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Science journal

experiment 1
Page 2

1. The Cardboard sheet moves forward because of flick of the finger and the coin falls into sand below
2. The impression of metal block in mud is deeper than that of wooden block in mud
3. The rubber tube moves smoothly on the table surface.

(Page 3)
1. The cardboard sheet at rest move due to the applied force on it. While the coin fell due to gravity but continued to be in rest.
2. Although the volume of both blocks and their height was same, their Mass was different resulting in difference in impression.
3. The air in the balloon flows through the hole. Since there is no friction, the balloon moves in the direction and same velocity. The
balloon moves in the direction opposite to airflow.
1. Third
2. Inertia
3. Unit, Direction
4. Recoil
5. Velocity x Mass

1. Rocket, firecrackers, ball, Hits stumps, Seat belt, Shaking bottle of ketchup
2. Person standing in bus when ball is hit on the ground, playing football, a girl sitting in Merry-Go-Round, a bullet fired from gun.
3. Rocket in firecrackers is best example of Newton's third law of motion. When we fire the Rockets It gets propelled in the upper

Experiment 2

Page 5
Multiple choice questions
1. Decreases
2. Becomes four times
3. Ohm's law
4. 0.025
5. 1/4

1. The physical state of conductor remains constant. The current flowing through it directly proportional to the potential difference (V)
between its two ends.
2. 𝑅 ∝ 𝐴, Hence, if the length of wire increase or decrease, the resistance will increase or decrease respectively. If the thickness of wire
increase, the resistor will decrease. If we increase the length, potential difference increases, current (I ) will be decreased. If we increase
the thickness, potential difference (V) will be decreased, Current will increase.

Experiment 3

Page 7
1. Calcium sulfate Caso4
2. Law of conservation of mass
3. The same as

Questions 1:
1. calcium reacts with hydrogen bromide Point two
2. Zinc reacts with oxygen
Question 2
In that experiment, the mass of reactants and the mass of product newly formed as a result of chemical change are equal. There was no rise or
drop in the weight of metal due to this law of conservation of matter was verified.

Experiment 4
Page 9
1. settles at the bottom of the solution
2. H+
3. OH-
1. The number of H+ ions obtainable by dissociation of one molecule of acid is basicity.
2. The number of OH- ions obtainable by dissociation of one molecule of a base is called its acidity.
3. Strong acid: On dissolving in water, a strong acid dissociates completely and resulting aqueous solution contain mainly H+ ions and
concerned acidic radicals example HCL
Weak base: On dissolving in water, weak base does not dissolve completely. Resulting aqueous solution contains a small proportion of
OH- ions and the concerned basic radicals along with large proportion of undissociated molecules of base. example, NH4
4. Ammonium (NH4+), Hydroxide (OH- ), Nitrate (NO3 -), Nitrite (NO2 - ), Bicarbonate (HCO3-), Bisulphate( HSO4-), Bisulphite (HSO 3 -)
Experiment 5
Page 10
Name of Solution Colour produced pH
Dilute Hydrochloric acid Blue to Red Less than 7
Dilute Sodium Hydroxide Red to Blue More than 7
Dilute ethanoic acid Red Less than 7
Lemon Juice Red Less than 7
Water Green 7
Dilute Sodium bicarbonate Blue More than 7
Page 11
Name of Solution Colour produced pH
Dilute Hydrochloric acid Red Less than 7
Dilute Sodium Hydroxide Blue More than 7
Dilute ethanoic acid colourless Less than 7
Lemon Juice Orange/ Red Less than 7
Water Green 7
Dilute Sodium bicarbonate Blue More than 7

Acidic Solution: Dilute Hydrochloric acid, lemon juice, ethanoic acid
Basic Solution: Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium bicarbonate
Neutral: Water


1. PH = 6
2. greenish-yellow
3. Pure water
4. Pure water


1. pH testing helps us in finding pH of digestive system. It also helps to check testing of pH of mouth acids. Soil pH affects many aspects
of crop production. pH testing of soil helps in getting better yield.
2. For germination of seed. pH testing is used. If soil is alkaline or acidic, some acids or bases are added to the soil to neutralize.
Experiment 1
Page 31... Science 2
Page 32


1. Angiosperms
2. Angiosperms

Page 33
3. Sporangia
4. Fibrous

1. The needle like structure of leaf help in retaining water in the plants as they have a coating of wax which prevents them from excessive
water logs and also it extends the period of photosynthesis.
2. Grass, wheat, rice, Marigold, banana, onion are the examples of fibrous roots.
3. Cocnut: It is monocot plant has fibrous roots and parallel venation.
Mango: It is dicot plants has tap roots and reticulate venation.
Seeds in monocot has single cotyledon while in dicots. It has two cotyledons. Leaves of monocots shows parallel venation and in dicot
reticulate venation. Flowers of monocot are trimerous and in dicot flowers are Tetramerous or Pentamerous.

Practical number 2
Page 34 :

Page 35
1. Banana
2. Onion
3. Fibrous
4. Tuberose
5. Angiosperm

1. Plants are classified on the basis of Presence or absence of organs, Presence or absence of conducting tissues for conduction of water
and food, enclosement of seeds or not and number of cotyledons in seeds.
Hierarchy hibiscus Tuberose
Kingdom Plantae Plantae
Division Spermatophyta Spermatophyta
Class Dicotyledonae Monocotyledonae
Order Malvales Liliales
Family Malvaceae Amaryllidaceae
Genus Hibiscus Polianthes
Species H. rosasinensis P. tuberose

Criteria Sorghum Chilly

Root Tap
Stem Strong, hard
Leaves Parallel
Flowers Pentamerous
Fruits Monocotyledonous Dicotyledonous

3. The plant sorghum has fibrous roots and parallel Leaves and all monocotyledons plants. Chilly has Taproot Pentamerous and all

Experiment 3
Page 36

In the above food chain , Grass is producer which is eaten by grasshopper. It is primary consumer and it occupies First tropic level. This
grasshopper is eaten by frog. It is secondary consumer and it occupies second tropic level therefore in food chain, all organisms are depending
on one another.

Every organisms are inter dependent, even humans are interdependent on plants for food and oxygen. Due to plants all organism are
interdependent and alive in an ecosystem forms a large community.

Page 37
1. Primary
2. Sparrow
3. Food chains
4. Producer

1. Heterotrophic plants occupy Second topic level. They feed all food, which is produced by other organism.
2. If consumers of specific level either increase or decrease in number, the food chain will be disturbed.
3. Corn  grasshopper  Lizard  Snake
Corn is an autotrophic plant. Hence, it is a producer. This producer is eaten by grasshopper, which is a primary consumer. This primary
consumer is eaten by Lizard, a secondary consumer. This secondary consumer is eaten by snake and therefore snake is an apex
consumer. From the food chain given above, we come to know that all the organisms in the food chain are dependent on each other.
Experiment 4
Page 38

Observation : Small fishes eaten by frogs frogs are eaten by big fishes. Other than these the pond ecosystem consists of aquatic plants and
many other small aquatic organisms.

Inference :
Food chain: A definite sequence of interaction between various organisms of an ecosystem is a food chain.
Food web: An organism feeds upon many organisms and is also prey for more than one organism. Due to this food chains are interconnected at
various levels forming a food web.

Page 39
1. producers
2. Secondary consumer
3. More than two
4. There would have been heaps of garbage.


1. The distribution of nutrients among biotic and abiotic factors in the biosphere is called ecosystem.
2. A food chain is a definite sequence in interaction between a limited number of organism is called a food web.
3. If there is either increase or decrease in number of any component of a food chain, or food web it will lead to disruption or Extinction of
one or more food chains.
4. There are 7 or more than seven food chains.

Experiment 5
Page 40

1. Fermentation
2. Sour and sweet
3. Red and spherical shape bacteria

Milk turns into curd due to fermentation process with the help of lactobacilli.

Page 41
1. Lactose
2. All of the above
3. Iodine
4. They fix the nitrogen
5. Lactose

1. The process of conversion of milk into the curd by lactobacilli is called fermentation. Milk consists of proteins the curd forms because of
the chemical reaction between lactic acid and protein.
2. Because it contains carbohydrates proteins and fats.
3. Fermentation is the name of process of conversion of milk into yogurt because lactobacilli which converts lactose, the sugar in the milk
into lactic acid.
Experiment 6
Page 42

Observation: … are noticed under compound microscope.

Inference: … Rhizobium Supply nitrates, nitrites and amino acids to that plant and is exchange get energy in the form of carbohydrates from

Multiple choice questions

1. Hydrogen peroxide
2. Bacilli
3. Millet (bajra)

Page 43
4. Proteins
5. To prevent bacterial infection to us

1. The figure shows the formation of root nodules. The bacteria present in the root hair and form an infection thread. Through these
bacteria enters root cell. Bacteria changes into bacteriods. Root cells become enlarged. This enlarged root cells form a nodule.
2. Symbiotic nutrition means the relationship between in which they share their nutrition and shelter.
3. Majority of organisms will not be able to use atmospheric nitrogen directly. In absence of nitrogen fixation process the substances
which are necessary for structural growth of organism will not be formed.

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