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Timkang, Febie Love L.

ENG 117
BSE – 3A

Literary Revolution
Literary Revolution is all about the exposes that sparked revolution and resistance in the hearts
of Filipinos. The youth became completely rebellious during this period. Any establishment
became the symbol of the ills that had to be changed. The frustrations of youth could be felt in
churches and school. Even the priests, teachers and parents, as authorities who should be
respected became targets of the radical youth and were though of as hindrances to the changes
they sought. The literature of the activists reached a point where they stated boldly what should
be done to effect these changes. Some of those who rallied to this revolutionary form of literature
were Rolando Tinio, Rogelio Mangahas, Efren Abueg, Rio Alma, and Clemente Bautista.

Period of Activism
Activism is connected with the history of our Filipino youth. Because of the ills of society, the
youth moved to seek reforms. Some continued to believe that the democratic government is
stable and that it is only the people running the government who are at fault. Some believed that
socialism or communism should replace democracy. Some armed groups were formed to bring
down the democratic form of government. Many young people became activists to ask for
changes. In the expression of this desire for change, keen were the writings of some youth who
were fired with nationalism in order to emphasize the importance of their petitions. Many young
activists were imprisoned in military camps together with rebel writers. As early as the period of
history we can say that many of those writers who were imprisoned were true nationalists and
heroes of their time.

Bomba Films
It is Soft porn movies, more popularly known as bomba films, increasingly became popular, and
these films were described as a direct challenge to the conventions, norms and conduct of the
society. Even in the period of decline, several Philippine films that stood out. The rise of bomba
films was attributed to the fact that movies tackled more adult, realistic themes. The ideal of a
"true Filipino" was introduced. These films also brought in a new audience for Philippine film;
the usual filmgoers, the teenagers who saw the films as "hip", and the youth, who used these
films as a means for their own sexual awakenings, the educated, collegiate, and the working-
class crowd. On another side, the larger audience of these films were the male devotees, who
came to see the sex scenes and left as soon as the last one finished airing.
Martial Law
Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is
usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster.

Seeds of Activism
The seeds of activism as encompassing all actions that oppose the enclosure of seeds and defend
individual and collective rights to seeds. resulted in the declaration of Martial Law in 1972. We
can, however, say that he seeds were earlier sown from the times of Lapu-lapu, Lakandula, and
Rizal. The revolution against the powerful forces in the Philippines can be said to be the
monopoly of the youth in whose veins flow the fire in their blood. What Rizal said of the youth
being the hope of the Fatherland is still valid even today.

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