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Linear Algebra Posted On February 17 1. Let A={c=R\x = Trace (A), for some A€M,(R) such that A=, A* I}. Then which of the following is true for the set A? (a) A consists of only non-zero elements (b) Cardinality of A is 4 () Cardinality of A is 5. (d) Cardinality of A is infinite. Solution: Correct Answer is (a) Given, A’ =1; A * Land A EM,(R) .'. Possibilities for minimal polynomial of A are (x - 1) or (6° +x+1) or (e- 1) (+x 1) (x— 1) is not possible as A¥1. Case I: If (x’+x+1) is minimal polynomial of A, then the characteristic polynomial of A will be (?+x+1)? . eigen values of A will be w, w, w°, w. ©. Trace (A) = w+ w+ w+ @'=2 [As 1+ w+ w=0] Case I: If (x - 1) (+x+1) is minimal polynomial of A, then characteristic polynomial of A will be (x - 1)’(<’+x+) ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ”. eigen values of A will be 1,1, w, w°. ©. Trace (A) = 1+1+ w+ w=] [As 1+ w+ w"=0] Hence, A = {1, -2} Clearly, option (a) is true. Posted On February 18 2. Which of the following matrices are similar? 07 0 007 000 A=|0 0 i},B=/0 ¢ OC=/i 0 0 000 00 0 o7 0 (a) Aand B are similar matrices (b) Band C are similar matrices (c) Aand C are similar matrices (d) None of the above Solution: Correct Answer is (c) Since, eigen valeus of A are 0, 0, 0 Eigen valeus of B are 0, 0, i Eigen valeus of C are 0, 0,0 .'. B cannot be similar to any of A and C Also, G.M. of ‘0’ in A =3 -rank (A) = 1 And G.M. of ‘0’ in C = 3 -rank (C) = 1 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Hence, Jordan canonical form of A and C is eco son o-s Thus, A and C are similar. Posted On February 21 3. The maximum value of 9x} +4x3+3x3 subject to constraints x'x=1 and x'u,=0, where x"=(x4,x2,x3). and u, is unit vector corresponding to the greatest eigen value of the matrix of the quadratic form, is @9 (4 (3 (a) 5 Solution: Correct Answer is (b) Clearly, h = 9 is largest eigen value and u,= (1, 0, 0) is corresponding eigen vector. The constraint x", =0=> x, =0 x x=loat+a?=1 2. ON #4x; + 3x7 = 4x3 43x} <4(ad +4} )= 4 [Ag wd ea = 1] 9x) 44x} +307 <4 => The constrained maximum of quadratic form does not exceed 4 and this value is attained for x = (0, 1, 0) Hence, maximum value = 4 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 4. The possible values of =(b,,b..b,) for which the system 13 4 Ax =b, where 4 ‘} 2 “| is consistent, is /are -3 -2-7 (@) (1,4, 1) (b) (4, 1, ) (© (1, 1,4) (d) (0, 2, L) Solution: Correct Answer is (a,d) 1 3 4; by [A;b]=|-4 2 —-6 jb, | -3 -2 -7 ;b; 1 3 4; by _|0 14 10; by + 4b, [By row reduetion} 00 0; by-Fbr+bs Clearly, the system Ax = b is consistent iff by - $b, +b; =0 Here, (1, 4, 1) and (0, 2, 1) satisfy the above condition. Hence, options (a) and (d) are correct. Posted On February 25 J. If the quadratic {(x,y) = ax’ +bxy + ey" is positive definite, then which of the following conditions are necessarily true? ‘Scanned wih CamScanner (a)a>0,c>0 (b) ac—4b* >0 (c) ac—b* >0 (d) 4ac—b* >0 Solution: Correct Answer is (a, d) The quadratic form {(x,y)= ax" +bxy+ey* (1) can be written as X’ Ax, where XS y)and 4 [iia | (2) Now, as (1) is positive definite quadric form, then all eigen values of A must be positive. >a>0,c> 0,ac--“>0 or 4ac—b’ > 0, Thus, options (a) and (d) are true. Posted On February 26 6. Let A € M,(R) be a lower triangular matrix with all diagonal enteries ‘I’ such that A#I . Then which of the followings is/are true? (a) Ais diagonalizable (b) Ais nilpotent (c) Ais not diagonalizable (d) null space of A—I is non zero Solution: Correct Answer is (c,d) ‘Scanned wih CamScanner As AEM,(R) is lower triangular matrix with all the diagonal entries ‘I’ -.'1' is eigen value of A with algebraic mutltiplicity=n. Also, (A -1) #0 [-- A#l] => rank (A-1) #0 => geometric multiply of ‘1'= n-rank (A - I) geometric multiplicity of ‘1’ # Algebric multiplicity of TD Thus, A is not diagonalizable rank (A - 1) mullity (A—1)21 Thus, null space of A —1 is non-zero. Further, as nilpotent eigen matrix has only zero eigen values. -. A cannot be nilpotent. Posted On February 29 ec co- en | ae 7. The eigen values of the matrix e"" , where & + oS ° (a) 1,0,0 @)1,1,0 OLLI (d) depends ont Solution: Correct Answer is (c) ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Since, B’ = O, zero matrix of order 3 ts 2 Je =t4H=|0 1 0 001 Clearly eigen values of «* are 1, 1, 1. Posted On March 02 010 8. if 4=|9 9 '| and B= A" 100 Then, which of the following(s) is/are true? (a) Trace (B) = 0 (b) det (B) = 1 (c) B is diagonalizable (d) B is non- diagonalizable Solution: Correct Answer is (a, b, c) Since, A’ =I «. Eigen values of A are 1, 0, 0” As all eigen values are distinct. -. Ais diagonalizable over C Further, eigen values of B are 1, 0", «ie 1,0, 0° -. Trace (B) = 0 and det (B) = I Also eigen values of B are distinct. -. Bis diagonolizble over C. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 9. Let A be a is 6%6 singular matrix with rank (A-21) = 6, rank (A-4I)=4 and nullity (A - I) = 3. Then which of the Sollowings is/are not true? (a) eigen values of A are 0, 1, 2, 4 (6) Ais diagonalizable (©) trace (A) =7 (d@) A has exactly three distinct eigen values Solution: Correct Answer is (a,c) Since, rank (A — 21) = 6=|A-21|#0 => 2 is not an eigen value of A Thus, option (a) is not true and hence, option (a) is correct. Rank (A — 41) = 4 = |A—41| =0 = 4 is an eigen values of A Also, nullity (A— 41) = 6-4 =2 = G. Mof ‘h= 4’ is 2. =A.M of ‘h=4’ is greater than or equal to 2. (1) Nullity (A—I) =3 = |A-—1|=0 => A= 1 is a eigen values of A and G.M of ‘h = 1’ is greater than or equal to3 ....(2) Further, as A is singular. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ~. ‘A = 0" is an eigen value of A and A.M of ‘h = 0° is greater than or equal to 1 --(3) As we know sum of algebraic multiplicities of A must be equal to 6. .’, By (D), (2) and (3), we get AM of ‘= 0'=1=GMof'‘h=0' AM of ‘K=1'=3=G.Mof'h=1’ A.M of ‘h=4'=2=G.M of ‘h=4’ = A is diagonalizable and A has exactly three distinct eigen values. Also, trace (A) = 0 +1+1+1+24+2=7 Thus, option (c) is not true and hence is correct. Posted On March 06 10.Let ¥ be the vector space of all complex polynomials p(x) with deg p(x) < n. Let T:V->V be the map defined by T(p(x)) =" (1) + p' (0), xe C which of the following is/are correct. (a) rank(T)=n (b) nullity (T) =1 (c) rank (T) = 1 @ nullity (TL) =n Solution: Correct Answer is (c, d) Given that, V is the vector space of all complex polynomials p(x) with deg p(x) $n and T: V— Vis the 9 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner map defined by (Tp) (x) = p* (I) + p' (0), xeC. ker T= {pQ)EV |T(p(x)) =O} ={p(x) EV |v" (1) +p (0)=0} => nullity T = dim(ker T)=n+ I-1=n Using rank-nullity theorem, rank T +nullity T=n+1 Rank T=n+1-n=1 = dim(range T)=1 So, options (c) and (d) are correct. Posted On March 07 7 8 9 wo W 17 18 19 20 21 11 the rank of the matrix 27 28 29 30 31| és 37 38 39 40 41 47 48 49 50 51 (as 4 (3 (d)2 Solution: Correct Answer is (d) 7% 9 0 Mt) [7 8 9 OW 17 18 19 20 21] [10 10 10 10 10 Let 4=|27 28 29 30 31] =|10 10 10 10 10 37 38 39 40 41 10 1 10 10 10 47 48 49 30 si} [10 10 10 10 10 [By Applying Rx Re Ry, Re Re Ry, Rs Ry R, Ry R; Ri] Clearly, matrix A has 2 independent rows. «. rank (A) = 2. 10 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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