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1. Define “history” based from the various perspectives given by historians.

 History is the study of how things change over time, and it encompasses all elements of human
civilization. Historians use the study of history to try to make sense of the past. Nothing was
ever “always” a specific way since history is about change.
2. Why is the Filipino term for history “Kasaysayan”?
 The ancient Filipino understanding of history is kasaysayan, which means meaningful stories;
selected, important narratives passed down orally through the communities' folklore,
genealogy, songs, and rituals. This is a symbolic return to himself and his nation for the
3. Explain how there are so little usable materials left to historians to use.
 Primary materials include letters, journals, speeches, and pictures. Primary sources include
artifacts such as tools. Secondary sources are another technique used by historians. They're
written after a historic occurrence by those who weren't present at the time.
 Many resources, including as antiquities and weaponry, have been taken by the government
and placed in museums, resulting in material shortages.
 The environment is always shifting. Rapid environmental change has also resulted in the
depletion of many resources for the historians.

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