings to the cinema.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the third person forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. My dad _________ (wash) his car every weekend.

2. Jim ___________ (watch) too much TV.
3. Adrian’s baby ____________ (cry) a lot.
4. My brother is good at chess and ____________ (practise) every day.
5. Olga ___________ (go) jogging most evenings after work.
6. Tom’s wife cooks and Tom ____________ (do) the washing up.
7. Anna ____________ (catch) the 253 bus to college each morning.
8. Nadia ___________ (relax) by doing yoga.
9. I think our teacher ___________ (give) us too much homework.
10. My brother ______________ (switch off) his light at about midnight.

Exercise 5: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Room always tidies my his friend

1. _________________________________________________________

At play weekend the I football

2. _________________________________________________________

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Sandwich take college to lunch for a I

3. _________________________________________________________

Phone every his brother checks minutes my five

4. _________________________________________________________

In a the I have evening shower

5. _________________________________________________________

Months every to six dentist the go I

6. _________________________________________________________

Most does the housework of mother my

7. _________________________________________________________

At I family my the weekend visit

8. _________________________________________________________

Exercise 6: Complete the email. Use the words in the box.

Clean enjoy finish gets have opens shouts start tells work

Hi Anna,
I've got a new job! It’s in a supermarket and I ___________there every Saturday. I _____________ at 8am
and the shop ___________ at 9 a.m. I tidy and fill the shelves, ______________ the floors and work at the
checkout. My manager is very nice. She _____________ me what to do and never ____________ . The
other workers are really friendly, too. We __________ three breaks a day and ____________ at 4 p.m. It’s
hard work because the shop ______________ very busy, but I really ____________ it.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. Look at the pictures of rooms in a house. What rooms are they? Complete the words with the
missing letters.

2. Look at some other places that you find in and around a house. Then, match the names in the box
to the pictures.

3. Draw and label different rooms in your house.

4. In pairs, point to your drawing and describe your house.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

5. In pairs, you are going to talk together about some pictures. Read and do the task.
• Student A, look at the pictures - do you know what they show?
• Student B, tell Student A if their answers are correct.

• Student B, look at the pictures - do you know what they show?

• Student A, tell Student B if their answers are correct.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
6. Now, label the items in Exercise 5.

7. What other items can you find in a home? In pairs, make a list of the items.
8.1 TIP
During the exam, listen carefully to all
the information before choosing your
8. You are going to listen to a student, Giorgio, describing his bedroom. answer.

Listen and decide which picture is Giorgio’s bedroom.

9. Now, cover the pictures in Exercise 8 with a piece of paper and listen again.
Then, answer the question using TWO or THREE words.
1. How does Giorgio describe his bed? ____________________
comfortable In tests and exams, you may be asked to
2. What can he see outside of his window? ____________________
garden write one, two or three words. Do not write
more or less than you are asked to write.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
3. Why does he play games on his phone? ____________________
4. Where is the bathroom? ____________________
5. What does he always do before he goes to college every morning?
brush your teeth
6. What is at the window? ____________________

10. Listen to a conversation between Giorgio and Andrew Taylor who works at the accommodation
agency. What do they discuss? Circle YES or NO.
1. The course Giorgio wants to study at university. YES NO 10.1 MINI TIP
2. His study habits. YES NO Do you hear the exact name of a
3. The number of other students that also live there. YES NO 10.2 MINI TIP
4. Two types of accommodation. YES NO How many options for accommo-
5. The teachers and lecturers at the university. YES NO dation does Andrew Taylor give?
6. Where the accommodation is. YES NO 10.3 MINI TIP
7. Giorgio’s travel options from home to university. YES NO Does Andrew Taylor mention a
8. The different types of food you can eat there. YES NO number?


11. Look at the information in the boxes that Andrew Taylor gave to Giorgio.

In pairs, answer and discuss the question:

Which accommodation is best for Giorgio?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
12. Which accommodation in Exercise 11 would you prefer? Use the questions below to help you
Then, work in pairs to share your opinion.
1. In your opinion, what is more important: having superfast Wi-fi speed or having a short walk to lectures?
2. Do you prefer the idea of having a pillow and sheets provided or not? Why?
3. How do you like the idea of a room on the ground floor?
4. Are you happy about the idea of sharing a bathroom with other students? Or does it not matter to you?
5. What do you think about having all your meals included?
6. What are the advantages of living with lots of other students? And what are the disadvantages?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Listen and choose the correct times, measurements, phone numbers and house prices you

o 1:45 a.m. 4.
o 11:45 a.m. o 12:25 p.m.
o 11:15 p.m. o 12:35 p.m.
1. o 12:35 a.m.
o 505 m2 5.
o 515 m2 o €416,500
o 550 m2 o €460,500
2. o €465,000
o 3759 296300 6.
o 3759 256400 o $230,555
o 3759 296400 o $230,565
3. o $213,555
o 6½ kilometres 7.
o 6½ metres o 0081 675231
o 16½ kilometres o 0081 679231
o 0081 679321

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 2: Listen to someone telephoning an estate agent to ask about a house for sale. Write the
names of the people and places you hear being spelt. Remember to use capital letters.

1. John _____________
2. Denise ____________
3. Newton in ___________
4. _____________ Road
5. Jerzy _____________
6. Mary ___________

Exercise 3: Listen to an estate agent describing a house. Complete the notes. Choose the correct option
for each answer.

1. Last year the attic/dining room/study was converted into an extra bedroom.
2. The area of the house is around 115/150/160 square metres.
3. The largest bedroom has a private bathroom /a private shower room /lots of cupboards.
4. The house has a large back garden/barbecue/front garden which is ideal for barbecues.
5. The owners want to sell their house for €215,000/€350,000/€360,000 .

Exercise 4: Listen to the estate agent giving extra information about the house. Complete the table.
Remember to use capital letters.

Viewing times
o Monday to _________ : 9:30 a.m. – __________ pm
o Saturday: ___________ a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
o Friday and Sunday: no viewings

o Mark Smith
o Telephone: 0073 ___________
o Amanda ______________
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
o Mobile: ______________

Office address
o Main Office:
279 ____________ Road
o Other Office:
35 Market Street

Exercise 5: Listen and highlight the stressed syllable in each word. Practise saying the words.



Exercise 6: Match the words to make phrases.

1. single a. lamp 1-C

2. shared b. floor 2-C
3. ground c. block 3-E
4. table d. bathroom 4-A
5. fast e. bed 5-F
6. apartment f. Wifi 6-B

Exercise 7: Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

What live house you of do in type

1. ___________________________________________________________
What type of house do you live in ?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Like what do house about you your

2. ___________________________________________________________
What do you like about your home ?

Live who with you do

3. ___________________________________________________________
Who do you live with?

Your room which in your favourite is house

4. ___________________________________________________________
Which is your favourite room in your house?

You where study do

5. ___________________________________________________________
Where do you study?

Where quiet you is live it

6. ___________________________________________________________
Is it quiet where you live?

To you music listen where do

7. ___________________________________________________________
Where do you listen to music?

Have double single or a bed do you

8. ___________________________________________________________
Do you have a single or double bed?

Exercise 8: Listen to the questions. Record your answers.

1. What type of home do you live in?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
2. What do you like about your home?
3. Who do you live with?
4. Which is your favourite room in your home and why do you like this room?
5. Where do you study?
6. Is it quiet where you live?




Exercise 1:Match the digital times with the times in words.

Bathroom bedroom garage garden hallway living room

1. What do you call the place where you go to sleep every night?

2. What do you call the place where you can have a wash and brush your teeth? _____________

3. What do you call the place where everyone sits together to talk, play games or watch TV?
Living room

4. What do you call the place where you keep the car?

5. What do you call the place that you walk through to move from one room to another?

6. What do you call the place where you can be outside and sit on the grass?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 2: Look at the pictures. Choose the correct labels.

1. a freezer/a fridge

2. a semi-detached house /a terraced house

3. a desk/some drawers

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
4. a living room/a study

5. an attic/a basement

6. a cupboard/a wardrobe

7. a chair/a sofa

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
8. a private apartment block/a university

Exercise 3: Correct the underlined mistake in each sentence.

1. I really like my certains – they are red and black, and they make my bedroom very dark. certain
2. I have a bright tabel lamb that I turn on when I do my homework. table lamp
3. I think postsers make the walls look more interesting – don't you? posters
4. It is good to sleep with two billows – it is very comfortable. pillows

5. My brother never cooks – the only thing he can do is turn on the uven! oven

6. Most of my clothes are in my walldrobe – the rest are in the drawers next to my bed. wardrobe

Exercise 4: Rewrite the sentences using question forms.

1. You help your parents with the housework.

Do you help your parents with the housework?

2. It is OK to come to your house this evening.

Do you want to come to my house this evening?

3. You can check that the windows are all closed before we go out.
Can you check that window, please?

4. You are in the living room next to the kitchen.

Where is the living room in your house?

5. You want to sit in the garden.

Where do you want to sit?

6. The apartments in the UK are very different from the apartments in your country.
Is there a difference between apartments in the UK and apartments in your country?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 5: Find and rewrite the four mistakes in the sentences. Two sentences are correct.

1. In my country, people live usually in apartments and not houses. usually live
2. My uncle keeps always his car in the garage because it is very expensive. always keeps
3. Our sink sometimes makes a very strange noise.
4. I have a housemate but I don’t see very often him – he is always studying. him very often
5. In your country, do people usually celebrate their 18th birthday with a party?
6. Do you prefer do your homework in your bedroom? prefer to do your

Exercise 6: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

1. the/ never/ up./ does/ He/ washing

He never does the washing up.

2. give/ some/ advice?/ you/ Can/ me

Can you give me some advice?

3. leave/ always/ I/ my/ house/ 8 a.m./ at

I always leave my house at 8 a.m.

4. My/ to/ my/ cousin/ house/ often/ comes/ dinner./ for

My cousin often comes to my house for dinner.

5. live/ to/ do/ you/ want/ in the future?/ Where

Where do you want to live in the future?

6. with?/ you/ live/ How many/ do/ people

How many people do you live with?

7. Do/ you/ the/ live/ campus?/ on/ university

Do you live on the university campus?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. Match the leisure activities in the box to the pictures. There are three extra activities you do not
need to use.
cycling white water rafting shopping sailing
climbing cooking hiking canoeing reading

hiking canoeing cycling

sailing climbing white water rafting

2. What do you think about the activities in Exercise 1? Complete the table using the activities from
the word box in Exercise 1 that are true for you. Add three more activities to each group.

fun scary boring

white water rafting climbing hiking
canoeing 28
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press. sailing
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
go diving go for a walk
playing video games motorcycle racing
drink coffee picnic
take a plane do exercise
watching Tv

3. In pairs, compare your ideas. Then, discuss the questions.

1. Have you ever done any of these activities in Exercise 1?
2. What activities do you do in your free time? What activities do you like to do on holiday?
3. What activities are popular in your country?


4. Listen to two friends, Deon and Mark, talking about an adventure holiday. Which activities from
Exercise 1 do you hear?

5. Listen again and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

0. When will Deon and Mark go on the adventure holiday? ● In Listening exams, you
A. June will hear information about
B. July all three answer options but
C. August only one will be the correct
Answer C answer.
● In some Listening exam
1. How did Deon first find out about World Trek holidays? exercises, the words in the
A. He has been on one of their holidays. answer options will be
B. He found their website online. different from the words
C. He heard about it from someone he knows. you hear.
2. Deon would like to go on an adventure holiday
A. in a forest. 5.1. MINI TIP
B. in the mountains. Mark says he can’t go on holiday
C. near the sea. in June or July because he has
3. How much does the holiday they want to go on cost if they book college.
it now? 5.2. MINI TIP
A. £500 Deon says, “a friend told me”,
B. £650 which matches the answer option
C. £800 “someone he knows”. Listen for
4. The price of the holiday does NOT include the meaning, not just the same
A. food. words. You can see another
B. the guide. example of this in question 4.
C. transport.
5. What time will the boys meet this evening?
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
A. 7 p.m.
B. 7.30 p.m.
C. 8 p.m.


6. Look at the pictures. Then, in pairs, answer the questions.

In which of these activities do you

1. catch a ball? 7. get fit?
2. throw a ball? 8. use a racket?
3. kick a ball? 9. move a piece?
4. hit a ball? 10. relax your mind?
5. score a goal? 11. play in a team?
6. win or lose a match or competition? 12. play alone?
13. need to wear special clothes?

7. In pairs, add more activities that you know to Exercise 6. Which pair in your class can think of the

8. In the same pairs, look at the picture in Exercise 6 again and describe what is happening in each

9. Now, in your pairs, you are going to talk about a different sport. First, decide what sport you are
going to talk about. Then, follow the task.
● Student A, describe your sport.
● Student B, you must guess what the sport is. Ask questions to find out more information. You can
use questions in Exercise 6.
● Student A, answer Yes or No, but do not say what the sport is.
● Ask and answer questions until Student B guesses correctly. Then, swap roles.
A: In this sport, you have to hit a ball over a net.
B: Do you use a racket?
A: Yes.
B: Is it tennis?
A: Yes!
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
10. Work in different pairs. You are going to describe a picture. Read the instructions and do the task.
● Student A, look at picture 1.
● Student B, look at picture 2.
● Take turns to say what is happening in your picture.
● Find five things that are the same in the two pictures, and five differences between them.

11. In small groups, talk about your hobbies and interests. Ask and answer the questions.
1. What activities do you like doing in your free time?
2. Which sports do you like doing? Which sports do you watch on TV?
3. Is it important to spend time outdoors? Why/ Why not?
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).




Exercise 1: Listen and number the pictures.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 2: Listen and choose the word or phrase that best describes how each person feels about the

hard work popular boring fit scary fun

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Exercise 3: Listen to a phone call between Peter and his sister Susan. Choose the correct answers.

1. Peter and his friends are staying at o hiking.

o a guest house. o resting.
o A hotel
o the activity centre. 4. Peter says he’s tired because
2. Peter says the food’s o he’s doing too many activities.
o great. o he’s not really fit.
o not very good. o he’s not sleeping enough.
o very good. 5. The activity centre is close to
3. At the moment Peter is o a big river.
o cooking. o a lake.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
o the sea. o they can do it at home.
6. Peter and his friends are not going cycling o they don’t have mountain bikes.
because o they don’t like it.

Exercise 4: Read the information. Then listen and highlight the stressed syllable in each word.
Practice saying the words.

When a word has two or more syllables, any one of the syllables can be stressed. But there are no rules! You
have to remember which syllable it is. A good learners’ dictionary will help you to do this.

Exercise 5: Use the words to write sentences in the present continuous. Use the short forms, ’m, ’s, ’re.
Practise saying the sentences.

1. They / play / tennis . They’re playing tennis

2. She / use / a racket. ________________ .
3. They / do / athletics . ______________ .
4. We / play / football . _______________ .
5. He / kick / a ball . ________________ .
6. I / cook / dinner. _________________ .
7. She / wear / special clothes. ________________ .
8. We / go / swimming. _________________ .

Exercise 6: Choose two of the pictures A–D to describe. Say how you feel about the activities in the
pictures. Spend a few minutes thinking about what to say.

Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

Useful language:
In picture A (B, C, D) …
I can see …
I think …
There is / are …
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
The activity looks …

Picture A

Picture B

Picture C

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Picture D




Exercise 1: Match the activities with the pictures.

badminton basketball cycling football hiking sailing skiing

swimming tennis volleyball


Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 2: Complete the table using the words in the box.

chess karate swimming fishing athletics gymnastics taekwondo volleyball

hiking horse riding football boxing golf table tennis cycling tennis
sailing judo hockey canoeing badminton skiing

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Play Do Go

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box.

beats catch hit kicking lose play scores throwing win

1. I’m playing in a tennis tournament tomorrow. I hope I __________ some of my matches.

2. Our school football team is not doing well this term. Every team we play against _________ us.
3. I really want to learn how to ____________ baseball but it’s not a popular sport in Britain.
4. It is quite difficult to learn how to _______ the ball with the racket when you start playing tennis.
5. When you _____________ a sports match, it’s important to learn from your mistakes and do better
next time.
6. In rugby, players usually pass the ball to each other by _______________ it.
7. In football, players cannot hold the ball – they must move it by ____________ it with their feet.
8. In baseball, players wear a special glove on their hand to help them ______________ the ball.
9. In football and handball, the team that ___________ the most goals is the winner.

Exercise 4: Read the sentences and choose the correct answers.

1. Cricket is a favourite/good/popular sport in several countries around the world, including India and
2. There are 11 people in a cricket group/set/team .
3. You play the sport by hitting/kicking/throwing a hard red ball with a bat.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
4. It can take five days to complete a cricket goal/match/point .
5. People often put/use/wear white clothes to play cricket.

Exercise 5: Complete the table with the third person present simple and -ing forms of the verbs.

Verb Third person present simple -ing form

Snow snowing
Fix fixes

Exercise 6: Read the sentences and choose the correct answers.

1. I don’t know/I’m not knowing how to play tennis, but I’d like to learn.
2. I’m very sorry, I can’t remember/I’m not remembering your name.
3. Can you help me with my homework? I don’t understand/I’m not understanding this problem.
4. John has/is having a great time on holiday. Look at these pictures on his blog!
5. I’m afraid you can’t borrow that book. It belongs/It is belonging to my sister and she reads/is reading it
at the moment.
6. I don’t want to /I’m not wanting to go out tonight. I’m too tired!
7. My brother has/is having so many hobbies! At the moment, he takes/is taking photos in the garden.
8. Sue can’t hear/ isn’t hearing you at the moment. She has/is having a shower.

Exercise 7: Complete the email with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Hi William,

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
I __________ (have) a great time here in Leeds. The city is really big and _____________ (have)
so many interesting places to visit. I _____________ (enjoy) my course so far and I really _____________
(like) my classmates. I ___________ (stay) in one of the halls of residence this year, but next year I may
move into an apartment with some friends. I ________________ (have got) a job in a local restaurant so I
can earn some extra money. I ___________ (work) there three evenings a week from 7:00 p.m. until
midnight. It’s fine, but at the moment I ______________ (look) for another job. I _____________
(want) one that _____________ (finish) a bit earlier because I need more sleep!

Write soon with your news,


Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. Look at the pictures. What are these types of holidays? Match the pictures with the type of holiday,
A. an adventure holiday B. a city break C. a large exchange D. a beach holiday

2. Label the pictures with the holiday activities.

visit water parks go on day trips go on cultural visits go horse riding
try traditional food visit beach resorts see local attractions stay with host families
go mountain climbing go on cycling tours go shopping see famous buildings

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
3. In pairs, discuss which holiday activities from Exercise 2 you can do on the different types of
holidays in Exercise 1.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
● In some Listening exam tasks, you
4. You are going to listen to a radio interview with a student may be asked to listen to an
called Anna, who has recently taken part in a summer cultural interview. In these tasks, you should:
exchange programme. First, look at the example question and ● identify the key words in the
the answer options, and read the Bullet Box. Then, listen to Part question or statement.
1 of the interview. ● identify key words in the three
multiple-choice options. You
may hear all the key words but
0. Why did Anna decide to go on a language exchange programme
only one answers the question or
in Spain?
completes the statement.
A. She is good at sports.
● remember that you may also not
B. She studies Spanish and not French.
hear the exact words that you see
C. She wanted to go somewhere new.
in the question or options.
Answer: C

5. Now, read Part 1 of the interview and the highlighted parts.

In pairs, discuss why C is the correct answer in Exercise 4.
Well, students can travel to France or Spain on a language exchange, or to the USA on a sports or music
exchange. I didn’t go to the USA because I’m not very good at sports. However, I study French and Spanish
at school, so I had two options. I’ve been to France before, so I decided to go to Spain instead.

6. Listen to Part 2 of the radio interview and answer the questions. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B or C.
1. When did Anna’s host family live?
A. in an apartment
B. in a house
C. on a farm
2. How long did Anna stay with her host family?
A. two weeks
B. three weeks
C. four weeks
3. How old do students have to be to take part in the language exchange programme?
A. 13
B. over 14
C. 16
4. Students can go on the language exchange programme if
A. they are 16 or over and their parents allow them.
B. they study a language like French or Spanish at school.
C. they play in a school sports team or in the school orchestra.
5. Anna thinks that her Spanish
A. hasn’t improved.
B. has improved a little.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
C. has improved a lot.


7. Look at the sentences from Part 2 of Anna’s interview in Exercise 6. Match the two halves of the
1. I didn’t go to the USA A. so we had a lot of fun together.
2. The family had a daughter my age called B. so I was worried that I wouldn’t improve my Spanish.
Carmen, C. because I’m not very good at sports.
3. As I love animals D. it was a really good experience for me.
4. Carmen spoke really good English,

8. Read the Tip Box and answer the questions.

1. Which of the underlined words in the sentences in 8.1 TIP
Exercise 7 come before the reason? One good way to give more details when you are
2. Which of the underlined words in the sentences in talking in a speaking exam is to give reasons. Use as,
Exercise 7 come before the result? so and because to help you connect ideas. Notice the
differences in Exercise 7 with the structures and

9. In pairs, answer the questions using the structures in the Useful Language box to explain your
reasons for your answers.
1. If you were on a language exchange, would you like to stay with a host family or in a hotel more?
2. Where do you usually go on holiday? Why?
3. What do you like more – holidays with your friends or holidays with your family? Why?
4. What’s better: a beach holiday or a city break? Why?
5. What’s better: an adventure holiday or a language exchange? Why?

10. In pairs, discuss the questions.

1. What did you find most interesting about Anna’s story in Exercises 4 and 6?
2. Have you had a similar experience to Anna? What happened? Describe your experience.
3. If you haven’t had a similar experience to Anna, would you like to? Why/ Why not?

11. Read the task. What would you say? Spend one minute preparing what you could say and make
some notes.
Describe a trip you really liked. 11.1. TIP
You should say: It is important to know that there is a different between
● where you went. a trip, a journey and the verb to travel. Trip – a journey,
● what you did on the trip. a holiday or to travel for business or study.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
● why you went.
● why you liked it so much.

● Exam speaking task – talk about your own

12. Now, do the task. Use the bullet box to help experiences.
you. ● In this part of the speaking exam, it is important
that you are able to speak about your personal
● Work in pairs. experience in relation to the topic.
● Student A – speak for 1-2 minutes about your ● The examiner will give you one minute to prepare
own travel experiences. – It is very important that you use this time to
● Student B – listen. think about your answer.
● Swap roles. ● You will be given a task card to read – this has
written prompts. You must follow all the
instructions on the task card. Use the prompts to
structure your answers.
● You will be given a pencil and paper to make
notes if you like – do NOT write on the task card.
Notes can help you.
● Do NOT just give very short answers – they need
to be long and developed answers.
● Remember, you need to speak for 1-2 minutes –
try to speak for two minutes or just under.
● Remember to give examples and reasons.
● Be prepared to answer more questions on the same
topic in the next phase of the exam.




Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 1: Listen to the descriptions and number the different kinds of holiday.

city break
language exchange
sailing holiday
wildlife holiday
adventure holiday
beach holiday

Exercise 2: Listen to people talking about activities they like to do on holiday and number the pictures.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 3: Listen to John talking about the different places he’s visited. Match the countries with the
main reasons he went to them.

A. because he loves beach holidays.

B. so he could try the food.
C. because his grandmother lives there.
D. so he could study art.
E. so he could improve his language skills.
F. because he loves mountain climbing.


Exercise 4: Listen to Cristina talking about her holiday. Choose the correct answers.

1. Cristina usually goes on

o adventure holidays.
o beach holidays.
o sailing holidays.
2. Cristina and her friends stayed
o in a guesthouse.
o in a hotel.
o with a family.
3. On the first day, Cristina and her friends visited
o the Eiffel Tower.
o the Louvre museum.
o the Pompidou Centre.
4. Cristina says that the food in the restaurant was
o delicious.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
o not very good.
o very expensive.
5. Cristina and her friends went to the Palace of Versailles
o by bus.
o by car .
o by train.
6. Cristina
o didn’t enjoy her holiday.
o enjoyed her holiday.
o wasn’t sure if she enjoyed her holiday.
7. Cristina thinks that Paris is
o expensive.
o great.
o very clean.

Exercise 5: Read the information. Then listen to the past simple verbs with an -ed ending in the box.
Put the verbs in the correct columns.

The -ed ending of verbs in the past simple can be pronounced /ɪd/ or /t/ or /d/.
/ɪd/ /t/ /d/

Exercise 6: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Practice saying the sentences.

a stayed family host we with

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
1. ________________________________________________________

day trips on I went

2. ________________________________________________________

parks water visited they

3. ________________________________________________________

attractions local I saw

4. ________________________________________________________

tour cycling a on we went

5. ________________________________________________________

train they by travelled

6. ________________________________________________________

on visits went cultural they

7. ________________________________________________________

we museums visited and galleries

8. ________________________________________________________

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 7: Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. I like to go on wildlife holidays because I prefer to see animals in their delicious/fun/natural environment.
2. I’m an architect, so when I travel, I like to visit easy/famous/long buildings like the Burj Al Arab in
3. I don’t like beach holidays so going to a beach resort is very boring/interesting/short for me.
4. I love travelling to China because the food is cultural/delicious/quick .
5. I enjoy going to museums, so I often go on cultural/delicious/difficult visits.
6. When I’m on holiday, I like shopping and visiting boring/difficult/local markets.
7. I love eating, so when I go on holiday to another country, I think it’s famous/fun/popular to try
traditional food.
8. I think France is great. It’s a very local/natural/popular country to visit. It has over 50 million visitors a

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with so or because.

1. I love animals ___________ I often go on wildlife holidays.

2. We stayed in a guest house ______________ hotels are very expensive.
3. She loves sports _____________ she went on an adventure holiday.
4. He wanted to improve his Italian __________ he went on a language exchange to Rome.
5. They love holidays by the sea ____________ they stayed at a beach resort.
6. I went on a city break to London _______________ I love visiting museums.

Exercise 9: Describe a holiday you really liked. Look at the ideas below. Spend a few minutes thinking
about what to say. Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

Talk about:
o where you went
o what you did on the trip
o why you went
o why you liked it.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Match the activities with the pictures.

a beach holiday a city break a family holiday

a language exchange an adventure holiday

1. You can do lots of activities, like cycling and horse riding, on ____________ .
2. My friends want to go on __________ , but I don’t enjoy relaxing by the sea all the time.
3. I went on ______________ to Paris. It was interesting to visit all the museums.
4. My sister is going on ____________ and will stay with a family in Italy.
5. I went on ___________ with my parents and we camped by a lake.

Exercise 2: Complete the table using the words in the box.

go on cultural visits visit beach resorts stay with host families see local attractions
go mountain climbing go on cycling tours try local food see famous buildings
swim in the sea learn new language go horse riding

City break Adventure holiday Beach holiday Language exchange

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the holiday activities in the box.

go horse riding go mountain climbing go on a beach holiday go on a cultural trip go on

a cycling tour go on day trips go shopping stay with a host family visit local
attractions visit water parks

1. We often ______________ in the airport where you can buy things cheaper.
2. When I visit my aunt on her farm, we often _____________ in the countryside. I love animals.
3. You can ____________ like an old castle in my town.
4. Families like to _______________ when the weather is hot so they can cool down.
5. From the city, you can ____________ by coach to the countryside.
6. It is often cheaper to ______________ in their own home than in a hotel.
7. If you are fit, a good way to see more of a country is to ______________ .
8. You shouldn’t _____________ alone as it can be a dangerous sport.
9. When you ___________ to a city, you have the chance to see museums and art galleries.
10. If you ____________, you can enjoy being by the sea and doing sports, like surfing and waterskiing.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

boring cultural delicious famous fun interesting local natural

popular traditional

1. The USA is a very ____________ country to visit. Last year, it had over 70 million visitors.
2. I think that it is more ______________ to go on holiday with friends than with family because you are
interested in doing similar activities.
3. I would prefer to see animals in their _____________ environment than in a zoo.
4. If you go on a language exchange programme, you can learn a lot about the _______________ area
where your host family lives.
5. A lot of people like to go to the beach for holidays, but I find it ____________ .
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
6. I prefer to do _____________ activities on holiday, like visiting museums and art galleries, than to
spend all my time on the beach.
7. Barcelona has a lot of _________ buildings. Many of them were designed by the artist Antoni Gaudi.
8. On the last night of my holiday, I ate the most ____________ meal in a restaurant by the sea.
9. The Eiffel Tower is the most _____________ building in Paris – people all over the world know what
it looks like.
10. I love to eat ____________ food when I go on holiday. I don’t always like it, but it is fun to try it.

Exercise 5: Read the conversation and choose the correct answers.

A: Do you like / you like going on holiday?

B: Yes, I do/I did . I always have a great time on holiday with my family.
A: Me too. Where do you usually go/ did you usually go ?
B: We usually go on a beach holiday, but last summer we go/went on a city break.
A: What do you do /did you do there?
B: Well, because my parents enjoy/enjoys going to the theatre, we all go/ we all went to see a play by a
famous British writer.
A:Is it/Was it good? I don’t really like/ not really like plays. I think they are boring.
B: I thought that, too, but this one didn't/wasn't boring at all. It was really fun.

Exercise 6: Complete the email with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Tony,
I ____________ (go) to Germany with my family in February last year. My family and I
_____________ (not/like) beach holidays, so we _____________ (decide) to go to Berlin for a weekend.
Usually on holiday, I _____________ (enjoy) visiting lots of famous museums and monuments but we
______________ (not/have) time to see everything, so we just ________________ (see) the main ones,
like the Berlin Wall and the Brandenburg Gate. In my opinion, I think they ______________ (be) both
very interesting monuments. I ________________ (learn) about them at school last year. Unfortunately,
we ____________ (feel) cold a lot of the time because it ______________ (be) the middle of winter.
Where ________________ (you/like) going on holiday? ___________ (you/prefer) city breaks in the
winter or beach holidays in the summer?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Take care,

Exercise 7: Match the sentence halves.

twice a week. wasn't very nice. at sailing?

stay with a host family? but I enjoy hiking and horse riding.

1. I go to French lessons
2. The weather in Stockholm
3. I’m not good at sport
4. Did you decide to
5. Are you good

Exercise 8: Choose the best words for the gaps. The first question has been done for you.

1. I didn’t go on the language exchange because/ so my language level wasn’t high enough.
2. As/So we enjoy kayaking, we decided to go on an adventure holiday this year.
3. The host family spoke English well because/so I wasn’t worried that we wouldn’t be able to
4. We prefer city breaks because/so we find laying on a beach for a week really boring.
5. As/So my parents enjoy trying traditional food, they went on a food tour.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. Look at the pictures. Match the countries in the box with the pictures of different food.

Saudi Arabia the United Kingdom China Italy Brazil

2. Match the ingredients 1-5 with the dishes A-E.

1. Beef Chow Mein A. tomatoes cheese flour for bread
2. Al Kabsa B. tomatoes fish prawns rice coconut milk
3. Pizza C. fish potatoes
4. Fish and chips D. meat noodles oil garlic broccoli
5. Moqueca E. chicken rice tomato onion

3. In pairs, read and discuss the following questions.

1. Have you tried any of these dishes in Exercise 2?
2. What is your favourite food from your country?
3. What food is popular in your country?


4. You are going to listen to Mark and Jane discussing the food festival. What is the main topic of
their conversation? Listen and choose the best answer A, B or C.
A. The activities they want to see there.
B. The friends they will invite to the festival.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
C. The reasons their other friends can’t go.

5.1. TIP
5. Listen again and match the people, 1-6 with the reasons, Be careful. There are more reasons than
A-H. people, so you won’t use all the letters.
1. Macro A. is going sightseeing 1-B 5.2. MINI TIP
2. Mohammed B. can’t afford to go
2-F What does “sightseeing” mean?
3. Pierre C. is working 4-E 5.3. MINI TIP
4. Hang Yie D. is going to a restaurant 5-A If you can’t afford something, what don't you
5. Lucy E. is helping someone 6-H have?
6. Larissa F. is doing something with their flat 5.4. MINI TIP
G. is in a different country Where does a “flatmate” live?
H. is studying
6.1. TIP
Make sure you listen for all of the information.
6. Listen again and check your answers.

7. Match the food words in the box with the pictures.

lamb onion pasta flour salmon garlic carrot rice spring

8. Complete the table using the food words from Exercise 7.

Meat Vegetables Fish/ Seafood Carbohydrates Other ingredients

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
9. In pairs, add some more food words to the table.

10. Match the verbs for preparing food with the photos.
boil chop cut fold fry mix roll

chop mix cut roll

fold fry

11. You are going to listen to a chef giving a cooking demonstration. Listen to the introduction. Which
recipe is he going to cook? Choose the best answer, A, B or C.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
12.1 TIP
12. Listen to the second part of the chef’s demonstration. Complete the You will not always hear the
descriptions of the diagram using the words in the box. exact same information spoken
in the Listening as written in the
boil chop (x2) cut fold mix (x2) roll exercises. You will need to
listen for the specific
information you want.

● Before you listen, it is a good
mix chop
idea to see if you can predict
the information.

chop cut

fold boil


13. Read the list of ingredients. Which of the ingredients did the chef use in the recipe in Exercise 12?
Complete the table using the words in the box.
(an) apple (a) cabbage (some) flour (some) meat (some) milk onion(s)
orange(s) potato(es) (some) rice (some) salt shrimp(s) (some) water

Countable (singular) Countable (plural) Uncountable

an apple (some) potatoes (some) flour
a cabbage some oranges some meat
some onions some milk
some shrimps some rice
some salt
some water

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
14. Complete the sentences using a/an or some.

some some

15. Read the sentences and complete headings in the table.

1. _________ nouns 2. _________ nouns

+ I have some apples. I have some rice.

- I don’t have any cabbages. I don’t have any milk.
? Do you have any onions? Do you have any meat?
A lot of (+) We have a lot of sweets in the cupboard. We have a lot of ice cream in the freezer.
Much/ Many (? -) How many carrots do we need? How much water do I put in?
He doesn’t have many friends. You don’t need to add much oil.

16. Look at the questions about eating habits. Write three more questions about eating habits using
the grammar in Exercises 13-15.
Food questionnaire

Do you eat a lot of ice cream?

1. _______________________________________
How many eggs do you need for fried rice?
Have you ever eaten a mooncake?
2. _______________________________________
How much milk do I need put in glass?
How much water do you drink eat day?
3. _______________________________________
Are there any chili in your fridge?
Are there any foods you don’t like?

17. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Listen to the descriptions and number the pictures.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 2: Listen and complete the conversations. Write two words in each space.

1. A: Do you have __________?

B: No, I don’t.
2. A: Are there ________?
B: No, but there are__________________.
3. A: There’s ____________ in the fridge.
B: There’s ____________ as well.
4. A: We need ___________ to make a Spanish omelette.
B: And also ____________.

Exercise 3: Write the words under the pictures.

boil chop cut fry mix roll

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Exercise 4: Listen and choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Paella is a very popular dish. It’s made from rice and chicken chopped/cut into small pieces, with
some meat/seafood . It comes from the city of Valencia, in Spain.
2. I love tagine, it’s a national dish in Morocco, and it’s made with something called couscous, which is
mixed/rolled with vegetables. It sometimes has fish/meat as well.
3. Fondue comes from Switzerland, but it’s popular in France and other countries too. It’s a dish of
cheese/eggs – or beef – and it’s fun because it’s boiled/cooked at the table.
4. This dish is called perico. It’s not very famous, but it’s very popular in Venezuela. It’s made from
fruit/vegetables and eggs that are mixed together and boiled/fried a little.
5. This dish is one of the most famous/favourite dishes from Japan. Its main ingredients are fish/meat
and rice, and its name is sushi.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 5: Listen to a chef explaining how to make paella. Choose True or False.

1. Paella is usually made with chicken and seafood.

o True
o False
2. Paella is a wonderful dish to eat alone.
o True
o False
3. Paella is an expensive dish to make.
o True
o False
4. A special pan is used for making paella.
o True
o False
5. Chicken is the first ingredient you need to fry.
o True
o False
6. You should cook the paella quickly.
o True
o False
7. The last ingredient to add to the pan is the rice.
o True
o False
8. You should add a little salt at the end if you want to.
o True
o False

Exercise 6: Listen and correct the spelling mistakes in the food words. Add, change or remove one
letter in each word.

1. sal 2. aple

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
3. cabbige 7. tomatoe
4. flouor 8. pastar
5. mylk 9. oyl
6. juise

Exercise 7: Read the information. Then put the words in the correct columns. Practise saying the
words together.

cabbage onion tomato pasta milk egg

rice chicken shrimp apple orange flour

a an some

Exercise 8: Match the sentence halves to complete the cooking instructions.

in some oil. into pieces. in the oven. in the water.

the vegetables into very small pieces. together.

1. Mix the ingredients

2. Fry the eggs
3. Boil the potatoes
4. Cut the meat
5. Chop all
6. Bake the bread

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 9: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Practice saying the sentences.

dish a is Greece Moussaka from

1. ___________________________________________________

and I like it, in it's country popular my

2. ___________________________________________________

and cheese the are meat, main ingredients aubergines

3. ___________________________________________________

vegetables it other tomatoes and has such as onions

4. ___________________________________________________

in you the cook moussaka oven

5. ___________________________________________________

Greek salad served a delicious it's with

6. ___________________________________________________

eat in a home or restaurant it at you can

7. ___________________________________________________

a friends with it's eat to great dish

8. ___________________________________________________
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 10: Describe a dish you enjoy eating. Look at the ideas below. Spend a few minutes thinking
about what to say. Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

Talk about:
o where the dish comes from
o what the main ingredients are
o how you make it
o why you like it
o where you eat it
o who you eat it with.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Match the activities with the pictures.

beef cauliflower duck garlic lettuce lobster salmon spaghetti




Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).





Exercise 2: Complete the table using the words in the box.

lettuce duck salmon spaghetti beef carrot garlic cauliflower lobster

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Vegetables Seafood/fish Meat Carbohydrates

Exercise 3: Match the ways of preparing and cooking food with the definitions.

to cook something in hot oil or fat to cut something into small pieces
to put two or more ingredients together to make one to cook food in water
to cook something such as bread or a cake in the oven

1. bake
2. boil
3. chop
4. fry
5. mix

Exercise 4: Complete the chart below with the words in the box.

a an any some

1. Before singular countable nouns we use _______ before a consonant and ______ before a vowel.
I have ________ sandwich for lunch.
I had _________ apple for a snack today.
2. In positive sentences, with plural countable and uncountable nouns we use ____________

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
There are __________ oranges in the cupboard.
I have got ___________ juice in the fridge.
3. In questions and negative sentences with plural countable and uncountable nouns, we use ______
Are there ___________ tomatoes?
There isn't _____________ fish on the menu.
4. In offers and requests, we use ______________
Can I have ___________ water, please?
Would you like ___________ biscuits?

Exercise 5: Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1. We use a lot of/many in positive and negative sentences with countable and uncountable nouns.
2. We have a lot of/much oranges to eat because we have an orange tree in our garden.
3. We don’t have a lot of/many fruit to eat in winter.
4. We use many/much in questions and negatives with countable nouns.
5. How many/much lemons do you need for the recipe?
6. There aren’t many/much cauliflowers in the shop.
7. We use many/much in questions and negatives with uncountable nouns.
8. How many/much coffee is there in the cupboard?
9. There isn’t many/much sugar in the dish.

Exercise 6: Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Could you go to the shop? There isn’t any/many/some milk in the fridge
2. How a lot of/many/much eggs do we need to make the cake?
3. There were a lot of/any/much potatoes in the cupboard, so we could make chips.
4. How any/many/much spaghetti do we have in the cupboard?
5. I think that we have any/much/some carrots in the fridge.
6. I would like any/much/some fish, please.
7. How many/much/some sugar would you like in your coffee?
8. There aren’t many/much/some vegetables in the shop, just cauliflower and lettuce.
9. We don’t have any/many/some beef at all. Would you like chicken instead?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
10. There are a lot of/any/much different salads on the menu. I don’t know which one to choose.

Exercise 7: Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

My best/favourite/lovely food is pizza. I like eat /eating/ate pizzas because they are very easy to prepare. If
you want to get/have/make your own pizza, all you need to do is make the bread for the base. This is called
the dough. You can add/fold/mix tomatoes and cheese and a lot/many/much other ingredients on top. You
then boil/cook/fry it in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes until it is ready to eat. If you don’t feel like making
pizza, you can buy a/much/some pizza from your local supermarket and just put it in the oven when you get
home. Nowadays, a lot/many/much of people are so busy that they don’t have time to cook at home or they
like to have a rest at/for/in the weekend. These people often eat pizza, but they go for/in/to a takeaway
restaurant and buy a pizza that has already been cooked.

Exercise 8: Look at the pictures. Then read the instructions about making an Arabian cauliflower
recipe. Put the sentences in the correct order.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Next, take the cauliflower and place it in boiling water.

First, take a large cauliflower and cut the leaves off so that you only have the white part.
Add the mixture of paste, garlic and lemon juice to the cauliflower.
Next, add the garlic and some lemon juice to a special paste called tahini.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Mix the paste, the lemon juice and the garlic together.
Finally, cover the dish and put it in the fridge until you are ready to eat it.
While the cauliflower is boiling, chop some garlic.


Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. Listen to the recording and put the photos in the correct order.

1 -D
…… 2 -E…… 3 - ……
A 4 - ……
G 5 - F…… 6 - ……
C 7 -B

2. Now, you will hear someone describing how to cook a traditional dessert. Before you listen, read
and think about which words might go in the gaps.
Then listen and complete the flowchart. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each answer.





3. You will hear a student representative welcoming new students to the university and explaining a
little about traditional meals. First read the notes below.
Then listen and complete them. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each

very popular dish: Fish and chips: fried in (1) …………………

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
- not (2) …………………
HEALTHY Popular esp. (3) …………………

Another traditional meal: Sunday lunch

(4) …………………
ROAST meat, with (5) …………………

Traditionally eaten (6) …………………


4. You will hear a group of students talking about a project they are planning to present. Choose the
correct letter, a, b or c.
1. Italian painting is
a. the subject
b. the topic
c. course

2. Who originally wants to discuss one painter?

a. Edward
b. Farouk
c. Mandy
3. Mandy suggests
a. Michelangelo and Botticelli
b. Michelangelo
c. Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci
4. Beth suggests Botticelli because
a. everyone else will choose him
b. his style of painting is different.
c. he’s a great artist.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
5. Listen to two of the students discussing the best way to design a slide and label the drawing below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.




6. Listen to the four students discussing their presentation and underline the TWO correct answers.

What do the students have to decide?

a. whether or not to put the slides about Botticelli before Michelangelo
b. which artist is the most famous
c. which artist Beth will talk about
d. where to put Farouk’s slides
e. whether to talk about Michelangelo first

7. Listen to the recording of three students talking to their tutor about the presentation they are
planning. Choose the correct letter, a, b or c.

1. The topic of the presentation is:

a. how mobile phones are designed.
b. the risks caused by mobile phones.
c. how mobile phones are used.
2. The introduction explains the
a. dangers of mobile phones.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
b. importance of mobile phones.
c. importance of understanding the dangers of mobile phones
3. On the second slide, the students are planning to
a. explain why mobile phones are dangerous
b. point out some different kinds of risks
c. mention ways to avoid the risks
4. The tutor suggests
a. not discussing the dangers of mobile phones.
b. discussing the benefits of mobile phones.
c. having an argument

Listen to the next part of the recording and complete the slides. Write ONE WORD ONLY.
Slide 1 Slide 2
Introduction ● Health
(5) …………………
GOOD ● (6) …………………

● Security
Slide 3
(7) …………………
SUGGESTIONS for avoiding dangers

Listen to the last part of the recording and complete the sentences. Write NO MORE THAN TWO
8. The actual talk will last for …………………

9. Each student will speak for …………………

10. The slides must all have the …………………

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

8. Read and listen to the examiner’s instructions in Part 1. Complete the gaps.

Hello. My (1) …………………

NAME is Steve Smith. Could you tell me your (2) …………………,
FULL NAME please?
Thank you. Can you show me your (3) …………………,
identification please?
I’d now like to ask you some questions about yourself.
Tell me about your (4) …………………

What does your father (5) …………………?


(6) …………………
HOW much time do you spend with your family?
Are people in your (7) …………………
COUNTRY close to their family?
Do you prefer to go out with your family or your (8) …………………?

Where do you (9) …………………

LIVE at the moment?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
9. Listen to a candidate answering a question from Exercise 8. Which question is it?

10. Listen to the candidate’s answer again and assess it. Choose the best description.

1. The information in the answer is relevant/ not relevant.

2. The answer is very short/ OK/ very long.
3. The candidate speaks with pauses/ at normal speed/ very fast.
4. The vocabulary is relevant/ not relevant to the topic.
5. The pronunciation is poor/ OK/ clear.
6. There are a lot of errors/ one or two errors/ no errors in the grammar.

11. Answer the same question.

12. Listen to your or your friend’s answer and assess it. Choose the best description.

1. The information in the answer is relevant/ not relevant.

2. The answer is very short/ OK/ very long.
3. The candidate speaks with pauses/ at normal speed/ very fast.
4. The vocabulary is relevant/ not relevant to the topic.
5. The pronunciation is poor/ OK/ clear.
6. There are a lot of errors/ one or two errors/ no errors in the grammar.

13. How can you improve your answer? Choose one or two pieces of advice below to improve your
answer. Then answer the question again.

● Give a longer answer. Practice giving answers that are two or three full sentences.
● Imagine you are speaking to a friend and speak at your normal speed – not fast and not slow.
● Learn more word family .
● Practice saying difficult words.
● Check your grammar.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
14. Answer questions from Exercise 8. Assess your answers then try to improve it.


Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).


Exercise 1: You will hear a telephone conversation between a hotel receptionist and a caller making a
reservation. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.

Listen to the next part of the conversation and choose the correct answers a, b or c.
8. The customer’s mobile phone number is:
a. 07976 122577
b. 07961 122577
c. 07961 121597
9. The customer would also like to:
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
a. receive tourist information
b. make a restaurant booking
c. book tickets for the theatre
10. He leaves a message for
a. Mr Alami
b. Mr El Fassi
c. Mr Alaoui

Exercise 2: You will hear a talk on nutrition. Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN TWO
WORDS for each answer.

Topic: Healthy eating

● definition
● reasons why people don’t (1) ………………..
● ideas for (2) ………………..

Healthy eating is:

● balanced diet
● eating the (3) ………………..
Note: balanced diet incl. meat, veg, fruit, cereals, & (4) ………………..

Listen to the next part of the talk. Choose THREE letters a-h. Give three reasons why the speaker
thinks so many people have an unhealthy diet.
a. It is cheaper to buy packet food.
b. People do not know how to eat healthily.
c. It is cheaper to buy fast food.
d. They prefer fast food.
e. They do not like packet food.
f. It is quicker to buy fast food.
g. They have to plan their meals.
h. Schools teach children about a balanced diet.
5. ……………….. 6. ……………….. 7. ………………..

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Listen to the last part of the recording and complete the table. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD
for each answer.
Group responsible
(8) ……………….. (9) ……………….. (10) ………………..
Limit advertising for unhealthy Stop selling unhealthy snacks and Make sure children eat a
food. drinks balanced diet.
Educate the public about a Provide children with fresh and
healthy diet. healthy options

Exercise 3: Read Part 1 questions. Record your answers to the questions.

1. Which country are you from?

2. Do you have a large family?
3. What does your mother do?
4. Do you live with your family?

Exercise 4: Listen to more Part 1 questions. Write the questions. Then record your answers.

1. ……………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. Match the words in the box with the photos 1-5.

2. Look at the photos in Exercise 1 again. What are the names of the places and which countries do
they come from?

3. What other famous buildings or monuments can you name, and which cities are they in? Are there
any famous buildings or monuments in your city or town?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

4. You will hear Part 1 of some information about a new shopping centre. While you listen, circle the
words and numbers that you hear.
7 a.m. Thursday £2.50
10 a.m. 356 £3.00
6 p.m. 635 £3.50
8 p.m. 790 £15.00
Tuesday 729
Wednesday £2.00

● In this type of Listening exam task,

5. Listen again to Part 1 of the information and complete the always read the questions carefully
text with the missing information. first, so you know what specific
information you need to listen for.
Northfields’ shopping centre information
Name of architect who designed Northfields 1. John Information may include a day of the
_____________ week, a price, a spelling, a number or a
Address and postcode: Forest Drive, 2. _____________ postcode.
Opening hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ● Make sure you practice the alphabet
Late night shopping until 8 p.m. on 3. _____________ often so you have no trouble with
spelling questions.
By car – free car park
By bus – there are 4. _____________ buses.
Underground – From the town centre it only takes 5.

6. You are going to listen to Part 2 of the information. Before you listen, match the phrases with the
next to on the left of opposite between on the right of

7. Now listen to Part 2 of some information about a new shopping centre. Look at the map and the list
of shops. Match the shops with the correct letter, A-F.
1. cinema __________ 4. pharmacy __________
2. supermarket __________ 5. bookstore __________
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
3. Green’s department store __________ 6. mobile phone shop __________

8. Compare your answers to Exercise 7 with a partner. Then, listen again and check.

9. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the map in Exercise 7.
A Where can I buy a tennis racket?
B At the sports shop. It’s on the ground floor opposite the café.
A Where’s the bank?
B It’s between the department store and the mobile phone shop.


10. You are going to talk together in pairs. Read and do the task.
● Work in pairs.
● Student A, ask student B the questions about transport.
● Student B, ask student A the questions about his/her hometown.
● Use as much vocabulary as you can remember from the unit to answer the questions.
● Use comparative and superlative adjectives.
● Then swap questions.

Transport Your hometown

1. How did you travel here today? 1. Where do you come from?
2. How do you prefer to travel in your country? 2. Tell me about the most interesting places in your town.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
3. Is traffic a problem in your town? 3. What is the oldest part of your town?
4. Is it better to walk or cycle where you live? 4. Is your town popular with tourists?
5. What is the best way to travel in your town? 5. How could you make your town better?

11. Now, read some questions about your answers to Exercise 10. In pairs, discuss the questions
1. What vocabulary from the lesson did you use in your answers?
2. Are there any words you forgot to use?
3. Did you use comparative and superlative adjectives in your answers?
4. Did you give any short answers? How could you make answers longer?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Listen and decide where each person is.

1. 4.
o at work o in a car
o in a car park o on a bicycle
o in a shopping centre o on a motorbike
2. 5.
o on a bus o at an airport
o on the underground o at a police station
o walking along a street o on a plane
3. 6.
o on a coach o at a bus station
o on a plane o at a supermarket
o on a train o at a train station

Exercise 2: Look at the image. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
behind between left next opposite right

1. The department store is __________ the bus station.

2. The square is ___________ the bus station and the castle.
3. The hotel is to the ___________ of the bank.
4. The museum is _____________ to the train station.
5. The park is ___________ the restaurant and department store.
6. The sports centre is on the ___________ of the bus station.

Exercise 3: Listen to Dan talking about two towns, Greentown and Brownville. Choose the correct
answers, True or False.

1. Dan works in Brownville.

o True
o False
2. Brownville is bigger than Greentown.
o True
o False
3. The Greentown train station is more modern than the station in Brownville.
o True

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
o False
4. It’s better to go shopping in Greentown.
o True
o False
5. The biggest shopping centre in Brownville has over sixty stores.
o True
o False
6. There are more things of interest for tourists in Brownville than Greenville.
o True
o False
7. One of the oldest castles in the area is in Brownville.
o True
o False
8. Greentown has better restaurants and bigger hotels than Brownville.
o True
o False
9. The sports centre in Brownville is cheaper than the sports centre in Greentown.
o True
o False

Exercise 4: Listen to a student talking about Helsinki. Complete the information with a word or a

1. Helsinki is the ___________ city in Finland.

2. The city’s most important industries are technology and ____________ .
3. Helsinki airport has almost ____________ million passengers a year.
4. The Kiasma Museum is a modern ____________ centre.
5. Some of Europe’s ____________ buildings are in Helsinki.
6. Finland has ___________ lakes than any other country in Europe.
7. Helsinki is an ______________ city for young people.
8. Visitors enjoy the culture, the friendly people and the great ____________ !

Exercise 5: Listen and highlight the stressed syllable in each word. Practise saying the words.



Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 6: Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in
brackets. Write one to three words in each gap.

1. The Burj Khalifa is __________ building in the world. (tall)

2. A Rolls Royce car is __________ than an Audi car. (expensive)
3. A city road is __________ than a country road. (busy)
4. Tokyo is ___________ city in the world. (big)
5. Australia is _________ from Africa than Europe. (far)
6. The food is ___________ thing about living here. (good)
7. The hot weather is _________ thing about summer here. (bad)
8. This is ___________ restaurant in the town. (popular)

Exercise 7: Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. The city centre is busy/crowded/full of people at the weekend.

2. My favourite/great/popular place in town is the park.
3. I never feel bored/boring/interesting in my town because there’s so much to do.
4. The department store is the best place to buy latest/new/newest clothes .
5. My favourite café serves best/healthy/right food .
6. When I feel bad/tired/wrong I relax in the park.

Exercise 8: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Practice saying the sentences.

most the interesting hometown is place my the in castle

1. _______________________________________________________________________

of part castle is the town the old the in

2. _______________________________________________________________________

of the area part the near the newest the university town is

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
3. _______________________________________________________________________

to visit town the by the river to is the thing the park best in do

4. _______________________________________________________________________

department the to store is place shopping new the go best

5. _______________________________________________________________________

I city by the bicycle around usually travel

6. _______________________________________________________________________

Exercise 9: Talk about your hometown. Use the questions to help you. Spend a few minutes thinking
about what to say. Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

● Where do you come from?
● Where are the best places to go shopping in your town?
● Where are the oldest and newest parts of your town?
● What’s your favourite place in your town? Why?
● How do you travel around in your town?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Match the activities with the places.

sports centre museum station hotel park police station

post office library restaurant supermarket

1. send a parcel
2. stay for a few days
3. speak to a policeman
4. exercise
5. have a meal
6. do some food shopping
7. catch a bus or a train
8. relax on the grass
9. borrow a book
10. look at things from the past

Exercise 2: Complete the table using the words in the box.

visitors driver table plane neighbours road floor museum fast coffee snack
houses history pilot lift bikes flight platform clothes ticket machine

Train Motorway Department store Street Café Castle Airport

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 3: Look at the map. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

across behind between in front of next on your left on your right opposite

1. The park is ____________ the cinema.

2. The petrol station is ___________ the road from the cinema.
3. The post office is ___________ the café and the hotel.
4. The museum is ___________ to the petrol station.
5. The café is ____________ the post office.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
6. When you come out of the hotel, the post office is _____________ .
7. The bus stop is ___________ the park.
8. When you come out of the museum, the petrol station is _____________ .

Exercise 4: Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1. Sally and her friend had nothing to do and they felt a bit bored/heavy/sorry .
2. They decided to go to the shopping centre to get some early/latest/new clothes.
3. The shopping centre had all of Sally’s favourite/great/popular shops .
4. It was the weekend, and the centre was busy/crowded/full of people.
5. Sally was careful/ready/worried not to spend too much money.
6. After a couple of hours, Sally and her friend felt difficult/tired/wrong so they went to a café for a rest.
7. They had a drink and a fast/healthy/right snack and then went home.

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.

comfortable famous friendly high interesting modern old

1. I didn’t enjoy the flight because my seat was not at all ___________ .
2. The library looks very ___________ – the building is made of glass and it is in an unusual shape.
3. The staff at the hotel were always polite and ____________ .
4. I’m reading a very ___________ book at the moment about the future of the planet.
5. I bought some beautiful ____________ jewellery from the market. It’s from the 19th century.
6. The mountain isn’t very ___________ but the views from the top are still amazing.
7. I sat next to a well-known actor on the train. I had never seen a ____________person before that.

Exercise 6: Complete the table using the adjectives in the box.

low crowded expensive careful new difficult comfortable strong cheap

fast important high interesting clean modern old

+er/est more/the most…

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets.

1. I think trains are __________ (safe) and _________ (fast) than cars.
2. The traffic is usually ___________ (bad) in the city than in the countryside.
3. In London, the bus is _____________ (cheap) than the train.
4. The main square is ____________ (old) than any other parts of the town.
5. My old house was ______________ (big) than the one I live in now.
6. I live far from college so I have to get up _____________ (early) than my friends.
7. Our garden always looks _____________ (pretty) in summer than in winter.
8. My friend has lost weight and is much ____________ (thin) than last year.
9. It is ___________ (good) for your health to cycle to work than get the bus.
10. Jon lives ____________ (far) away from me than Pete.

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the underlined adjectives. The first
question has been done for you.

1. My bike was expensive but my brother’s was more expensive .

2. Art galleries are interesting but museums are ______________ .
3. Madrid is hot but Kuwait is ______________ .
4. This garden is pretty but the one we saw yesterday was ________________ .
5. This restaurant is good but the Italian one is _______________ .
6. I was excited about the trip but my friend was _____________ .
7. Cars are noisy but motorbikes are _____________ .
8. I’m bad at maths but my friend is ________________ .

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 9: Complete the email with the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets.

Hi Sue,
I’m on holiday in Munich and I’m having a great time. We are staying in a little hotel near the city
centre. It isn’t the best (good) hotel in town but it is nice enough and it was ________________ (cheap)
than most of the others I looked at. It’s very close to the Englischer Garten, a beautiful park that is
______________ (big) than Central Park in New York!
Yesterday, we went to the Deutsches Museum, a big science museum – one of ____________ (large) in
Europe. I liked all of it, but ________________ (interesting) part for me was the space exhibition.
Tomorrow, we are going to the Residenzmuseum. The guidebook says it is one of _________________
(nice) palaces in the whole of Germany. I can’t wait.
Write and tell me about your holiday.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. Look at the photos. What are the people doing? Write A-D in the boxes.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
2. Read and match the skills and abilities A-J with the pictures, 1-10.
2.1. TIP
Skills and abilities are very
similar. They both talk about
what you are able to do. Skills
are things you learn but
abilities could be things you
learn or are already able to do.
In this unit, we will look at
them as being the same idea.

3. In pairs, talk about what skills from the word box in Exercise 2 you are good at and which you are
not good at.

4.1. TIP
4. You are going to listen to a radio advertisement about a TV As you read through the notes, try
programme called Before They Were Famous. In pairs, read the notes to predict which information
once quickly. Think about what information could be missing. could be missing. Then, when you
listen, you will already know
Before They Were Famous: Jack Riley, famous 1. _____________
TV Programme details what type of information to listen
Day: 2. _____________ out for. Information could
Channel: 3. _____________ Time: 4. _____________ include:
- numbers: dates, times, years,
Jack’s life before he was famous ages
left school at the age of 5. _____________
- words: nouns, names, adjectives
failed exams in both 6. _____________ and 7. _____________
got a job in an 8. _____________ restaurant near his home. Note that if the answer is a
trained to be a chef in 9. _____________ number, you can avoid spelling
mistakes by writing the figure and
not the word, e.g. you could write
4 and not four.
Jack’s life now
has presented a radio show called 10. _____________ since 2006.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
wrote his first bestselling cookbook in 11. _____________
worked as head chef at The Lemon Grove between 12. _____________ and 13.
married with 14. _____________ children.

5. Now, listen to the radio programme and complete the notes.


6. Look at the questions about skills and abilities. Write down three more questions about skills and
● Think about the grammar Skills and abilities questionnaire
you will use, including 1. What are your best skills and abilities?
can/ can’t/ could/ 2. What skills do you want to learn?
couldn’t. 3. What skills and abilities did you have when you were younger?
4. What skills and abilities did you NOT have when you were younger?

7. You are going to speak about your skills and abilities, and ask and answer the questions in Exercise
6. Before you speak, spend one minute preparing what you could say and make notes.
● Try to add more information about your answer
and you don’t give short answers. You can give
reasons or examples. Use because for reasons
and for example/ like for examples.

8. Now, in small groups, ask and answer the questions in Exercise 6. As you speak, write down the
other students’ answers.
Questions Student 1 Student 2
1. What are your best skills and
2. What skills do you want to learn?
3. What skills and abilities did you have
when you were younger?
4. What skills and abilities did you
NOT have when you were younger?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Listen and match the jobs with the speakers.

chef lifeguard receptionist shop assistant teacher

video game designer

1. Speaker 1: 4. Speaker 4:
2. Speaker 2: 5. Speaker 5:
3. Speaker 3: 6. Speaker 6:

Exercise 2: Listen to the conversations and match the people with their skills.

A. can talk about things that are interesting for tourists

B. is friendly and helpful
C. cooks many types of food
D. knows a lot about sport
E. speaks several languages
F. likes working with children

1. Speaker 1: 4. Speaker 4:
2. Speaker 2: 5. Speaker 5:
3. Speaker 3: 6. Speaker 6:

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 3: Listen to John talking about what he could do when he was a boy and what he can do now.
Complete the paragraphs with the words from the box.

IT classes languages play races read run speak won wrote

When I was a young child, I wasn’t very good at sports. I couldn’t _________ football and I couldn’t
swim, but I could _________ very fast – faster than most of the other children of my age. I remember we
had lots of ___________ at school and I always ___________ . I learnt to read early and by the age of six
or seven I could read all the books for children in the school library. I also ____________ my own stories.
I am studying ___________ at university now. My main language is English and I can also ___________
French and Spanish quite well and I can ___________ Italian news online. I still enjoy writing and I write
lots of articles for the university magazine. I also work on the magazine, because students can help others to
write better. I am also good at speaking and enjoy giving my opinion in ____________ . I always use my
laptop to write presentations which have photos, drawings or videos and so I have good ___________ skills
as well. I am still interested in running and I take part in lots of university races.

Exercise 4: Read the text about what John wants to do after university and the skills he needs. Choose
the correct answers. Then listen and check your answers.

I’m not exactly sure what I want/wanted/will to do when I leave university, but I think I want to work as a
journalist. Maybe I could/couldn't/won't work for a newspaper or even for radio or television as a reporter. I
think that would be great. I am/are/can very interested in lots of sports now. I love/loved/loving going to
football and rugby matches and like/liked/liking watching tennis on TV. When we have a quiz night at
university, I’m the one who can /could/does answer all the questions about sport. I think my dream job
will/won't/would be a TV sports reporter.
I already have some of the skills you need/needed/needing for that job, but I think I still need to
learn/learning/learnt a lot. How to interview people in a TV studio, for example, and maybe how to
sat/sit/sitting in front of a camera.

Exercise 5: Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.

1. My mother usually starts work at/in/on nine o’clock.

2. I work at/in/on a shop; it’s very hard work.
3. We’re not working at/in/on Friday, it’s our day off.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
4. My brother is a doctor; he works at/in/on a big hospital.
5. When my sister finishes her studies she wants to work at/in/on fashion.
6. I’m studying at/in/on university to be a teacher.

Exercise 6: Listen to the sentences. Are they positive or negative? Listen and write these sentences into
the correct column.

positive negative

Exercise 7: Match the words to make skills.

English people a car a bicycle a marathon the internet

1. Ride
2. Drive
3. Run
4. Speak
5. Interview
6. surf

Exercise 8: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Practise saying the sentences.

was when I swim young, couldn't I

1. ___________________________________________________

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
old six when I years I could was read

2. ___________________________________________________

I can I can read Italian and French quite well, speak

3. ___________________________________________________

stories on his laptop write he can

4. ___________________________________________________

she can run in 11 seconds 100 meters

5. ___________________________________________________

a journalist I want university to work as I think

6. ___________________________________________________

would be dream job sports reporter I think my a TV

7. ___________________________________________________

I already of the skills for that job have many you need

8. ___________________________________________________

I can speak languages different

9. ___________________________________________________

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
to interview people I think I learn how need to

10. ___________________________________________________

Exercise 9: Talk about your skills. Use these questions to help you. Spend a few minutes thinking
about what to say. Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

● What skills did or didn't you have when you were younger?
● What skills do you have or are you learning now?
● What job do you want to do in the future?
● What skills do you need to learn to do the job?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Match the sentence halves.

can finish early on Fridays. can just do very well in exams. can’t read maps very well.
can’t understand maths very easily. could already speak two other languages.
couldn’t even talk to new people easily a few months ago. couldn’t even write very well.
he play sport well when he was a child, too? you remember a lot of information?

1. John works a lot of hours, but he doesn’t mind

because he
2. Julia learnt Spanish very quickly this year. I think it's
because she
3. I've improved a lot. I got top marks for my essay, but
just a year ago, I
4. Jim’s results are really impressive and he didn’t even
study that much. He
5. In the job interview, it’s important that you don’t
forget anything. Can
6. Sandra is very popular and has so many friends. It’s
difficult to believe that she
7. I know it’s simple but I need to use my calculator
because I
8. Joseph is really good at football, tennis and
basketball. Could
9. Lucy's late. I think she's lost. She

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

failed finishes get learn learn passed started starting studying take take taught

1. I ___________ my driving test last month. Now, I drive to school every day
2. My older sister is ________ law. When she __________ university, she wants to be a family lawyer.
3. I think that it is difficult for young people to _____________ a good job without experience.
4. My father ______________ me how to cook when I was a child.
5. I didn’t _____________ how to play a musical instrument when I was younger. I would like to
____________ piano lessons, but they are very expensive.
6. Many students _____________ the exam. They will ____________ it again next month.
7. I ____________ my computer course last week. I want to ________ how to design my own website.
8. My friend is ______________ her new job tomorrow. She feels a bit nervous.

Exercise 3: Match the jobs with the pictures.

chef cleaner doctor lifeguard receptionist shop assistant teacher waiter




Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).





Exercise 4: Complete the job advertisements with the words and phrases in the box.

energy experience friendly hard-working long hours

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
speak another language sports, art or music weekend

Waiter / Waitress for a popular Italian restaurant. You do not need to have __________________ of
working in a restaurant, but you should be _________________ and happy to work in a team. You will
work for _________________ especially at the weekends when we are very busy.
Receptionist for a busy city hotel, who can _____________ (French, German or Spanish).
You should be _____________ to guests and give them any information that they need about tourist
attractions, local restaurants and transport in the city.
Summer Camp Leaders need to teach children _______________ at a summer camp. You should have a
lot of ______________ because you will spend all day with the children. You will need to work weekdays
and at the ______________ but you will have one day off each week.

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the prepositions in, on or at.

at in on

1. My brother is working as a lifeguard ___________ the swimming pool.

2. My cousin is studying history _______ a university _______ France.
3. I wouldn’t like to work _______ a restaurant. I think it would be too stressful.
4. I’m not working ________ Monday. It is my day off.
5. My friend will be __________ television tonight talking about her job.
6. I was _______ work yesterday, so I didn’t watch the football match on TV.
7. I usually finish work _________ 5pm .

Exercise 6: Complete the table with the words in the box.

rooms chef changing rooms lift clothes waiter guests tables meal
receptionist cash desk shop assistant

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Restaurant Hotel Shop

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

can can't could couldn't

1. I’m doing well at school. I got top marks for my English essay. I think it’s because I ____________
write really well.
2. I got a bad mark in my exams. My problem is that I ___________ remember facts.
3. I was so nervous last year in my science exam that I ______________ remember a thing.
4. I studied French at school so I ______________ communicate quite well with people when I visited
France last month.

Exercise 8: Read the email. Correct the use of can/can’t and could/couldn’t.

Dear Simon,
I’m interested in the lifeguard job this summer. I could swim very well. I can’t swim when I was a
child but I learnt when I was 12. I can’t also remember lots of information like instructions and what I need
to do to help people in the swimming pool.
I have some questions about the lifeguards you had last year. They could talk to new people easily? I
can’t, so I think I am a good choice for this job.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
1. Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
● What sport do you play?
● How do you like to keep healthy?
● Are there any activities you enjoy/ don’t enjoy doing? Why/ Why not?

2. Match the activity words in the box with the pictures.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
3. Match the ways to relax in the box with the pictures.

4. In pairs, read and discuss the following questions.

1. Do you do any of these activities in Exercise 2 and 3? How often do you do them?
2. Do you think these activities in Exercise 2 and 3 are healthy? Why/ Why not?
3. Imagine you have some important exams at school. You are working very hard and are feeling quite
stressed and tired. Which of the activities would be a good way to help with stress? Why?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
5. You are going to listen to five people talking about their favourite way to relax. Listen and match
the speakers with the activities from Exercise 3.

6. Listen again and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1. Jim thinks that people who feel sad shouldn’t 4. How much time does Mike usually 7.1. TIP
A. forget about their problems. spend outside on his lunch break? Look carefully at the
B. read a funny book. A. 20 minutes first part of the
C. read a sad book. B. 30 minutes question. The speaker
2. Elena thinks that if you want to do yoga, you C. 60 minutes may mention details
should 5. Which does Mark do to help him that are similar to all
A. do it at your own home. relax? three answer options,
B. find the right teacher. A. He drinks some green tea. but only one option
C. not pay lots of money. B. He has a cup of tea before matches the
3. According to Kate, a common reason for not bed. information exactly.
doing regular exercise is C. He tries to get enough
A. it takes too much time. sleep.
B. it is too expensive.
C. it will make a person tired.

7. You are going to listen to Part 1 of a conversation between three friends, Samantha, Tom and Sarah.
The first voice you will hear is Samantha. Listen to the first part of the conversation and answer the
1. Where does Tom plan to go? ______________________________________
2. What is Sarah thinking of doing? ______________________________________
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
8.1. TIP
8 Now, listen to Part 2 of the conversation. Find and underline the key words in Identify key words in
each opinion. Then, tick ✔the person, Samantha, Tom or Sarah, who gave the each sentence. The
opinion. sentences are listed in
the same order as in
Example: Joining the gym is too expensive.
the conversation in the
Opinion Samantha Tom Sarah
1. Joining the gym is too expensive.
2. Running is a boring way to exercise.
3. It is more fun to exercise with other
4. It is better to exercise outdoors.
5. It is a good idea to pay for a personal
6. It is important to follow a healthy diet.

9. You are going to describe a picture. First, look at the picture and read the sentences. Then, put the
sentences A-C in the correct order.
A. I think the boy should go to sleep because he is tired
and it is bedtime. He shouldn’t play on his computer for so
long. I think he should play more sports.
B. I think the boy is playing on his computer at night. It
looks like the boy is tired.
C. The picture shows a boy in his bedroom. There is a
computer, a lamp and a bed.

10. Now, look at the pictures and read the 10.1. TIP
instructions. When you are describing a picture, you can use these
You should: words and phrases.
● talk generally about what you can see. When starting a sentence: This picture shows …, In
● give specific details about the pictures. this picture, I can see …, There is/are ,,,
● give your opinion and reasons. Being more specific: It looks like …, I think + present
● use words and language related to health. continuous … For example, I think the boy is playing.
● give advice using should/ shouldn’t. Giving your opinion and reason: I think …
● talk for 1-2 minutes because …, He/ She/ It/ They should/ shouldn’t

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Listen and number the speakers with the activities.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 2: Listen to the speakers and choose the correct answers, True or False.

1. The speaker thinks enjoying art and music is expensive.

o True
o False
2. The speaker thinks reading isn’t interesting.
o True
o False
3. The speaker thinks going out with friends isn’t expensive.
o True
o False
4. The speaker thinks getting enough sleep is important.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
o True
o False
5. The speaker thinks drinking water is healthy.
o True
o False
6. The speaker thinks playing basketball is relaxing.
o True
o False

Exercise 3: Listen to the sentences with should and shouldn’t. Choose the correct answers.

1. 4.
o should o Should
o shouldn't o shouldn't
2. 5.
o Should o Should
o shouldn't o shouldn't
3. 6.
o Should o Should
o shouldn't o shouldn't

Exercise 4: Listen to Susan talking about the Park Health Centre. Choose have to or don’t have to to
complete the sentences.

1. You have to/don’t have to feel ill or sick to visit the centre.
2. You have to/don’t have to be a member to visit the centre.
3. Members have to/don’t have to live in the local area.
4. You have to/don’t have to be looking for advice for a health problem to join the centre.
5. If you want to join yoga or Pilates classes, you have to/don’t have to have some experience.
6. You have to/don’t have to be a great cook to do the healthy eating classes.

Exercise 5: Listen and match each opinion with one of the two speakers, David or Emma.

1. You should do exercise with other people.

o David

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
o Emma
2. You don’t have to be fit to play sports.
o David
o Emma
3. You shouldn’t eat fast food.
o David
o Emma
4. You shouldn’t drink coffee.
o David
o Emma
5. You should drink tea and lots of water.
o David
o Emma
6. You should watch a few hours of TV to relax.
o David
o Emma
7. You shouldn’t listen to music when you study.
o David
o Emma

Exercise 6: Match the words and phrases.

healthy diet outdoors the gym on exams regular breaks from computer work
people personal trainer healthy

2. exercise with other
4.pay for a
5.follow a

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

Exercise 7: Listen and complete the sentences with the words and phrases you hear.

1. You _________do more ________ .

2. You _________ eat too much _________ .
3. You _________ drink two litres of ____________ a day .
4. You _________sleep _________ hours a night.
5. You _________ drink a lot of ____________ .
6. You _________ follow a ____________ .

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t and a verb from the box to give good
advice. Two verbs in the box are used twice.

drink eat get spend

1. You ________ _________ a lot of water when you do exercise.

2. Young people ________ _________ too much time playing computer games.
3. If you want to _________ fit, you _________ go to the gym.
4. You ________ _________ lots of fruit and vegetables if you want to be healthy.
5. If you want to be fit, you ________ _________ fast food.
6. When you’re young, you ________ _________ a lot of sleep every night.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 9: Look at the picture and complete the description. Use the phrases in the box.

I think because is drinking is eating is playing

is sitting it looks the picture shows there are

___________ a boy in a living room. ___________ some chairs, a sofa, a table, a lamp, a television and a
computer. The boy _______________ fast food, such as burger and chips, and he ________________cola. I
think the boy should eat more fruit and vegetables and drink more water _______________ he doesn’t look
very healthy. He shouldn’t eat fast food and drink cola. He should play some sport as well. _____________
the boy _________________ video games because he _______________ in front of his computer.
____________________ like he’s a little bit too heavy so he should do some exercise.

Exercise 10: Look at the picture and read the instructions. Spend a few minutes thinking about what
to say. Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
In your talk, you should:
● talk generally about what you can see
● give specific details about the picture
● give your opinion and reasons
● use words and language related to health
● give advice using should and shouldn’t
● talk for 1–2 minutes.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Match the sentence halves.

basketball cycling go for a walk go to the gym running tennis yoga






Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).


Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

do drink drink eat get get go join play

1. It can be expensive to __________ a gym, but they often have a lot of modern equipment.
2. It is very important to ____________ plenty of water whenever you ____________ exercise.
3. I __________ lots of fruit and vegetables and do yoga twice a week.
4. It is a good idea to have a personal trainer to ____________ advice about living healthily.
5. I play tennis three times a week and ____________ for walks in the park.
6. It is important to ___________ lots of sleep every night.
7. When you ____________ green tea, it can help you relax.
8. Many young people ____________ a sport or do exercise at school.

Exercise 3: Read the conversations. Correct the underlined mistakes.

A: What you should eat to be healthy?
B: It is important to eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
A: It is important to exercise?
B: Yes, you should to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
A: Is it a good idea to play computer games for many hours?
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
B: No, you should play on your computer for so long.
A: You have any other advice about being healthy?
B: I think you should find ways to relax.
A: What is the best way to relax?
B: I like doing yoga. I think you shouldn’t try it.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences using should or shouldn’t / should not and one verb from the box.

drink eat get play ride watch

A: Did you see that programme last night about how to stay healthy? I learnt so much.
B: Really? I didn’t see it. Did you think it was interesting?
A: Yes, it had lots of useful suggestions. Do you know we _____________ five glasses of water a day? I
never normally have that much but I’ll try from now on.
B: That’s a good idea. I always think I ____________ more sleep. Did it mention anything about sleep?
A: Yes, it said we should sleep for at least eight hours, however, it’s not always possible.
B: I only sleep for about seven hours, so I think I should go to bed earlier.
A: Yes, it will give you more energy. The other thing it warned against was watching too much TV. It said
we _____________ more than two to three hours a day.
B: Did it mention what activities are good for you?
A: Well, any exercise is good. You _____________ sport at school if you like it. If not, you
________________ a bicycle or walk to school instead of going by bus or car.
B: What about food? Did it give any advice about healthy eating?
A: Yes, and I think this was the most important piece of advice. We _______________ fast food more than
once a week and make sure we eat at least five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day.

Exercise 5: Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1. We have to/don't have to wear sports clothes during sport lessons otherwise we can’t take part.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
2. You have to/don't have to pass a swimming test to be a lifeguard at the swimming pool.
3. You have to/don't have to be fit to do yoga because anyone can try it.
4. You have to/don't have to spend a lot of money to stay healthy. You can go running in the park for free.
5. We have to/don't have to wear special shoes when we play football. Otherwise, it is difficult to run.
6. You have to/don't have to join the gym to take exercise classes, but they cost less for members.
7. Professional sports players have to/don't have to practise for at least three hours a day.
8. You have to/don't have to be good at sports to stay fit, but regular physical activity is good for you.

Exercise 6: Complete the conversation with should or shouldn’t.

A: I enjoy playing tennis but I want to improve. What ___________ I do?

B: My advice is you ___________ practise as much as possible. How often do you play?
A: Twice a week at the moment. Is that enough?
B: No, you ____________ train more often. I don’t think it’s possible to improve if you don’t play more.
A: I thought I ____________ have rest days when I don’t practise. Do you think I need to play every day
then? Is it really necessary?
B: Maybe not every day, but you ____________ just play twice a week – that’s not enough. That’s my
advice. Also, it’s a good idea to get help from someone who can teach you. I think you ___________ have
tennis lessons.

Exercise 7: Complete the texts with have to or don’t have to.

1. At school, there are some new rules. The most important one is that we ______________ turn off our
mobile phones before the lesson. However, unlike most schools, we ______________ wear school uniform
every day. We can wear our own clothes.
2. At university, students can come to classes at whatever time they want. They _______________ come
into class every morning. It is their choice. However, the university gives advice to students about being on
time. If they are going to be late, they _____________ send an email to their teacher.

Exercise 8: Match the sentence halves.

yoga than go to the gym. for a personal trainer. great way to keep fit.
running with other people. a healthy diet. can be expensive.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
1. It is a good idea to pay
2. Joining the gym
3. It is more fun when you go
4. It is important to follow
5. I think it’s better to do
6. Running is a

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. Look at the pictures. Match the ways of learning English in the box with the pictures.
study with a teacher in a classroom talk to people whose first language is English
use a dictionary listen to songs in English
keep a vocabulary notebook watch videos online
read newspapers and magazines write an email to a friend

2. In pairs, discuss which ways of learning English from Exercise 1 work best for you and why.

3. Read the sentences and underline the correct answers.

1. Can you phone me when you are free? I need to talk for/ to/ by you.
2. When you apply for a job, I think it is best to communicate to/ with/ by email first.
3. The weather is a popular topic to discuss for/ about/ by in the UK.
4. Your parents are really friendly. Whenever I visit your home, they always chat about/ with/ for me.
5. I know enough of the language to hold a conversation with/ for/ to someone.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
4. Match the sentence halves.
1. What is the main language that A. can help with language learning?
2. Do you prefer to communicate B. about with your friends?
3. How often do you talk C. you speak in your country?
4. What do you usually chat D. to people on the internet?
5. Do you think reading newspaper E. by phone or by email.

5. In pairs, ask and answer the five questions in Exercise 4.


6. You are going to hear two students, Sofia and Oliver, at an international college discussing what
they are going to do for a language project. Read the questions and listen to their conversation. Then,
decide whether these sentences are True or False.
1. There are over 200 students in the school who speak more than one language. True/ False
2. Oliver thinks that they shouldn’t only include members in the report. True/ False
3. Oliver can speak more than one language. True/ False

7. Listen again and complete the table with the correct information. Then, answer the question.
Name Room where they work

Miss Wainwright 1. ______________________

Miss Smith 2. ______________________

Mr Black 3. ______________________

4. Where is Sofia going to next?

A. The library.
B. The maths classroom.
C. The café.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

8. You are going to talk for one or two minutes about a topic. First, read the task and make notes
about what you could say.
Describe a language that you are studying, other than your first language.
You should say:
● what the language is
● how well you know the language
● how long you are going to study the language for
Now explain why you are learning this language

9. In pairs, do the task. Ask and answer follow-up questions about the topic.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Listen and match the speakers with the activities.

reading books, newspapers and magazines

keeping a vocabulary notebook
watching TV in English talking to people
whose first language is English
going to English classes using a
writing emails to friends in English listening
to the radio in English

1. Speaker 1: 5. Speaker 5:
2. Speaker 2: 6. Speaker 6:
3. Speaker 3: 7. Speaker 7:
4. Speaker 4: 8. Speaker 8:

Exercise 2: Listen to people talking about the advantages and disadvantages of taking language
classes. Put the listening extracts in the correct columns.

advantages disadvantages

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 3: Listen and choose the correct answers.

1. Mark is learning /is going to learn Arabic.

2. Jane is studying/is going to study Turkish.
3. Peter is having /is going to have judo classes.
4. Maria is teaching/is going to teach maths.
5. Jack is learning/is going to learn to cook .
6. Susan is playing/is going to play the violin.

Exercise 4: Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences with correct time.

next summer. tomorrow. later today.

this afternoon after class. at the weekend. on

1. David’s going to
take a Spanish exam
2. David’s going to
visit his uncle
3. Sara’s going to
meet her friend Julia
4. Sara’s going to
study for her German
5. Sara’s going to
study Italian
6. David’s going to

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
work in his parents’

Exercise 5: Listen and complete the sentences.

1. Tony says he is going to learn another __________

2. He’s going to learn ______________ .
3. He’s going to ___________ in Germany.
4. He’s going to need the language to go ________ or to eat out in a ___________.
5. He’s going to start ___________ on Monday.
6. He’s also going to watch a lot of German ___________.
7. He thinks language lessons are good because you learn something ___________ every day.
8. Learning ___________ can be free so that’s a big advantage for him.
9. Tony thinks you can read interesting things about the lives of ___________ people in magazines.

Exercise 6: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

corrects does listen make read

start studies take

1. Next week I’m going to _________ an English test.

2. He always __________ hard .
3. You should __________ to your teacher’s advice.
4. She ___________ a Spanish course on Thursday evenings.
5. You have to work hard to ___________ progress.
6. You should ____________ more books in English.
7. I’m going to _________ German lessons next week.
8. My teacher ______________ all my mistakes.

Exercise 7: Write answers to the questions.

1. What’s a good way to learn a language do you

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
2. How are you going to learn German?
3. Are there any languages you want to learn?
4. Are you going to continue studying Chinese after
5. Do you think learning another language is a good
6. What languages did you study at school?

Exercise 8: Talk about your plans for learning English or another language in the future. Spend a few
minutes thinking about what to say.

Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

You should talk about:

● the language you are going to learn
● why you want to learn it
● when and how you plan to learn it
● the advantages and disadvantages of the different ways of learning a language.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks.

about by to with - -

1. I usually communicate _____________ email with my lecturer at university.

2. If you are having a difficult time, it is best to talk ____________ someone.
3. You must be able to hold a conversation ____________ someone to pass the exam.
4. You can’t take the course, unless you speak ____________ English really well.
5. Have you got any free time? I want to have a chat ___________ something.
6. Do you want to discuss ____________ a topic for the project?

Exercise 2: Match the sentence halves.

to songs in English. emails to my friends. with a teacher in a classroom. a dictionary. online

videos. to people whose first language is English. a vocabulary notebook. newspapers
and magazines.

1. I’m going to study

2. I’m going to talk
3. I’m going to use
4. I’m going to listen
5. I’m going to keep
6. I’m going to watch
7. I’m going to read

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
8. I’m going to write

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the positive, negative or question forms of going to for future
plans. Use the verbs in brackets. The first question has been done for you.

1. I am going to buy (+ / buy) a paper dictionary as I can’t use an online dictionary in class.
2. ______________ (– / worry) about my English test tomorrow. It is only a practice exam.
3. ______________ (? / you / learn) some French before your holiday in Paris?
4. _______________ (+ / try) my hardest to improve my vocabulary over the next few weeks.
5. _______________ (? / you / meet) them outside the library? I think they are waiting for you.
6. _________________ (– / she / live) in campus accommodation when she goes to university. Her
brother lives in the same city so she can stay with him.

Exercise 4: Write questions for the answers with going to for future plans.

1. what / going to / do / after lunch / ?

What are you going to do after lunch?
I’m going to cycle home and do my English homework.
2. who / going to / do / the language project with / ?
Probably Peter, but if he already has someone to work with, I’m going to ask Aaron.
3. where / going to / buy / a dictionary from / ?
There is a big bookshop near my house. I’m going to go there.
4. how / going to / improve / your language skills / ?
Practice, practice and more practice.
5. when / going to / tell / the teacher about your homework / ?
I think I should do it at the start of the lesson.
6. why / not going to / go to university next year / ?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Because I am going to work for my father’s company instead.

Exercise 5: Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

advantage advice effort fun progress skills time work

Susan: Mark says he won’t be able to pass his English exam, so he’s not going to make an ________ .
George: Well, that’s not a surprise. He never does any ____________ .
Susan: I tried to give him some _____________ , but he didn’t take it. He only wants to have
____________ . He doesn’t care about studying.
George: I tried, too. I told him that it takes a long ___________ to learn a language, and it’s hard work.
Susan: He watches films in English and does look up what the actors are saying on the Internet.
George: That’s a good start. He should also practise his speaking ____________ as well as listening.
Susan: Exactly. It’s more difficult to make any ____________ if you don’t try to speak.
George: He also has a big ____________ because his dad is an English teacher! Maybe we can encourage
him to try more.

Exercise 6: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

English advice have fun his English exam long time make progress

1. Mark isn’t going to study because he believes he is going to fail ____________ .

2. He didn’t want to take Susan’s ______________ .
3. Mark isn’t interested in his studies and he prefers to ______________ with friends.
4. George told Mark that it takes a lot of effort to learn a language, and it happens over a __________ .
5. George thinks that without practising your speaking skills, it is more difficult to _______________ .
6. The biggest advantage that Roberto has is that his father teaches __________________ .

Exercise 7: Complete the table. Make collocations with the words in the box.

a difference a noise a test somebody laugh a walk a picture dinner

an exam a guess a mistake

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Make Take

Exercise 8: Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1. It is a beautiful day. I am going to make/am going to take/am taking a walk.

2. Lucinda is upset. She thinks she made/make/took lots of mistakes in the exam.
3. Robert is so funny. He really is making/makes/takes me laugh.
4. I always am taking/make/take lots of photos when I go sightseeing on holiday.
5. What really is making/made/makes a difference to your language skills is if you don’t worry about
doing/making/taking mistakes.

Exercise 9: Complete the presentation. Use the words and phrases in the box.

Firstly However in addition in conclusion also

I’m going to talk about a project I did at college. ___________ , it was a language project, and I worked
with my friend, Peter. We had to find out how many people in college speak more than one language
and ___________ what their level of English is. I like doing this sort of project, so I was happy to work
hard. ______________ , Peter is also a very good student, so we helped each other a lot, and it was quite
easy in the end. ______________ , we didn’t get any good advice from Miss Smith in the college office.
She didn’t want to do anything for us at first. Then she gave us the information from last year, not this year,
and then she couldn’t find the correct information! _____________ , she didn’t help us at all.

Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box

about are going to have are talking about can practice communicates by

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
had talked about to have with

1. I don’t know which university to apply for. My father and I _________ a chat _______ it tomorrow.
2. Come in, Alison. We ______________ what to have for dinner. Maybe you can help us.
3. We _______________ this last week – I don’t want to have a party for my birthday.
4. I don’t know anyone who _______________ letter anymore. I only ever send emails.
5. Our English teacher always tells us ______________ more conversations with each other after class, so
we _____________ our speaking and listening skills more.
6. I ______________ a chat ______________ my mum about which language course to take.




1. Match the technology words in the box with the pictures.

desktop computer laptop smartphone letter
tablet landline telephone smart TV smart watch

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
2. In pairs, discuss when you use the types of technology in Exercise 1. Ask and answer the questions.
Which one(s) do you use for:
● studying? I use my smartphone to contact my friends. I can call
● contacting friends? or message them.
● searching the Internet?



Parts of a smartphone Reason for these parts 3.1. MINI TIP

1. touch screen or d __ __ __ __ __ 1. To ______________________. You need three words here to say
__ both of the things it does.
(S L P I Y A)
2. p __ __ __ __ b __ __ __ __ __ 2. To turn the phone
(R E W O / T O T N U) ______________________.
3. USB I __ __ __ __ 3. To ______________________ 3.2. MINI TIP
( T U P N) or to ______________________. You need to be careful with
4. m __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 4. To ______________________ spelling. You will get the answer
(R E N O P I C H O) when you phone someone. wrong if you spell the word
5. p __ __ __ __ b __ __ 5. To ______________________
(W O R E / R A)
6. c __ __ __ 6. To ______________________
(S A E)

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
4. Now, listen to Part 1 of the lecture. Complete the second column in the table with reasons why a
smartphone has each part using TWO or THREE words.

5. Listen to Part 2 of the lecture and complete the table.

Year % of population with smartphones
2010 1.
2015 2.
2020 3.
2025 4.

6. You are going to listen to a student, Lorenzo, answer a question about technology. Read the
question and listen to Lorenzo’s answers.
Describe a piece of technology that you would like to buy in the future.

7. Look again at Lorenzo’s answers and the underlined words in the listening script. Then, match the
underlined words in Lorenzo’s answers with the definitions.
1. Important and interesting parts of a device. _____________
2. The newest device you can buy. _____________
3. To move your finger from one side to the other on a device. _____________
4. A device that is old. _____________
4. The part of a device that stores data. _____________

8. Listen again and match the questions with Lorenzo’s answers. Write 1-4 next to the questions.
There are two extra questions.
A. How will it make your life better? _____________
B. How much does it cost? _____________
C. Where do you want to buy it from? _____________
D. What does it look like? _____________
E. Why do you want to buy it? _____________
F. Why is it so popular? _____________

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

9. In pairs, you are going to talk about the same topic as Lorenzo in Exercise 6. Choose four of the
questions in Exercise 8 that you could answer. Then, complete the sentences.
Describe a piece of technology that you would like to buy in the future.
1. You should say __________________________
2. And you should say __________________________
3. You also need to say __________________________
4. You don’t forget to tell me __________________________

10. Now, in pairs, swap your books with your choice of questions. You are going to answer your
partner’s questions. You have two minutes to prepare what you are going to say.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
11. When you are ready, decide who is going to go first. You each have one minute to give your talk
about the piece of technology you have chosen.


Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).


Exercise 1: Listen and write the technology words you hear.

1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________
7. __________
8. __________

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 2: Number the pictures.

Exercise 3: Listen and complete the sentences.

1. The new smartphones are not cheap/expensive/good .

2. This computer program is cheap/expensive/simple.
3. Tablets are not cheap/difficult/easy to use.
4. It would not be easy/possible/simple to live without computers.
5. Tablets will be more fun/expensive/popular than laptops in the future.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 4: Listen and choose the correct information on the graphs, A, B or C.

o A
o B
o C

o A
o B
o C

o A
o B
o C

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 5: Listen to two students, Angela and Ben, talking about technology devices. Choose the
correct answers, True or False.

1. Angela’s favourite device is her tablet.

o True
o False
2. Ben’s favourite device is his smartphone.
o True
o False
3. Ben says that sales of smartphones went up last year.
o True
o False
4. Angela thinks that there might not be any tablets in the future.
o True
o False
5. Ben agrees that soon people won’t be able to buy desktops.
o True
o False
6. Angela thinks people are working to make a new device.
o True
o False

Exercise 6: Listen and highlight the stressed syllable in each word. Practise saying the words.



Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.

creates deletes downloads open stores stream

1. I don’t buy DVDs anymore, I ___________ the films I watch.

2. I never __________ an attachment from somebody I don’t know.
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
3. The company I work for automatically ___________ backup files at the end of the day.
4. She ____________ most of her music from the internet.
5. He’s not very up to date, he still ____________ photos on a disk.
6. She ___________ photos on a disk.

Exercise 8: Talk about a device that you like. Look at the tips below. Spend a few minutes thinking
about what to say. Record your answer. Play to hear your answer.

o what the device is
o why you like it
o what you use it for
o how you think it will change in the future.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



Exercise 1: Choose the correct word for each sentence.

1. My brother stores/streams his files on his computer but doesn’t back them up.
2. You can connect a series of computers together on a network/website .
3. I prefer to use a desktop/laptop computer as I can work from anywhere.
4. Stop playing games! Crash/shut down your computer right now!
5. I don’t like paying a lot of money for apps/attachments , but it can cause problems if you only
backup/download them for free.

Exercise 2: Match the definitions with the words in the box.

attachment backup crash device stream website

1. A set of pages of information on the Internet about a particular subject: ___________

2. A copy of the files from your computer that you keep in a different place: ____________
3. A machine, like a smartphone, that can connect to the Internet: ______________
4. A file, like an essay, that you add to an email before sending it: _______________
5. When your computer suddenly stops working: _____________
6. Music or video that you watch on the Internet without downloading it first: __________________

Exercise 3: Complete the interview with will or won’t and the verbs in brackets.

A : How will people travel (How people travel) around in the future?
B: In cars that don’t have anybody driving.
A: Isn’t that dangerous?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
B: No, the cars ____________ (communicate) with each other and make sure they all have enough space
on the road.
A: That’s amazing!
B: Yes, it is. There ______________ (are not) any crashes ever again.
A: Will the cars be able to fly?
B: Maybe – I can certainly imagine a car that flies.
A: And food – ______________ (what people eat)?
B: Similar meals to the ones we eat today, but with a lot less meat.
A: Why is that?
B: Well, in the future, if we want to continue to eat as much meat as we do now, we
_______________ (need definitely) more space for animals than we actually have on the planet.
A: I see. Maybe we could build farms on the moon?
B: Hmmm … I’m not sure that _______________ (be) possible.
A: Why not? It’s a great idea!
B: Well, _________________ (how the animals breathe) when they are on the moon?
A: That’s a good point.

Exercise 4: Look at Line A of the graph. Match the sentence halves.

in 2030. from 2005 to 2010. between 2010 and 2015. between 2020 and 2025.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
between 2015 and 2020.

1. It increased from 10% to 40%

2. It decreased by 15%
3. It will finish on 65%
4. There will be a rise of 55%
5. It went down by 5%

Exercise 5: Look at the graph. Complete the description of the changes to Line B with the words in
the box.

2005 2020 55% fall increased rise started went

After it __________ from 30% in ___________ to ____________ in 2010, line B __________ up by

another 20% between 2010 and 2015. This was its highest point. It ______________ to decrease in 2015,
going down to 40% in _____________ . It will _________________ to 50% in 2025, and then will
____________ to 45% in 2030.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 6: Choose the best summary for the graph.

o Both lines went up and down a lot. Line A changed much more than Line B.
o The biggest changes for Line A will happen in the last ten years of the graph, between 2020 and
2030. However, Line B had its own most important changes earlier in the graph, between 2005 and 2015.
o Line A went up to 40% in 2010, then down to 20% by 2020, and then up to 75% in 2025 and back
down to 65%, so there was a lot of change. Line B increased to 75% in 2015, then went down to 40% in
2020, so a lot of change there as well. It didn’t change much after that, only up by 10% and then down by

Exercise 7: Read the email. Choose the correct answers.

Hello Richard,
I have some news – I’m going to /I going to/I will buy a smartphone. Your mum told me that you
have the late model/later modern/latest model , but I don’t need anything that good. In fact, I don’t mind if
it’s a bit out of date/out of order/out of time – I’ll be happy with something a bit older, like me! I see a lot of
advertisements for phones with great devices/features/websites , but I don’t need most of them. I just want to
make calls and play some card games. It will be strange to play cards by swapping/sweeping/swiping a
case/charger/screen . Your mum also said that your smartphone has a lot of memories/memory/memry .
What does that mean? Let me guess – I think it probably means that you have a lot of space to
shop/stand/store apps and files and things. Anyway, I know your phone has a silver battery/case/screen but I
would prefer mine in black.
Can you help me to look online and find one?
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).



1. You will hear a telephone conversation in which Sam is booking a taxi. First, look at the form below
and think about the kind of information you will need. Then listen and complete the form.

You will be expected to know the spellings of common words and names. Any usual name will be spelt out
for you. An answer spelt wrongly will be marked incorrect, so get plenty of practice before the exam.

Name of passenger: Sam Williams

Pick-up Wed 6th July
Date and time: (1) …………………
Pick-up point:
No. & Street: (2) ………………… Willowside Bank
Town: (3) …………………
Postcode: (4) …………………
Mobile number: (5) 07789…………………
Destination Heathrow – Terminal 5

2. You will hear an extract from two interviews with people about their work. Complete the notes.
Write no more than TWO WORDS for each answer.
Alice works on (1) ……………. Wei Long works as a (9) …………….
- grows (2) ……………. - graduated in (10) …………….
- keeps (3) ……………., ducks and cows - ambition – earn living through (11) …………….
- worst part of job – going out in winter to feed - has own (12) …………….
(4) ……………. - sells (13) …………….
- likes working outdoors in the (5) ……………. - (14) ……………. looks after the office
- trucks deliver to (6) ……………. - likes making own (15) …………….
- supplies (7) ……………. with milk, eggs, cheese - wouldn’t like to work in a (16) …………….
- sells directly to (8) ……………. in farm shop

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
EXAM INFORMATION: Matching information
In the matching questions that follow, the numbered items appear in the same order as the information, but
the lettered options do not. Read all the options before you listen to the recording.

3. You will hear Khalidah talking about the patients, doctors and nurses in the Accident and
Emergency Unit. Write a letter a-f next to each group of people. You will not use all the options.
What does Khalidah say about each group of people?
a. see the patients after they have talked to the nurse
b. have had accidents in the work place
c. discover what is wrong with the patients
d. look after patients who are out of danger
e. arrange for patients to go home in an ambulance
f. have had accidents in cars or at home

1. patients ……………
2. doctors ……………
3. nurses ……………

4. You will hear a talk about staying safe on campus. Choose a, b, or c.

1. When can students ask a security officer to walk home with them?
a. in the evening b. after dark c. late at night
2. What does the security officer say students should do if they want to go home late at night and
they feel nervous?
a. They should ring campus security.
b. They should study in the library.
c. They should go home alone.
3. What does the security officer say about national and on campus emergency numbers?
a. They are both 999.
b. They are both 3333.
c. They are not the same.
4. Why should students call 3333 in an emergency on campus?
a. 999 does not work
b. It is confusing.
c. It is faster.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
5. You will hear a conversation between a flight attendant and a passenger completing a landing card
before arriving in the UK. Complete the form.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).

6. Listen to the examiner’s instructions for the task card below. What newspaper or magazine do you
enjoy reading? What is the title?

7. Notice the underlined key words on the task card. Read the notes on each key word below. Listen to
a model answer. Circle the notes that the speaker talks about.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
8. Match the sentences below to the key words in Exercise 6. Listen again and check.

a. I enjoy reading a magazine called Fab Football. …………………………

b. I prefer reading the interviews with famous players or the news. …………………………
c. I read Fab Football every weekend. …………………………
d. It’s about sport. …………………………
e. It’s very interesting. …………………………

f. Then I go home and read. …………………………

9. Look back at the task card in Exercise 5 and prepare your answer. Make notes for each keyword.

1. newspaper or magazine:
2. what kind:
3. which parts:

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
4. when:
5. where:
6. explain why:

10. Make sentences from your notes. Use exercise 7 to help you.

1. newspaper or magazine:
2. what kind:
3. which parts:
4. when:
5. where:
6. explain why:

11. Record your answer to the task card in Exercise 5. Use your notes to help you.

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).


Exercise 1: You will hear a woman talking to some students about her job. Complete the notes with
words from the recording. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Job: (1) ……………………….. for five years.

Studied: (2) ……………………….. at university
Interested in (3) ……………………….. side, not theory
Accepted for (4) ……………………….. after graduating

Now you will hear the next part of the talk. Answer the question. Choose three answers from a-f.
What does the speaker think are the disadvantages of police work?
a. danger of being attacked
b. protecting the public
c. not being available for family celebrations
d. special training in avoiding trouble
e. working difficult hours
f. working with the public
5. …………….. 6. …………….. 7. ……………..

Listen to the last part of the recording and answer the questions. Write no more than TWO WORDS.
8. What does the speaker think about the financial rewards of police work?……………..
9. What kind of people do the police sometimes have to protect? ……………..
10. What does the speaker want to be in the future? ……………..

Exercise 2: You will hear Lily explaining to Chen how to use the library. Label the plan of the library.

A. PC Zone
B. Library Café
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
C. Cookbooks
D. Travel
E. Silent zone

Listen to the next part of the recording and complete the sentences. Write only TWO WORDS.
5. First look up the title in the …………………….
6. The class mark is one or two letters and …………………….
7. The ……………………. shows you where to look for the books.

Listen to the last part of the recording and answer the questions. WRITE NO MORE THAN THREE
8. What do you need to scan first? …………………….
9. What does the scanner do when you scan a book? …………………….
10. What does the system do at the end? …………………….

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Exercise 3: Read the task card below and listen to the examiner’s instructions. Underline key words.

Exercise 4: Plan your answer. Write notes for each of the key words. You have one minute for this in
the exam.

Exercise 5: Record your answer. you have one to two minutes for this in the exam.

Exercise 6: Listen to your answer. Tick the sentences below to assess your answers.
Do you …
talk about all the keywords on the task card?
use vocabulary for expressing preferences?
use vocabulary for free time activities?
use the present simple?

Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
Jishan Uddin, December 2017, Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Oxford University Press.
- Tài liệu bổ sung:
(1) Mindset for IELTS Foundation _ Skill Modules;
(2) Paragraph writing: From sentence to Paragraph;
(3) Get ready for IELTS Listening _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(4) Get ready for IELTS Speaking _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(5) Get ready for IELTS Reading _ Pre-intermediate (A2+);
(6) Get ready for IELTS Writing _ Pre-intermediate (A2+).
LESSON 1..........................................................................................................................................................1
I. Lead-In............................................................................................................................................................1
II. Listening........................................................................................................................................................3
III. Speaking.......................................................................................................................................................4
Listening And Speaking.....................................................................................................................................6
Grammar And Vocabulary...............................................................................................................................10
LESSON 2........................................................................................................................................................13
I. Lead-In..........................................................................................................................................................13
II. Listening......................................................................................................................................................14
III. Speaking.....................................................................................................................................................16
Listening And Speaking...................................................................................................................................19
Grammar And Vocabulary...............................................................................................................................23
LESSON 3........................................................................................................................................................28
I. Lead-In..........................................................................................................................................................28
II. Listening......................................................................................................................................................29
III. Speaking.....................................................................................................................................................30
LESSON 3........................................................................................................................................................32
Listening And Speaking...................................................................................................................................32
Grammar And Vocabulary...............................................................................................................................36
LESSON 4........................................................................................................................................................43
I. Lead-In..........................................................................................................................................................43
II. Listening......................................................................................................................................................45
III. Speaking.....................................................................................................................................................46
Listening And Speaking...................................................................................................................................47
Grammar And Vocabulary...............................................................................................................................53
LESSON 5........................................................................................................................................................57
I. Lead-In..........................................................................................................................................................57
I. Listening....................................................................................................................................................... 57
III. Speaking.....................................................................................................................................................60
Listening And Speaking...................................................................................................................................62
Grammar And Vocabulary...............................................................................................................................69
LESSON 6........................................................................................................................................................75
I. Listening....................................................................................................................................................... 75
II. Speaking...................................................................................................................................................... 79
PRACTICE TEST 1.........................................................................................................................................82
LESSON 7........................................................................................................................................................85
I. Lead-In..........................................................................................................................................................85
II. Listening......................................................................................................................................................86
III. Speaking.....................................................................................................................................................87
Listening And Speaking...................................................................................................................................89
Grammar And Vocabulary...............................................................................................................................94
LESSON 8........................................................................................................................................................99
I. Lead-In..........................................................................................................................................................99
II. Listening....................................................................................................................................................100
III. Speaking...................................................................................................................................................101
Listening And Speaking.................................................................................................................................102
Grammar And Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................107
LESSON 9..................................................................................................................................................... 112
I. Lead-In........................................................................................................................................................112
II. Listening....................................................................................................................................................114
III. Speaking...................................................................................................................................................115
Listening And Speaking.................................................................................................................................116
Grammar And Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................123
LESSON 10................................................................................................................................................... 128
I. Lead-In........................................................................................................................................................128
II. Listening....................................................................................................................................................129
III. Speaking...................................................................................................................................................130
Listening And Speaking.................................................................................................................................131
Grammar And Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................135
LESSON 11................................................................................................................................................... 139
I. Lead-In........................................................................................................................................................139
II. Listening....................................................................................................................................................140
III. Speaking...................................................................................................................................................142
Listening And Speaking.................................................................................................................................144
Grammar And Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................149
LESSON 12................................................................................................................................................... 154
I. Listening..................................................................................................................................................... 154
II. Speaking.................................................................................................................................................... 157
PRACTICE TEST 3.......................................................................................................................................160

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