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Name: Miafe B. Almendralejo _

Course and Year: BSA – 2 _

B. Describe Rizal’s life in each country that he visited. Write the highlight of his
experience in each country on the table below.

Country Highlight/s
Barcelona He aspires to finish his medical course in Barcelona, Spain. When he
arrived, his fellow Filipinos gave him a celebration. He thought the city
was ugly at first but as he roamed around, he ended up adoring it. This
is where he wrote his first essay, “El Amor Patrio” or “Love of country”
which was thought to depict the purest, noblest, and most courageous
human sentiment.
Madrid In this place, Rizal passed the medical examination and was awarded
the degree of Licentiate in medicine which allows him to practice
medicine. He then completed his course in philosophy and letters and
was awarded Licienciado en Filosofia y Letras. At the time, rizal was
halfway through his novel, Noli Me Tangere. Rizal attracted to
Consuelo for whom he wrote a poem entitled “A La Senorita”.
Paris At 24 years old, he was a full-pledged surgeon. For 4 months, he
worked as an assistant at Dr. Louis de Weckert’s eye clinic in which he
learned how to operate on the eye, its ailments, and the various
techniques of eye operation. Rizal was also posed for two historical
paintings of Luna. In this place, he completed a portion of his Novel.
Germany While working as an ophthalmologist, he learned how to diagnose eye
diseases and attended lectures at as university in his spare time. He
also spent time exploring the scenic areas surrounding Heidelberg. To
express his homesickness, he wrote a poem, “A Las Flores de
Heidelberg”. It was also in Berlin that Rizal published his first novel, “Noli
Me Tangere”.
Hong Kong He was able to study Chinese language, drama and theater, cultures
and values. He made friends with some Spaniards and went to the
botanical garden, theater, casino, cathedrals and churches as well as
the pagodas and bazaars. Rizal also translated the French novel, “The
Rights of Man”.
Japan He studied the Japanese language, culture theater, martial arts and
even traveled to Japanese provinces. He met O-Sei-San. They
became friends and later on developed to become lovers.
USA Rizal visited several cities in America including Reno, Utah, Colorado,
Nebraska, Chicago, Albany, and etc. He was very impressed of their
natural beauty, hardworking Americans, material progress, high
standard of living and opportunities offered for poor immigrants.
London Rizal chose to live in London in order to improve his knowledge on the
English language and continue writing for La Solidaridad. He also
published 2 articles which are the Specimens of Tagal Folklore and Two
Eastern Fables. It was where he became interested in a woman
named Gertrude Beckett.
Belgium In this place, Rizal worked as a surgeon and treated patients. He is also
busy writing articles for La Solidaridad and his second novel, “El
Filibusterismo”. It was first published in Ghent on September 18, 1891.
He became depressed after receiving bad news about his family’s
problem and wrote the poem “A Mi Musa” or “To my muse” to express
his disappointment with the issue in Calamba.

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