Question Words

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English for beginner

English Exercises: Question Words

Exercise 1: Fill in the blank with one suitable question word
1.  are you so happy? because I have a birthday party. 
2.   is is sitting behind you? Rita. 
3.   do you go to school? by bus. 
4.   does the first lesson begin? at 8.00 o'clock. 
5.    is the police-station? in front of the park. 
6.    is the weather like in Israel? It's hot. 
7.    do the tickets cost? I don't know. Maybe 15 $. 
8.    does your mom go to work in the morning? by taxi. 
9.    does he usually have for lunch? rice and fish. 
10.    wants to sing this  song? Tamara . 
11.    book is that? It's Maria's. 
12.    do you have the longest holidays? in summer. 
13.    can translate this word in English? I can. 
14.   is your address? Main Street 16.
 15.   are you crying? because I lost my
16.    works in this school? my aunt. 
17.    does the boy come from? from Brasil. 
18.     are her brothers? sixteen . 
19.   is  your test? on Monday 
20.    does this jacket cost?  200 dollars. 
21.    is reading a letter now? David. 
22.    do you go on Friday? to the swimming lesson. 
23.    water do you want? one glass of water,please. 
24.    does the museum open on Sundays? at nine o'clock . 
25.    can we buy  milk here? at the supermarket. 
26.    are you doing now? cooking spaghetti. 

No pain, no gain
English for beginner
27.   is your sister going to do today? to do her homework . 
28.   is your English teacher? Mrs. Berry
29.    is your favorite color? orange. 
30.    is his wedding? in September 
31.   is the market? next to the biggest post-office.
32.    are your new sandals ? fifty dollars.
33.    is there on the shelf ? my old radio.
34.    do you work? in the hospital.
35.    is your name? Sandra.
36.    is your school bag? under the chair.
37.    colour is your car? it's white.
38.    do you usually bring to school? books and notebooks.
39.    knows the answer? I know.
40.   are the pupils writing now? a postcard.
41.    was at the cinema yesterday? Bob and Rosa.
42.      can you help me? next week.
43.    were you last week? in Italy .
44.    were the children a week ago? on a school trip in Paris
 45.     likes lemon juice? my little brother.
46.     are your new friends from? from Argentina.
47.     is your dream? to be a French teacher.
48.     is David coming back? on Tuesday evening.
49.    pencils do you have ? seven.
50.     was at the beach yesterday? my mum.
51.   is your grandfather? seventy-nine years old.
52.    is Mr. Fox at the moment? in his office.
53.    pets do you have? two pets: a hamster and a parrot.
54.  colour is your pencil
box? purple.                                                                                

Exercise 2: Fill in the blank with one correct question word

No pain, no gain
English for beginner
1. __________ do you like best?

2. __________ does Manolo get up in the morning?

3. __________ don´t you go by bus, Cristina?

4. __________ hobbies does Carlos like?

5. __________ do they go to every week?

6. __________ old are you Silvia?

7. __________ is Maria´s birthday?

8. __________ are my exercise books?

9. __________ are you doing at the moment, Harry?

10. __________ do the Petersons live?

11. __________ sits next to Dries? Mo.

12. __________ does the boy come from? From Madrid.

13. __________ old are her children? Three and five.

14. __________ is Lola´s birthday? In March, I think.

15. __________ much is the shirt? It´s twenty euros.

16. __________ is best at playing tennis? Johann.

17. __________ are you going? To my parents.

18. __________ much is an soda? It´s one euro.

19. __________ does the restaurant open? At ten o´clock.

20. __________ can I get some ice cream? At the snack bar.

21. __________ are you going to order? Pasta.

22. __________ are you going to do on Monday? I don´t know.

23. __________ has got my sunglasses? I have got them.

24. __________ is your name? Rita.

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English for beginner
25. __________ is Helen´s party? On Friday.

26. _______ much are the patotoes? One dollar.

27. _______ can I do for you? I want two white T-shirts.

28. _______ can I get a newspaper? At Park street.

29. _______ is your best friend? It´s paul.

30. _______ does Lisa live? In Boston.

31. _______ colour is your new car? It´s white.

31. _______ do you collect? Stickers.

33. _______ can help me? I can.

34. _______ about some grapes? No, thanks.

35. _______ was your first word as a baby? Mama.

36. _______ were you born? On March 9th.

37. _______ were you born? In St. Maarten.

38. _______ were you last Sunday? I was working.

39. _______ can we have a picnic? I know a nice place near a pond.

40. _______ are you going to take with you? Some sandwiches and a coke.

41. ________ time is it?

42. ________ colour is her hair?

43. ________ kind of clothes do you like to wear?

44. ________ school do you go to?

45. ________ doll is your favourite?

46. ________ road leads to the Zoo?

47. ________ runner is the last one?

48. Do you know ________ girl won the prize?

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English for beginner
49. ________ foot print´s are these?

50. ________ baby is this?

51. ________ kind of animal is that?

52. ________ runner is the winner?

53. ________ is the matter?

54. ________ desk is this?

55. ________ cell phone is ringing?

56. ________ is your name?

57. ________ twin is taller?

58. ________ hand is holding the pen?

59. ________ is your favourite singer?

60. ________ is your house?

61. ________ is your favourite day of the week?

62. ________ is your favourite colour?

63. ________ are your English lessons?

64. ________ is your favourite movie?

65. ________ are you from?

66. ________ is near you house?

67. ________ do you live?

68. ________ is your favourite type of music?

69. ________ are your English lessons at school?

70. ________ is your favourite sportsperson?

71. ________ is your English teacher?

72. ________ is your favourite animal?

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English for beginner
73. ________ do you like to do Saturdays?

74. ________ time do you got to school?

75. ________ is his name?

76. ________ is the museum?

77. ________ do you go to school?

78. ________ is he talking to?

79. ________ is your dog´s name?

80. ________ is the time?

81. ________ are those people?

82. ________ are you talking about?

83. ________ are you going to leave?

84. ________ are you, Mr Gordon?

85. ________ is she doing?

86. ________ time is she coming home?

87. ________ are you going. I am going to the park.

88. ________ are you going. I´m going on Monday?

89. ________ do you go to school? I go to school in Málaga.

90. ________ does Pedro work? He works every evening.

91. ________ many cars does your family have? We have two cars.

92. ________ does the dog want? It wants a big bone.

93. ________ much is that? It costs 3 euros.

94. ________ do you like to eat? I like to eat chicken.

95. ________ is reading in the library. Sandra is reading in the library.

96. ________ time is it now? It´s nine o´clock.

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English for beginner
97. ________ is your school? It is near the post office.

98. ________ is this lady? She is my favourite teacher.

99. ________ do you like better, cakes or chocolates?

100. ________ often do you go to the movies?

Exercise 3: Make questions for the underlined words or phrases

1. The dictionary is 200,000dong.
2. I made it from a piece of wood.
3. She bought it at the shop over there.
4. No, I wasn’t. (I was tired after the trip.)
5. It took her three hours to finish the composition.
6. I need a phone card to phone my parents.
7. It’s about 1,500 km from Hue to Ho Chi Minh City.
8. The bank is opposite the restaurant.
9. The dress looked very nice.
10. I saw her last night.
11. Her neighbor gave her a nice dress.

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English for beginner
12. They returned to America two weeks ago.
13. Mrs. Robinson bought a poster.
14. My father was in Ha Noi last month.
15. He traveled to Nha Trang by coach.
16. She went to the doctor because she was sick.
17. Nam left home at 7 o’clock yesterday.
18. He taught English in the high school.
19. The homework was very difficult yesterday.
20. She often does the housework after doing exercises.
21. They are planting some roses in the garden.


22. Liz will send these letters to her friends.


23. My favorite subject is Math.


24. Yes, we do. (We have magazines and newspapers)

25. I often listen to music in my free time.

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English for beginner
26. Yes, he is. (He is good at drawing)
27. She learns about computers in computer science class.
28. My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment.
29. Lan likes playing table tennis.
30. I go to the movies twice a week.
31. They go to the beach on the summer holidays.
32. They stay in a hotel.


No pain, no gain

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