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Alrefak University

Obstacles Which Faced By EFL Students in Oral Communication

Submitted by:
Aya Hussien Alelaggi
ID No: 3649023

Asma Khaled Elkubti

ID No: 3651006

Supervised by:
Mr. Muhammed Ali Almortada

A Graduation Project Submitted to the Department of English

of Alrefak University

Spring 2022
We would like to dedicate this work to our great families, our loved ones and our
instructors for their support.

We hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented
in accordance with academic rules and research ethics. We also declare that, as required
by these rules and ethics, we have fully cited and referenced all materials and results that
are not original to this work.

Aya Hussien Alelaggi ……………………………….
Asma Khaled Elkubti ……………………………….

Date: July. 2022

I, hereby declare that I have read the research project entitled
Obstacles Which Faced By The Students in Oral Communication
And in my opinion, this project is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of
the degree of Licentiate in English

Muhammad Ali Almortada

English Department, Alrefak University

Signature: ………………………………………..

July, 2022


First, we want to offer big thanks to Allah who give us strength and willpower to finish
this project, also we want to offer deepest thanks to our supervisor Mr. Mohamed Ali
Almortada for his support. Moreover, there is no words to express thankful to our
families for everything, they stand with us step by step.
And , our gratitude goes to all English staff at Alrefak university.


This study discusses the problems which faced the students in EFL and the
obstacles hindering successful oral communication and try to find the solution in order to
make the student overcome speaking difficulties as well as the factors which affects oral
communication competence such as language proficiency and effective factors.
In order to fulfill that, the researcher adopted mixed methods to collect the data
needed which are quantitative and qualitative methods and the instrument to collect the
data via questionnaire designed for the students who study English language at Alrefak
University. And the results showed that the majority of students have problems with oral
communication which lie on lack of self-confidence and anxiety as well as fear of
expressing their thoughts in public even if they are good in speaking English.


No Title Page
Dedication II
Declaration III
Approval IV
Acknowledgment V
Abstract VI
Table of contents VII
List of Figures IX
List of Abbreviations X
Chapter One- Introduction
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 2
1.3 Research questions 2
1.4 Objectives of the study 3
1.5 Significance of the study 3
1.6 Limitations of the study 3
1.7 Definitions of terms 4
1.8 Summary 4
Chapter Two- Literature Review
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Theoretical review 5
2.3 The process of communication 6
2.4 Oral communication 7
2.5 Summary 8
Chapter Three- Methodology
3.1 Introduction 9
3.2 Research design 9

3.3 Participants 10

3.4 Instrumentation 10

3.5 Data collection 10

3.6 Data Analysis 11

Summary 11

Chapter Four-Data Analysis
4.1 Introduction 12
4.2 Data Analysis 12
4.3 Discussion 20
4.4 Summary 21
Chapter Five- Conclusion
5.1 Introduction 22
5.2 Finding 22
5.3 Recommendations 23
5.4 Recommendation of further study 24
5.5 Summary 24
References 25
Appendix 26

Figure No Figure title Page
3.1 Population and sample of the participants 10
4.1 Do students have oral communication problems with others or not? 12
4.2 I can read very well, but I cannot speak as I read 13
4.3 If yes, What reading technique do you usually follow 14
4.4 I have the idea on my mind but I cannot express it orally 15
4.5 If yes, What is main reason(s) for lack of oral communication 16
4.6 I usually feel nervous when I speak in public 17
4.7 My mind go blank and I cannot speak in public 18
I can speak fluently and express my idea individually, but not in
4.8 19


ICT Information and Communication Technology

EFL English foreign language
TL Target language

Chapter one

1.1. Introduction

Oral communication is simply happens when people use words to interact. Once

people need to communicate with others from foreign origins , they’d have to acquire a

second language, and from there different obstacles occur during the process of learning

the target language, such as having poor pronunciation problems ,misunderstanding of

certain language contexts and concepts, or lack of exposure to target language.

Furthermore, oral communication is vital for learning and understanding those in

your environment on a daily basis, both personally and professionally. It is a fundamental

aspect of learning a language and helps solve problems. It also allows people to quick

exchange information and it conveys emotion in conversation. In a professional setting,

effective oral communication is important because it is built on transparency,

understanding and trust. Your oral communication skills can boost morale, encourage

improved performance and promote teamwork. There are many ways to create an

effective oral communication. It is important to ensure that the words are formed properly

and are delivered in the right pitch and tone. Clarity, brevity and precision are mandatory

features of an effective oral communication system. It is advisable to avoid complicated

sentences to make sure that the message is conveyed across properly. Communication has

its refinements, and these refinements make learning easier, refrain students to obtain

their aims, increases opportunities when it comes to flexible learning and all these

refinements construct an overall positive experience. Oral Communication skills are

fundamental for essential thinking and learning. There are three components of the oral

communication; listening, speaking and pronunciation. All are vital, due to being the glue

that pulls all the components of a language together.

Oral communication is defined in many terms as it is not used only in the context

of education but also in the field of business, engineering, and many more. Based on this,

numerous instructors, including second language teachers, are implementing several

teaching strategies by means of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT),

Mobile Learning resources and Games Based Learning (Flores, 2015).

1.2. Statement of problems

This study tries to investigate oral communication and it's impact on

communication, as well as the problems which faced by the students when they

speaking and the stacles that prevents them from talking correctly. Such as lack of

exposure to target language, linguistic problems, self-confidence ,In this study we will

investigate what are the basic problems that leads to making mistakes in oral

communication and find the appropriate solution

1.3. Research Questions

This research tries to answer the following questions:

Q1: Do students' self-confidence and language proficiency have an impact on their oral

communication competence?

Q2: What problems that college students of English face as obstacles hindering

successful communication processes?

Q3: What are the possible solutions to overcome those obstacles on communication


1.4. Objective of the study
The main objectives of this study are:

1. To investigate if students' self-confidence and language proficiency have an impact on

their oral communication competence.

2. To find out the main obstacles which college students encounter in their oral

communication process.

3. To suggest solutions for both students and teachers in order to overcome oral

communication obstacles.

1.5. Significance of the study

This study is of extreme importance as it focuses on one of the major problems

that English students face in Libya. Oral communication problems are widespread among

English students at university level and need to be observed and solved. It’s important

lies on that language is for communication and oral communication is the most widely

medium of communication among people, so without being fluent and free of self-doubt

the student have fulfilled the most important part in his/ her English study.

1.6. Limitations of the study

This study is limited in investigating the problems or obstacles which the student

face in oral communication, the study conducted on English language students at Alrefak

university ,the research performed during spring semester from April to July. The method

used to collect the data was a quantitative method due to the time limit and the problem

investigated it was the most appropriate method to collect the data.

1.7. The Definitions of the Terms
Oral communication: The term oral communication is defined in so many fields

and not just in education as quoted by (Chadha, 2003) "oral communication includes face

to face conversation, telephonic conversation, radio broadcast, interviews, group

discussion, public speech, meeting, seminars etc."

1.8. Summary
In this chapter, the researchers introduced the background for the study, clearly

stated and described the problem to be solved, listed the research question that intended

to guide the investigation, indicated the objectives of the study, as well as its significance,

followed by the limitations that hindered the researchers on the way data will be

gathered. By a statement of the definitions of the key terms that will be used in this study,

the researchers have finished this chapter.

Chapter Two

2.1. Introduction

The researchers intend to present a detailed theoretical review of the chosen topic.

It will also aim to carry out and determine solving oral communication problems which

faced the students . The following pages elucidate the difficulties faced during the whole

operation of students trying to speak English in the second language and why these

problems happen along with their solutions. Current research in the broad area, in

addition to the narrow area will be carried out in the area of interest, followed by a

summary to conclude the chapter.

2.2. Theoretical Review

The term communication competence was introduced by Dell Hymes in the

1970’s. He explained the term communicative competence as “the aspect of our

competence that enables us to convey and interpret messages and to negotiate meanings

interpersonally within specific context".

Lightbown and Spade (1999) mention that second language learning theories and

some psychological factors affecting oral production in the foreign language. On the

other hand, Harmer (1998) discussed this issue with more practical orientation of

teaching spoken English.

2.3. The Process of Communication

Communication is much more a process than a theoretical concern. Researches in

this perspective also detail about communication as a process, and among these is the

(Chadha 2003) study in which he specifics that the communication process gets start as

soon as we decide to convey a fact, an idea, an emotion, or an opinion to others.

According to this research the communication process has many components:

The person who starts the communication is called the sender or the source. The

matter he communicates is called the message. This message is encoded in a suitable set

of symbols and transmitted to other person/persons called ‘Receiver’ through appropriate

medium or channel. The receiver receives the message, decodes it i.e. understands or

interprets it and gives a suitable response called ‘feedback. (2003:1)

Here, it may be clear to everyone who wants to notice that the researchers try to

highlight several important aspects in the process of communication to make it pass or to

fulfil the purpose for which the speaker makes the message and the sender decodes it. In

this perspective; Chadha also reveals that it is essential to have a common frame of the

reference for any kind of communication to take place. The sender and the receiver must

have common interest, objective and understanding of the medium used. In our opinion

they must have the willingness and motivation to carry on communication. There must be

a high level of co-operation between the sender and the receiver, otherwise; the desired

response will not be evoked by communication.

2.4 Oral Communication
There is a general tendency to define Oral Communication in terms of face-to-

face conversation, telephonic conversation; radio broadcasts, interviews, group

discussion, public speeches, meetings, seminars, etc. Use of different forms of oral

communication is most common and proficiency in oral communication can be a great

asset to any individual. But for most of the learners of EFL it was said that the most

difficult skill of their TL for them is oral communication.

In respect to the contexts of Oral Communication, one may claim that there are

different types of Oral Communication. Deverell (1974) mentions that the main fields of

oral communication are: face-to-face communication, interviewing of all kinds, formal

and informal speech, meetings of many kinds, and the use of the telephone and similar

media for transmission of the voice. The skills employed are those of speaking and


As for the importance of Oral Communication, researches for a long time tries to

line up Speaking among the other skills and sub-skills. Mohammed (2007:23) says that if

we consider the basic four skills of language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing)

speaking seems to be clearly the most important language skill. Those who know the

language are generally referred to as the ‘speakers’ of that language as if speaking

included all other skills, and many, if not most, foreign language (FL) learners are

primarily interested in speak

2.5 Summary

Through this Chapter, a review of related literature has been presented in order to

clarify the main problem of this research and fill the gap of knowledge of the problem

examined in this research. As the previous studies stated that oral communication is so

important medium of communication for successful language proficiency.

Chapter three


3.1. Introduction
This chapter discusses the methodology used in this study and the research

design. Moreover, it describes the steps involved, followed by a representation of data

collection procedure and how is the data analyzed. Also describes the sample chosen to

participate in this study along with the instruments applied to collect the required data.

3.2 Research design

It is important to determine a clear and precise design settings research frames in

order to access and ensure accurate results. Dictation of appropriate methodology

depends on the nature of the study conducted. Therefore, the approved method in this

study was to discuss quantity through a questionnaire to collect the necessary data from

selected sample. The study conducted to find answers to research questions that resemble

this study; They are:

As for data collection, We used students' questionnaire, where candidates are to

be investigated with multiple choice questions concerning the problems they are facing

while interacting in English.

3.3 Participants
The targeted population of this study were EFL students at Alrefak university

from which a sample consists of 20 students randomly chosen in order to make the result

accurate and reliable, the students chosen because they are majoring English language.

Figure 3.1

population sample

Figure 3.1 Population and sample of the participants

3.4. Instrumentation.
The instrument used for collecting the data is a Students’ Questionnaire, where

candidates are to be questioned directly about the problems they are facing while

communicating in English. The questionnaire consists of 2 different types of questions

and was designed with likert-scale type questions.

3.5. Data Collection

The data collected via one instrument; questionnaire questions that would take

place in Alrefaq university .it’s note down all the possible problems noted to hinder

successful communication among participants’ oral communication. The feedback taken

by means of a students’ questionnaire it given to 25 students but only 20 has response

the questionnaire it was volunteer work of various semesters , it takes for 15 minutes in

the end of the lectures moreover, data is to be carefully accounted for each situation to

hinder successful communication among participants. Data is to be collected regularly

and continuously.

3.6. Data Analysis

As instrument which used to collected data was questionnaire and using

quantitative research by likert-scale (close-ended questionnaire) so, the data will be

analyzed quantitatively by percentages in numbers using the figures all the questions

answered via the students’ questionnaire to be analyzed and interpreted to its relation to

the obstacles hindering students from effectively communicating in the language.

3.7. Summary
The purpose of this chapter was to describe the research methodology of this

study, explain the sample selection, describe the procedure used in designing the

instrument and collecting the data, and provide an explanation of the procedures followed

to analyze the data.

Chapter four

4.1 Introduction
As for the design forming this case study, which takes the form of a qualitative

design, the date gathered via students questionnaire conducted in a few classes is to be

analyzed quantitative. A brief argument about the results gained from the method is to be

thoroughly discussed in this chapter

4.2 Data Analysis

According to responses to questionnaire which is designed in order to collect the data

needed for this study, the responses analysed and classified quantitatively as follows:

Q1: I have problem in communicating with others orally

strongly gree agree neture disagree strongly

Figure4.1 Do students have oral communication problems with others or not?

The main aim behind this question is to know whether the students have problem

in communicating with others orally or not. As shown above in the figure 4.1, total

participants responded to this questionnaire was 20 students which 5 out of 20 which

means (25%) agree with the statements ,while 6 out of 20 Which means, (30%) neither

agree nor disagree with the statement ,moreover 3 out of 20 which means (15%) strongly

disagree and only 5 out of 20 which means (25%) disagree

Q2: I can read very well but I cannot speak as I read

strogly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

Figure4.2 If the students can read very well but cannot speak as they read

The purpose of this question to know which the students can read very well but

cannot speak as they read. As shown above in the figure 4.2. 20 total participants

responded to the questionnaire was 20 which 1 out of 20 means (10%) strongly agree

with the statement ,while 7 out of 20 which means (70%) agree with the statements

,beside 3 out of 20 Which means, (30%) neither agree nor disagree with the statement

,moreover 5 out of 20 which means (30%) strongly disagree and only 6 out of 20 which

means (60%) disagree. So, the majority of students can read very well but cannot speak

as they read.

Q3: If yes, what reading technique do you usually follow?

Reading extensively out loud. Reading extensively secretely.

Figure4.3 What reading techniques do the students usually follow?

This question aims to intended what reading technique do they usually follow. As

displayed above in the figure 4.3, 20 participants responded to the question 9 out of 20

which means (45%) reading extensively out loud, and 8 out of 20 which means (40%)

reading extensively secretly. According to that, the majority of students follow reading

extensively out loud technique but still great number of students read secretly.

Q4 I have the idea on my mind but I cannot express it orally

strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

Figure 4.4 If the students have the idea but they cannot express it orally.

The objective of this question to know which they have the idea on their mind but

they cannot express it orally. As shown above in the figure 4.4 total participants

responded to the questions was 20 which 4 out of 20 means (20%) strongly agree, while

6 out of 20 which means (30%) agree with the statements ,beside 4 out of 20 Which

means, (20%) neither agree nor disagree with the statement ,moreover 4 out of 20 which

means (20%) strongly disagree with the statement and only 2 out of 20 which means

(10%) disagree with the statement. So, the majority of students have the idea on their

mind but they cannot express it orally.

Q5; if yes what is main reason(s) for lack of oral communication?

lack of grammar and expressing ideas anxiety and fear all of them
vocabulary word order orally of

Figure 4.5 What is main reason(s) for lack of oral communication?

The target of this question to know what is main reason for lack of oral

communication. As displayed above in the figure 4.5, total participants responded to the

question was 20, which 5 out of 20 which means (25%) lack of vocabulary, while 6 out

of 20 which means (30%) Grammar and word order, as well as 3 out of 20 which means

(15%) Expressing ideas orally , moreover 4 out of 20 which means (20%) All of them

.and only 2 out of 20 which means (10%) anxiety and fear of communication. In this

sense, The majority of students they have a problem with grammar and word order.

Q6; I usually feel nervous when I speak in public








strogly agree agree neutre disagree strongly

Figure4.6 If the student usually feels nervous when he/she speaks in public

The target of this questions which they usually feel nervous when they speak in

public. As displayed above in the figure 4.6, 20 participants responded to the question

which 6 out of 20 which means (30%) strongly agree with the statement, while 4 out of

20 which means (20%) agree with the statement ,as well as 4 out of 20 which means

(20%) neither agree nor disagree with the statement moreover 4 out of 20 which means

(20%) strongly agree with the statement and only 2 out of 20 which means (10%)

disagree with the statement. Which means the majority of students usually feel nervous

when they speak in public.

Q7: My mind go blank and I cannot speak in public

strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

Figure4.7 If the students' mind go blank and they cannot speak in public

This question aims to investigate if their mind go blank and they cannot speak in

public As shown above in the figure 4.7 total participants responded to this questionnaire

was 20 students which 6 out of 20 which means (30% ) agree with the statements ,while

5 out of 20 Which means, ( 25% ) neither agree nor disagree with the statement ,beside

4 out of 20 which means (20%) strongly disagree moreover 3 out of 20 which means

(15%) disagree with the statement and only 2 out of 20 which means (10%) strongly

disagree with the statement. The majority of students their mind go blank and they cannot

speak in public.

Q8 I can speak fluently and express my idea individually, but not in public








strongly agree agree neutral strongly diagree disagree

Figure 4.8 If the students can speak fluently and express their idea individually, but not in public

As shown above in the figure 4.8, total participants responded to this

questionnaire was 20 students , 5 out of 20 which means ( 25 %) agree with the

statements ,while 6 out of 20 Which means, (30%) neither agree nor disagree with the

statement ,moreover 4 out of 20 which means (20 %) strongly disagree, beside 3 out of

20 which means (15% ) disagree with the statement and only 2 out of 20 which means

(10%) disagree.

Q9: If there any other oral communication problems you face, please identify

According to the responses of this question as it has been noticed the reasons of

some student’s oral communication problems that they have not encourage and self-

confidence to speak in front of the others and some of them said that they have problems

in pronunciation, so they cannot speak well when they try to communicate orally.

4.3 Discussion

As the analysis of the questions shown that the majority pf students indicate that

they have problems in communicating orally ,the main reason that they have lack of

exposure of target language beside, Pronunciation constitutes an obstacle in students’

fluent oral communication pronunciation impacts learners‟ speaking ability, Many

students do not participate or speak because they think that their English is not correct, so

they keep silent. They do not want to speak or interact. Whatever , the majority of

students said that they can read very well but they cannot speak as they read that

probably because they have limited vocabulary .oral communication can be affected by

limited vocabulary, some of students think of vocabulary and its meaning in Arabic; they

do not think of vocabulary as a dynamic language that should be developed through the

process of intensive listening and intensive reading, That mean to learn vocabulary in

context not in isolation, As well as English major students lack self-confidence. Students

do not feel the confidence to stand and talk because they do not have the linguistic

competence to make them talk, so they feel that they are going to be criticized or going to

be ridiculed, moreover some students feel nervous when they speak in front of the others

that probably because they fear of interrupting them and lost their ideas, also the majority

of students mention that they have a problem with grammar and word order. some of

English learners. Acquires the language from movies and songs that mean they do not

focusing on grammar so, that lead to grammatical mistakes when they speak, based on

the results . The majority of students follow reading extensively out loud technique,

whatever the majority of students said that their mind go blank and they cannot speak in

public. some of students are unable to structure their ideas and meaning in a coherent


4.4 Summary

In this chapter the data has been analyzed via questionnaire questions and

discusses what are the main problems which face the students and make them speak

incorrectly . the researchers end this chapter.

Chapter five
Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1. Introduction

The researchers was carried out aiming to investigate what problems that English

learners face as obstacles hindering successful communication process, the goal was to

investigate the problems that may face the students throughout their communication

process and interact in language.

5.2. Finding

It can be concluded that, lack of exposure to target language, lack of vocabulary

and lack of self-confidence lead to the oral communication problems also grammar

effects oral communication, however, student should learn new words more as the can

and employ different strategies to learn new vocabularies as reading and watching/

listening to English contents, student should listen to the English conversation that make

them speak fluently and confidently, also, as the students they can speak fluently when

they are on their own but not when they are on public, this is due to lack of self-

confidence and this can be increased by continuous speaking and training on how to

speak in public. should know new friends relationships to practice the conversation with

them to reduce any kind of stress , as well as they should learn more of grammar that help

them to create correct sentences without mistakes , moreover they should control their

fear and anxiety to raise their self-confidence.

5.3. Recommendations

Based on findings, the researchers would like to recommend the following;

1: The student must train on speaking and develop their speaking skill by reading out

loud and listening a lot to English conversation.

2: Train themselves to speak by communicating with their friends and colleagues.

3: Students must be aware of their grammar and use it in correctly.

4: The student must build up their confidence by forcing themselves to speak in public

and with others, also they do not have to fear of presenting a given topic in classroom in

front of their teachers and colleagues.

5: The students also have to develop their ideas by continues training and listening to

English conversations.

6: learning new words can be developed by reading extensively, words can be learnt

effectively by reading and in context.

7. For the teacher, he/ she must focus on the practical side of oral communication and

allow students to speak in front of others, by giving them assignments to present them.

8. The teacher must give positive feedback and encourage students to develop their oral


9. Also the teacher suggest useful strategies for the student to help them develop their

oral communication skill.

5.4. Recommendation of further study
This study is limited in investigating oral presentation problems and the obsticles which

face the students in communicating orally, so the researchers suggest to conduct further

studies in:

1. Researches in the psychological factors which effects oral communication must be

conducted like anxiety, apprehension and motivation.

2. Also further researches must be done on the social factors which affects speaking skills

and oral communication such as social distances and ego boundaries…etc.

3. Cognitive domains and individual competence have great effects on students oral

presentations and the researchers recommend to conduct further studies on students'

cognitive abilities and their role in oral presentation.

4.5. Summary

According to the result that shown in data analysis the researchers came to a

conclusion of this study and suggests some useful recommendations for the students and

the teacher as well, besides some recommendations for other further studies have been



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Student’s Questionnaire

This survey aims to understand the difficulties that are face by students when
communicating orally.

Thank you so much for being a part of it and helping us in delivering an accurate
academic research.

Part (1):
(Language competence)

Q1: I have problem in communicating with others orally.

| a. strongly agree | b. agree | c. neutral | d. disagree | e. strongly disagree

Q2: I can read very well but I cannot speak as I read .

| a. strongly agree | b. agree | c. neutral | d. disagree | e. strongly disagree

Q3: If yes , what reading technique do you usually follow ?

| a. Reading extensively out loud | b. | a. Reading extensively secretly . | others


Q4: I have the idea on my mind but I cannot express it orally.

| a. strongly agree | b. agree | c. neutral | d. disagree | e. strongly disagree

Q5: if yes , what is main reason(s) for lack of oral communication? ( you can choose
more than one.)

a. Lack of vocabulary
b. Grammar and word order .
c. Expressing ideas orally
d. Anxiety and fear of communication .
e. All of them .

Part (2)
(Affective factors )

Q6: I usually feel nervous when I speak in public .

| a. strongly agree | b. agree | c. neutral | d. disagree | e. strongly disagree

Q7: My mind go blank and I cannot speak in public.

| a. strongly agree | b. agree | c. neutral | d. disagree | e. strongly disagree

Q8: I can speak fluently and express my idea individually, but not in public.

| a. strongly agree | b. agree | c. neutral | d. disagree | e. strongly disagree

Q9: If there any other oral communication problems you face, please identify.

End of the questionnaire

Thank you for participating
The researchers


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