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Tolentino, Arabella Bina Rating:

BEEd 3-A February 21, 2022

Assessment 2

PART I. Explain briefly each statements.

1. In not more than two sentences, state the relationship of society and schools.

Schools and society are linked or interdependent because they both influence one
another. Without schools, how can we build an ideal society, and without society, how
can we organize the school system systematically, which means that both are needed to

2. What is meant by socialization as a function of schools?

Socialization is the process by which individuals develop a self - identity and gain
knowledge, language, and social skills allows us to interact with others. Schools are
social agencies that were established with the goal of improving the processes of
socialization. A school, as a socialization agent, aids in the phase of a person's 'creation
of an individual identity.' A school is a man-made organization designed to transmit
culture and thus aid in socialization.

3. Given the different characteristics of the different periods in Philippine history, what
were the goals of education/schools during the:

a. Pre-colonial,
The goal of this era is to teach the boy how to hunt and gather and the girl how to
help with household tasks so that they can coexist peacefully. There are more vocational
education students than academic students.
b. Spanish period
The goal of the educational system during this time period is to teach children
about Christian doctrine, religious songs or music, and prayers. They must also attend
confession and communion.
c. American regime,
Education in this period is accessible for all, and anyone can attend school. The
purpose is to teach everybody and to provide adults vocational skills that they can use at
home or work. Also, to educate Filipinos about the heroes who served their country to
liberate us from the Spaniards. This epoch is reshaping school curriculum and
educational law.
d. Japanese regime, and
The goal is to educate Filipinos about the Philippines’ position as a part of the
East Co-Prosperity sphere. Overcoming the emphasis on materialism by fostering new
Filipino culture and raising people’s morale. This period is more focused on promoting
vocational education and a love of labor.
e. Post-colonial period?
The goal of education is to retain teachers and teach Filipinos about democratic
principles and ideologies. This is also the time when the national anthem is sung during
the flag ceremony. In addition, the law that requires the teaching of Rizal's life, works,
and writings is being implemented.

4. Was equal access to quality education met during the:

a. Pre-colonial,
There is no equal access in this period because the education they acquired is
reflected on their gender.
b. Spanish period
This era has no equal access to quality of education because only the ilustrados
and Spaniards can afford to attend school. And the lessons at this period are all about
Christian doctrines or religion.
c. American regime,
They fostered a democratic principles, which is why all people have the right to
go to school. Filipinos have equal and equitable access to education, and adult education
is also available.
d. Japanese regime, and
This period has equal access to education because everyone has the right to go to
school and adults have the option to pursue a vocational education. However, during this
time, the main focus is on labor.
e. Post-colonial period up to the present?
In this period, there is a lot of law that is implemented in terms of education, so they have
fair and equitable access in education that we obey the constitution until now. For
example, look into Jose Rizal's life, works, and writings, as well as the Magna Carta.

5. Read the article below. What does job-skills mismatch imply about the relevance of
schools to present society? Are schools effective agents of socialization in preparing
Filipino graduates for their job roles?
The article discusses Senator Joel Villanueva’s request to DOLE to report on the situation
of its programs aimed to address job-skills mismatches. Senator Villanueva also piqued the
interest of other involved government entities – CHED, DepEd, and TESDA – to the need to
upskill our workers and tackle the concerns of Job-Skill Mismatch. The question is, how does
job-skill mismatch indicate about the significance of school in today’s society? A job-skill
mismatch occurs when there is a mismatch between the skills needed by employers and the skills
possessed by an individual. The government has designated DepEd, CHED, and TESDA as the
agencies in responsible for teaching skills and educating the people in the Philippines. These
three agencies must provide the skills needed in the labor market, or the economy should
produce jobs that match the skills of the individuals. Misalignment affects not only individuals,
but also businesses, countries, and regions. Mismatch in skills affects companies’ ability to
execute new products or services, whereas mismatch in countries and regions can cause
unemployment and affect competitiveness and attractiveness to venture capitalists, resulting in
the loss of the opportunity to create new productively. This demonstrates that education has an
impact not only on us, but also on the rest of the world. Education is the key tool for developing
skills and enhance the quality of life in that nation. The economy of a country and its people are
determined by education.

6. Education is a function of society. Considering the positive and negative elements of 21 st

century society:
 state the educational Goals that 21st century schools should pursue;
Schools in the 21st century should prepare students to enter the labor force. It should
prepare children for citizenship and teach them about different cultures. It should also
prepare students for further education in college or tertiary institutions. It must assist students
in developing critical thinking skills and preparing them to compete on a global scale.
Schools in the 21st century should provide students with the skills they need to succeed in
this new world, as well as the confidence to put those skills into practice. Despite the
abundance of information available, particularly online, which can be misleading and
confusing, it should focus students' skills on making sense of it, sharing it, and using it in
smart ways. In the context of core academic subjects, 21st century schools should blend
knowledge, critical thinking, innovation skills, media, information and communication
technology (ICT) literacy, and real-life experience.
 describe the ideal 21st Century graduate; and
An ideal 21st-century graduate possesses 21st-century skills such as critical thinking,
creativity, teamwork, communication, information literacy, digital skills, technology literacy,
flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills, as well as good moral values.
They are someone who possesses the following abilities: collaboration and cooperation,
imagination and creativity, reasoning skills, and problem-solving abilities. These skills, as
well as how these skills connect with one another, could be meaningful to a new graduate
and employers. More than just technological proficiency, 21st century skills refer to
academic skills, literacies, and proficiencies that prepare individuals to accomplish today's
challenges as well as opportunities. A graduate of the 21st century should have flexibility and
adaptability, global and cultural awareness, information literacy, and leadership skills.
 describe the education delivery mode.
The 21st century education delivery model is one that teaches students the skills
needed for success in this digital age while also building their courage to put those skills into
action. With so much new information accessible to them, 21 st century skills focus on
making sense of information, sharing and using it wisely. In a nutshell, it is a learning that
offers learners with the skills and competencies they need to flourish or sustain in the
competitive twenty-first century. Furthermore, the delivery model in the 21 st century
highlighted compliance and conformity over creative expression, two skills that were
required to do well in a professional or institutional environment and to maintain a good job
for years. Compliance and conformity are now a thing of the past, but they are still important
aspects in many schools, informing rules even when it is not explicitly promoted to students.
Moreover, the delivery model in the twenty-first century does not simply require students to
sit for the duration of the term, but rather nurtures them in interactive learning activities. It
encourages collaboration and creativity, as well as critical thinking and communication
7. Was the National Collage Entrance Examination (NCEE) in support of equal access to quality
education? Why was it abolished, and when? Did it exactly what Filipinos then wanted?
No, the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) does not support equal access to
a quality education because it actively discourages students who fail the NCEE. Because it is a
standardized test designed to assess the academic competencies of graduating high school
students from across the Philippines, the outcomes were used to determine whether a student
could enter college and pursue a four-year degree program. This is a biased way of testing
students’ abilities because it only considers one-sided outcomes without considering the students
who failed the examination. Educators must be flexible in assessing students’ intellectual
capability because, according to Howard Gardner, everyone learner has multiple intelligences.
As a result, a paper-pencil test will not always suffice to determine a student’s future in college.
Everyone, not just a few, must attend college. Actually, we cannot guarantee that everyone who
passed the exam was perfectly capable because he or she can just narrow down those answers
until they luckily passed, and we cannot also say that all those who fail are incapable because we
must consider a variety of external conditions that may have caused them to fail the Filipinos are
gradually preferring NCAE over NCEE because it is more responsive to the changing times
while also improving the development of each student’s core skills. It gives a comprehensive
overview of the various paths one could take after completing high school.

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