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Opening statement :

A person isn’t determined by his money a number in a bank

account ,doesn’t determine who a person is or how rich is.a person is
determined by his heart and his kindness. The values guide us in life
and a wise man named Ghandi said “Your beliefs become your
thoughts,Your thoughts become your words,Your words become your
actions,Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,Your values become your destiny
‘’(in this famous quote about your destiny in life .ghandi starts with
two simple words.your beliefs. These beliefs are lead back to your
morals as a person .then he goes onto say your words then your
actions then your habits .which are all based on a persons
this quote Ghandi did not ,mention anything about money. We may be
tricked by dollar sign .but what is really important in life is how we
treat others and our relationship with other people.for example we
have Jennifer Lawrence someone who has endless amount of money
when asked what she wanted in life. She doesn’t say I ant a new car
or a big house .or tom brady a very famous quarterback in football
who screams for commitment on and off the field. Money isnot
everything ,the things we need and care about (family,health care,fun)
this is why we believe that morals are far more important and
necessary than an object like money.
1st statement:
What exactly are morals? Morals are defined as a persons standards or
beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. Without morals we
would have a corrupt world. Evertime I imagine a world without
morals, it's like there is no world to live for. A world filled with
stealing. A world filled with cheating. Filled with violence, murder,
and shameful actions. Suppose we have millions of dollars and no
morals. This money could be achieved in any way. We have no sense
of right and wrong. We’ll get the money by gambling,drug selling,
sex trafficing, hacking, and more. If we view money as our base of
living then we will never actually have a life to live. We as a society
depend on each other. We need the construction workers to build our
houses, but what if the construction worker didnt have morals. He
could build a house that he knows could fail. He would still get payed.
But he would be responsible for anyone killed in that house after it
collapses. A doctor could tell you that you need a surgeory just to get
the money. It’s not all about money. We depend on each other. We
don't depend on each others money. We depend on each other’s skills
and work which is directly related to their morals as a human.
2nd satetment:
Without morals we wouldn’t even have money that is viewed as so
important. Don’t get me wrong you do need money to live, but no
amount of money can make up for bad character. No amount of
luxurious cars or mansions can make up for someone’s lack of
morals. We can survive without wealth, but without morals we are
animals. We are devils.
Would you rather be the person who has 5 sports cars and a mansion,
or the person who cares for the poor. The person who is there for a
friend, the person who cares about their family. A study was done that
showed that people with lower income are more likely to donate to
charities. A human’s value isn’t determined by their money. It's
determined by their actions.
Closing statement:
We’ve talked a lot about what we think and our views on the topic.
But let’s get down to the statistics. In the united states there was a
survey about giving to charity, which the results show that people
with lower income are actually more likely to donate to charity.
Cancer organizations depend on the good in the world to help
donate. Money doesn’t solve the world’s problems in fact it causes
them by leading to bad behaviors. In an article written on stealing, it
was proven that the higher-income are more likely to commit this
crime. My teammate has previously mentioned the acts that would
be done if there were no morals. Now lets take a moment to think
about the effects it would have on the world. If every person just
steels what they want, then people will take everything and the
world will be left with no supplies. Our morals teach us to do the
right thing when no one is watching. We watch money and the
power that comes from money destory our world and still say it is
the most necessary thing for life. Happines is the greatest asset that
can be owned by humans. Our souls can not be satisfied by
possessions. It's the laughter of a child that will bring smiles to your
face , or a hug from your mom that will give you a feeling of safety
that really matters. Celebrities who have unlimited amounts of
money still kill themsleves because that isn’t what they needed for
survival. So to say that money is more important than morals is
simply ignorance and a lack of judgment.

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