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Data Communication

History of Data Communication - The history of data communications dates

back to prehistoric cavemen. Data communications has been an important part of
society since its creation, and continues to grow day by day. This essay will
inform the reader about the history of data communications from the nineteenth
century to the present. In the nineteenth century there were inventions in data
communications that we still use today. In eighteen thirty-seven Samuel Morse
invented the first electronic communication device called the telegraph machine.
The telegraph machine was used by railroads to help prevent head-on collisions.
In eighteen seventy-four Emil Baudot, the forerunner of many data processing
codes, created a constant length code that used five signals to represent a
character. Alexander Graham Bell invented.

Importance of Data Communication - This is for the entire country would allow
resources to be more effectively utilized and would ensure that systems would be
able to work in any province as long as they conformed to the standard. It is
establishing standards could provide improved stability and ultimately lower the
total costs and sustainability of system in the future.

Types of Data Communication

1. Local Networks – This is also called as Local Area Networking which

is applied by most Factories, Organizations and Laboratories.
2. Messaging – this is another way of communication that is being
adopted internationally and it is increasing very rapidly and it is also
stored, transfer and process.
3. Satellite Channel – is one of the good way of communication, you can
get the best result of satellite if you have prepared to design the
Multiplexing System.

Strategies of Data Communication

Reliability - In most cases the reliability of the network is a critical component to

how useful it is. Reliability is measured by the frequency, the duration, and the
completeness of outages.

1. Frequency -- This can vary. For instance, in the US we're used to

minor power outages through the summer as thunderstorms roll
through. We may expect a frequency of a power outage in the summer
months to be nearly once per month -- more if you live in a rural area.
2. Duration -- If a power outage is only long enough to require a reboot, it
may not even be recognized.
3. Completeness -- It may be that the system doesn't completely fail, rather
it just experiences significant slow downs or congestion. Depending upon
your needs, occasional congestion or slow downs may not be a significant
issue for you.
Scability - In other words, when you need more bandwidth, how easy is it to
acquire? Is it as simple as placing an order, or are there physical or contractual
limitations that will make getting more bandwidth difficult or time consuming?
Scalability can be achieved in three different ways: Expand, Replicate, or

1. Expand - Expanding is simply increasing the bandwidth that is being paid

2. Replicate - you add another of the same type of communications to the
3. Replace - If there is no scalability option, the hardware and connection
lines must be replaced for an entirely different data communications

Complexity - is a necessary evil for constraining overall costs. However, there is

the opportunity to introduce too much complexity into a data communications
scenario, which results in your management costs going up -- and your overall
reliability going down. Every additional component must be evaluated based on
its management cost and its impact to reliability.

Definition of Data Communication - The transfer of information between

functional units by means of data transmission according to a protocol. It is also
known as electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally
(as for storage and processing by computers)

Patterns of Data Communication Summary - Developers of distributed

applications need to write a significant volume of similar code to configure
communication components and to achieve reliable and efficient communications
in these applications. Moreover, different development environments and
operating system utilities provide different interfaces and services to the
communications protocol stack. Recently a significant body of work has been
conducted in developing extensible object oriented design patterns to document
and disseminate solutions to various recurring problems of communicating data
between components of distributed applications. Reliable and efficient
communications is achieved through the use of event driven and multithreaded
components. This paper describes the active transceiver design pattern that
focuses on the execution of distributed application components in a multi-
threaded environment.

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