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yo GQ) _Patistan tncernational School Jeddah ~ English Section 1. How many wives did Prophet (SAW) have? ‘Academi ie Year Subject Name/ ID ‘Section Date Midterm | tsiamiyat a 2021-22 0493 | Natoa Renan yo-caa | /S/amy | Mothers of Faithful & Wns Chapter -4 Test-1 Descendants of the Lore Marke / Marks: ‘Optajned Prophet (SAW) WZ We ‘Spend 10 Minutes in thi section a! ‘Section A: Answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. Mark: yin | | nm | a) ‘eight wives. ie had twelve wives. He had thirteen wives. 5. Who was the last of the Prophet (SAW) wife to die? Umm-Salamah (RA) b) Hafsa (RA) ©) Ayesha (RA) i) 6. Which wife of the Prophet (SAW) was died in the 10" year of Prophethood? i) a) Aysha (RA) Orman ©) Hafsa (RA)/ 7. Which of the following treatment of the Prophet (SAW) with daughters do you think sets examples for Muslims’ 1 ghters but never compromised justice younger daughter more than other daughters ¢ Holy Quran a linutes in this sectio. am Section B: Answer the following question. ES ee about the lives of Fatima and any one other of the Prophet's (PBUH) daughter. (b) Can Muslims learn from the Prophet's bond with Fatima? Give reasons for your answer. [4] ae October, 2 5|Page BLANK PAGE SMcley shot 25 shes, Were dia to wing Mite Bil Proplet’s loord uh Fadi Proved jthetk heron lctierd Woese, cheferttiee 5 bles Orch Hesse ate blessed eras) > ONE ) on Rlatlg TU. Proper Lotus) Louth =e Sea OP het presence, Wiss ter ord en ace tis Seok to Lex % at Fatlun (PA) oteo digh 4 Hee Sa- Fading (RA) Lad yerusod Ae pee Meee ee BPLeH (SAL. ba cle pian. Pre plhrtS Aig Lac win Ke RK ce rot Lew Q Yespensible, At ee Lssbwe. He Lod aboays looked 3 FSM Sg concerns, such ae HE hen \ ¢ q she Yeap eslect a Shouse , Propleklency sakhek tess AS SEE te, be at hold | Davaltiss 2 Aas ate GIs Teqreied +> ers otter Urey feller Like fatiiuo AK) hy eer ftom enet erg teee con a aL, \ love Mee ah aad \ J Usker te dbitey fosloadign. | { Recto ee NGI ee Pets are oho sear || | 45 edoeake , tase Lex wel au dk cama tes SIS le i S | eee 1 6|Page © Section A ; \ Spend 10 minutes on this section \ cee |, ) \ Answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. y m \ 1.Which of the following quality is regared as the best human charactreristic? a. simplicity @)kindeness ¢.courage and determination 2.Identify the example which is related to the following hadith. “land the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.’ And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger”. a.Punishment given to the nation of Hazrat Shoaib (RA) for not dealing justly while weighing c-Adulterer women quenched thirsty dog's thirst and guaranteed paradise. 3. By implementing which of the following teachings of hadith,one can be priviledged on M1) the final day 2 ind the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.’ And he pointed with his ~4wo fingers, the index finger and the middle finger’. b. "May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and when he demands his money back’. ¢. “God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others” 4, Identify the title of the following hadith. ral “God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others”. a.Ethios of Buisness Transactions in Islam fights of the Holy Quran fmportance of mercy in Islam Z]Page 5c ‘Omplete the following hadith : The Holy Bro m phet(sa o for him to repay.” ( had is in difficulty, grant him time til itis easy | - a. leader | z _—-@rebtor \ ©. creditor \ | \4 &. The Holy Prophet (SAW) revised Quran with angel Jibrail (AS) in the last year of his life. nt if a.once | c.thrice 7. Which of the following qulalities do you think a Muslim ruler must possess? [3] 7 @Iney ‘should be kind and sympathetic. b. They should ensure that rich people are treated with justice. yThey must not to shut their doors on public. | ey should endeavour to put people at ease and work for their welfare. I: e.They must get benefit from public treasury. | f. They must be strict while dealing with community. 8. Which of the following financial dealings are against the teachings of the given hadith? | “May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and when | SS his money back”. {2] | ine scams of selling goods b.hor ind fair dealings in selling and buying ing while selling and purchasing of goods d.charging according to the weight of grain a[Page (a) Describe the ways in which Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthman were involved in the \ compilation of the Qur'an. Vey f ah (b) Why do you think the caliphs felt a need to compile the Quran? Give reasons (or your | }| answer. ee, preponvation, of. Gan aus. ie... unis Ste, Sa hordes of Hee revetation ».2 Pao ede (shoo) tec : BE age hen Ack to bs, nth and oa! su arte, Pee ierenesereee | -anataate Name? Coae: Ndba Rebs \oo Nea as a Hazes fa UZ Ve pea "RAY » Se Hot ssiow ol Quien, a Blank Page P é P es) at BA fetk a ceed + Gotans Bereuse donate caliph Barter (OA) fo Me Ke EE Yonect SLO Mother Lec passed orsay, which comcetn eatipls fey We te Peart af eeeiatlon a ; lad ace Riis “Rin somech a Since) tee Matos oe in Ge Wee rodem, Years i Kees com ye we weskeo | ct be ere) \ weonth wt bere idecce me Ast ates “We \ (Wee eee (auc: fees Ge cremate WE) 4 guce dow wes | Newnes Uo CRAY g Caliphals. ees i om | pueden ol | ‘ Ae premnunes A wall aiepite over Gee afi Glee ee a eee ae _ | : a a ae ieee epee Eases eck Welp fron the \ Kuss, ewe Hehe Ree Qlsia~ dot, a e25> | 2h ls ee book Sg Spo St \ ee sg. C44 : : ei uel Aaa, bot A poke rei ae Tee * a | apposite to ee | ee 4. Attempt any one of the following, Quranic passage OR Hadith. Quranic Passage (a) Briefly describe the main theme in the passage (b) Briefly explain the importance of this theme in a Muslim's life tod: SCM SGA AREY ATI Ssh S the GH TI ne _ ee 2o Shed G5 ME Gs Ae - Sie. Gen eea ke EE BE; BUG sca Ses | Allah. There is no god but He, the living, the self-subsisting, eternal. No slumber can seize | Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in ‘except as He permits? He knows what is before or after or behind them. Nor hey compass any of His knowledge except as He wills. His Throne extends over the sand the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme. ce ea wb | \ wy Sea fovdards norisMuslio®. 2.(@) Give three examples from the life of the Prophet that illustrate his attitude towards ' luslims learn from this interaction? \ ae “yypocrttos’ In S.(@) Outline the changes in the Prophet's relations wih the Jewish bos and the *hypoct Medina in the years between 622 and 632 SToRirGtl interacton wih ronaNuehns? (©) How can Muslims now apply the lessons leamt from the Prophe! (©) What can Mi Attempt any one of the following of questions: 4.(a) Give an account of the administration ofthe caliphate under ‘Uthma) (b) In your opinion what was ‘Uthman's greatest achievement as calip! OR 5.(a) Give description of the main events of the battle of Camel. (b) Explain the significance of theh Battle of Camel? asa).

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