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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education







By the end of this Module, you will be

able to describe what this course is
aboutand how it will help you manage
the teaching-learning process in the


Lesson 1: Course Overview

Lesson2: Organizing your Learning
Action Cell (LA
LAC Session 1

Read the LDM Course Overview. Reflect on the overview by answering the following questions. Write down
your insights in your Study Notebook.

1. What is the main delivery of this course?

 The main delivery modality of this course is self-study by which individual take initiative, with or
without the assistance of other, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals,
identifying human and material resources for learning, and evaluating learning outcomes through
self-learning modules. The delivery of this course is an urgent action of Deped to this ongoing
pandemic as also part of Deped’s Learning Continuity Plan. The main concern of this course is to
deliver education to learners in this new normal settings by using Self Learning Modules prepared
by selected teachers which are designed for self-study.

2. How can this course help ensure that you will be able to deliver quality instruction in the “new

 The SLMs & other alternative learning delivery modalities are in place to address the needs,
situation, & resources of each & every learner &b will cover all the bases in ensuring the basic
education will be accessible amid the present crisis posed by COVID-19. This course will be a great
help to ensure the delivery of quality instruction for it helps teachers be prepared for this distant
learning in this new normal situation. It helps teachers to gain knowledge, skills and mindset that
are necessary in this new teaching and learning way.

3. What are the two support mechanisms that will help you with your learning in this course?

• Attending webinars sponsored by DepEd & other private institutions.

• Constant communications with my co-teachers & consultation with my subject group head &
immediate superiors for the updates on the said course.


Answer the following questions by copying and filling out the table in your Study Notebook.
1. How will my personal characteristics and circumstances affect (positively or negatively) my
participation in this course?

 Proper mentoring & coaching can help me enhance my positive outlook in life regarding the new
education system. I think my eagerness to learn this course for me to be able to apply and help me as
a teacher adapt the new normal education and to help achieve a successful education for our

2. How can I ensure that I am able to sustain my strengths and address the obstacles that will hinder
me from completing this course?

 I can ensure that I will be able to sustain my strengths and address the obstacles that will hinder me
from completing this course through effective time management, efficient collaboration among the
members of LAC members of group 2, and constant communication t our LAC Coach together with
the Division LAC team.


(What is that I repeatedly (What will prevent me (What will push me to (Where will I
do that may affect my from participate in this accomplish the
participation in the participating fully in this course?) requirements of this
course in a positive of course?) course? Describe the
negative way?) environment.)

Overlapping of my school
activities. Enough time, poor The essential positive In a place where it is
internet connectivity learnings free from noise
Provide takeaways/ that can be gained and with good internet
insights during every after completing the connectivity, probably
webinars/ discussions. LDM2 nodules. my classroom.



Begin by refreshing your memory on the Learning Action Cell. Read DepEd Order No. 35 s. 2016 titled
“The Learning Action Cell as the K to 12 Basic Education Program School Based Continuing
Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning.” Once you’re done,
answer the following questions. Write your responses and any other ideas and reflections in your Study

1. Reflect on the objectives for conducting LAC sessions as listed in DO 35, s. 2016. Rank the following
objectives from easiest to the most difficult to achieve:

__1__ To improve the teaching-learning process to improve learning among students

__4__ To nurture successful teachers

__2__ To enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and the
pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes

__3__ To foster a professional collaborative spirit among school heads, teachers, and the community
as a whole

2. What are the top three challenges to having a successful LAC? List down and elaborate.

 LAC Knowledge & Scheduling of Meeting

• The selection of date and time is significant indicators to ensure successful LAC session.
This means that the date and time is favorable to all the LAC team members. All should
be present so that everyone should be able to share their own understanding,
interventions to be adopted, and productively generate solutions to issues that concern
the school, the learners, and among themselves. In this manner, LAC session will become
successful and productive.

 Setting Up of Resources

• Before the LAC session be scheduled before hand, the LAC leader should ensure that all
resources (human and material) are ready. Because if not, success will not be possible if
both human and material resources are not complete nor ready.

 Prioritization of Topics or Agenda

• Prioritization of LAC topic to be tackled is an essential indicator of success because if

done so, problems will be addressed immediately. Careful selection of LAC topic should
surface the present problems of the school, of the learners, or among the teachers


According to DO 35, s. 2016, a LAC should have no less than 2 but not more than 15 members each. Get
in touch with your designated Coach or LAC Leader in forming your LACs.

1. Agree on a date and time to meet and discuss forming your LACs. Follow LAC Session 1 Guide for
the conduct of your LAC.

2. During this meeting, decide on your groupings and designate one LAC Facilitator and one LAC
Leader per LAC.

3. Note the following in forming your LACs:

• LACs should be composed of teachers. Discuss your preferred LAC composition with your
assigned Instructional Coach (this will be a district or division supervisor assigned to your
• After forming your respective LACs, there should be a LAC Leader assigned to you from
among the following school members:
 Master Teacher
 Head Teacher/Department Head
 Other senior teachers who have proven competence, potential to lead, or
subject expertise to lead the LAC.
 Teacher LACs can connect with their Instructional Coach through the LAC Leader. This
Instructional Coach will also be handling multiple LAC through a network of LAC

See Figure 1 for reference

Teacher III


List down the members of your LAC and their respective roles in your Study Notebook.


This form should be accomplished by the LAC Facilitator and its members at the first LAC session.




Responsible for guiding a group to complete a task or

TEAM CO- PRINCESS MAE M. Assists the leader in guiding the group to perform a given


GUDISAN Participate in the given task or project, follow directions and
communicate properly with the leader and co-leader to be
able to accomplish the given task or project.







By the end of this Module, you will be able to:

1. explain the background and development of
the MELCs
2. unpack the MELCs
3. combine related competencies into learning


Lesson 1. Background, Rationale, and

Development of MELCs
Lesson 2. Unpacking and Combining MELCs into
Learning Objectives
LAC Session 2


Answer the following reflective questions in your Study Notebook:

1. The closure of schools around the world due to the global pandemic posed serious challenges on
the delivery of quality basic education. As a teacher, what do you think are the fundamental
concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need to be addressed in order to ensure learning
continuity? Cite a specific example. Do you think these concerns could be solved by teachers
alone? Why or why not?

• The fundamental concerns in terms of curriculum standards is how can the competencies
be mastered by the learners since there is no face to face learning. Teachers cannot do it
alone because there should be partnership between the teachers and parents who assists
the learning of their children.

• Also it concerns on the needs to be addressed is the proper dissemination of content

knowledge to the students. Although the DepEd made a solution to this by formulating
MELC’s, there are still some issues need to be resolved like the medium of instruction.
DepEd shows different alternative delivery modes but to me, this would not work without
the cooperation of everyone.

2. Even prior to the spread of COVID-19 that eventually led to the closure of schools nationwide, the
congested curriculum has been a perennial problem of teachers (Andaya, 2018). This is perceived
to be one of the hindering factors on the poor performance of Filipino learners. Do you agree with
this observation? Why or why not?

 The congestion of the curriculum is not an issue. It is in the planning and implementation. The
curriculum had undergone different researches before was being implemented. Maybe the
reason is that, the curriculum is slightly ideal


Familiarize yourself with the course reading on the Development and Design of the MELCs. After going
through the document, provide a brief and concise response to the following guide questions. Write your
answers in your Study Notebook.

1. What are the general and specific purposes of the development of MELCs?
• The general aim of the MELC’s is to concentrate on the most essential skills a child requires
to learn & to uphold the quality of the curriculum. Also, it ensures quality, relevant and
liberating education by reviewing the competencies in K to 12 Curriculum. Before the
pandemic, there is already reviews done in the competencies and there are plans to compress
learning competencies. The specific purpose is to map the essential and desirable learning
competencies and identify the differentiated activities that suits each competency.

2. How does curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning competencies?

The review covered the following:

• Informs us to determine the most essential & attainable competencies that can be reached
both the learners & can be conveyed by the parents.

• Mapping of the essential and desirable learning competencies within the curriculum;

• Identification of prerequisite knowledge and skills needed to prepare students for essential
learning competencies

• Analysis of the interconnectedness of prerequisite knowledge and skills among the learning
competencies for each subject area.

3. What is the difference between essential learning competencies and desirable learning

• Essential learning competencies refers to minimum requirements that is necessary for

learning and also, defined as what the students need, considered indispensable, in the teaching-
learning process to build skills to equip learners for subsequent grade levels and consequently,
for lifelong learning. On the other hand, desirable learning competencies were defined as
what may enhance education but may not be necessary in building foundational skills.

4. How were the most essential learning competencies identified? What were the decisions made in
order to trim down the number of the essential learning competencies further?

 It started in identification of essential and desirable learning competencies. Then,

essential learning competencies to most essential learning competencies. As a rule, a
learning competency is retained if it satisfies the endurance criterion which greatly
contributes to life-long learning and is a prerequisite skill to the next grade level. Two
or more learning competencies are merged or clustered if they have the same objective
or learning intention and can therefore be combined into one comprehensive learning
competency. However, learning competencies are removed/dropped due to the
following reasons:

 These are too specific (and the articulation is similar to that of a learning objective).
 These are deemed appropriate to be introduced in an earlier quarter or grade level
or moved to a later quarter or grade level.
 These are recurring.
 These are subsumed in another learning competency

5. What is the importance of the MELCs in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction?
 The creation of most essential learning competencies is a very long and comprehensive
process. It undergone different processes to ensure that learners will be educated
properly. The MELCs are made aligned with the national/local standards, applicable to
real-life and are the most essential competencies that students are expected to learn
despite this pandemic. The Department of Education has made sure that with limited
resources, time, and the absence of face-to-face instructions, learners would still get
the necessary competencies the need to acquire through these MELCs.

Prepare a copy of your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and corresponding list of
MELCs. Go to the sections of the curriculum guide and MELCs that are relevant to your instructional
needs. Copy and accomplish the following table in your Study Notebook and compare the two documents
to determine which learning competencies were retained, dropped, or merged.


 Sets up proportions for Omitted
groups of objects or
numbers and for given
 Identifies real- life situations Clustered & rephrased Describe the set of integers & identify
that make use of integers. real life situations that make use of it.

 Describe the set of integers.

 Represents integers on the LC is submitted to the next Compare & arranges integers on the
number line. LC number line.
 Compares & arranges integers.


In your LAC Session, discuss and share your answers to Activities 1-3 in this lesson. Discuss any questions
about the MELCs that need clarification as well. Share your thoughts and let your co-teachers articulate
their insights regarding your questions. Jot down all the insights shared in the discussion, including your
own, in your Study Notebook.


• MELC’s are a long-term response to the call of SDG4. It is already planned even before the COVID-
19 pandemic.
• There is a big difference between online learning and digital modular distance learning.

• Strong internet connection is a big problem in online learning.  MELC’s are comprehensively



Familiarize yourself with the course reading on Unpacking and Combining the MELCs. After reading the
document, provide a brief and concise response to the following guide questions in your Study Notebook:

1. What is the importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs?

• In order to systematize learning activities and effectively address the varying needs of
learners and the challenges of instructional deliveries. It is also essential to prevent
redundancy that are visible to repetition of the lesson which does not show spiral
2. What considerations must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELCs? Explain each.
• Prerequisite knowledge and skills must be taken consideration. It is worth noting that the
identified MELCS cater to higher order cognitive demands. As such, lower cognitive
demands may be considered first in creating learning objectives. This ensures that
prerequisite knowledge and skills that would enable the achievements of MELCS and
eventually the content and performance standards are address.
• Logical sequence of learning objectives – since the intention of unpacking the MELCS is to
provide systematic learning experiences for learners. It is incumbent that the unpacked
learning objectives follow a logical sequence.\

3. Do all the MELCs need to be unpacked or combined? Why or why not?

• Yes, in order for the department to focus and prioritize those that are essentials and can be
used in the learner’s daily lives.


1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow teachers in your
respective learning area.
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the first quarter and unpack
these into learning objectives.
3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives. Discussion and processing will follow
each presentation. Suggestions and insights from each group will be considered in enhancing the
learning objectives.

Repeat the above process but instead of unpacking, each team will now combine at least two MELCs of
their choice. Group deliberation will be observed in order to arrive at a consensus. Discuss and jot down
the synthesis of the presentations in your Study Notebook.


Submit your Activity 2 Outputs to your LAC Leader. Make sure to keep a copy of your outputs.


Importance of MELC
1. To ensure quality education.
2. To ensure adherence to policies and guidelines set by DepEd

Having completed this module, the participants will be able to
• understand the importance of MELCs
• compare the K12 learning competencies and MELCs to determine which learning
competencies were retained, dropped, or merged
• unpacked and combine MELCs into learning objectives

This module consists of

• Lesson 1 Background, Rationale and Development of MELCs
• Lesson 2 Unpacking and Combining of MELCs into Learning Objectives
• LAC Session


By the end of this Module, you will be able to:
1. differentiate between the learning delivery modalities prescribed
by the LCP and between the different types of distance learning modalities
2. apply lesson design and assessment considerations for
distance learning in light of the-19
3. creat
e a weekly home learning plan to guide your learners as they do
independent study at home
4. create an individual learning monitoring plan to keep track of the
progress of learners who lag behind in completing the prescribed learning

Lesson 1. Understanding the Different LDMs
Lesson 2. Designing Lessons and Assessments in the Different LDMs
Lesson 3. Guiding and Monitoring Learners in the Different LDMs
LAC Session 3A


1. Do a quick check of your knowledge of the four modalities prescribed in the LCP—face to-face (F2F)
learning, DL, blended learning (BL), and homeschooling. In your own words, define each modality.
Write your own definitions in your Study Notebook.

A. Face-to-face (F2F) learning - refers to a learning delivery modality where the teacher and
learner/s are physically in one venue.

B. Distance learning - refers to a learning delivery modality where a learner is given materials or
access to resources and he/she undertakes self-directed study at home or in another venue. Learners
engage in independent learning at home or in any physical learning space applicable, by using
learning materials that are accessible either online, stored on CD/DVD/USB Flash drive, or in
printed form, or by viewing TV lessons or listening to
radio-based instruction while being geographically distant from the teacher.

C. Blended learning - refers to a learning delivery modality using a combination of the features of
F2F learning and distance learning. It can be

(1) F2F and modular distance learning;

(2) F2F and online distance learning;
(3) F2F and TV-based instruction/Radio-based instruction;
(4) F2F and any combination of the other types of distance learning.

D. Home schooling refers to an alternative learning delivery mode (ADM) that provides learners with
access to formal education while staying in an out-of-school environment, with parents, guardians,
or tutors as authorized facilitators instead of classroom teachers.

2. Which of the LDMs do not have an F2F learning component? Write down your answer in your
Study Notebook

• Distance learning
• Home schooling if done via distance learning


See LDM Module 3A – page 15

Read two documents: Guidance on Distance Learning and Non-Negotiable Minimum
Requirements for Distance Learning. As you go through the readings, complete the Distance
Learning Matrix. Share your completed matrix at your next LAC Session. Your goal is to come to a
shared understanding with your peers on the different DL modalities and their defining features and


Role of
Distance Parent or
Distinguishing Essential Role of
Learning Role of Teacher Househol d
Feature Resources School
Modality Member

Modular A printed Self-Learning Pack modules and Guide Provide

Distance materials/ Modules Learning and assist module
Learning modules adapted Learning Activity Activity Sheets to their s for
(MDL) to the condition Sheets (LAS) be distribute to children learners
of the program Textbooks parents. Help educatio .
use and provide deliver modules. n at home.
quality education Provide Weekly Return
that Home Learning modules
response to the Plan Attend to to assigned
call for learner’s queries on person.
education who tough topics thru text Contact
prefer traditional or phone calls. teachers
way of teaching of Gather modules. if
learning Check modules needed

Online Involve inperson Learning Activity Provide Weekly Guide, Monitor

Distance interaction Sheets (LAS( Home Learning assist, teacher s
Learning between teacher Textbooks Plan monitor and
(ODL) and learners in Power point Provide power point and help learners
which the main Presentation made presentation. Provide their inter
elements include by teachers Teachers self- children on action via
separation of improvised video made video their online online
teachers and lesson/presentati lesson/presentatio n. class. learnin g.
students during on Check learners Contact
instruction and use output thru teachers if
of various elearning. needed
technologies to Attend to parents and
facilitate student learners queries on
hard topics thru phone

teacher and calls, text or

student – student messages. Check
communicatio ns. learne

TV-Based Concise, detailed Smart TV Provide Weekly Guide, Provide

Instructio n and precise Television with Home Learning assist, learnin g
(TVBI) presentation of the cable connection Plan monitor and videos
T-learning . Textbooks Provide Learning help and
Learning Activity Activity Sheets their activitie
Sheets (LAS) (LAS) children. s thru
Attend to parents TV-
and learners queries Based
on hard learnin g.
topics thru phone
calls, text or
messages. Check
learners output.

RadioBased A form of distant Radio Provide Weekly Guide, Provide

Instructio n learning that able Textbooks Home Learning assist, learnin g
(RBI) to expand access Learning Activity Plan monitor activitie s
to education by Sheets (LAS) Provide Learning and help thru
bringing it to Activity Sheets their audio
where the learners (LAS Attend to children.
are and enable parents/learner’s Contact
them to acquire queries on tough teachers
equivalency in topics thru text or if
basic education phone calls. Check needed
through broadcast learners output
of lessons.

Blended Increased student Self-Learning Self-Learning Guide, Provide

Distance engagement in Modules Modules assist, module
Learning learning. Learning Activity Learning Activity monitor and s for
Enhanced teacher Sheets (LAS) Sheets (LAS) help learners
and student Power point Power point their Monitor
interaction. Presentation made Presentation made by children. teacher s
Responsibility of by teachers Teachers teachers Teachers Contact and
learning. improvised video improvised video teachers learners
Improved student lesson/presentati lesson/presentatio if needed. inter
learning on Textbooks n action
outcomes. Textbooks via
learnin g

***Note that when a vaccine is already available and F2F will be allowed by the InterAgency Task
Force (IATF) and by the local government unit (LGU) concerned, any of the DL modalities may be
combined with F2F learning to come up with a BL. Learn more about BL in the Supplementary
Handout on Blended Learning Delivery Modalities.

Consider the situation in your School/Division—your organizational capabilities, your level of resources
(infrastructure, financial, human), level of experience in DL, health and safety status, context and
capacities of your learners and their households, etc. Then rank the DL types—MDL, ODL, TVBI, RBI, and
BL—from easiest to most difficult to implement. Give the reasons for your ranking of each. Replicate the
following table and write your answers in your Study Notebook.

Ranking Type of DL
(1 to 5, from easiest to Why?
hardest to implement)
Does not require more resources, can be implemented
to almost all learners even to the poorest of the poor.

Radio broadcast is the next accessible device to larger

2 RVBI percentage of learners

TV is available to most of the households but not all.


Combination of all may require more mixed

4 BL resources.

This DL is the hardest to implement due to digital divide.

A large percentage of the country does not have access to
5 ODL fast and not intermittent connection.


The LCP assures that all possible measures will be taken to ensure that no child will be excluded from
learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Think about groups of learners in your School/Division who might
require special consideration to be able to participate in DL. Describe what targeted interventions you
would develop to include them. Listed below are some examples which may be relevant to your context.
Add others as appropriate. Write down your answers in your Study Notebook


Learners without
parents or Make a weekly supervisory plan for them and check their module and activity
household member sheets. Organize, if possible, a learning support system in the area that can be
who can composed of volunteers to provide assistance to these learners.
guide and support
their learning at
Beginning readers (K
to 3) Provide additional reading materials in developing their reading skills. Attach
monitoring sheets that parents/guardians may check. Constant communication
with the parents/guardians should be implemented.

Struggling readers Provide remedial reading materials. Attach monitoring sheets that
(Grades 4-12) parents/guardians may check. Constant communication with the
parents/guardians should be implemented. Organize, if possible, a learning
support system in the area that can be composed of volunteers to provide
assistance to these learners.
No access to devices
and Internet Provide self-learning modules and other additional learning materials.

Inaccessible (living in
remote and/or Coordinate with their barangay officials to assist the teachers in delivering the
unsafe areas) self-learning modules and other additional learning materials.

Indigenous People
Provide self-learning modules and other additional learning materials that are
cultured friendly.

Persons with
Disabilities Assess the particular needs of these learners and provide them with the
materials that would suffice it.

Other? Specify.


Read DO 42, s2016 on Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation. As you go through the document,
write down your answers to the following questions in your Study Notebook:
1. What is Lesson Designing or Lesson Planning?
Lesson designing or lesson planning is the process of determining what learning opportunities
students in school will have by planning “the content of instruction, selecting teaching
materials, designing the learning activities and grouping methods, and deciding on the pacing
and allocation of instructional time” (Virginia Department of Education, as cited in DepEd
Order No. 42, s. 2016). Wellprepared and well-planned lessons are fundamental to ensuring
the delivery of quality teaching and learning in schools. In order for the design to be effective,
teachers need to consider the learners’ characteristics and be responsive to the needs of the
2. Why is lesson designing important?
Lesson designing helps ensure that:
• time is maximized for instruction and learning
• lessons are responsive to learner’s needs
• teachers set learning targets for learners
• teachers carry out a lesson successfully
• teachers master their learning area content
• teachers become more reflective about their teaching  learners successfully reach
the set learning goals

3. What are the three elements or components of a well-designed lesson?

a. Clearly articulated lesson objectives
b. Well-selected and logically sequenced presentation of learning resources and activities
to help learners meet the objectives
c. Appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide relevant information and
feedback for both teachers and learners.


The second component of a well-designed lesson asks teachers to select and sequence teaching and
learning activities that would help learners meet the learning objectives. These learning tasks can be
presented (1) before the lesson, (2) during the lesson proper, and (3) after the lesson. In your Study
Notebook, copy the following table:

Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

• Review and clarify • Provide learners with • Wrap up activities
concepts and key feedback • Emphasize key
points from previous • Check for learners' information and
lessons understanding concepts discussed
• State lesson objectives • Explain, model, • Assess whether lesson
as guide for learners demonstrate, and has been mastered
• Present connection illustrate the concepts, • Transfer ideas and
between old and new ideas, skills, or processes concepts to new
lesson and establish that students will situations
purpose for new lesson eventually internalize • Ask learners to recall
• Check learners' prior • Help learners key activities and
knowledge about the understand and concepts discussed
new lesson master new • Reinforce what teacher
information has taught


In your Study Notebook, copy the components of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
listed below, then highlight which part/s is/are accomplished after the lesson is delivered.

Components of the DLL/DLP

I. Objectives
II. Content
III. Learning Materials and Resources
IV. Procedures
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection

Reflection, this part of the DLL/DLP allow teachers to reflect the performance of the learners on whether
the lesson has been successfully delivered or not.

According to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016: The reflection part of the DLL and
DLP should be filled up after the lesson is delivered. Teachers are encouraged to think about their
lessons, particularly the parts that went well and the parts that were weak and write about those
briefly. In the reflection, teachers can share their thoughts and feelings about their lessons
including things about the lesson that were successfully implemented and which ones need
improvement or could be adjusted in the future. Teachers can also take note of the number of
learners who earned 80% in the evaluation, the number of learners who require additional
activities for remediation, and the difficulties teachers encountered that their principal or
supervisor can help solve.


Learning Delivery Modality (select one): MODULAR DISTANCE

LEARNING Grade Level and Learning Area: GRADE 3 / Lesson/Topic:
Learning Objectives:
Learning Resources/Materials Needed:


Additional Remarks: (ex.

can be done via voice calls, can
Check if already present in be facilitated by a
Part of Lesson / Learning Tasks the SLM household partner,
can be done via a learning
activity sheet, can be
presented via an internet-
based resource, can be
facilitated during a
synchronous learning
Before the Lesson
1. Review previous lesson √
2. Clarify concepts from previous √
√ can be facilitated by a
household partner
3. Present warm-up activities to
establish interest in new lesson √
4. Check learner’s prior knowledge
about the new lesson √

5. Present connection between old and
new lesson and establish purpose for
new lesson
6. State lesson objectives as guide for
Lesson Proper
Can be done via learning
√ activity sheets
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and
illustrate the concepts, ideas, skills, or Can be done via learning

processes that students will activity sheets
eventually internalize

2. Help learners understand and
master new information √
3. Provide learners with feedback 4.
Check for learners’ understanding
After the Lesson
1. Wrap up activities √ Can be done via learning
2. Emphasize key information and √ activity sheets
concepts discussed
3. Ask learners to recall key activities √ can be done facilitated during
and concepts discussed synchronous and asynchronous
4. Reinforce what teacher has taught 5. √ learning session
Assess whether lesson has been √
mastered √
6. Transfer ideas and concepts to new

Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:

1. For learning tasks not found in the SLM you examined, what materials or resources can you
create or curate to supplement the SLM?

 Create printed materials that would supplement the missing learning tasks in the SLMs.
2. What kind of additional support can you give: a) the learner, and/or b) the household partner
so that they are guided throughout the lesson?

• Providing additional learning resources like activity sheets/worksheets and constant

communication with the parents/guardians for proper instructions and monitoring.

3. How can the teacher gather feedback on the different learning tasks, in order to refine or
modify current and future lessons?
• Face to face (If allowed) or let the parents and learners write and attached their feedback in
each activity sheets.


Assessment is always a part of designing instruction. Read the DO 8, s2015 on Policy Guidelines on
Classroom Assessment to learn about assessment. In the policy, you will find out about the two types of
assessment: formative and summative. Take note of the similarities and differences between the two.
Write your answers in a Venn diagram in your Study Notebook.


Which assessment methods can you adapt in DL considering the content area that you are teaching? In
your study notebook, recreate the following table and list five methods that you would like to try. For
each one, write how you plan to use it in DL.

Assessment How to Adapt the Assessment Method in DL


Example: Short I will send a three-item quiz via text message before the lesson. Based on the
quiz responses, I will take note of the common misconceptions and clarify them to the
learners during our online session or via text message.
I will send a five-item quiz via text message before the lesson. Based on the
1.Written Works responses, I will take note of the common misconceptions and clarify them to the
learners during our online session or via text message.

At the end of the lesson, focusing on the topic and skill, I will give 1-2 activities
2.Performance Task guided by the rubrics along with the modules once a week depending on the topic.
Feedback and clarification may be done thru voice or video call consultation.

I will give it once at the end of the quarter face to face ( if allowed) and or test item
3.Quaterly will be send via online messaging. , I will take note of the common misconceptions
Assessment and clarify them to the learners during our online session or via text message.

I will include it in the learning activity sheet to be given weekly along with the
4.Formative modules. Based on the responses, I will take note of the common misconceptions and
Assessment clarify them to the learners during our online session or via text message.

I will instruct the class at the beginning of each quarter to gather evidences and mov’s
5.Portfolio Making of what they do, submit and write for the whole quarter. It will be checked and noted
at the end of the quarter upon the retrieval of pupil’s output thru parents.

1. What assessment methods are common among the group members?

• Written works and formative test are common among the group because it can be included right
away with the activity sheets.

2. What are the challenges in doing assessment in DL?

• The differences of the learners which will be visible to differentiated learning and the learner’s
access to mode of delivery.

3. Despite the challenges, what opportunities can you and your colleagues explore to make assessment
doable in DL?

• More LAC regarding assessment to attend so we will have more chances and choices of the
different assessment we can give.


Sample learning outputs obtained from different assessment methods may be collected to build a
learner’s portfolio. Read Guidelines on the Preparation of Portfolio and e-Portfolio to find out how
to construct and use it.

After reading the references, answer the following quiz to check your understanding about using a
portfolio to assess the learner.

Questions True False

1. A portfolio mainly displays the academic achievements of the learner. √

2. Testimonies of parents/guardians and learning facilitators regarding the

learner’s progress may be included in a portfolio. √

3. There is a fixed list of items that should be included in a portfolio. √

4. The teacher can only comment on a learner’s portfolio. √

5. For asynchronous learning, teachers allow learners to work on their

outputs during their own time. The latter will submit the portfolio within √
the schedule that the teachers set.

6. The learners may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via file
sharing programs or they may submit the actual softcopies of their √
work saved on a CD/DVD/USB flash drive.
7. Portfolios of DL learners with outputs in hard copies or physical forms
may be handed over to the teacher by the parents or learning facilitators. √



Answer the simple check-up quiz below. Read and match the descriptions in column A with the terms in
column B. Write your answers in your Study Notebook.

Column A Column B
C understanding, skills, and attitudes
1. These that learners need to demonstrate b. mode of
are D the
knowledge, a. opportunities given to learners to engage c. learning
learning them in the subject matter and to enhance competencies
area their
A in every lesson and/or learning task. delivery
2. These are the formative learning
understanding of the content. d. learning task
3. This refers to the prescribed subject that learners take.
4. This B refers to the method of submission of learning outputs preferred by the
learner/parent based on their context.


Read items 1 to 6 of the Appendix D of the DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162 which discusses
what WHLPs and Individual Learning Monitoring Plans (ILMPs) are. After that, view the three Sample
Weekly Home Learning Plans. Now, based on what you have read, create a WHLP for your class.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (DepEd)

Region VIII
Division of Eastern Samar
Can- avid District
SY: 2020-2021

Weekly Home Learning Plan for Grade 6

Quarter 1, Week 1, October 5-9, 2020
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
& Time Area Competency

8:00 - Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome
9:00 day!

9:00 - Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.



9:30 - Edukasyon sa * Learning Task 1: Sa iyong

11:30 Pagpapakatao kuwaderno isulat ang TAMA kung
Nakapagsusuri nang
(ESP) ang pangyayari o sitwasyon ay
mabuti sa mga
nagsasaad ng naaayong hakbang sa
bagay na may pagpasya at MALI kung hindi.
kinalaman sa sarili
at pangyayari
* Learning Task 2: Basahin
nang mabuti ang sumusunod. Piliin
ang katangian na ipinahihiwatig sa
bawat sitwasyon. Isulat ang titik ng
napiling sagot sa iyong kuwaderno.
1. Pakikipaguganay
an sa magulang sa araw,
oras, pagbibigay at
* Learning Task 3: Tingnan
pagsauli ng modyul sa
ang larawan. Ano ang mga katangian paaralan at upang
ng tao ang ipinakikita sa larawan.
magagawa ng mag-
Nagtataglay ka ba ng mga
aaral ng tiyak
katangiang ito? Ano kaya ang
ang modyul.
kinalaman ng mga bagay o
katangiang ito sa iyong sarili? 2. Pagsubaybay sa
progreso ng mga mag-
aaral sa bawat
* Learning Task 4: Sagutin
ang mga gabay na tanong. Isulat ang pamamagitan ng text, call
sagot sa iyong kuwaderno fb, at internet.

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery
at pag-usapan ninyo ito ng kung sino man sa 3. Pagbibigay
nakatatanda mong kasama ngayon sa bahay. ng maayos na
gawain sa
* Learning Task 5: Basahin ang ng pagbibigay
ng malinaw na
maikling tula at sagutin ang sumusunod na
instruksiyon sa

* Learning Task 6: Unawaing

mabuti ang tula. Isulat sa iyong kuwaderno
ang mga sagot sa tanog.

* Learning Task 7: Basahin ang

“Isagawa” at sagutan ang sumusunod na

* Learning Task 8:
A. Sagutin ng TAMA o MALI ang
pangungusap. Isulat ang iyong sagot sa
B. Batay sa iyong natutuhan.
Ipaliwanag ang iyong sagot. Isulat ito sa
iyong kuwaderno.

* Learning Task 9:
A. Suriin ang bawat sitwasyon. Isulat
ang napiling titik na iyong sagot sa
B. Magtukoy ng dalawang sitwasyon o
pangyayari batay sa iyong personal

na karanasan at ang iyong

naging pasya na nagkaroon
ng epekto sa iyong sarili at
maaaring sa iba.
1:00 - English Lesson 1 * Learning Task 1: Read and
3:00 understand the statements very well. Answer Have the parent
Analyze figures of
what is asked by choosing your best hand-in the
speech (hyperbole, accomplished
irony); and module to the
teacher in
* Learning Task 2: Answer the school.
questions honestly. Just answer yes or no.

The teacher can

make phone
* Learning Task 3: Read the Comic
calls to her
Strips about Mona and Elsa
pupils to assist

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery

Answer the questions that follows. their needs and

monitor their
progress in
* Learning Task 4: Read and study answering the
“What Is modules.

* Learning Task 5: Analyze the

following statements. Write A if it is a
hyperbole which expresses exaggeration;
something that is unbelievable to happen.
Write B if it is an irony which expresses
the contrary or opposite of what is said.
* Learning Task 6: Read “What I
Have Learned”.

* Learning Task 7: Read and analyze

if the statements express exaggeration or
ironic ideas. Write the sentences in the
correct column of the table provided.

* Learning Task 8: Analyze if the

statement is hyperbole or irony. The
underlined words will help you decide on
your correct answer. Draw a circle if you
think it is a hyperbole and a box if it is an

Lesson 2
Infer meaning * Learning Task 9: Read and
idiomatic expressions understand the short selection. Look and
using context clues. underline the hyperbolic sentences and
circle the ironic sentences.

* Learning Task 1: Look at the given

pictures below. Choose the correct
idiomatic expression that best describes the
picture. Write the letter of your answer
before the number.

* Learning Task 2: Read the

selection “A Mother’s Love”


Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery

* Learning Task 3: Read again the

poem “A Mother’s Love“ and notice the
following phrases.

* Learning Task 4: Try to find the

meaning of the idioms by inferring on how
they are used in context.

* Learning Task 5: Read “What I

Have Learned”.

* Learning Task 6: Read with

understanding and infer the meaning of the
idioms based on how they are used in the
following sentences. Choose your answer
from the phrases inside the box.

* Learning Task 7: Examine how the

following idioms in column A are used in
context. Infer its meaning by understanding
Lesson 3 the whole sentence. Choose your answer
Identifying Real from the choices in column B. Write the
Make-Believe complete meaning.

* Learning Task 8: The following

selection uses idiomatic expressions. Infer
the meaning of idioms based on how they
are used in context. Match your answer
with correct letter.

* Learning Task 1: Fill in the blanks

with your most reasonable answer that will
complete the sentence. Choices are given

* Learning Task 2: Read the

selection and answer the questions that
* Learning Task 3: Read and Study
“What Is
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of
& Time Area Competency Delivery

* Learning Task 4: Using your

knowledge and experience, identify the
following images if they are real or make-
believe. Provide your answer by putting a
mark for real and an X mark for make-

* Learning Task 5: Recall ideas you

have learned and answer the cloze test to
come-up with the correct meaning of reality
and fantasy.

* Learning Task 6: Think wisely,

use your experience/knowledge and do
critical thinking to correctly choose the
group of words (as suggested by the
instruction) that will complete the
following sentences.

* Learning Task 7: The following

images are named. Identify whether they
are real or make- believe. Write your
answer on the space provided.

* Learning Task 8: Read the

sentences. Do you think they can happen or
exist in real life? Write the word real if
they can and makebelieve if they cannot.

9:30 - MATH Adds and subtracts * Learning Task 1: Study “What’s In”. Have the parent
11:30 simple fractions and hand-in the
mixed numbers accomplished
without or with * Learning Task 2: module to the
regrouping. Activity 1: “Part of a Whole” teacher in
A. Add the following fractions:
B. Subtract the following fractions.
The teacher can
make phone
* Learning Task 3: Study “What Is calls to her
It”. pupils to assist
their needs and
* Learning Task 4: Activity 1. monitor their
Hidden Word progress in
answering the
Reveal the hidden word below by solving
the following fractions. Write the
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of
& Time Area Competency Delivery

letter in the decoder box that matches your


* Learning Task 5: Fill in the blanks

with the correct answer. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

* Learning Task 6:
Activity 1: It’s PIZZA Time!
Study the illustration and answer the
following questions.

* Learning Task 7:
A. Add the fractions. Reduce your
answer to lowest term.
B. Subtract the fractions. Reduce your
answer to lowest term.

* Learning Task 8: Add or subtract the

following fractions below. Reduce your
answer to lowest term.

1:00 - SCIENCE Describe the * Learning Task 1: Have the parent

3:00 appearance and uses of hand-in the
homogeneous and Write the letter of the correct answer. Use a
heterogeneous mixtures separate sheet for your answer. module to the
teacher in
* Learning Task 2: Illustrate how the
particles of matter are arranged in the
following objects.
The teacher can
make phone
calls to her
* Learning Task 3: Study “What’s pupils to assist
New”. their needs and
* Learning Task 4: From the short monitor their
information that you have read about progress in
mixtures, answer the following questions. answering the
Write the answer in your journal. modules.

* Learning Task 5: Classify the

mixtures below as homogeneous or
Write the answer in your journal.
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
& Time Area Competency

* Learning Task 6: Complete the

paragraph below. Do it in your Science
journal or notebook.

* Learning Task 7: Read and answer

the following. Write the answers in your

* Learning Task 8:
A. Choose the correct answer in each
number. Use separate sheet for your
B. Combine two or more substances to
form a mixture. List down your
combinations in the table below.

* Learning Task 9: Complete the

Write the answer in your journal.


9:30 - FILIPINO Nasasagot ang mga * Learning Task 1: Basahing * Tutulunga

11:30 tanong tungkol sa mabuti ang mga pangungusap. Sagutin n ng mga
napakinggang/nabasan ang mga tanong at isulat ang titik ng magulang ang
g pabula, kuwento, tamang sagot bago ang bilang. mag-aaral sa
tekstong pang- bahaging
impormasyon at usapan nahihirapan ang
kanilang anak at
* Learning Task 2: Isulat sa loob sabayan sa
ng kahon ang mga salitang nasa ibaba pagaaral.
ayon sa wastong hanay ng pangngalan.

*Basahin at pag-
* Learning Task 3: Basahin ang aralan ang
kwento at unawaing mabuti ang bawat modyul at
detalye upang masagot mo ang mga sagutan ang
sumunod na tanong. katanungan sa
* Learning Task 4:
A. Balikan ang kwento. Mula sa nabasang
kwento, magtala ng: * maaaring
magtanong ang
a.) mga salitang tiyak o tanging ngalan ng mga mag- aaral
tao, hayop, bagay, lugar at pangyayari. Ito sa kanilang mga
ay mga pangngalang nagsisimula sa guro sa bahaging
malaking titik. Isulat ito sa iyong nahihirapan sa
sagutang papel. pamamagitan ng
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of
& Time Area Competency Delivery

b.) mula sa mga pangkalahatang pag text

pangngalang iyong naitala, uriin ang mga messaging.
ito at ilagay sa loob ng kahon ayon sa
wastong hanay nito. * Isumite o
ibalik sa guro
napagaralan at
B. Mula sa kwento, magsipi o isulat ang nasagutang
isang talata na kung saan ito ay modyul.
kapupulutan ng inspirasyon at kung papano
mo ito maiiugnay sa iyong sariling
karanasan. Isulat ito sa iyong sagutang

* Learning Task 5: Suriin ang uri ng

pangngalang may salungguhit kung ito ay
pantangi o pambalana. Kung ang pangngalan
ay pambalana, ibigay kung anong uri ng
pambalana ito. Lagyan ng tsek ang patlang
ng tamang uri ng pangngalan.

* Learning Task 6: Basahin ang

* Learning Task 7:
A. Sumulat ng isang seleksyon at
magtala ng mga pangngalang pantangi at
pambalana mula sa seleksyon, isulat sa
loob ng kahon ayon sa wastong hanay nito.
Isulat ang sagot sa inyong kwaderno.
B. Magsipi ng isang talata mula sa
seleksyon kung saan ito ay makapag-udyok
sa iba sa paggawa ng mabuti.

* Learning Task 8: Basahin at

unawaing mabuti ang mga pangungusap.
Mula sa isang pabula na nasa itaas, sagutin
ang mga tanong. Isulat ang titik ng tamang
sagot bago ang bilang.

* Learning Task 9: Maghanap ng

isang pabula na may mga tanong. Kopyahin
ito sa inyong kwaderno at sagutin ang
mga tanong.

1:00 - ARALING *Nasusuri ang epekto * Learning Task 1: Suriin at unawaing * Tutulungan
3:00 PANLIPIUNAN ng kaisipang liberal sa mabuti ang bawat pangungusap. Isulat sa ng mga
pag-usbong ng sagutang papel ang titik ng tamang sagot.
damdaming magulang ang
nasyonalismo. mag-aaral sa

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery

* Learning Task 2: Katulad ng kanilang anak at

nakikita mo sa larawan kulayan mo diyan sabayan sa
ang sasakyang Galyon at sa loob ng kahon pagaaral.
Aralin 1- Pag-usbong sa ibaba ng larawan ay isulat kung saan ito
ng ginagamit ng mga unang Pilipino.
* Learning Task 3: Bago ka *Basahin at pag-
pumunta sa iyong aralin, suriin mo ang mga aralan ang
larawan sa ibaba. Isulat ang mga titik ng modyul at
sagutan ang
mga larawan na may kinalaman sa pag-
katanungan sa
usbong ng damdaming nasyonalismo ng
mga Pilipino.

* Learning Task 4: Basahin at pag-

aralan ang nasa “Suriin”. * maaarin
g magtanong
* Learning Task 5: ang mga mag-
aaral sa kanilang
Gawain 1
mga guro sa
Basahin at suriing mabuti ang mga bahaging
pangungusap at piliin sa loob ng panaklong nahihirapan sa
ang tamang sagot. Isulat ito sa inyong pamamagitan ng
sagutang papel. pag text
Gawain 2
* Isumite
Punan ng wastong titik ang bawat kahon o ibalik sa guro
upang mabuo ang salitang tinutukoy. Isulat ang napagaralan
sa sagutang papel ang buong salita. at nasagutang

* Learning Task 6: Sagutin ang mga

tanong sa ibaba. Isulat sa sagutang papel
ang iyong sagot.

* Learning Task 7:
A. Ano anong salita ang maiuugnay sa
salitang “malayang kaisipan.” Isulat ang
iyong mga sagot sa loob ng bilog (isa bawat
bilog). Gawin ito sa iyong kuwaderno.
B. Bilang kabataang Pilipino, paano
mo maipakita ang iyong damdaming
nasyonalismo? Isulat ang iyong sagot sa
loob ng puso.

* Learning Task 8:
Tama o Mali. Isulat ang Tama kung ang
ipinahahayag sa pangungusap ay wasto.
Kung mali, palitan ang salitang

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery

upang maging wasto ang pangungusap.

Isulat ang sagot sa sagutang papel.
Basahin at unawaing mabuti ang mga
pahayag. Isulat ang sagot sa sagutang papel.

* Learning Task 9: Isulat ang tsek ( )

sa sagutang papel kung ang pahayag ay salik
na nakapagpausbong ng damdaming
nasyonalismo ng mga Pilipino. Lagyan ng
ekis (X) kung hindi.

Aralin 2- Epekto ng
Kaisipang Liberal Sa
Pilipinas * Learning Task 1: Sagutin ang
BLOCKBUSTER. Isulat ang sagot sa
sagutang papel.

* Learning Task 2:
A. Awitin ng buong puso ang popular
na kundiman na “Bayan Ko”. Pagkatapos
mong awitin ito, sagutin ang ilang
katanungan sa ibaba.
B. Subukan mong ilarawan ang
sumusunod na bayani natin ayon sa iyong
pagkakakilala sa kanila. Isulat ang iyong
sagot sa sagutang papel.

* Learning Task 3: Basahin at pag-

aralan ang “Suriin”.
* Learning Task 4: Palitan ng titik
ang bawat bilang sa loob ng
kahon ayon sa
pagkakasunodsunod ng alpabetong Ingles
upang mabuo ang mga pangalan.

* Learning Task 5: Sagutan ang


* Learning Task 6: Punan ang tsart

tungkol sa Kilusang Propaganda at
* Learning Task 7: Basahin at
suriing mabuti ang mga pangungusap at
piliin ang tamang

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery

sagot na tinutukoy sa bawat pangungusap.

Isulat sa sagutang papel.

* Learning Task 8: Punan ang patlang.

Kompletuhin ang pangungusap sa
pamamagitan ng pagtukoy sa tamang salita.
Isulat ang sagot sa sagutang papel.

9:30 - MAPEH Lesson 1 * Learning Task 1: Read the *Ang mga
11:30 questions carefully. Choose the letter of the magulang ay
Assess regularly palaging handa
correct answer. Use a separate sheet.
participation in upang tulungan
physical activities ang mga mag-
based on the aaral sa
Philippines physical * Learning Task 2: Name some bahaging
activity pyramid games you usually play during your free nahihirapan sila.
(PE6PF-lb-h-18) time.
*Maari ring
sumangguni o
* Learning Task 3: Look at the magtanong ang
pictures and tell something about it. mga mag-aaral
sa kanilang
mga gurong
* Learning Task 4: Read and study nakaantabay
“What Is upang sagutin
It”. ang mga ito sa
ng “text
messaging o
* Learning Task 5:
Activity 1 message sa
Look at the pictures below. How frequent *Ang TikTok
do you perform these activities based on the Video ay
Philippine physical activity pyramid? Write maaring ipasa
once a week, sometimes, or everyday on the sa messenger
blank. Use a separate sheet. ng
Guro sa
Activity 2
Let us do the following activity. Ask a
member of the family to help you execute
the skills.

* Learning Task 6: Identify what skill

is used in doing household chores. Look for
your answer on the box and write it down on
Lesson 2 the space beloweach picture.

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery

Observes safety
precautions (PE6GS-
* Learning Task 1: Write the
following skills involve in the action
(throwing, tossing, rolling, catching,
running, jumping, hopping).

* Learning Task 2: Study “What Is


* Learning Task 3:
Activity 1:
Ask a family member to help you execute
the skills. Put a check on the appropriate
column on how many times you try to do
the skill. Use a separate sheet of paper.
Activity 2:
Play this game with the members of your
family. Follow the rules in playing it and
check the right column on the rubric that
corresponds to your action. Do the warm up
exercise before doing the activity.

* Learning Task 4: Answer the

following questions. Use a separate sheet of

* Learning Task 5:
Activity 1: Ask a member of the family to
help you. Do the following activities and
identify the skill/skills being executed. Use
a separate sheet of paper.

* Learning Task 6:
Activity 2:
Put a check (√) if you perform the activity
very well and (X) if not. Use a separate
sheet of paper.

* Learning Task 7: Ask a member of

the family to help you execute the skills. Let
us do

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery
the following activity once more but with
additional number of times.
Lesson 3
Executes the different
skills involved in the
game (PE6GS-ic-h-4)
* Learning Task 1: Read and answer
the following questions. Use a separate
sheet of paper.
* Learning Task 2: Read “What’s

* Learning Task 3: Study “What Is


* Learning Task 4:
Activity 1:
Ask anyone in the house or any member of
the family and try to execute the following
skills involved in playing Tumbang Preso
or knock down the prisoner.
Activity 2:
Ask a member of the family help you
execute them. Put a check mark on the
appropriate column on how many times you
try to do the skill.

* Learning Task 5: Put a check on

each box if you were able to display joy of
effort, respect for others and fair play during
participation in the game Tumbang Preso.
Use a separate sheet of paper.

Lesson 4 * Learning Task 6: Using the

template below, fill in the activities are you
Display joy of effort,
will be engaged with during the week which
respect for others and
involves the different skills of Tumbang
fair play during
participation in
physical activities.

* Learning Task 1: Answer the

following questions. Use a separate sheet of
* Learning Task 2: Study “What Is
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of
& Time Area Competency Delivery

* Learning Task 3:
Activity 1:
Identify the following skills whether they
are involved in the game Tumbang Preso
or not. Put a check (√) if the skills are
involved, (x) if not. Use a separate sheet
of paper.
Activity 2:
Let’s practice playing this game. Follow
the rules in playing it. Do the warm up
exercise before doing the activity.

* Learning Task 4: Put a check (√)

on each box if you were able to display
joy of effort, respect for others and fair
play during participation in the game
Tumbang Preso. Use a separate sheet of

* Learning Task 5:
Activity 1:
Answer the following questions. Use a
separate sheet of paper.
Activity 2:
Answer the following questions. Use a
separate sheet of pad paper.

* Learning Task 6: Write an essay

or a paragraph on how you plan to use the
skills you learned in your daily life. Use a
separate sheet of paper.

* Learning Task 7: Read the

sentences carefully. Choose the letter of
the correct answer in a piece of paper.
1:00 - EPP Discusses the * Learning Task 1: Read the 1.
3:00 importance of planting following statements. Choose the letter of Pakikipaguganay
and propagating trees the correct answer. an sa magulang sa
and fruit bearing trees araw, oras,
and marketing pagbibigay at
seedlings. * Learning Task 2: pagsauli ng
modyul sa
paaralan at
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
& Time Area Competency

Lesson 1 of Activity 1.1 Can you recall what you upang

and have learned about plants? Then, try to magagawa ng
Trees do this. Fill in the blanks the mag-aaral ng
Bearing classification of plants referred to in the
tiyak ang modyul.
sentences. Select your answer from the 2. Pagsubayba
and Fruit-
choices inside the box. y sa progreso ng
mga mag-aaral sa
Activity 1.2 Guess the Word: Four-Pic- bawat
One- Word
pamamagitan ng
text, call fb, at
* Learning Task 3: internet.
Activity 1.3 Read, understand and 3. Pagbibigay
arrange the ideas to its appropriate ng maayos na
column. gawain sa
pamamagitan ng
pagbibigay ng
malinaw na
* Learning Task 4: instruksiyon sa
Activity 1.4 Fill in the blank with the pagkatuto.
appropriate word to complete the

* Learning Task 5:
Activity 1.5 Make a poster showing
about the importance of propagating
trees and fruit bearing trees. Share your
work with your parents but observe
social distancing.

* Learning Task 6: Read the

following statements and choose the letter
of the correct answer.

* Learning Task 7:
Activity 1.6 Write a paragraph of 5
sentences about the importance of trees
and fruit- bearing trees to families and
communities and share your work with
your parents and relatives, however,
Lesson 2
consider social distancing and also wear
Benefits Derived face mask.
Planting Trees and
Fruit- bearing
* Learning Task 1: Read the
following statements. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of
& Time Area Competency Delivery

* Learning Task 2: Observe the

picture and explain your insights.

* Learning Task 3: Read the story

and Answer the question.

* Learning Task 4: Read “What Is


* Learning Task 5: Read and study

“What’s More”.

* Learning Task 6: Complete the

statements below by writing reasons of why
planting trees and fruit- bearing trees are
beneficial to the family.

* Learning Task 7:
Activity 2.1: Read the sentences. Identify
what benefits do a family get from planting
trees and fruit- bearing trees based on the
situation given. Select the letter of your
answer from the given choices.

* Learning Task 8: Read the

following statements. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.

Lesson 3
Benefits Derived * Learning Task 9:
from Planting Trees
and Fruit- bearing Activity 2.2 Write check (√) on the blank if
the sentence shows the benefits derived
Trees to Communities from planting trees and fruit- bearing trees
to families and Write (X) if it is not.

* Learning Task 1: Read the test

items. Select the correct answer from the

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of

& Time Area Competency Delivery

choices and write the letter only of your


* Learning Task 2: Study the pictures

in “What’s In”.

* Learning Task 3: Read the poem on

benefits of trees.

* Learning Task 4: Read and study

“What Is

* Learning Task 5: Study “What’s


* Learning Task 6: Read ‘What I

Have Learned”.

Lesson 4 * Learning Task 7:

Successful Activity 3.1. Match column A with column
B. Write the letters of the correct answer in
your activity notebook.

* Learning Task 8: Read the

following test items below. Select the
correct answer from the given choices and
write the letter only of your answer.

* Learning Task 9:
Activity 3.2. Write down at least 5 trees/
fruit-bearing trees and the benefits derived
from it. Supply you answer in each column.

* Learning Task 1: Read the test items

below. Select the correct answer from the
given choices and write the letter of your
Orchard answer.

the * Learning Task 2:

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of
& Time Area Competency Delivery

Activity 4.1 Search from the puzzle ten

(10) benefits or products derived from
planting trees and fruit bearing trees. Write
your answer in your activity notebook.

* Learning Task 3: Read “What’s


* Learning Task 4: Based from the

selection you have read, answer the
following questions:

* Learning Task 5: Read and study

“What’s More”.

* Learning Task 6: Answer the

following questions in “What I Have
Lesson 5 Learned”.
Successful Orchard
Growers in the
Adjacent * Learning Task 7: Identify the
Communities following persons by writing a short
description about them.

* Learning Task 8: Read the

following test items below. Select the
correct answer from the given choices and
write the letter of your answer.

* Learning Task 9: Identify at least

one successful orchard grower in your
community and ask how he became
successful. Consider always the health
protocol in your place.

* Learning Task 1: Read the test

items. Select the correct answer from the
given choices and write the letter of your

* Learning Task 2: Answer the

following question in “What’s In”.

* Learning Task 3: Read the poem.

Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of
& Time Area Competency Delivery

* Learning Task 4: Read and study

“What Is

* Learning Task 5:
Activity 5.1 Connect column A with
column B with a line from the successful
orchard growers to their description on the

* Learning Task 6: Answer the

following question in “What I Have

* Learning Task 7:
Activity 5.2 Identify the name being
described in each statement. Write your
answer on the line before each number.

* Learning Task 8: Read the

following test items below. Select the
correct answer from the given choices.

* Learning Task 9:
Activity 5.3 Have a research on other
successful orchard growers in our country.
Name at least 1 entrepreneur and make a
report about him/her. Share your findings in
the class.

9:30 - Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.

1:00 - Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to
4:00 be used for the following week.

4:00 Family Time


Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module
and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and
the learner.
Read items 7 to 11 of the Appendix D of DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162. After you read the
guidelines on creating an ILMP, copy and fill out the table below in your Study Notebook to see how the
ILMP differs from the WHLP.

Weekly Home Individual Learning

Learning Plan Monitoring Plan (ILMP)
Purpose A tool to guide learners and A tool for monitoring learners
learning facilitators or household who lag behind based on the
partners in tracking the subject results of their formative and
areas to be tackled and activities summative assessments
to perform at home

For Whom? Learners and learning facilitator Teachers and learning facilitator
or household partner or household partner

Components Learning area, learning Learner’s needs, intervention

competencies, learning tasks, strategies, monitoring date,
mode of delivery learner’s

Yes Yes
Has to be communicated to


By the end of this Module, you will be able to:
1. associate learning resources (LRs) with specific
learning modalities
2. accessresources from online portals such as DepEd
Commons and LR Portal of the
Department of Education
3. explain the importance of using quality assured LRs

Lesson 1. Learning Resource Maps for Distance Learning
Lesson 2. Accessing Learning
Resources from DepEd
Lesson 3. Assessing the LR Materials
1. Based on the map, what resources should you have in order to implement the LDM adopted by
your School/Division?

• Our school had opted the modular distance learning which needs the following learning
resource materials:
a. Printed SLMs
b. Activity sheets
c. Supplementary textbooks/LM

2. Do you have the complete resources for the Distance LDM needed in class? If the LRs are not
complete or not available, what steps will you take to make these available? What are your
options to substitute these missing LRs?

• As of now, we do not have a complete LRMs for Distance LDM, however, our school had already
initiated creation of supplementary activity sheets for subjects which are not yet available. I had
already led my co-teachers that in the absence of the learning materials in their respective grade
level, they may use the compiled learning activities, their Diagnostic, and formative assessment
in their DLLs.

3. What support will you need to maximize the use of the two DepEd-sanctioned LR Portals? From
whom can you get this support?

• A good and stable internet connection is a primary need in accessing these online portals. A
support group to ensure the quality and appropriateness of the LRs should be established. I will
get the support from my fellow educators and the technical support from out ICT coordinator.
4. Based on your evaluation of the materials, are they appropriate to the level and characteristics of
learners? Are there learners who might be disadvantaged by the materials (based on reading
ability, level of learning independence, level of household support, distance)? What adjustments
will you make in terms of the LRs?

• Yes, they are appropriate because these were developed by the Department of Education which
is the primary learning resource materials to be utilized by Grade 1 learners across the country
in the new normal. These SLMs is K to 12 compliant, based from the MELCs and passed the
ADM Learning Resources Standards. However, completeness of SLMs to be downloaded is still a

• In case that there are disadvantage learners, teachers can simplify the learning activities in the
SLMs. Contextualizing and localizing the SLMs will be a great help to address the learning
styles and pacing of disadvantage learners.

In your LAC Session, share and discuss your answers from the previous activity. What support can you
provide to your colleagues and what support can you get from them in terms of LRs? Take note of the
insights that you can gather from your colleagues and write them in your Study Notebook.

Support that I can provide to my colleagues:

1. Guide and help them download the SLMs using the DepEd LR Portals.

2. Assist them in conducting review and assessment of all the downloaded SLMs to address the
completeness and appropriateness of all the SLMs to be used this school year.

3. To address the disadvantage learners, maybe I can assist them in simplifying the activities in
the SLMs.

Support that I can get from them in terms of LRs:

1. Cooperation

2. Perseverance and diligence in the honest assessment of the LRs

3. Their feedbacks matter in addressing possible issues that may arise during the school year in
terms of the use and contents of the SLMs



Explore the Portals. In your Study Notebook, answer the following questions:

1. Given the LDM adopted in your School, how can the two DepEd portals respond to your LR needs
and those of your learners’? How do they complement the LRs that you already have?

 The two Deped Portals are positively responding to the needs of our school and learners
because these portals provide learning resource materials that we need today. These SLMs,
activity sheets, interactive platforms are very essential to address the needs of our teachers
and learners. The access to these learning portals also provide authentic learning platform
because these were developed by the Department of Education which are the primary
learning resource materials to be utilized by learners across the country in the new normal.
This SLMs is K to 12 compliant, based from the MELCs and passed the ADM Learning
Resources Standards.

2. What are the challenges in accessing the LRs in the portals both for you and your learners? How
will you overcome these challenges?

The challenges in accessing the LRs in the portals are the following.

a. poor internet connection that hinders the downloading and accessing the LRs in the Deped
b. not all learners and teachers have internet connection to access the online digital platforms
especially the DepEd Commons.

d. not all learners have learning gadgets to access the DepEd Commons.

e. lack of fund to finance the massive reproduction of SLMs, the MOOE of the school is not enough

3. What support will you need to be able to maximize the use of the LR Portals? From whom can you
get this support?

• As teachers in our school, we can maximize the use of the LR portals through info-drive
and simulation on how to access and use the LRMs in the DepEd portals.
• We can get these supports though the strong sponsorship of the ff. a. Teachers
b. Parents
c. Community Leaders
d. Trained learning facilitators & para-teachers
e. Division LDRMs
f. LGUs
g. Other government agencies
h. NGOs
i. School Alumni Association


In your next LAC Session, share and discuss your answers to the questions in Activity 1. Explore how you
can help and support each other in using the LR portals. Jot down the insights and helpful information
regarding the use of the LR portals in your Study Notebook.

 We agreed to provide technical assistance in case problems occur while accessing the said portals.
We also decided to include the updates of these portals to our future LAC sessions.



Study the LR Rapid Assessment Tool. Download an LR from either DepEd Commons or LRMDS Portal and
assess the material using the tool. Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:
1. Was the material able to meet all the requirements?
Is the LR Material... YES NO Cannot be determined

1. Connected and relevant to the √


2. Appropriate to the grade level
and learner characteristics in terms of
language, activities?

3. easy to reproduce and/or √


4. from a credible √

5. culture- and genderfair?

6. free from red flags on possible
copyright and plagiarism issues?

7. the layout and format easy to
read and pleasing to the eyes?


The Self-Learning Module in SCIENCE 6 that I downloaded was developed by the Department of
Education which is the primary learning resource materials to be utilized by Grade 1 learners across the
country in the new normal. This SLM in MTB 1 is K to 12 compliant, based from the MELCs and passed the
ADM Learning Resources Standards. This means that this SLM in MTB 1 was designed to cater the needs of
our learners on what they should essentially need to learn now that face-to-face learning is not possible
because of the health risks brought about by Covid 19.
As I go through the indicators and as I answered the Rapid Assessment of Learning Resources that in this
case, the SLM in MTB 1 was evaluated. I have two indicators that I think brought some minor issues. First
is “easy to reproduce and/or disseminate.” We cannot deny the fact that no matter how complete the SLMs,
still we are challenged on the mass production of SLMs because this requires huge budget allocation.
Scarcity fund is a problem in order to reproduce these self-learning modules. Second is “free from red flags
on possible copyright and plagiarism issues.” The development of SLMs includes the use of suited
references; however, SLMs writers might not be able to properly cite the references they used. So, the issue
of copyright infringement is a great challenge for the SLMs writers.
The procedure in selecting appropriate SLMs is fundamental in securing better learning outcomes and
teachers have big significant roles in the selection of appropriate learning resource materials to be used in
their teaching. Relatively, this process had helped me a lot.
As I go through this SLM review in MTB 1, I was enlightened that one of the essential roles of a
teacher is to look and study carefully the most appropriate learning resource materials he will be using. It is
his responsibility to scrutinize carefully the learning resource materials he will be using because if he does,
there will be significant learning outcomes for our children despite this global health pandemic.

2. Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered “No” or “Cannot Be
Determined”? What decision will you make on the LR material? Why?

 The differences are as follow:

a. they are not contextualized and localized
b. they are not K – 12 compliant
c. they are not MELCs-based
d. they are not simplified

3. Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be assessed?
Specify which aspect/s.
a. the lay-out
b. free from red flags on possible copyright and plagiarism issues
c. parallelism and congruity of learning competencies between the LRs found
in the Deped portals and Non-DepEd portals

4. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson and your

 The simulation of how to use the Rapid Assessment tool for LRs had greatly helped me choose the
right and appropriate learning materials which I will be using for my grade 6 learners this school


Explore other non-DepEd LR portals/platforms you can find online. Take note of the portals in your Study
Notebook. Download at least one LR from each portal. Assess the materials using the same tool and
answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:

1. Based on the Assessment Tool, how does the material from a non-DepEd Portal compare with the
LR from the DepEd Portal?

Based from our final outputs, the following are noted compared to the LRs we can access in the online LR

a. it is MELC based
b. the lay-out is different
c. learning activities were contextualized and localized.
d. the level of difficulty is addressed (from easy to the most difficult learning tasks for learners

2. Based on the results of the Assessment Tool, what improvements do the materials — both from
DepEd and Non DepEd portals — still need?

 The Activity Sheets needs the following improvements;

1. Better lay-out
2. Proper citation of used reference materials
3. The AS should be carefully validated and edited by real experts in the fields
3. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson and your

 Understanding the management of this LR Portals, this gives me the confidence and motivation to
look for the most appropriate learning resources to my learners


By the end of this Module, you will be able
1. carry out your plan for your continuing PD
2. discuss the different PD initiatives/programs
related to the LDMs that are available to
you, either provided by DepEd or by non-DepEd
learning service providers (LSPs)
3. develop a PD plan including the Learning Action
4. commit to your professional growth and

Lesson 1: Reflecting on Professional Life and
Lesson 2: Planning for the Continuing Professional
and Participation in the LAC



See LDM Module 4 – page 37

Revisit the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) found in the LDM2 Course Overview.
Reflect on your self-assessment from Activity 1. What particular professional standards in the PPST do
you need to focus on to effectively use the LDMs in relation to the content and pedagogy of the learning
area/s you are teaching? Write your answer and other insights in your Study Notebook.

Domain Professional standards in the Insights

PPST do I need to focus on to
effectively use the LDMs in
relation to the content and pedagogy
of the learning area/s I will be
Domain 1 Modelling a comprehensive selection Since learning modality has
Content Knowledge & of effective drastically changed this
Pedagogy teaching strategies that promote school year due to global health
learner pandemic, careful selection of
achievement in literacy and teaching strategies that promote
numeracy. learner
achievement in literacy and
numeracy should be addressed
Domain 2 Learning Applying comprehensive We need to address a safer and
Environment knowledge of and acting as a more secure learning
resource person for, environment especially now that
policies, guidelines and Covid-19 is still infecting people.
procedures that relate to the Health protocols should be
implementation of safe and observed always.
secure learning environments for
Domain 4 Modelling exemplary practice and Careful planning of the lessons
Curriculum and Planning leading colleagues in should take place.
enhancing current practices in the Teachers should consider the fact
planning and that learning
management of modality is different now
developmentally sequenced teaching compared before.
and learning processes.

Domain 5 Leading initiatives in the evaluation Teachers should adopt

Assessment & Reporting of assessment appropriate assessment method to
policies and guidelines that ensure that
relate to the design, selection, learning among children is
organization and use of effective effective though modular distance
diagnostic, learning is the
formative, and summative learning modality most of us will
assessment consistent with be using under the new normal
curriculum requirements. school setting.


Answer the following questions by constructing and filling out the table in your Study Notebook. How do
you envision your teaching practice in the next few months as you use the LDM adopted by your School?
What is your goal in terms of your teaching practices in the modalities? What motivates you to achieve
this goal? What do you think will help you attain this goal?
What is your goal toward What will push you to achieve What will help you attain this
improving your teaching this goal? goal?
practices in the modalities?

Deeper understanding and Improving my teaching Consistent collaboration from

reflecting to the things I need in strategies in this time my fellow educators and
preparation for the opening of challenging situation. continuous learning to provide
classes. quality education amid this



1. Access the List of NEAP-recognized Programs and the Individual Development Plan template.
Examine the available PD activities/programs offered by DepEd and non-DepEd providers whether online
or offline.
2. Communicate with your assigned Instructional Coach to provide you a list of Regional and Division
Training Programs in your area.
3. Accomplish the Individual Development Plan Template by referring from your output in Lesson 1
Activity 3 of this Module.


Refer to your PD objectives and decide on what topics you would like to talk about in your School LAC.
Use the PD Discussion Template in your discussion.

Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental
Strengths Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources
Needs Needed

Objectives of the
Program Intervention

Learning and
Apply more Strategic Year- Development
To positive and learning round Team
participate in effective mode
To manage
collegial strategies to Supervisor/School
learner behavior
discussions develop and Head/Master
constructively by
that use manage Teachers/Coworkers
applying positive
teacher and behavior of the
and non-violent
learner learners Local Funds
discipline to ensure
feedback to constructively in
enrich every task and
teaching activities.

Teamwork Result focus Arrange Time table Year Supervisor/School

*Service particularly on schedules for round Head/Master
orientation achieving each task that Teachers/Coworkers
*Innovation results with needs to be
optimal use of time accomplished as
and resources most urgent, high
of the time. priority and



To manage learner behavior constructively by Apply more positive and effective

applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning-focused environment. strategies to develop and manage behavior of
the learners constructively in every task and

Arrange schedules for each task that needs to

Result focus particularly on achieving results with optimal be accomplished as urgent, high priority and
use of time and resources most of the time. priority.



By the end of this Module, you will be able to:

1. list down the evidence of LDM implementation

2. plan for how to make sure that you will be able to

relate these evidencesyour


professional practice based on the professional standards


Lesson 1- The Teaching Portfolio and Its Contents

Lesson 2- The Evaluation Rubric



Before you begin to prepare building your Portfolio, you need to make sure that you have completed all
the outputs for this course. Go over the list found in LDM2 Guide for Expected Outputs and find out
whether you have completed all the outputs required for Modules 1-4 of this course.

Submit the completed outputs to your designated Coach for final evaluation. Keep a copy of all your
outputs for your own records.


Study the Reading on Portfolios from the Glossary of Education Reform. Based on your reading, reflect on
the following questions and jot down your answers in your Study Notebook:
1. How will your Portfolio help you in tracking the progress of your teaching practice in your School’s

 My portfolio helps me in tracking the progress of my teaching practice in our shool LM in such a way
that it will serve as my guide rearing the different LDM that takes place during pandemic season.

2. What evidence from the previous modules will help capture the progress of your teaching

 Some evidences from the previous modules help me to capture the progress of my teaching practice
such as doing WHLP,LAS, SLM targeting some interventions that some of the learners should have.

3. Why is writing down your reflections an integral part of your Portfolio?

 In every work or task given it must have a reflection within. Making of it is an integral part because it
serves as a compilation of our knowledge and understanding towards the topic. It also measures our
affectively being our consciousness and even our judgement in a certain topic.


Familiarize yourself with the List of Suggested Evidence Form. Is the list of evidence enough to capture
the progress of your teaching practice? What other evidence can you think of that is relevant to the LDM
adopted by your School? Write down your answers and other insights in your Study Notebook.
List of Suggested Evidence in the Learning Delivery Modality


Documentation of Lesson August to

Delivery November At least 2 recorded lessons (online
learning) Or

Researching and August to Lesson Plans (at least 2 per month)

Incorporating Teaching November
Strategies in the Modalities

Participation in recognized August to Certification of Participation with PD credit

PDs that are aligned with their November units
Professional Goals anchored on
Philippine Professional Standards
for Teachers (PPST)

Organizing the Professional December Professional Portfolio


Submission of Portfolio to December Certificate of Submission


Co-Learning with Peers and At least once a Video Recording

Coach/es month starting
September 2020


Based on the sharing and discussion in your LAC, finalize your list of evidence in the List of
Suggested Evidence Form and submit to your LAC Leader. Make sure that you keep a copy for


Documentation of Lesson August to
Delivery November At least 2 recorded lessons (online
learning) OR

Researching and August to Lesson Plans (at least 2 per month)

Incorporating Teaching November
Strategies in the Modalities

Participation in recognized August to Certification of Participation with PD credit

PDs that are aligned with their November units
Professional Goals anchored on
Philippine Professional Standards
for Teachers (PPST)

Organizing the Professional December Professional Portfolio


Submission of Portfolio to December Certificate of Submission


Co-Learning with Peers and At least once a Video Recording / PICTURES

Coach/es month starting
September 2020



Study the criteria and indicators found in the Evaluation Rubric. What steps will you take to ensure that
you are able to hit the criteria in the Rubric? Write down your answers and any other thoughts about the
Rubric in your Study Notebook.

 In order to be successful in making the portfolio I must consider first the Demonstration progress of
the LDM Implementation which 30% in the rubrics. Ensuring the quality of my reflections in every
topic or lesson that I tackled. Lastly, my output will be based on the professional standard given by

Discuss and share your thoughts on the Rubric in your LAC Session. Present your steps to make your outputs
and Portfolio responsive to the evaluation criteria and indicators. Take note of your colleagues’ other
insights as well.

Republic of the Philippines

Division of Eastern Samar
Can- avid District


Module 1: No Output
Module 2:
Individual LAC Group Presentation on Unpacking a Sample MELC
 Sets up proportions for Omitted
groups of objects or
numbers and for given
 Identifies real- life Clustered & rephrased Describe the set of integers &
situations that make use identify real life situations that
of integers. make use of it.
 Describe the set
of integers.
 Represents integers on the LC is submitted to the Compare & arranges integers on
number line. next LC the number line.
 Compares &
arranges integers.

Module 3:
3.1 List of Targeted Learners Intervention

Learner Targeted Intervention

 Coordinate with the Barangay Officials/
 Learners with busy/indifferent Committee on Education or BHW assigned in
and their area.
illiterate parents or 
household member who Frequent monitoring of teachers. (Home
cannot guide and support Visitation)
their learning athome.
 Asked the help of some concerned neighbor or

 Beginning readers (K to 3)  Provide learning activities/ reading materials

that could enhance their reading skills &

 Make use of the resources that could illicit

their interest in reading.

Ask for the parents or relatives for facilitating
the learner’s learning.
 Frequent monitoring of teachers. (Home
 Struggling readers (Grades 4-6)  Provide learning activities/ reading materials
that could enhance their reading skills &

 Make use of the resources that could illicit

their interest in reading.

Ask for the parents or relatives for facilitating
the learner’s learning.
 Frequent monitoring of teachers. (Home

3.2 Learning Task for DL


1. Review previous lesson 1. Explain, model, 1. Wrap up activities

2. Clarify concepts from demonstrate, and 2. Emphasize key
previous lesson illustrate the concepts, information and
3. Present warm-up ideas, skills, or processes concepts discussed
activities to establish that students will 3. Ask learners to recall key
interest in new lesson eventually internalize activities and concepts
4. Check learner’s prior 2. Help learners understand discussed
knowledge about the new and master new 4. Reinforce what teacher
lesson information has taught
5. Present connection between 3. Provide learners with 5. Assess whether lesson
old and new lesson and feedback has been mastered
establish purpose for new 6. Transfer ideas and
4. Check for learners’
lesson concepts to new
6. State lesson objectives as guide
for learners
3.3 Assessment Method

Classroom  This assessment method shall be conducted by the teacher

Assessment to track and measure learner’s progress and to adjust
(Formative and instruction accordingly. These shall be done in paper –
summative based, offline, or online assessment format whichever is
Assessment) appropriate to the context of the learners, to enable them
to participate fully in the assessment process and be
assessed fairly.

Demonstration /  The learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills,

Practicum / attitudes and values shall be assessed. To capture
Performance Task evidence of learning, learners shall prepare their
portfolio/e-portfolio to include written works and
products and performances whether in hardcopy,
softcopy or combination of these and shall be assessed
using rubrics.
Quarterly Test  Teachers can use mechanism in Learning Management
Systems to increase academic integrity. He/ she may use
a link or use drop box for the submission of the test in
case the students do not have an access online.
Weekly Test /  Provide supplementary assessment materials to the
Assessment learners aside from the module which will be picked up
in the designated drop box placed in barangay hall and
other accessible places.
 Students can submit short but weekly papers to assess
whether or not the students understand the material for
that particular week.
Reflection  The teacher may provide a question via text or FB
messenger for the learners to ponder. Provide and
discuss the rubrics to be used for the activity.

3.4 Weekly Home Learning Plan for One Subject 3.5

Individual Learning Monitoring Plan
Learner’s Name: Francisco Cabato, Jr.
Grade Level: Grade 6
Learnin Learner’ Interventio Monitorin Learner’s Status
g s n g Insignifican Significan Master
Area Needs Strategies Date t t y
Provided Progress Progress
English Getting Context Clues Nov. 1-30 The learner Moderat
(Reading) the main can get the e
idea main idea
of a

Learner is not making significant progress in a timely manner. Intervention

Intervention strategies need to be revised.
Status Learning is making significant progress. Continue with the learning plan.
Learning as reached mastery of the competencies in learning plan.

3.6 LAC Engagement Report




Part A
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements by ticking the
appropriate box. (SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; N = Neutral; A = Agree; SA = Strongly

Comments / Remarks
(For example, if you
disagree or strongly
disagree, please
SD D N A SA indicate why.)


1. I learned a lot from my colleagues in 

this LAC session.

2. The LAC session deepened my 

understanding of the SLM


3. My perspective on the topic/s covered 

has changed as a result of the LAC

4. I participated actively in the LAC
session by sharing my assignment
and insights, asking questions, and
giving feedback on what colleagues

5. I interacted with different people
during the LAC session.


6. I feel motivated to apply in my 

region/division/district what I have
learned in this lesson.
7. I intend to apply what I have
 learned from the lesson in my

Part B
Please provide the information requested.

1. I need further clarification and/or resources on the following topics:

 The topics are discussed evidently and there’s no further clarification.

2. I encountered the following problems or challenges:  Slow internet connection.

3. Other comments/suggestions:
 As teacher, we need to be well equipped in this new norm for us to be a productive
educator. Congratulations for the job well done!

3.7: LAC Session Report





16, 2020 TO FACE
Number of members present (attach attendance document):

Materials and resources:

__ Self-Learning Module

__ Activity sheets
__ Digital resources
___ Online resources
___ Smartphone
__ PC / Laptop
__ LAC session guide
___ Others. Please specify:
Part A
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements by ticking the
appropriate box.

(SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; N = Neutral; A = Agree; SA = Strongly agree)

Comments / Remarks
(For example, if you
disagree or strongly
disagree, please indicate
SD D N A SA why.)


1. All of the members came 

prepared for the LAC session

2. All of the members had an 

opportunity to share and
discuss their assignment,
insights, and ideas

3. Members listened to each 

other’s insights and ideas.

4. The members’ assignments 

showed an understanding of
the lessons in the SLM.

5. The members demonstrated 

engagement in and/or
enthusiasm for the learning
tasks during the session
(including providing feedback
on each other’s assignment).


6. I managed the sharing and 

discussion during the LAC
session by keeping the
discussion focused on the
lesson or topic.

7. I encouraged all the members 

to actively participate in the
LAC session (i.e., for the
teachers to share their work
and ideas/ insights).

8. I provided useful feedback on 

the teachers’ assignments.
Part B
Please provide the information requested.
1. The best part of the session (i.e. what went well):
 Showing of insights among members in the LAC session.
2. Problems or challenges encountered and how they were resolved:  The uses of online
resources for clarifications of concepts.
3. Other topics discussed apart from the recommended topics, if any:
 None
4. Recommendations/Plans for next LAC session:
 Use plenary as platform for the next LAC session.



Is the LR Material… YES NO Cannot be determined

8. Connected and relevant to the 
9. Appropriate to the grade level and 
learner characteristics in terms of
language, activities?
10. Easy to reproduce and/or 
11. From a credible source/author? 
12. Culture- and gender-fair? 
13. Free from red flags on possible 
copyright and plagiarism issues?
14. The layout and format easy to read 
and pleasing to the eyes?

1. Based on the Assessment Tool, how does the material from a non-DepEd Portal compare with
the LR from the DepEd Portal?
Answer: The materials uploaded in the DepEd LR Portal (LRMDS and DepEd Commons) meet
the requirements from the Rapid Assessment Tools, while the materials form the
Non-DepEd LR portal did not meet some of the requirements.
2. Based on the results of the Assessment Tool, what improvements do the materials — both from
DepEd and Non-DepEd portals — still need?
Answer: There is no need no improve in the materials uploaded in the DepEd LR portal, while
in the Non-DepEd Portal, I think we need to improve some parts of the worksheet
based in the Rapid Assessment Tool
3. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson and
your learners?
Answer: In choosing the right LR for the lesson. We make sure that the LR were aligned to the
MELC. Formats and templates were followed and meet the requirements in the
Rapid Assessment Tool. LR materials uploaded in the DepEd portals are quality
prepared materials for the teachers used and for the pupils.


Action Plan
Strengths Developmental Developmental Timeline Resources
Needs Intervention) Needed
Learning Intervention
Objectives of
the PD
Using range of Using range of To plan and Attend LAC Whole Personal
teaching teaching implement sessions, year round funds, laptop
strategies that strategies that teaching webinars and internet
enhance the are aligned to the strategies that and virtual connections.
learner’s school’s new is responsive to conferences
achievement learning delivery the needs of the related to
in literacy and modalities that learners in effective
numeracy will develop the difficult teaching
skills. literacy and circumstances strategies in
numeracy skills like pandemic. the different
of the learners. learning
Harmonious Creating and Creates an Online Whole School
relationship maintaining online presence capacity year round parents.
with parents, harmonious with the building Teachers
community relationship with parents, with parents, and
volunteers and parents, community community community
other community volunteers and volunteers development
stakeholders. volunteer and stakeholders and funds.
other where they can stakeholders.
stakeholders. share views in
teaching their
to update their
child’s progress
Competencies Improving my Designs and Attend Whole year Personal
in using varied competencies in selects different trainings, round. funds/
strategies in using varied learning programs, School
teaching strategies and experiences and professional
diverse learning delivery and learning conferences development
learners. modalities in delivery in learning fund (if
teaching diverse modalities delivery selected)
learners suited to modalities
different kinds sponsored by
of learners DepEd and
webinar and

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