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Tweet Lexicon Naive Manual

the ministepositive positive positive

the price o positive positive positive
get your ki positive positive positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
the governm
positive positive positive
i hope the positive positive positive
koptusaprupositive positive positive
positive positive positive
the cost is positive positive positive
members ofpositive positive positive
subsidibb positive positive positive
observers apositive positive positive
appreciativpositive positive positive
observers apositive negative positive
positive positive positive
pakelogikapositive positive positive
trade clai positive positive positive
halosdfakurpositive positive positive
governmentpositive positive positive
the governm
positive positive positive
it's normal positive positive positive
please incre
positive negative positive
hellorekak positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
atariaprec positive positive positive
bhabin andpositive negative positive
positive negative positive
latest info positive positive positive
the latest positive negative positive
this is pac negative negative negative
jokowise banegative negative negative
members ofnegative negative negative
the bandung
negative negative negative
halosdfakurnegative positive negative
hellorekak positive positive positive
iyainicont positive positive positive
corruption positive positive positive
report kop positive negative positive
members ofpositive negative positive
the price o positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
checking thpositive negative positive
bulk frying positive positive positive
the price ofnegative positive negative
the distrib positive positive positive
this is wha positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
price of fr positive positive positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
in accordanpositive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
visit surab positive positive positive
positive positive positive
sertubachtipositive negative positive
babinsa des
positive negative positive
deputy minpositive positive positive
heavy resepositive positive positive
meanwhile,positive positive positive
peltuedinurpositive positive positive
the price ofnegative positive negative
try to be honegative positive negative
negative negative negative
mothers and
positive positive positive
with this e positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
positive positive positive
budikarya apositive positive positive
to reduce tnegative positive negative
trade minisnegative positive negative
subsidy oil positive positive positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
hello, i wa negative negative negative
the governm
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taiwan, all positive positive positive
parababinspositive positive positive
babinsajajanegative negative negative
bhabin andnegative negative negative
based on ap
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in the cont negative positive negative
it has not positive positive positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
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the price o positive positive positive
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the price ofpositive positive positive
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the governm
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normalkanhnegative positive negative
wow, that'spositive positive positive
wow, that'spositive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
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alhamdulillpositive positive positive
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the price o positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
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sekhargagrnegative positive negative
the results negative negative negative
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one of the positive positive positive
helpful, ne positive positive positive
persensibupositive positive positive
news of sam
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thank you, positive positive positive
thank you spositive positive positive
wow, the mipositive positive positive
ajibbdah, t positive positive positive
very cool, positive positive positive
but inflati positive positive positive
very cool, positive positive positive
the price ofnegative negative negative
positive positive positive
trade claimpositive positive positive
shipping mipositive positive positive
average pripositive positive positive
where is thnegative negative negative
the price ofpositive positive positive
hargatbssapositive positive positive
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governmentpositive positive positive
alhamdulillapositive positive positive
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the trade mipositive positive positive
price of fr positive positive positive
zulhassoil positive positive positive
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bahashargapositive positive positive
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regretful inpositive positive positive
babinsa carpositive positive positive
there are spositive positive positive
demistabil positive positive positive
this prograpositive positive positive
mr. mendaka
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the price ofpositive positive positive
recently, t positive positive positive
positive positive positive
lowering t positive positive positive
since my li positive negative positive
after the c positive positive positive
fried oil p negative negative negative
the latest f negative positive negative
auntytakis negative negative negative
trushargamnegative positive negative
good news,negative negative negative
monitor thenegative positive negative
the price negative negative negative
because the
negative negative negative
migordan pnegative positive negative
the price ofnegative negative negative
zulhas clai positive positive positive
udabiarinlopositive positive positive
while somepositive positive positive
the price o positive negative positive
sertusudargpositive positive positive
the ministr positive positive positive
the latest positive negative positive
we are alsonegative positive negative
trade minispositive positive positive
cabemahalipositive positive positive
infohargampositive positive positive
minister of negative positive negative
zulkiflihas positive positive positive
members ofpositive positive positive
members ofpositive negative positive
price of fr positive positive positive
megawati positive positive positive
ministry of positive positive positive
ministry of positive positive positive
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the good nepositive positive positive
ministry of positive positive positive
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wow, that'spositive positive positive
walk througpositive positive positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
trade minispositive positive positive
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governmentpositive positive positive
the governm
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the governm
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kaliinipem positive positive positive
concrete stpositive positive positive
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babinsajanjpositive negative positive
when the prpositive positive positive
the problempositive positive positive
it's sad th positive positive positive
i'm surpris positive positive positive
the governm
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active in c positive negative positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
no problempositive positive positive
the annivernegative positive negative
yangbilangnegative positive negative
the birthdanegative negative negative
babinsa che
negative negative negative
price of fr negative negative negative
negative positive negative
negative positive negative
at a glancepositive positive positive
business acpositive positive positive
frying oil wpositive positive positive
activities positive positive positive
surge in th positive positive positive
the problempositive positive positive
positive positive positive
jurusjituj positive positive positive
continue topositive positive positive
niygardastapositive positive positive
positive positive positive
zulkiflihas positive positive positive
bisasibelithpositive positive positive
same player
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hargabahapositive positive positive
it's time fo positive negative positive
governmentpositive positive positive
laugh not hpositive positive positive
yes, just c positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
cheap rice,positive positive positive
the same as
positive positive positive
airlanggampositive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
i mean even
positive positive positive
positive positive positive
fried oil p positive positive positive
still rememnegative negative negative
positive positive positive
whatsappgu positive positive positive
it is said t positive positive positive
good mornin positive positive positive
instant noopositive positive positive
topstorydi positive positive positive
tapiibubakapositive positive positive
babinsa korpositive negative positive
sovian cookpositive positive positive
hargaterbapositive positive positive
personelsapositive positive positive
the governm positive negative positive
the price o positive positive positive
food pricespositive positive positive
cabelagim positive positive positive
yes, that's positive positive positive
kaloberita positive positive positive
the governm positive negative positive
i'm happy m positive positive positive
fried oil p positive positive positive
always the positive positive positive
jusjokowi mpositive positive positive
in other ci negative positive negative
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the price o negative positive negative
the governm negative negative negative
the governm negative negative negative
fried oil p positive positive positive
not a solut positive positive positive
while travepositive positive positive
halofessakpositive positive positive
yes, i agre negative positive negative
maybe it winegative negative negative
yeah price positive positive positive
developments positive positive
in the price of bulkpositive
cooking oil on tuesday august the price of rp at the warung sriwahyuni ​village bentak kecsido
price of fr positive negative positive
maunumpang positive positive positive
research bepositive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
salepisangpositive positive positive
the common
positive positive positive
akuselalu positive positive positive
positive negative positive
infoinfokal positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
helloguisakpositive positive positive
people's rapositive positive positive
keep up thepositive positive positive
peace be upositive positive positive
positive positive positive
the governm
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price of fry negative negative negative
hotlinepan positive positive positive
raise our s positive positive positive
hotlinemin positive positive positive
based on prpositive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
thank you, positive negative positive
positive positive positive
if the gove positive positive positive
tokobibiud positive positive positive
babin sakorpositive positive positive
bimoli fryi positive positive positive
the bonus inegative negative negative
jokowisentipositive positive positive
the price o negative negative negative
the people positive positive positive
in the era positive positive positive
i asked he positive positive positive
alhamdulillapositive positive positive
positive negative positive
the governm
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hihatsajab positive positive positive
rezemberkipositive positive positive
price of fry negative negative negative
food pricei positive positive positive
positive positive positive
i'm from th positive positive positive
positive positive positive
see complet
positive positive positive
good newspositive positive positive
asikhargampositive positive positive
fried oil p positive positive positive
tiaporangbpositive positive positive
but dilapid positive positive positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
the patternpositive positive positive
positive positive positive
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the price o positive positive positive
active in c positive negative positive
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topstoryk positive positive positive
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super indo positive positive positive
because the
positive positive positive
positive positive positive
honest chec
positive positive positive
permissionpositive negative positive
sugarcuppipositive positive positive
permisakanpositive positive positive
paikaimyakpositive positive positive
diskusioni positive positive positive
discussion positive positive positive
baminbakittpositive positive positive
plupuh korapositive negative positive
i have implpositive positive positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
and dancinpositive positive positive
members ofpositive negative positive
totally agrepositive positive positive
babin sakorpositive positive positive
eat cheaplypositive positive positive
babin sakorpositive positive positive
t positive positive
zul has saidpositive negative positive
the price o positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
zulkifli fo positive positive positive
price of fr positive positive positive
emgstressppositive positive positive
at the markpositive negative positive
respondingpositive positive positive
oilitacookinpositive positive positive
ampes fryinpositive positive positive
deal with ripositive positive positive
the results positive negative positive
positive negative positive
the price o positive positive positive
work hard unegative negative negative
positive positive positive
bulk oil, o positive positive positive
the price ofpositive positive positive
thank you vpositive negative positive
positive positive positive
sertusuharpositive positive positive
ministry of positive positive positive
the ministr positive positive positive
positive positive positive
during this positive positive positive
kalaukadrupositive positive positive
the cookingpositive positive positive
personelsapositive positive positive
received thpositive positive positive
the latest ppositive negative positive
my mother positive
r positive positive
babinsavill positive negative positive
babinsakorpositive positive positive
updatehargpositive positive positive
price of fr positive positive positive
it's funny positive positive positive
price of fr positive positive positive
positive negative positive
positive negative positive
minister of positive positive positive
jualminyakpositive positive positive
minister of positive positive positive
the kopkade
positive positive positive
permissionpositive negative positive
minister of positive positive positive
next week tnegative positive negative
negative negative negative
pastisemu negative positive negative
the price o negative negative negative
the prices opositive positive positive
don't pay t positive positive positive
thank you, nsegative negative negative
tegalwaru pnegative negative negative
negative positive negative
negative positive negative
man i undernegative positive negative
negative positive negative
inciting th positive positive positive
oil prices positive positive positive
the price o negative negative negative
pricelist o negative negative negative
the price ofnegative positive negative
the good thpositive positive positive
batiwanmilknegative negative negative
fried oil p negative positive negative
updatehargnegative positive negative
price of fr negative negative negative
negative negative negative
hellosoba negative positive negative
how are you
negative positive negative
keep track negative negative negative
people's copositive positive positive
think dizzy positive positive positive
checking the
negative negative negative
the price o negative positive negative
the price o negative negative negative
diainisala negative positive negative
the price ofnegative negative negative
oil palm facnegative negative negative
it was you negative positive negative
serkaantojonegative negative negative
fast rising negative negative negative
pakjokowi hpositive positive positive
the price o negative positive negative
prabowo ispositive positive positive
mulaiagustnegative positive negative
the price o negative negative negative
babinsa kelnegative negative negative
negative negative negative
minister o negative negative negative
negative negative negative
the price ofnegative negative negative
the effect negative negative negative
zulkufliha negative positive negative
zulkufliha negative positive negative
don't talk apositive positive positive
cheap fryinpositive positive positive
honestly, ppositive positive positive
negative positive negative
regent of gnegative positive negative
the numbers
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negative positive negative
check out tnegative positive negative
negative negative negative
the latest negative negative negative
the people positive positive positive
the price o positive positive positive
price of fr negative negative negative
promise zulnegative negative negative
egg omelettnegative negative negative
the price o positive positive positive
members ofnegative negative negative
or the pricenegative negative negative
tothemoonnegative positive negative
the ministr negative negative negative
permissionnegative negative negative
market moni
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internet is positive positive positive
it is hoped negative negative negative
demiredamnegative positive negative
the price ofnegative negative negative
it's okay, t positive positive positive
kadrun asks
negative negative negative
tons of bul negative negative negative
head of thenegative positive negative
why is it t negative negative negative
fried oil pr negative positive negative
citing data positive positive positive
plt directo positive positive positive
reach the pnegative positive negative
of the remapositive positive positive
governmentnegative negative negative
it is hoped negative negative negative
peldasuwarnegative positive negative
the increasnegative negative negative
negative negative negative
it is hoped negative negative negative
negative negative negative
the price ofnegative positive negative
mothers, conegative positive negative
zulhas delinegative positive negative
hopefully itpositive positive positive
this is not negative positive negative
ah you, thi positive positive positive
trade minisnegative positive negative
now the prinegative negative negative
according tpositive positive positive
antrainmin negative positive negative
the price o negative positive negative
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by supportipositive positive positive
according tnegative negative negative
the governm
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the work ofnegative positive negative
the price ofnegative positive negative
the price o positive positive positive
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the price ofnegative negative negative
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hellosobat negative positive negative
the governm
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the governm
negative negative negative
the latest negative negative negative
the price ofnegative negative negative
price list negative positive negative
frying oil, negative negative negative
the price o negative positive negative
the price o negative negative negative
the latest negative negative negative
oil has incrnegative negative negative
the governme
negative positive negative
the price o negative negative negative
when the pri
positive positive positive
trade minisnegative positive negative
The price onegative positive negative
Cooking oilnegative positive negative
trade minispositive positive positive

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