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Cues Nursing Rationale Goals and objective Nursing Intervention Rationale to Nursing Evaluation

Diagnosis Intervention

Goal: After 1 or 2 hrs.
of nursing intervention -Assess current Allow the nurse to
patient will verbalize knowledge of the develop an
tolerable level of pain patients regarding individualize teaching
obstetrics pain control plan for patient
Objectives: measures.

-Assess Patient -Provide massage and Changing position and

regarding pain control or counter pressure using counter pressure
-Teach and perforce and assist patient to may help alleviate
non-pharmacologic find positions of discomfort cause by
pain relief measures maximum comfort- pressure of presenting
-Administer Drugs standing, sitting, parts on bony
prescribe    squatting, side lying as structures, ligaments,
     needed.    or tissue and provide a
diversion to inhibit
pain sensation

-Teach the patient -This is a distraction

Breathing Techniques technique, so a woman
concentrating on slow-
paced breathing
cannot concentrate on
-Perform Heat
Application -Woman who are
having back pain may
Anoxia to find application of heat
muscle to lower back
fiber extremely comforting
also Heat applied to
the perineum is proven
to provide dual

PAIN supply
benefits of smoothing
and softening the
perineum and
decreasing the risk of
perineal tear.


-Administration of
Opioid (Narcotic)
Analgesics as prescribe -Common opioid
analgesics used in
labor traditionally
include butorphanol
tartrate, morphine
sulfate, nalbuphine,
meperidine and etc.
None of this drugs
- Administration of completely eliminate
Regional (Local) the pain contractions,
Anesthesia as prescribe but they do reduce
pain sensation

-Reginal Anesthesia is
injection of a local
anesthetic such as
chloroprocaine or
bupivacaine to block
specific nerve

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