Fatuma Nuru

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Contents pages

Chapter One.................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background of the study.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Statements of problems.......................................................................................................................1
1.4 Objectives of the study........................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 General objectives of the study.......................................................................................................2
1.4.2 Specific Objectives............................................................................................................................2
1.6 Delimitation of the study.....................................................................................................................2
1.7 Limitations of the study.......................................................................................................................2
Chapter two...............................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Review of related literature................................................................................................................3
2.1.1 The influence of cultural barriers on the female students’ education..........................................3
2.1.2 Family related factors that offering female students education....................................................3
2.1.3 The attitude of teachers....................................................................................................................3
2.1.4 Students related factors....................................................................................................................3
Chapter Three..............................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Sample of the study..............................................................................................................................4
3.1.3 Data collection instrument...............................................................................................................4
3.1.4 Method of data analysis....................................................................................................................4
3.1.5 Observational checklist....................................................................................................................4
Chapter FOUR..........................................................................................................................................5
4.1 Result and data interpretation............................................................................................................5
4.1.1 Outcomes of female students’ responses.........................................................................................5 What are factors that decrease female students’ English speaking skill?.................................5
Table 4.1......................................................................................................................................................5 How female students pass their time after the school?...............................................................6 How was parents’ attitude towards their daughters?.................................................................7

Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
Education provides great deals for the development of one country in the form of Academy,
political, and cultural aspects. This education is the process of giving and taking knowledge
and awareness’ but this is possible when learners involved in teaching and learning process
through attending the practicum in Cordova Academy to perform problems such as
absentism,late comers, misbehaviors and Academic performances of the students such as
giving tutors’ and additional courses for learners as they have good academic performance in
the school.

Even if many problems exist in the school problem observation rightly manifested
especially grade 8th section ‘A’.The English speaking skill performance of female students
was very less when I compared them with the other problems. Due to this problem, many
female students were not achieved their goals.

Therefore,the main purpose this study is to minimize the factors that load the problems on the
females English speaking skill and to improve grade 8th section ‘A’ female students English
speaking skill in Cordova primary school particularly.

1.2 Background of the study

Education is the process by which people acquire knowledge, skills, habits, values,
attitudes and its universal practice engaged by selecting all stages globalization.

Education help people to develop their cultural heritage and live more satisfying life and it is
also enable people to become more productive member of the society. Education is also
important because it helps people were as knowledge and understanding of the world. For
instance the mean base for gender equality were some cultural begins the society were not
give equal attitudes for females and males.

1.3 Statements of problems

This is the main point of the study that states the major of the study.This study mainly dealshow can I
improve grade 8th section ‘A ‘female students English speaking skill in Cordova Academy particularly
and finding the factors that affects them on their English speaking skill to reach their goals.

1.4 Objectives of the study

1.4.1 General objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to investigate and improving grade 8 th section ‘A’female students
English speaking skill IN Cordova primary ,Jamo branch in particular.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

Specific objective of the study are:

 To identify the major factors that affect female students in their English speaking skill
 To identify the effects of parents on their educational and economic
 To assess the degrees of school teachers interest to motivate female students in teaching and
learning process
 To indicate the solution for the problem

1.5 Significance of the study

This study would be significant for both teachers and students identifying the teaching/learning problems
female students. It is very important to identify the major factors that affect female students English
speaking skill and to indicate the solution for the existing problems and to create condensive
improvement for teaching/learning process.

1.6 Delimitation of the study

This study focused on the factors that affect female students’ English speaking skill in Cordova primary
school grade 8th section ‘A’ particularly.

1.7 Limitations of the study

The research has encountered certain problems while conducting the study to begin with:

 Shortage of reference materials related with this English speaking skill performance
 Shortage of time hinders for studying this research deeply
 Shortage finance
 Uncomfortably of the place where this study conducted

Chapter two

2.1 Review of related literature

Some related literature were ongoing academic tracking is the biggest problem of facing primary
and higher school was the tremendous diversity of their students. The primary school was for
those with especial interest in capacity for learning academic problems created by the diversity
interest and the ability of the students.

According to Nelson [1988]”A number of conditions at school and home predicts those who are
the most likely to drop out one of the most important is educational level.”

2.1.1 The influence of cultural barriers on the female students’ education

There are many definitions of culture but the most accepted definition of culture was the rules
and expectation, values, attitudes and beliefs can be strongly that guide behavior in particular
group. Culture influence social success, background and values can be strongly found on which

Learning is based on they can obstacle both achievement and motivation.

2.1.2 Family related factors that offering female students education

“Child learning practice have significant effect on the personality of child study level development that
different type of types of learning child practices contribute to difference in personality traits

2.1.3 The attitude of teachers

The attitude of teachers and beliefs about teaching and learning through modeling teachers’
behavior has been important effect on students learning.

Students’ motivation on learning is virtually impossible if teachers model pack of topics interest
their teaching. They have been a great deal of sociological in teachers attitude towards equal
opportunity for females with teachers often soon as one of stumbling blocks to achievement of
equality for girls in school.

2.1.4 Students related factors

There are some factors related to the students. From those factors lack of motivation, the health
condition, orphans and their behavior were the factors that affect female students English
speaking skills.

Chapter Three

3.1 Methodology
The data for the purpose of the study consisted of grade 8th section ‘A’ female students English
speaking skill at Cordova Academy particularly. The total number of the students is -------in this
class. From this 8 students are assigned in the study of the purpose.

3.2 Sample of the study

In order to determine the sample size for the study, the researcher was employed to use simple
random sampling method of 8 female students’ and two teachers should be targeted for sampling
this study.

3.1.3 Data collection instrument

This information of questionnaires were self administered questions were used to collect the data
about improving female students English speaking skills through quantitative and qualitative
data collection body observation.

Generally, the data collection instrument was included both close and open ended

3.1.4 Method of data analysis

The data was collected by questionnaires, interviews,and observation were used to analyze the
research by descriptive statistical method such mean and percentage were employed by
summarized the data through observation.

3.1.5 Observational checklist

Classroom observation was used by the researcher as one of the ways of getting in formation to
avoid personal bias in the selection of students section and teachers .This research selected grade
8th section ‘A’during their period were observed in the section of teaching English was
conducting through the time and the situation not allow observing the other sections.

The researcher attempted to observe the classroom management techniques that the teacher
follow or apply with reference to questions in the questionnaire.

Chapter FOUR

4.1 Result and data interpretation

The data that have been collected through distributed questionnaires to sample female students in
Cordova School considering major factor that affecting female students in their English speaking
was analysis qualitative and quantitative

4.1.1 Outcomes of female students’ responses

Based female students’ response of grade 8th ‘A’ in Cordova Academy on questionnaires the
results were summarized with quantitative and qualitative as follows: What are factors that decrease female students’ English speaking
Items Respondents

Number Proportion

A. Difficulty of the subject 2 25%

B.Problems related to family 2 25%

C.Problems related to English Lab. 3 37.5%

D.These and related problems 1 12.5%

Total 8 100%

Table 4.1

As it is shown in the table 4.1 the highest proportion of female students were accounts 37.5% asserted
that number of female students decrease in English speaking was due to problems related to lack of
English Lab. And 25% of respondents claimed that problems related with family and 25% was difficulty
of the subject. The other 12.5% respondents mentioned that as they have the other problems including the
above mentioned.

Based on the above information if we are concluded that problems related to lab. Has the most significant
impact while difficulty and family related problems has the least significant factor on female students
speaking skill. How female students pass their time after the school?

Items Respondents

Number Proportion

Helping their parents by housework 5 62.5%

Playing with their friends 1 12.5%

Go to unnecessary places 0 0

others 2 25%

Total 8 100%

Table 4.2

As mentioned on the table 4.2 above 5(62.5 %) of respondents said that as they pass their time to help
their parents by housework, 1(12.5%) of the students pass their time with playing and others 2(25%) of
respondents mentioned that as they pass their time by helping, studying and playing with their friends. How was parents’ attitude towards their daughters?

Items Respondents

Number proportion

A Allow their daughters to go to school 8 100%

B Encourage their daughters to learn domestic 0 0

housework than academic

C Prefer teaching boys than girls 0 0

D Others 0 0

Total 8 100%

Table 4.3

As shown on the table 4.3 above 8(100%) of respondents mentioned that as all of their parents
allow their daughters to go to the school and 0(0%) parents to be late from their Academy.

Generally, since teaching one is teaching all society; to have many educated females in the
country all parents must encourage their daughters to learn more equally with males.

Items Respondents

Number Proportion

A yes 6 75%

B No 2 25%

C Others 0 0

total 8 100% Do parents let their daughters to study with their friends?

Table 4.5

As it is given on the table 4.5 above the highest number of respondents 6(75%) mentioned as
their parents allow them to study with their friends and 2(25%) of respondents do not allow them
to study with their friends.

Based on the above tables all descriptive sorts of qualitative and quantitative data ;this research
also deployed open ended questions.

4.2 Outcomes of teachers’ response

Based on the response of sampled teachers in Cordova Academy, jamo primary school
questionnaires the result was summarized quantitatively and qualitatively data as follows.

4.2.1 What was teachers attitude towards female students looks like?

Items Respondents

Number Proportion

A Voluntary to help female students in affirmative 3 37.5%


B Treat them equally with boys 5 62.5%

Considering them as they are problematic 0 0

D Others 0 0

Total 8 100%

Table 4.2.1

Table 4.2.1 asserted that 3(37.5%) of respondents were claimed that the teachers are voluntary to
help female students in affirmative way, where as 5(62.5%)of the respondents responded
teachers treat them equally with boy students.

4.2.2 What is the contribution of teachers in case of teaching female students?

Items Respondents

Number Proportion

A To give special attention for female students 0 0

B Encouraging female students participation 0 0

C Both A and B 8 100%

Total 8 100%


As it is shown on the table 4.2.2 above 8(100%) of the respondents believed that as both giving
and encouraging female students are the main issue in teaching methodology.

Generally ,most of the respondents claimed that as all school community have to encourage
female students to participate in English class, in different language clubs; because English is the
backbone of all subjects.

4.2.3 How to improve the relationship between the school community and female students

In order to improve the relationship between the school community and female students creating
smooth relation in order to build their future hope as well as to develop their ability in case of
English speaking skill in particular.

Chapter –Five
5. Summary and Recommendations
5.1 Summary

The outcomes of this research summarized as follows:

 Difficulty of English language is the most significant factor that reduce the female
students development in English speaking
 The combined impact that comprised, low attitude of school community, absence proper
safety for female students and these other factors were the major factor that hinder
female students regularly miss the class of English.
 Mostly the parents want their daughter s to be a good house worker and the other want as
they are the most educator
 Most of the teacher believed that the majority of female students have poor social
interaction with the school community
5.2 Recommendation
As the factor that limited female students not to be good in English speaking from many;
direction all the concerned body should have to work together.
The methodology of teaching /learning /process in the classroom should be changed in to
the way that makes females students active participant such as student centered method
and active learning strategies.
If the topics of the subject is complex the teacher should address it simple and discussing
it in an understandable way for them.


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