Sidorenko 2007

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ISSN 1068-798X, Russian Engineering Research, 2007, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 299–304. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2007.

Original Russian Text © L.S. Sidorenko, 2007, published in STIN, 2007, No. 2, pp. 20–26.

Mathematical Model of Buildup Formation

in Cutting the Steels
L. S. Sidorenko
DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X07050152

For the study of the processes that arise in the metals the course of the fundamental studies of the curve AD
in the course of their working by pressure, by cutting, during the static and dynamic loading–unloading tests
and by other methods, and for selecting the optimal that more complex phenomena, in addition to the elas-
working conditions, it is necessary to use the scientific toplasticity phenomena, develop in the specimens.
results from the fields of physics, continuum mechan- These phenomena include preaction, postaction, relax-
ics, theory of deformation and fracture of the solid bod- ation, creep, latency of the plastic deformation (the lag
ies, cutting theory, and so on. It is well known that the effect), and so on.
processes of the deforming of the bodies by stretching,
compression, shearing, torsion, and bending are associ- In the course of the experimental studies of the ten-
ated with the plastic yield curve. sion diagram, there was discovered on the curve AD the
“resting” phenomenon [3], termed the “yield plateau”
The first studies of the metal deformation process,
performed in the XVII century [1, 2], led to the discov- or the “yield tooth.” This phenomenon is expressed in
ery of the fundamental rheological properties that are the form of the straight line BC, which may be directed
manifest in the metal in the course of its deformation. up (see Fig. 1a) [21], horizontally (see Fig. 1b), or down
Thus, Hooke discovered the phenomenon of elastoplas- [20]. However, it is known [20] that there are metals on
ticity and formulated the first law, expressing the rela- the tension diagram of which there is no definite yield
tionship between the stress and the elastic deformation plateau (see, for example, Fig. 1c). For these metals, we
in tension [1], and the second law for the compression use the engineering stress, for which the residual rela-
process. tive deformation εres = 0.002 to 0.005 (0.2 to 0.5%),
which corresponds to the engineering yield plateau (the
In accordance with these laws, on the elastic seg- engineering yield limit σ0.2 to σ0.5 [20].
ment OA of the tension diagram (Figs. 1a and 1b) there
is a directly proportional linear mathematical relation-
ship between the stress σp and the deformation ε (or σ (a) (b)
between the load P and the relative elongation ∆l). D P
σb D
The analysis of the literature from the various fields
of science (solid body physics [3]; continuum mechan- σs C BC
ics [4, 5, and others]; mechanics of the deformation, σe B
σn A A
elasticity, plasticity, and fracture of the solid body [6 to
19 and others]; the resistance of materials [20 and 21];
the curve AD of the tension diagram that includes the 0 ε 0 ∆l
stress limits σ at the points A (the proportional limit σp), σ, MPa (c)
B (the elastic limit σe), C (the yield limit σs), and D (the 1600
breaking strength σb) was studied experimentally for
many metals only in the XX century with the appear- 10
1200 4KhVS
ance of the precision apparatus for recording the very
small deformation change. However, there are no theo- 1000 U8 30
40 ShKh15
retical equations describing the curve AD in the studies 800 20Kh
[3 to 21 and others). 600
At the present time, in connection with the develop- 400
ment of metal deformation theory, the interest of the 200
scientists and mechanicians in the theoretical studies of 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
the curve AD has increased, and its study is an urgent q
Fig. 1. Tension diagrams: (a) typical for the steels [21]; (b)
Rheological phenomena that can be reflected on typical for cast steel [20]; (c) actual for various steels [25]
the curve AD. It was established [20–22 and others] in (q is the relative deformation of the specimen cross section).


laws were not used for the mathematical description of

the buildup-formation process.
γ Both previously and at the present time, the shrink-
age and buildup phenomena are basically studied
experimentally. This applies to the various forms and
ρ1 conditions of pressure working [33 to 35 and others]
δ and cutting [23–32, 36–38, and others].
a However, the theoretical formulas that can account
l1 l0 for the rheological phenomena taking place with
latency in the calculations of the output parameters for
the indicated working processes have not yet been
obtained. This is primarily explained by the absence of
the precise models describing the complex shaping pro-
Fig. 2. Form of buildup in the principal secant plane of the cesses.
cutting edge.
Phenomena of buildup formation on the tool.
When cutting the ductile steels, in certain conditions
The foregoing rheological phenomena are reflected the chip particles adhere to the front surface of the tool,
on the entire curve from the point A to the point D, at characterized by the lip angle δ and the cutting edge
which failure of the metal starts. It has been established rounding radius ρ (the cutting edge length is l0). As a
experimentally that each of these phenomena is charac- result, there forms a buildup of length l1 and height h
terized by a lag time. Its magnitude T depends on the with the taper angle δ1, the edge rounding radius ρ1, and
conditions of the deformation process, primarily on the zero back angle (Fig. 2).
deformation rate and the mechanical properties of the The nature of the appearance of this phenomenon
metal. The time T can be determined experimentally or was disclosed as a result of the many years of experi-
calculated. mental studies of the buildup, conducted by several sci-
The analysis of numerous studies shows that the entists. It was also established that the buildup shape
time T has not been used in the practice of the calcula- and dimensions depend primarily on the following fac-
tions of the parameters of the metal working processes tors: the cutting speed v, the sheared layer thickness a;
(these parameters include, for example, the chip shrink- the tool taper angle δ, and the mechanical properties of
age [23, 24], the contact length [25, 26], the buildup the workpiece material. In addition, it was shown
[27, 28], the cutting forces [25, 29], the temperature experimentally that the buildup may appear or disap-
[25, 27–32], and others). In contrast with the process of pear, depending on the quantities v, a, δ, and also on the
the stretching/compression of the metals, in the course presence or absence of cooling.
of the machining process phenomena other than the It was established experimentally in the well-known
foregoing take place in the metals. We shall examine studies [25, 28, 29, 31, and 32] that the cutting speed
these phenomena briefly for the example of the cutting has the most significant influence on the buildup
process. dimensions. Thus, it was shown [25, 28, 29, and 31]
Phenomena that arise in cutting the metals. The that for each workpiece metal there is a critical cutting
development of the machinebuilding industry in the speed vk, at which the buildup is maximal. In [28] there
XIX century required the determining of the optimal was proposed the formula vk = Kv /(δaxby) where Kv is
metal working conditions. In this connection, the sys- the cutting coefficient; b is the sheared layer width,
tematic study of the phenomena arising in the various mm; a is in mm; δ is in degrees; and vk is in m/s.
forms of the working of the metals was initiated in the The further experiments [31] showed that for certain
middle of the XIX century. Thus, it was found that the conditions of the cutting of the steels, the buildup of the
elastoplasticity phenomenon that was discovered by maximal height is formed with v = 0.35 to 0.5 m/s. The
Hooke in the stretching–compression of the metals also buildup does not appear at the low (v < 0.15 m/s) and
arises in working by pressure and cutting, accompanied high (v > 1.35 m/s) cutting speeds. The absence of the
by the shearing processes and by other phenomena. buildup at the low cutting speeds is explained by the
The phenomenon termed shrinkage of the chip was low temperature in the zone of the chip contact with the
described for the first time in [23]. This phenomenon tool, and at the high speeds by the high temperature, at
was determined using an empirical formula without which the metal becomes more plastic and the friction
account for the time T. However, Hooke’s laws were not forces decrease significantly.
used in the proposed theory. In a continuation of the The buildup is a positive factor in rough machining,
studies of the machinability of the metals by cutting, since it facilitates the chip forming process thanks to
another new phenomenon was discovered (termed the the decrease of the angle δ (i.e., increase of the front
buildup) that forms on the contact area of the front sur- angle γ), and it also protects the blade against the ero-
face of the tool [27]. However, once again the Hooke’s sive action of the chip, and shields it from the heat that



is generated in the contacting of the tool with the work- It has been established [37] that in spite of the seem-
piece. ingly different forms of these contour lines, their
The forming of the buildup in the finish machining dimensions in certain experimental conditions agree
process is undesirable, since it leads to degradation of quite precisely. Then, combining these three contour
the quality of the machined surface because of the fact lines, we can draw through them a single elliptic line.
that the buildup particles adhere tightly to the cutting We note that the boundary contours coincide under
surfaces. Moreover, the shearing of the buildup leads to the following conditions: (1) the length of the neck in
vibration of the tool, which also degrades the quality of the stretching of the specimen that was selected for the
the surface and shortens the blade service life. analysis is equal to the radius of the ball imprint; (2) the
It follows from the literature survey that the analysis lower chip shearing boundary line coincides with the
of the buildup formation process has basically a ver- axial section of the ball imprint if the cutting speed is
bal/descriptive nature. The formulas for calculating the close to zero.
parameters of the buildup that are presented in some These arguments make it possible to associate the
studies are not sufficiently exact. In this connection, the mechanical properties of the metal (the Brinell hard-
problem of improving the accuracy of the calculation of ness) with the ellipse that was adopted in the first pos-
the buildup parameters is urgent; its solution will make tulate, considering the radius of the ball imprint to be
it possible to increase the life of the tool and the quality equal to one of the semiaxes of the ellipse. Thus, we
of the machined surface by selecting the optimal cut- formulate the following postulate: “The length of the
ting conditions. semiaxis of the elliptic line along which cold shearing
Adoption of the postulates for developing the of the chip takes place is equal to the radius of the
buildup size calculation model. Several postulates imprint of the Brinell instrument ball.” This postulate
have previously been formulated [38], however they makes it possible to take into account the influence of
require refinements and a more consistent exposition. the mechanical characteristics of the metal on the
We shall present four refined postulates. buildup dimensions.
First postulate. It has been established experimen- Third postulate. It was noted above that the rheo-
tally [25 and 29] that in the course of the shearing of a logical phenomena take place, both in the cutting of the
layer of thickness a there forms in this layer a curvilin- metals and in their tension tests. On the basis of the
ear wedgelike stress–strain zone that consists of a fam- analysis of these phenomena, we adopt the postulate:
ily of second-order curves: the stress lines. Shearing of “With increase of the cutting speed, the narrowing of
the chip takes place along one of these lines (the lower the curvilinear wedgelike stress–strain chip-forming
limiting line), which corresponds to the modern con- zone that is sheared in the cutting process along the
cepts of the theory of plasticity and fracture of the solid elliptic line is associated with the rheological phenom-
bodies [14 to 17 and others]. enon of the latency of the plastic deformation, which is
On this basis, we adopt the following postulate: “As described theoretically by the Maxwell model and
the theoretical second-order curve approximating the equation.” The calculated latency time T is used as the
initial concave boundary of the chip-forming zone, it is parameter in calculating the large semiaxis of the stress
best to take the elliptic curve that is most widely used ellipse in the developed fundamental scheme.
in developing the deformation process models and is Fourth postulate. The analysis of the works
used for the calculations of the stresses in cracks.” devoted to studying the buildup phenomenon shows
We can express in accordance with this postulate the that its length is influenced primarily by the high pres-
connection of the semiaxes of the ellipse with the mag- sure arising in the course of the time T under the action
nitude of the shear zone (SZ), the cutting velocity v, the of the high shear stress in the chip-forming zone along
sheared layer thickness a, the tool front angle γ, the the entire elliptic line. Considering the foregoing argu-
Brinell hardness of the metal, and also the rheological ments, we formulate the postulate: “The length of the
time T (the latency time of the plastic deformation on buildup in the plastic contact zone on the front surface
the yield plateau). of the tool is equal to the length of the elliptic line,
Second postulate. We shall examine three deforma- along which the shearing of the chip takes place.”
tion schemes (in the processes of stretching, embedding On the basis of the formulated postulates, there has
of the hardness testing ball, and shearing of the chip in been created the fundamental analytic model (Fig. 3),
the cutting process) on the basis of the commonality of including the tool 1, the layer that is being sheared 5,
the plastic deformation curve BCD (see Fig. 1a and 1b). the chip 2, the ellipse 3, the straight line 4 that limits the
It is well known [20, 21, 25, 29, and 37] that in the thickness of the sheared layer, and the buildup 6. This
deformed solid body with approach to the strength limit model, constructed with account for the rheological
σb there appears a family of stress lines, from which properties of the metals, is refined in comparison with
there are formed the boundary (contour) stress lines in the model that was proposed in [38]. Then it is neces-
the form, respectively, of the curvilinear fracture neck, sary to establish the connection of the semiaxes of the
the circular imprint from the ball, and the chip shearing ellipse 3 with the primary input parameters of the cut-
curve. ting process: the cutting velocity v, the mechanical



The process of the contraction of the chip-forming

zone is associated both with the time T and with the cut-
Y 1 ting velocity v. The fundamental model (see Fig. 3) is
based on the principle of the contraction of the ellipse,
the large semiaxis OO1 of which is connected with the
velocity v and the time T that is calculated from the for-
A mula (1). To find the conditions of the contraction of the
Z chip-forming zone, it is necessary to extend the semi-
axis OO1. It follows from Fig. 3, that this is possible if
01 we associate the semiaxis OO1 with the velocity v that
C coincides with the vector of the chip motion.
We shall formulate on the basis of the analysis of the
γ studies [1 to 38 and others] the first law: “The length of
δ2 the large semiaxis of the elliptic stress–strain zone of
3 the chip-forming process is equal to the product of the
δ3 deformation rate by the latency time of the plastic
l1 deformation of the solid body.” This law is expressed
analytically by the formula OO1 = L = vT, where v is in
P δ1/2 m/s. Since the cutting speed is usually expressed in
δ1 m/min, with account for the tool front angle γ this for-
4 ρ1 mula takes the form
B O2 K D
δ1/2 δ L = 1000vT /60 + a/ cos γ , (2)

where v is in m/min; T is in seconds; and L is in mm.
M G L N Mi hi 0
5 6 The physical connection of the small semiaxis of the
3S h
ellipse with the hardness of the workpiece material was
proved rigorously in [24 and 38]. This connection is
Fig. 3. Scheme for calculating the buildup parameters. reflected in the second postulate, in accordance with
which the small semiaxis length
properties HB of the workpiece metal, the thickness of AO 1 = r = d/2, (3)
cut a, and the tool front angle γ.
The rheological connection of the parameters of where d is the diameter of the imprint of the Brinell
the cutting process with the semiaxes of the ellipse. instrument ball.
We note that this question has not been studied in cut- Calculation of the buildup dimensions. For this
ting theory [23, 25, 27, 28, and 30]. The connection of we need to solve a system of two equations: the equa-
the parameters v, a, γ, and HB with the semiaxes of the tion of the ellipse 3 and the equation of the straight line
ellipse was first studied in [24]. We shall examine the 4 (see Fig. 3):
primary characteristics of this connection.
One of the central problems of the theory of the y
2 2
z ( y + z tan γ )
deformation of the solid bodies with dynamic action, -----2 + ----2 = 1; --------------------------- = 1. (4)
particularly in the cutting process, is the calculation of L r L – a/ cos γ
the plastic deformation latency time T on the curve
BCD of the stress-deformation diagram (see Fig. 1a and Solving the system (4), we obtain the coordinates of
1b). We note that the rheological time T has been little the point B of the intersection of the line of the ellipse
studied in plasticity theory [9 and 19]; the same is true and the straight line (z = BB'; y = O1B'), the values of
for the relative plastic deformation rate, which is func- which were presented in [38].
tionally connected with the time T. 1. The calculation of the buildup length l1 is based
It follows from the foregoing third postulate, that the on the analysis of the kinematics of the motion of the
Maxwell equation [21] of the following form is appli- chip after shearing and its pressure on the front surface,
cable for determining the length of the large semiaxis of where the buildup forms. The calculation of the length
the elliptic stress–strain zone of the chip-forming pro- l1 that was proposed earlier [38] required corrections.
cess Therefore, we shall present the refined calculation
sequence. We obtain from the triangles OBB', OKE, and
T = σ/ ( Eε̇ ), (1) BB'E (see Fig. 3)
where σ is the stress; E is the elastic modulus; and ε̇ is 2 0.5
BO = l 2 = [ z + ( a/ cos γ + z tan γ ) ] .
the relative plastic deformation rate. (5)



We find with account for the expression (5) LN, where MN = NO2/tan(δ1/2); LN = NO2 = ρ1. We find
from the obtained expressions
l 1 = CD + OD = BO cos Φ + OK/ cos γ
(6) h = l 1 sin δ 2 / sin δ 1 + ρ 1 – ρ 1 / tan ( δ 1 /2 ). (8)
= l 2 cos Φ + a/ cos γ ,
In formula (8) for the conditions when the buildup
where intersects the line OB, we calculate the angle δ1 from
Φ = arcsin ( BD/BO ) = arcsin ( a/l 2 ). (7) the triangle OMC. However, when the actual buildup
arises on the tool, we determine this angle from the tri-
2. Calculation of the buildup height h. The basis for angle OMi C using the formula
the calculation of this parameter is the Mohr theorem δ 1 = 90° – δ 3 – γ or δ 1 = 90° – δ 2 + γ , (9)
[38], in accordance with which the surface of the
buildup is close to the surface of an ellipse with smooth where we find the angle δ3 from the triangle BB'C as
transition to a conical surface and to a circle. follows:
We shall examine two calculation conditions. In BB' BB' z
accordance with the first condition, we consider that the tan δ 3 = --------- = ------------------------ = ----------------------------------------------- . (10)
B'C OC – OB' l 1 + z tan γ – a/ cos γ
outer surface of the buildup coincides with the normal
MBC to the ellipse at the point B, and in accordance We determine the angle δ2 in formula (9) on the
with the second condition this surface coincides with basis of the proposed second law: “On the impossibility
the variable normal MiC that is positioned at the angle of the intersection of the limiting shear line BO with the
δ2 to the large semiaxis of the ellipse. original buildup line, regardless of how the ellipse con-
We perform the calculation using the first condition, tracts under the action of the velocity.” As a result, the
considering that L > r, γ > 0, and the tip of the buildup following connection of the angles is established:
that is rounded with the radius ρ1 intersects the chip δ 2 = 0.35δ 3 . (11)
shearing line OB. In this case h = LO = MO – ML. The
variable buildup height in accordance with the second 3. Calculation of the buildup radius. This parameter
condition hi = MiO with δ2 < δ3, where the angle δ3 is was examined in detail in [38]; we present the final for-
defined in Fig. 3. mula:
For the calculation of the segments MO and ML, we 2
ρ 1 = [ l 1 sin δ 2 tan ( δ 1 /2 ) ]/ [ tan δ 1 cos ( δ 1 /2 ) ]. (12)
first divide the surface of the buildup into three basic
zones. We shall consider that the tip is located near the Calculation example. We shall calculate on the
foot of the buildup (whose contour has the form of a cir- basis of formulas (1) to (12) the buildup height h and
cle with the radius ρ1), the middle zone has the form of length l1 in turning steel 40 (180 HB and σb = 600 MPa)
an ellipse, and the zone adjacent to the front surface is by a cutter that is made of the BK6 hard alloy with γ =
close to the straight generatrix of the cone. 10° at v = 0.2 to 2000 m/min, and a = 0.65 mm.
From these zones there are formed areas of approx- We find from formula (1) T = 0.003 s; in accordance
imately triangular shape, and the sides of these trian- with formula (2) in this cutting speed interval L = 0.67
gles can be calculated with the conditions that were to 100 mm; from formula (3) with d = 4.5 mm we find
adopted above. Thus, from the triangle MPO we find r = 2.25 mm. We calculate the other parameters from
MO = PO/sinδ1, where PO = l1sinδ3; and we determine the formulas (4) to (11). The calculated values of the
l1 from the formula (6). Then we calculate ML = MN – buildup length l1 and height h are as follows.

v, mm/min 0.2 30 60 90 120 180 400 800 1000 2000

l1, mm 2.50 1.90 1.66 1.51 1.42 1.29 1.07 0.93 0.89 0.79
h, mm 0.61 0.47 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.25

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